private void PaintWavelet(int x, int y, int wWidth, int wHeight, int iWidth, int iHeight, ICancelTracker cancelTracker) { if (CancelTracker.Canceled(cancelTracker) || _gDS == null) { return; } int pixelSpace = 3; _bitmap = new Bitmap(iWidth, iHeight, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb); BitmapData bitmapData = _bitmap.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, iWidth, iHeight), ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb); try { int stride = bitmapData.Stride; IntPtr buf = bitmapData.Scan0; for (int i = 1; i <= (_gDS.RasterCount > 3 ? 3 : _gDS.RasterCount); ++i) { using (OSGeo.GDAL.Band band = _gDS.GetRasterBand(i)) { int ch = 0; switch ((ColorInterp)band.GetRasterColorInterpretation()) { case ColorInterp.BlueBand: ch = 0; break; case ColorInterp.GreenBand: ch = 1; break; case ColorInterp.RedBand: ch = 2; break; } band.ReadRaster(x, y, wWidth, wHeight, new IntPtr(buf.ToInt64() + ch), iWidth, iHeight, OSGeo.GDAL.DataType.GDT_Byte, pixelSpace, stride); band.Dispose(); } } } finally { if (_bitmap != null) { _bitmap.UnlockBits(bitmapData); } } }
private void PaintHillShade(int x, int y, int wWidth, int wHeight, int iWidth, int iHeight, double mag, ICancelTracker cancelTracker) { if (CancelTracker.Canceled(cancelTracker) || _gDS == null) { return; } int pixelSpace = 4; Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(iWidth, iHeight + 100, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb); BitmapData bitmapData = bitmap.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, iWidth, iHeight + 100), ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb); OSGeo.GDAL.Band band = null; try { int stride = bitmapData.Stride; IntPtr buf = bitmapData.Scan0; List <Color> colors = new List <Color>(); using (band = _gDS.GetRasterBand(1)) { band.ReadRaster(x, y, wWidth, wHeight, buf, iWidth, iHeight, OSGeo.GDAL.DataType.GDT_CFloat32, pixelSpace, stride); band.Dispose(); } double cx = _tfw.cellX / mag; double cy = _tfw.cellY / mag; Vector3d sun = new Vector3d(_hillShade); sun.Normalize(); int rowStride = stride / pixelSpace; Color col = Color.White; unsafe { byte * ptr = (byte *)(bitmapData.Scan0); float *v = (float *)(bitmapData.Scan0); for (int i = 0; i < iHeight; i++) { if (CancelTracker.Canceled(cancelTracker)) { return; } for (int j = 0; j < iWidth; j++) { if ((_hasNoDataVal == 1 && *v == _nodata) || (_useIgnoreValue && *v == _ignoreValue)) { ptr[0] = ptr[1] = ptr[2] = ptr[3] = 0; } else { double c = *v; col = GridColorClass.FindColor(c, _colorClasses); if (!_useHillShade) { ptr[0] = (byte)col.B; ptr[1] = (byte)col.G; ptr[2] = (byte)col.R; ptr[3] = (byte)col.A; // alpha } else { double c1 = (j < iWidth - 1) ? (*(v + 1)) : c; double c2 = (i < iHeight - 1) ? (*(v + rowStride)) : c; c1 = ((_hasNoDataVal != 0 && c1 == _nodata) || (_useIgnoreValue && c1 == _ignoreValue)) ? c : c1; c2 = ((_hasNoDataVal != 0 && c2 == _nodata) || (_useIgnoreValue && c2 == _ignoreValue)) ? c : c2; Vector3d v1 = new Vector3d(cx, 0.0, c1 - c); v1.Normalize(); Vector3d v2 = new Vector3d(0.0, -cy, c2 - c); v2.Normalize(); Vector3d vs = v2 % v1; vs.Normalize(); double h = Math.Min(Math.Max(0.0, sun * vs), 1.0); //double h = Math.Abs(sun * vs); double a = col.A; double r = col.R * h; double g = col.G * h; double b = col.B * h; ptr[0] = (byte)b; ptr[1] = (byte)g; ptr[2] = (byte)r; ptr[3] = (byte)a; // alpha } } ptr += pixelSpace; v++; } ptr += bitmapData.Stride - (bitmapData.Width) * pixelSpace; v = (float *)ptr; } } if (bitmap != null) { bitmap.UnlockBits(bitmapData); } _bitmap = new Bitmap(iWidth, iHeight, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb); using (Graphics gr = Graphics.FromImage(_bitmap)) { gr.DrawImage(bitmap, 0, 0); } } catch { } finally { if (bitmap != null) { bitmap.Dispose(); } } }
private void PaintImage(int x, int y, int wWidth, int wHeight, int iWidth, int iHeight, ICancelTracker cancelTracker) { if (CancelTracker.Canceled(cancelTracker) || _gDS == null) { return; } int pixelSpace = 3; _bitmap = new Bitmap(iWidth, iHeight, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb); BitmapData bitmapData = _bitmap.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, iWidth, iHeight), ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb); try { int stride = bitmapData.Stride; IntPtr buf = bitmapData.Scan0; List <Color> colors = new List <Color>(); for (int i = 1; i <= (_gDS.RasterCount > 3 ? 3 : _gDS.RasterCount); ++i) { using (OSGeo.GDAL.Band band = _gDS.GetRasterBand(i)) { int ch = 0; switch ((ColorInterp)band.GetRasterColorInterpretation()) { case ColorInterp.BlueBand: ch = 0; break; case ColorInterp.GreenBand: ch = 1; break; case ColorInterp.RedBand: ch = 2; break; case ColorInterp.GrayIndex: for (int iColor = 0; iColor < 256; iColor++) { colors.Add(Color.FromArgb(255, iColor, iColor, iColor)); } break; case ColorInterp.PaletteIndex: OSGeo.GDAL.ColorTable colTable = band.GetRasterColorTable(); if (colTable == null) { break; } int colCount = colTable.GetCount(); for (int iColor = 0; iColor < colCount; iColor++) { OSGeo.GDAL.ColorEntry colEntry = colTable.GetColorEntry(iColor); colors.Add(Color.FromArgb( colEntry.c4, colEntry.c1, colEntry.c2, colEntry.c3)); } break; } band.ReadRaster(x, y, wWidth, wHeight, new IntPtr(buf.ToInt64() + ch), iWidth, iHeight, OSGeo.GDAL.DataType.GDT_Byte, pixelSpace, stride); band.Dispose(); } } if (colors.Count > 0) { unsafe { byte *ptr = (byte *)(bitmapData.Scan0); for (int i = 0; i < bitmapData.Height; i++) { if (CancelTracker.Canceled(cancelTracker)) { return; } for (int j = 0; j < bitmapData.Width; j++) { // write the logic implementation here byte c = ptr[0]; Color col = colors[(int)c]; ptr[0] = col.B; ptr[1] = col.G; ptr[2] = col.R; ptr += pixelSpace; } ptr += bitmapData.Stride - bitmapData.Width * pixelSpace; } } } } catch (Exception ex) { string msg = ex.Message; } finally { if (_bitmap != null) { _bitmap.UnlockBits(bitmapData); } } }
