Example #1
        public override void AllProducts(int i, int j, float[][] results)
            SetMemoryForDenseVector(i, j);

            //set the last parameter for kernel
            IVectorIdx = (uint)i;
            JVectorIdx = (uint)j;

            cuda.SetParameter(cuFunc, IdxIParamOffset, IVectorIdx);
            cuda.SetParameter(cuFunc, IdxJParamOffset, JVectorIdx);

            cuda.Launch(cuFunc, blocksPerGrid, 1);


            //copy resulsts form device to host
            //cuda.CopyDeviceToHost(outputPtr, results);
            //copy results from native mapped memory pointer to array,
            //faster then copyDtH function

            //float[] test = new float[2 * problemElements.Length];
            //Marshal.Copy(outputIntPtr, test, 0, test.Length);

            Marshal.Copy(outputIntPtr, results[0], 0, results[0].Length);
            Marshal.Copy(outputIntPtr + sizeof(float) * results[0].Length, results[1], 0, results[1].Length);
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Do BB step, updates alpha and "w" vector
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method has many side effects:
        /// 1. copies data on device from alphaPtr to alphaTmpPtr
        /// 2. sets values in deltas array, which are differences between new alpha and old alphas
        /// 3. alphaTmpPtr stores new updated alphas
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="step"></param>
        /// <param name="sub_prob"></param>
        private void DoBBstep(float step, Problem <SparseVec> sub_prob)
            int blocks = (sub_prob.Elements.Length + threadsPerBlock - 1) / threadsPerBlock;

             * Update alpha
             * 1. copy alpha to alphaTmp
             * 2. copy step into device constant
             * 3. set parameters
            // cuda.CopyDeviceToDevice(alphaPtr, alphaTmpPtr, alphaMemSize);

            float[] stepData = new float[] { step };
            cuda.CopyHostToDevice(stepBBPtr, stepData);
            cuda.SetParameter(cuFuncUpdateAlpha, gradParamOffsetInUpdateAlpha, gradPtr.Pointer);
            cuda.SetParameter(cuFuncUpdateAlpha, alphaParamOffsetInUpdateAlpha, alphaPtr.Pointer);
            cuda.SetParameter(cuFuncUpdateAlpha, alphaOldParamOffsetInUpdateAlpha, alphaOldPtr.Pointer);

            cuda.Launch(cuFuncUpdateAlpha, blocks, 1);

            //float[] updatedAlpha = new float[sub_prob.ElementsCount];
            //cuda.CopyDeviceToHost(alphaPtr, updatedAlpha);

            //float[] oldAlpha = new float[sub_prob.ElementsCount];
            //cuda.CopyDeviceToHost(alphaOldPtr, oldAlpha);

            //float[] updatedDeltas = new float[sub_prob.ElementsCount];
            //cuda.CopyDeviceToHost(deltasPtr, updatedDeltas);

            //todo:remove it later

             * Update w - based on aplha deltas
            //int bpgUpdateW = (sub_prob.Elements[0].Dim + threadsPerBlock - 1) / threadsPerBlock;
            int bpgUpdateW = -1;

            if (sub_prob.FeaturesCount > 10000)
                bpgUpdateW = (sub_prob.Elements[0].Dim + tpbUpdateW - 1) / tpbUpdateW;
                bpgUpdateW = (sub_prob.Elements[0].Dim * 32 + tpbUpdateW) / tpbUpdateW;
            //cuda.CopyDeviceToDevice(wVecPtr, wTempVecPtr, wVecMemSize);
            cuda.SetParameter(cuFuncUpdateW, wVecParamOffsetInUpdateW, wVecPtr.Pointer);

            cuda.Launch(cuFuncUpdateW, bpgUpdateW, 1);

            //float[] wTest = new float[sub_prob.FeaturesCount];
            //cuda.CopyDeviceToHost(wTempVecPtr, wTest);
Example #3
        public override void AllProducts(int element1, float[] results)
            //cuda calculation
            //todo: possible small improvements
            //if mainVectorIdx==element1 then we don't have to copy to device
            //SparseVec mainVec = problemElements[element1];

            //if (mainVectorIdx != element1)
            //    CudaHelpers.FillDenseVector(mainVec, mainVector);

            //    cuda.CopyHostToDevice(mainVecPtr, mainVector);



            //uint align = cuda.SetTextureAddress(cuMainVecTexRef, mainVecPtr, (uint)(sizeof(float) * mainVector.Length));

            //copy to texture
            // cuda.CopyHostToArray(cuMainVecArray, mainVector, 0);

            //set the last parameter for kernel
            mainVectorIdx = (uint)element1;
            cuda.SetParameter(cuFunc, mainVecIdxParamOffset, mainVectorIdx);

             * CUevent start = cuda.CreateEvent();
             * CUevent end = cuda.CreateEvent();
             * cuda.RecordEvent(start);
             * var st = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            cuda.Launch(cuFunc, blocksPerGrid, 1);


            //var elapsed2 = st.ElapsedMilliseconds;
            //var elapsed = cuda.ElapsedTime(start, end);

            //copy resulsts form device to host
            //cuda.CopyDeviceToHost(outputPtr, results);
            //copy results from native mapped memory pointer to array,
            //faster then copyDtH function
            Marshal.Copy(outputIntPtr, results, 0, results.Length);
Example #4
 public void Execute(int blockWidth, int blockHeight, int blockDepth,
                     int gridWidth, int gridHeight)
     _cuda.SetParameterSize(_function, (uint)_offset);
     _cuda.SetFunctionBlockShape(_function, blockWidth, blockHeight, blockDepth);
     _cuda.Launch(_function, gridWidth, gridHeight);
        public void BuildDenseVector(int idx)
            cuda.SetParameter(cuFuncDense, mainVecIdxParamOffset, idx);
            cuda.Launch(cuFuncDense, blocksPerGrid, 1);

            //only for test
            //float[] result1 = new float[vecDim+1];
            //cuda.CopyDeviceToHost(vecPtr, result1);
Example #6
        // It's interesting to change the number of blocks and the number of threads to
        // understand how to keep the hardware busy.
        // Here are some numbers I get on my G80:
        //    blocks - clocks
        //    1 - 3096
        //    8 - 3232
        //    16 - 3364
        //    32 - 4615
        //    64 - 9981
        // With less than 16 blocks some of the multiprocessors of the device are idle. With
        // more than 16 you are using all the multiprocessors, but there's only one block per
        // multiprocessor and that doesn't allow you to hide the latency of the memory. With
        // more than 32 the speed scales linearly.
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Init CUDA, select 1st device.
            CUDA cuda = new CUDA(0, true);

            // load module
            cuda.LoadModule(Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "clock_kernel.cubin"));
            CUfunction func = cuda.GetModuleFunction("timedReduction");

            int[]   timer = new int[NUM_BLOCKS * 2];
            float[] input = new float[NUM_THREADS * 2];

            for (int i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS * 2; i++)
                input[i] = (float)i;

            CUdeviceptr dinput  = cuda.CopyHostToDevice <float>(input);
            CUdeviceptr doutput = cuda.Allocate((uint)(sizeof(float) * NUM_BLOCKS));
            CUdeviceptr dtimer  = cuda.Allocate <int>(timer);

            cuda.SetParameter(func, 0, (uint)dinput.Pointer);
            cuda.SetParameter(func, IntPtr.Size, (uint)doutput.Pointer);
            cuda.SetParameter(func, IntPtr.Size * 2, (uint)dtimer.Pointer);
            cuda.SetParameterSize(func, (uint)(IntPtr.Size * 3));

            //timedReduction<<<NUM_BLOCKS, NUM_THREADS, sizeof(float) * 2 * NUM_THREADS>>>(dinput, doutput, dtimer);
            cuda.SetFunctionBlockShape(func, NUM_THREADS, 1, 1);
            cuda.SetFunctionSharedSize(func, (uint)(sizeof(float) * 2 * NUM_THREADS));
            cuda.Launch(func, NUM_BLOCKS, 1);

            cuda.CopyDeviceToHost <int>(dtimer, timer);


            foreach (int i in timer)

            Console.WriteLine("Test PASSED");

            int minStart = timer[0];
            int maxEnd   = timer[NUM_BLOCKS];

            for (int i = 1; i < NUM_BLOCKS; i++)
                minStart = timer[i] < minStart ? timer[i] : minStart;
                maxEnd   = timer[NUM_BLOCKS + i] > maxEnd ? timer[NUM_BLOCKS + i] : maxEnd;

            Console.WriteLine("time = {0}", maxEnd - minStart);
Example #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates gradients after alpha changes
        ///  for (int k = 0; k < active_size; k++)
        ///  {
        ///    G[k] += Q_i[k] * delta_alpha_i + Q_j[k] * delta_alpha_j;
        ///   }
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="i"></param>
        /// <param name="j"></param>
        /// <param name="delta_alpha_i"></param>
        /// <param name="delta_alpha_j"></param>
        private void UpdateGrad(int i, int j, float delta_alpha_i, float delta_alpha_j)
            //float[] t = new float[G.Length];
            //float[] t1 = new float[G.Length];
            //cuda.CopyDeviceToHost(gradPtr, t);

            //var KI = Enumerable.Repeat(1.0f, G.Length).ToArray();
            //var KJ = Enumerable.Repeat(1.0f, G.Length).ToArray();
            //cuda.CopyHostToDevice(kiPtr, KI);
            //cuda.CopyHostToDevice(kjPtr, KJ);
            //delta_alpha_i = 0.1f;
            //delta_alpha_j = 0.2f;

            cuda.SetParameter(cuFuncUpdateG, diff_i_ParamOffsetInUpgGrad, delta_alpha_i);
            cuda.SetParameter(cuFuncUpdateG, diff_j_ParamOffsetInUpgGrad, delta_alpha_j);
            cuda.Launch(cuFuncUpdateG, updGBlocksPerGrid, 1);

            //cuda.CopyDeviceToHost(gradPtr, t1);
Example #8
        // A sorting network is a sorting algorith, where the sequence of comparisons
        // is not data-dependent. That makes them suitable for parallel implementations.
        // Bitonic sort is one of the fastest sorting networks, consisting of o(n log^2 n)
        // comparators. It has a simple implemention and it's very efficient when sorting
        // a small number of elements:
        // http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/blelloch98experimental.html
        // This implementation is based on:
        // http://www.tools-of-computing.com/tc/CS/Sorts/bitonic_sort.htm
        static void Main(string[] args)
            const int NUM = 256;

            // Init CUDA, select 1st device.
            CUDA cuda = new CUDA(0, true);

            // create values
            int[]  values = new int[NUM];
            Random rand   = new Random();

            for (int i = 0; i < NUM; i++)
                values[i] = rand.Next();

            // allocate memory and copy to device
            CUdeviceptr dvalues = cuda.CopyHostToDevice <int>(values);

            // load module
            cuda.LoadModule(Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "bitonic.cubin"));
            CUfunction func = cuda.GetModuleFunction("bitonicSort");

            cuda.SetParameter(func, 0, (uint)dvalues.Pointer);
            cuda.SetParameterSize(func, (uint)IntPtr.Size);

            //bitonicSort<<<1, NUM, sizeof(int) * NUM>>>(dvalues);
            cuda.SetFunctionBlockShape(func, NUM, 1, 1);
            cuda.SetFunctionSharedSize(func, sizeof(int) * NUM);
            cuda.Launch(func, 1, 1);

            cuda.CopyDeviceToHost <int>(dvalues, values);

            bool passed = true;

            for (int i = 1; i < NUM; i++)
                if (values[i - 1] > values[i])
                    passed = false;

            Console.WriteLine("Test {0}", passed ? "PASSED" : "FAILED");
Example #9
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Init and select 1st device.
            CUDA cuda = new CUDA(0, true);

            // load module
            //cuda.LoadModule(Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "transpose_kernel.cubin"));
            cuda.LoadModule(Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "transpose_kernel.ptx"));
            CUfunction transpose       = cuda.GetModuleFunction("transpose");
            CUfunction transpose_naive = cuda.GetModuleFunction("transpose_naive");

            const int size_x   = 4096;
            const int size_y   = 4096;
            const int mem_size = sizeof(float) * size_x * size_y;

            float[] h_idata = new float[size_x * size_y];
            for (int i = 0; i < h_idata.Length; i++)
                h_idata[i] = (float)i;

            // allocate device memory
            // copy host memory to device
            CUdeviceptr d_idata = cuda.CopyHostToDevice <float>(h_idata);
            CUdeviceptr d_odata = cuda.Allocate <float>(h_idata);

            // setup execution parameters
            cuda.SetFunctionBlockShape(transpose_naive, BLOCK_DIM, BLOCK_DIM, 1);
            cuda.SetParameter(transpose_naive, 0, (uint)d_odata.Pointer);
            cuda.SetParameter(transpose_naive, IntPtr.Size, (uint)d_idata.Pointer);
            cuda.SetParameter(transpose_naive, IntPtr.Size * 2, (uint)size_x);
            cuda.SetParameter(transpose_naive, IntPtr.Size * 2 + 4, (uint)size_y);
            cuda.SetParameterSize(transpose_naive, (uint)(IntPtr.Size * 2 + 8));

            cuda.SetFunctionBlockShape(transpose, BLOCK_DIM, BLOCK_DIM, 1);
            cuda.SetParameter(transpose, 0, (uint)d_odata.Pointer);
            cuda.SetParameter(transpose, IntPtr.Size, (uint)d_idata.Pointer);
            cuda.SetParameter(transpose, IntPtr.Size * 2, (uint)size_x);
            cuda.SetParameter(transpose, IntPtr.Size * 2 + 4, (uint)size_y);
            cuda.SetParameterSize(transpose, (uint)(IntPtr.Size * 2 + 8));

            // warmup so we don't time CUDA startup
            cuda.Launch(transpose_naive, size_x / BLOCK_DIM, size_y / BLOCK_DIM);
            cuda.Launch(transpose, size_x / BLOCK_DIM, size_y / BLOCK_DIM);
            int numIterations = 100;

