void Awake() { instance = this; _target = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag(Tags.PlayerTag); //_playerMovement = GetComponentInParent<Movement>(); }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { _rb = GetComponent <Rigidbody>(); _playerMoved = false; playerAnimator = GetComponent <Animator>(); camera = GetComponentInParent <CameraRotation>(); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { cameraClick = GameObject.Find("Car Camera").GetComponent<CameraRotation>(); turretPos = GameObject.Find("TurretPos"); CubePos = GameObject.Find("CubePos"); car = GameObject.Find("car"); garageEnterLeaving = GameObject.Find("car").GetComponent<MakingCar>(); }
public void CalculateXRotationShouldNotReturnAEulerAngleXGreaterThan90() { float mouseY = 1f; float deltaTime = -9.1f; CameraRotation CameraRotation = new CameraRotation(10f); Assert.LessOrEqual(CameraRotation.CalculateXRotation(mouseY, deltaTime).eulerAngles.x, 90); }
private void newToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Khoi tao mang doi tuong moi drObj = new CDrawObject(); listObjName.Clear(); // Xoa het cac doi tuong cu indexCurrentObj = -1; // Bien giu index cua doi tuong nguoi dung chon currentColor = Color.White; // Mau dung hien tai isChangedColor = false; // Su dung de doi mau obj khi da selected isAffine = false; // Bien kiem tra xem nguoi dung chon 1 trong cac affine pos = new Point3D(); rotation = new Point3D(); scale = new Point3D(); // Khoi tao doi tuong Camera cam = new CameraRotation(); // Xoa listBox Sample Scene lstBox_SampleScene.Items.Clear(); // Xoa cac bien ho tro affine listPos.Clear(); listRota.Clear(); listScale.Clear(); // reset lai isTexture va path isTexture = false; textureLink = ""; // reset lai bien isDrawing isDrawing = true; // Gan tat cac textbox trong Transform ve gia tri mac dinh ban dau textBox_PosX.Text = "0"; textBox_PosY.Text = "0"; textBox_PosZ.Text = "0"; textBox_RotateX.Text = "0"; textBox_RotateY.Text = "0"; textBox_RotateZ.Text = "0"; textBox_ScaleX.Text = "1"; textBox_ScaleY.Text = "1"; textBox_ScaleZ.Text = "1"; // Gan tat cac ca textbox cua cam ve gia tri mac dinh ban dau textBox_Cam_PosX.Text = "-4"; textBox_Cam_PosX.Text = "0"; textBox_Cam_PosX.Text = "-4"; textBox_VpX.Text = "1"; textBox_VpX.Text = "0"; textBox_VpX.Text = "1"; textBox_View.Text = "0"; }
public void CalculateXRotationShouldReturnExpectedRotation() { float mouseY = 1f; float deltaTime = 1f; CameraRotation CameraRotation = new CameraRotation(10f); Quaternion expected = Quaternion.Euler(-10f, 0, 0); Assert.AreEqual(expected, CameraRotation.CalculateXRotation(mouseY, deltaTime)); }
void Awake() { camera = GameObject.Find("Camera"); player = GameObject.Find("Player"); cameraRot = camera.GetComponent <CameraRotation> (); playerPM = player.GetComponent <PlayerMovement> (); X = camera.transform.localEulerAngles.x; Y = player.transform.localEulerAngles.y; }
public Camera(IMessenger messenger, CameraRotation rotation, CameraLookAt lookAt, CameraView view, BeatModifier beatModifier, double fov, double zoom) { Messenger = messenger ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(messenger)); Rotation = rotation; LookAt = lookAt; View = view; BeatModifier = beatModifier ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(beatModifier)); FOV = fov; Zoom = zoom; }
//initialization void Start() { //get cannon elements tip = GameObject.Find("Tip"); mesh = GameObject.Find("Mesh"); line = GameObject.Find("CannonLine").GetComponent <LineRenderer>(); audio = GameObject.Find("AudioController").GetComponent <AudioController>(); scorer = GameObject.Find("UI").GetComponent <Scorekeeper>(); camControls = GameObject.Find("Main Camera").GetComponent <CameraRotation>(); camPosition = GameObject.Find("Main Camera").transform.position; camRotation = GameObject.Find("Main Camera").transform.rotation; //position elements according to master gameobject tip.transform.position = new Vector3(0, tipOffset, 0); }
public void Start() { if (isTransitionScene) { return; } playerObject = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player"); PlayerControl playerControl = playerObject.GetComponent <PlayerControl>(); ScreenFade screenFade = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <ScreenFade>(); CameraRotation cameraRotation = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <CameraRotation>(); OnOutOfBounds.AddListener(screenFade.StartFadingProcess); OnOutOfBounds.AddListener(playerControl.SwitchToResetStart); OnOutOfBounds.AddListener(this.SwitchResetStateToLaunch); OnOutOfBounds.AddListener(cameraRotation.GetResetStart()); }
public void Focus() { Focused = true; //Hands FP_Hands.SetActive(true); FP_Hands.transform.parent = MainCamera.transform; FP_Hands.transform.localPosition = HandOffset; FP_Hands.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity; //Body setActiveBodyParts(false); //Camera MainCamera.transform.parent = transform; CameraRotation camRot = transform.parent.GetComponent <CameraRotation>(); camRot.playerBody = transform.parent.gameObject; camRot.cameraObj = MainCamera.gameObject; MainCamera.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero; }
IEnumerator PostCamera() { var camerapos = this.LoLCamera.transform.position; var camerarot = this.LoLCamera.transform.eulerAngles; CameraPosition cameraPosition = new CameraPosition(); cameraPosition.x = camerapos.x; cameraPosition.y = camerapos.y; cameraPosition.z = camerapos.z; CameraRotation cameraRotation = new CameraRotation(); cameraRotation.x = camerarot.y; // XとYが入れ替わっている cameraRotation.y = camerarot.x; cameraRotation.z = camerarot.z; string json = "{\"cameraPosition\":"; json += JsonUtility.ToJson(cameraPosition); json += ",\"cameraRotation\":"; json += JsonUtility.ToJson(cameraRotation); json += ",\"fieldOfView\":"; json += LoLCamera.fieldOfView; json += ",\"cameraMode\":"; json += "\"fps\""; json += "}"; Debug.Log("RAW : " + cameraPosition); Debug.Log("JSON : " + json); WebClient webClient = new WebClient(); webClient.Headers[HttpRequestHeader.ContentType] = "application/json;charset=UTF-8"; webClient.Headers[HttpRequestHeader.Accept] = "application/json"; webClient.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8; string response = webClient.UploadString(new Uri(endpoint), json); yield return(0); }
public void StartMoving(PathNode node, CameraRotation camera, EnemySpawn spawner) { this.spawner = spawner; this.camera = camera; mStartMoving = true; mNode = node; }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { cameraClick = GameObject.Find("Main Camera").GetComponent<CameraRotation>(); turretPos = GameObject.Find("TurretPos"); CubePos = GameObject.Find("CubePos"); }