//bool hitTestInit = false; //void InitHitTest(RenderContext renderContext) //{ // Vector2d center = new Vector2d(); // double radius = 0; // Vector2d[] screenPoints = new Vector2d[points.Count]; // int index = 0; // foreach (Vector3d pnt in points) // { // Vector3d screenSpacePnt = renderContext.ViewMatrix.Transform(pnt); // if (screenSpacePnt.Z < 0) // { // return; // } // if (Vector3d.Dot(renderContext.ViewPoint, pnt) < .55) // { // return; // } // screenPoints[index] = new Vector2d(screenSpacePnt.X, screenSpacePnt.Y); // index++; // } // ConvexHull.FindEnclosingCircle(screenPoints, out center, out radius); //} public override void Draw(RenderContext renderContext) { if (renderContext.gl != null) { //todo draw in WebGL } else { CanvasContext2D ctx = renderContext.Device; ctx.Save(); ctx.Alpha = Opacity; ctx.BeginPath(); bool first = true; foreach (Vector3d pnt in points) { Vector3d screenSpacePnt = renderContext.WVP.Transform(pnt); if (screenSpacePnt.Z < 0) { ctx.Restore(); return; } if (Vector3d.Dot(renderContext.ViewPoint, pnt) < .75) { ctx.Restore(); return; } if (first) { first = false; ctx.MoveTo(screenSpacePnt.X, screenSpacePnt.Y); } else { ctx.LineTo(screenSpacePnt.X, screenSpacePnt.Y); } } ctx.ClosePath(); ctx.LineWidth = strokeWidth; if (fill) { ctx.FillStyle = fillColor.ToString(); ctx.Fill(); } ctx.StrokeStyle = lineColor.ToString(); ctx.Alpha = 1; ctx.Stroke(); ctx.Restore(); } }
public void DrawLines(RenderContext renderContext, float opacity, Color color) { if (linePoints.Count < 2) { return; } InitLineBuffer(renderContext); int count = linePoints.Count; if (renderContext.gl == null) { Vector3d viewPoint = Vector3d.TransformCoordinate(renderContext.ViewPoint, ViewTransform); CanvasContext2D ctx = renderContext.Device; ctx.Save(); ctx.StrokeStyle = color.ToString(); ctx.LineWidth = 2; ctx.Alpha = .25; Vector3d firstPoint = new Vector3d(); Vector3d secondPoint = new Vector3d(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i += 2) { firstPoint = renderContext.WVP.Transform(linePoints[i]); secondPoint = renderContext.WVP.Transform(linePoints[i + 1]); if (Vector3d.Dot(linePoints[i], viewPoint) > .60) { ctx.BeginPath(); ctx.MoveTo(firstPoint.X, firstPoint.Y); ctx.LineTo(secondPoint.X, secondPoint.Y); ctx.Stroke(); } } ctx.Restore(); } else { foreach (PositionVertexBuffer lineBuffer in lineBuffers) { if (Pure2D) { SimpleLineShader2D.Use(renderContext, lineBuffer.VertexBuffer, color, zBuffer); } else { SimpleLineShader.Use(renderContext, lineBuffer.VertexBuffer, color, zBuffer); } renderContext.gl.drawArrays(GL.LINES, 0, lineBuffer.Count); } } }
private void CreateStarGeometry(RenderContext renderContext) { CanvasContext2D ctx = renderContext.Device; ctx.Save(); ctx.Translate(X, Y); ctx.Rotate(RotationAngle * RC); ctx.BeginPath(); double centerX = 0; double centerY = 0; double radius = Width / 2; double radiansPerSegment = ((double)Math.PI * 2) / 5; bool first = true; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { double rads = i * radiansPerSegment - (Math.PI / 2); if (first) { first = false; ctx.MoveTo(centerX + Math.Cos(rads) * (Width / 2), centerY + Math.Sin(rads) * (Height / 2)); } else { ctx.LineTo(centerX + Math.Cos(rads) * (Width / 2), centerY + Math.Sin(rads) * (Height / 2)); } double rads2 = i * radiansPerSegment + (radiansPerSegment / 2) - (Math.PI / 2); ctx.LineTo(centerX + Math.Cos(rads2) * (Width / 5.3), centerY + Math.Sin(rads2) * (Height / 5.3)); } ctx.ClosePath(); ctx.LineWidth = 0; ctx.FillStyle = Color.ToString(); ctx.Alpha = Opacity; ctx.Fill(); ctx.Restore(); }
private void CreateRectGeometry(RenderContext renderContext) { CanvasContext2D ctx = renderContext.Device; ctx.Save(); ctx.Translate(X, Y); ctx.Rotate(RotationAngle * RC); ctx.BeginPath(); ctx.MoveTo(-Width / 2, -Height / 2); ctx.LineTo(Width / 2, -Height / 2); ctx.LineTo(Width / 2, +Height / 2); ctx.LineTo(-Width / 2, +Height / 2); ctx.ClosePath(); ctx.LineWidth = 0; ctx.FillStyle = Color.ToString(); ctx.Alpha = Opacity; ctx.Fill(); ctx.Restore(); }
public void DrawHistogram(CanvasContext2D ctx) { ctx.ClearRect(0, 0, 255, 150); ctx.BeginPath(); ctx.StrokeStyle = "rgba(255,255,255,255)"; double logMax = Math.Log(HistogramMaxCount); for (int i = 0; i < Histogram.Length; i++) { double height = Math.Log(Histogram[i]) / logMax; if (height < 0) { height = 0; } ctx.MoveTo(i, 150); ctx.LineTo(i, 150 - (height * 150)); ctx.Stroke(); } }
private void CreateLineGeometry(RenderContext renderContext) { //todo this needs to be Dashed rounded lines.. CanvasContext2D ctx = renderContext.Device; ctx.Save(); double radius = Width / 2; ctx.Translate(X, Y); ctx.Rotate(RotationAngle * RC); ctx.MoveTo(-radius, 0); ctx.LineTo(radius, 0); ctx.LineWidth = 9; ctx.StrokeStyle = Color.ToString(); ctx.Alpha = Opacity; ctx.Stroke(); ctx.Restore(); }
//protected Vector3d RaDecTo3d(double lat, double lng) //{ // return Vector3d.Create((Math.Cos(lng * RC) * Math.Cos(lat * RC) * radius), (Math.Sin(lat * RC) * radius), (Math.Sin(lng * RC) * Math.Cos(lat * RC) * radius)); //} private void DrawSingleConstellationOld(RenderContext renderContext, Lineset ls) { bool reverse = false; // todo get this working Place centroid = ConstellationCentroids[ls.Name]; if (centroid != null) { Vector3d pos = Coordinates.RADecTo3d(reverse ? -centroid.RA - 6 : centroid.RA, reverse ? centroid.Dec : centroid.Dec); if (Vector3d.Dot(renderContext.ViewPoint, pos) < maxSeperation) { return; } } drawCount++; string col; if (boundry) { if (constToDraw != ls.Name) { col = Settings.GlobalSettings.ConstellationBoundryColor; } else { col = Settings.GlobalSettings.ConstellationSelectionColor; } } else { col = Settings.GlobalSettings.ConstellationFigureColor; } if (renderContext.gl == null) { CanvasContext2D ctx = renderContext.Device; int count = ls.Points.Count; Vector3d lastPoint = new Vector3d(); ctx.Save(); bool linePending = false; ctx.BeginPath(); ctx.StrokeStyle = col; ctx.LineWidth = 2; ctx.Alpha = .25; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (ls.Points[i].PointType == PointType.Move || i == 0) { if (linePending) { ctx.Stroke(); } lastPoint = renderContext.WVP.Transform(Coordinates.RADecTo3d(ls.Points[i].RA, ls.Points[i].Dec)); ctx.MoveTo(lastPoint.X, lastPoint.Y); } else { Vector3d newPoint = renderContext.WVP.Transform(Coordinates.RADecTo3d(ls.Points[i].RA, ls.Points[i].Dec)); // if (lastPoint.Z > 0 && newPoint.Z > 0) { ctx.LineTo(newPoint.X, newPoint.Y); linePending = true; } } } if (boundry) { ctx.ClosePath(); } ctx.Stroke(); ctx.Restore(); } else { //todo add webgl method of drawing } }