            Console.WriteLine("Transposing a {0} by {1} matrix of floats...", size_x, size_y);
            CUevent start = cuda.CreateEvent();
            CUevent end   = cuda.CreateEvent();

            for (int i = 0; i < numIterations; i++)
                cuda.Launch(transpose_naive, size_x / BLOCK_DIM, size_y / BLOCK_DIM);
            float naiveTime = cuda.ElapsedTime(start, end);

            Console.WriteLine("Naive transpose average time:     {0} ms\n", naiveTime / numIterations);

            for (int i = 0; i < numIterations; i++)
                cuda.Launch(transpose, size_x / BLOCK_DIM, size_y / BLOCK_DIM);
            float optimizedTime = cuda.ElapsedTime(start, end);

            Console.WriteLine("Optimized transpose average time:     {0} ms\n", optimizedTime / numIterations);

            float[] h_odata = new float[size_x * size_y];
            cuda.CopyDeviceToHost <float>(d_odata, h_odata);

            float[] reference = new float[size_x * size_y];
            computeGold(reference, h_idata, size_x, size_y);

            bool res = CompareF(reference, h_odata, size_x * size_y);

            Console.WriteLine("Test {0}", res == true? "PASSED":"FAILED");


Example #10
		static private void Worker(object cState)
				Command cCmd;
				CUDA cCUDA = new CUDA(true);
				for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
						(new Logger()).WriteDebug2(i + ": success");
					catch (Exception ex)
                        (new Logger()).WriteDebug2(i + ": failed");
                        if (Logger.bDebug && Logger.Level.debug3 > Logger.eLevelMinimum)
                            (new Logger()).WriteError(ex);
				uint nMemoryReservedForMerge = 2 * 1024 * 1024; //PREFERENCES типа <memory reserved="2097152" />
				uint nMemoryStarvationThreshold = cCUDA.TotalMemory / 2; //PREFERENCES через проценты... типа <memory starvation="50%" />
				uint nMemoryFree;
                string sModule = "CUDAFunctions_" + Preferences.nCUDAVersion + "_x" + (IntPtr.Size * 8);
                if (Logger.bDebug)
                    (new Logger()).WriteDebug3(sModule);
                cCUDA.LoadModule((byte[])Properties.Resource.ResourceManager.GetObject(sModule)); //   $(ProjectDir)Resources\CUDAFunctions.cubin
				CUfunction cCUDAFuncMerge = cCUDA.GetModuleFunction("CUDAFrameMerge");
				int nThreadsPerBlock = 256; //пришлось уменьшить с 512 до 256 сридов на блок, потому что при добавлении "движения" и операций с float, ловил ошибку: Too Many Resources Requested for Launch (This error means that the number of registers available on the multiprocessor is being exceeded. Reduce the number of threads per block to solve the problem)
				cCUDA.SetFunctionBlockShape(cCUDAFuncMerge, nThreadsPerBlock, 1, 1);
				CUDADriver.cuParamSetSize(cCUDAFuncMerge, 8);

				Dictionary<ulong, CUdeviceptr> ahDevicePointers = new Dictionary<ulong, CUdeviceptr>();
				CUdeviceptr cPMs;
				CUdeviceptr cInfos;
				CUdeviceptr cAlphaMap;
					//IntPtr[] aPointersByAlpha = new IntPtr[254];  //те самые поинтеры-альфы. Ссылаются на массивы поинтеров B, т.е. BackGrounds
					//IntPtr[] aPointersByBackground = new IntPtr[256];   //  те самые массивы поинтеров B, т.е. BackGrounds
					byte[] aAlphaMap = new byte[16646144];
					int nResult, nIndx = 0;
					for (byte nAlpha = 1; 255 > nAlpha; nAlpha++)
						for (ushort nBackground = 0; 256 > nBackground; nBackground++)
							for (ushort nForeground = 0; 256 > nForeground; nForeground++)
								if (255 < (nResult = (int)((float)(nAlpha * (nForeground - nBackground)) / 255 + nBackground + 0.5)))
									nResult = 255;
								aAlphaMap[nIndx++] = (byte)nResult;
							//aPointersByBackground[nBackground] = (IntPtr)cCUDA.CopyHostToDevice<byte>(aResults).Pointer;
						//aPointersByAlpha[nAlpha - 1] = (IntPtr)cCUDA.CopyHostToDevice<IntPtr>(aPointersByBackground).Pointer;
					cAlphaMap = cCUDA.CopyHostToDevice<byte>(aAlphaMap);
				//    IntPtr[] aPointersByAlpha = new IntPtr[254];  //те самые поинтеры-альфы. Ссылаются на массивы поинтеров B, т.е. BackGrounds
				//    IntPtr[] aPointersByBackground = new IntPtr[256];   //  те самые массивы поинтеров B, т.е. BackGrounds
				//    byte[] aResults = new byte[256];
				//    int nResult;
				//    for (byte nAlpha = 1; 255 > nAlpha; nAlpha++)
				//    {
				//        for (ushort nBackground = 0; 256 > nBackground; nBackground++)
				//        {
				//            for (ushort nForeground = 0; 256 > nForeground; nForeground++)
				//            {
				//                if (255 < (nResult = (int)((float)(nAlpha * (nForeground - nBackground)) / 255 + nBackground + 0.5)))
				//                    nResult = 255;
				//                aResults[nForeground] = (byte)nResult;
				//            }
				//            aPointersByBackground[nBackground] = (IntPtr)cCUDA.CopyHostToDevice<byte>(aResults).Pointer;
				//        }
				//        aPointersByAlpha[nAlpha - 1] = (IntPtr)cCUDA.CopyHostToDevice<IntPtr>(aPointersByBackground).Pointer;
				//    }
				//    cAlphaMap = cCUDA.CopyHostToDevice<IntPtr>(aPointersByAlpha);

				Dictionary<ulong, DateTime> ahDebug = new Dictionary<ulong,DateTime>();
				DateTime dtNextTime = DateTime.MinValue, dtNow;
				long nStartTick; // logging
				while (true)
					if (1 > _aqCommands.CountGet() && (dtNow = DateTime.Now) > dtNextTime)
						dtNextTime = dtNow.AddSeconds(60);
						dtNow = dtNow.Subtract(TimeSpan.FromHours(2));
						string sMessage = "";
						foreach (ulong nID in ahDebug.Keys)
							if (dtNow > ahDebug[nID])
								sMessage += "<br>[" + nID + ":" + ahDebug[nID].ToString("HH:mm:ss") + "]";
						(new Logger()).WriteDebug("CUDA free memory:" + cCUDA.FreeMemory
							+ "; possibly timeworn allocations:" + (1 > sMessage.Length ? "no" : sMessage)
					while (true)
							cCmd = _aqCommands.Dequeue();  //если нечего отдать - заснёт
						catch (Exception ex)
							(new Logger()).WriteError(ex);
					_CommandsCount = _aqCommands.nCount;
					switch (cCmd.eID)
						case Command.ID.Allocate:
								cCmd.cPM._cException = null;
								if (1 > cCmd.cPM._nID)
									if (0 < cCmd.cPM._nBytesQty)
										nMemoryFree = cCUDA.FreeMemory;
										if (nMemoryReservedForMerge < nMemoryFree - cCmd.cPM._nBytesQty)
											bMemoryStarvation = (nMemoryFree < nMemoryStarvationThreshold);
											cCmd.cPM._nID = _nCurrentID++;
											ahDevicePointers.Add(cCmd.cPM._nID, cCUDA.Allocate(cCmd.cPM._nBytesQty));
											ahDebug.Add(cCmd.cPM._nID, DateTime.Now);
											bMemoryStarvation = true;
											throw new Exception("out of memory in CUDA device during Allocate. Only 2 MBytes reserved for the Merge");
										throw new Exception("bytes quantity in PixelsMap have to be greater than zero for Allocate [_bDisposed = " + cCmd.cPM._bDisposed + "][_bProcessing = " + cCmd.cPM._bProcessing + "][_bShiftVertical = " + cCmd.cPM._bShiftVertical + "][_bTemp = " + cCmd.cPM._bTemp + "][_dt = " + cCmd.cPM._dt + "][_nBytesQty = " + cCmd.cPM._nBytesQty + "][_nID = " + cCmd.cPM._nID + "][_nShiftPosition = " + cCmd.cPM._nShiftPosition + "][_stArea.nHeight = " + cCmd.cPM._stArea.nHeight + "][_stArea.nWidth = " + cCmd.cPM._stArea.nWidth + "][bKeepAlive = " + cCmd.cPM.bKeepAlive + "][bBackgroundClear = " + cCmd.cPM.bBackgroundClear + "][eAlpha = " + cCmd.cPM.eAlpha + "][bCUDA = " + cCmd.cPM.bCUDA + "][nAlphaConstant = " + cCmd.cPM.nAlphaConstant + "][nID = " + cCmd.cPM.nID + "][nLength = " + cCmd.cPM.nLength + "][stArea.nHeight = " + cCmd.cPM.stArea.nHeight + "][stArea.nWidth = " + cCmd.cPM.stArea.nWidth + "]");
									throw new Exception("PixelsMap ID have to be zero for Allocate");
							catch (Exception ex)
								if (ex is CUDAException)
									ex = new Exception("CUDA Error:" + ((CUDAException)ex).CUDAError.ToString(), ex);
								(new Logger()).WriteError(ex);
								(new Logger()).WriteDebug("bytes qty:" + cCmd.cPM._nBytesQty);
								cCmd.cPM._cException = ex;
						case Command.ID.CopyIn:
							nStartTick = DateTime.Now.Ticks; // logging
								cCmd.cPM._cException = null;
								if (1 > cCmd.cPM._nID)
									if (cCUDA.FreeMemory - cCmd.cPM._nBytesQty > nMemoryReservedForMerge)
										cCmd.cPM._nID = _nCurrentID++;
										if (cCmd.ahParameters.ContainsKey(typeof(IntPtr)))
											ahDevicePointers.Add(cCmd.cPM._nID, cCUDA.CopyHostToDevice((IntPtr)cCmd.ahParameters[typeof(IntPtr)], cCmd.cPM._nBytesQty));
										else if (cCmd.ahParameters.ContainsKey(typeof(byte[])))
											ahDevicePointers.Add(cCmd.cPM._nID, cCUDA.CopyHostToDevice((byte[])cCmd.ahParameters[typeof(byte[])]));
											throw new Exception("unknown parameter type");
											ahDebug.Add(cCmd.cPM._nID, DateTime.Now);
										throw new Exception("out of memory in CUDA device during CopyIn. Only 2 MBytes reserved for the Merge.");
									if (cCmd.ahParameters.ContainsKey(typeof(IntPtr)))
										cCUDA.CopyHostToDevice(ahDevicePointers[cCmd.cPM._nID], (IntPtr)cCmd.ahParameters[typeof(IntPtr)], cCmd.cPM._nBytesQty);
									else if (cCmd.ahParameters.ContainsKey(typeof(byte[])))
										cCUDA.CopyHostToDevice(ahDevicePointers[cCmd.cPM._nID], (byte[])cCmd.ahParameters[typeof(byte[])]);
										throw new Exception("unknown parameter type");
								if (ahDevicePointers.ContainsKey(cCmd.cPM._nID))
									(new Logger()).WriteDebug5("copy in [id:" + cCmd.cPM._nID + "][ptr:" + ahDevicePointers[cCmd.cPM._nID].Pointer + "]");
									(new Logger()).WriteDebug5("copy in [id:" + cCmd.cPM._nID + "][ptr: not in dictionary]");
							catch (Exception ex)
								if (ex is CUDAException)
									ex = new Exception("CUDA Error:" + ((CUDAException)ex).CUDAError.ToString(), ex);
								(new Logger()).WriteError(ex);
								cCmd.cPM._cException = ex;
							if (new TimeSpan(DateTime.Now.Ticks - nStartTick).TotalMilliseconds >= 20)    // logging
								(new Logger()).WriteNotice("PixelMap: Command.ID.CopyIn: execution time > 20ms: " + new TimeSpan(DateTime.Now.Ticks - nStartTick).TotalMilliseconds +"ms");    // logging
						case Command.ID.CopyOut:
							nStartTick = DateTime.Now.Ticks; // logging
								if (0 < cCmd.cPM._nID)
											cCmd.cPM._aBytes = (byte[])cCmd.ahParameters[typeof(byte[])];
											if(cCmd.cPM._nBytesQty != cCmd.cPM._aBytes.Length)
												(new Logger()).WriteWarning("wrong array size for copyout [got:" + cCmd.cPM._aBytes.Length + "][expected:" + cCmd.cPM._nBytesQty + "]");
											cCmd.cPM._aBytes = new byte[cCmd.cPM._nBytesQty];
										cCUDA.CopyDeviceToHost<byte>(ahDevicePointers[cCmd.cPM._nID], cCmd.cPM._aBytes);
										cCUDA.CopyDeviceToHost(ahDevicePointers[cCmd.cPM._nID], (IntPtr)cCmd.ahParameters[typeof(IntPtr)], cCmd.cPM._nBytesQty);
									(new Logger()).WriteDebug5("copy out [id:" + cCmd.cPM._nID + "][ptr:" + ahDevicePointers[cCmd.cPM._nID].Pointer + "]");
									throw new Exception("PixelsMap have to be allocated for CopyOut");
							catch (Exception ex)
								if (ex is CUDAException)
									ex = new Exception("CUDA Error:" + ((CUDAException)ex).CUDAError.ToString(), ex);
								(new Logger()).WriteError(ex);
								cCmd.cPM._cException = ex;
							if (new TimeSpan(DateTime.Now.Ticks - nStartTick).TotalMilliseconds >= 20)    // logging
								(new Logger()).WriteNotice("PixelMap: Command.ID.CopyOut: execution time > 20ms: " + new TimeSpan(DateTime.Now.Ticks - nStartTick).TotalMilliseconds +"ms");    // logging
						case Command.ID.Merge:
								List<PixelsMap> aPMs = (List<PixelsMap>)cCmd.ahParameters[typeof(List<PixelsMap>)];
								DisCom.MergeInfo cMergeInfo = (DisCom.MergeInfo)cCmd.ahParameters[typeof(DisCom.MergeInfo)];
								List<IntPtr> aDPs = new List<IntPtr>();

