Example #1
        protected override bool OnDrawn(Cairo.Context cr)
            double step_width = Allocation.Width / (double)steps;
            double step_height = Allocation.Height / (double)steps;
            double h = 1.0;
            double s = 0.0;

            for (int xi = 0, i = 0; xi < steps; xi++) {
                for (int yi = 0; yi < steps; yi++, i++) {
                    double bg_b = (double)(i / 255.0);
                    double fg_b = 1.0 - bg_b;

                    double x = xi * step_width;
                    double y = yi * step_height;

                    cr.Rectangle (x, y, step_width, step_height);
                    cr.SetSourceColor (CairoExtensions.ColorFromHsb (h, s, bg_b));
                    cr.Fill ();

                    int tw, th;
                    Pango.Layout layout = new Pango.Layout (PangoContext);
                    layout.SetText (((int)(bg_b * 255.0)).ToString ());
                    layout.GetPixelSize (out tw, out th);

                    cr.Translate (0.5, 0.5);
                    cr.MoveTo (x + (step_width - tw) / 2.0, y + (step_height - th) / 2.0);
                    cr.SetSourceColor (CairoExtensions.ColorFromHsb (h, s, fg_b));
                    Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout (cr, layout);
                    cr.Translate (-0.5, -0.5);

            return true;
Example #2
        public override void DrawFrameBorder(Cairo.Context cr, Gdk.Rectangle alloc)
            if (IsPanelWidget) {
            } else if (!IsSourceViewWidget) {
                base.DrawFrameBorder (cr, alloc);

            cr.SetSourceColor (TextMidColor);
            cr.LineWidth = 1.0;
            cr.Antialias = Cairo.Antialias.None;

            cr.MoveTo (alloc.Right - 1, alloc.Top);
            cr.LineTo (alloc.Right - 1, alloc.Bottom);
            cr.Stroke ();

            if (Widget.Allocation.Bottom < Widget.Toplevel.Allocation.Height) {
                cr.MoveTo (alloc.Left, alloc.Bottom - 1);
                cr.LineTo (alloc.Right, alloc.Bottom - 1);
                cr.Stroke ();

            cr.Antialias = Cairo.Antialias.Default;
Example #3
		protected override bool OnDrawn(Cairo.Context cr)
			bool ret = true;
			var rect = this.Allocation;
			if (rect.Width > 0 && rect.Height > 0)
				var arrowWidth = popupButton.Allocation.Width;
				var arrowPos = rect.Width - arrowWidth;
				var arrowSize = 10;

				StyleContext.RenderBackground(cr, 0, 0, rect.Width, rect.Height);

				ret = base.OnDrawn(cr);

				StyleContext.RenderArrow(cr, Math.PI, arrowPos, (rect.Height - arrowSize) / 2, arrowSize);

				cr.SetSourceColor(new Cairo.Color(.8, .8, .8));
				cr.Rectangle(arrowPos - 5, 2, 1, rect.Height - 4);

				Entry.StyleContext.RenderFrame(cr, 0, 0, rect.Width, rect.Height);

			return ret;
		internal protected override void Draw (Cairo.Context cr, Cairo.Rectangle area, DocumentLine lineSegment, int line, double x, double y, double lineHeight)
			cr.MoveTo (x + 0.5, y);
			cr.LineTo (x + 0.5, y + lineHeight);
			cr.SetSourceColor (color);
			cr.Stroke ();
		public override bool DrawBackground (TextEditor editor, Cairo.Context cr, double y, LineMetrics metrics)
			if (metrics.SelectionStart > 0)
				return true;
			cr.SetSourceColor (color);
			cr.Rectangle (metrics.TextRenderStartPosition, y, metrics.TextRenderEndPosition - metrics.TextRenderStartPosition, editor.LineHeight);
			cr.Fill ();
			return true;
		void DrawMarginBackground (Cairo.Context cr, int line, double x, double y, double lineHeight)
			if (editor.Caret.Line == line) {
				editor.TextViewMargin.DrawCaretLineMarker (cr, x, y, Width, lineHeight);
			cr.Rectangle (x, y, Width, lineHeight);
			cr.SetSourceColor (editor.ColorStyle.LineNumbers.Background);
			cr.Fill ();
Example #7
 public override void DrawFrameBackground(Cairo.Context cr, Gdk.Rectangle alloc, Cairo.Color color, Cairo.Pattern pattern)
     color.A = Context.FillAlpha;
     if (pattern != null) {
         cr.SetSource (pattern);
     } else {
         cr.SetSourceColor (color);
     CairoExtensions.RoundedRectangle (cr, alloc.X, alloc.Y, alloc.Width, alloc.Height, Context.Radius, CairoCorners.All);
     cr.Fill ();
Example #8
		void DrawHand(double fThickness, double length, Cairo.Color color, double radians, Cairo.Context e)
			e.MoveTo(new Cairo.PointD(center.X - (length / 9 * Math.Sin(radians)), center.Y + (length / 9 * Math.Cos(radians))));
			e.LineTo(new Cairo.PointD(center.X + (length * Math.Sin(radians)), center.Y - (length * Math.Cos(radians))));
			e.LineCap = Cairo.LineCap.Round;
			e.LineJoin = Cairo.LineJoin.Round;
			e.LineWidth = fThickness;
		public override void Draw (Mono.TextEditor.MonoTextEditor editor, Cairo.Context cr, LineMetrics metrics, int startOffset, int endOffset)
			this.editor = editor;
			var line = editor.GetLine (loc.Line);
			if (line == null)
			var x = editor.ColumnToX (line, loc.Column) - editor.HAdjustment.Value + editor.TextViewMargin.XOffset + editor.TextViewMargin.TextStartPosition;

			cr.Rectangle (Math.Floor (x), Math.Floor (metrics.LineYRenderStartPosition) + (line == editor.GetLineByOffset (startOffset) ? editor.LineHeight - tagMarkerHeight : 0), tagMarkerWidth, tagMarkerHeight);
			cr.SetSourceColor ((HslColor.Brightness (editor.ColorStyle.PlainText.Background) < 0.5 ? Ide.Gui.Styles.Editor.SmartTagMarkerColorDark : Ide.Gui.Styles.Editor.SmartTagMarkerColorLight).ToCairoColor ());
			cr.Fill ();
Example #10
		protected virtual void DrawBar (Cairo.Context cr)
			if (vadjustment == null || vadjustment.Upper <= vadjustment.PageSize) 

			double x, y, w, h;
			GetBarDimensions (out x, out y, out w, out h);

			if (Platform.IsWindows) {
				cr.Rectangle (x, y, w, h);
			} else {
				MonoDevelop.Components.CairoExtensions.RoundedRectangle (cr, x, y, w, h, 4);

			bool prelight = State == StateType.Prelight;

