
    public void FocusOnGameObject(Vector3 gameObjectPosition)
        if (gameObjectPosition.y < -5000)

        Vector3 cameraPosition = this.transform.position;

        this.focusOrigin        = cameraPosition;
        this.focusGameObjectPos = gameObjectPosition;

        // rotatation of camera
        Vector3 lookAtVector = (gameObjectPosition - cameraPosition).normalized;

        if (lookAtVector != Vector3.zero)
            this.transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(lookAtVector);

        float x = Vector3.Distance(cameraPosition, gameObjectPosition) - focusMinDistance;

        this.focusDestination = CalculationUtil.CalculatePointOnLine(cameraPosition, gameObjectPosition, x);
        this.focusDeltaTime   = 0;
        this.focusing         = true;
Example #2
    /// <summary>
    /// Initialize all properties with the given sensor trigger.  Note that the collider should have the
    /// "Is Trigger" enabled.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="sensorTrigger"></param>
    public SensorProperties(SphereCollider sensorTrigger, AiStateMachine stateMachine)
         * Assertions should be sufficient to notify us if something has not been configured correctly because many of the
         * required components are actually manually added by us rather than instantiated by code and we'll get a meaningful
         * message right when we play the scene.
         * Thus, this is used in favor of all the "null" checks that were found in the lesson videos and that gives a little
         * more clarity to the code.

        Assert.IsNotNull(sensorTrigger, "Missing sensorTrigger; did you forget to drag it onto the AI Entity GameObject in the inspector!");
        // this will only happen if it is false to begin with; nothing happens if changed after
        Assert.IsTrue(sensorTrigger.isTrigger, "Invalid sensorTrigger; make sure to set 'Is Trigger' to true in the inspector!");

        this.sensorTrigger = sensorTrigger;
        this.stateMachine  = stateMachine;

        // pass the parent state machine to the AiSensor script so that it can delegate trigger callbacks to it
        AiSensor script = this.sensorTrigger.GetComponent <AiSensor>();

        Assert.IsNotNull(script, "Missing AiSensor script on the Sensor GameObject!");
        script.ParentStateMachine = stateMachine;

        // Since sensor is a child with a local position and rotation, we need to ensure its position and radius
        // scales correctly when ancestor values change (i.e. compute global or world position and radius)
        // alternate way is to use the new method that computes both values
        this.worldPosition = CalculationUtil.ComputeWorldPosition(this.sensorTrigger);
        this.worldRadius   = CalculationUtil.ComputeWorldRadius(this.sensorTrigger);
        public void VeryShortRouteShouldAllowInvalidAltitude()
            var calc = GetCalculator(NoWind, VeryShortTestRoute0());
            var plan = calc.Create();

            var(isValidAlt, _) = CalculationUtil.CruiseAltValid(
                new CrzAltProviderStub(), plan.AllNodes);
Example #4
    /// <summary>
    /// Calculate the angle we need to turn the AI Entity body towards the target
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>A positive angle in degrees that is needed to face the target.</returns>
    public float DetermineAngleNeededToTurnTowardsTarget()
        float angle = CalculationUtil.FindSignedAngle(
            this.stateMachine.NavAgent.steeringTarget - this.stateMachine.AiEntityBodyTransform.position

Example #5
        //Berechnen Button
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            double scope   = CalculationUtil.Scope(Vertices, Edges, pixelMeter);
            double surface = CalculationUtil.Surface(Vertices, pixelMeter);

            if (scope != 0)
                ScopeNumber.Text   = Convert.ToString(scope) + " m";
                SurfaceNumber.Text = Convert.ToString(surface) + " m²";
Example #6
        public IActionResult Create([FromBody] Employees employee)
            Employees objEmployee = employee;

            if (objEmployee != null)

                success = true,
                returncode = "200"
Example #7
    /// <summary>
    /// Actions to take whenever an Audio threat is detected.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="audioCollider">The Audio collider that triggered the collision</param>
    private void HandleAudioThreat(Collider audioCollider)
        SphereCollider soundTrigger = (SphereCollider)audioCollider;

        if (soundTrigger == null)

