public List <CallCreditDataCifasFiling> GetCifasFiling(CT_outputapplicantCifas applicantcifas)
            var CifasFiling = new List <CallCreditDataCifasFiling>();

            TryRead(() => {
                foreach (var CfsFl in applicantcifas.filing)
                    var cifasfiling = new CallCreditDataCifasFiling {
                        CifasFilingNocs = new List <CallCreditDataCifasFilingNocs>()

                    var cifasfil = CfsFl;
                    TryRead(() => cifasfiling.PersonName =, "Person`s name details", false);
                    cifasfiling.Dob = TryReadDate(() => cifasfil.person.dob, "Person`s date of birth", false);
                    TryRead(() => cifasfiling.CurrentAddressP        = Convert.ToBoolean(cifasfil.person.address.current), "Current address check", false);
                    TryRead(() => cifasfiling.UnDeclaredAddressTypeP = (int)cifasfil.person.address.undeclaredaddresstype, "Type of undeclared address", false);
                    TryRead(() => cifasfiling.AddressValueP          = cifasfil.person.address.Value, "Address value related to person against CIFAS filing", false);
                    TryRead(() => cifasfiling.CompanyNumber          =, "Registered Company number", false);
                    TryRead(() => cifasfiling.CompanyName            =, "Company name", false);
                    TryRead(() => cifasfiling.CurrentAddressC        = Convert.ToBoolean(cifasfil.person.address.current), "Current address check", false);
                    TryRead(() => cifasfiling.UnDeclaredAddressTypeC = (int)cifasfil.person.address.undeclaredaddresstype, "Type of undeclared address", false);
                    TryRead(() => cifasfiling.AddressValueC          = cifasfil.person.address.Value, "Address value related to company against CIFAS filing", false);
                    TryRead(() => cifasfiling.MemberNumber           = (int)cifasfil.details.membernumber, "Owning member reference number", false);
                    TryRead(() => cifasfiling.CaseReferenceNo        = cifasfil.details.casereferenceno, "Case reference number", false);
                    TryRead(() => cifasfiling.MemberName             =, "Member name", false);
                    TryRead(() => cifasfiling.ProductCode            = cifasfil.details.productcode, "Product code", false);
                    TryRead(() => cifasfiling.FraudCategory          = cifasfil.details.fraudcategory, "Fraud category", false);
                    TryRead(() => cifasfiling.ProductDesc            = cifasfil.details.productdesc, "Description of product code", false);
                    TryRead(() => cifasfiling.FraudDesc = cifasfil.details.frauddesc, "Description of fraud category", false);
                    cifasfiling.InputDate  = TryReadDate(() => cifasfil.details.inputdate, "The exact date upon which a confirmed fraud originally became live on the CIFAS database", false);
                    cifasfiling.ExpiryDate = TryReadDate(() => cifasfil.details.expirydate, "The date upon which a confirmed fraud becomes expired on the CIFAS database", false);
                    TryRead(() => cifasfiling.TransactionType = cifasfil.details.transactiontype, "Transaction type", false);
                    TryRead(() => {
                        foreach (var CifasFilkNoc in cifasfil.notice)
                            var cifasfilingnoc = new CallCreditDataCifasFilingNocs();

                            var cifasfilnotice = CifasFilkNoc;
                            TryRead(() => cifasfilingnoc.NoticeType = cifasfilnotice.type, "Notice Type (Correction or Dispute)", false);
                            TryRead(() => cifasfilingnoc.Refnum     = cifasfilnotice.refnum, "Notice Type (Notice Reference Number)", false);
                            cifasfilingnoc.DateRaised                          = TryReadDate(() => cifasfilnotice.dateraised, "Date that the Notice was raised)", false);
                            TryRead(() => cifasfilingnoc.Text                  = cifasfilnotice.text, "Text for Notice of Correction", false);
                            TryRead(() => cifasfilingnoc.NameDetails           =, "Name details as provided on the Notice of Correction)", false);
                            TryRead(() => cifasfilingnoc.CurrentAddress        = Convert.ToBoolean(cifasfilnotice.address.current), "Current address check", false);
                            TryRead(() => cifasfilingnoc.UnDeclaredAddressType = (int)cifasfilnotice.address.undeclaredaddresstype, "Type of undeclared address", false);
                            TryRead(() => cifasfilingnoc.AddressValue          = cifasfilnotice.address.Value, "Address value related to Cifas filing notice", false);
                    }, "Associate link Notices");

            }, "Associate links");

        public List <CallCreditDataCifasPlusCases> GetCifasPlusCases(CT_outputapplicantCifas applicantcifas)
            var CifasPlusCase = new List <CallCreditDataCifasPlusCases>();