								if (1 > cCmd.cPM._nID)
									throw new Exception("background PixelsMap have to be allocated for Merge");

								for (int nIndx = 0; nIndx < aPMs.Count; nIndx++)
									if (!ahDevicePointers.ContainsKey(aPMs[nIndx]._nID))
										throw new Exception("there is a corrupted ID in layers for merge [id:" + aPMs[nIndx]._nID + "]");
									if (1 > ahDevicePointers[aPMs[nIndx]._nID].Pointer)
										throw new Exception("there is an empty pointer in layers for merge [id:" + aPMs[nIndx]._nID + "]");

								cPMs = cCUDA.CopyHostToDevice<IntPtr>(aDPs.ToArray());
								cInfos = cCUDA.CopyHostToDevice(cMergeInfo, cMergeInfo.SizeGet());

								cCUDA.SetParameter<IntPtr>(cCUDAFuncMerge, 0, (IntPtr)cPMs.Pointer);
								cCUDA.SetParameter<IntPtr>(cCUDAFuncMerge, IntPtr.Size, (IntPtr)cInfos.Pointer);
								cCUDA.SetParameter<IntPtr>(cCUDAFuncMerge, IntPtr.Size * 2, (IntPtr)cAlphaMap.Pointer);
								cCUDA.SetParameterSize(cCUDAFuncMerge, (uint)(IntPtr.Size * 3));
								int nIterations = (0 == cMergeInfo.nBackgroundSize % nThreadsPerBlock ? cMergeInfo.nBackgroundSize / nThreadsPerBlock : cMergeInfo.nBackgroundSize / nThreadsPerBlock + 1);
								cCUDA.Launch(cCUDAFuncMerge, nIterations, 1);


								for (int nIndx = 0; nIndx < aPMs.Count; nIndx++)
									lock (aPMs[nIndx]._cSyncRoot)
										aPMs[nIndx]._bProcessing = false;
							catch (Exception ex)
								if (ex is CUDAException)
									ex = new Exception("CUDA Error:" + ((CUDAException)ex).CUDAError.ToString(), ex);
								(new Logger()).WriteError(ex);
								cCmd.cPM._cException = ex;
						case Command.ID.Dispose:
							nStartTick = DateTime.Now.Ticks; // logging
							(new Logger()).Write(Logger.Level.debug2, "dispose: in");
								if (ahDevicePointers.ContainsKey(cCmd.cPM._nID))
									if (0 < cCmd.cPM._nID && 0 < ahDevicePointers[cCmd.cPM._nID].Pointer)
										bMemoryStarvation = (cCUDA.FreeMemory < nMemoryStarvationThreshold);
										(new Logger()).WriteDebug3("dispose [id:" + cCmd.cPM._nID + "][ptr:" + ahDevicePointers[cCmd.cPM._nID].Pointer + "]");
									cCmd.cPM._nID = 0;
							catch (Exception ex)
								if (ex is CUDAException)
									ex = new Exception("CUDA Error:" + ((CUDAException)ex).CUDAError.ToString(), ex);
								(new Logger()).WriteError(ex);
								cCmd.cPM._cException = ex;
							(new Logger()).Write(Logger.Level.debug2, "dispose: out");
							if (new TimeSpan(DateTime.Now.Ticks - nStartTick).TotalMilliseconds >= 20)    // logging
								(new Logger()).WriteNotice("PixelMap: Command.ID.Dispose: execution time > 20ms: " + new TimeSpan(DateTime.Now.Ticks - nStartTick).TotalMilliseconds +"ms");    // logging
			catch (Exception ex)
				(new Logger()).WriteError(ex);
Example #11
        private static unsafe float[] CuDotProdSparseVecStruct()
            int sparseVecSize = sizeof(SparseVecPtr);

            uint size = (uint)(N * sizeof(SparseVecPtr));

            //always the same values
            Random rnd = new Random(1);

            CUDA cuda = new CUDA(0, true);

            // load module
            cuda.LoadModule(Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "structKernel.cubin"));
            //CUfunction structPassFunc = cuda.GetModuleFunction("DotProd");
            CUfunction structPassFunc = cuda.GetModuleFunction("DotProd2");

            SparseVecPtr[] vectors = new SparseVecPtr[N];
            Console.WriteLine("init and copy data");
            Stopwatch t = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            mainIndex = StartingIndex;
            for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
                vectors[i] = new SparseVecPtr();

                int vecSize = avgElements + i % stdElements;
                vectors[i].size = vecSize;
                float[] vals = Helpers.InitValues(i, vecSize, maxVal);

                int[] index = Helpers.InitIndices(i, vecSize, ref maxIndex);

                CUdeviceptr valsPtr = cuda.CopyHostToDevice(vals);
                CUdeviceptr idxPtr = cuda.CopyHostToDevice(index);

                vectors[i].indices = new IntPtr(idxPtr.Pointer);
                vectors[i].values = (IntPtr)valsPtr.Pointer;

            GCHandle handle = GCHandle.Alloc(vectors, GCHandleType.Pinned);
            IntPtr ptr = handle.AddrOfPinnedObject();

            float[] output = new float[N];

            //CUdeviceptr dVectors = cuda.CopyHostToDevice(vectors);

            CUdeviceptr dVectors = cuda.CopyHostToDevice(ptr, size);
            CUdeviceptr dOutput = cuda.Allocate(output);

            Console.WriteLine("copy and init takes {0}", t.Elapsed);
            #region set cuda parameters
            cuda.SetFunctionBlockShape(structPassFunc, threadsPerBlock, 1, 1);

            int offset = 0;
            cuda.SetParameter(structPassFunc, offset, dVectors.Pointer);
            offset += IntPtr.Size;
            cuda.SetParameter(structPassFunc, offset, dOutput.Pointer);
            offset += IntPtr.Size;
            cuda.SetParameter(structPassFunc, offset, (uint)mainIndex);
            offset += sizeof(int);
            cuda.SetParameter(structPassFunc, offset, (uint)N);
            offset += sizeof(int);
            cuda.SetParameterSize(structPassFunc, (uint)offset);
            Console.WriteLine("start computation");

            CUevent start = cuda.CreateEvent();
            CUevent end = cuda.CreateEvent();

            Stopwatch timer = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            cuda.Launch(structPassFunc, blocksPerGrid, 1);


            float naiveTime = cuda.ElapsedTime(start, end);

            Console.Write("Dot products with mainIndex {0} and {1}-vectors takes {2} ms stopwatch time {3} ms", mainIndex, N, naiveTime, timer.Elapsed);

            cuda.CopyDeviceToHost(dOutput, output);

            int lenght = Math.Min(displayCount, N);
            for (int i = 0; i < lenght; i++)
                Console.WriteLine("{0}-{1}", i, output[i]);


            return output;
Example #12
        private static float[] CuDotProdEllPackTexCached()
            //always the same values
            Random rnd = new Random(1);

            CUDA cuda = new CUDA(0, true);

            // load module
            CUmodule module = cuda.LoadModule(Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "structKernel.cubin"));

            CUfunction structPassFunc = cuda.GetModuleFunction("DotProdEllPackCached");

            int maxRowSize = avgElements + stdElements - 1;

            Console.WriteLine("init arrays");
            Stopwatch t = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            float[] vecVals = new float[N * maxRowSize];
            int[] vecIdx = new int[N * maxRowSize];

            maxIndex = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
                int vecSize = avgElements + i % stdElements;

                float[] vals = Helpers.InitValues(i, vecSize, maxVal);

                //values are column-major aligment
                for (int z = 0; z < vals.Length; z++)
                    int m = z * N + i;
                    vecVals[m] = vals[z];


                int[] index = Helpers.InitIndices(i, vecSize, ref maxIndex);
                //Array.Copy(index, 0, vecIdx, i * maxRowSize, index.Length);
                for (int z = 0; z < index.Length; z++)
                    int m = z * N + i;
                    vecIdx[m] = index[z];


            float[] mainVec = new float[maxIndex + 1];

            for (int j = 0; j < maxRowSize; j++)
                int idx = vecIdx[mainIndex + N * j];
                float val = vecVals[mainIndex + N * j];
                mainVec[idx] = val;
            Console.WriteLine("Init takes {0}", t.Elapsed);

            CUdeviceptr valsPtr = cuda.CopyHostToDevice(vecVals);
            CUdeviceptr idxPtr = cuda.CopyHostToDevice(vecIdx);

            CUarray cuArr = cuda.CreateArray(mainVec);
            cuda.CopyHostToArray(cuArr, mainVec, 0);

            //CUDAArrayDescriptor cuDesc = new CUDAArrayDescriptor();
            //cuDesc.Format = CUArrayFormat.Float;
            //cuDesc.NumChannels = 1;
            //cuDesc.Width = maxIndex+1;

            CUtexref cuTexRef = cuda.GetModuleTexture(module, "texRef");
            cuda.SetTextureFlags(cuTexRef, 0);

            cuda.SetTextureArray(cuTexRef, cuArr);

            float[] output = new float[N];
            CUdeviceptr dOutput = cuda.Allocate(output);

            Console.WriteLine("copy to device takes {0}", t.Elapsed);

            cuda.SetFunctionBlockShape(structPassFunc, threadsPerBlock, 1, 1);

            int offset = 0;
            cuda.SetParameter(structPassFunc, offset, valsPtr.Pointer);
            offset += IntPtr.Size;
            cuda.SetParameter(structPassFunc, offset, idxPtr.Pointer);
            offset += IntPtr.Size;

            cuda.SetParameter(structPassFunc, offset, dOutput.Pointer);
            offset += IntPtr.Size;

            cuda.SetParameter(structPassFunc, offset, (uint)maxRowSize);
            offset += sizeof(int);
            cuda.SetParameter(structPassFunc, offset, (uint)N);
            offset += sizeof(int);
            cuda.SetParameterSize(structPassFunc, (uint)offset);

            Console.WriteLine("start computation");

            CUevent start = cuda.CreateEvent();
            CUevent end = cuda.CreateEvent();

            Stopwatch timer = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            cuda.Launch(structPassFunc, blocksPerGrid, 1);


            float naiveTime = cuda.ElapsedTime(start, end);

            Console.Write("EllPack Cached Dot products with mainIndex {0} and {1}-vectors takes {2} ms stopwatch time {3} ms", mainIndex, N, naiveTime, timer.Elapsed);

            cuda.CopyDeviceToHost(dOutput, output);

            int lenght = Math.Min(displayCount, N);
            for (int i = 0; i < lenght; i++)
                Console.WriteLine("{0}-{1}", i, output[i]);

            return output;
Example #13
        private static void CuAddVec()
            int N = 50000;
            uint size = (uint)N * sizeof(float);

            CUDA cuda = new CUDA(0, true);

            // load module
            cuda.LoadModule(Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "structKernel.cubin"));
            CUfunction vecAddFunc = cuda.GetModuleFunction("VecAdd");

            float[] A = new float[N];
            float[] B = new float[N];
            float[] C = new float[N];
            for (int i = 0; i < A.Length; i++)
                A[i] = (float)i;
                B[i] = (float)i + 0.1f;

            CUdeviceptr dA = cuda.CopyHostToDevice(A);
            CUdeviceptr dB = cuda.CopyHostToDevice(B);

            CUdeviceptr dC = cuda.Allocate(A);

            int threadsPerBlock = 256;
            int blocksPerGrid = (N + threadsPerBlock - 1) / threadsPerBlock;

            //error = cuFuncSetBlockShape(vecAdd, threadsPerBlock, 1, 1);

            cuda.SetFunctionBlockShape(vecAddFunc, threadsPerBlock, 1, 1);

            int offset = 0;
            cuda.SetParameter(vecAddFunc, offset, (uint)dA.Pointer);
            offset += IntPtr.Size;
            cuda.SetParameter(vecAddFunc, offset, (uint)dB.Pointer);
            offset += IntPtr.Size;
            cuda.SetParameter(vecAddFunc, offset, (uint)dC.Pointer);
            offset += IntPtr.Size;
            cuda.SetParameter(vecAddFunc, offset, (uint)N);
            offset += sizeof(int);
            cuda.SetParameterSize(vecAddFunc, (uint)offset);

            CUevent start = cuda.CreateEvent();
            CUevent end = cuda.CreateEvent();

            cuda.Launch(vecAddFunc, blocksPerGrid, 1);


            float naiveTime = cuda.ElapsedTime(start, end);
            Console.Write("adding takes {0}ms", naiveTime);

            cuda.CopyDeviceToHost(dC, C);

            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                Console.WriteLine("{0}-{1}", i, C[i]);
Example #14
        //private static void InitMainVector(float[] vecVals, int[] vecIdx, int[] vecLenght, float[] mainVec)
        //    for (int j = vecLenght[mainIndex]; j < vecLenght[mainIndex + 1]; j++)
        //    {
        //        int idx = vecIdx[j];
        //        float val = vecVals[j];
        //        mainVec[idx] = val;
        //    }
        private static float[] CuDotProdCSRwriteCombined(int repetition)
            //always the same values
            Random rnd = new Random(1);

            CUDA cuda = new CUDA(0, true);

            // load module
            CUmodule module = cuda.LoadModule(Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "structKernel.cubin"));

            CUfunction cuFunc = cuda.GetModuleFunction("spmv_csr_vector_kernel_wc");

            int maxRowSize = avgElements + stdElements - 1;

            Console.WriteLine("init arrays");
            Stopwatch t = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            //temp lists for values, indices and vecotr lenght
            List<float> vecValsL = new List<float>(N * maxRowSize / 2);
            List<int> vecIdxL = new List<int>(N * maxRowSize / 2);
            List<int> vecLenghtL = new List<int>(N);

            float[] vecVals;
            int[] vecIdx;
            int[] vecLenght;

            maxIndex = 0;
            int vecStartIdx = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
                int vecSize = avgElements + i % stdElements;

                float[] vals = Helpers.InitValues(i, vecSize, maxVal);

                int[] index = Helpers.InitIndices(i, vecSize, ref maxIndex);

                vecStartIdx += vecSize;

            //for last index

            vecVals = vecValsL.ToArray();
            vecIdx = vecIdxL.ToArray();
            vecLenght = vecLenghtL.ToArray();

