Example #1
        // Complete the dayOfProgrammer function below.
        static string dayOfProgrammer(int year)
            //Leap Year Rules:
            //Divisible by 400
            //divisble by 4 and not by 100
            //Output format dd.mm.yyyy
            bool MinYear_Check = year < 1700;
            bool MaxYearCheck  = year > 2700;

            if (!MinYear_Check && !MaxYearCheck)                                             //check for invalid year
                int[]     leapYeardays = { 31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 }; //hold leap year days of each month
                int[]     NonLeapYear  = { 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 }; //hold non leap year days of each month
                int       sum          = 0;                                                  //to hold the value of the sum of the first 8 months
                int       dayleft;                                                           //to hold the value of the days left after subtractinf 256 from the sum variable
                const int programmerday = 256;                                               //constant programmer
                string    CalenderDate;                                                      //to hold the value for the formated date

                //Since the transition occured on 1918 and Feb 14th was the 32 day of the year, we will assume that there were only 15 days Feb for that year
                int sum_of_8months   = 230;
                int Day_of_9th_Month = (programmerday - sum_of_8months);
                if (year == 1918)
                    Console.WriteLine(); return(Day_of_9th_Month.ToString() + "." + "09." + year);

                //Gregorian and Julian Leap  Programmer Day Calulator
                if ((year >= 1919 && (year % 400 == 0 || (year % 4 == 0 && year % 100 != 0))) || (year <= 1917 && year % 4 == 0))
                    var First8Months = new ArraySegment <int>(leapYeardays, 0, 8);    //take the first 8 element
                    foreach (var day in First8Months)
                        sum += day;                              //sum up the first 8 months days
                    dayleft      = (programmerday - sum);        //get the remainder of days left by subtracting 256 from the sum variable
                    CalenderDate = dayleft + "." + "09." + year; //output format
                    return(CalenderDate.ToString());             //return the ooutput

                //else if none of the year is a Leap year in either the gregorian or the julian calender then calculate the 256th day
                    var First8Months = new ArraySegment <int>(NonLeapYear, 0, 8); //take the first 8 element
                    foreach (var day in First8Months)
                        sum += day;                              //sum up the first 8 months days
                    dayleft      = (programmerday - sum);        //get the remainder of days left by subtracting 256 from the sum variable
                    CalenderDate = dayleft + "." + "09." + year; //output format
                    return(CalenderDate.ToString());             //return the output
            else //if the year is invalid then
                Console.WriteLine("Input Validation");
