public DrawInRegionVisitor(Gdk.Region region, Cairo.Context context, IDrawingView view)
     this.context = context;
     this.region = region;
     this.view = view;
     this.figures = new List<Figure> ();
        private void Activated(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Gtk.Clipboard cb = Gtk.Clipboard.Get (Gdk.Atom.Intern ("CLIPBOARD", false));

            if (cb.WaitIsImageAvailable ()) {
                PintaCore.Tools.Commit ();

                Gdk.Pixbuf image = cb.WaitForImage ();

                Layer l = PintaCore.Layers.AddNewLayer (string.Empty);

                using (Cairo.Context g = new Cairo.Context (l.Surface))
                    g.DrawPixbuf (image, new Cairo.Point (0, 0));

                // Make new layer the current layer
                PintaCore.Layers.SetCurrentLayer (l);

                PintaCore.Workspace.Invalidate ();

                AddLayerHistoryItem hist = new AddLayerHistoryItem (Stock.Paste, Catalog.GetString ("Paste Into New Layer"), PintaCore.Layers.IndexOf (l));
                PintaCore.History.PushNewItem (hist);
            } else {
                ClipboardEmptyError ();
Example #3
 public void RefreshBackground(Field[,] fields)
     background = new Cairo.ImageSurface (Cairo.Format.ARGB32, width * fieldSize, height * fieldSize);
     using (Cairo.Context context = new Cairo.Context(background)) {
         paintBackground (context, fields);
Example #4
		void ClearSurface ()
			using (Cairo.Context ctx = new Cairo.Context (surface)) {
				ctx.SetSourceRGB (1, 1, 1);
				ctx.Paint ();
Example #5
		public void Import (string fileName, Gtk.Window parent)
			Pixbuf bg;

			// Handle any EXIF orientation flags
			using (var fs = new FileStream (fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
				bg = new Pixbuf (fs);

			bg = bg.ApplyEmbeddedOrientation ();

			Size imagesize = new Size (bg.Width, bg.Height);

			Document doc = PintaCore.Workspace.CreateAndActivateDocument (fileName, imagesize);
			doc.HasFile = true;
			doc.ImageSize = imagesize;
			doc.Workspace.CanvasSize = imagesize;

			Layer layer = doc.AddNewLayer (Path.GetFileName (fileName));

			using (Cairo.Context g = new Cairo.Context (layer.Surface)) {
				CairoHelper.SetSourcePixbuf (g, bg, 0, 0);
				g.Paint ();

			bg.Dispose ();
Example #6
        private void HandlePintaCoreActionsFileNewActivated(object sender, EventArgs e)
            NewImageDialog dialog = new NewImageDialog ();

            dialog.ParentWindow = main_window.GdkWindow;
            dialog.WindowPosition = Gtk.WindowPosition.CenterOnParent;

            int response = dialog.Run ();

            if (response == (int)Gtk.ResponseType.Ok) {
                PintaCore.Workspace.ImageSize = new Cairo.PointD (dialog.NewImageWidth, dialog.NewImageHeight);
                PintaCore.Workspace.CanvasSize = new Cairo.PointD (dialog.NewImageWidth, dialog.NewImageHeight);

                PintaCore.Layers.Clear ();
                PintaCore.History.Clear ();
                PintaCore.Layers.DestroySelectionLayer ();
                PintaCore.Layers.ResetSelectionPath ();

                // Start with an empty white layer
                Layer background = PintaCore.Layers.AddNewLayer ("Background");

                using (Cairo.Context g = new Cairo.Context (background.Surface)) {
                    g.SetSourceRGB (255, 255, 255);
                    g.Paint ();

                PintaCore.Workspace.Filename = "Untitled1";
                PintaCore.Workspace.IsDirty = false;
                PintaCore.Actions.View.ZoomToWindow.Activate ();

            dialog.Destroy ();
        public byte[] GetFileBytes(Report report)
            var pages = report.BuildPages();
            int width = (int)report.PageWidthPoints;
            int height = (int)report.PageHeightPoints;
            string filename = string.Format("gen-{0}.pdf", Guid.NewGuid());
                using (Cairo.PdfSurface pdf = new Cairo.PdfSurface(filename, width, height))
                    using (Cairo.Context g = new Cairo.Context(pdf))
                        var render = new  fyiReporting.RdlGtkViewer.RenderCairo(g);
                byte[] bytes = File.ReadAllBytes(filename);
                return bytes;
                if (File.Exists(filename))
 internal bool FillContains(Point point)
     using (var context = new Cairo.Context(new Cairo.ImageSurface(Cairo.Format.Argb32, 0, 0)))
         return context.InFill(point.X, point.Y); 
Example #9
        public RenderCairo(Cairo.Context g, float scale)
            this.g = g;
            this.layout = Pango.CairoHelper.CreateLayout(g);
            dpiX *= scale;
            dpiY *= scale;
Example #10
 public void OnContextInitialize(RenderContextInitEventArgs args)
     DrawingArea area = args.Widget as DrawingArea;
     if (area != null)
         _context = Gdk.CairoHelper.Create(area.GdkWindow);
Example #11
		void DrawBrush (double x, double y)
			using (Cairo.Context ctx = new Cairo.Context (surface)) {
				ctx.Rectangle ((int) x - 3, (int) y - 3, 6, 6);
				ctx.Fill ();

			QueueDrawArea ((int) x - 3, (int) y - 3, 6, 6);
Example #12
        public static Gdk.Pixbuf WithAlpha (this Gdk.Pixbuf image, double opacity)
            using (var surf = new Cairo.ImageSurface (Cairo.Format.Argb32, image.Width, image.Height)) {
                using (var g = new Cairo.Context (surf)) {
                    CairoHelper.SetSourcePixbuf (g, image, 0, 0);
                    g.PaintWithAlpha (opacity);

                return new Gdk.Pixbuf (surf.Data, true, 8, surf.Width, surf.Height, surf.Stride);
Example #13
 void HandleMyWinExposeEvent(object o, ExposeEventArgs args)
     GLib.Idle.Add (new GLib.IdleHandler (delegate() {
         if (cr == null) {
             Gtk.Widget widget = ((Gtk.Widget)o);
             cr = Gdk.CairoHelper.Create (widget.GdkWindow);
         WindowController.DrawPixbuf (cr, pixbuf);
         return false;
Example #14
        public void Dispose ()
            if (Surface != null && Surface.Handle != IntPtr.Zero) {
                ((IDisposable)Surface).Dispose ();
            Surface = null;

            if (Context != null) {
                Hyena.Gui.CairoExtensions.DisposeContext (Context);
                Context = null;
		public StreamGeometryContextImpl(Cairo.Path path = null)