            Console.WriteLine("Init takes {0}", t.Elapsed);

            CUdeviceptr valsPtr = cuda.CopyHostToDevice(vecVals);
            CUdeviceptr idxPtr = cuda.CopyHostToDevice(vecIdx);
            CUdeviceptr vecLenghtPtr = cuda.CopyHostToDevice(vecLenght);

            float[] output = new float[N];
            //CUdeviceptr dOutput = cuda.Allocate(output);

            IntPtr outputPtr2 = cuda.HostAllocate((uint)(N * sizeof(float)), CUDADriver.CU_MEMHOSTALLOC_DEVICEMAP);
            CUdeviceptr dOutput = cuda.GetHostDevicePointer(outputPtr2, 0);

            uint memSize = (uint)((maxIndex + 1) * sizeof(float));
            uint tt = (uint)CUMemHostAllocFlags.WriteCombined;
            uint s = (uint)CUMemHostAllocFlags.DeviceMap;
            IntPtr mainVecIntPtr = cuda.HostAllocate(memSize, flags);

            CUdeviceptr mainVecPtr = cuda.GetHostDevicePointer(mainVecIntPtr, 0);

            Console.WriteLine("copy to device takes {0}", t.Elapsed);
            #region set cuda parameters
            cuda.SetFunctionBlockShape(cuFunc, threadsPerBlock, 1, 1);

            int offset = 0;
            cuda.SetParameter(cuFunc, offset, valsPtr.Pointer);
            offset += IntPtr.Size;
            cuda.SetParameter(cuFunc, offset, idxPtr.Pointer);
            offset += IntPtr.Size;

            cuda.SetParameter(cuFunc, offset, vecLenghtPtr.Pointer);
            offset += IntPtr.Size;

            cuda.SetParameter(cuFunc, offset, mainVecPtr.Pointer);
            offset += IntPtr.Size;

            cuda.SetParameter(cuFunc, offset, dOutput.Pointer);
            offset += IntPtr.Size;

            cuda.SetParameter(cuFunc, offset, (uint)N);
            offset += sizeof(int);
            cuda.SetParameter(cuFunc, offset, (uint)vecStartIdx);
            offset += sizeof(int);
            cuda.SetParameterSize(cuFunc, (uint)offset);
            Console.WriteLine("start computation");

            CUevent start = cuda.CreateEvent();
            CUevent end = cuda.CreateEvent();

            mainIndex = StartingIndex;
            Stopwatch timer = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            for (int k = 0; k < repetition; k++)

                //float[] tempFloatarr = new float[memSize];
               Helpers.InitBuffer(vecVals, vecIdx, vecLenght,mainIndex, mainVecIntPtr);

                //Marshal.Copy(mainVecIntPtr, tempFloatarr, 0, tempFloatarr.Length);

                cuda.Launch(cuFunc, blocksPerGrid, 1);

                //cuda.CopyDeviceToHost(dOutput, output);
                Marshal.Copy(outputPtr2, output, 0, N);

                //mainVec = new float[maxIndex + 1];
                //Array.Clear(mainVec, 0, mainVec.Length);

                //clear previous vector values

                Helpers.SetBufferIdx(vecIdx, vecLenght,mainIndex, mainVecIntPtr,0.0f);




            // cuda.CopyDeviceToHost(dOutput, output);

            float naiveTime = cuda.ElapsedTime(start, end);

            Console.Write("csr vector Dot products with mainIndex {0} and {1}-vectors takes {2} ms stopwatch time {3} ms", mainIndex, N, naiveTime, timer.Elapsed);

            int lenght = Math.Min(displayCount, N);
            for (int i = 0; i < lenght; i++)
                Console.WriteLine("{0}-{1}", i, output[i]);


               // cuda.Free(mainVecPtr);

            return output;
Example #15
        private static unsafe void CuStructPass()
            int N = 4;

            int sparseVecSize = sizeof(SparseVecPtr);

            uint size = (uint)(N * sizeof(SparseVecPtr));

            CUDA cuda = new CUDA(0, true);

            // load module
            cuda.LoadModule(Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "structKernel.cubin"));
            CUfunction structPassFunc = cuda.GetModuleFunction("StructPass");

            SparseVecPtr[] vectors = new SparseVecPtr[N];

            for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
                vectors[i] = new SparseVecPtr();
                vectors[i].size = 2;
                float[] vals = new float[2] { (float)i + 1 % 5, (float)i + 2 % 7 };

                //GCHandle valHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(vals, GCHandleType.Pinned);
                //vectors[i].values = valHandle.AddrOfPinnedObject();

                int[] index = new int[2] { i % 5, i % 7 };
                //GCHandle idxHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(index, GCHandleType.Pinned);
                //vectors[i].indices = idxHandle.AddrOfPinnedObject();


                CUdeviceptr valsPtr = cuda.CopyHostToDevice(vals);
                CUdeviceptr idxPtr = cuda.CopyHostToDevice(index);

                vectors[i].indices = new IntPtr(idxPtr.Pointer);
                vectors[i].values = (IntPtr)valsPtr.Pointer;


            GCHandle handle = GCHandle.Alloc(vectors, GCHandleType.Pinned);
            IntPtr ptr = handle.AddrOfPinnedObject();

            float[] output = new float[N];

            //CUdeviceptr dVectors = cuda.CopyHostToDevice(vectors);

            CUdeviceptr dVectors = cuda.CopyHostToDevice(ptr, size);
            CUdeviceptr dOutput = cuda.Allocate(output);

            int threadsPerBlock = 256;
            int blocksPerGrid = (N + threadsPerBlock - 1) / threadsPerBlock;

            //error = cuFuncSetBlockShape(vecAdd, threadsPerBlock, 1, 1);

            cuda.SetFunctionBlockShape(structPassFunc, threadsPerBlock, 1, 1);

            int offset = 0;
            cuda.SetParameter(structPassFunc, offset, (uint)dVectors.Pointer);
            offset += IntPtr.Size;
            cuda.SetParameter(structPassFunc, offset, (uint)dOutput.Pointer);
            offset += IntPtr.Size;
            cuda.SetParameter(structPassFunc, offset, (uint)N);
            offset += sizeof(int);
            cuda.SetParameterSize(structPassFunc, (uint)offset);

            CUevent start = cuda.CreateEvent();
            CUevent end = cuda.CreateEvent();

            cuda.Launch(structPassFunc, blocksPerGrid, 1);


            float naiveTime = cuda.ElapsedTime(start, end);
            Console.Write("passing struct takes {0}ms", naiveTime);

            cuda.CopyDeviceToHost(dOutput, output);

            int lenght = Math.Min(10, N);
            for (int i = 0; i < lenght; i++)
                Console.WriteLine("{0}-{1}", i, output[i]);
Example #16
        public override float[] Predict(SparseVec[] elements)
            float[] prediction = new float[elements.Length];

            uint reduceSize = (uint)reductionBlocks * sizeof(float);

            int loop = (elements.Length + NUM_STREAMS - 1) / NUM_STREAMS;

            for (int i = 0; i < loop; i++)
                for (int s = 0; s < NUM_STREAMS; s++)
                    int idx = i * NUM_STREAMS + s;
                    if (idx < elements.Length)
                        var vec = elements[idx];

                        //float[] svDots = TrainedModel.SupportElements.Select(sv => sv.DotProduct(vec)).ToArray();

                        //set nonzero values to dense vector accessible through vecIntPtr
                        CudaHelpers.InitBuffer(vec, mainVecIntPtrs[s]);

                        #region sync version
                        cuda.CopyHostToDevice(mainVecCuPtr[s], mainVecIntPtrs[s], vectorsDimMemSize);

                        cuda.SetParameter(cuFuncEval, kernelResultParamOffset, evalOutputCuPtr[s]);
                        //cuda.SetParameter(cuFuncEval, vectorSelfDotParamOffset, vec.DotProduct());
                        cuda.SetParameter(cuFuncEval, texSelParamOffset, s + 1);

                        cuda.Launch(cuFuncEval, evalBlocks, 1);

                        float[] t = new float[sizeSV];
                        cuda.CopyDeviceToHost(evalOutputCuPtr[s], t);

                        cuda.SetParameter(cuFuncReduce, offsetMemToReduce, evalOutputCuPtr[s]);
                        cuda.SetParameter(cuFuncReduce, offsetOutMemReduce, reduceCuPtr[s]);
                        cuda.Launch(cuFuncReduce, reductionBlocks, 1);

                        cuda.CopyDeviceToHost(reduceCuPtr[s], reduceIntPtrs[s], reduceSize);
                        float[] r = new float[reductionBlocks];
                        cuda.CopyDeviceToHost(reduceCuPtr[s], r);

                        //cuda.CopyHostToDeviceAsync(mainVecCuPtr[s], mainVecIntPtrs[s], vectorsDimMemSize, stream[s]);
                        ////cuFunc user different textures
                        //cuda.SetParameter(cuFuncEval, kernelResultParamOffset, evalOutputCuPtr[s]);
                        //cuda.SetParameter(cuFuncEval, vectorSelfDotParamOffset, vec.DotProduct());
                        //cuda.SetParameter(cuFuncEval, texSelParamOffset, s + 1);
                        //cuda.LaunchAsync(cuFuncEval, evalBlocks, 1, stream[s]);

                        //cuda.SetParameter(cuFuncReduce, offsetMemToReduce, evalOutputCuPtr[s]);
                        //cuda.SetParameter(cuFuncReduce, offsetOutMemReduce, reduceCuPtr[s]);
                        //cuda.LaunchAsync(cuFuncReduce, reductionBlocks, 1, stream[s]);

                        //cuda.CopyDeviceToHostAsync(reduceCuPtr[s], reduceIntPtrs[s], reduceSize, stream[s]);

                //wait for all streams

                for (int s = 0; s < NUM_STREAMS; s++)
                    int idx = i * NUM_STREAMS + s;
                    if (idx < elements.Length)
                        var vec = elements[idx];
                        //clear the buffer
                        //set nonzero values to dense vector accessible thought vecIntPtr
                        CudaHelpers.SetBufferIdx(vec, mainVecIntPtrs[s], 0.0f);
                        float evalValue = ReduceOnHost(reduceIntPtrs[s], reductionBlocks);

                        prediction[idx] = evalValue;

Example #17
        /// <summary>
        /// implementation of sparese matrix product
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="repetition">how many times kernel should be launch</param>
        /// <param name="moduleFunction">cuda kenrel name</param>
        /// <param name="blockSizeX">block size X</param>
        /// <param name="blockSizeY">block size Y</param>
        /// <param name="transposeGrid">indicate that grid dimensions should be
        /// computed alternativly, if false than gridDimY- connected with rows
        /// else gridDim.Y conected with cols</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static float[] CRSSparseMM(int repetition, string moduleFunction,
                                          int blockSizeX, int blockSizeY, bool transposeGrid)
            //int blockSizeX = 4;
            //int blockSizeY = 4;

            CUDA cuda = new CUDA(0, true);

            // load module
            CUmodule module = cuda.LoadModule(Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "matrixKernels.cubin"));

            CUfunction cuFunc = cuda.GetModuleFunction(moduleFunction);

            int maxRowSize = avgElements + stdElements - 1;

            Console.WriteLine("init Matrix");
            Stopwatch t = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            //values in CRS format
            float[] AVals, BVals;
            //indexes in Crs format
            int[] AIdx, BIdx;
            //Lenght of each row in CRS format
            int[] ARowLen, BRowLen;
            int   maxIndex = 0;

            MakeRandCrsSparseMatrix(Rows, maxRowSize, out AVals, out AIdx, out ARowLen, out maxIndex);

            // DisplayCrsMatrix(AVals, AIdx, ARowLen,maxIndex);
            MakeRandCrsSparseMatrix(Cols, maxRowSize, out BVals, out BIdx, out BRowLen, out maxIndex);
            //DisplayCrsMatrix(BVals, BIdx, BRowLen, maxIndex);

            Console.WriteLine("Init takes {0}", t.Elapsed);

            CUdeviceptr AValsPtr   = cuda.CopyHostToDevice(AVals);
            CUdeviceptr AIdxPtr    = cuda.CopyHostToDevice(AIdx);
            CUdeviceptr ALenghtPtr = cuda.CopyHostToDevice(ARowLen);

            CUdeviceptr BValsPtr   = cuda.CopyHostToDevice(BVals);
            CUdeviceptr BIdxPtr    = cuda.CopyHostToDevice(BIdx);
            CUdeviceptr BLenghtPtr = cuda.CopyHostToDevice(BRowLen);

            int outputSize = Rows * Cols;

            float[] output = new float[outputSize];
            //CUdeviceptr dOutput = cuda.Allocate(output);

            IntPtr      outputPtr2 = cuda.HostAllocate((uint)(outputSize * sizeof(float)), CUDADriver.CU_MEMHOSTALLOC_DEVICEMAP);
            CUdeviceptr dOutput    = cuda.GetHostDevicePointer(outputPtr2, 0);

            Console.WriteLine("copy to device takes {0}", t.Elapsed);
            #region set cuda parameters

            int Aelements = AVals.Length;
            int Belements = BVals.Length;

            cuda.SetFunctionBlockShape(cuFunc, blockSizeX, blockSizeY, 1);

            int offset = 0;
            cuda.SetParameter(cuFunc, offset, AValsPtr.Pointer);
            offset += IntPtr.Size;
            cuda.SetParameter(cuFunc, offset, AIdxPtr.Pointer);
            offset += IntPtr.Size;
            cuda.SetParameter(cuFunc, offset, ALenghtPtr.Pointer);
            offset += IntPtr.Size;
            cuda.SetParameter(cuFunc, offset, BValsPtr.Pointer);
            offset += IntPtr.Size;
            cuda.SetParameter(cuFunc, offset, BIdxPtr.Pointer);
            offset += IntPtr.Size;
            cuda.SetParameter(cuFunc, offset, BLenghtPtr.Pointer);
            offset += IntPtr.Size;

            cuda.SetParameter(cuFunc, offset, dOutput.Pointer);
            offset += IntPtr.Size;

            cuda.SetParameter(cuFunc, offset, (uint)Rows);
            offset += sizeof(int);
            cuda.SetParameter(cuFunc, offset, (uint)Cols);
            offset += sizeof(int);

            cuda.SetParameter(cuFunc, offset, (uint)Aelements);
            offset += sizeof(int);
            cuda.SetParameter(cuFunc, offset, (uint)Belements);
            offset += sizeof(int);

            cuda.SetParameterSize(cuFunc, (uint)offset);
            Console.WriteLine("start computation");