			Cairo.Color c;
			if (Platform.IsWindows) {
				c = prelight ? win81SliderPrelight : win81Slider;
				//compute new color such that it will produce same color when blended with bg
				c = AddAlpha (win81Background, c, 0.5d);
			} else {
				c = new Cairo.Color (0, 0, 0, (prelight ? 50.0 : 22.0) / 255);
			cr.SetSourceColor (c);
			cr.Fill ();
Example #11
		protected Severity DrawQuickTasks (Cairo.Context cr)
			Severity severity = Severity.None;
			foreach (var usage in AllUsages) {
				double y = GetYPosition (usage.Line);
				var usageColor = TextEditor.ColorStyle.PlainText.Foreground;
				usageColor.A = 0.4;
				cr.Color = usageColor;
				cr.MoveTo (0, y - 3);
				cr.LineTo (5, y);
				cr.LineTo (0, y + 3);
				cr.ClosePath ();
				cr.Fill ();
			foreach (var task in AllTasks) {
				double y = GetYPosition (task.Location.Line);

				cr.SetSourceColor (GetBarColor (task.Severity));
				cr.Rectangle (0, Math.Round (y) - 1, Allocation.Width, 2);
				cr.Fill ();

				switch (task.Severity) {
				case Severity.Error:
					severity = Severity.Error;
				case Severity.Warning:
					if (severity == Severity.None)
						severity = Severity.Warning;
			return severity;
Example #12
		void DrawIndicator (Cairo.Context cr, Cairo.Color color, Cairo.Color borderColor)
			var width = Allocation.Width;

			int diameter = Math.Min (width, (int)IndicatorHeight) - indicatorPadding * 2;
			var x1 = Math.Round (width / 2d);
			double y1 = indicatorPadding + diameter / 2;
			if (diameter % 2 == 0) {
				x1 += 0.5;
				y1 += 0.5;

			cr.Arc (x1, y1, diameter / 2d, 0, 2 * Math.PI);

			if (Platform.IsWindows) {
				using (var pattern = new Cairo.SolidPattern (color)) {
					cr.SetSource (pattern);
					cr.FillPreserve ();
			} else {
				using (var pattern = new Cairo.RadialGradient (x1, y1, width / 2, x1 - width, y1 - width, width)) {
					pattern.AddColorStop (0, borderColor);
					pattern.AddColorStop (1, color);
					cr.SetSource (pattern);
					cr.FillPreserve ();
			cr.SetSourceColor (borderColor);
			cr.Stroke ();
			public override void Draw (Cairo.Context cr, Cairo.Rectangle erea)
				TextEditor editor = mode.editor;
				double y = editor.LineToY (mode.CurrentInsertionPoint.Line) - editor.VAdjustment.Value; 
				double x = GetLineIndentationStart ();
				double x2 = editor.Allocation.Width - mode.HelpWindow.Allocation.Width - InsertionCursorEditMode.HelpWindowMargin * 2;
				cr.MoveTo (x, y);
				cr.LineTo (x2, y);

				cr.SetSourceColor (LineColor);
				cr.Stroke ();
//				DrawArrow (cr, x - 4, y);
		public override bool DrawBackground (TextEditor editor, Cairo.Context g, double y, LineMetrics metrics)
			if (!IsVisible)
				return false;
			bool markerShouldDrawnAsHidden = cache.CurrentSelectedTextMarker != null && cache.CurrentSelectedTextMarker != this;
			if (metrics.LineSegment.Markers.Any (m => m is DebugTextMarker))
				return false;

			EnsureLayoutCreated (editor);
			double x = editor.TextViewMargin.XOffset;
			int right = editor.Allocation.Width;
			bool isCaretInLine = metrics.TextStartOffset <= editor.Caret.Offset && editor.Caret.Offset <= metrics.TextEndOffset;
			int errorCounterWidth = GetErrorCountBounds (metrics).Item1;

			double x2 = System.Math.Max (right - LayoutWidth - border - (ShowIconsInBubble ? cache.errorPixbuf.Width : 0) - errorCounterWidth, editor.TextViewMargin.XOffset + editor.LineHeight / 2);

			bool isEolSelected = editor.IsSomethingSelected && editor.SelectionMode != Mono.TextEditor.SelectionMode.Block ? editor.SelectionRange.Contains (lineSegment.Offset + lineSegment.Length) : false;

			int active = editor.Document.GetTextAt (lineSegment) == initialText ? 0 : 1;
			bool highlighted = active == 0 && isCaretInLine;

			// draw background
			if (!markerShouldDrawnAsHidden) {
				DrawRectangle (g, x, y, right, editor.LineHeight);
				g.SetSourceColor (LineColor.Color);
				g.Fill ();

				if (metrics.Layout.StartSet || metrics.SelectionStart == metrics.TextEndOffset) {
					double startX;
					double endX;

					if (metrics.SelectionStart != metrics.TextEndOffset) {
						var start = metrics.Layout.Layout.IndexToPos ((int)metrics.Layout.SelectionStartIndex);
						startX = (int)(start.X / Pango.Scale.PangoScale);
						var end = metrics.Layout.Layout.IndexToPos ((int)metrics.Layout.SelectionEndIndex);
						endX = (int)(end.X / Pango.Scale.PangoScale);
					} else {
						startX = x2;
						endX = startX;

					if (editor.MainSelection.SelectionMode == Mono.TextEditor.SelectionMode.Block && startX == endX)
						endX = startX + 2;
					startX += metrics.TextRenderStartPosition;
					endX += metrics.TextRenderStartPosition;
					startX = Math.Max (editor.TextViewMargin.XOffset, startX);
					// clip region to textviewmargin start
					if (isEolSelected)
						endX = editor.Allocation.Width + (int)editor.HAdjustment.Value;
					if (startX < endX) {
						DrawRectangle (g, startX, y, endX - startX, editor.LineHeight);
						g.SetSourceColor (GetLineColor (highlighted, true));
						g.Fill ();
				DrawErrorMarkers (editor, g, metrics, y);

			double y2 = y + 0.5;
			double y2Bottom = y2 + editor.LineHeight - 1;
			var selected = isEolSelected;
			var lineTextPx = editor.TextViewMargin.XOffset + editor.TextViewMargin.TextStartPosition + metrics.Layout.Width;
			if (x2 < lineTextPx) 
				x2 = lineTextPx;

			if (editor.Options.ShowRuler) {
				double divider = Math.Max (editor.TextViewMargin.XOffset, x + editor.TextViewMargin.RulerX);
				if (divider >= x2) {
					g.MoveTo (new Cairo.PointD (divider + 0.5, y2));
					g.LineTo (new Cairo.PointD (divider + 0.5, y2Bottom));
					g.SetSourceColor (GetLineColorBorder (highlighted, selected));
					g.Stroke ();

			return true;
		void DrawIconMarginBackground (TextEditor ed, Cairo.Context cr, MarginDrawMetrics metrics)
			cr.Rectangle (metrics.X, metrics.Y, metrics.Width, metrics.Height);
			cr.SetSourceColor (IconMarginColor.Color);
			cr.Fill ();
			cr.MoveTo (metrics.Right - 0.5, metrics.Y);
			cr.LineTo (metrics.Right - 0.5, metrics.Bottom);
			cr.SetSourceColor (IconMarginColor.BorderColor);
			cr.Stroke ();
			if (cache.CurrentSelectedTextMarker != null && cache.CurrentSelectedTextMarker != this) {
				cr.Rectangle (metrics.X, metrics.Y, metrics.Width, metrics.Height);
				cr.SetSourceRGBA (ed.ColorStyle.IndicatorMargin.Color.R, ed.ColorStyle.IndicatorMargin.Color.G, ed.ColorStyle.IndicatorMargin.Color.B, 0.5);
				cr.Fill ();
Example #16
			protected override void OnDrawContent (Gdk.EventExpose evnt, Cairo.Context g)
				g.Rectangle (0, 0, Allocation.Width, Allocation.Height);
				g.SetSourceColor (marker.TooltipColor.Color);
				g.Fill ();