public override void Draw(RenderContext renderContext) { if (renderContext.gl != null) { if (Annotation.BatchDirty || AnnotationDirty) { //todo can we save this work for later? List <Vector3d> vertexList = points; if (strokeWidth > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < (points.Count - 1); i++) { LineList.AddLine(vertexList[i], vertexList[i + 1], lineColor, new Dates(0, 1)); } } AnnotationDirty = false; } } else { CanvasContext2D ctx = renderContext.Device; ctx.Save(); ctx.Alpha = Opacity; bool first = true; foreach (Vector3d pnt in points) { Vector3d screenSpacePnt = renderContext.WVP.Transform(pnt); if (screenSpacePnt.Z < 0) { ctx.Restore(); return; } if (Vector3d.Dot(renderContext.ViewPoint, pnt) < .75) { ctx.Restore(); return; } if (first) { first = false; ctx.BeginPath(); ctx.MoveTo(screenSpacePnt.X, screenSpacePnt.Y); } else { ctx.LineTo(screenSpacePnt.X, screenSpacePnt.Y); } } ctx.LineWidth = strokeWidth; ctx.StrokeStyle = lineColor.ToString(); ctx.Stroke(); ctx.Restore(); } }
//bool hitTestInit = false; //void InitHitTest(RenderContext renderContext) //{ // Vector2d center = new Vector2d(); // double radius = 0; // Vector2d[] screenPoints = new Vector2d[points.Count]; // int index = 0; // foreach (Vector3d pnt in points) // { // Vector3d screenSpacePnt = renderContext.ViewMatrix.Transform(pnt); // if (screenSpacePnt.Z < 0) // { // return; // } // if (Vector3d.Dot(renderContext.ViewPoint, pnt) < .55) // { // return; // } // screenPoints[index] = new Vector2d(screenSpacePnt.X, screenSpacePnt.Y); // index++; // } // ConvexHull.FindEnclosingCircle(screenPoints, out center, out radius); //} public override void Draw(RenderContext renderContext) { if (renderContext.gl != null) { if (Annotation.BatchDirty || AnnotationDirty) { //todo can we save this work for later? List <Vector3d> vertexList = points; if (strokeWidth > 0 && points.Count > 1) { for (int i = 0; i < (points.Count - 1); i++) { LineList.AddLine(vertexList[i], vertexList[i + 1], lineColor, new Dates(0, 1)); } LineList.AddLine(vertexList[points.Count - 1], vertexList[0], lineColor, new Dates(0, 1)); } if (fill) { List <int> indexes = Tessellator.TesselateSimplePoly(vertexList); for (int i = 0; i < indexes.Count; i += 3) { TriangleList.AddSubdividedTriangles(vertexList[indexes[i]], vertexList[indexes[i + 1]], vertexList[indexes[i + 2]], fillColor, new Dates(0, 1), 2); } } AnnotationDirty = false; } } else { CanvasContext2D ctx = renderContext.Device; ctx.Save(); ctx.Alpha = Opacity; ctx.BeginPath(); bool first = true; foreach (Vector3d pnt in points) { Vector3d screenSpacePnt = renderContext.WVP.Transform(pnt); if (screenSpacePnt.Z < 0) { ctx.Restore(); return; } if (Vector3d.Dot(renderContext.ViewPoint, pnt) < .75) { ctx.Restore(); return; } if (first) { first = false; ctx.MoveTo(screenSpacePnt.X, screenSpacePnt.Y); } else { ctx.LineTo(screenSpacePnt.X, screenSpacePnt.Y); } } ctx.ClosePath(); ctx.LineWidth = strokeWidth; if (fill) { ctx.FillStyle = fillColor.ToString(); ctx.Fill(); } ctx.StrokeStyle = lineColor.ToString(); ctx.Alpha = 1; ctx.Stroke(); ctx.Restore(); } }
private bool DrawTriangle(CanvasContext2D ctx, ImageElement im, double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double sx0, double sy0, double sx1, double sy1, double sx2, double sy2) { if (!Intersects(0, Width, 0, Height, x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2)) { return(false); } //double edgeOffset = isOutlined ? ContractionInPixels : ExpansionInPixels; //Vector2d expandedS0 = GetMiterPoint(Vector2d.Create(x0, y0), Vector2d.Create(x1, y1), Vector2d.Create(x2, y2), ExpansionInPixels); //Vector2d expandedS1 = GetMiterPoint(Vector2d.Create(x1, y1), Vector2d.Create(x0, y0), Vector2d.Create(x2, y2), ExpansionInPixels); //Vector2d expandedS2 = GetMiterPoint(Vector2d.Create(x2, y2), Vector2d.Create(x1, y1), Vector2d.Create(x0, y0), ExpansionInPixels); //Vector2d expandedS0 = MiterPoint(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2); //Vector2d expandedS1 = MiterPoint(x1, y1, x0, y0, x2, y2); //Vector2d expandedS2 = MiterPoint(x2, y2, x1, y1, x0, y0); MiterPointOut(expandedS0, x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, ExpansionInPixels); MiterPointOut(expandedS1, x1, y1, x0, y0, x2, y2, ExpansionInPixels); MiterPointOut(expandedS2, x2, y2, x1, y1, x0, y0, ExpansionInPixels); x0 = expandedS0.X; y0 = expandedS0.Y; x1 = expandedS1.X; y1 = expandedS1.Y; x2 = expandedS2.X; y2 = expandedS2.Y; ctx.Save(); if (RenderingOn) { ctx.BeginPath(); ctx.MoveTo(x0, y0); ctx.LineTo(x1, y1); ctx.LineTo(x2, y2); ctx.ClosePath(); ctx.Clip(); } double denom = sx0 * (sy2 - sy1) - sx1 * sy2 + sx2 * sy1 + (sx1 - sx2) * sy0; //if (denom == 0) //{ // ctx.Restore(); // return false; //} double m11 = -(sy0 * (x2 - x1) - sy1 * x2 + sy2 * x1 + (sy1 - sy2) * x0) / denom; double m12 = (sy1 * y2 + sy0 * (y1 - y2) - sy2 * y1 + (sy2 - sy1) * y0) / denom; double m21 = (sx0 * (x2 - x1) - sx1 * x2 + sx2 * x1 + (sx1 - sx2) * x0) / denom; double m22 = -(sx1 * y2 + sx0 * (y1 - y2) - sx2 * y1 + (sx2 - sx1) * y0) / denom; double dx = (sx0 * (sy2 * x1 - sy1 * x2) + sy0 * (sx1 * x2 - sx2 * x1) + (sx2 * sy1 - sx1 * sy2) * x0) / denom; double dy = (sx0 * (sy2 * y1 - sy1 * y2) + sy0 * (sx1 * y2 - sx2 * y1) + (sx2 * sy1 - sx1 * sy2) * y0) / denom; ctx.Transform(m11, m12, m21, m22, dx, dy); if (RenderingOn) { ctx.Alpha = Opacity; if (lighting < 1.0) { ctx.Alpha = 1; ctx.FillStyle = "Black"; ctx.FillRect(0, 0, Width, Height); ctx.Alpha = lighting * Opacity; } ctx.DrawImage(im, 0, 0); } ctx.Restore(); return(true); }