			_surf = new Cairo.ImageSurface (Cairo.Format.Argb32, 0, 0);
			_context = new Cairo.Context (_surf);
			this.Path = path;

			if (this.Path != null) 
Example #16
 public override object Create(object img)
     Gdk.Pixbuf pb = (Gdk.Pixbuf)img;
     var imgs = new Cairo.ImageSurface (Cairo.Format.ARGB32, pb.Width, pb.Height);
     var ic = new Cairo.Context (imgs);
     Gdk.CairoHelper.SetSourcePixbuf (ic, pb, 0, 0);
     ic.Paint ();
     imgs.Flush ();
     ((IDisposable)ic).Dispose ();
     var p = new Cairo.SurfacePattern (imgs);
     p.Extend = Cairo.Extend.Repeat;
     return p;
Example #17
		private void UpdateThumbnail ()
			double scalex = (double)Allocation.Width / (double)PintaCore.Workspace.ImageSize.Width;
			double scaley = (double)Allocation.Height / (double)PintaCore.Workspace.ImageSize.Height;
			thumbnail = new Cairo.ImageSurface (Cairo.Format.Argb32, Allocation.Width, Allocation.Height);
			using (Cairo.Context g = new Cairo.Context (thumbnail)) {
				g.Scale (scalex, scaley);
				foreach (Layer layer in PintaCore.Layers.GetLayersToPaint ()) {
Example #18
 public object CreateContext(Widget w)
     GtkContext ctx = new GtkContext ();
     var b = (IGtkWidgetBackend)WidgetRegistry.GetBackend (w);
     if (!b.Widget.IsRealized) {
         Cairo.Surface sf = new Cairo.ImageSurface (Cairo.Format.ARGB32, 1, 1);
         Cairo.Context c = new Cairo.Context (sf);
         ctx.Context = c;
         ctx.TempSurface = sf;
     } else {
         ctx.Context = Gdk.CairoHelper.Create (b.Widget.GdkWindow);
     return ctx;
		public void NativeCallback (IntPtr cr, IntPtr attr, bool do_path, IntPtr data)
			Cairo.Context mycr = null;

			try {
				mycr = new Cairo.Context (cr, false);

				managed (mycr, Pango.Attribute.GetAttribute (attr), do_path);
				if (release_on_call)
					gch.Free ();
			} catch (Exception e) {
				GLib.ExceptionManager.RaiseUnhandledException (e, false);
            public CairoPositionSnapshot(ArrayList pos,
						      int width, int height)
                fm = new FigureManager ();
                Gtk.Window win =
                    new Gtk.Window (Gtk.WindowType.
                win.Realize ();
                map = new Gdk.Pixmap (win.GdkWindow, width,
                cairo = Gdk.CairoHelper.Create (map);

                FontDescription fontdesc =
                    GetFontDesc (width, height);
                  GetCoordLayoutDetails (win.PangoContext,

                  border_color = new Cairo.Color (0, 0, 0);
                //                              blacksq_color = new Gdk.Color (200, 200, 200);
                //                              whitesq_color = new Gdk.Color (240, 240, 240);
                  blacksq_color =
                    new Cairo.Color (250 / 256.0,
                             120 / 256.0,
                             32 / 256.0);
                  whitesq_color =
                    new Cairo.Color (255 / 256.0,
                             250 / 256.0,
                             170 / 256.0);
                  background_color =
                    new Cairo.Color (1, 1, 1);
                  foreground_color =
                    new Cairo.Color (0, 0, 0);
                //                                arrow_color = new Gdk.Color (159, 148, 249);
                  arrow_color =
                    new Cairo.Color (117 / 256.0,
                             6 / 256.0,
                             6 / 256.0);

                //                      blacksq_color = new Gdk.Color(210, 60, 0);
                //                      whitesq_color = new Gdk.Color(236, 193, 130);
                // outer box, coord, inner box
                  ComputeSizes (width, height);

                  position = new Position (pos);

                  fm.SetSize (size);

                  DrawBackground ();
                  DrawPosition ();
		private void Measure ()
			var surface = new Cairo.ImageSurface (Cairo.Format.ARGB32, 1, 1);
			using (Cairo.Context cr = new Cairo.Context(surface)) {			
				cr.SelectFontFace (FontFamily, Cairo.FontSlant.Normal, Cairo.FontWeight.Normal);
				cr.SetFontSize (FontSize);
				var textExtents = cr.TextExtents (Text);

				Width = textExtents.Width;
				Height = Math.Abs (textExtents.YBearing);		
				Extent = textExtents.Height;
Example #22
        public void TestDrawLine()
            var bytes = new byte[1024 * 4];
            var format = Cairo.Format.ARGB32;
            var image = new Cairo.ImageSurface (bytes, format, 32, 32, 32 * 4);
            var shape = new LineShape (0.0, 0.0, 32.0, 32.0);
            var look = new Look (SolidBrush.Red, SolidPen.Black);
            var op = new ShapeTree (look, shape);
            using (var context = new Cairo.Context (image)) {
                op.Draw (context);

            image.WriteToPng ("testimages/line.png");
            image.Dispose ();
Example #23
		public void Render (List<Layer> layers, Cairo.ImageSurface dst, Gdk.Point offset)
			dst.Flush ();

            // Our rectangle of interest
            var r = new Gdk.Rectangle (offset, dst.GetBounds ().Size).ToCairoRectangle ();

            using (var g = new Cairo.Context (dst)) {
                // Create the transparent checkerboard background
                g.Translate (-offset.X, -offset.Y);
                g.FillRectangle (r, tranparent_pattern, new Cairo.PointD (offset.X, offset.Y));

                for (var i = 0; i < layers.Count; i++) {
                    var layer = layers[i];

                    // If we're in LivePreview, substitute current layer with the preview layer
                    if (layer == PintaCore.Layers.CurrentLayer && PintaCore.LivePreview.IsEnabled)
                        layer = CreateLivePreviewLayer (layer);

                    // If the layer is offset, handle it here
                    if (!layer.Transform.IsIdentity ())
                        layer = CreateOffsetLayer (layer);

                    // No need to resize the surface if we're at 100% zoom
                    if (scale_factor.Ratio == 1)
                        layer.Draw (g, layer.Surface, layer.Opacity, false);
                    else {
                        using (var scaled = new Cairo.ImageSurface (Cairo.Format.Argb32, dst.Width, dst.Height)) {
                            g.Save ();
                            // Have to undo the translate set above
                            g.Translate (offset.X, offset.Y);
                            CopyScaled (layer.Surface, scaled, r.ToGdkRectangle ());
                            layer.Draw (g, scaled, layer.Opacity, false);
                            g.Restore ();

            // If we are at least 200% and grid is requested, draw it
            if (enable_pixel_grid && PintaCore.Actions.View.PixelGrid.Active && scale_factor.Ratio <= 0.5d)
                RenderPixelGrid (dst, offset);
			dst.MarkDirty ();
Example #24
        public void Import(LayerManager layers, string fileName)
            Pixbuf bg = new Pixbuf (fileName);
            Size imagesize = new Size (bg.Width, bg.Height);

            PintaCore.Workspace.CreateAndActivateDocument (fileName, imagesize);
            PintaCore.Workspace.ActiveDocument.HasFile = true;
            PintaCore.Workspace.ActiveDocument.ImageSize = imagesize;
            PintaCore.Workspace.ActiveWorkspace.CanvasSize = imagesize;

            Layer layer = layers.AddNewLayer (Path.GetFileName (fileName));

            using (Cairo.Context g = new Cairo.Context (layer.Surface)) {
                CairoHelper.SetSourcePixbuf (g, bg, 0, 0);
                g.Paint ();

            bg.Dispose ();
Example #25
        public void Import(LayerManager layers, string fileName)
            Pixbuf bg = new Pixbuf (fileName);

            layers.Clear ();
            PintaCore.History.Clear ();
            layers.DestroySelectionLayer ();

            PintaCore.Workspace.ImageSize = new Size (bg.Width, bg.Height);
            PintaCore.Workspace.CanvasSize = new Gdk.Size (bg.Width, bg.Height);
            layers.ResetSelectionPath ();