        // Get the position of the Agent Sensor
        Vector3 agentSensorPosition = zombieStateMachine.Sensor.WorldPosition;

        Vector3 soundPos;
        float   soundRadius;

        CalculationUtil.ConvertSphereColliderToWorldSpace(soundTrigger, out soundPos, out soundRadius);

        // How far inside the sound's radius are we
        float distanceToThreat = (soundPos - agentSensorPosition).magnitude;

        // Calculate a distance factor such that it is 1.0 when at sound radius 0 when at center
        float distanceFactor = (distanceToThreat / soundRadius);

        // Bias the factor based on hearing ability of Agent.
        distanceFactor += distanceFactor * (1.0f - this.zombieStateMachine.Hearing);

        // Too far away
        if (distanceFactor > 1.0f)

        // if We can hear it and is it closer then what we previously have stored
        if (IsCloserThanLastThreat(zombieStateMachine.ThreatManager.CurrentAudioThreat, distanceToThreat))
            // Most dangerous Audio Threat so far
    public void SendDisEvent(DetonationPdu detonationPdu)
        DateTime timestamp = DateTime.Now;

        Vector3D geographicalCoordinates = CalculationUtil.ConvertToGeographicalCoordinates(new Vector3D(detonationPdu.LocationInWorldCoordinates.X, detonationPdu.LocationInWorldCoordinates.Y, detonationPdu.LocationInWorldCoordinates.Z));
        string   message = String.Format("Detonation at {0:0.000000}° lat, {1:0.000000}° lon. by entity", geographicalCoordinates.y, geographicalCoordinates.x);

        Treeview_DataModel firingEntity = RecursionUtil.GetTreeviewItemByEntityId(detonationPdu.FiringEntityID.Entity, this.treeviewHandlerScript.TreeView.ItemsSource);

        if (firingEntity == null)
            message += " \"UNK\".";
            message += " \"" + firingEntity.Text + "\".";

        this.treeviewHandlerScript.AddEventToLog(new DisEvent(timestamp, message));
    public void SendDisEvent(FirePdu firePdu)
        DateTime timestamp = DateTime.Now;
        string   message;

        Treeview_DataModel firingEntity = RecursionUtil.GetTreeviewItemByEntityId(firePdu.FiringEntityID.Entity, this.treeviewHandlerScript.TreeView.ItemsSource);

        if (firingEntity == null)
            message = "Entity \"UNK\" fired";
            message = "Entity \"" + firingEntity.Text + "\" fired";

        if (firePdu.TargetEntityID.Entity != 0)
            Treeview_DataModel targetEntity = RecursionUtil.GetTreeviewItemByEntityId(firePdu.TargetEntityID.Entity, this.treeviewHandlerScript.TreeView.ItemsSource);

            if (targetEntity == null)
                message += " upon entity \"UNK\"";
                message += " upon entity \"" + targetEntity.Text + "\"";

        Vector3D geographicalCoordinates = CalculationUtil.ConvertToGeographicalCoordinates(new Vector3D(firePdu.LocationInWorldCoordinates.X, firePdu.LocationInWorldCoordinates.Y, firePdu.LocationInWorldCoordinates.Z));

        message += String.Format(" at {0:0.000000}° lat, {1:0.000000}° lon.", geographicalCoordinates.y, geographicalCoordinates.x);

        this.treeviewHandlerScript.AddEventToLog(new DisEvent(timestamp, message));
    private void ChangeEntityState(EntityStatePdu entityStatePdu)
        int entityID     = entityStatePdu.EntityID.Entity;
        int entityDamage = (entityStatePdu.EntityAppearance & 24) >> 3;

        Vector3D geographicalCoordinates = CalculationUtil.ConvertToGeographicalCoordinates(
            new Vector3D(entityStatePdu.EntityLocation.X, entityStatePdu.EntityLocation.Y, entityStatePdu.EntityLocation.Z));
        Vector3 worldCoordinates = CalculationUtil.ConvertToWorldCoordinates(geographicalCoordinates, entityStatePdu.EntityType.Domain, layerMask_terrain);

