/// <summary>
        /// Upgrade the store version number in azure table storage
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tableStoreManager">table store manager</param>
        /// <param name="azureConnectionString">azure connection string</param>
        /// <returns>true if upgrade is successful</returns>
        private static async Task <bool> UpgradeStoreVersionAzureTables(CTStoreManager tableStoreManager, string azureConnectionString)
            // Get azure table storage with the give connection string
            AzureTableStorage azureTableStorage = new AzureTableStorage(azureConnectionString);

            // Get CTStore using the azure table storage
            CTStore store = new CTStore(azureTableStorage, null);

            ObjectTable versionTable = Table.GetObjectTable(

            var currentTableVersion = await azureTableStorage.QueryObjectAsync <StoreVersionEntity>(versionTable, tableStoreManager.StoreVersionKey, tableStoreManager.StoreVersionKey);

            // if version in store does not match oldVersion, then refuse to upgrade
            if (currentTableVersion.Version != oldVersion)
                Console.WriteLine("Version mismatch in Azure table storage: original version in store is {0}", currentTableVersion.Version);

            currentTableVersion.Version = newVersion;
            var operation = Operation.Replace(versionTable, tableStoreManager.StoreVersionKey, tableStoreManager.StoreVersionKey, currentTableVersion);

            // perform the insert on Azure table storage
            await store.ExecuteOperationAsync(operation, ConsistencyMode.Strong);

Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Upgrade the store version number in persistent redis
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ctStoreMananger">ctstore manager</param>
        /// <param name="persistentCacheConnectionString">connection string for persistent cache</param>
        /// <returns>true if upgrade is successful</returns>
        private static async Task <bool> UpgradeStoreVersionRedis(CTStoreManager ctStoreMananger, string persistentCacheConnectionString)
            RedisCache redisCachePersistent = new RedisCache(persistentCacheConnectionString);
            CTStore    persistentCacheStore = new CTStore(null, redisCachePersistent);

            ObjectTable versionTable = Table.GetObjectTable(

            var persistentCacheVersion = await persistentCacheStore.QueryObjectAsync <StoreVersionEntity>(versionTable, ctStoreMananger.StoreVersionKey, ctStoreMananger.StoreVersionKey);

            // if version in store does not match oldVersion, then refuse to upgrade
            if (persistentCacheVersion.Version != oldVersion)
                Console.WriteLine("Version mismatch in persistent Redis: original version in store is {0}", persistentCacheVersion.Version);

            persistentCacheVersion.Version = newVersion;
            var operation = Operation.Replace(versionTable, ctStoreMananger.StoreVersionKey, ctStoreMananger.StoreVersionKey, persistentCacheVersion);

            // perform the insert operation on persistent redis
            await persistentCacheStore.ExecuteOperationAsync(operation, ConsistencyMode.Strong);

Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// upgrade the store version number in Azure table storage and persistent redis
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tableStoreManager">ctstore manager</param>
        /// <param name="azureConnectionString">azure connection string</param>
        /// <param name="persistentCacheConnectionString">persistent redis connection string</param>
        /// <returns>upgrade version task</returns>
        private static async Task UpgradeStoreVersion(CTStoreManager tableStoreManager, string azureConnectionString, string persistentCacheConnectionString)
            bool result = await UpgradeStoreVersionAzureTables(tableStoreManager, azureConnectionString);

            bool result2 = await UpgradeStoreVersionRedis(tableStoreManager, persistentCacheConnectionString);

            if (!result)
                Console.WriteLine("Version upgrade failed for azure table storage");

            if (!result2)
                Console.WriteLine("Version upgrade failed for persistent redis storage");

            if (result && result2)
                Console.WriteLine("Store version upgrade succeeded.");

Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Provision the contents of the redis caches
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="persistentCacheConnectionString">connection string for persistent cache</param>
        /// <param name="tableStoreManager">table store manager</param>
        /// <returns>provisioning task</returns>
        private static async Task ProvisionRedisCaches(string persistentCacheConnectionString, CTStoreManager tableStoreManager)
            Console.WriteLine("Provisioning Redis Caches...");