				using (var drawingLayout = new Pango.Layout (this.PangoContext)) {
					drawingLayout.FontDescription = cache.tooltipFontDescription;

					double y = verticalTextBorder;
					var showBulletedList = marker.Errors.Count > 1;

					foreach (var msg in marker.Errors) {
						var icon = msg.IsError ? errorPixbuf : warningPixbuf;
						int w, h;

						if (!showBulletedList)
							drawingLayout.Width = maxTextWidth;

						drawingLayout.SetText (GetFirstLine (msg));
						drawingLayout.GetPixelSize (out w, out h);

						if (showBulletedList) {
							g.Save ();

							g.Translate (textBorder, y + verticalTextSpace / 2 + Math.Max (0, (h - icon.Height) / 2));
							g.DrawImage (this, icon, 0, 0);
							g.Restore ();

						g.Save ();

						g.Translate (showBulletedList ? textBorder + iconTextSpacing + icon.Width: textBorder, y + verticalTextSpace / 2);
						g.SetSourceColor (marker.TagColor.SecondColor);
						g.ShowLayout (drawingLayout);

						g.Restore ();

						y += h + verticalTextSpace;
		public override void DrawAfterEol (TextEditor textEditor, Cairo.Context g, double y, EndOfLineMetrics metrics)
			if (!IsVisible)
			EnsureLayoutCreated (editor);
			int errorCounterWidth = 0, eh = 0;
			if (errorCountLayout != null) {
				errorCountLayout.GetPixelSize (out errorCounterWidth, out eh);
				errorCounterWidth = Math.Max (15, Math.Max (errorCounterWidth + 3, (int)(editor.LineHeight * 3 / 4)));

			var sx = metrics.TextRenderEndPosition;
			var width = LayoutWidth + errorCounterWidth + editor.LineHeight;
			var drawLayout = layouts[0].Layout;
			int ex = 0 , ey = 0;
			bool customLayout = true; //sx + width > editor.Allocation.Width;
			bool hideText = false;
			bubbleIsReduced = customLayout;
			var showErrorCount = errorCounterWidth > 0 && errorCountLayout != null;
			if (customLayout) {
				width = editor.Allocation.Width - sx;
				string text = layouts[0].Layout.Text;
				drawLayout = new Pango.Layout (editor.PangoContext);
				drawLayout.FontDescription = cache.fontDescription;
				var paintWidth = (width - errorCounterWidth - editor.LineHeight + 4);
				var minWidth = Math.Max (17, errorCounterWidth) + editor.LineHeight;
				if (paintWidth < minWidth) {
					hideText = true;
					drawLayout.SetMarkup ("<span weight='heavy'>···</span>");
					width = minWidth;
					showErrorCount = false;
					sx = Math.Min (sx, editor.Allocation.Width - width);
				} else {
					drawLayout.Ellipsize = Pango.EllipsizeMode.End;
					drawLayout.Width = (int)(paintWidth * Pango.Scale.PangoScale);
					drawLayout.SetText (text);
					int w2, h2;
					drawLayout.GetPixelSize (out w2, out h2);
					width = w2 + errorCounterWidth + editor.LineHeight;
			bubbleDrawX = sx - editor.TextViewMargin.XOffset;
			bubbleDrawY = y;
			bubbleWidth = width;

			var bubbleHeight = editor.LineHeight - 1;
			g.RoundedRectangle (sx, y + 1, width, bubbleHeight, editor.LineHeight / 2 - 1);
			g.SetSourceColor (TagColor.Color);
			g.Fill ();

			// Draw error count icon
			if (showErrorCount) {
				var errorCounterHeight = bubbleHeight - 2;
				var errorCounterX = sx + width - errorCounterWidth - 3;
				var errorCounterY = y + 1 + (bubbleHeight - errorCounterHeight) / 2;

				g.RoundedRectangle (
					errorCounterX - 1, 
					errorCounterY - 1, 
					errorCounterWidth + 2, 
					errorCounterHeight + 2, 
					editor.LineHeight / 2 - 3

				g.SetSourceColor (new Cairo.Color (0, 0, 0, 0.081));
				g.Fill ();

				g.RoundedRectangle (
					editor.LineHeight / 2 - 3
				using (var lg = new Cairo.LinearGradient (errorCounterX, errorCounterY, errorCounterX, errorCounterY + errorCounterHeight)) {
					lg.AddColorStop (0, CounterColor.Color);
					lg.AddColorStop (1, CounterColor.Color.AddLight (-0.1));
					g.Pattern = lg;
					g.Fill ();

				g.Save ();

				int ew;
				errorCountLayout.GetPixelSize (out ew, out eh);

				g.Translate (
					errorCounterX + (errorCounterWidth - ew) / 2,
					errorCounterY + (errorCounterHeight - eh) / 2
				g.SetSourceColor (CounterColor.SecondColor);
				g.ShowLayout (errorCountLayout);
				g.Restore ();

			// Draw label text
			if (!showErrorCount || !hideText) {
				g.Save ();
				g.Translate (sx + editor.LineHeight / 2, y + (editor.LineHeight - layouts [0].Height) / 2 + 1);

				// draw shadow
				g.SetSourceColor (MessageBubbleCache.ShadowColor);
				g.ShowLayout (drawLayout);
				g.Translate (0, -1);

				g.SetSourceColor (TagColor.SecondColor);
				g.ShowLayout (drawLayout);
				g.Restore ();

			if (customLayout)
				drawLayout.Dispose ();

		public void DrawCaretLineMarker (Cairo.Context cr, double xPos, double y, double width, double lineHeight)
			if (BackgroundRenderer != null)
			xPos = System.Math.Floor (xPos);
			cr.Rectangle (xPos, y, width, lineHeight);
			var color = CurrentLineColor;
			cr.SetSourceColor (color.Color);
			cr.Fill ();
			double halfLine = (cr.LineWidth / 2.0);
			cr.MoveTo (xPos, y + halfLine);
			cr.LineTo (xPos + width, y + halfLine);
			cr.MoveTo (xPos, y + lineHeight - halfLine);
			cr.LineTo (xPos + width, y + lineHeight - halfLine);
			cr.SetSourceColor (color.SecondColor);
			cr.Stroke ();
		bool DrawMarginBackground (TextEditor e, Margin margin, Cairo.Context cr, Cairo.Rectangle area, DocumentLine documentLine, long line, double x, double y, double lineHeight)
			if (cache.CurrentSelectedTextMarker != null && cache.CurrentSelectedTextMarker != this)
				return false;
			cr.Rectangle (x, y, margin.Width, lineHeight);
			cr.SetSourceColor (LineColor.Color);
			cr.Fill ();
			return true;
		void DrawIndent (Cairo.Context cr, LayoutWrapper layout, DocumentLine line, double xPos, double y)
			if (!textEditor.Options.DrawIndentationMarkers)
			if (line.Length == 0) {
				var nextLine = line.NextLine;
				while (nextLine != null && nextLine.Length == 0)
					nextLine = nextLine.NextLine;
				if (nextLine != null)
					layout = GetLayout (nextLine);
			if (layout.IndentSize == 0)
			cr.Save ();
			var dotted = new [] { textEditor.Options.Zoom };
			cr.SetDash (dotted, (int)y + textEditor.VAdjustment.Value);
			var top = y;
			var bottom = y + LineHeight;
			if (Caret.Line == line.LineNumber && textEditor.GetTextEditorData ().HighlightCaretLine) {
				top += textEditor.Options.Zoom;
				bottom -= textEditor.Options.Zoom;
			for (int i = 0; i < layout.IndentSize; i += textEditor.Options.IndentationSize) {
				var x = System.Math.Floor (xPos + i * charWidth);
				cr.MoveTo (x + 0.5, top);
				cr.LineTo (x + 0.5, bottom);

