protected override WebHookData.Field GenerateField(CachedLog log) { if (Settings.OnlyPostUploaded && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(log.Link)) { return(null); } var name = $"{log.Date:HH\\:mm}"; var value = $"{(log.Succsess ? Language.Data.Succsess : Language.Data.Fail)}"; if (log.DataCorrected) { value += $"\n"; if (log.IsCM) { value += $"\nCM"; } value += $"\n{Language.Data.MiscDiscordPostGenDuration}: {log.Duration.ToString(Language.Current == eLanguage.DE ? "mm':'ss','fff" : "mm':'ss'.'fff")}"; value += $"\n{Language.Data.MiscDiscordPostGenHpLeft}: {log.RemainingHealth:0.00'%'}"; value += $"\n{Language.Data.MiscDiscordPostGenGroupDPS}: {log.PlayersNew.Select(p => p.DpsAll).Sum()}"; value += $"\n{Language.Data.MiscDiscordPostGenTopDPS}: {log.PlayersNew.Max(p2 => p2.DpsAll)} ({log.PlayersNew.Where(p => p.DpsAll == log.PlayersNew.Max(p2 => p2.DpsAll)).First().Account})"; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(log.Link)) { value += $"\n[]({ log.Link})"; } return(new WebHookData.Field(name, value, true)); }
public Encounter(TeamComp tc, CachedLog log, Raid r) { TC = tc; Boss = tc.Encounter; Players = GetPlayersFromLog(log.PlayersNew, r, tc.Encounter); tc.Success = log.Succsess; }
private CachedLog HandelNewFile(string path) { var absolutPath = path; var bossID = GetBoss(path).ID; var date = File.GetCreationTime(absolutPath); var sizeKb = (int)Math.Ceiling(new FileInfo(absolutPath).Length / 1000.0); var newLog = new CachedLog(-1, bossID, absolutPath, null, null, null, sizeKb, date); newLog.ID = LogDBConnector.Insert(newLog.GetDBLog()); var taskName = newLog.BossName.Length > 17 ? newLog.BossName.Substring(0, Math.Min(17, newLog.BossName.Length)) + "..." : newLog.BossName; LogCache.Add(newLog); OnDataChanged(new EventArgs()); if (EnableAutoParsing && EnableAutoUpload) { ParseAndUpload(newLog.ID, $"{Language.Data.FooterProcessing} {taskName}"); } else if (EnableAutoParsing) { Parse(newLog.ID, $"{Language.Data.FooterParsing} {taskName}"); } else if (EnableAutoUpload) { Upload(newLog.ID, $"{Language.Data.FooterUploading} {taskName}"); } GC.Collect(); return(newLog); }
protected virtual WebHookData.Field GenerateSingleBossField(CachedLog log, DPSReport remot = null) { if (Settings.OnlyPostUploaded && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(log.Link)) { return(null); } string name = $"{log.Date:HH\\:mm}"; string value = $"{(log.Succsess ? Language.Data.Succsess : Language.Data.Fail)}"; if (log.IsCM) { value = $"CM " + value; } if (log.DataCorrected) { value += $" - {log.Duration:mm':'ss}"; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(log.Link)) { value += $"\n[]({ log.Link})"; } var field = new WebHookData.Field(name, value, true); return(field); }
private static void AddBoss(Raid raid, Boss boss, CachedLog log) { var players = new List <Position>(); var tc = new TeamComp(-1, boss, log.IsCM, players, log.Succsess); raid.Bosses.Add(tc); }
private static void InsertLog(Raid raid, CachedLog log) { var boss = Boss.GetByID(log.BossID); if (boss.RaidOrgaPlusID == -1 || raid.ExistsBoss(boss, log.IsCM)) { return; } AddBoss(raid, boss, log); }
private CachedLog ParseJob(CachedLog log) { var localDataVersion = CacheLog(log.ID).DataVersion; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(log.HtmlPath) && localDataVersion >= CachedLog.CurrentDataVersion) { return(log); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(log.EvtcPath) || !File.Exists(log.EvtcPath)) { UpdateFilePaths(log); return(log); } var res = EliteInsights.Parse(log.EvtcPath); var html = res.Where(path => path.EndsWith(".html")).FirstOrDefault(); var json = res.Where(path => path.EndsWith(".json")).FirstOrDefault(); //Maybe Add corrupted flag if no output is generated if (res.Count == 0) { var ex = new Exception($"Could not parse the {log.BossName} log! ({log.SizeKb} kb)\n{log.EvtcPath}"); if (log.SizeKb >= 30) { throw ex; } Logger.LogException(ex); return(log); } if (!log.DataCorrected || localDataVersion < CachedLog.CurrentDataVersion) { var jsonStr = GP.ReadJsonFile(json); log.UpdateEi(jsonStr); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(log.JsonPath)) { var simpleLogJson = new SimpleLogJson(jsonStr); var newjson = json.Substring(0, json.Length - ".json".Length) + "_simple.json"; GP.WriteJsonFile(newjson, simpleLogJson.ToString()); log.JsonPath = newjson; } } log.HtmlPath = html; File.Delete(json); LogDBConnector.Update(log.GetDBLog()); return(log); }
protected override WebHookData.Field GenerateField(CachedLog log) { if (Settings.OnlyPostUploaded && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(log.Link)) { return(null); } string name = log.Succsess ? MiscData.EmoteRaidKill : MiscData.EmoteRaidWipe; name += Boss.GetByID(log.BossID).DiscordEmote; name += " " + log.BossName; if (log.IsCM) { name += " CM"; } string value = ""; value += log.Date.ToString("HH':'mm"); if (log.DataCorrected) { value += $" - {log.Duration.Minutes}m {log.Duration.Seconds}s"; } value += "\n"; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(log.Link)) { value += $"[]({log.Link})"; } else { value += Language.Data.MiscDiscordPostGenNoLink; } if (log.DataCorrected) { var subGroups = log.PlayersNew.GroupBy(p => p.Group).OrderBy(g => g.Key); foreach (var grop in subGroups) { value += "\n"; foreach (var player in grop.OrderBy(p => p.Profession.Name)) { value += player.Profession.Emote; } } } return(new WebHookData.Field(name, value, true)); }