            Layer layer = layers.AddNewLayer (Path.GetFileName (fileName));

            using (Cairo.Context g = new Cairo.Context (layer.Surface)) {
                CairoHelper.SetSourcePixbuf (g, bg, 0, 0);
                g.Paint ();

            bg.Dispose ();
Example #26
        public void TestDrawEllipse()
            var bytes = new byte[1024 * 4];
            var format = Cairo.Format.ARGB32;
            var image = new Cairo.ImageSurface (bytes, format, 32, 32, 32 * 4);
            var shape = new EllipseShape ();
            shape.Rectangle = new Rectangle () {
                X = 10.0,
                Y = 4.0,
                Width = 12.0,
                Height = 18.0
            var look = new Look (SolidBrush.Red, SolidPen.Black);
            var op = new ShapeTree (look, shape);
            using (var context = new Cairo.Context (image)) {
                op.Draw (context);

            image.WriteToPng ("testimages/ellipse.png");
            image.Dispose ();
Example #27
        private void Activated(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int delay = PintaCore.Settings.GetSetting<int> ("screenshot-delay", 0);

            SpinButtonEntryDialog dialog = new SpinButtonEntryDialog (Catalog.GetString ("Take Screenshot"),
                    PintaCore.Chrome.MainWindow, Catalog.GetString ("Delay before taking a screenshot (seconds):"), 0, 300, delay);

            if (dialog.Run () == (int)Gtk.ResponseType.Ok) {
                delay = dialog.GetValue ();

                PintaCore.Settings.PutSetting ("screenshot-delay", delay);
                PintaCore.Settings.SaveSettings ();

                GLib.Timeout.Add ((uint)delay * 1000, () => {
                    Screen screen = Screen.Default;
                    Document doc = PintaCore.Workspace.NewDocument (new Size (screen.Width, screen.Height), false);

                    using (Pixbuf pb = Pixbuf.FromDrawable (screen.RootWindow, screen.RootWindow.Colormap, 0, 0, 0, 0, screen.Width, screen.Height)) {
                        using (Cairo.Context g = new Cairo.Context (doc.UserLayers[0].Surface)) {
                            CairoHelper.SetSourcePixbuf (g, pb, 0, 0);
                            g.Paint ();

                    doc.IsDirty = true;

                    if (!PintaCore.Chrome.MainWindow.IsActive) {
                        PintaCore.Chrome.MainWindow.UrgencyHint = true;

                        // Don't flash forever
                        GLib.Timeout.Add (3 * 1000, () => PintaCore.Chrome.MainWindow.UrgencyHint = false);

                    return false;

            dialog.Destroy ();
 public Cairo.Pattern GetPattern(ApplicationContext actx, double scaleFactor)
     if (pattern == null || currentScaleFactor != scaleFactor) {
         if (pattern != null)
             pattern.Dispose ();
         Gdk.Pixbuf pb = ((GtkImage)Image.Backend).GetBestFrame (actx, scaleFactor, Image.Size.Width, Image.Size.Height, false);
         var imgs = new Cairo.ImageSurface (Cairo.Format.ARGB32, (int)(Image.Size.Width * scaleFactor), (int)(Image.Size.Height * scaleFactor));
         var ic = new Cairo.Context (imgs);
         ic.Scale ((double)imgs.Width / (double)pb.Width, (double)imgs.Height / (double)pb.Height);
         Gdk.CairoHelper.SetSourcePixbuf (ic, pb, 0, 0);
         ic.Paint ();
         imgs.Flush ();
         ((IDisposable)ic).Dispose ();
         pattern = new Cairo.SurfacePattern (imgs);
         pattern.Extend = Cairo.Extend.Repeat;
         var cm = new Cairo.Matrix ();
         cm.Scale (scaleFactor, scaleFactor);
         pattern.Matrix = cm;
         currentScaleFactor = scaleFactor;
     return pattern;
 public static void RenderLine(this Gtk.StyleContext style, Cairo.Context cr, PointF pt0, PointF pt1)
     style.RenderLine(cr, pt0.X, pt0.Y, pt1.X, pt1.Y);
 public static void RenderSlider(this Gtk.StyleContext style, Cairo.Context cr, RectangleF rect, Gtk.Orientation orientation)
     style.RenderSlider(cr, rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height, orientation);
Example #31
        public override void Draw(TextEditor editor, Cairo.Context cr, Pango.Layout layout, bool selected, int startOffset, int endOffset, double y, double startXPos, double endXPos)
            if (Debugger.DebuggingService.IsDebugging)
            int markerStart = Segment.Offset;
            int markerEnd   = Segment.EndOffset;

            if (markerEnd < startOffset || markerStart > endOffset)

            bool drawOverlay = result.InspectionMark == IssueMarker.GrayOut;

            if (drawOverlay && editor.IsSomethingSelected)
                var selectionRange = editor.SelectionRange;
                if (selectionRange.Contains(markerStart) && selectionRange.Contains(markerEnd))
                if (selectionRange.Contains(markerEnd))
                    markerEnd = selectionRange.Offset;
                if (selectionRange.Contains(markerStart))
                    markerStart = selectionRange.EndOffset;
                if (markerEnd <= markerStart)

            double drawFrom;
            double drawTo;

            if (markerStart < startOffset && endOffset < markerEnd)
                drawFrom = startXPos;
                drawTo   = endXPos;
                int             start = startOffset < markerStart ? markerStart : startOffset;
                int             end   = endOffset < markerEnd ? endOffset : markerEnd;
                int /*lineNr,*/ x_pos;

                x_pos    = layout.IndexToPos(start - startOffset).X;
                drawFrom = startXPos + (int)(x_pos / Pango.Scale.PangoScale);
                x_pos    = layout.IndexToPos(end - startOffset).X;

                drawTo = startXPos + (int)(x_pos / Pango.Scale.PangoScale);

            drawFrom = System.Math.Max(drawFrom, editor.TextViewMargin.XOffset);
            drawTo   = System.Math.Max(drawTo, editor.TextViewMargin.XOffset);
            if (drawFrom >= drawTo)

            double height = editor.LineHeight / 5;

            cr.Color = GetColor(editor, Result);
            if (drawOverlay)
                cr.Rectangle(drawFrom, y, drawTo - drawFrom, editor.LineHeight);
                var color = editor.ColorStyle.PlainText.Background;
                color.A  = 0.6;
                cr.Color = color;
            else if (Wave)
                Pango.CairoHelper.ShowErrorUnderline(cr, drawFrom, y + editor.LineHeight - height, drawTo - drawFrom, height);
                cr.MoveTo(drawFrom, y + editor.LineHeight - 1);
                cr.LineTo(drawTo, y + editor.LineHeight - 1);
Example #32
        public virtual void DrawTicks(Gdk.Rectangle allocation, Cairo.Context cr)
            if (!show_ticks)

            // no data in plots
            if (min == Double.PositiveInfinity &&
                max == Double.NegativeInfinity)

            // recalculate the tick interval, since our available
            // width probably has changed since SizeRequest
            double interval, start;