private IRasterPaintContext PaintHillShade(int x, int y, int wWidth, int wHeight, int iWidth, int iHeight, double mag, ICancelTracker cancelTracker) { if (CancelTracker.Canceled(cancelTracker) || _gDS == null) { return(null); } int pixelSpace = 4; using (var bitmap = GraphicsEngine.Current.Engine.CreateBitmap(iWidth, iHeight + 100, GraphicsEngine.PixelFormat.Rgba32)) { var bitmapData = bitmap.LockBitmapPixelData(GraphicsEngine.BitmapLockMode.ReadWrite, GraphicsEngine.PixelFormat.Rgba32); OSGeo_v1.GDAL.Band band = null; try { int stride = bitmapData.Stride; IntPtr buf = bitmapData.Scan0; List <ArgbColor> colors = new List <ArgbColor>(); using (band = _gDS.GetRasterBand(1)) { band.ReadRaster(x, y, wWidth, wHeight, buf, iWidth, iHeight, OSGeo_v1.GDAL.DataType.GDT_CFloat32, pixelSpace, stride); band.Dispose(); } double cx = _tfw.cellX / mag; double cy = _tfw.cellY / mag; Vector3d sun = new Vector3d(_hillShade); sun.Normalize(); int rowStride = stride / pixelSpace; ArgbColor col = ArgbColor.White; unsafe { byte * ptr = (byte *)(bitmapData.Scan0); float *v = (float *)(bitmapData.Scan0); float floatNodata = (float)_nodata; for (int i = 0; i < iHeight; i++) { if (CancelTracker.Canceled(cancelTracker)) { return(null); } for (int j = 0; j < iWidth; j++) { if ((_hasNoDataVal == 1 && *v == floatNodata) || (_useIgnoreValue && *v == _ignoreValue)) { ptr[0] = ptr[1] = ptr[2] = ptr[3] = 0; } else { double c = *v; col = GridColorClass.FindColor(c, _colorClasses); if (!_useHillShade) { ptr[0] = col.B; ptr[1] = col.G; ptr[2] = col.R; ptr[3] = col.A; // alpha } else { double c1 = (j < iWidth - 1) ? (*(v + 1)) : c; double c2 = (i < iHeight - 1) ? (*(v + rowStride)) : c; c1 = ((_hasNoDataVal != 0 && c1 == floatNodata) || (_useIgnoreValue && c1 == _ignoreValue)) ? c : c1; c2 = ((_hasNoDataVal != 0 && c2 == floatNodata) || (_useIgnoreValue && c2 == _ignoreValue)) ? c : c2; Vector3d v1 = new Vector3d(cx, 0.0, c1 - c); v1.Normalize(); Vector3d v2 = new Vector3d(0.0, -cy, c2 - c); v2.Normalize(); Vector3d vs = v2 % v1; vs.Normalize(); double h = Math.Min(Math.Max(0.0, sun * vs), 1.0); //double h = Math.Abs(sun * vs); double a = col.A; double r = col.R * h; double g = col.G * h; double b = col.B * h; ptr[0] = (byte)b; ptr[1] = (byte)g; ptr[2] = (byte)r; ptr[3] = (byte)a; // alpha } } ptr += pixelSpace; v++; } ptr += bitmapData.Stride - (bitmapData.Width) * pixelSpace; v = (float *)ptr; } } if (bitmap != null) { bitmap.UnlockBitmapPixelData(bitmapData); bitmapData = null; } var contextBitmap = GraphicsEngine.Current.Engine.CreateBitmap(iWidth, iHeight, GraphicsEngine.PixelFormat.Rgba32); using (var gr = contextBitmap.CreateCanvas()) { gr.DrawBitmap(bitmap, new GraphicsEngine.CanvasPoint(0, 0)); } return(new RasterPaintContext(contextBitmap)); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } finally { if (bitmap != null && bitmapData != null) { bitmap.UnlockBitmapPixelData(bitmapData); } } } }
private IRasterPaintContext PaintWavelet(int x, int y, int wWidth, int wHeight, int iWidth, int iHeight, ICancelTracker cancelTracker) { if (CancelTracker.Canceled(cancelTracker) || _gDS == null) { return(null); } int pixelSpace = 4; var bitmap = Current.Engine.CreateBitmap(iWidth, iHeight, GraphicsEngine.PixelFormat.Rgba32); var bitmapData = bitmap.LockBitmapPixelData(BitmapLockMode.ReadWrite, GraphicsEngine.PixelFormat.Rgba32); try { int stride = bitmapData.Stride; IntPtr buf = bitmapData.Scan0; for (int i = 1; i <= (_gDS.RasterCount > 3 ? 