public PainelInicialQueryResult Handle() { try { using (var _context = new CafeDbContext()) { var garcons = new Dictionary <int, string>(); var mesas = new Dictionary <int, int>(); garcons = _context.TbWaitstaff .AsNoTracking() .Where(i => i.TbTabOpened.Any()) .ToDictionary(d => d.Id, d => d.DsName); mesas = _context.TbTabOpened .AsNoTracking() .Where(i => i.StActive) .ToDictionary(d => d.Id, d => d.NuTable.Value); return(new PainelInicialQueryResult(garcons, mesas)); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public IEnumerable <MesaAbertaQueryResult> Handle() { try { using (var _context = new CafeDbContext()) { var result = _context.TbTabOpened .Include(p => p.TbOrdered) .Include(g => g.IdWaiterNavigation) .AsNoTracking() .Where(e => e.StActive) .AsParallel() .Select(o => new MesaAbertaQueryResult( o.Id, o.NuTable.Value, new GarcomQueryResult(o.IdWaiterNavigation.Id, o.IdWaiterNavigation.DsName), null, o.DtService, o.StActive )).ToList(); return(result); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public IEnumerable <MenuItemQueryResult> Handle() { try { using (var _context = new CafeDbContext()) { return(_context.TbMenuItem .AsNoTracking() .Where(x => x.StActive) .AsParallel() .Select(x => new MenuItemQueryResult( x.Id, x.NuMenuItem, x.DsDescription, x.NuPrice, x.StIsDrink, x.StActive )).ToList()); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public bool Validacao(int numMesa) { using (var _context = new CafeDbContext()) { return(!_context.TbTabOpened .Where(x => x.NuTable == numMesa) .Where(x => x.StActive).Any()); } }
public GarcomTarefaQueryResult Handle(GarconsTarefasQuery query) { try { using (var _context = new CafeDbContext()) { var garcom = _context.TbWaitstaff .AsNoTracking() .Where(g => g.Id == query.Id) .Include(p => p.TbTabOpened) .ThenInclude(o => o.TbOrdered) .ThenInclude(o => o.TbOrderedItem) .ThenInclude(m => m.IdMenuItemNavigation) .AsParallel() .Select(g => new GarcomTarefaQueryResult( g.Id, g.DsName, g.TbTabOpened.Where(x => x.StActive).Select(m => new MesaAbertaQueryResult ( m.Id, m.NuTable.Value, new GarcomQueryResult(m.IdWaiterNavigation.Id, m.IdWaiterNavigation.DsName), m.TbOrdered.Where(x => x.TbOrderedItem.Any()).Select(p => new PedidoQueryResult( p.Id, p.TbOrderedItem.Where(x => !x.DtServed.HasValue).Select(i => new PedidoItemQueryResult( i.Id, new MenuItemQueryResult( i.IdMenuItemNavigation.Id, i.IdMenuItemNavigation.NuMenuItem, i.IdMenuItemNavigation.DsDescription, i.IdMenuItemNavigation.NuPrice, i.IdMenuItemNavigation.StIsDrink, i.IdMenuItemNavigation.StActive ), i.NuAmount, i.DtToServe, i.DtInPreparation, i.DtServed, i.DsDescription) ) )), m.DtService, m.StActive )) )).FirstOrDefault(); return(garcom); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public MesaAbertaQueryResult Handle(MesaAbertaQuery query) { try { using (var _context = new CafeDbContext()) { var mesa = _context.TbTabOpened .AsNoTracking() .Where(e => ((query.Id > 0) && e.Id == query.Id) || ((query.NumMesa > 0) && e.NuTable == query.NumMesa)) .Where(e => e.StActive) .Include(g => g.IdWaiterNavigation) .Include(p => p.TbOrdered) .ThenInclude(pi => pi.TbOrderedItem) .ThenInclude(m => m.IdMenuItemNavigation) .AsParallel() .Select(o => new MesaAbertaQueryResult( o.Id, o.NuTable.Value, new GarcomQueryResult(o.IdWaiterNavigation.Id, o.IdWaiterNavigation.DsName), o.TbOrdered.Select(p => new PedidoQueryResult( p.Id, p.TbOrderedItem.Select(i => new PedidoItemQueryResult( i.Id, new MenuItemQueryResult( i.IdMenuItemNavigation.Id, i.IdMenuItemNavigation.NuMenuItem, i.IdMenuItemNavigation.DsDescription, i.IdMenuItemNavigation.NuPrice, i.IdMenuItemNavigation.StIsDrink, i.IdMenuItemNavigation.StActive), i.NuAmount, i.DtToServe, i.DtInPreparation, i.DtServed )))), o.DtService, o.StActive )).FirstOrDefault(); return(mesa); } } catch (System.Exception) { throw; } }
