private void text_money_EditValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { string strGN = ((DevExpress.XtraEditors.TextEdit)sender).Text; decimal giaNhap; if (strGN.Equals("")) { giaNhap = 0; } else { giaNhap = Decimal.Parse(strGN); } CT_HoaDonNhap_View ct_hd = gridView1.GetFocusedRow() as CT_HoaDonNhap_View; foreach (CT_HoaDonNhap_View item in ls_cthd) { if (item.MaLinhKien.Equals(ct_hd.MaLinhKien)) { item.GiaNhap = giaNhap; item.ThanhTien = item.SoLuong * item.GiaNhap; gridControl1.DataSource = ls_cthd; gridControl1.RefreshDataSource(); count_TongTien(); break; } } }
private void initVal(CT_HoaDonNhap_View cthd) { txt_MaLK.ReadOnly = true; txt_TenLK.ReadOnly = true; txt_MaLK.Text = cthd.MaLinhKien; txt_TenLK.Text = cthd.TenLinhKien; DataTable dt = new DataTable(); dt.Columns.Add("STT", typeof(int)); dt.Columns.Add("SeriNumber", typeof(string)); DataColumn col = new DataColumn("SeriNumber"); for (int i = 0; i < cthd.SoLuong; i++) { if (cthd.SoSeri != null) { if (i >= cthd.SoSeri.Count) { dt.Rows.Add(i, ""); } else { dt.Rows.Add(i, cthd.SoSeri[i].ToString()); } } else { dt.Rows.Add(i, ""); } } gridControl1.DataSource = dt; }
//void text_money_Leave(object sender, EventArgs e) //{ // CT_HoaDonNhap_View lk = gridView1.GetFocusedRow() as CT_HoaDonNhap_View; // var result = MessageBox.Show("Bạn có muốn lưu sự thay đổi xuống cơ sở dữ liệu hay không?", "Lưu thông tin", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); // if (result == DialogResult.Yes) // { } //} void add_seriNumber_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { CT_HoaDonNhap_View ct_hd = gridView1.GetFocusedRow() as CT_HoaDonNhap_View; using (var form = new Add_SeriNumber(ct_hd)) { var result = form.ShowDialog(); if (result == DialogResult.OK) { ct_hd.SoSeri = form.list_Seri; gridControl1.DataSource = ls_cthd; gridControl1.RefreshDataSource(); } } }
private void RemoveRowGrid_CT_HoaDon() { CT_HoaDonNhap_View ct_hd = gridView1.GetFocusedRow() as CT_HoaDonNhap_View; foreach (CT_HoaDonNhap_View item in ls_cthd) { if (item.MaLinhKien.Equals(ct_hd.MaLinhKien)) { ls_cthd.Remove(item); gridControl1.DataSource = ls_cthd; gridControl1.RefreshDataSource(); break; } } count_TongTien(); }
//thay doi so luong lk void repositoryItemSpinEdit1_EditValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { decimal soluong = ((DevExpress.XtraEditors.SpinEdit)sender).Value; CT_HoaDonNhap_View ct_hd = gridView1.GetFocusedRow() as CT_HoaDonNhap_View; foreach (CT_HoaDonNhap_View item in ls_cthd) { if (item.MaLinhKien.Equals(ct_hd.MaLinhKien)) { item.SoLuong = (Int32)soluong; item.ThanhTien = item.SoLuong * item.GiaNhap; gridControl1.DataSource = ls_cthd; gridControl1.RefreshDataSource(); count_TongTien(); break; } } }
private void addRowGrid_CT_HoaDon() { LinhKien_View lk = gridViewLoc.GetFocusedRow() as LinhKien_View; bool flat = false; if (ls_cthd.Count > 0) { int sl = 0; foreach (CT_HoaDonNhap_View item in ls_cthd) { if (item.MaLinhKien.Equals(lk.MaLinhKien)) { sl = item.SoLuong + 1; item.SoLuong = sl; item.ThanhTien = item.SoLuong * item.GiaNhap; flat = true; break; } } } if (!flat) { CT_HoaDonNhap_View ct_hd = new CT_HoaDonNhap_View(); ct_hd.MaHoaDon = txtMaPhieu.Text.Trim(); ct_hd.MaLinhKien = lk.MaLinhKien; ct_hd.TenLinhKien = lk.TenLinhKien; ct_hd.DonViTinh = lk.TenDonViTinh; ct_hd.SoLuong = 1; ct_hd.GiaNhap = lk.GiaNhap; ct_hd.ThanhTien = ct_hd.GiaNhap * ct_hd.SoLuong; ct_hd.TinhTrang = 1; ls_cthd.Add(ct_hd); gridControl1.DataSource = ls_cthd; } gridControl1.RefreshDataSource(); count_TongTien(); }
