private async void InitConnection() { bool canReach = false; bool cacheVerified = false; using (var spinner = new WaitSpinner(this, "Connecting to database...", 2000)) { await Task.Run(() => { canReach = DBFactory.CanReachServer(); spinner.StatusText = "Checking cache..."; cacheVerified = CacheFunctions.VerifyCache(); if (canReach) { spinner.StatusText = "Loading data..."; CacheFunctions.RefreshCache(); } SecurityFunctions.PopulateUserAccess(); SecurityFunctions.PopulateAccessGroups(); }); } if (!cacheVerified && !canReach) { await UserPrompts.PopupMessage(this, "Cannot connect to the database and the local cache was not verified.", "Cannot Run"); Application.Current.Shutdown(); } else if (cacheVerified && !canReach) { WatchDogInstance.WatchDog.Start(true); } else { WatchDogInstance.WatchDog.Start(false); } // If current user can modify, add edit button column to grid. AddEditButton(); FieldsGrid.IsEnabled = true; }
private void rebuildCacheToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { CacheFunctions.CacheTables(); }