protected override void Update(CanvasContext2D context) { if (Status != RaceStatus.Fail && Status != RaceStatus.Win) { context.DrawImage(_timeLeftFrame, 308, 10); Type.SetField(context, "textAlign", "right"); context.FillStyle = "#00AD11"; if (TimeLeft > 10000 || Math.Floor((TimeLeft / 300) % 2) != 0) { if (TimeLeft < 0) { TimeLeft = 0; } context.Font = "110px Digital"; context.FillText(Math.Floor(TimeLeft / 1000).ToString(), 475, 105); } if (Speed > 0) { context.Save(); context.Scale(-1, 1); long width = Math.Floor((10 * Speed) / MaxSpeed) * 22; if (width > 0) { context.DrawImage(_meterImage, 220 - width, 0, width, 102, -561 - width, 20, width, 102); } context.Restore(); } context.Font = "30px Digital"; context.FillText(Math.Floor(Speed * 5) + " Km/h", 780, 120); int rpmWidth = Math.Floor(_rpm / 500) * 22 + 22; context.DrawImage(_meterImage, 220 - rpmWidth, 0, rpmWidth, 102, 240 - rpmWidth, 20, rpmWidth, 102); context.FillText(Math.Floor(_rpm) + " RPM", 130, 120); context.BeginPath(); context.LineWidth = 3; context.StrokeStyle = "#00AD11"; context.MoveTo(5, 150); float x = 5 + Math.Min(Position * 735 / RoadLength, 735); context.LineTo(x, 150); context.Stroke(); context.ClosePath(); context.BeginPath(); context.StrokeStyle = "#006808"; context.MoveTo(x, 150); context.LineTo(790, 150); context.Stroke(); context.ClosePath(); context.DrawImage(_markerImage, x, 142); } if (Status == RaceStatus.Running) { TimeLeft -= DeltaTime; if (TimeLeft < 0) { _music.Pause(); CarSystem.CarObject.CurrentAnimation = "Forward"; Status = RaceStatus.Fail; ShowMessage(_failMessage); RemoveSystem(_engineSoundSystem); RemoveSystem(_npcSystem); pendingTimers.Add(Window.SetTimeout(delegate() { UpdateMessage("<p>Press a key to continue.</p>"); }, 3000)); } } }
public void Draw() { CanvasElement canvas = Document.GetElementById <CanvasElement>("graph"); CanvasContext2D ctx = (CanvasContext2D)canvas.GetContext(Rendering.Render2D); if (image != null) { image.DrawHistogram(ctx); } string red = "rgba(255,0,0,255)"; string green = "rgba(0,255,0,255)"; string blue = "rgba(0,0,255,255)"; ctx.StrokeStyle = red; ctx.BeginPath(); ctx.MoveTo(lowPosition, 0); ctx.LineTo(lowPosition, 150); ctx.Stroke(); ctx.StrokeStyle = green; ctx.BeginPath(); ctx.MoveTo(highPosition, 0); ctx.LineTo(highPosition, 150); ctx.Stroke(); ctx.StrokeStyle = blue; ctx.BeginPath(); ctx.Arc(center, 75, 10, 0, Math.PI * 2, false); ctx.ClosePath(); ctx.Stroke(); List <Vector2d> Curve = new List <Vector2d>(); //todo get from combo box switch (SelectedCurveStyle) { case 0: // Linear { Curve.Clear(); Curve.Add(Vector2d.Create(lowPosition, 150)); Curve.Add(Vector2d.Create(highPosition, 0)); break; } case 1: // Log { Curve.Clear(); double factor = 150 / Math.Log(255); double diff = (highPosition - lowPosition); int jump = diff < 0 ? -1 : 1; double step = Math.Abs(256.0 / (diff == 0 ? .000001 : diff)); double val = .000001; for (int i = lowPosition; i != highPosition; i += jump) { Curve.Add(Vector2d.Create((float)i, (float)(150 - (Math.Log(val) * factor)))); val += step; } } break; case 2: // Power 2 { Curve.Clear(); double factor = 150 / Math.Pow(255, 2); double diff = (highPosition - lowPosition); int jump = diff < 0 ? -1 : 1; double