				cr.SetSourceColor (ColorStyle.IndentationGuide.Color);
				cr.Stroke ();
			cr.Restore ();
		void DrawErrorMarkers (TextEditor editor, Cairo.Context g, LineMetrics metrics, double y)
			uint curIndex = 0, byteIndex = 0;

			var o = metrics.LineSegment.Offset;

			foreach (var task in errors.Select (t => t.Task)) {
				var column = (uint)(Math.Min (Math.Max (0, task.Column - 1), metrics.Layout.LineChars.Length));
				int index = (int)metrics.Layout.TranslateToUTF8Index (column, ref curIndex, ref byteIndex);
				var pos = metrics.Layout.Layout.IndexToPos (index);
				var co = o + task.Column - 1;
				g.SetSourceColor (GetMarkerColor (false, metrics.SelectionStart <= co && co < metrics.SelectionEnd));
				g.MoveTo (
					metrics.TextRenderStartPosition + editor.TextViewMargin.TextStartPosition + pos.X / Pango.Scale.PangoScale,
					y + editor.LineHeight - 3
				g.RelLineTo (3, 3);
				g.RelLineTo (-6, 0);
				g.ClosePath ();

				g.Fill ();
		void DrawLinePart (Cairo.Context cr, DocumentLine line, int lineNumber, int logicalRulerColumn, int offset, int length, ref double position, ref bool isSelectionDrawn, double y, double maxX, double _lineHeight)
			ISyntaxMode mode = Document.SyntaxMode != null && textEditor.Options.EnableSyntaxHighlighting ? Document.SyntaxMode : new SyntaxMode (Document);
			int selectionStartOffset;
			int selectionEndOffset;
			if (this.HideSelection) {
				selectionStartOffset = selectionEndOffset = -1;
			} else {
				GetSelectionOffsets (line, out selectionStartOffset, out selectionEndOffset);

			// ---- new renderer
			LayoutWrapper layout = CreateLinePartLayout (mode, line, logicalRulerColumn, offset, length, selectionStartOffset, selectionEndOffset);
			int lineOffset = line.Offset;
			double width = layout.Width;
			double xPos = position;

			// The caret line marker must be drawn below the text markers otherwise the're invisible
			if ((HighlightCaretLine || textEditor.GetTextEditorData ().HighlightCaretLine) && Caret.Line == lineNumber)
				DrawCaretLineMarker (cr, xPos, y, layout.Width, _lineHeight);

			//		if (!(HighlightCaretLine || textEditor.Options.HighlightCaretLine) || Document.GetLine(Caret.Line) != line) {
			if (BackgroundRenderer == null) {
				foreach (var bg in layout.BackgroundColors) {
					int x1, x2;
					x1 = layout.Layout.IndexToPos (bg.FromIdx).X;
					x2 = layout.Layout.IndexToPos (bg.ToIdx).X;
					DrawRectangleWithRuler (
						cr, xPos + textEditor.HAdjustment.Value - TextStartPosition,
						new Cairo.Rectangle (x1 / Pango.Scale.PangoScale + position, y, (x2 - x1) / Pango.Scale.PangoScale + 1, _lineHeight),
						bg.Color, true);

			var metrics  = new LineMetrics {
				LineSegment = line,
				Layout = layout,

				SelectionStart = selectionStartOffset,
				SelectionEnd = selectionEndOffset,

				TextStartOffset = offset,
				TextEndOffset = offset + length,

				TextRenderStartPosition = xPos,
				TextRenderEndPosition = xPos + width,

				LineHeight = _lineHeight,
				WholeLineWidth = textEditor.Allocation.Width - xPos,

				LineYRenderStartPosition = y

			foreach (TextLineMarker marker in line.Markers) {
				if (!marker.IsVisible)

				if (marker.DrawBackground (textEditor, cr, metrics)) {
					isSelectionDrawn |= (marker.Flags & TextLineMarkerFlags.DrawsSelection) == TextLineMarkerFlags.DrawsSelection;

			var textSegmentMarkers = TextDocument.OrderTextSegmentMarkersByInsertion (Document.GetTextSegmentMarkersAt (line).Where (m => m.IsVisible)).ToArray ();
			foreach (var marker in textSegmentMarkers) {
				if (layout.Layout != null)
					marker.DrawBackground (textEditor, cr, metrics, offset, offset + length);

			if (DecorateLineBg != null)
				DecorateLineBg (cr, layout, offset, length, xPos, y, selectionStartOffset, selectionEndOffset);

			if (!isSelectionDrawn && (layout.StartSet || selectionStartOffset == offset + length) && BackgroundRenderer == null) {
				double startX;
				int startY;
				double endX;
				int endY;
				if (selectionStartOffset != offset + length) {
					var start = layout.Layout.IndexToPos (layout.SelectionStartIndex);
					startX = System.Math.Floor (start.X / Pango.Scale.PangoScale);
					startY = (int)(y + System.Math.Floor (start.Y / Pango.Scale.PangoScale));

					var end = layout.Layout.IndexToPos (layout.SelectionEndIndex);
					endX = System.Math.Ceiling (end.X / Pango.Scale.PangoScale);
					endY = (int)(y + System.Math.Ceiling (end.Y / Pango.Scale.PangoScale));
				} else {
					startY = endY = (int)y;
					startX = width;
					endX = startX;

				if (textEditor.MainSelection.SelectionMode == SelectionMode.Block && startX == endX) {
					endX = startX + 2;
				if (startY == endY) {
					DrawRectangleWithRuler (
						xPos + textEditor.HAdjustment.Value - TextStartPosition,
						new Cairo.Rectangle (xPos + startX, startY, endX - startX, LineHeight),
				} else {
					DrawRectangleWithRuler (
						xPos + textEditor.HAdjustment.Value - TextStartPosition,
						new Cairo.Rectangle (xPos + startX, startY, textEditor.Allocation.Width - xPos - startX, LineHeight),

					if (endY - startY > LineHeight) {
						DrawRectangleWithRuler (
							new Cairo.Rectangle (xPos, startY + LineHeight, textEditor.Allocation.Width - xPos, endY - startY - LineHeight),

					DrawRectangleWithRuler (
						new Cairo.Rectangle (xPos, endY, endX, LineHeight),