            // insert the store version number into table storage
            var versionEntity = new StoreVersionEntity {
                Version = tableStoreManager.StoreVersionString

            ObjectTable versionTable = Table.GetObjectTable(
            var operation = Operation.Insert(versionTable, tableStoreManager.StoreVersionKey, tableStoreManager.StoreVersionKey, versionEntity);

            RedisCache redisCachePersistent = new RedisCache(persistentCacheConnectionString);
            CTStore    persistentCache      = new CTStore(null, redisCachePersistent);

            // perform the insert operation on persistent redis
            // note that we only insert the version number into persistent redis,
            // because with volatile redis each time the cache restarts the version number will be lost
            await persistentCache.ExecuteOperationAsync(operation, ConsistencyMode.Strong);
        /// <summary>
        /// Provision azure table storage with tables
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tableStoreManager">table store manager</param>
        /// <param name="azureConnectionString">Azure connection string</param>
        /// <returns>provision task</returns>
        private static async Task ProvisionAzureStorageTables(CTStoreManager tableStoreManager, string azureConnectionString)
            // Creates Social Plus containers/tables defined in ContainerIdentifier.cs/TableIdentifier.cs
            // Containers map to tables in Azure table storage (container names map to table names)
            // We create them (if not exists) through the CTStore interface
            Console.WriteLine("Creating all tables in Azure Table Store...");

            // Get azure table storage with the give connection string
            AzureTableStorage azureTableStorage = new AzureTableStorage(azureConnectionString);

            // Get CTStore using the azure table storage
            CTStore store = new CTStore(azureTableStorage, null);

            // Enumerate all the containers defined
            foreach (ContainerIdentifier containerIdentifier in Enum.GetValues(typeof(ContainerIdentifier)))
                if (!ContainerTableDescriptorProvider.Containers.ContainsKey(containerIdentifier))
                    Console.WriteLine("  " + containerIdentifier.ToString() + " - Descriptor not found");

                // in Azure, table deletion can potentially take a long time.
                // this may lead to conflict exceptions if you delete a table and then attempt to
                // recreate it.  Below, we retry once every 30 seconds for up to 5 minutes if needed.

                // wait up to 5 minutes before giving up on table creation
                int attempts    = 0;
                int maxAttempts = 10;
                while (true)

                        // create the container
                        await store.CreateContainerAsync(containerIdentifier.ToString());

                        // if we reach here, the create was successful
                    catch (ConflictException e)
                        if (attempts < maxAttempts)
                            // sleep for 30 seconds before trying
                            await Task.Delay(30 * 1000);
                            // give up after reaching maxAttempts
                            throw e;

                Console.WriteLine("  " + containerIdentifier.ToString() + " - Table Container Provisioned");

            // insert the store version number into table storage
            var versionEntity = new StoreVersionEntity {
                Version = tableStoreManager.StoreVersionString

            // the StoreVersion container has no descriptor, so we need to create it
            await store.CreateContainerAsync(ContainerIdentifier.ServiceConfig.ToString());

            Console.WriteLine("  " + ContainerIdentifier.ServiceConfig.ToString() + " - Table Container Provisioned");
            ObjectTable versionTable = Table.GetObjectTable(
            var operation = Operation.Insert(versionTable, tableStoreManager.StoreVersionKey, tableStoreManager.StoreVersionKey, versionEntity);

            // perform the insert on Azure table storage
            await store.ExecuteOperationAsync(operation, ConsistencyMode.Strong);

            Console.WriteLine("  SocialPlusStoreVersion number provisioned");
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialization routine
        /// </summary>
        private void Initialize()
            // load the environment configuration file from UtilsInternal
            var sr                    = new FileSettingsReader(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ConfigRelativePath"] + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + environmentName + ".config");
            var certThumbprint        = sr.ReadValue(SocialPlusCertThumbprint);
            var clientID              = sr.ReadValue(EmbeddedSocialClientIdSetting);
            var storeLocation         = StoreLocation.CurrentUser;
            var vaultUrl              = sr.ReadValue(SocialPlusVaultUrlSetting);
            ICertificateHelper cert   = new CertificateHelper(certThumbprint, clientID, storeLocation);
            IKeyVaultClient    client = new AzureKeyVaultClient(cert);

            var log      = new Log(LogDestination.Console, Log.DefaultCategoryName);
            var kv       = new KV(log, clientID, vaultUrl, certThumbprint, storeLocation, client);
            var kvReader = new KVSettingsReader(sr, kv);
            IConnectionStringProvider connectionStringProvider = new ConnectionStringProvider(kvReader);
            int queueBatchIntervalMs = int.Parse(sr.ReadValue(ServiceBusBatchIntervalMsSetting));

