Example #1
         * Looks for messages and sends them to the output box.
        private void DumpMessageLoop(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
            BackgroundWorker worker = sender as BackgroundWorker;

            Canlib.canStatus status;
            int id;

            byte[] data = new byte[8];
            int    dlc;
            int    flags;
            long   time;
            bool   noError = true;
            var    msg     = "";

            //Open up a new handle for reading
            readHandle = Canlib.canOpenChannel(channel, Canlib.canOPEN_ACCEPT_VIRTUAL);

            status = Canlib.canBusOn(readHandle);

            while (noError && onBus && readHandle >= 0)
                #region 接收指定ID报文
                var message = new byte[8];

                var idRS16 = Convert.ToInt32(idBox.Text, 16);
                var idRS   = Convert.ToInt32(idBox.Text);

                status = Canlib.canReadSpecific(readHandle, idRS16, message, out int dlcRS, out int flagRS, out long timeRS);
                if (status == Canlib.canStatus.canOK)
                    DumpMessage dumpMessage = new DumpMessage();

                    if ((flagRS & Canlib.canMSG_ERROR_FRAME) == Canlib.canMSG_ERROR_FRAME)
                        //msgRS = "ERROR FRAME RECEIVED" + Environment.NewLine;
                        dumpMessage.id    = idRS16;
                        dumpMessage.idStr = idBox.Text;
                        dumpMessage.dlc   = dlcRS;
                        dumpMessage.data  = message;
                        dumpMessage.flags = flagRS;
                        dumpMessage.time  = timeRS;
                    //Sends the message to the ProcessMessage method
                    worker.ReportProgress(1, dumpMessage);
                else if (status != Canlib.canStatus.canERR_NOMSG)
                    //Sends the error status to the ProcessMessage method and breaks the loop
                    worker.ReportProgress(100, status);

                #region 接收所有报文
                //status = Canlib.canReadWait(readHandle, out id, data, out dlc, out flags, out time, 50);
                //if (status == Canlib.canStatus.canOK)
                //    DumpMessage dumpMessage = new DumpMessage();

                //    if ((flags & Canlib.canMSG_ERROR_FRAME) == Canlib.canMSG_ERROR_FRAME)
                //    {
                //        //msg = "***ERROR FRAME RECEIVED***" + Environment.NewLine;
                //    }
                //    else
                //    {
                //        dumpMessage.id = id;
                //        dumpMessage.dlc = dlc;
                //        dumpMessage.data = data;
                //        dumpMessage.flags = flags;
                //        dumpMessage.time = time;
                //    }
                //    //Sends the message to the ProcessMessage method
                //    worker.ReportProgress(0, dumpMessage);
                //else if (status != Canlib.canStatus.canERR_NOMSG)
                //    //Sends the error status to the ProcessMessage method and breaks the loop
                //    worker.ReportProgress(100, status);
                //    noError = false;