			// highlight search results
			TextSegment firstSearch;
			int o = offset;
			uint curIndex = 0, byteIndex = 0;
			if (textEditor.HighlightSearchPattern) {
				while (!(firstSearch = GetFirstSearchResult (o, offset + length)).IsInvalid) {
					double x = position;
					HandleSelection (lineOffset, logicalRulerColumn, selectionStartOffset, selectionEndOffset, System.Math.Max (lineOffset, firstSearch.Offset), System.Math.Min (lineOffset + line.Length, firstSearch.EndOffset), delegate(int start, int end) {
						uint startIndex = (uint)(start - offset);
						uint endIndex = (uint)(end - offset);
						if (startIndex < endIndex && endIndex <= layout.LineChars.Length) {
							uint startTranslated = TranslateToUTF8Index (layout.LineChars, startIndex, ref curIndex, ref byteIndex);
							uint endTranslated = TranslateToUTF8Index (layout.LineChars, endIndex, ref curIndex, ref byteIndex);
							int l, x1, x2;
							layout.Layout.IndexToLineX ((int)startTranslated, false, out l, out x1);
							layout.Layout.IndexToLineX ((int)endTranslated, false, out l, out x2);
							int w = (int) System.Math.Ceiling ((x2 - x1) / Pango.Scale.PangoScale);
							int s = (int) System.Math.Floor (x1 / Pango.Scale.PangoScale + x);
							double corner = System.Math.Min (4, width) * textEditor.Options.Zoom;

							cr.SetSourceColor (MainSearchResult.IsInvalid || MainSearchResult.Offset != firstSearch.Offset ? ColorStyle.SearchResult.Color : ColorStyle.SearchResultMain.Color);
							FoldingScreenbackgroundRenderer.DrawRoundRectangle (cr, true, true, s, y, corner, w + 1, LineHeight);
							cr.Fill ();
					}, null);
					o = System.Math.Max (firstSearch.EndOffset, o + 1);
			cr.Save ();
			cr.Translate (xPos, y);
			cr.ShowLayout (layout.Layout);
			cr.Restore ();
			if (offset == line.Offset) {
				DrawIndent (cr, layout, line, xPos, y);

			if (textEditor.Options.ShowWhitespaces != ShowWhitespaces.Never && !(BackgroundRenderer != null && textEditor.Options.ShowWhitespaces == ShowWhitespaces.Selection))
				DecorateTabsAndSpaces (cr, layout, offset, xPos, y, selectionStartOffset, selectionEndOffset);

			if (textEditor.IsSomethingSelected && !isSelectionDrawn && BackgroundRenderer == null) {
				if (lineNumber == textEditor.MainSelection.End.Line && textEditor.MainSelection.End.Column > line.Length + 1) {
					using (var wrapper = GetVirtualSpaceLayout (line, textEditor.MainSelection.End)) {
						double startX;
						double endX;
						startX = xPos;
						endX = position + wrapper.Width + layout.Width;
						DrawRectangleWithRuler (cr, xPos + textEditor.HAdjustment.Value - TextStartPosition, new Cairo.Rectangle (startX, y, endX - startX, _lineHeight), this.SelectionColor.Background, true);

						if (lineNumber == Caret.Line &&
						    textEditor.Options.ShowWhitespaces == ShowWhitespaces.Selection &&
						    textEditor.IsSomethingSelected &&
						    (selectionStartOffset < offset || selectionStartOffset == selectionEndOffset) &&
						    BackgroundRenderer == null) {
							DecorateTabsAndSpaces (cr, wrapper, offset, xPos, y, selectionStartOffset, selectionEndOffset + wrapper.LineChars.Length);

			if (lineNumber == Caret.Line) {
				int caretOffset = Caret.Offset;
				if (offset <= caretOffset && caretOffset <= offset + length) {
					int index = caretOffset - offset;
					//This if means we have temporary indent
					if (Caret.Column > line.Length + 1) {
						using (var wrapper = GetVirtualSpaceLayout (line, Caret.Location)) {
							var x = (position + wrapper.Width) + layout.Width;
							SetVisibleCaretPosition (x, y, x, y);
							xPos = position + layout.Width;

							// When drawing virtual space before the selection start paint it as unselected.
							var virtualSpaceMod = selectionStartOffset < caretOffset ? 0 : wrapper.LineChars.Length;

							if ((!textEditor.IsSomethingSelected || (selectionStartOffset >= offset && selectionStartOffset != selectionEndOffset)) && (HighlightCaretLine || textEditor.Options.HighlightCaretLine) && Caret.Line == lineNumber)
								DrawCaretLineMarker (cr, position, y, wrapper.Width, _lineHeight);

							if (DecorateLineBg != null)
								DecorateLineBg (cr, wrapper, offset, length, xPos, y, selectionStartOffset + virtualSpaceMod, selectionEndOffset + wrapper.LineChars.Length);

							if (textEditor.Options.ShowWhitespaces == ShowWhitespaces.Always) {
								DecorateTabsAndSpaces (cr, wrapper, offset, xPos, y, selectionStartOffset, selectionEndOffset + wrapper.LineChars.Length);
					} else if (index == length && string.IsNullOrEmpty (textEditor.preeditString)) {
						var x = position + layout.Width;
						SetVisibleCaretPosition (x, y, x, y);
					} else if (index >= 0 && index <= length) {
						Pango.Rectangle strong_pos, weak_pos;
						curIndex = byteIndex = 0;
						int utf8ByteIndex = (int)TranslateToUTF8Index (layout.LineChars, (uint)index, ref curIndex, ref byteIndex);
						layout.Layout.GetCursorPos (utf8ByteIndex, out strong_pos, out weak_pos);
						var cx = xPos + (strong_pos.X / Pango.Scale.PangoScale);
						var cy = y + (strong_pos.Y / Pango.Scale.PangoScale);
						if (textEditor.preeditCursorCharIndex == 0) {
							SetVisibleCaretPosition (cx, cy, cx, cy);
						} else {
							var preeditIndex = (uint)(index + textEditor.preeditCursorCharIndex);
							utf8ByteIndex = (int)TranslateToUTF8Index (layout.LineChars, preeditIndex, ref curIndex, ref byteIndex);
							layout.Layout.GetCursorPos (utf8ByteIndex, out strong_pos, out weak_pos);
							var pcx = xPos + (strong_pos.X / Pango.Scale.PangoScale);
							var pcy = y + (strong_pos.Y / Pango.Scale.PangoScale);
							SetVisibleCaretPosition (pcx, pcy, cx, cy);
			foreach (TextLineMarker marker in line.Markers.Where (m => m.IsVisible)) {
				if (layout.Layout != null)
					marker.Draw (textEditor, cr, metrics);

			foreach (var marker in textSegmentMarkers) {
				if (layout.Layout != null)
					marker.Draw (textEditor, cr, metrics, offset, offset + length);
			position += System.Math.Floor (layout.LastLineWidth);