            // Lots of things need to be created to create an appsManager.
            ICTStoreManager tableStoreManager = new CTStoreManager(connectionStringProvider);
            bool            tableInit         = false;
            Exception       exception         = null;

                // use Task.Run to ensure that the async Initialize routine runs on a threadpool thread
                Task <bool> task = Task <bool> .Run(() => tableStoreManager.Initialize());

                // task.Result blocks until the result is ready
                tableInit = task.Result;
            catch (Exception e)
                exception = e;

            if (tableInit == false)
                string errorMessage = "CTstore version number does not match the expected version number." + Environment.NewLine +
                                      "If your tables are empty, then you probably forgot to provision storage." + Environment.NewLine +
                                      "If not, then you need to convert the data format and update the storage version number.";
                if (exception != null)
                    Console.WriteLine("Exception message:" + exception.Message);


            ICBStoreManager blobStoreManager = new CBStoreManager(connectionStringProvider);
            AppsStore       appsStore        = new AppsStore(tableStoreManager);
            UsersStore      usersStore       = new UsersStore(tableStoreManager);
            ViewsManager    viewsManager     = new ViewsManager(
                new UserRelationshipsStore(tableStoreManager),
                new TopicsStore(tableStoreManager),
                new TopicRelationshipsStore(tableStoreManager),
                new CommentsStore(tableStoreManager),
                new RepliesStore(tableStoreManager),
                new LikesStore(tableStoreManager),
                new PinsStore(tableStoreManager),
                new BlobsStore(blobStoreManager));
            PushNotificationsManager pushManager = new PushNotificationsManager(log, new PushRegistrationsStore(tableStoreManager), appsStore, viewsManager, connectionStringProvider);

            this.appsManager = new AppsManager(appsStore, pushManager);
            SearchManager       searchManager       = new SearchManager(log, connectionStringProvider);
            PopularUsersManager popularUsersManager = new PopularUsersManager(usersStore);
            QueueManager        queueManager        = new QueueManager(connectionStringProvider, queueBatchIntervalMs);
            SearchQueue         searchQueue         = new SearchQueue(queueManager);

            this.usersManager = new UsersManager(usersStore, pushManager, popularUsersManager, searchQueue);
Example #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Async version of the Main program
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">command line args</param>
        /// <returns>a task</returns>
        public static async Task AsyncMain(string[] args)

            var sr                    = new FileSettingsReader(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ConfigRelativePath"] + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + environmentName + ".config");
            var certThumbprint        = sr.ReadValue(SocialPlusCertThumbprint);
            var clientID              = sr.ReadValue(EmbeddedSocialClientIdSetting);
            var storeLocation         = StoreLocation.CurrentUser;
            var vaultUrl              = sr.ReadValue(SocialPlusVaultUrlSetting);
            ICertificateHelper cert   = new CertificateHelper(certThumbprint, clientID, storeLocation);
            IKeyVaultClient    client = new AzureKeyVaultClient(cert);

            log = new Log(LogDestination.Console, Log.DefaultCategoryName);
            kv  = new KV(log, clientID, vaultUrl, certThumbprint, storeLocation, client);
            var kvReader = new KVSettingsReader(sr, kv);

            // Create a null connection string provider needed for blobStoreManager and tableStoreManager
            NullConnectionStringProvider connectionStringProvider = new NullConnectionStringProvider();

            if (doUpgradeStoreVersion)
                if (!forceOperation)
                    Console.WriteLine("You must specify the -Force option when using -UpgradeStoreVersion");
                    Console.WriteLine("The -UpgradeStoreVersion option is only intended to be used by our version upgrade scripts");
                    Console.WriteLine("If you are trying to use this by hand, you're probably doing something wrong.");