            GetTickStartAndInterval(allocation, out start, out interval);

            sig_figs = Math.Max(GetSignificantFigures(start),
                                GetSignificantFigures(interval)) + 2;

            for (double tick = start; tick < max; tick += interval)
                int x = 0, y = 0;
                if (location == AxisLocation.Top)
                    x = Convert.ToInt32((((double)ValueToGridCoords(tick) / GRID_MAX)
                                         * allocation.Width) + allocation.X);
                    y = allocation.Y + allocation.Height;

                    style.DrawAxisTick(cr, x, y, location);
                else if (location == AxisLocation.Bottom)
                    x = Convert.ToInt32((((double)ValueToGridCoords(tick) / GRID_MAX)
                                         * allocation.Width) + allocation.X);
                    y = allocation.Y;

                    style.DrawAxisTick(cr, x, y, location);
                else if (location == AxisLocation.Left)
                    x = allocation.X + allocation.Width - style.TickLineSize;
                    y = allocation.Y + allocation.Height
                        - Convert.ToInt32(((double)ValueToGridCoords(tick) / GRID_MAX)
                                          * allocation.Height);

                    style.DrawAxisTick(cr, x, y, AxisLocation.Left);
                else if (location == AxisLocation.Right)
                    x = allocation.X;
                    y = allocation.Y + allocation.Height
                        - Convert.ToInt32(((double)ValueToGridCoords(tick) / GRID_MAX)
                                          * allocation.Height);

                    style.DrawAxisTick(cr, x, y, AxisLocation.Left);

                if (!show_tick_labels)

                int width, height;
                                          out width,
                                          out height);

                int label_x = 0, label_y = 0;
                if (location == AxisLocation.Top)
                    label_x = x - (width / 2);
                    label_y = y - style.TickLineSize - height;
                else if (location == AxisLocation.Bottom)
                    label_x = x - (width / 2);
                    label_y = y + style.TickLineSize + padding;
                else if (location == AxisLocation.Left)
                    label_x = x - padding - width;
                    label_y = y - (height / 2);
                else if (location == AxisLocation.Right)
                    label_x = x + style.TickLineSize + padding;
                    label_y = y - (height / 2);

                // Don't draw an axis label if it won't
                // completely fit in the allocation
                if (allocation.Contains(label_x, label_y) &&
                    allocation.Contains(label_x + width, label_y + height))
                    style.DrawAxisLabel(cr, GetTickLabelName(tick),
                                        label_x, label_y);
 public static void SetSourceColor(this Cairo.Context cr, Cairo.Color color)
     cr.SetSourceRGBA(color.R, color.G, color.B, color.A);
 public static Cairo.Surface GetTarget(this Cairo.Context cr)
        protected override void OnDrawContent(Gdk.EventExpose evnt, Cairo.Context context)
            context.LineWidth = 1;
            var alloc = ChildAllocation;
            var adjustedMarginSize = alloc.X - Allocation.X + headerMarginSize;

            var r = results.Where(res => res.Item2.ItemCount > 0).ToArray();

            if (r.Any())
                context.Color = lightSearchBackground;
                context.Rectangle(Allocation.X, Allocation.Y, adjustedMarginSize, Allocation.Height);

                context.Color = darkSearchBackground;
                context.Rectangle(Allocation.X + adjustedMarginSize, Allocation.Y, Allocation.Width - adjustedMarginSize, Allocation.Height);
                context.MoveTo(0.5 + Allocation.X + adjustedMarginSize, 0);
                context.LineTo(0.5 + Allocation.X + adjustedMarginSize, Allocation.Height);
                context.Color = separatorLine;
                context.Color = new Cairo.Color(1, 1, 1);
                context.Rectangle(Allocation.X, Allocation.Y, Allocation.Width, Allocation.Height);

            double y = alloc.Y + yMargin;
            int    w, h;

            if (topItem != null)
                headerLayout.SetText(GettextCatalog.GetString("Top Result"));
                headerLayout.GetPixelSize(out w, out h);
                context.MoveTo(alloc.Left + headerMarginSize - w - xMargin, y);
                context.Color = headerColor;
                Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(context, headerLayout);

                var category = topItem.Category;
                var dataSrc  = topItem.DataSource;
                var i        = topItem.Item;

                double x = alloc.X + xMargin + headerMarginSize;
                context.Color = new Cairo.Color(0, 0, 0);
                layout.SetMarkup(GetRowMarkup(dataSrc, i));
                layout.GetPixelSize(out w, out h);
                if (selectedItem != null && selectedItem.Category == category && selectedItem.Item == i)
                    context.Color = selectionBackgroundColor;
                    context.Rectangle(alloc.X + headerMarginSize, y, Allocation.Width - adjustedMarginSize, h);
                    context.Color = new Cairo.Color(1, 1, 1);

                var px = dataSrc.GetIcon(i);
                if (px != null)
                    evnt.Window.DrawPixbuf(Style.WhiteGC, px, 0, 0, (int)x + marginIconSpacing, (int)y + (h - px.Height) / 2, px.Width, px.Height, Gdk.RgbDither.None, 0, 0);
                    x += px.Width + iconTextSpacing + marginIconSpacing;

                context.MoveTo(x, y);
                Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(context, layout);

                y += h + itemSeparatorHeight;

            foreach (var result in r)
                var category = result.Item1;
                var dataSrc  = result.Item2;
                if (dataSrc.ItemCount == 0)
                if (dataSrc.ItemCount == 1 && topItem != null && topItem.DataSource == dataSrc)
                headerLayout.GetPixelSize(out w, out h);
                context.MoveTo(alloc.X + headerMarginSize - w - xMargin, y);
                context.Color = headerColor;
                Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(context, headerLayout);

                layout.Width = Pango.Units.FromPixels(Allocation.Width - adjustedMarginSize - 35);

                for (int i = 0; i < maxItems && i < dataSrc.ItemCount; i++)
                    if (topItem != null && topItem.Category == category && topItem.Item == i)
                    double x = alloc.X + xMargin + headerMarginSize;
                    context.Color = new Cairo.Color(0, 0, 0);
                    layout.SetMarkup(GetRowMarkup(dataSrc, i));
                    layout.GetPixelSize(out w, out h);
                    if (selectedItem != null && selectedItem.Category == category && selectedItem.Item == i)
                        context.Color = selectionBackgroundColor;
                        context.Rectangle(alloc.X + headerMarginSize, y, Allocation.Width - adjustedMarginSize, h);
                        context.Color = new Cairo.Color(1, 1, 1);

                    var px = dataSrc.GetIcon(i);
                    if (px != null)
                        evnt.Window.DrawPixbuf(Style.WhiteGC, px, 0, 0, (int)x + marginIconSpacing, (int)y + (h - px.Height) / 2, px.Width, px.Height, Gdk.RgbDither.None, 0, 0);
                        x += px.Width + iconTextSpacing + marginIconSpacing;

                    context.MoveTo(x, y);
                    Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(context, layout);

                    y += h + itemSeparatorHeight;
                if (result != r.Last())
/*						context.MoveTo (alloc.X, y + categorySeparatorHeight / 2 + 0.5);
 *                                      context.LineTo (alloc.X + alloc.Width, y + categorySeparatorHeight / 2 + 0.5);
 *                                      context.Color = (HslColor)Style.Mid (StateType.Normal);
 *                                      context.Stroke ();*/
                    y += categorySeparatorHeight;
            if (y == alloc.Y + yMargin)
                context.Color = new Cairo.Color(0, 0, 0);
                layout.SetMarkup(isInSearch ? GettextCatalog.GetString("Searching...") : GettextCatalog.GetString("No matches"));
                context.MoveTo(alloc.X + xMargin, y);
                Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(context, layout);
 public static void RenderExtension(this Gtk.StyleContext style, Cairo.Context cr, RectangleF rect, Gtk.PositionType gap_side)
     style.RenderExtension(cr, rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height, gap_side);
Example #37
		// Called from asynchronously from Renderer.OnCompletion ()
		void HandleApply ()
			Debug.WriteLine ("LivePreviewManager.HandleApply()");