            CUevent start = cuda.CreateEvent();
            CUevent end   = cuda.CreateEvent();

            //CUtexref cuTexRef = cuda.GetModuleTexture(module, "texRef");
            //cuda.SetTextureFlags(cuTexRef, 0);

            int gridDimX = (int)Math.Ceiling((Cols + 0.0) / (blockSizeX));
            int gridDimY = (int)Math.Ceiling((0.0 + Rows) / blockSizeY);
            if (transposeGrid)
                gridDimX = (int)Math.Ceiling((Rows + 0.0) / (blockSizeX));
                gridDimY = (int)Math.Ceiling((0.0 + Cols) / blockSizeY);

            Stopwatch timer = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            for (int k = 0; k < repetition; k++)
                cuda.Launch(cuFunc, gridDimX, gridDimY);

                //  cuda.CopyDeviceToHost(dOutput, output);
                Marshal.Copy(outputPtr2, output, 0, outputSize);



            float cudaTime = cuda.ElapsedTime(start, end);

            Console.WriteLine("Matrix products with kernel {0}", moduleFunction);
            Console.WriteLine("  takes {0} ms stopwatch time {1} ms", cudaTime, timer.Elapsed);

            int lenght = displayCount;// Math.Min(displayCount, Rows);
            for (int i = 0; i < lenght; i++)
                Console.WriteLine("{0}-{1}", i, output[i]);





Example #18
        private static float[] CuRBFCSRCached()
            //always the same values
            Random rnd = new Random(1);

            CUDA cuda = new CUDA(0, true);

            // load module
            CUmodule module = cuda.LoadModule(Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "structKernel.cubin"));

            CUfunction structPassFunc = cuda.GetModuleFunction("RBFspmv_csr_vector");

            int maxRowSize = avgElements + stdElements - 1;

            Console.WriteLine("init arrays");
            Stopwatch t = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            List<float> vecValsL = new List<float>(N * maxRowSize / 2);
            List<int> vecIdxL = new List<int>(N * maxRowSize / 2);
            List<int> vecLenghtL = new List<int>(N);

            float[] vecVals;
            int[] vecIdx;
            int[] vecLenght;
            float[] selfDot = new float[N];

            maxIndex = 0;
            int vecStartIdx = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
                int vecSize = avgElements + i % stdElements;

                float[] vals = Helpers.InitValues(i, vecSize, maxVal);

                for (int z = 0; z < vals.Length; z++)
                    selfDot[i] += vals[z] * vals[z];
                int[] index = Helpers.InitIndices(i, vecSize, ref maxIndex);

                vecStartIdx += vecSize;

            //for last index

            vecVals = vecValsL.ToArray();
            vecIdx = vecIdxL.ToArray();
            vecLenght = vecLenghtL.ToArray();

            float[] mainVec = new float[maxIndex + 1];

            for (int j = vecLenght[mainIndex]; j < vecLenght[mainIndex + 1]; j++)
                int idx = vecIdx[j];
                float val = vecVals[j];
                mainVec[idx] = val;
            Console.WriteLine("Init takes {0}", t.Elapsed);

            CUdeviceptr valsPtr = cuda.CopyHostToDevice(vecVals);
            CUdeviceptr idxPtr = cuda.CopyHostToDevice(vecIdx);
            CUdeviceptr vecLenghtPtr = cuda.CopyHostToDevice(vecLenght);
            CUdeviceptr selfDotPtr = cuda.CopyHostToDevice(selfDot);

            //copy to texture
            CUarray cuArr = cuda.CreateArray(mainVec);
            cuda.CopyHostToArray(cuArr, mainVec, 0);
            CUtexref cuTexRef = cuda.GetModuleTexture(module, "texRef");
            cuda.SetTextureFlags(cuTexRef, 0);
            cuda.SetTextureArray(cuTexRef, cuArr);

            float[] output = new float[N];
            CUdeviceptr dOutput = cuda.Allocate(output);

            Console.WriteLine("copy to device takes {0}", t.Elapsed);

            cuda.SetFunctionBlockShape(structPassFunc, threadsPerBlock, 1, 1);

            int offset = 0;
            cuda.SetParameter(structPassFunc, offset, valsPtr.Pointer);
            offset += IntPtr.Size;
            cuda.SetParameter(structPassFunc, offset, idxPtr.Pointer);
            offset += IntPtr.Size;

            cuda.SetParameter(structPassFunc, offset, vecLenghtPtr.Pointer);
            offset += IntPtr.Size;
            cuda.SetParameter(structPassFunc, offset, selfDotPtr.Pointer);
            offset += IntPtr.Size;

            cuda.SetParameter(structPassFunc, offset, dOutput.Pointer);
            offset += IntPtr.Size;

            cuda.SetParameter(structPassFunc, offset, (uint)N);
            offset += sizeof(int);
            cuda.SetParameter(structPassFunc, offset, (uint)mainIndex);
            offset += sizeof(int);
            cuda.SetParameter(structPassFunc, offset, Gamma);
            offset += sizeof(float);

            cuda.SetParameter(structPassFunc, offset, (uint)vecStartIdx);
            offset += sizeof(int);
            cuda.SetParameterSize(structPassFunc, (uint)offset);

            Console.WriteLine("start computation");

            CUevent start = cuda.CreateEvent();
            CUevent end = cuda.CreateEvent();

            Stopwatch timer = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            cuda.Launch(structPassFunc, blocksPerGrid, 1);


            float naiveTime = cuda.ElapsedTime(start, end);

            Console.Write("csr vector Dot products with mainIndex {0} and {1}-vectors takes {2} ms stopwatch time {3} ms", mainIndex, N, naiveTime, timer.Elapsed);

            cuda.CopyDeviceToHost(dOutput, output);

            int lenght = Math.Min(displayCount, N);
            for (int i = 0; i < lenght; i++)
                Console.WriteLine("{0}-{1}", i, output[i]);


            return output;
Example #19
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Init and select 1st device.
            CUDA cuda = new CUDA(0, true);

            // load module
            //cuda.LoadModule(Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "transpose_kernel.cubin"));
            cuda.LoadModule(Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "transpose_kernel.ptx"));
            CUfunction transpose = cuda.GetModuleFunction("transpose");
            CUfunction transpose_naive = cuda.GetModuleFunction("transpose_naive");

            const int size_x = 4096;
            const int size_y = 4096;
            const int mem_size = sizeof(float) * size_x * size_y;

            float[] h_idata = new float[size_x * size_y];
            for (int i = 0; i < h_idata.Length; i++)
                h_idata[i] = (float)i;

            // allocate device memory
            // copy host memory to device
            CUdeviceptr d_idata = cuda.CopyHostToDevice<float>(h_idata);
            CUdeviceptr d_odata = cuda.Allocate<float>(h_idata);

            // setup execution parameters
            cuda.SetFunctionBlockShape(transpose_naive, BLOCK_DIM, BLOCK_DIM, 1);
            cuda.SetParameter(transpose_naive, 0, (uint)d_odata.Pointer);
            cuda.SetParameter(transpose_naive, IntPtr.Size, (uint)d_idata.Pointer);
            cuda.SetParameter(transpose_naive, IntPtr.Size * 2, (uint)size_x);
            cuda.SetParameter(transpose_naive, IntPtr.Size * 2 + 4, (uint)size_y);
            cuda.SetParameterSize(transpose_naive, (uint)(IntPtr.Size * 2 + 8));

            cuda.SetFunctionBlockShape(transpose, BLOCK_DIM, BLOCK_DIM, 1);
            cuda.SetParameter(transpose, 0, (uint)d_odata.Pointer);
            cuda.SetParameter(transpose, IntPtr.Size, (uint)d_idata.Pointer);
            cuda.SetParameter(transpose, IntPtr.Size * 2, (uint)size_x);
            cuda.SetParameter(transpose, IntPtr.Size * 2 + 4, (uint)size_y);
            cuda.SetParameterSize(transpose, (uint)(IntPtr.Size * 2 + 8));

            // warmup so we don't time CUDA startup
            cuda.Launch(transpose_naive, size_x / BLOCK_DIM, size_y / BLOCK_DIM);
            cuda.Launch(transpose, size_x / BLOCK_DIM, size_y / BLOCK_DIM);
            int numIterations = 100;

            Console.WriteLine("Transposing a {0} by {1} matrix of floats...", size_x, size_y);
            CUevent start = cuda.CreateEvent();
            CUevent end = cuda.CreateEvent();
            for (int i = 0; i < numIterations; i++)
                cuda.Launch(transpose_naive, size_x / BLOCK_DIM, size_y / BLOCK_DIM);
            float naiveTime = cuda.ElapsedTime(start, end);
            Console.WriteLine("Naive transpose average time:     {0} ms\n", naiveTime / numIterations);

            for (int i = 0; i < numIterations; i++)
                cuda.Launch(transpose, size_x / BLOCK_DIM, size_y / BLOCK_DIM);
            float optimizedTime = cuda.ElapsedTime(start, end);

            Console.WriteLine("Optimized transpose average time:     {0} ms\n", optimizedTime / numIterations);

            float[] h_odata = new float[size_x * size_y];
            cuda.CopyDeviceToHost<float>(d_odata, h_odata);

            float[] reference = new float[size_x * size_y];
            computeGold(reference, h_idata, size_x, size_y);

            bool res = CompareF(reference, h_odata, size_x * size_y);
            Console.WriteLine("Test {0}", res == true? "PASSED":"FAILED");


        /// <summary>
        /// implementation of sparese matrix product
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="repetition">how many times kernel should be launch</param>
        /// <param name="moduleFunction">cuda kenrel name</param>
        /// <param name="blockSizeX">block size X</param>
        /// <param name="blockSizeY">block size Y</param>
        /// <param name="transposeGrid">indicate that grid dimensions should be 
        /// computed alternativly, if false than gridDimY- connected with rows
        /// else gridDim.Y conected with cols</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static float[] CRSSparseMM(int repetition, string moduleFunction, 
            int blockSizeX,int blockSizeY, bool transposeGrid)
            //int blockSizeX = 4;
            //int blockSizeY = 4;

            CUDA cuda = new CUDA(0, true);

            // load module
            CUmodule module = cuda.LoadModule(Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "matrixKernels.cubin"));

            CUfunction cuFunc = cuda.GetModuleFunction(moduleFunction);

            int maxRowSize = avgElements + stdElements - 1;

            Console.WriteLine("init Matrix");
            Stopwatch t = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            //values in CRS format
            float[] AVals, BVals;
            //indexes in Crs format
            int[] AIdx, BIdx;
            //Lenght of each row in CRS format
            int[] ARowLen, BRowLen;
            int maxIndex = 0;
            MakeRandCrsSparseMatrix(Rows, maxRowSize, out AVals, out AIdx, out ARowLen,out maxIndex);

               // DisplayCrsMatrix(AVals, AIdx, ARowLen,maxIndex);
            MakeRandCrsSparseMatrix(Cols, maxRowSize, out BVals, out BIdx, out BRowLen,out maxIndex);
            //DisplayCrsMatrix(BVals, BIdx, BRowLen, maxIndex);

            Console.WriteLine("Init takes {0}", t.Elapsed);

            CUdeviceptr AValsPtr = cuda.CopyHostToDevice(AVals);
            CUdeviceptr AIdxPtr = cuda.CopyHostToDevice(AIdx);
            CUdeviceptr ALenghtPtr = cuda.CopyHostToDevice(ARowLen);

            CUdeviceptr BValsPtr = cuda.CopyHostToDevice(BVals);
            CUdeviceptr BIdxPtr = cuda.CopyHostToDevice(BIdx);
            CUdeviceptr BLenghtPtr = cuda.CopyHostToDevice(BRowLen);

            int outputSize = Rows * Cols;
            float[] output = new float[outputSize];
            //CUdeviceptr dOutput = cuda.Allocate(output);

            IntPtr outputPtr2 = cuda.HostAllocate((uint)(outputSize * sizeof(float)), CUDADriver.CU_MEMHOSTALLOC_DEVICEMAP);
            CUdeviceptr dOutput = cuda.GetHostDevicePointer(outputPtr2, 0);

            Console.WriteLine("copy to device takes {0}", t.Elapsed);
            #region set cuda parameters

            int Aelements = AVals.Length;
            int Belements = BVals.Length;

            cuda.SetFunctionBlockShape(cuFunc,blockSizeX,blockSizeY, 1);

            int offset = 0;
            cuda.SetParameter(cuFunc, offset, AValsPtr.Pointer);
            offset += IntPtr.Size;
            cuda.SetParameter(cuFunc, offset, AIdxPtr.Pointer);
            offset += IntPtr.Size;
            cuda.SetParameter(cuFunc, offset, ALenghtPtr.Pointer);
            offset += IntPtr.Size;
            cuda.SetParameter(cuFunc, offset, BValsPtr.Pointer);
            offset += IntPtr.Size;
            cuda.SetParameter(cuFunc, offset, BIdxPtr.Pointer);
            offset += IntPtr.Size;
            cuda.SetParameter(cuFunc, offset, BLenghtPtr.Pointer);
            offset += IntPtr.Size;

            cuda.SetParameter(cuFunc, offset, dOutput.Pointer);
            offset += IntPtr.Size;

            cuda.SetParameter(cuFunc, offset, (uint)Rows);
            offset += sizeof(int);
            cuda.SetParameter(cuFunc, offset, (uint)Cols);
            offset += sizeof(int);

            cuda.SetParameter(cuFunc, offset, (uint)Aelements);
            offset += sizeof(int);
            cuda.SetParameter(cuFunc, offset, (uint)Belements);
            offset += sizeof(int);

            cuda.SetParameterSize(cuFunc, (uint)offset);
            Console.WriteLine("start computation");