        // calculating velocity and setting movement
        Vector3D velocityVec3D = new Vector3D(entityStatePdu.EntityLinearVelocity.X, entityStatePdu.EntityLinearVelocity.Y, entityStatePdu.EntityLinearVelocity.Z);

        if (velocityVec3D.x != 0 || velocityVec3D.y != 0 || velocityVec3D.z != 0)
            Vector3D velocityCoordinates = CalculationUtil.ConvertToGeographicalCoordinates(new Vector3D(
                                                                                                entityStatePdu.EntityLocation.X + entityStatePdu.EntityLinearVelocity.X,
                                                                                                entityStatePdu.EntityLocation.Y + entityStatePdu.EntityLinearVelocity.Y,
                                                                                                entityStatePdu.EntityLocation.Z + entityStatePdu.EntityLinearVelocity.Z));

            Vector3 worldCoordinatesVelocity = CalculationUtil.ConvertToWorldCoordinates(velocityCoordinates, entityStatePdu.EntityType.Domain, layerMask_terrain);

            Vector3 lookAtVector = (new Vector3(worldCoordinatesVelocity.x, 0, worldCoordinatesVelocity.z) -
                                    new Vector3(worldCoordinates.x, 0, worldCoordinates.z)).normalized;

            float distance = Vector3.Distance(
                new Vector3(worldCoordinates.x, 0, worldCoordinates.z),
                new Vector3(worldCoordinatesVelocity.x, 0, worldCoordinatesVelocity.z));

            this.entityHandlerScript.SetEntityMovementAndDamage(entityID, true, lookAtVector, distance, entityDamage, geographicalCoordinates, worldCoordinates, entityStatePdu.EntityType.Domain);
        // else rotate entity based on previous location
            this.entityHandlerScript.SetEntityMovementAndDamage(entityID, false, Vector3.zero, 0, entityDamage, geographicalCoordinates, worldCoordinates, entityStatePdu.EntityType.Domain);
    public void DrawInfoWindow()
        if (this.treeview.SelectedItem.EntityID < 0)

        Treeview_DataModel selected = this.treeview.SelectedItem;
        float width  = 280;
        float height = 20;
        float left   = Screen.width - width - 10;
        float index  = 54;

        if (!selected.IsUnit && selected.GeographicCoordinates != null)
            index += 22 * 6;
        else if (selected.IsUnit)
            index += 22 * (3 + selected.Children.Count);
            index += 22 * 3;

        if (index < 120)
            index = 120;

        // draw background
        //GUI.Box(new Rect(left - 15, 10, width + 15, index + 30), "");
        GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(left - 15, 10, width + 15, 28), this.texture_TitleWindow);
        GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(left - 15, 40, width + 15, index), this.texture_BackgroundWindow);

        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(left + width - 23, 13, 20, height), "×"))
            this.treeview.SelectedItem = null;

        if (selected.IsUnit)
            GUI.Label(new Rect(left + 103, 15, width, height), "UNIT INFO");
            GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(left - 15, 10, Constants.NatoIconWidth * 1.5f, Constants.NatoIconHeight * 1.5f), selected.NATO_Icon);
            GUI.Label(new Rect(left + 90, 15, width, height), "SYSTEM INFO");
            GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(left - 15, 10, Constants.NatoIconWidth * 1.5f, Constants.NatoIconHeight * 1.5f), selected.Father.NATO_Icon);

        index = 22;

        GUI.Label(new Rect(left + 110, index += 22, width, height), "Name: " + selected.Text);

        if (!selected.IsUnit && selected.GeographicCoordinates != null)
            if (!selected.Moving)
                GUI.Label(new Rect(left + 110, index += 22, width, height), "Latitude: " + CalculationUtil.ConvertToDegMinSec(selected.GeographicCoordinates.y));
                GUI.Label(new Rect(left + 110, index += 22, width, height), "Longitude: " + CalculationUtil.ConvertToDegMinSec(selected.GeographicCoordinates.x));
                GUI.Label(new Rect(left + 110, index += 22, width, height), "Latitude: " +
                          CalculationUtil.ConvertToDegMinSec(CalculationUtil.Latitude_LeftBottom + selected.GameObject.transform.position.z / CalculationUtil.DMR_map_size));
                GUI.Label(new Rect(left + 110, index += 22, width, height), "Longitude: " +
                          CalculationUtil.ConvertToDegMinSec(CalculationUtil.Longitude_LeftBottom + selected.GameObject.transform.position.x / CalculationUtil.DMR_map_size));