			using (var ctx = new Cairo.Context (layer.Surface)) {
				ctx.Save ();
				PintaCore.Workspace.ActiveDocument.Selection.Clip (ctx);
				ctx.Operator = Cairo.Operator.Source;
				layer.Draw(ctx, live_preview_surface, 1);
				ctx.Restore ();
			PintaCore.History.PushNewItem (history_item);
			history_item = null;
			FireLivePreviewEndedEvent(RenderStatus.Completed, null);
			live_preview_enabled = false;
			PintaCore.Workspace.Invalidate (); //TODO keep track of dirty bounds.
			CleanUp ();
Example #38
 public override void Draw(MonoTextEditor editor, Cairo.Context g, LineMetrics metrics)
        protected override bool OnExposeEvent(Gdk.EventExpose e)
            using (Cairo.Context cr = Gdk.CairoHelper.Create(e.Window)) {
                double xPos = padding, yPos = padding;
                var    layout = PangoUtil.CreateLayout(this);
                int    w, h;
                layout.SetText(new string ('X', maxLength));
                layout.GetPixelSize(out w, out h);

                foreach (Category cat in categories)
                    yPos = padding;
                    cr.MoveTo(xPos, yPos);
                    layout.SetMarkup("<b>" + cat.Title + "</b>");

                    if (cat.Items.Count == 0)

                    int w2, h2;
                    layout.GetPixelSize(out w2, out h2);
                    yPos += h2;
                    yPos += headerDistance;
                    var startY     = yPos;
                    int curItem    = 0;
                    int row        = 0;
                    var iconHeight = Math.Max(h, cat.Items [0].Icon.Height + 2) + itemPadding * 2;
                    if (cat.FirstVisibleItem > 0)
                        Gtk.Style.PaintArrow(Style, e.Window, State, ShadowType.None,
                                             new Rectangle((int)xPos, (int)yPos, w, h),
                        yPos += iconHeight;

                    for (int i = cat.FirstVisibleItem; i < cat.Items.Count; i++)
                        var item = cat.Items [i];

                        if (curItem + 1 >= maxItems && row + 1 >= maxRows && i + 1 < cat.Items.Count)
                            Gtk.Style.PaintArrow(Style, e.Window, State, ShadowType.None,
                                                 new Rectangle((int)xPos, (int)yPos, w, h),

                        if (item == ActiveItem)
                            int itemWidth = w + (int)item.Icon.Width + 2 + itemPadding * 2;
                            cr.Rectangle(xPos, yPos, itemWidth, iconHeight);
                            cr.LineWidth = 1;
                        else if (item == hoverItem)
                            int itemWidth = w + (int)item.Icon.Width + 2 + itemPadding * 2;
                            cr.Rectangle(xPos + 0.5, yPos + 0.5, itemWidth - 1, iconHeight);
                            cr.LineWidth = 1;
                        cr.SetSourceColor(Style.Text(item == ActiveItem? StateType.Selected : StateType.Normal).ToCairoColor());
                        cr.MoveTo(xPos + item.Icon.Width + 2 + itemPadding, yPos + (iconHeight - h) / 2);
                        layout.SetText(Ellipsize(item.ListTitle ?? item.Title, maxLength));
                        cr.DrawImage(this, item.Icon, (int)xPos + itemPadding,
                                     (int)(yPos + (iconHeight - item.Icon.Height) / 2));
                        yPos += iconHeight;
                        if (++curItem >= maxItems)
                            curItem = 0;
                            yPos    = startY;
                            xPos   += w + cat.Items [0].Icon.Width + 2 + padding + itemPadding * 2;

                    xPos += w + cat.Items [0].Icon.Width + 2 + padding + itemPadding * 2;
 public static void RenderFrameGap(this Gtk.StyleContext style, Cairo.Context cr, RectangleF rect, Gtk.PositionType gap_side, double xy0_gap, double xy1_gap)
     style.RenderFrameGap(cr, rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height, gap_side, xy0_gap, xy1_gap);
Example #41
        protected override bool OnExposeEvent(EventExpose e)

            if (!PintaCore.Workspace.HasOpenDocuments)

            double scale = PintaCore.Workspace.Scale;

            int x = (int)PintaCore.Workspace.Offset.X;
            int y = (int)PintaCore.Workspace.Offset.Y;

            // Translate our expose area for the whole drawingarea to just our canvas
            Rectangle canvas_bounds = new Rectangle(x, y, PintaCore.Workspace.CanvasSize.Width, PintaCore.Workspace.CanvasSize.Height);


            if (canvas_bounds.IsEmpty)

            canvas_bounds.X -= x;
            canvas_bounds.Y -= y;

            // Resize our offscreen surface to a surface the size of our drawing area
            if (canvas == null || canvas.Width != canvas_bounds.Width || canvas.Height != canvas_bounds.Height)
                if (canvas != null)
                    (canvas as IDisposable).Dispose();

                canvas = new Cairo.ImageSurface(Cairo.Format.Argb32, canvas_bounds.Width, canvas_bounds.Height);

            cr.Initialize(PintaCore.Workspace.ImageSize, PintaCore.Workspace.CanvasSize);

            using (Cairo.Context g = CairoHelper.Create(GdkWindow)) {
                // Draw our canvas drop shadow
                g.DrawRectangle(new Cairo.Rectangle(x, y, PintaCore.Workspace.CanvasSize.Width + 1, PintaCore.Workspace.CanvasSize.Height + 1), new Cairo.Color(.5, .5, .5), 1);
                g.DrawRectangle(new Cairo.Rectangle(x - 1, y - 1, PintaCore.Workspace.CanvasSize.Width + 3, PintaCore.Workspace.CanvasSize.Height + 3), new Cairo.Color(.8, .8, .8), 1);
                g.DrawRectangle(new Cairo.Rectangle(x - 2, y - 2, PintaCore.Workspace.CanvasSize.Width + 5, PintaCore.Workspace.CanvasSize.Height + 5), new Cairo.Color(.9, .9, .9), 1);

                // Set up our clip rectangle
                g.Rectangle(new Cairo.Rectangle(x, y, PintaCore.Workspace.CanvasSize.Width, PintaCore.Workspace.CanvasSize.Height));

                g.Translate(x, y);

                // Render all the layers to a surface
                var layers = PintaCore.Layers.GetLayersToPaint();
                if (layers.Count == 0)
                cr.Render(layers, canvas, canvas_bounds.Location);

                // Paint the surface to our canvas
                g.SetSourceSurface(canvas, canvas_bounds.X + (int)(0 * scale), canvas_bounds.Y + (int)(0 * scale));

                // Selection outline
                if (PintaCore.Layers.ShowSelection)
                    g.Translate(0.5, 0.5);
                    g.Scale(scale, scale);


                    if (PintaCore.Tools.CurrentTool.Name.Contains("Select") && !PintaCore.Tools.CurrentTool.Name.Contains("Selected"))
                        g.Color    = new Cairo.Color(0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 0.2);
                        g.FillRule = Cairo.FillRule.EvenOdd;

                    g.LineWidth = 1 / scale;

                    // Draw a white line first so it shows up on dark backgrounds
                    g.Color = new Cairo.Color(1, 1, 1);

                    // Draw a black dashed line over the white line
                    g.SetDash(new double[] { 2 / scale, 4 / scale }, 0);
                    g.Color = new Cairo.Color(0, 0, 0);


Example #42
        protected override bool OnExposeEvent(Gdk.EventExpose e)
            Cairo.Context cr = Gdk.CairoHelper.Create(e.Window);