step = Math.Abs(256.0 / (diff == 0 ? .000001 : diff)); double val = .000001; for (int i = lowPosition; i != highPosition; i += jump) { Curve.Add(Vector2d.Create((float)i, (float)(150 - (Math.Pow(val, 2) * factor)))); val += step; } } break; case 3: // Square Root { Curve.Clear(); double factor = 150 / Math.Sqrt(255); double diff = (highPosition - lowPosition); int jump = diff < 0 ? -1 : 1; double step = Math.Abs(256.0 / (diff == 0 ? .000001 : diff)); double val = .000001; for (int i = lowPosition; i != highPosition; i += jump) { Curve.Add(Vector2d.Create((float)i, (float)(150 - (Math.Sqrt(val) * factor)))); val += step; } } break; } if (Curve.Count > 1) { ctx.BeginPath(); ctx.StrokeStyle = blue; ctx.MoveTo(Curve[0].X, Curve[0].Y); for (int i = 1; i < Curve.Count; i++) { ctx.LineTo(Curve[i].X, Curve[i].Y); } ctx.Stroke(); } }
private bool DrawTriangle(CanvasContext2D ctx, ImageElement im, double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double sx0, double sy0, double sx1, double sy1, double sx2, double sy2) { bool inside; if (factor == 1.0) { inside = Intersects(0, Width, 0, Height, x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2); } else { hw = Width / 2; qw = hw * factor; hh = Height / 2; qh = hh * factor; inside = Intersects(hw - qw, hw + qw, hh - qh, hh + qh, x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2); } if (!inside) { return(false); } double edgeOffset = isOutlined ? ContractionInPixels : ExpansionInPixels; Vector2d expandedS0 = GetMiterPoint(Vector2d.Create(x0, y0), Vector2d.Create(x1, y1), Vector2d.Create(x2, y2), edgeOffset); Vector2d expandedS1 = GetMiterPoint(Vector2d.Create(x1, y1), Vector2d.Create(x0, y0), Vector2d.Create(x2, y2), edgeOffset); Vector2d expandedS2 = GetMiterPoint(Vector2d.Create(x2, y2), Vector2d.Create(x1, y1), Vector2d.Create(x0, y0), edgeOffset); x0 = expandedS0.X; y0 = expandedS0.Y; x1 = expandedS1.X; y1 = expandedS1.Y; x2 = expandedS2.X; y2 = expandedS2.Y; ctx.Save(); ctx.BeginPath(); ctx.MoveTo(x0, y0); ctx.LineTo(x1, y1); ctx.LineTo(x2, y2); ctx.ClosePath(); ctx.Clip(); double denom = sx0 * (sy2 - sy1) - sx1 * sy2 + sx2 * sy1 + (sx1 - sx2) * sy0; if (denom == 0) { ctx.Restore(); return(false); } double m11 = -(sy0 * (x2 - x1) - sy1 * x2 + sy2 * x1 + (sy1 - sy2) * x0) / denom; double m12 = (sy1 * y2 + sy0 * (y1 - y2) - sy2 * y1 + (sy2 - sy1) * y0) / denom; double m21 = (sx0 * (x2 - x1) - sx1 * x2 + sx2 * x1 + (sx1 - sx2) * x0) / denom; double m22 = -(sx1 * y2 + sx0 * (y1 - y2) - sx2 * y1 + (sx2 - sx1) * y0) / denom; double dx = (sx0 * (sy2 * x1 - sy1 * x2) + sy0 * (sx1 * x2 - sx2 * x1) + (sx2 * sy1 - sx1 * sy2) * x0) / denom; double dy = (sx0 * (sy2 * y1 - sy1 * y2) + sy0 * (sx1 * y2 - sx2 * y1) + (sx2 * sy1 - sx1 * sy2) * y0) / denom; ctx.Transform(m11, m12, m21, m22, dx, dy); ctx.DrawImage(im, 0, 0); ctx.Restore(); if (factor != 1.0) { ctx.BeginPath(); ctx.MoveTo(hw - qw, hh - qh); ctx.LineTo(hw + qw, hh - qh); ctx.LineTo(hw + qw, hh + qh); ctx.LineTo(hw - qw, hh + qh); ctx.ClosePath(); ctx.StrokeStyle = "yellow"; ctx.Stroke(); } return(true); }