            GUI.Label(new Rect(left + 110, index += 22, width, height), String.Format("Altitude: {0:0.00} m", selected.GeographicCoordinates.z));
            GUI.Label(new Rect(left + 110, index += 22, width, height), "Health: " + ((3 - selected.Health) * 100 / 3) + " %");
            GUI.Label(new Rect(left + 110, index += 22, width, height), "Visible: " + (!selected.IsAggregated).ToString().ToUpper());
            GUI.Label(new Rect(left + 110, index += 22, width, height), "Moving: " + selected.Moving.ToString().ToUpper());

            if (selected.Moving)
                GUI.Label(new Rect(left + 110, index += 22, width, height), String.Format("Speed: {0:0.00} km/h",
                                                                                          CalculationUtil.CalculateSpeedInKmPerH(selected.MovingSpeed, selected.MovingDirection)));
        else if (selected.IsUnit)
            GUI.Label(new Rect(left + 110, index += 22, width, height), "Health: " + selected.Health + " %");
            GUI.Label(new Rect(left + 110, index += 22, width, height), "Num. of systems: " + RecursionUtil.GetNumberOfSystems_Rec(selected));
            GUI.Label(new Rect(left + 110, index += 22, width, height), "Visible: " + (!selected.Father.IsAggregated).ToString().ToUpper());
            index += 15;
            //GUI.Label(new Rect(left + 110, index += 22, width, height), "Subunits: ");

            for (int i = 0; i < selected.Children.Count; i++)
                /*GUI.Label(new Rect(left, index += 22, width, height), "      " + (
                 * i + 1) + ".)  " + selected.Children[i].Text);
                /*if (GUI.Button(new Rect(left + 110, index += 22, width, height), "      " + (i + 1) + ".)  " + selected.Children[i].Text, "Label"))
                 *  this.treeview.SelectedItem = selected.Children[i];
                 * if (selected.Children[i].IsUnit)
                 *  GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(Screen.width - 40, index-17, 55 * 612 / 792, 55), selected.Children[i].NATO_Icon);

                if (GUI.Button(new Rect(left + 50, index += 22, width, height), selected.Children[i].Text, "Label"))
                    this.treeview.SelectedItem = selected.Children[i];

                if (selected.Children[i].IsUnit)
                    GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(left, index - 17, 55 * 612 / 792, 55), selected.Children[i].NATO_Icon);
                    GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(left, index - 17, 55 * 612 / 792, 55), selected.Children[i].Father.NATO_Icon);
            GUI.Label(new Rect(left + 110, index += 22, width, height), "Health: " + ((3 - selected.Health) * 100 / 3) + " %");
            GUI.Label(new Rect(left + 110, index += 22, width, height), "Visible: " + (!selected.IsAggregated).ToString().ToUpper());
            GUI.Label(new Rect(left + 110, index += 22, width, height), "Moving: " + selected.Moving.ToString().ToUpper());
Example #12
    /// <summary>
    /// Handles the alerted state by continuing to pursue waypoints, etc.
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>Either the alerted state or any new state if certain conditions were met.</returns>
    private AiStateType HandleDefaultState()
        AiStateType state = GetDefaultStateType();

        if (
            !zombieStateMachine.IsTargetReached &&
            (zombieStateMachine.ThreatManager.DoesAudioThreatExist() || zombieStateMachine.ThreatManager.DoesLightThreatExist())
            // we got close to the target due to light or sound, so now we need to know if we should pursue it or seek to find it
            float angle = CalculationUtil.FindSignedAngle(
                zombieStateMachine.ThreatManager.CurrentTarget.Position - zombieStateMachine.AiEntityBodyTransform.position