                CTStoreManager tableStoreManager = new CTStoreManager(connectionStringProvider);
                string         redisPersistentConnectionString = await kvReader.ReadValueAsync("PersistentRedisConnectionString");

                string azureTableStorageConnectionString = await kvReader.ReadValueAsync("AzureStorageConnectionString");
                await UpgradeStoreVersion(tableStoreManager, azureTableStorageConnectionString, redisPersistentConnectionString);


            if (doClean)

            // display current configuration
            await ValidateAndPrintConfiguration(environmentName, kvReader);

            if (forceOperation == false)
                // get user approval
                Console.Write("Are you sure you want to proceed? [y/n] : ");
                ConsoleKeyInfo keyInfo = Console.ReadKey(false);
                if (keyInfo.KeyChar != 'y')

            // Mr Clean!!

            if (doAll || doSearch)
                string searchServiceName = await kvReader.ReadValueAsync("SearchServiceName");

                string searchServiceAdminKey = await kvReader.ReadValueAsync("SearchServiceAdminKey");

                if (doClean)
                    // delete search indices
                    await DeleteSearch(searchServiceName, searchServiceAdminKey);

                if (doCreate)
                    // create search indices
                    await ProvisionSearch(searchServiceName, searchServiceAdminKey);

            if (doAll || doQueues)
                string serviceBusConnectionString = await kvReader.ReadValueAsync("ServiceBusConnectionString");

                if (doClean)
                    // Delete queues
                    await DeleteServiceBusQueues(serviceBusConnectionString);

                if (doCreate)
                    // Create queues
                    await ProvisionServiceBusQueues(serviceBusConnectionString);

            if (doAll || doTables)
                CTStoreManager tableStoreManager = new CTStoreManager(connectionStringProvider);
                string         azureTableStorageConnectionString = await kvReader.ReadValueAsync("AzureStorageConnectionString");

                if (doClean)
                    // Delete tables
                    await DeleteAzureTables(azureTableStorageConnectionString);

                if (doCreate)
                    await ProvisionAzureStorageTables(tableStoreManager, azureTableStorageConnectionString);

            if (doAll || doBlobs)
                CBStoreManager blobStoreManager = new CBStoreManager(connectionStringProvider);
                string         azureBlobStorageConnectionString = await kvReader.ReadValueAsync("AzureBlobStorageConnectionString");

                if (doClean)
                    // Delete blobs
                    await DeleteAzureBlobs(blobStoreManager, azureBlobStorageConnectionString);

                if (doCreate)
                    await ProvisionAzureStorageBlobs(blobStoreManager, azureBlobStorageConnectionString);

            if (doAll || doRedis)
                if (doClean)
                    // Delete redis cache
                    string redisVolatileConnectionString = await kvReader.ReadValueAsync("VolatileRedisConnectionString") + ", allowAdmin=1";

                    string redisPersistentConnectionString = await kvReader.ReadValueAsync("PersistentRedisConnectionString") + ", allowAdmin=1";

                    DeleteRedisCaches(redisVolatileConnectionString, redisPersistentConnectionString);

                if (doCreate)
                    string redisPersistentConnectionString = await kvReader.ReadValueAsync("PersistentRedisConnectionString");

                    CTStoreManager tableStoreManager = new CTStoreManager(connectionStringProvider);
                    await ProvisionRedisCaches(redisPersistentConnectionString, tableStoreManager);

            if (doAll || doLogs)
                CBStoreManager blobStoreManager = new CBStoreManager(connectionStringProvider);
                string         azureBlobStorageConnectionString = await kvReader.ReadValueAsync("AzureBlobStorageConnectionString");

                if (doClean)
                    // Delete logs
                    await DeleteAzureLogs(azureBlobStorageConnectionString);

                if (doCreate)
                    // No need to create the Azure logs (aka WAD* tables). Azure Diagnostics creates them automatically.

            // bye
            Console.WriteLine("All done! Bye!");