            CUevent start = cuda.CreateEvent();
            CUevent end = cuda.CreateEvent();

            //CUtexref cuTexRef = cuda.GetModuleTexture(module, "texRef");
            //cuda.SetTextureFlags(cuTexRef, 0);

            int gridDimX =(int) Math.Ceiling((Cols + 0.0) / (blockSizeX));
            int gridDimY = (int)Math.Ceiling((0.0+Rows)/blockSizeY);
            if (transposeGrid)
                gridDimX = (int)Math.Ceiling((Rows + 0.0) / (blockSizeX));
                gridDimY = (int)Math.Ceiling((0.0 + Cols) / blockSizeY);

            Stopwatch timer = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            for (int k = 0; k < repetition; k++)
                cuda.Launch(cuFunc, gridDimX, gridDimY);

               //  cuda.CopyDeviceToHost(dOutput, output);
                Marshal.Copy(outputPtr2, output, 0, outputSize);



            float cudaTime = cuda.ElapsedTime(start, end);

            Console.WriteLine("Matrix products with kernel {0}",moduleFunction);
            Console.WriteLine("  takes {0} ms stopwatch time {1} ms", cudaTime, timer.Elapsed);

            int lenght = displayCount;// Math.Min(displayCount, Rows);
            for (int i = 0; i < lenght; i++)
                Console.WriteLine("{0}-{1}", i, output[i]);





            return output;
Example #21
                private void Worker()
#if CUDA
                    int    nN = _nMergingDeviceNumber;
                    string sS = "CUDA-" + nN + "-" + _nIndex;
                        Command cCmd;
                        CUDA    cCUDA;
                        #region CUDA Init
                            cCUDA = new CUDA(true);
                            cCUDA.CreateContext(nN % 1000); // number of cuda in prefs (still alwais 0)
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            if (ex is CUDAException)
                                ex = new Exception("CUDA Error:" + ((CUDAException)ex).CUDAError.ToString(), ex);

                            throw new Exception("CreateContext(" + nN % 1000 + ") error. Try to change CUDA's card number in prefs", ex);
                        (new Logger(sS)).WriteDebug("CreateContext(" + nN % 1000 + ") is ok!");

                        uint   nMemoryReservedForMerge    = 2 * 1024 * 1024;       //PREFERENCES типа <memory reserved="2097152" />
                        uint   nMemoryStarvationThreshold = cCUDA.TotalMemory / 2; //PREFERENCES через проценты... типа <memory starvation="50%" />
                        uint   nMemoryFree;
                        string sModule = "CUDAFunctions_" + Preferences.nCUDAVersion + "_x" + (IntPtr.Size * 8);
                        if (Logger.bDebug)
                            (new Logger(sS)).WriteDebug(sModule + "   Current CUDA = [name=" + cCUDA.CurrentDevice.Name + "][compute_capability=" + cCUDA.CurrentDevice.ComputeCapability + "]");
                        cCUDA.LoadModule((byte[])Properties.Resource.ResourceManager.GetObject(sModule)); //   $(ProjectDir)Resources\CUDAFunctions.cubin
                        CUfunction cCUDAFuncMerge   = cCUDA.GetModuleFunction("CUDAFrameMerge");
                        int        nThreadsPerBlock = 16;                                                 //32 //256 //пришлось уменьшить с 512 до 256 сридов на блок, потому что при добавлении "движения" и операций с float, ловил ошибку: Too Many Resources Requested for Launch (This error means that the number of registers available on the multiprocessor is being exceeded. Reduce the number of threads per block to solve the problem)
                        cCUDA.SetFunctionBlockShape(cCUDAFuncMerge, nThreadsPerBlock, nThreadsPerBlock, 1);
                        CUDADriver.cuParamSetSize(cCUDAFuncMerge, 8);

                        Dictionary <long, CUdeviceptr> ahPMIDs_DevicePointers = new Dictionary <long, CUdeviceptr>();
                        CUdeviceptr cPMs;
                        CUdeviceptr cInfos;
                        CUdeviceptr cAlphaMap;
                        CUdeviceptr cAlphaMap_info3d;
                        CUdeviceptr cAlphaMap_info2d;
                        if (true)
                            //IntPtr[] aPointersByAlpha = new IntPtr[254];  //те самые поинтеры-альфы. Ссылаются на массивы поинтеров B, т.е. BackGrounds
                            //IntPtr[] aPointersByBackground = new IntPtr[256];   //  те самые массивы поинтеров B, т.е. BackGrounds
                            byte[]   aAlphaMap = new byte[(byte.MaxValue - 1) * (byte.MaxValue + 1) * (byte.MaxValue + 1)];
                            int[]    aAlphaMap_info3d = new int[254];    // начала 2d слоёв
                            ushort[] aAlphaMap_info2d = new ushort[256]; // начала строк в одном 2d
                            int      nResult, nIndx = 0, nIndxInfo = 0, nIndx2d = 0;
                            for (byte nAlpha = 1; 255 > nAlpha; nAlpha++)
                                aAlphaMap_info3d[nIndxInfo++] = nIndx;
                                for (ushort nBackground = 0; 256 > nBackground; nBackground++)
                                    if (nAlpha == 1)
                                        aAlphaMap_info2d[nIndx2d++] = (ushort)nIndx;
                                    for (ushort nForeground = 0; 256 > nForeground; nForeground++)
                                        if (255 < (nResult = (int)((float)(nAlpha * (nForeground - nBackground)) / 255 + nBackground + 0.5)))
                                            nResult = 255;
                                        aAlphaMap[nIndx++] = (byte)nResult;
                                    //aPointersByBackground[nBackground] = (IntPtr)cCUDA.CopyHostToDevice<byte>(aResults).Pointer;
                                //aPointersByAlpha[nAlpha - 1] = (IntPtr)cCUDA.CopyHostToDevice<IntPtr>(aPointersByBackground).Pointer;
                            cAlphaMap_info3d = cCUDA.CopyHostToDevice <int>(aAlphaMap_info3d);
                            cAlphaMap        = cCUDA.CopyHostToDevice <byte>(aAlphaMap);
                            cAlphaMap_info2d = cCUDA.CopyHostToDevice <ushort>(aAlphaMap_info2d);
                        CUdeviceptr cAlphaMap2;
                        CUdeviceptr cAlphaMap2_info2d;
                            byte[]   aAlphaMap2 = new byte[(byte.MaxValue - 1) * (byte.MaxValue - 1)];
                            ushort[] aAlphaMap2_info2d = new ushort[254];
                            int      nIndx = 0, nIndx2d = 0;
                            for (byte nFGColorAlpha = 1; 255 > nFGColorAlpha; nFGColorAlpha++)  // можно использовать симметрию умножения, но х с ней пока
                                aAlphaMap2_info2d[nIndx2d++] = (ushort)nIndx;
                                for (byte nPixelAlpha = 1; 255 > nPixelAlpha; nPixelAlpha++)
                                    aAlphaMap2[nIndx++] = (byte)((float)nFGColorAlpha * nPixelAlpha / 255 + 0.5);
                            cAlphaMap2        = cCUDA.CopyHostToDevice <byte>(aAlphaMap2);
                            cAlphaMap2_info2d = cCUDA.CopyHostToDevice <ushort>(aAlphaMap2_info2d);
                        CUdeviceptr cAlphaMap3;
                        CUdeviceptr cAlphaMap3_info2d;
                            byte[]   aAlphaMap3 = new byte[byte.MaxValue * (byte.MaxValue - 1)];
                            ushort[] aAlphaMap3_info2d = new ushort[255];
                            int      nIndx = 0, nIndx2d = 0;
                            for (ushort nFGColorAlpha = 1; 256 > nFGColorAlpha; nFGColorAlpha++)
                                aAlphaMap3_info2d[nIndx2d++] = (ushort)nIndx;
                                for (byte nMask = 1; 255 > nMask; nMask++)
                                    aAlphaMap3[nIndx++] = (byte)(nFGColorAlpha * ((255 - nMask) / 255f) + 0.5);
                            cAlphaMap3        = cCUDA.CopyHostToDevice <byte>(aAlphaMap3);
                            cAlphaMap3_info2d = cCUDA.CopyHostToDevice <ushort>(aAlphaMap3_info2d);
                        #endregion CUDA Init
                        Dictionary <long, DateTime> ahDebug   = new Dictionary <long, DateTime>();
                        Dictionary <long, Area>     ahDebugAr = new Dictionary <long, Area>();
                        DateTime         dtNextTime = DateTime.MinValue, dtNow;
                        bool             bSet;
                        List <IntPtr>    aDPs;
                        List <PixelsMap> aPMs;

                        while (true)
                            if (1 > aqQueue.CountGet() && (dtNow = DateTime.Now) > dtNextTime)
                                dtNextTime = dtNow.AddMinutes(20);
                                dtNow = dtNow.Subtract(TimeSpan.FromHours(2));
                                string sMessage = "";
                                foreach (long nID in ahDebug.OrderBy(o => o.Value).Select(o => o.Key))
                                    if (dtNow > ahDebug[nID])
                                        sMessage += "<br>[" + nID + " - " + ahDebug[nID].ToString("HH:mm:ss") + "]" + ahDebugAr[nID].ToString();
                                (new Logger(sS)).WriteDebug("CUDA free memory:" + cCUDA.FreeMemory
                                                            + "; possibly timeworn allocations:" + (1 > sMessage.Length ? "no" : sMessage)
                            cCmd = aqQueue.Dequeue();  //если нечего отдать - заснёт
                            switch (cCmd.eID)
                            case Command.ID.Allocate:
                                    cCmd.cPM._cException = null;
                                    if (1 > cCmd.cPM._nID)
                                        if (0 < cCmd.cPM._nBytesQty)
                                            nMemoryFree = cCUDA.FreeMemory;
                                            if (nMemoryReservedForMerge < nMemoryFree - cCmd.cPM._nBytesQty)
                                                bMemoryStarvation = (nMemoryFree < nMemoryStarvationThreshold);
                                                (new Logger(sS)).WriteDebug3("pixelmap allocateCUDA [current_id=" + _nCurrentID + "]");
                                                cCmd.cPM._nID = System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(ref _nCurrentID);
                                                ahPMIDs_DevicePointers.Add(cCmd.cPM._nID, cCUDA.Allocate(cCmd.cPM._nBytesQty));
                                                ahDebug.Add(cCmd.cPM._nID, DateTime.Now);
                                                ahDebugAr.Add(cCmd.cPM._nID, cCmd.cPM.stArea);
                                                bMemoryStarvation = true;
                                                throw new Exception("out of memory in CUDA device during Allocate. Only 2 MBytes reserved for the Merge");
                                            throw new Exception("bytes quantity in PixelsMap have to be greater than zero for Allocate [_bDisposed = " + cCmd.cPM._bDisposed + "][_bProcessing = " + cCmd.cPM._bProcessing + "][_stPosition.X = " + cCmd.cPM._stPosition.X + "][_stPosition.Y = " + cCmd.cPM._stPosition.Y + "][_bTemp = " + cCmd.cPM._bTemp + "][_dt = " + cCmd.cPM._dtCreate + "][_nBytesQty = " + cCmd.cPM._nBytesQty + "][_nID = " + cCmd.cPM._nID + "][_nShiftTotalX = " + cCmd.cPM._nShiftTotalX + "][_stArea.nHeight = " + cCmd.cPM._stArea.nHeight + "][_stArea.nWidth = " + cCmd.cPM._stArea.nWidth + "][bKeepAlive = " + cCmd.cPM.bKeepAlive + "][eAlpha = " + cCmd.cPM.eAlpha + "][bCUDA = " + cCmd.cPM.stMergingMethod + "][nAlphaConstant = " + cCmd.cPM.nAlphaConstant + "][nID = " + cCmd.cPM.nID + "][nLength = " + cCmd.cPM.nLength + "][stArea.nHeight = " + cCmd.cPM.stArea.nHeight + "][stArea.nWidth = " + cCmd.cPM.stArea.nWidth + "]");
                                        throw new Exception("PixelsMap ID have to be zero for Allocate");
                                catch (Exception ex)
                                    if (ex is CUDAException)
                                        ex = new Exception("CUDA Error:" + ((CUDAException)ex).CUDAError.ToString(), ex);
                                    (new Logger(sS)).WriteError(ex);
                                    (new Logger(sS)).WriteDebug("bytes qty:" + cCmd.cPM._nBytesQty);
                                    cCmd.cPM._cException = ex;

                            case Command.ID.CopyIn:
                                    cCmd.cPM._cException = null;
                                    if (1 > cCmd.cPM._nID)
                                        if (cCUDA.FreeMemory - cCmd.cPM._nBytesQty > nMemoryReservedForMerge)
                                            (new Logger(sS)).WriteDebug3("pixelmap copyinCUDA not allocated [pm_id=" + _nCurrentID + "]");
                                            cCmd.cPM._nID = System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(ref _nCurrentID);
                                            if (cCmd.ahParameters.ContainsKey(typeof(IntPtr)))
                                                ahPMIDs_DevicePointers.Add(cCmd.cPM._nID, cCUDA.CopyHostToDevice((IntPtr)cCmd.ahParameters[typeof(IntPtr)], cCmd.cPM._nBytesQty));
                                            else if (cCmd.ahParameters.ContainsKey(typeof(byte[])))
                                                ahPMIDs_DevicePointers.Add(cCmd.cPM._nID, cCUDA.CopyHostToDevice((byte[])cCmd.ahParameters[typeof(byte[])]));
                                                throw new Exception("unknown parameter type");
                                            ahDebug.Add(cCmd.cPM._nID, DateTime.Now);
                                            ahDebugAr.Add(cCmd.cPM._nID, cCmd.cPM.stArea);
                                            throw new Exception("out of memory in CUDA device during CopyIn. Only 2 MBytes reserved for the Merge.");
                                        (new Logger(sS)).WriteDebug4("pixelmap copyinCUDA allocated [pm_id=" + _nCurrentID + "]");
                                        if (cCmd.ahParameters.ContainsKey(typeof(IntPtr)))
                                            cCUDA.CopyHostToDevice(ahPMIDs_DevicePointers[cCmd.cPM._nID], (IntPtr)cCmd.ahParameters[typeof(IntPtr)], cCmd.cPM._nBytesQty);
                                        else if (cCmd.ahParameters.ContainsKey(typeof(byte[])))
                                            cCUDA.CopyHostToDevice(ahPMIDs_DevicePointers[cCmd.cPM._nID], (byte[])cCmd.ahParameters[typeof(byte[])]);
                                            throw new Exception("unknown parameter type");
                                catch (Exception ex)
                                    if (ex is CUDAException)
                                        ex = new Exception("CUDA Error:" + ((CUDAException)ex).CUDAError.ToString(), ex);
                                    (new Logger(sS)).WriteError(ex);
                                    cCmd.cPM._cException = ex;