			if (layout.IsUncached)
				layout.Dispose ();
Example #23
		public override void Draw (MonoTextEditor editor, Cairo.Context cr, LineMetrics layout, int startOffset, int endOffset)
			if (DebuggingService.IsDebugging)
			int markerStart = Segment.Offset;
			int markerEnd = Segment.EndOffset;
			if (markerEnd < startOffset || markerStart > endOffset) 
			double drawFrom;
			double drawTo;
			double y = layout.LineYRenderStartPosition;
			double startXPos = layout.TextRenderStartPosition;
			double endXPos = layout.TextRenderEndPosition;

			if (markerStart < startOffset && endOffset < markerEnd) {
				drawTo = endXPos;
				var line = editor.GetLineByOffset (startOffset);
				int offset = line.GetIndentation (editor.Document).Length;
				drawFrom = startXPos + (layout.Layout.Layout.IndexToPos (offset).X  / Pango.Scale.PangoScale);
			} else {
				int start;
				if (startOffset < markerStart) {
					start = markerStart;
				} else {
					var line = editor.GetLineByOffset (startOffset);
					int offset = line.GetIndentation (editor.Document).Length;
					start = startOffset + offset;
				int end = endOffset < markerEnd ? endOffset : markerEnd;
				int x_pos;

				x_pos = layout.Layout.Layout.IndexToPos (start - startOffset).X;
				drawFrom = startXPos + (int)(x_pos / Pango.Scale.PangoScale);
				x_pos = layout.Layout.Layout.IndexToPos (end - startOffset).X;
				drawTo = startXPos + (int)(x_pos / Pango.Scale.PangoScale);
			drawFrom = Math.Max (drawFrom, editor.TextViewMargin.XOffset);
			drawTo = Math.Max (drawTo, editor.TextViewMargin.XOffset);
			if (drawFrom >= drawTo)
			double height = editor.LineHeight / 5;
			cr.SetSourceColor (color);
			if (effect == MonoDevelop.Ide.Editor.TextSegmentMarkerEffect.WavedLine) {	
				Pango.CairoHelper.ShowErrorUnderline (cr, drawFrom, y + editor.LineHeight - height, drawTo - drawFrom, height);
			} else if (effect == MonoDevelop.Ide.Editor.TextSegmentMarkerEffect.DottedLine) {
				cr.Save ();
				cr.LineWidth = 1;
				cr.MoveTo (drawFrom + 1, y + editor.LineHeight - 1 + 0.5);
				cr.RelLineTo (Math.Min (drawTo - drawFrom, 4 * 3), 0);
				cr.SetDash (new double[] { 2, 2 }, 0);
				cr.Stroke ();
				cr.Restore ();
			} else {
				cr.MoveTo (drawFrom, y + editor.LineHeight - 1);
				cr.LineTo (drawTo, y + editor.LineHeight - 1);
				cr.Stroke ();
		public void DrawRectangleWithRuler (Cairo.Context cr, double x, Cairo.Rectangle area, Cairo.Color color, bool drawDefaultBackground)
			bool isDefaultColor = color.R == defaultBgColor.R && color.G == defaultBgColor.G && color.B == defaultBgColor.B;
			if (isDefaultColor && !drawDefaultBackground)
			cr.SetSourceColor (color);
			var left = (int)(area.X);
			var width = (int)area.Width + 1;
			if (textEditor.GetTextEditorData ().ShowRuler) {
				var right = left + width;

				var divider = (int) (System.Math.Max (left, System.Math.Min (x + TextStartPosition + rulerX, right)));
				if (divider < right) {
					var beforeDividerWidth = divider - left;
					if (beforeDividerWidth > 0) {
						cr.Rectangle (left, area.Y, beforeDividerWidth, area.Height);
						cr.Fill ();
					cr.Rectangle (divider, area.Y, right - divider, area.Height);
					cr.SetSourceColor (color);
					cr.Fill ();

					if (beforeDividerWidth > 0) {
						cr.DrawLine (
							divider + 0.5, area.Y,
							divider + 0.5, area.Y + area.Height);

			cr.Rectangle (left, area.Y, System.Math.Ceiling (area.Width), area.Height);
			cr.Fill ();
Example #25
		protected void DrawCaret (Cairo.Context cr)
			if (TextEditor.ColorStyle == null || caretLine < 0)
			double y = GetYPosition (caretLine);
			cr.MoveTo (0, y - 4);
			cr.LineTo (7, y);
			cr.LineTo (0, y + 4);
			cr.ClosePath ();
			cr.SetSourceColor (TextEditor.ColorStyle.PlainText.Foreground);
			cr.Fill ();
		protected internal override void Draw (Cairo.Context cr, Cairo.Rectangle area, DocumentLine line, int lineNr, double x, double y, double _lineHeight)
//			double xStart = System.Math.Max (area.X, XOffset);
//			xStart = System.Math.Max (0, xStart);
			var correctedXOffset = System.Math.Floor (XOffset) - 1;
			var lineArea = new Cairo.Rectangle (correctedXOffset, y, textEditor.Allocation.Width - correctedXOffset, _lineHeight);
			double position = x - textEditor.HAdjustment.Value + TextStartPosition;
			defaultBgColor = Document.ReadOnly ? ColorStyle.BackgroundReadOnly.Color : ColorStyle.PlainText.Background;
			var startLineNr = lineNr;
			// Draw the default back color for the whole line. Colors other than the default
			// background will be drawn when rendering the text chunks.
			if (BackgroundRenderer == null)
				DrawRectangleWithRuler (cr, x, lineArea, defaultBgColor, true);
			bool isSelectionDrawn = false;

			// Check if line is beyond the document length
			if (line == null) {
				DrawScrollShadow (cr, x, y, _lineHeight);

				var marker = Document.GetExtendingTextMarker (lineNr);
				if (marker != null)
					marker.Draw (textEditor, cr, lineNr, lineArea);
			IEnumerable<FoldSegment> foldings = Document.GetStartFoldings (line);
			int offset = line.Offset;
			int caretOffset = Caret.Offset;
			bool isEolFolded = false;
			int logicalRulerColumn = line.GetLogicalColumn (textEditor.GetTextEditorData (), textEditor.Options.RulerColumn);

			if ((HighlightCaretLine || textEditor.GetTextEditorData ().HighlightCaretLine) && Caret.Line == lineNr)
				DrawCaretLineMarker (cr, x, y, TextStartPosition, _lineHeight);

			foreach (FoldSegment folding in foldings) {
				int foldOffset = folding.StartLine.Offset + folding.Column - 1;
				if (foldOffset < offset)

				if (folding.IsFolded) {
					DrawLinePart (cr, line, lineNr, logicalRulerColumn, offset, foldOffset - offset, ref position, ref isSelectionDrawn, y, area.X + area.Width, _lineHeight);
					offset = folding.EndLine.Offset + folding.EndColumn - 1;
					markerLayout.SetText (folding.Description);
					int width, height;
					markerLayout.GetPixelSize (out width, out height);
					bool isFoldingSelected = !this.HideSelection && textEditor.IsSomethingSelected && textEditor.SelectionRange.Contains (folding.Segment);
					double pixelX = 0.5 + System.Math.Floor (position);
					double foldXMargin = foldMarkerXMargin * textEditor.Options.Zoom;
					double pixelWidth = System.Math.Floor (position + width - pixelX + foldXMargin * 2);
					var foldingRectangle = new Cairo.Rectangle (