            Gdk.Rectangle area = e.Area;

            if (this.categories.Count == 0 || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(CustomMessage))
                Pango.Layout messageLayout = new Pango.Layout(this.PangoContext);
                messageLayout.Alignment = Pango.Alignment.Center;
                messageLayout.Width     = (int)(Allocation.Width * 2 / 3 * Pango.Scale.PangoScale);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(CustomMessage))
                    messageLayout.SetText(MonoDevelop.Core.GettextCatalog.GetString("There are no tools available for the current document."));
                cr.MoveTo(Allocation.Width * 1 / 6, 12);
                Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, messageLayout);

            var backColor = Style.Base(StateType.Normal).ToCairoColor();

            cr.Rectangle(area.X, area.Y, area.Width, area.Height);

            int      xpos             = (this.hAdjustement != null ? (int)this.hAdjustement.Value : 0);
            int      vadjustment      = (this.vAdjustement != null ? (int)this.vAdjustement.Value : 0);
            int      ypos             = -vadjustment;
            Category lastCategory     = null;
            int      lastCategoryYpos = 0;

            cr.LineWidth = 1;

            Iterate(ref xpos, ref ypos, delegate(Category category, Gdk.Size itemDimension) {
                const int foldSegmentHeight = 8;

                ProcessExpandAnimation(cr, lastCategory, lastCategoryYpos, backColor, area, ref ypos);

                if (!area.IntersectsWith(new Gdk.Rectangle(new Gdk.Point(xpos, ypos), itemDimension)))
                cr.Rectangle(xpos, ypos, itemDimension.Width, itemDimension.Height);
                using (var pat = new Cairo.LinearGradient(xpos, ypos, xpos, ypos + itemDimension.Height)) {
                    pat.AddColorStop(0, CategoryBackgroundGradientStartColor);
                    pat.AddColorStop(1, CategoryBackgroundGradientEndColor);
                if (lastCategory == null || lastCategory.IsExpanded || lastCategory.AnimatingExpand)
                    cr.MoveTo(xpos, ypos + 0.5);
                    cr.LineTo(itemDimension.Width, ypos + 0.5);
                cr.MoveTo(0, ypos + itemDimension.Height - 0.5);
                cr.LineTo(xpos + Allocation.Width, ypos + itemDimension.Height - 0.5);

                int width, height;
                layout.GetPixelSize(out width, out height);
                cr.MoveTo(xpos + CategoryLeftPadding, ypos + (double)(Math.Round((double)(itemDimension.Height - height) / 2)));
                Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, headerLayout);

                var img = category.IsExpanded ? discloseUp : discloseDown;
                cr.DrawImage(this, img, Allocation.Width - img.Width - CategoryRightPadding, ypos + Math.Round((itemDimension.Height - img.Height) / 2));

                lastCategory     = category;
                lastCategoryYpos = ypos + itemDimension.Height;

            }, delegate(Category curCategory, Item item, Gdk.Size itemDimension) {
                if (!area.IntersectsWith(new Gdk.Rectangle(new Gdk.Point(xpos, ypos), itemDimension)))

                if (item == SelectedItem)
                    cr.Rectangle(xpos, ypos, itemDimension.Width, itemDimension.Height);
                if (listMode || !curCategory.CanIconizeItems)
                    cr.DrawImage(this, item.Icon, xpos + ItemLeftPadding, ypos + Math.Round((itemDimension.Height - item.Icon.Height) / 2));
                    int width, height;
                    layout.GetPixelSize(out width, out height);
                    cr.SetSourceColor(Style.Text(item != this.SelectedItem ? StateType.Normal : StateType.Selected).ToCairoColor());
                    cr.MoveTo(xpos + ItemLeftPadding + IconSize.Width + ItemIconTextItemSpacing, ypos + (double)(Math.Round((double)(itemDimension.Height - height) / 2)));
                    Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout);
                    cr.DrawImage(this, item.Icon, xpos + Math.Round((itemDimension.Width - item.Icon.Width) / 2), ypos + Math.Round((itemDimension.Height - item.Icon.Height) / 2));

                if (item == mouseOverItem)
                    cr.Rectangle(xpos + 0.5, ypos + 0.5, itemDimension.Width - 1, itemDimension.Height - 1);


            ProcessExpandAnimation(cr, lastCategory, lastCategoryYpos, backColor, area, ref ypos);

            if (lastCategory != null && lastCategory.AnimatingExpand)
                // Closing line when animating the last group of the toolbox
                cr.MoveTo(area.X, ypos + 0.5);
                cr.RelLineTo(area.Width, 0);

 public static void SetSource(this Cairo.Context cr, Cairo.Pattern pattern)
     cr.Pattern = pattern;
Example #44
 public override void SetAsSource(Cairo.Context ctx, Rectangle bounds = default(Rectangle))
     ctx.SetSourceRGBA(color.R, color.G, color.B, color.A);
 public static void SharpLineY(this Cairo.Context cr, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2)
     cr.MoveTo(x1, y1 + 0.5);
     cr.LineTo(x2, y2 + 0.5);
Example #46
        void DrawValue(Cairo.Context ctx, Gdk.GC gc, DateTime initialTime, int ytop, int lx, int tx, ref int ty, ref int maxx, ref int maxy, int indent, CounterValueInfo val)
            Gdk.Color color;
            if (val.Counter != null)
                color = val.Counter.GetColor();
                color = Style.Black;

            // Draw text
            gc.RgbFgColor = color;

            double ms = (val.Time - initialTime).TotalMilliseconds;

            string txt = (ms / 1000).ToString("0.00000") + ": " + (val.Duration.TotalMilliseconds / 1000).ToString("0.00000") + " " + val.Trace;

            GdkWindow.DrawLayout(gc, tx + indent, ty, layout);
            int tw, th;

            layout.GetPixelSize(out tw, out th);
            if (tx + tw + indent > maxx)
                maxx = tx + tw + indent;

            HotSpot hp     = AddHotSpot(tx + indent, ty, tw, th);
            int     tempTy = ty;

            hp.Action = delegate {
                int ytm = ytop + (int)((ms * scale) / 1000);
                SetBaseTime((int)(tempTy + (th / 2) + 0.5) - ytm);
            hp.OnMouseOver += delegate {
                overValue = val;
            hp.Action += delegate {
                focusedValue = val;

            // Draw time marker
            int ytime = ytop + (int)((ms * scale) / 1000) + baseTime;

            if (val == focusedValue || val == overValue)
                double dx = val == focusedValue ? 0 : 2;
                ctx.Rectangle(lx + 0.5 + dx - SelectedValuePadding, ytime + 0.5, LineEndWidth - dx * 2 + SelectedValuePadding, ((val.Duration.TotalMilliseconds * scale) / 1000));
                HslColor hsl = color;
                hsl.L = val == focusedValue ? 0.9 : 0.8;

            ctx.LineWidth = 1;
            ctx.MoveTo(lx + 0.5, ytime + 0.5);
            ctx.LineTo(lx + LineEndWidth + 0.5, ytime + 0.5);
            ctx.LineTo(tx - 3 - LineEndWidth + 0.5, ty + (th / 2) + 0.5);
            ctx.LineTo(tx + indent - 3 + 0.5, ty + (th / 2) + 0.5);

