Example #1
        public static void Run(World world)
            /* Define components */
            var posEntity = ecs.new_component(world, Caches.AddUnmanagedString("Position"), Heap.SizeOf <Position>());
            var velEntity = ecs.new_component(world, Caches.AddUnmanagedString("Velocity"), Heap.SizeOf <Velocity>());

            /* Obtain variables to component types */
            var posType = ecs.type_from_entity(world, posEntity);
            var velType = ecs.type_from_entity(world, velEntity);

            /* Register system */
            ecs.new_system(world, Caches.AddUnmanagedString("Move"), SystemKind.OnUpdate, "Position, Velocity", Move);
            ECS_SYSTEM(world, Move, SystemKind.OnUpdate, "Position, Velocity");

            /* Create an entity */
            var e = ecs.new_entity(world);

            /* Set entity identifier using builtin component */
            ecs.set_ptr(world, e, ecs.TEcsId, (void *)Caches.AddUnmanagedString("MyEntity").Ptr());

            /* Set values for entity. */
            ecs.set(world, e, new Position {
                X = 0, Y = 0
            ecs.set(world, e, new Velocity {
                X = 1, Y = 1

            /* Run systems */
            ecs.progress(world, 0);
            ecs.progress(world, 0);
            ecs.progress(world, 0);
Example #2
        public static EntityId ECS_SYSTEM <T1>(World world, SystemAction <T1> systemImpl, SystemKind kind, SystemSignatureBuilder signatureBuilder) where T1 : unmanaged
            SystemActionDelegate del = delegate(ref Rows rows)
                var set1 = (T1 *)_ecs.column(ref rows, Heap.SizeOf <T1>(), 1);
                systemImpl(ref rows, new Span <T1>(set1, (int)rows.count), ecs.get_delta_time(world));

            // ensure our system doesnt get GCd and that our Component is registered
            Caches.AddSystemAction(world, del);

            var systemNamePtr = Caches.AddUnmanagedString(systemImpl.Target.GetType().FullName);

            return(ecs.new_system(world, systemNamePtr, kind, signatureBuilder.Build(), del));
Example #3
        public static void Run(World world)
            /* Define component */
            ECS_COMPONENT <Message>(world);

            /* Define a system called PrintMessage that is executed every frame, and
             * subscribes for the 'Message' component */
            ECS_SYSTEM(world, PrintMessage, SystemKind.OnUpdate, "Message");

            /* Create new entity, add the component to the entity */
            var e = ecs.new_entity <Message>(world);

            ecs.set(world, e, new Message {
                text = Caches.AddUnmanagedString("Hello Flecs#!")

            /* Set target FPS for main loop to 1 frame per second */
            ecs.set_target_fps(world, 1);

            /* Run systems */
            ecs.progress(world, 0);
Example #4
 public TestSystem(World world) : base(world, SystemKind.OnUpdate)
     SetComponent(CreateEntity <Message>(), new Message {
         Value = Caches.AddUnmanagedString("Hello Flecs#!")
Example #5
        public static void Run(World world)
            /* Define components */
            var worldPosType = Caches.AddComponentTypedef <Position>(world, "WorldPosition");

            ECS_COMPONENT <Position>(world);
            ECS_COMPONENT <Velocity>(world);

            /* Move entities with Position and Velocity */
            ECS_SYSTEM(world, Move, SystemKind.OnUpdate, "Position, Velocity");

            /* Transform local coordinates to world coordinates. A CASCADE column
             * guarantees that entities are evaluated breadth-first, according to the
             * hierarchy. This system will depth-sort based on parents that have the
             * WorldPosition component. */
            ECS_SYSTEM(world, Transform, SystemKind.OnUpdate, "CASCADE.WorldPosition, WorldPosition, Position");

            /* Create root of the hierarchy which moves around */
            var root = ecs.new_entity(world);

            ecs.set_ptr(world, root, ecs.TEcsId, Caches.AddUnmanagedString("Root").Ptr());
            ecs.add(world, root, worldPosType);
            ecs.set(world, root, new Position {
                X = 0, Y = 0
            ecs.set(world, root, new Velocity {
                X = 1, Y = 2

            /* Create children that don't move and are relative to the parent */
            var child1 = ecs.new_child(world, root);

            ecs.set_id(world, child1, "Child1");
            ecs.add(world, child1, worldPosType);
            ecs.set(world, child1, new Position {
                X = 100, Y = 100
                var gChild1 = ecs.new_child(world, child1);
                ecs.set_id(world, gChild1, "GChild1");
                ecs.add(world, gChild1, worldPosType);
                ecs.set(world, gChild1, new Position {
                    X = 1000, Y = 1000

            var child2 = ecs.new_child(world, root);

            ecs.set_id(world, child2, "Child2");
            ecs.add(world, child2, worldPosType);
            ecs.set(world, child2, new Position {
                X = 200, Y = 200
                var gChild2 = ecs.new_child(world, child2);
                ecs.set_id(world, gChild2, "GChild2");
                ecs.add(world, gChild2, worldPosType);
                ecs.set(world, gChild2, new Position {
                    X = 2000, Y = 2000

            /* Run systems */
            ecs.progress(world, 0);
            ecs.progress(world, 0);
            ecs.progress(world, 0);