private CachedLog UploadJob(CachedLog log) { var localDataVersion = CacheLog(log.ID).DataVersion; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(log.Link) && localDataVersion >= CachedLog.CurrentDataVersion) { return(log); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(log.EvtcPath) || !File.Exists(log.EvtcPath)) { UpdateFilePaths(log); return(log); } var response = DPSReport.UpladContent(log.EvtcPath); var jsonData = Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject.Parse(response); if (jsonData.ContainsKey("Error")) { var ex = new Exception($"Could not upload the {log.BossName} log! ({log.SizeKb} kb)\n{log.EvtcPath}\n\nResponse: \"{(string)jsonData["Error"]}\""); if (log.SizeKb >= 30) { throw ex; } Logger.LogException(ex); return(log); } var link = (string)jsonData["permalink"]; if (!log.DataCorrected || localDataVersion < CachedLog.CurrentDataVersion) { response = DPSReport.GetEncounterDataPermalink(link); log.UpdateEi(response); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(log.JsonPath)) { var simpleLogJson = new SimpleLogJson(response); var evtcName = Path.GetFileName(log.EvtcPath); var newjson = EliteInsights.LogsPath + evtcName.Substring(0, evtcName.LastIndexOf('.')) + "_simple.json"; GP.WriteJsonFile(newjson, simpleLogJson.ToString()); log.JsonPath = newjson; } } log.Link = link; LogDBConnector.Update(log.GetDBLog()); return(log); }
public CachedLog QuickCacheLog(int id) { var log = LogCache.GetLog(id); if (log == null) { log = new CachedLog(LogDBConnector.GetByID(id)); LogCache.Add(log); } if (!File.Exists(log.EvtcPath)) { log.EvtcPath = null; LogDBConnector.Update(log.GetDBLog()); } return(log); }
public void UpdateFilePaths(CachedLog log) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(log.EvtcPath) || !File.Exists(log.EvtcPath)) { log.EvtcPath = null; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(log.HtmlPath) || !File.Exists(log.HtmlPath)) { log.HtmlPath = null; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(log.JsonPath) || !File.Exists(log.JsonPath)) { log.JsonPath = null; } LogDBConnector.Update(log.GetDBLog()); }
private CachedLog ParseAndUploadJob(CachedLog log) { var parse = Task.Run(() => ParseJob(log)); var upload = Task.Run(() => UploadJob(log)); try { Task.WaitAll(parse, upload); } catch (AggregateException e) { throw new AggregateException($"{e.InnerExceptions.Count()} Exeptions occured\n" + $"First:\n" + $"{e.InnerExceptions.FirstOrDefault()?.Message}\n" + $"{e.InnerExceptions.FirstOrDefault()?.StackTrace}", e.InnerExceptions); } //ParseJob(log); //UploadJob(log); return(log); }
private CachedLog ReParseData(CachedLog log) { if (!log.DataCorrected) { return(ParseJob(log)); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(log.Link)) { var response = DPSReport.GetEncounterDataPermalink(log.Link); var simpleLogJson = new SimpleLogJson(response); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(log.JsonPath)) { if (File.Exists(log.JsonPath)) { File.Delete(log.JsonPath); } } string name; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(log.EvtcPath)) { name = log.EvtcPath.Substring(0, log.EvtcPath.LastIndexOf('.')).Split('\\').Last(); } else { name = log.Link.Split('/').Last(); } var newjson = EliteInsights.LogsPath + name + "_simple.json"; GP.WriteJsonFile(newjson, simpleLogJson.ToString()); log.JsonPath = newjson; LogDBConnector.Update(log.GetDBLog()); log.ApplySimpleLog(simpleLogJson); return(log); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(log.EvtcPath)) { if (!File.Exists(log.EvtcPath)) { UpdateFilePaths(log); return(log); } var res = EliteInsights.Parse(log.EvtcPath); var html = res.Where(path => path.EndsWith(".html")).FirstOrDefault(); var json = res.Where(path => path.EndsWith(".json")).FirstOrDefault(); if (res.Count == 0) { return(null); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(log.HtmlPath) && File.Exists(log.HtmlPath)) { File.Delete(log.HtmlPath); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(log.JsonPath) && File.Exists(log.JsonPath)) { File.Delete(log.HtmlPath); } if (!log.DataCorrected) { var jsonStr = GP.ReadJsonFile(json); log.UpdateEi(jsonStr); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(log.JsonPath)) { var simpleLogJson = new SimpleLogJson(jsonStr); var newjson = json.Substring(0, json.Length - ".json".Length) + "_simple.json"; GP.WriteJsonFile(newjson, simpleLogJson.ToString()); log.JsonPath = newjson; } } log.HtmlPath = html; File.Delete(json); LogDBConnector.Update(log.GetDBLog()); } return(null); // cannot upgrade data }
protected abstract WebHookData.Field GenerateField(CachedLog log);
public ParsedData(CachedLog log, WebHookData.Field field) { Log = log; Field = field; }