            TryRead(() => {
                foreach (var CfsCase in applicantcifas.@case)
                    var cifascases = new CallCreditDataCifasPlusCases {
                        Dmrs              = new List <CallCreditDataCifasPlusCasesDmrs>(),
                        FilingReasons     = new List <CallCreditDataCifasPlusCasesFilingReasons>(),
                        CifasPlusCaseNocs = new List <CallCreditDataCifasPlusCasesNocs>(),
                        Subjects          = new List <CallCreditDataCifasPlusCasesSubjects>()

                    var cifascase = CfsCase;
                    TryRead(() => cifascases.CaseId         = Convert.ToInt32(cifascase.caseid), "Case unique reference number within FIND", false);
                    TryRead(() => cifascases.OwningMember   = (int)cifascase.details.owningmember, "Owning member reference number", false);
                    TryRead(() => cifascases.ManagingMember = (int)cifascase.details.managingmember, "Managing member reference number", false);
                    TryRead(() => cifascases.CaseType       = cifascase.details.casetype, "CIFAS Case Type", false);
                    TryRead(() => cifascases.ProductCode    = cifascase.details.productcode, "CIFAS Product code", false);
                    TryRead(() => cifascases.Facility       = cifascase.details.facility, "Financial facility was granted indicator", false);
                    cifascases.SupplyDate      = TryReadDate(() => cifascase.details.supplydate, "The exact date upon which a confirmed fraud originally became live on the CIFAS database", false);
                    cifascases.ExpiryDate      = TryReadDate(() => cifascase.details.expirydate, "The date upon which a confirmed fraud becomes expired on the CIFAS database", false);
                    cifascases.ApplicationDate = TryReadDate(() => cifascase.details.applicationdate, "The date upon which an application for credit was made", false);

                    for (int i = 0; i < cifascase.details.filingreasons.Length; ++i)
                        var cifascasefr = new CallCreditDataCifasPlusCasesFilingReasons();

                        TryRead(() => cifascasefr.FilingReason = cifascase.details.filingreasons[i], "CIFAS Case Filing Reason", false);

                    for (int k = 0; k < cifascase.dmrs.Length; ++k)
                        var cifascasedmr = new CallCreditDataCifasPlusCasesDmrs();

                        TryRead(() => cifascasedmr.dmr = (int)cifascase.dmrs[k], "The data matching routine used to match to the CIFAS case", false);

                    TryRead(() => {
                        foreach (var CifasCaseSubj in cifascase.details.subjects)
                            var cifascasesubject = new CallCreditDataCifasPlusCasesSubjects();

                            var cifascasesubj = CifasCaseSubj;
                            TryRead(() => cifascasesubject.PersonName =, "Notice Type (Person name for a CIFAS Case)", false);
                            cifascasesubject.PersonDob = TryReadDate(() => cifascasesubj.person.dob, "Person date of birth for a CIFAS Case", false);
                            TryRead(() => cifascasesubject.CompanyName           =, "Company name for a CIFAS Case", false);
                            TryRead(() => cifascasesubject.CompanyNumber         =, "Company number for a CIFAS Case", false);
                            TryRead(() => cifascasesubject.HomeTelephone         = cifascasesubj.hometelephone, "Home telephone number of a Subject", false);
                            TryRead(() => cifascasesubject.MobileTelephone       = cifascasesubj.mobiletelephone, "Mobile telephone number of a Subject", false);
                            TryRead(() => cifascasesubject.Email                 =, "Email address of a Subject", false);
                            TryRead(() => cifascasesubject.SubjectRole           = cifascasesubj.subjectrole, "Subject's indication of the type of its involvement with the SIFAS Case ", false);
                            TryRead(() => cifascasesubject.SubjectRoleQualifier  = cifascasesubj.subjectrolequalifier, "Subject's role qualifier within the SIFAS Case", false);
                            TryRead(() => cifascasesubject.AddressType           = cifascasesubj.addressdata[0].type, "CIFAS Address Type", false);
                            TryRead(() => cifascasesubject.CurrentAddress        = Convert.ToBoolean(cifascasesubj.addressdata[0].address.current), "Current address check", false);
                            TryRead(() => cifascasesubject.UndeclaredAddressType = (int)cifascasesubj.addressdata[0].address.undeclaredaddresstype, "Type of undeclared address", false);
                            TryRead(() => cifascasesubject.AddressValue          = cifascasesubj.addressdata[0].address.Value, "Address value held against CIFAS Plus Case subject", false);
                    }, "CIFAS Plus Case Subjects");

                    TryRead(() => {
                        foreach (var CifasCaseNoc in cifascase.notice)
                            var cifascasenoc = new CallCreditDataCifasPlusCasesNocs();

                            var cifascasenotice = CifasCaseNoc;
                            TryRead(() => cifascasenoc.NoticeType = cifascasenotice.type, "Notice Type (Correction or Dispute)", false);
                            TryRead(() => cifascasenoc.Refnum     = cifascasenotice.refnum, "Notice Type (Notice Reference Number)", false);
                            cifascasenoc.DateRaised                          = TryReadDate(() => cifascasenotice.dateraised, "Date that the Notice was raised)", false);
                            TryRead(() => cifascasenoc.Text                  = cifascasenotice.text, "Text for Notice of Correction", false);
                            TryRead(() => cifascasenoc.NameDetails           =, "Name details as provided on the Notice of Correction)", false);
                            TryRead(() => cifascasenoc.CurrentAddress        = Convert.ToBoolean(cifascasenotice.address.current), "Current address check", false);
                            TryRead(() => cifascasenoc.UnDeclaredAddressType = (int)cifascasenotice.address.undeclaredaddresstype, "Type of undeclared address", false);
                            TryRead(() => cifascasenoc.AddressValue          = cifascasenotice.address.Value, "Address value related to Cifas Plus Case notice", false);
                    }, "CIFAS Plus Case Notices");

            }, "Associate links");
