private static object GetMemberValue(object obj, string memberInfo) { // Check whether we are getting member value from a dynamic object var dynamicObject = obj as DynamicObject; if (dynamicObject != null) { // Get or create a new call site for property getter var getter = CallSiteCache.GetOrCreatePropertyGetter(memberInfo); if (getter == null) { throw new ScriptIdNotFoundException(memberInfo); } // get property value from dynamic object return(getter.Target(getter, obj)); } var bind = RuntimeHost.Binder.BindToMember(obj, memberInfo, true); if (bind == null) { throw new ScriptIdNotFoundException(memberInfo); } return(bind.GetValue()); }
private void SetMember(IScriptContext context, object obj, object value) { // Check whether we are setting member value for a dynamic object var dynamicObject = obj as DynamicObject; if (dynamicObject != null) { // Get or create a new call site for a setter var setter = CallSiteCache.GetOrCreatePropertySetter(_identifier); if (setter == null) { throw new ScriptIdNotFoundException(_identifier); } // set property value for the dynamic object setter.Target(setter, obj, value); } else { IMemberBinding bind = RuntimeHost.Binder.BindToMember(obj, _identifier, true); if (bind == null) { throw new ScriptIdNotFoundException(_identifier); } bind.SetValue(value); } context.Result = value; }
public CallSite(Symbol methodName, Visibility visibility = Visibility.Public, IEnumerable <ArgumentKind> argumentKinds = null) { MethodName = methodName; Visibility = visibility; ArgumentKinds = System.Array.AsReadOnly(argumentKinds?.ToArray() ?? System.Array.Empty <ArgumentKind>()); CallCache = new EmptyCallSiteCache(this); }
public override object ReadJson(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, object existingValue, JsonSerializer serializer) { // Logic adapted from JsonSerializerInternalReader.CreateDynamic() // // By James Newton-King var contract = (JsonDynamicContract)serializer.ContractResolver.ResolveContract(objectType); if (reader.TokenType == JsonToken.Null) { return(null); } var jObj = JObject.Load(reader); var used = new HashSet <string>(); var obj = CreateObject(jObj, objectType, serializer, used); foreach (var jProperty in jObj.Properties()) { var memberName = jProperty.Name; if (used.Contains(memberName)) { continue; } // first attempt to find a settable property, otherwise fall back to a dynamic set without type JsonProperty property = contract.Properties.GetClosestMatchProperty(memberName); if (property != null && property.Writable && !property.Ignored) { var propertyValue = jProperty.Value.ToObject(property.PropertyType, serializer); property.ValueProvider.SetValue(obj, propertyValue); } else { object propertyValue; if (jProperty.Value.Type == JTokenType.Null) { propertyValue = null; } else if (jProperty.Value is JValue) { // Primitive propertyValue = ((JValue)jProperty.Value).Value; } else { propertyValue = jProperty.Value.ToObject <IDynamicMetaObjectProvider>(serializer); } // Unfortunately the following is not public! // contract.TrySetMember(obj, memberName, propertyValue); // So we have to duplicate the logic of what Json.NET has already done. CallSiteCache.SetValue(memberName, obj, propertyValue); } } return(obj); }
public override IMessage Invoke(IMessage msg) { var call = msg as IMethodCallMessage; if (call == null) { throw new ArgumentException("QueryLanguageProxy only supports call messages"); } if (!Session.Current.IsCapturing) { return(ForwardCall(call)); } var method = (System.Reflection.MethodInfo)call.MethodBase; int skipFrames; // Walk the stack until we find the first invocation to IQueryLanguage, this is expensive // but fortunately unique per method so we can cache it. if (!_skipFrameCount.TryGetValue(method, out skipFrames)) { skipFrames = -1; var trace = new StackTrace(0, false); var frames = trace.GetFrames(); for (int i = 0; i < frames.Length; i++) { var dt = frames[i].GetMethod(); if (IsRemotingWrapper(dt)) { for (; i < frames.Length; i++) { if (!IsRemotingWrapper(frames[i].GetMethod())) { skipFrames = _skipFrameCount.GetOrAdd(method, i + 1); break; } } break; } } } var callSite = skipFrames == -1 ? null : CallSiteCache.Get(skipFrames + 1); var handler = GetHandler(call, method, callSite); return(handler(call)); }
public static CallSite Create(MethodInfo info, ushort id, CallSiteCache cache) { Type[] args = new Type[7]; var parameters = info.GetParameters(); int i = 0; if(!info.IsStatic) { args[i] = info.DeclaringType; i++; } for (int x = 0; x < parameters.Length; x++, i++) { args[i] = parameters[x].ParameterType; } for (; i < args.Length; i++) { args[i] = typeof(DBNull); } var type = typeof(CallSite<,,,,,,>).MakeGenericType(args); var result = (CallSite)Activator.CreateInstance(type); result.Arguments = args; result.Build(info, id, cache); return result; }
public override object this[object target, string name] { get { return(CallSiteCache.GetValue(name, target)); } set { CallSiteCache.SetValue(name, target, value); } }
public abstract void Build(MethodInfo info, ushort id, CallSiteCache cache);