					if (BackgroundRenderer == null && isFoldingSelected) {
						cr.SetSourceColor (SelectionColor.Background);
						cr.Rectangle (foldingRectangle);
						cr.Fill ();

					if (isFoldingSelected && SelectionColor.TransparentForeground) {
						cr.SetSourceColor (ColorStyle.CollapsedText.Foreground);
					} else {
						cr.SetSourceColor (isFoldingSelected ? SelectionColor.Foreground : ColorStyle.CollapsedText.Foreground);
					var boundingRectangleHeight = foldingRectangle.Height - 1;
					var boundingRectangleY = System.Math.Floor (foldingRectangle.Y + (foldingRectangle.Height - boundingRectangleHeight) / 2);
					RoundedRectangle (cr,
					                 System.Math.Floor (foldingRectangle.X) + 0.5,
					                 boundingRectangleY + 0.5,
					                 System.Math.Floor (foldingRectangle.Width - cr.LineWidth),
					                 System.Math.Floor (boundingRectangleHeight - cr.LineWidth),
					                 LineHeight / 8, CairoCorners.All, false);
					cr.Stroke ();
					cr.Save ();
					cr.Translate (
						position + foldXMargin,
						System.Math.Floor (boundingRectangleY + System.Math.Max (0, boundingRectangleHeight - height) / 2));
					cr.ShowLayout (markerLayout);
					cr.Restore ();

					if (caretOffset == foldOffset && !string.IsNullOrEmpty (folding.Description)) {
						var cx = (int)position;
						SetVisibleCaretPosition (cx, y, cx, y);
					position += foldingRectangle.Width;
					if (caretOffset == foldOffset + folding.Length && !string.IsNullOrEmpty (folding.Description)) {
						var cx = (int)position;
						SetVisibleCaretPosition (cx, y, cx, y);

					if (folding.EndLine != line) {
						line = folding.EndLine;
						lineNr = line.LineNumber;
						foldings = Document.GetStartFoldings (line);
						isEolFolded = line.Length <= folding.EndColumn;
						goto restart;
					isEolFolded = line.Length <= folding.EndColumn;
			// Draw remaining line - must be called for empty line parts as well because the caret may be at this positon
			// and the caret position is calculated in DrawLinePart.
			if (line.EndOffsetIncludingDelimiter - offset >= 0) {
				DrawLinePart (cr, line, lineNr, logicalRulerColumn, offset, line.Offset + line.Length - offset, ref position, ref isSelectionDrawn, y, area.X + area.Width, _lineHeight);

			bool isEolSelected = 
				!this.HideSelection && 
				textEditor.IsSomethingSelected && 
				textEditor.SelectionMode == SelectionMode.Normal && 
				textEditor.MainSelection.ContainsLine (lineNr) &&
				textEditor.MainSelection.Contains (lineNr + 1, 1);

			var lx = (int)position;
			lineArea = new Cairo.Rectangle (lx,
				textEditor.Allocation.Width - lx,

			if (textEditor.SelectionMode == SelectionMode.Block && textEditor.IsSomethingSelected && textEditor.SelectionRange.Contains (line.Offset + line.Length)) {
				DocumentLocation start = textEditor.MainSelection.Anchor;
				DocumentLocation end = textEditor.MainSelection.Lead;
				DocumentLocation visStart = textEditor.LogicalToVisualLocation (start);
				DocumentLocation visEnd = textEditor.LogicalToVisualLocation (end);
				double x1 = this.ColumnToX (line, visStart.Column);
				double x2 = this.ColumnToX (line, visEnd.Column);
				if (x1 > x2) {
					var tmp = x1;
					x1 = x2;
					x2 = tmp;
				x1 += correctedXOffset - textEditor.HAdjustment.Value;
				x2 += correctedXOffset - textEditor.HAdjustment.Value;

				if (x2 > lineArea.X && BackgroundRenderer == null)  {
					if (x1 - lineArea.X > 0) {
						DrawRectangleWithRuler (cr, x, new Cairo.Rectangle (lineArea.X, lineArea.Y, x1 - lineArea.X, lineArea.Height), defaultBgColor, false);
						lineArea = new Cairo.Rectangle (x1, lineArea.Y, lineArea.Width, lineArea.Height);
					DrawRectangleWithRuler (cr, x, new Cairo.Rectangle (lineArea.X, lineArea.Y, x2 - lineArea.X, lineArea.Height), this.SelectionColor.Background, false);
					lineArea = new Cairo.Rectangle (x2, lineArea.Y, textEditor.Allocation.Width - lineArea.X, lineArea.Height);
			LayoutWrapper wrapper = null;
			if (!isSelectionDrawn && BackgroundRenderer == null) {
				if (isEolSelected) {
					// prevent "gaps" in the selection drawing ('fuzzy' lines problem)
					wrapper = GetLayout (line);
					if (lineNr == textEditor.MainSelection.Start.Line && line.Length == 0 && textEditor.MainSelection.Start.Column > 1) {
						using (var vwrapper = GetVirtualSpaceLayout (line, textEditor.MainSelection.Start)) {
							lineArea = new Cairo.Rectangle (
								lineArea.X + vwrapper.Width,
								lineArea.Y + System.Math.Max (0, wrapper.Height - LineHeight),
								textEditor.Allocation.Width - (lineArea.X + vwrapper.Width),
					} else  {
						var eolStartX = System.Math.Floor (position);
						lineArea = new Cairo.Rectangle (
							lineArea.Y + System.Math.Max (0, wrapper.Height - LineHeight),
							textEditor.Allocation.Width - eolStartX,
					if (lineNr != textEditor.MainSelection.End.Line)
						DrawRectangleWithRuler (cr, x, lineArea, this.SelectionColor.Background, false);
					if (line.Length == 0)
						DrawIndent (cr, wrapper, line, lx, y);
				} else if (!(HighlightCaretLine || textEditor.GetTextEditorData ().HighlightCaretLine) || Caret.Line != lineNr && Caret.Line != startLineNr) {
					wrapper = GetLayout (line);
					if (wrapper.EolSpanStack != null) {
						foreach (var span in wrapper.EolSpanStack) {
							var spanStyle = textEditor.ColorStyle.GetChunkStyle (span.Color);
							if (spanStyle == null)
							if (!spanStyle.TransparentBackground && GetPixel (ColorStyle.PlainText.Background) != GetPixel (spanStyle.Background)) {
								DrawRectangleWithRuler (cr, x, lineArea, spanStyle.Background, false);
				} else {
					double xPos = position;
					DrawCaretLineMarker (cr, xPos, y, lineArea.X + lineArea.Width - xPos, _lineHeight);
			if (textEditor.Options.ShowWhitespaces != ShowWhitespaces.Never) {
				switch (textEditor.Options.ShowWhitespaces) {
				case ShowWhitespaces.Selection:
					if (!isEolFolded && isEolSelected)
					if (!(BackgroundRenderer != null && textEditor.Options.ShowWhitespaces == ShowWhitespaces.Selection))
					if (textEditor.MainSelection.Contains (lineNr, 2 + line.Length) &&
					    !(lineNr == Caret.Line && Caret.Column > 1 && textEditor.MainSelection.Anchor.Line < textEditor.MainSelection.Lead.Line) &&
					    textEditor.MainSelection.Anchor.Line != textEditor.MainSelection.Lead.Line)
						goto case ShowWhitespaces.Always;
				case ShowWhitespaces.Always:
					if (wrapper == null)
						wrapper = GetLayout (line);
					DrawEolMarker (cr, line, isEolSelected, position, y + System.Math.Max (0, wrapper.Height - LineHeight));

