public static Image CreateImageOfSpectralIndices(SpectralIndexValues spectralIndices)
            var images = new List <Image>();

            foreach (var key in Keys)
                var      spectrum        = CachedSelectors[key](spectralIndices);
                double[] normalisedIndex = DataTools.normalise(spectrum);

                var image = GraphsAndCharts.DrawGraph(key, normalisedIndex, 100);

            var combinedImage = ImageTools.CombineImagesVertically(images.ToArray());

        /// <summary>
        /// Used to check that the keys in the indexProperties dictionary correspond to Properties in the SpectralIndexValues class.
        /// Call this method before entering a loop because do not want the error message at every iteration through loop.
        /// </summary>
        public static void CheckExistenceOfSpectralIndexValues(Dictionary <string, IndexProperties> indexProperties)
            foreach (var kvp in indexProperties)
                if (!kvp.Value.IsSpectralIndex)

                var success = CachedSelectors.ContainsKey(kvp.Key);
                if (!success)
                        "### WARNING: The PROPERTY <" + kvp.Key + "> does not exist in the SpectralIndexValues class!");