                            case Command.ID.CopyOut:
                                    if (0 < cCmd.cPM._nID)
                                        if (!cCmd.ahParameters.ContainsKey(typeof(IntPtr)))
                                            if (cCmd.ahParameters.ContainsKey(typeof(byte[])))
                                                byte[] aB = (byte[])cCmd.ahParameters[typeof(byte[])];
                                                cCmd.cPM._aBytes = null;
                                                if (cCmd.cPM._nBytesQty != aB.Length)
                                                    (new Logger(sS)).WriteWarning("wrong array size for copyout [got:" + aB.Length + "][expected:" + cCmd.cPM._nBytesQty + "]");
                                                cCUDA.CopyDeviceToHost <byte>(ahPMIDs_DevicePointers[cCmd.cPM._nID], aB);
                                            else      // не юзается (см. copyout())
                                                cCmd.cPM._aBytes = _cBinM.BytesGet((int)cCmd.cPM._nBytesQty, 3);
                                                cCUDA.CopyDeviceToHost <byte>(ahPMIDs_DevicePointers[cCmd.cPM._nID], cCmd.cPM._aBytes.aBytes);
                                            cCUDA.CopyDeviceToHost(ahPMIDs_DevicePointers[cCmd.cPM._nID], (IntPtr)cCmd.ahParameters[typeof(IntPtr)], cCmd.cPM._nBytesQty);
                                        (new Logger(sS)).WriteDebug5("copy out [id:" + cCmd.cPM._nID + "][ptr:" + ahPMIDs_DevicePointers[cCmd.cPM._nID].Pointer + "]");
                                        throw new Exception("PixelsMap have to be allocated for CopyOut");
                                catch (Exception ex)
                                    if (ex is CUDAException)
                                        ex = new Exception("CUDA Error:" + ((CUDAException)ex).CUDAError.ToString(), ex);
                                    (new Logger(sS)).WriteError(ex);
                                    cCmd.cPM._cException = ex;

                            case Command.ID.Merge:
                                bSet = false;
                                    aPMs = (List <PixelsMap>)cCmd.ahParameters[typeof(List <PixelsMap>)];
                                    DisCom.MergeInfo cMergeInfo = (DisCom.MergeInfo)cCmd.ahParameters[typeof(DisCom.MergeInfo)];
                                    aDPs = new List <IntPtr>();

                                    if (1 > cCmd.cPM._nID)
                                        throw new Exception("background PixelsMap have to be allocated for Merge");

                                    for (int nIndx = 0; nIndx < aPMs.Count; nIndx++)
                                        if (!ahPMIDs_DevicePointers.ContainsKey(aPMs[nIndx]._nID))
                                            throw new Exception("there is a corrupted ID in layers for merge [id:" + aPMs[nIndx]._nID + "]");
                                        if (1 > ahPMIDs_DevicePointers[aPMs[nIndx]._nID].Pointer)
                                            throw new Exception("there is an empty pointer in layers for merge [id:" + aPMs[nIndx]._nID + "]");

                                    cPMs   = cCUDA.CopyHostToDevice <IntPtr>(aDPs.ToArray());
                                    cInfos = cCUDA.CopyHostToDevice(cMergeInfo, cMergeInfo.SizeGet());      // operator intptr in DisCom.MergeInfo

                                    cCUDA.SetParameter <IntPtr>(cCUDAFuncMerge, 0, (IntPtr)cPMs.Pointer);
                                    cCUDA.SetParameter <IntPtr>(cCUDAFuncMerge, IntPtr.Size, (IntPtr)cInfos.Pointer);
                                    cCUDA.SetParameter <IntPtr>(cCUDAFuncMerge, IntPtr.Size * 2, (IntPtr)cAlphaMap.Pointer);         //
                                    cCUDA.SetParameter <IntPtr>(cCUDAFuncMerge, IntPtr.Size * 3, (IntPtr)cAlphaMap_info3d.Pointer);  //
                                    cCUDA.SetParameter <IntPtr>(cCUDAFuncMerge, IntPtr.Size * 4, (IntPtr)cAlphaMap_info2d.Pointer);  //
                                    cCUDA.SetParameter <IntPtr>(cCUDAFuncMerge, IntPtr.Size * 5, (IntPtr)cAlphaMap2.Pointer);
                                    cCUDA.SetParameter <IntPtr>(cCUDAFuncMerge, IntPtr.Size * 6, (IntPtr)cAlphaMap2_info2d.Pointer); //
                                    cCUDA.SetParameter <IntPtr>(cCUDAFuncMerge, IntPtr.Size * 7, (IntPtr)cAlphaMap3.Pointer);
                                    cCUDA.SetParameter <IntPtr>(cCUDAFuncMerge, IntPtr.Size * 8, (IntPtr)cAlphaMap3_info2d.Pointer); //
                                    cCUDA.SetParameterSize(cCUDAFuncMerge, (uint)(IntPtr.Size * 9));
                                    int nIterationsX = (0 == cMergeInfo.nBackgroundWidth % nThreadsPerBlock ? cMergeInfo.nBackgroundWidth / nThreadsPerBlock : cMergeInfo.nBackgroundWidth / nThreadsPerBlock + 1);
                                    int nIterationsY = (0 == cMergeInfo.nBackgroundHight % nThreadsPerBlock ? cMergeInfo.nBackgroundHight / nThreadsPerBlock : cMergeInfo.nBackgroundHight / nThreadsPerBlock + 1);
                                    //int nIterationsX = (0 == cMergeInfo.nBackgroundHight % nThreadsPerBlock ? cMergeInfo.nBackgroundHight / nThreadsPerBlock : cMergeInfo.nBackgroundHight / nThreadsPerBlock + 1);

                                    cCUDA.Launch(cCUDAFuncMerge, nIterationsX, nIterationsY);


                                    bSet = true;

                                    for (int nIndx = 0; nIndx < aPMs.Count; nIndx++)
                                        lock (aPMs[nIndx]._cSyncRoot)
                                            aPMs[nIndx]._bProcessing = false;
                                catch (Exception ex)
                                    cCmd.cPM._cException = ex;
                                    if (!bSet)
                                    if (ex is CUDAException)
                                        ex = new Exception("CUDA Error:" + ((CUDAException)ex).CUDAError.ToString(), ex);
                                    (new Logger(sS)).WriteError(ex);

                            case Command.ID.Dispose:
                                (new Logger(sS)).Write(Logger.Level.debug4, "dispose: in");
                                    if (ahPMIDs_DevicePointers.ContainsKey(cCmd.cPM._nID))
                                        if (0 < cCmd.cPM._nID && 0 < ahPMIDs_DevicePointers[cCmd.cPM._nID].Pointer)
                                            bMemoryStarvation = (cCUDA.FreeMemory < nMemoryStarvationThreshold);
                                            (new Logger(sS)).WriteDebug3("dispose [id:" + cCmd.cPM._nID + "][ptr:" + ahPMIDs_DevicePointers[cCmd.cPM._nID].Pointer + "]");
                                        cCmd.cPM._nID = 0;
                                catch (Exception ex)
                                    if (ex is CUDAException)
                                        ex = new Exception("CUDA Error:" + ((CUDAException)ex).CUDAError.ToString(), ex);
                                    (new Logger(sS)).WriteError(ex);
                                    cCmd.cPM._cException = ex;
                                (new Logger(sS)).Write(Logger.Level.debug4, "dispose: out");
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        if (ex is CUDAException)
                            ex = new Exception("CUDA Error:" + ((CUDAException)ex).CUDAError.ToString(), ex);
                        (new Logger(sS)).WriteError("CUDA STOPPED!!!! [id = " + _nIndex + "]", ex);
Example #22
        // A sorting network is a sorting algorith, where the sequence of comparisons
        // is not data-dependent. That makes them suitable for parallel implementations.
        // Bitonic sort is one of the fastest sorting networks, consisting of o(n log^2 n)
        // comparators. It has a simple implemention and it's very efficient when sorting 
        // a small number of elements:
        // http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/blelloch98experimental.html
        // This implementation is based on:
        // http://www.tools-of-computing.com/tc/CS/Sorts/bitonic_sort.htm
        static void Main(string[] args)
            const int NUM = 256;

            // Init CUDA, select 1st device.
            CUDA cuda = new CUDA(0, true);

            // create values
            int[] values = new int[NUM];
            Random rand = new Random();
            for (int i = 0; i < NUM; i++)
                values[i] = rand.Next();

            // allocate memory and copy to device
            CUdeviceptr dvalues = cuda.CopyHostToDevice<int>(values);

            // load module
            cuda.LoadModule(Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "bitonic.cubin"));
            CUfunction func = cuda.GetModuleFunction("bitonicSort");

            cuda.SetParameter(func, 0, (uint)dvalues.Pointer);
            cuda.SetParameterSize(func, (uint)IntPtr.Size);

            //bitonicSort<<<1, NUM, sizeof(int) * NUM>>>(dvalues);
            cuda.SetFunctionBlockShape(func, NUM, 1, 1);
            cuda.SetFunctionSharedSize(func, sizeof(int) * NUM);
            cuda.Launch(func, 1, 1);

            cuda.CopyDeviceToHost<int>(dvalues, values);

            bool passed = true;
            for (int i = 1; i < NUM; i++)
                if (values[i - 1] > values[i])
                    passed = false;

            Console.WriteLine("Test {0}", passed ? "PASSED" : "FAILED");
Example #23
        // It's interesting to change the number of blocks and the number of threads to 
        // understand how to keep the hardware busy.
        // Here are some numbers I get on my G80:
        //    blocks - clocks
        //    1 - 3096
        //    8 - 3232
        //    16 - 3364
        //    32 - 4615
        //    64 - 9981
        // With less than 16 blocks some of the multiprocessors of the device are idle. With
        // more than 16 you are using all the multiprocessors, but there's only one block per
        // multiprocessor and that doesn't allow you to hide the latency of the memory. With
        // more than 32 the speed scales linearly.
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Init CUDA, select 1st device.
            CUDA cuda = new CUDA(0, true);

            // load module
            cuda.LoadModule(Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "clock_kernel.cubin"));
            CUfunction func = cuda.GetModuleFunction("timedReduction");

            int[] timer = new int[NUM_BLOCKS * 2];
            float[] input = new float[NUM_THREADS * 2];

            for (int i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS * 2; i++)
                input[i] = (float)i;

            CUdeviceptr dinput = cuda.CopyHostToDevice<float>(input);
            CUdeviceptr doutput = cuda.Allocate((uint)(sizeof(float) * NUM_BLOCKS));
            CUdeviceptr dtimer = cuda.Allocate<int>(timer);

            cuda.SetParameter(func, 0, (uint)dinput.Pointer);
            cuda.SetParameter(func, IntPtr.Size, (uint)doutput.Pointer);
            cuda.SetParameter(func, IntPtr.Size*2, (uint)dtimer.Pointer);
            cuda.SetParameterSize(func, (uint)(IntPtr.Size*3));

            //timedReduction<<<NUM_BLOCKS, NUM_THREADS, sizeof(float) * 2 * NUM_THREADS>>>(dinput, doutput, dtimer);
            cuda.SetFunctionBlockShape(func, NUM_THREADS, 1, 1);
            cuda.SetFunctionSharedSize(func, (uint)(sizeof(float) * 2 * NUM_THREADS));
            cuda.Launch(func, NUM_BLOCKS, 1);

            cuda.CopyDeviceToHost<int>(dtimer, timer);


            foreach (int i in timer)

            Console.WriteLine("Test PASSED");

            int minStart = timer[0];
            int maxEnd = timer[NUM_BLOCKS];
            for (int i = 1; i < NUM_BLOCKS; i++)
                minStart = timer[i] < minStart ? timer[i] : minStart;
                maxEnd = timer[NUM_BLOCKS + i] > maxEnd ? timer[NUM_BLOCKS + i] : maxEnd;

            Console.WriteLine("time = {0}", maxEnd - minStart);
Example #24
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Init and select 1st device.
            CUDA cuda = new CUDA(0, true);

            // load module
            //cuda.LoadModule(Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "simpleCUFFT.ptx"));
            CUfunction func = new CUfunction();// cuda.GetModuleFunction("ComplexPointwiseMulAndScale");

            // The filter size is assumed to be a number smaller than the signal size
            const int SIGNAL_SIZE        = 50;
            const int FILTER_KERNEL_SIZE = 11;

            // Allocate host memory for the signal
            Float2[] h_signal = new Float2[SIGNAL_SIZE];
            // Initalize the memory for the signal
            Random r = new Random();

            for (int i = 0; i < SIGNAL_SIZE; ++i)
                h_signal[i].x = r.Next() / (float)int.MaxValue;
                h_signal[i].y = 0;

            // Allocate host memory for the filter
            Float2[] h_filter_kernel = new Float2[FILTER_KERNEL_SIZE];
            // Initalize the memory for the filter
            for (int i = 0; i < FILTER_KERNEL_SIZE; ++i)
                h_filter_kernel[i].x = r.Next() / (float)int.MaxValue;
                h_filter_kernel[i].y = 0;

            // Pad signal and filter kernel
            Float2[] h_padded_signal;
            Float2[] h_padded_filter_kernel;
            int      new_size = PadData(h_signal, out h_padded_signal, SIGNAL_SIZE,
                                        h_filter_kernel, out h_padded_filter_kernel, FILTER_KERNEL_SIZE);

            // Allocate device memory for signal
            // Copy host memory to device
            CUdeviceptr d_signal = cuda.CopyHostToDevice <Float2>(h_padded_signal);