			var extendingMarker = Document.GetExtendingTextMarker (lineNr);
			if (extendingMarker != null)
				extendingMarker.Draw (textEditor, cr, lineNr, lineArea);

			if (BackgroundRenderer == null) {
				var metrics = new EndOfLineMetrics {
					LineSegment = line,
					TextRenderEndPosition = TextStartPosition + position,
					LineHeight = _lineHeight,
					LineYRenderStartPosition = y
				foreach (var marker in line.Markers) {
					marker.DrawAfterEol (textEditor, cr, metrics);

			lastLineRenderWidth = position;
			DrawScrollShadow (cr, x, y, _lineHeight);
			if (wrapper != null && wrapper.IsUncached)
				wrapper.Dispose ();
Example #27
		protected void DrawLeftBorder (Cairo.Context cr)
			cr.MoveTo (0.5, 0);
			cr.LineTo (0.5, Allocation.Height);
			if (TextEditor.ColorStyle != null) {
				var col = (HslColor)TextEditor.ColorStyle.PlainText.Background;
				if (!Platform.IsWindows) {
					col.L *= 0.88;
				cr.SetSourceColor (col);
			cr.Stroke ();
Example #28
		void DrawValue (Cairo.Context ctx, Gdk.GC gc, DateTime initialTime, int ytop, int lx, int tx, ref int ty, ref int maxx, ref int maxy, int indent, CounterValueInfo val)
			Gdk.Color color;
			if (val.Counter != null)
				color = val.Counter.GetColor ();
				color = Style.Black;
			// Draw text
			gc.RgbFgColor = color;
			double ms = (val.Time - initialTime).TotalMilliseconds;
			string txt = (ms / 1000).ToString ("0.00000") + ": " + (val.Duration.TotalMilliseconds / 1000).ToString ("0.00000") + " " + val.Trace;
			layout.SetText (txt);
			GdkWindow.DrawLayout (gc, tx + indent, ty, layout);
			int tw, th;
			layout.GetPixelSize (out tw, out th);
			if (tx + tw + indent > maxx)
				maxx = tx + tw + indent;
			HotSpot hp = AddHotSpot (tx + indent, ty, tw, th);
			int tempTy = ty;
			hp.Action = delegate {
				int ytm = ytop + (int) ((ms * scale) / 1000);
				SetBaseTime ((int) (tempTy + (th / 2) + 0.5) - ytm);
			hp.OnMouseOver += delegate {
				overValue = val;
				QueueDraw ();
			hp.Action += delegate {
				focusedValue = val;
				QueueDraw ();
			// Draw time marker
			int ytime = ytop + (int) ((ms * scale) / 1000) + baseTime;
			if (val == focusedValue || val == overValue) {
				ctx.NewPath ();
				double dx = val == focusedValue ? 0 : 2;
				ctx.Rectangle (lx + 0.5 + dx - SelectedValuePadding, ytime + 0.5, LineEndWidth - dx*2 + SelectedValuePadding, ((val.Duration.TotalMilliseconds * scale) / 1000));
				Mono.TextEditor.HslColor hsl = color;
				hsl.L = val == focusedValue ? 0.9 : 0.8;
				ctx.SetSourceColor (hsl);
				ctx.Fill ();
			ctx.NewPath ();
			ctx.LineWidth = 1;
			ctx.MoveTo (lx + 0.5, ytime + 0.5);
			ctx.LineTo (lx + LineEndWidth + 0.5, ytime + 0.5);
			ctx.LineTo (tx - 3 - LineEndWidth + 0.5, ty + (th / 2) + 0.5);
			ctx.LineTo (tx + indent - 3 + 0.5, ty + (th / 2) + 0.5);
			ctx.SetSourceColor (color.ToCairoColor ());
			ctx.Stroke ();
			// Expander
			bool incLine = true;
			if (val.CanExpand) {
				double ex = tx + indent - 3 - ExpanderSize - 2 + 0.5;
				double ey = ty + (th / 2) - (ExpanderSize/2) + 0.5;
				hp = AddHotSpot (ex, ey, ExpanderSize, ExpanderSize);
				DrawExpander (ctx, ex, ey, val.Expanded, false);
				hp.OnMouseOver = delegate {
					using (Cairo.Context c = CairoHelper.Create (GdkWindow)) {
						DrawExpander (c, ex, ey, val.Expanded, true);
				hp.OnMouseLeave = delegate {
					using (Cairo.Context c = CairoHelper.Create (GdkWindow)) {
						DrawExpander (c, ex, ey, val.Expanded, false);
				hp.Action = delegate {
					ToggleExpand (val);
				if (val.Expanded && val.ExpandedTimerTraces.Count > 0) {
					ty += th + LineSpacing;
					foreach (CounterValueInfo cv in val.ExpandedTimerTraces)
						DrawValue (ctx, gc, initialTime, ytop, lx, tx, ref ty, ref maxx, ref maxy, indent + ChildIndent, cv);
					incLine = false;
			if (incLine)
				ty += th + LineSpacing;
			if (ytime > maxy)
				maxy = ytime;
Example #29
		protected void DrawSearchResults (Cairo.Context cr)
			foreach (var region in TextEditor.TextViewMargin.SearchResults) {
				int line = TextEditor.OffsetToLineNumber (region.Offset);
				double y = GetYPosition (line);
				bool isMainSelection = false;
				if (!TextEditor.TextViewMargin.MainSearchResult.IsInvalid)
					isMainSelection = region.Offset == TextEditor.TextViewMargin.MainSearchResult.Offset;
				cr.SetSourceColor (isMainSelection ? TextEditor.ColorStyle.SearchResultMain.Color : TextEditor.ColorStyle.SearchResult.Color);
				cr.Rectangle (barPadding, Math.Round (y) - 1, Allocation.Width - barPadding * 2, 2);
				cr.Fill ();
Example #30
		void DrawExpander (Cairo.Context ctx, double ex, double ey, bool expanded, bool hilight)
			ctx.NewPath ();
			ctx.LineWidth = 1;
			ctx.Rectangle (ex, ey, ExpanderSize, ExpanderSize);
			if (hilight)
				ctx.SetSourceColor (Style.Background (Gtk.StateType.Normal).ToCairoColor ());
				ctx.SetSourceColor (Style.White.ToCairoColor ());
			ctx.FillPreserve ();
			ctx.SetSourceColor (Style.Foreground (Gtk.StateType.Normal).ToCairoColor ());
			ctx.Stroke ();
			ctx.NewPath ();
			ctx.MoveTo (ex + 2, ey + (ExpanderSize/2));
			ctx.RelLineTo (ExpanderSize - 4, 0);
			if (!expanded) {
				ctx.MoveTo (ex + (ExpanderSize/2), ey + 2);
				ctx.RelLineTo (0, ExpanderSize - 4);
			ctx.Stroke ();