            // Expander

            bool incLine = true;

            if (val.CanExpand)
                double ex = tx + indent - 3 - ExpanderSize - 2 + 0.5;
                double ey = ty + (th / 2) - (ExpanderSize / 2) + 0.5;
                hp = AddHotSpot(ex, ey, ExpanderSize, ExpanderSize);
                DrawExpander(ctx, ex, ey, val.Expanded, false);
                hp.OnMouseOver = delegate {
                    using (Cairo.Context c = CairoHelper.Create(GdkWindow)) {
                        DrawExpander(c, ex, ey, val.Expanded, true);
                hp.OnMouseLeave = delegate {
                    using (Cairo.Context c = CairoHelper.Create(GdkWindow)) {
                        DrawExpander(c, ex, ey, val.Expanded, false);
                hp.Action = delegate {

                if (val.Expanded && val.ExpandedTimerTraces.Count > 0)
                    ty += th + LineSpacing;
                    foreach (CounterValueInfo cv in val.ExpandedTimerTraces)
                        DrawValue(ctx, gc, initialTime, ytop, lx, tx, ref ty, ref maxx, ref maxy, indent + ChildIndent, cv);
                    incLine = false;
            if (incLine)
                ty += th + LineSpacing;

            if (ytime > maxy)
                maxy = ytime;
Example #47
 public void RenderCairo(Cairo.Context cr)
     rsvg_handle_render_cairo(Handle, cr == null ? IntPtr.Zero : cr.Handle);
Example #48
        protected override bool OnExposeEvent(EventExpose evnt)
            if (data == null)

            int ytop    = padding;
            int markerX = 3;
            int lx      = markerX + MarkerWidth + 1;
            int tx      = 250;
            int ty      = ytop;
            int maxx    = lx;
            int maxy    = 0;

            DateTime initialTime = mainValue.TimeStamp;

            Cairo.Context ctx = CairoHelper.Create(GdkWindow);

            using (Gdk.GC gc = new Gdk.GC(GdkWindow)) {
                gc.RgbFgColor = Style.White;
                GdkWindow.DrawRectangle(gc, true, 0, 0, Allocation.Width, Allocation.Height);

                // Draw full time marker

                ctx.Rectangle(markerX, ytop + baseTime + 0.5, MarkerWidth / 2, ((mainValue.Duration.TotalMilliseconds * scale) / 1000));
                HslColor hsl = Style.Foreground(Gtk.StateType.Normal);
                hsl.L = 0.8;

                // Draw values

                foreach (CounterValueInfo val in data)
                    DrawValue(ctx, gc, initialTime, ytop, lx, tx, ref ty, ref maxx, ref maxy, 0, val);

                if (ty > maxy)
                    maxy = ty;

                int totalms = (int)mainValue.Duration.TotalMilliseconds;
                int marks   = (totalms / 1000) + 1;

                ctx.LineWidth = 1;
                gc.RgbFgColor = Style.Foreground(Gtk.StateType.Normal);

                for (int n = 0; n <= marks; n++)
                    int y = ytop + (int)(n * scale) + baseTime;
                    ctx.MoveTo(markerX, y + 0.5);
                    ctx.LineTo(markerX + MarkerWidth, y + 0.5);

                    y += 2;
                    layout.SetText(n + "s");
                    GdkWindow.DrawLayout(gc, markerX + 1, y + 2, layout);

                    int tw, th;
                    layout.GetPixelSize(out tw, out th);
                    y += th;

                    if (y > maxy)
                        maxy = y;


            maxy += padding;
            maxx += padding;

            if (lastHeight != maxy || lastWidth != maxx)
                lastWidth  = maxx;
                lastHeight = maxy;
                SetSizeRequest(maxx, maxy);

Example #49
 public override void Draw(TextEditor editor, Cairo.Context cr, Pango.Layout layout, bool selected, int startOffset, int endOffset, double y, double startXPos, double endXPos)
 public static void Line(this Cairo.Context cr, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2)
     cr.MoveTo(x1, y1);
     cr.LineTo(x2, y2);
 public static void RenderOption(this Gtk.StyleContext style, Cairo.Context cr, RectangleF rect)
     style.RenderOption(cr, rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height);
 public static void LayoutPath(this Cairo.Context cr, Pango.Layout layout)
     pango_cairo_layout_path(cr == null ? IntPtr.Zero : cr.Handle, layout == null ? IntPtr.Zero : layout.Handle);
        public static Pango.Layout CreateLayout(this Cairo.Context cr)
            IntPtr raw_ret = pango_cairo_create_layout(cr == null ? IntPtr.Zero : cr.Handle);

            return(GLib.Object.GetObject(raw_ret) as Pango.Layout);
 public static void ShowLayout(this Cairo.Context cr, Pango.Layout layout)
     pango_cairo_show_layout(cr == null ? IntPtr.Zero : cr.Handle, layout == null ? IntPtr.Zero : layout.Handle);
 public static void RenderLayout(this Gtk.StyleContext style, Cairo.Context cr, PointF location, Pango.Layout layout)
     style.RenderLayout(cr, location.X, location.Y, layout);
 public static void Dispose(this Cairo.Context cr)
Example #57
        public override void DrawAfterEol(MonoTextEditor textEditor, Cairo.Context g, EndOfLineMetrics metrics)
            if (!IsVisible)
            int errorCounterWidth = 0, eh = 0;

            if (errorCountLayout != null)
                errorCountLayout.GetPixelSize(out errorCounterWidth, out eh);
                errorCounterWidth = Math.Max(15, Math.Max(errorCounterWidth + 3, (int)(editor.LineHeight * 3 / 4)));

            var  sx = metrics.TextRenderEndPosition;
            var  width      = LayoutWidth + errorCounterWidth + editor.LineHeight;
            var  drawLayout = layouts[0].Layout;
            var  y            = metrics.LineYRenderStartPosition;
            bool customLayout = true;             //sx + width > editor.Allocation.Width;
            bool hideText     = false;

            bubbleIsReduced = customLayout;
            var    showErrorCount = errorCounterWidth > 0 && errorCountLayout != null;
            double roundingRadius = editor.LineHeight / 2 - 1;

            if (customLayout)
                width = editor.Allocation.Width - sx;
                string text = layouts[0].Layout.Text;
                drawLayout = new Pango.Layout(editor.PangoContext);
                drawLayout.FontDescription = cache.fontDescription;
                var paintWidth = (width - errorCounterWidth - editor.LineHeight + 4);
                var minWidth   = Math.Max(25, errorCounterWidth) * editor.Options.Zoom;
                if (paintWidth < minWidth)
                    hideText       = true;
                    showErrorCount = false;
//					drawLayout.SetMarkup ("<span weight='heavy'>ยทยทยท</span>");
                    width = minWidth;
                    //roundingRadius = 10 * editor.Options.Zoom;
                    sx = Math.Min(sx, editor.Allocation.Width - width);
                    drawLayout.Ellipsize = Pango.EllipsizeMode.End;
                    drawLayout.Width     = (int)(paintWidth * Pango.Scale.PangoScale);
                    int w2, h2;
                    drawLayout.GetPixelSize(out w2, out h2);
                    width = w2 + errorCounterWidth + editor.LineHeight - 2;

            bubbleDrawX = sx - editor.TextViewMargin.XOffset;
            bubbleDrawY = y + 2;
            bubbleWidth = width;
            var bubbleHeight = editor.LineHeight;

            g.RoundedRectangle(sx, y, width, bubbleHeight, roundingRadius);