            // Allocate device memory for filter kernel
            // Copy host memory to device
            CUdeviceptr d_filter_kernel = cuda.CopyHostToDevice <Float2>(h_padded_filter_kernel);

            // CUFFT plan
            CUFFT       fft    = new CUFFT(cuda);
            cufftHandle handle = new cufftHandle();
            CUFFTResult fftres = CUFFTDriver.cufftPlan1d(ref handle, new_size, CUFFTType.C2C, 1);

            //fft.Plan1D(new_size, CUFFTType.C2C, 1);


            // Transform signal and kernel
            fft.ExecuteComplexToComplex(d_signal, d_signal, CUFFTDirection.Forward);
            fft.ExecuteComplexToComplex(d_filter_kernel, d_filter_kernel, CUFFTDirection.Forward);

            // Multiply the coefficients together and normalize the result
            // ComplexPointwiseMulAndScale<<<32, 256>>>(d_signal, d_filter_kernel, new_size, 1.0f / new_size);
            cuda.SetFunctionBlockShape(func, 256, 1, 1);
            cuda.SetParameter(func, 0, (uint)d_signal.Pointer);
            cuda.SetParameter(func, IntPtr.Size, (uint)d_filter_kernel.Pointer);
            cuda.SetParameter(func, IntPtr.Size * 2, (uint)new_size);
            cuda.SetParameter(func, IntPtr.Size * 2 + 4, 1.0f / new_size);
            cuda.SetParameterSize(func, (uint)(IntPtr.Size * 2 + 8));
            cuda.Launch(func, 32, 1);

            // Transform signal back
            fft.ExecuteComplexToComplex(d_signal, d_signal, CUFFTDirection.Inverse);

            // Copy device memory to host
            Float2[] h_convolved_signal = h_padded_signal;
            cuda.CopyDeviceToHost <Float2>(d_signal, h_convolved_signal);

            // Allocate host memory for the convolution result
            Float2[] h_convolved_signal_ref = new Float2[SIGNAL_SIZE];

            // Convolve on the host
            Convolve(h_signal, SIGNAL_SIZE,
                     h_filter_kernel, FILTER_KERNEL_SIZE,

            // check result
            bool res = cutCompareL2fe(h_convolved_signal_ref, h_convolved_signal, 2 * SIGNAL_SIZE, 1e-5f);

            Console.WriteLine("Test {0}", (true == res) ? "PASSED" : "FAILED");

            //Destroy CUFFT context

            // cleanup memory
Example #25
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Init and select 1st device.
            CUDA cuda = new CUDA(0, true);

            // load module
            //cuda.LoadModule(Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "simpleCUFFT.ptx"));
            CUfunction func = new CUfunction();// cuda.GetModuleFunction("ComplexPointwiseMulAndScale");

            // The filter size is assumed to be a number smaller than the signal size
            const int SIGNAL_SIZE = 50;
            const int FILTER_KERNEL_SIZE = 11;

            // Allocate host memory for the signal
            Float2[] h_signal = new Float2[SIGNAL_SIZE];
            // Initalize the memory for the signal
            Random r = new Random();
            for (int i = 0; i < SIGNAL_SIZE; ++i)
                h_signal[i].x = r.Next() / (float)int.MaxValue;
                h_signal[i].y = 0;

            // Allocate host memory for the filter
            Float2[] h_filter_kernel = new Float2[FILTER_KERNEL_SIZE];
            // Initalize the memory for the filter
            for (int i = 0; i < FILTER_KERNEL_SIZE; ++i)
                h_filter_kernel[i].x = r.Next() / (float)int.MaxValue;
                h_filter_kernel[i].y = 0;

            // Pad signal and filter kernel
            Float2[] h_padded_signal;
            Float2[] h_padded_filter_kernel;
            int new_size = PadData(h_signal, out h_padded_signal, SIGNAL_SIZE,
                                   h_filter_kernel, out h_padded_filter_kernel, FILTER_KERNEL_SIZE);

            // Allocate device memory for signal
            // Copy host memory to device
            CUdeviceptr d_signal = cuda.CopyHostToDevice<Float2>(h_padded_signal);

            // Allocate device memory for filter kernel
            // Copy host memory to device
            CUdeviceptr d_filter_kernel = cuda.CopyHostToDevice<Float2>(h_padded_filter_kernel);

            // CUFFT plan
            CUFFT fft = new CUFFT(cuda);
            cufftHandle handle = new cufftHandle();
            CUFFTResult fftres = CUFFTDriver.cufftPlan1d(ref handle, new_size, CUFFTType.C2C, 1);
            //fft.Plan1D(new_size, CUFFTType.C2C, 1);


            // Transform signal and kernel
            fft.ExecuteComplexToComplex(d_signal, d_signal, CUFFTDirection.Forward);
            fft.ExecuteComplexToComplex(d_filter_kernel, d_filter_kernel, CUFFTDirection.Forward);

            // Multiply the coefficients together and normalize the result
            // ComplexPointwiseMulAndScale<<<32, 256>>>(d_signal, d_filter_kernel, new_size, 1.0f / new_size);
            cuda.SetFunctionBlockShape(func, 256, 1, 1);
            cuda.SetParameter(func, 0, (uint)d_signal.Pointer);
            cuda.SetParameter(func, IntPtr.Size, (uint)d_filter_kernel.Pointer);
            cuda.SetParameter(func, IntPtr.Size * 2, (uint)new_size);
            cuda.SetParameter(func, IntPtr.Size * 2 + 4, 1.0f / new_size);
            cuda.SetParameterSize(func, (uint)(IntPtr.Size * 2 + 8));
            cuda.Launch(func, 32, 1);

            // Transform signal back
            fft.ExecuteComplexToComplex(d_signal, d_signal, CUFFTDirection.Inverse);

            // Copy device memory to host
            Float2[] h_convolved_signal = h_padded_signal;
            cuda.CopyDeviceToHost<Float2>(d_signal, h_convolved_signal);

            // Allocate host memory for the convolution result
            Float2[] h_convolved_signal_ref = new Float2[SIGNAL_SIZE];

            // Convolve on the host
            Convolve(h_signal, SIGNAL_SIZE,
                     h_filter_kernel, FILTER_KERNEL_SIZE,

            // check result
            bool res = cutCompareL2fe(h_convolved_signal_ref, h_convolved_signal, 2 * SIGNAL_SIZE, 1e-5f);
            Console.WriteLine("Test {0}", (true == res) ? "PASSED" : "FAILED");

            //Destroy CUFFT context

            // cleanup memory
Example #26
        private void solve_l2r_l2_svc_cuda(Problem <SparseVec> sub_prob, float[] w, double epsilon, double Cp, double Cn)
            //blocks per Grid for compuing dot prod
            int bpgDotProd = (sub_prob.Elements.Length + threadsPerBlock - 1) / threadsPerBlock;
            //blocks per Grid for solver kernel
            int bpgSolver = (sub_prob.Elements.Length + threadsPerBlock - 1) / threadsPerBlock;
            //blocks per Grid for update_W kernel
            int bpgUpdateW = (sub_prob.Elements[0].Dim + threadsPerBlock - 1) / threadsPerBlock;

            double obj     = Double.PositiveInfinity;
            int    maxIter = 2000;

            float[] deltasCu = new float[sub_prob.ElementsCount];
            float[] alphaCu  = new float[sub_prob.ElementsCount];

            float[] alpha_i = new float[sub_prob.ElementsCount];
            float[] w1      = new float[sub_prob.Elements[0].Dim];
            float[] w2      = new float[sub_prob.Elements[0].Dim];

            for (int i = 0; i < w.Length; i++)
                w1[i] = w2[i] = w[i];

            //inverted hessian for toy_2d_3 problem
            //float[,] invHessian = new float[3, 3]{
            //    {5.05f, -0.96f, -3.5f},
            //    {-0.96f, 0.9f, 1},
            //    {-3.59f , 1f, 2.8f}

            int iter = 0;

            while (iter < maxIter)
                //computes dot product between W and all elements

                cuda.Launch(cuFuncDotProd, bpgDotProd, 1);

                float[] grad = new float[sub_prob.ElementsCount];
                Marshal.Copy(gradIntPtr, grad, 0, grad.Length);

                #region test host code

                //float[] dots = new float[sub_prob.ElementsCount];
                //float[] dots1 = new float[sub_prob.ElementsCount];
                //for (int i = 0; i < dots.Length; i++)

                //    var element = sub_prob.Elements[i];
                //    for (int k = 0; k < element.Count; k++)
                //    {
                //        dots[i] += w[element.Indices[k] - 1] * element.Values[k];
                //        dots1[i] += w1[element.Indices[k] - 1] * element.Values[k];
                //    }
                //    dots[i] *= sub_prob.Y[i];
                //    dots1[i] *= sub_prob.Y[i];


                //float[] grad_i = new float[sub_prob.ElementsCount];
                //for (int i = 0; i < grad_i.Length; i++)

                //    float dot = 0;

                //    var vec_i = sub_prob.Elements[i];
                //    sbyte y_i = (sbyte)sub_prob.Y[i];
                //    for (int j = 0; j < sub_prob.ElementsCount; j++)
                //    {
                //        var vec_j = sub_prob.Elements[j];
                //        sbyte y_j = (sbyte)sub_prob.Y[j];
                //        float part_dot = 0;
                //        for (int k = 0; k < vec_i.Dim; k++)
                //        {
                //            part_dot += vec_i.Values[k] * vec_j.Values[k];
                //        }
                //        if (i == j)
                //        {
                //            part_dot += diag[y_i + 1] ;
                //        }

                //        part_dot = part_dot * y_i * y_j;
                //        part_dot *= alpha_i[j];
                //        dot += part_dot;

                //    }
                //    grad_i[i] = dot - 1;



                cuda.Launch(cuFuncSolver, bpgSolver, 1);

                float[] grad2 = new float[sub_prob.ElementsCount];
                Marshal.Copy(gradIntPtr, grad2, 0, grad2.Length);

                //float[] grad3 = new float[sub_prob.ElementsCount];

                //float[] projGrad = new float[sub_prob.ElementsCount];
                //float[] projGrad_i = new float[sub_prob.ElementsCount];
                //for (int i = 0; i < grad3.Length; i++)
                //    sbyte y_i = (sbyte)sub_prob.Y[i];
                //    grad3[i] = dots1[i] - 1 + alpha[i] * diag[y_i + 1];

                //    if (alpha[i] == 0)
                //    {
                //        projGrad[i] = Math.Min(0, grad3[i]);
                //       // projGrad_i[i] = Math.Min(0, grad_i[i]);
                //    }
                //    else
                //    {
                //        projGrad[i] = grad3[i];
                //       // projGrad_i[i] = grad_i[i];
                //    }


                cuda.CopyDeviceToHost(deltasPtr, deltasCu);
                cuda.CopyDeviceToHost(alphaPtr, alphaCu);

                cuda.Launch(cuFuncUpdateW, bpgUpdateW, 1);


                cuda.CopyDeviceToHost(mainVecPtr, w);

                //take grad and check stop condition
                //Marshal.Copy(gradIntPtr, , 0, results.Length);

                //compute w1

                //double su = 0;
                //float[] wAll = new float[sub_prob.Elements[0].Dim];
                //for (int p = 0; p < sub_prob.ElementsCount; p++)
                //    sbyte y_i = (sbyte)sub_prob.Y[p];
                //    float old_alpha = alpha[p];

                //    float alphaStep = 0;

                //    //for (int k = 0; k < alpha_i.Length; k++)
                //    //{
                //    //    alphaStep += invHessian[p,k] * projGrad_i[k];
                //    //}

                //    alpha[p] = Math.Max(alpha[p] -stepScaling* projGrad[p] / (QD[p] + diag[y_i + 1]), 0);

                //    alpha_i[p] = Math.Max(alpha_i[p] - stepScaling* projGrad_i[p] / (QD[p] + diag[y_i + 1]), 0);
                //   // alpha_i[p] = Math.Max(alpha_i[p] - 0.01f* projGrad_i[p] , 0);
                //    //alpha_i[p] = Math.Max(alpha_i[p] - alphaStep, 0);

                //    float d = deltasCu[p];
                //    float d2 =(alpha[p] - old_alpha) * y_i;
                //    var spVec = sub_prob.Elements[p];
                //    for (int k = 0; k < spVec.Count; k++)
                //    {
                //        w1[spVec.Indices[k] - 1] += d2 * spVec.Values[k];
                //        w2[spVec.Indices[k] - 1] += d2 * spVec.Values[k];
                //        wAll[spVec.Indices[k] - 1] += alpha[p]*y_i * spVec.Values[k];
                //    }
                //    su += y_i * alpha[p];
                // }

                obj = ComputeObj(w, alphaCu, sub_prob, diag);


                float minPG = float.PositiveInfinity;
                float maxPG = float.NegativeInfinity;
                for (int i = 0; i < grad2.Length; i++)
                    minPG = Math.Min(minPG, grad2[i]);
                    maxPG = Math.Max(maxPG, grad2[i]);
                if (maxPG < 0)
                    maxPG = float.NegativeInfinity;
                if (minPG > 0)
                    minPG = float.PositiveInfinity;

                if (Math.Abs(maxPG - minPG) <= epsilon)


            //copy resulsts form device to host
            cuda.CopyDeviceToHost(mainVecPtr, w);
            cuda.CopyDeviceToHost(alphaPtr, alpha);

            ComputeObj(w, alpha, sub_prob, diag);
            //int l = sub_prob.ElementsCount;// prob.l;
            //int w_size = sub_prob.FeaturesCount;// prob.n;
            //double v = 0;
            //int nSV = 0;
            //for (int i = 0; i < w_size; i++)
            //    v += w[i] * w[i];
            //for (int i = 0; i < l; i++)
            //    sbyte y_i =(sbyte) sub_prob.Y[i];
            //    v += alpha[i] * (alpha[i] * diag[y_i+1] - 2);
            //    if (alpha[i] > 0) ++nSV;

            //Debug.WriteLine("Objective value = {0}", v / 2);
            //Debug.WriteLine("nSV = {0}", nSV);