// This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to configure the HTTP request pipeline. public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env, CafeDbContext context) { app.UseDefaultFiles(); app.UseStaticFiles(); if (env.IsDevelopment()) { app.UseDeveloperExceptionPage(); } else { app.UseHsts(); } app.UseHttpsRedirection(); context.Database.EnsureCreated(); app.UseMvc(); app.UseOpenApi(); app.UseSwaggerUi3(); }
public IEnumerable <CozinhaTarefasQueryResult> Handle(CozinhaTarefasQuery query) { try { using (var _context = new CafeDbContext()) { var result = _context.TbOrderedItem .AsNoTracking() .Include(i => i.IdMenuItemNavigation) .Include(i => i.IdOrderedNavigation) .Include(i => i.IdOrderedNavigation.IdTabOpenedNavigation) .Where(x => !x.IdMenuItemNavigation.StIsDrink) .Where(x => x.DtInPreparation.HasValue) .AsParallel() .Select(o => new CozinhaTarefasQueryResult( o.IdOrderedNavigation.IdTabOpenedNavigation.Id, o.IdOrderedNavigation.Id, o.Id, new MenuItemQueryResult( o.IdMenuItemNavigation.Id, o.IdMenuItemNavigation.NuMenuItem, o.IdMenuItemNavigation.DsDescription, o.IdMenuItemNavigation.NuPrice, o.IdMenuItemNavigation.StIsDrink, o.IdMenuItemNavigation.StActive ), o.NuAmount, o.DtToServe, o.DtInPreparation, o.DtServed, o.DsDescription )).ToList(); return(result.OrderBy(x => x.PedidoId)); } } catch (System.Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public IEnumerable <GarcomQueryResult> Handle() { try { using (var context = new CafeDbContext()) { var result = context.TbWaitstaff .AsNoTracking() .AsParallel() .Select(e => new GarcomQueryResult( e.Id, e.DsName)) .ToList(); return(result); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public AbrirNovaMesaCommandResult Handle(AbrirNovaMesaCommand c) { try { using (var _context = new CafeDbContext()) { if (Validacao(c.NumMesa)) { var table = new TbTabOpened { NuTable = c.NumMesa, IdWaiter = c.GarcomId, StActive = c.Ativo, DtService = c.DataServico, StUniqueIdentifier = Guid.NewGuid() }; _context.TbTabOpened.Add(table); var id = _context.SaveChanges(); return(_context.TbTabOpened .AsNoTracking() .AsParallel() .Where(x => x.Id == table.Id) .Select(o => new AbrirNovaMesaCommandResult(o.Id, o.NuTable.Value, o.IdWaiter.Value, o.StActive, o.DtService.Value)) .FirstOrDefault()); } else { throw new Exception("Essa mesa já está aberta"); } } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public CategoryDataManager(CafeDbContext context) { this._context = context; }
public CafeService(CafeDbContext cafeDbContext) { _cafeDbContext = cafeDbContext; }
public SaleDataManager(CafeDbContext context) { this._context = context; }
public ProductDataManager(CafeDbContext context) { this._context = context; }
public ClientDataManager(CafeDbContext context) { this._context = context; }
public MenusController(CafeDbContext cafeDbContext) { _cafeDbContext = cafeDbContext; }
public ReservationsController(CafeDbContext cafeDbContext) { _cafeDbContext = cafeDbContext; }
public UserDao() { db = new CafeDbContext();//Khởi tạo db }