public static List <CT_HoaDonNhap_View> readFile(string maHD, string fileName) { List <CT_HoaDonNhap_View> lst = new List <CT_HoaDonNhap_View>(); // Reference to Excel Application. Excel.Application xlApp = new Excel.Application(); // Open the Excel file. // You have pass the full path of the file. // In this case file is stored in the Bin/Debug application directory. Excel.Workbook xlWorkbook = xlApp.Workbooks.Open(Path.GetFullPath(fileName)); // Get the first worksheet. Excel.Worksheet xlWorksheet = (Excel.Worksheet)xlWorkbook.Sheets.get_Item(1); // Get the range of cells which has data. Excel.Range xlRange = xlWorksheet.UsedRange; // Get an object array of all of the cells in the worksheet with their values. object[,] valueArray = (object[, ])xlRange.get_Value( Excel.XlRangeValueDataType.xlRangeValueDefault); CT_HoaDonNhap_View cthd = new CT_HoaDonNhap_View(); bool ischange = true; // iterate through each cell and display the contents. for (int row = 2; row <= xlWorksheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count; ++row) { try { if (ischange) { cthd = new CT_HoaDonNhap_View(); cthd.MaLinhKien = valueArray[row, 1].ToString().Trim(); cthd.TenLinhKien = valueArray[row, 2].ToString().Trim(); cthd.GiaNhap = Decimal.Parse(valueArray[row, 3].ToString().Trim()); cthd.SoLuong = Int32.Parse(valueArray[row, 4].ToString().Trim()); cthd.SoSeri = new List <string>(); cthd.Thue = 0; cthd.ThanhTien = (cthd.GiaNhap * cthd.SoLuong) + (cthd.GiaNhap * cthd.SoLuong) * (Decimal)(cthd.Thue / 100); ischange = false; } else { cthd.SoSeri.Add(valueArray[row, 5].ToString().Trim()); if (cthd.SoSeri.Count == cthd.SoLuong) { ischange = true; lst.Add(cthd); } } } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("File dữ liệu không đúng định dạng hoặc dữ liệu bị sai, trùng. Xin vui lòng kiểm tra lại!"); return(new List <CT_HoaDonNhap_View>()); } //var ct = lst.Where(key => key.MaLinhKien == maLK).FirstOrDefault(); //if (ct != null) //{ // ct.SoLuong += 1; // ct.ThanhTien = (ct.GiaNhap * ct.SoLuong) + (ct.GiaNhap * ct.SoLuong) * (Decimal)(ct.Thue / 100); // ct.SoSeri.Add(seri); //} //else //{ // cthd = new CT_HoaDonNhap_View(); // cthd.MaHoaDon = maHD; // cthd.SoLuong = 1; // cthd.GiaNhap = giaNhap; // cthd.MaLinhKien = maLK; // LinhKien_View lk = LinhKien_DAL.get_LinhKien_ByMaLK(maLK); // if(lk!= null) // cthd.TenLinhKien = lk.TenLinhKien; // cthd.Seri = seri; // cthd.SoSeri = new List<string>(); // cthd.SoSeri.Add(seri); // cthd.Thue = 0; // cthd.ThanhTien = (cthd.GiaNhap * cthd.SoLuong) + (cthd.GiaNhap * cthd.SoLuong) * (Decimal)(cthd.Thue / 100); // cthd.TinhTrang = 1; // lst.Add(cthd); //} } // Close the Workbook. xlWorkbook.Close(false); // Relase COM Object by decrementing the reference count. Marshal.ReleaseComObject(xlWorkbook); // Close Excel application. xlApp.Quit(); // Release COM object. Marshal.FinalReleaseComObject(xlApp); return(lst); }
public Add_SeriNumber(CT_HoaDonNhap_View cthd) { InitializeComponent(); initVal(cthd); }