3 : _gDS.RasterCount); ++i) { using (OSGeo_v1.GDAL.Band band = _gDS.GetRasterBand(i)) { int ch = 0; switch ((ColorInterp)band.GetRasterColorInterpretation()) { case ColorInterp.BlueBand: ch = 0; break; case ColorInterp.GreenBand: ch = 1; break; case ColorInterp.RedBand: ch = 2; break; } band.ReadRaster(x, y, wWidth, wHeight, new IntPtr(buf.ToInt64() + ch), iWidth, iHeight, OSGeo_v1.GDAL.DataType.GDT_Byte, pixelSpace, stride); } } return(new RasterPaintContext(bitmap)); } catch (Exception ex) { if (bitmap != null && bitmapData != null) { bitmap.UnlockBitmapPixelData(bitmapData); bitmapData = null; bitmap.Dispose(); bitmap = null; } throw ex; } finally { if (bitmap != null && bitmapData != null) { bitmap.UnlockBitmapPixelData(bitmapData); } } }
private IRasterPaintContext PaintImage(int x, int y, int wWidth, int wHeight, int iWidth, int iHeight, ICancelTracker cancelTracker) { if (CancelTracker.Canceled(cancelTracker) || _gDS == null) { return(null); } int pixelSpace = 3; var bitmap = Current.Engine.CreateBitmap(iWidth, iHeight, GraphicsEngine.PixelFormat.Rgb24); var bitmapData = bitmap.LockBitmapPixelData(BitmapLockMode.WriteOnly, GraphicsEngine.PixelFormat.Rgb24); try { int stride = bitmapData.Stride; IntPtr buf = bitmapData.Scan0; List <ArgbColor> colors = new List <ArgbColor>(); for (int i = 1; i <= (_gDS.RasterCount > 3 ? 3 : _gDS.RasterCount); ++i) { using (OSGeo_v1.GDAL.Band band = _gDS.GetRasterBand(i)) { int ch = 0; switch ((ColorInterp)band.GetRasterColorInterpretation()) { case ColorInterp.BlueBand: ch = 0; break; case ColorInterp.GreenBand: ch = 1; break; case ColorInterp.RedBand: ch = 2; break; case ColorInterp.GrayIndex: for (int iColor = 0; iColor < 256; iColor++) { colors.Add(ArgbColor.FromArgb(255, iColor, iColor, iColor)); } break; case ColorInterp.PaletteIndex: OSGeo_v1.GDAL.ColorTable colTable = band.GetRasterColorTable(); if (colTable == null) { break; } int colCount = colTable.GetCount(); for (int iColor = 0; iColor < colCount; iColor++) { OSGeo_v1.GDAL.ColorEntry colEntry = colTable.GetColorEntry(iColor); colors.Add(ArgbColor.FromArgb( colEntry.c4, colEntry.c1, colEntry.c2, colEntry.c3)); } break; } band.ReadRaster(x, y, wWidth, wHeight, new IntPtr(buf.ToInt64() + ch), iWidth, iHeight, OSGeo_v1.GDAL.DataType.GDT_Byte, pixelSpace, stride); } } if (colors.Count > 0) { unsafe { byte *ptr = (byte *)(bitmapData.Scan0); for (int i = 0; i < bitmapData.Height; i++) { if (CancelTracker.Canceled(cancelTracker)) { return(null); } for (int j = 0; j < bitmapData.Width; j++) { // write the logic implementation here byte c = ptr[0]; ArgbColor col = colors[c]; ptr[0] = col.B; ptr[1] = col.G; ptr[2] = col.R; ptr += pixelSpace; } ptr += bitmapData.Stride - bitmapData.Width * pixelSpace; } } } return(new RasterPaintContext(bitmap)); } catch (Exception ex) { if (bitmap != null && bitmapData != null) { bitmap.UnlockBitmapPixelData(bitmapData); bitmapData = null; bitmap.Dispose(); bitmap = null; } throw ex; } finally { if (bitmap != null && bitmapData != null) { bitmap.UnlockBitmapPixelData(bitmapData); } } }