            if (zombieStateMachine.ThreatManager.DoesAudioThreatExist() && Mathf.Abs(angle) < this.threatAngleThreshold)
                // it's a sound and we are capable of heading to it, so pursue it
                state = AiStateType.Pursuit;
            else if (HasReachedMaxDirectionChangeTime())
                // it's not a sound and we are not capable of turning towards it, so determine which way we should turn
                if (Random.value < zombieStateMachine.Intelligence)
                    SeekTowards(angle); // smartly turn
                    SeekRandomly();          // randomly turn because we are a stupid zombie :)
                ResetDirectionChangeTimer(); // TODO: this does sometimes happen often and it makes the zombie appear as if it is stuck in the alerted state
        else if (
            zombieStateMachine.ThreatManager.IsTargeting(AiTargetType.Waypoint) &&
            // we were targeting a waypoint and we arrived at it, so determine if we can head to next one or turn towards it
            float angle = zombieStateMachine.ThreatManager.DetermineAngleNeededToTurnTowardsTarget();

            if (Mathf.Abs(angle) < this.turnOnSpotThreshold)
                state = AiStateType.Patrol;
            else if (HasReachedMaxDirectionChangeTime())
        else if (HasReachedMaxDirectionChangeTime())
            // we didn't find what we were looking for and our clock ran out, so turn randomly and repeat the entire alert process
            // TODO: this does sometimes happen often and it makes the zombie appear as if it is stuck in the alerted state


    public void SetEntityMovementAndDamage(int entityID, bool moving, Vector3 moveDirection, float speed, int entityDamage, Vector3D geodeticLocation, Vector3 position, byte entityDomain)
        // find entity in treeview
        Treeview_DataModel treeviewEntity = RecursionUtil.GetTreeviewItemByEntityId(entityID, this.treeviewHandlerScript.TreeView.ItemsSource);
        string             message        = "";
        bool newEntitySpawned             = false;

        if (treeviewEntity == null)
            newEntitySpawned = true;

            Debug.Log("Entity " + entityID + " wasn't found!");
            treeviewEntity = RecursionUtil.GetTreeviewItemByEntityId(entityID, this.treeviewHandlerScript.TreeView.ItemsSource);
            message        = "New entity";

            treeviewEntity.Health = -1;

            // TODO move to SetEntityMovementAndDamage
            // set airborne
            if (entityDomain == 2)
                treeviewEntity.IsAirborne = true;
        else if (treeviewEntity.GameObject.transform.position.y < -2000)
            newEntitySpawned = true;
            message          = "Known entity";

            if (entityDomain == 2)
                treeviewEntity.IsAirborne = true;

        // update geodetic location
        treeviewEntity.GeographicCoordinates = geodeticLocation;

        // send entity state event
        if (newEntitySpawned)
            DateTime timestamp = DateTime.Now;
            message += String.Format(" \"{0}\" spawned at {1:0.000000}° lat, {2:0.000000}° lon.", treeviewEntity.Text,
                                     treeviewEntity.GeographicCoordinates.y, treeviewEntity.GeographicCoordinates.x);
            this.treeviewHandlerScript.AddEventToLog(new DisEvent(timestamp, message));

        if (!treeviewEntity.IsUnit)
            // set entity position
            // TODO check maybe needs to be deleted to be faster
            if (!CalculationUtil.HaveSameValues(position, treeviewEntity.GameObject.transform.position))
                treeviewEntity.GameObject.transform.position = position;

            // set entity rotation
            if (moveDirection != Vector3.zero)
                treeviewEntity.GameObject.transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(moveDirection);

            if (treeviewEntity.Health != entityDamage)
                // TODO 1 if(treeviewEntity.Health != entityDamage) (set new health && updateHealth)
                // TODO 2 UpdateHealth change to go up
                // update entity damage
                treeviewEntity.Health = entityDamage;

                // TODO confirm that it is working

        // set entity movement
        if (!moving)
            treeviewEntity.Moving = false;
            treeviewEntity.Moving          = true;
            treeviewEntity.MovingSpeed     = speed;
            treeviewEntity.MovingDirection = moveDirection;