//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // glean server/session status from menu fields void updateServer() { // Debug.Log("updateServer..."); ctunity.clearWorlds(); // clean slate all worlds InputField[] fields = gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren <InputField>(); foreach (InputField c in fields) { switch (c.name) { case "Server": ctunity.Server = c.text; if (!ctunity.Server.Contains(":")) { ctunity.Server += ":" + defaultPort; // default port :8000 } if (!ctunity.Server.StartsWith("http://") && !ctunity.Server.StartsWith("https://")) { ctunity.Server = "http://" + ctunity.Server; // enforce leading http:// } break; case "User": ctunity.user = c.text; break; case "Password": ctunity.password = c.text; break; } } // update player to current dropdown value ctunity.doSyncClock(); // sync client/server clocks StartCoroutine("getSessionList"); // get list of current GamePlay Sessions StartCoroutine("getInventoryList"); // init list of "World" prefabs // Debug.Log("updateServer done."); }