            // Draw error count icon
            if (showErrorCount)
                var errorCounterHeight = bubbleHeight - 2;
                var errorCounterX      = sx + width - errorCounterWidth - 1;
                var errorCounterY      = Math.Round(y + (bubbleHeight - errorCounterHeight) / 2);

                    editor.LineHeight / 2 - 2

                // FIXME: VV: Remove gradient features
                using (var lg = new Cairo.LinearGradient(errorCounterX, errorCounterY, errorCounterX, errorCounterY + errorCounterHeight)) {
                    lg.AddColorStop(0, CounterColor);
                    lg.AddColorStop(1, CounterColor.AddLight(-0.1));


                int ew;
                errorCountLayout.GetPixelSize(out ew, out eh);

                var tx = Math.Round(errorCounterX + (2 + errorCounterWidth - ew) / 2);
                var ty = Math.Round(errorCounterY + (-1 + errorCounterHeight - eh) / 2);

                g.Translate(tx, ty);

            if (hideText)
                // Draw dots
                double radius  = 2 * editor.Options.Zoom;
                double spacing = 1 * editor.Options.Zoom;

                sx += 1 * editor.Options.Zoom + Math.Ceiling((bubbleWidth - 3 * (radius * 2) - 2 * spacing) / 2);

                for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                    g.Arc(sx, y + bubbleHeight / 2, radius, 0, Math.PI * 2);
                    sx += radius * 2 + spacing;
                // Draw label text
                var tx = Math.Round(sx + editor.LineHeight / 2);
                var ty = Math.Round(y + (editor.LineHeight - layouts [0].Height) / 2) - 1;

                g.Translate(tx, ty);


            if (customLayout)
Example #58
 public static void DrawImage(this Cairo.Context s, Gtk.Widget widget, Xwt.Drawing.Image image, double x, double y)
     GtkToolkit.RenderImage(widget, s, image, x, y);
Example #59
		public void Start (BaseEffect effect)
			if (live_preview_enabled)
				throw new InvalidOperationException ("LivePreviewManager.Start() called while live preview is already enabled.");
			// Create live preview surface.
			// Start rendering.
			// Listen for changes to effectConfiguration object, and restart render if needed.

			live_preview_enabled = true;
			apply_live_preview_flag = false;
			cancel_live_preview_flag = false;
			layer = PintaCore.Layers.CurrentLayer;
			this.effect = effect;

			//TODO Use the current tool layer instead.
			live_preview_surface = new Cairo.ImageSurface (Cairo.Format.Argb32,

			// Handle selection path.
			PintaCore.Tools.Commit ();
			selection_path = (PintaCore.Layers.ShowSelection) ? PintaCore.Workspace.ActiveDocument.Selection.SelectionPath : null;
			render_bounds = (selection_path != null) ? selection_path.GetBounds () : live_preview_surface.GetBounds ();
			render_bounds = PintaCore.Workspace.ClampToImageSize (render_bounds);	

			history_item = new SimpleHistoryItem (effect.Icon, effect.Name);
			history_item.TakeSnapshotOfLayer (PintaCore.Layers.CurrentLayerIndex);	
			// Paint the pre-effect layer surface into into the working surface.
			using (var ctx = new Cairo.Context (live_preview_surface)) {
				layer.Draw(ctx, layer.Surface, 1);
			if (effect.EffectData != null)
				effect.EffectData.PropertyChanged += EffectData_PropertyChanged;
			if (Started != null) {
				Started (this, new LivePreviewStartedEventArgs());
			var settings = new AsyncEffectRenderer.Settings () {
				ThreadCount = PintaCore.System.RenderThreads,
				TileWidth = render_bounds.Width,
				TileHeight = 1,
				ThreadPriority = ThreadPriority.BelowNormal
			Debug.WriteLine (DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss:ffff") + "Start Live preview.");
			renderer = new Renderer (this, settings);
			renderer.Start (effect, layer.Surface, live_preview_surface, render_bounds);
			if (effect.IsConfigurable) {		
				if (!effect.LaunchConfiguration ()) {
					PintaCore.Chrome.MainWindowBusy = true;
					Cancel ();
				} else {
					PintaCore.Chrome.MainWindowBusy = true;
					Apply ();
			} else {
				PintaCore.Chrome.MainWindowBusy = true;
				Apply ();
Example #60
        public override bool DrawBackground(MonoTextEditor editor, Cairo.Context g, LineMetrics metrics)
            if (!IsVisible)
            bool markerShouldDrawnAsHidden = cache.CurrentSelectedTextMarker != null && cache.CurrentSelectedTextMarker != this;

            if (editor.Document.GetTextSegmentMarkersAt(metrics.LineSegment).Any(m => m is DebugTextMarker))

            double x                 = editor.TextViewMargin.XOffset;
            int    right             = editor.Allocation.Width;
            bool   isCaretInLine     = metrics.TextStartOffset <= editor.Caret.Offset && editor.Caret.Offset <= metrics.TextEndOffset;
            int    errorCounterWidth = GetErrorCountBounds(metrics).Item1;

            var    min = right - LayoutWidth - border - (ShowIconsInBubble ? MessageBubbleCache.errorPixbuf.Width : 0) - errorCounterWidth;
            var    max = Math.Round(editor.TextViewMargin.XOffset + editor.LineHeight / 2);
            double x2  = Math.Max(min, max);

            bool isEolSelected = editor.IsSomethingSelected && editor.SelectionMode != MonoDevelop.Ide.Editor.SelectionMode.Block ? editor.SelectionRange.Contains(LineSegment.Offset + LineSegment.Length) : false;

            int  active      = 0;
            bool highlighted = active == 0 && isCaretInLine;
            var  y           = metrics.LineYRenderStartPosition;

            // draw background
            if (!markerShouldDrawnAsHidden)
                DrawRectangle(g, x, y, right, editor.LineHeight);

                if (metrics.Layout.StartSet || metrics.SelectionStart == metrics.TextEndOffset)
                    double startX;
                    double endX;

                    if (metrics.SelectionStart != metrics.TextEndOffset)
                        var start = metrics.Layout.IndexToPos((int)metrics.Layout.SelectionStartIndex);
                        startX = (int)(start.X / Pango.Scale.PangoScale);
                        var end = metrics.Layout.IndexToPos((int)metrics.Layout.SelectionEndIndex);
                        endX = (int)(end.X / Pango.Scale.PangoScale);
                        startX = x2;
                        endX   = startX;

                    if (editor.MainSelection.SelectionMode == MonoDevelop.Ide.Editor.SelectionMode.Block && startX == endX)
                        endX = startX + 2;
                    startX += metrics.TextRenderStartPosition;
                    endX   += metrics.TextRenderStartPosition;
                    startX  = Math.Max(editor.TextViewMargin.XOffset, startX);
                    // clip region to textviewmargin start
                    if (isEolSelected)
                        endX = editor.Allocation.Width + (int)editor.HAdjustment.Value;
                    if (startX < endX)
                        DrawRectangle(g, startX, y, endX - startX, editor.LineHeight);
                        g.SetSourceColor(GetLineColor(highlighted, true));
                DrawErrorMarkers(editor, g, metrics, y);

            double y2         = y + 0.5;
            double y2Bottom   = y2 + editor.LineHeight - 1;
            var    selected   = isEolSelected;
            var    lineTextPx = editor.TextViewMargin.XOffset + editor.TextViewMargin.TextStartPosition + metrics.Layout.Width;

            if (x2 < lineTextPx)
                x2 = lineTextPx;

            if (editor.Options.ShowRuler)
                double divider = Math.Max(editor.TextViewMargin.XOffset, x + editor.TextViewMargin.RulerX);
                if (divider >= x2)
                    g.MoveTo(new Cairo.PointD(divider + 0.5, y2));
                    g.LineTo(new Cairo.PointD(divider + 0.5, y2Bottom));
                    g.SetSourceColor(GetLineColorBorder(highlighted, selected));
