  * Constructor
  * @param esf the external sheet record to copy
 public ExternalSheetRecord(CSharpJExcel.Jxl.Read.Biff.ExternalSheetRecord esf)
     : base(Type.EXTERNSHEET)
     xtis = new ArrayList(esf.getNumRecords());
     XTI xti = null;
     for (int i = 0; i < esf.getNumRecords(); i++)
         xti = new XTI(esf.getSupbookIndex(i),
         * Constructor
         * @param l the length of the data
         * @param os the output stream to write to
         * @param data the excel data
         * @param rcf the read compound
        public CompoundFile(ExcelDataOutput data, int l, Stream os,
            CSharpJExcel.Jxl.Read.Biff.CompoundFile rcf)
            : base()
            size = l;
            excelData = data;


            numRootEntryBlocks = 1;
            numPropertySets = 4 +
              (additionalPropertySets != null ? additionalPropertySets.Count : 0);

            if (additionalPropertySets != null)
                numSmallBlockDepotChainBlocks = getBigBlocksRequired(numSmallBlocks * 4);
                numSmallBlockDepotBlocks = getBigBlocksRequired
                  (numSmallBlocks * SMALL_BLOCK_SIZE);

                numRootEntryBlocks += getBigBlocksRequired
                  (additionalPropertySets.Count * PROPERTY_STORAGE_BLOCK_SIZE);

            int blocks = getBigBlocksRequired(l);

            // First pad the data outStream so that it fits nicely into a whole number
            // of blocks
            if (l < SMALL_BLOCK_THRESHOLD)
                requiredSize = SMALL_BLOCK_THRESHOLD;
                requiredSize = blocks * BIG_BLOCK_SIZE;

            outStream = os;

            // Do the calculations
            excelDataBlocks = requiredSize / BIG_BLOCK_SIZE;
            numBigBlockDepotBlocks = 1;

            int blockChainLength = (BIG_BLOCK_SIZE - BIG_BLOCK_DEPOT_BLOCKS_POS) / 4;

            int startTotalBlocks = excelDataBlocks +
                      8 + // summary block
                      8 + // document information
                      additionalPropertyBlocks +
                      numSmallBlockDepotBlocks +
                      numSmallBlockDepotChainBlocks +

            int totalBlocks = startTotalBlocks + numBigBlockDepotBlocks;

            // Calculate the number of BBD blocks needed to hold this info
            numBigBlockDepotBlocks = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)totalBlocks / (double)(BIG_BLOCK_SIZE / 4));

            // Does this affect the total?
            totalBlocks = startTotalBlocks + numBigBlockDepotBlocks;

            // And recalculate
            numBigBlockDepotBlocks = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)totalBlocks / (double)(BIG_BLOCK_SIZE / 4));

            // Does this affect the total?
            totalBlocks = startTotalBlocks + numBigBlockDepotBlocks;

            // See if the excel bbd chain can fit into the header block.
            // Remember to allow for the  end of chain indicator
            if (numBigBlockDepotBlocks > blockChainLength - 1)
                // Sod it - we need an extension block.  We have to go through
                // the whole tiresome calculation again
                extensionBlock = 0;

                // Compute the number of extension blocks
                int bbdBlocksLeft = numBigBlockDepotBlocks - blockChainLength + 1;

                numExtensionBlocks = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)bbdBlocksLeft / (double)(BIG_BLOCK_SIZE / 4 - 1));

                // Modify the total number of blocks required and recalculate the
                // the number of bbd blocks
                totalBlocks = startTotalBlocks +
                              numExtensionBlocks +
                numBigBlockDepotBlocks = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)totalBlocks / (double)(BIG_BLOCK_SIZE / 4));

                // The final total
                totalBlocks = startTotalBlocks +
                              numExtensionBlocks +
                extensionBlock = -2;
                numExtensionBlocks = 0;

            // Set the excel data start block to be after the header (and
            // its extensions)
            excelDataStartBlock = numExtensionBlocks;

            // Set the start block of the small block depot
            sbdStartBlock = -2;
            if (additionalPropertySets != null && numSmallBlockDepotBlocks != 0)
                sbdStartBlock = excelDataStartBlock +
                                excelDataBlocks +
                                additionalPropertyBlocks +

            // Set the sbd chain start block to be after the excel data and the
            // small block depot
            sbdStartBlockChain = -2;

            if (sbdStartBlock != -2)
                sbdStartBlockChain = sbdStartBlock + numSmallBlockDepotBlocks;

            // Set the bbd start block to be after all the excel data
            if (sbdStartBlockChain != -2)
                bbdStartBlock = sbdStartBlockChain +
                bbdStartBlock = excelDataStartBlock +
                                excelDataBlocks +
                                additionalPropertyBlocks +

            // Set the root start block to be after all the big block depot blocks
            rootStartBlock = bbdStartBlock +

            if (totalBlocks != rootStartBlock + numRootEntryBlocks)
                //logger.warn("Root start block and total blocks are inconsistent " +
                //            " generated file may be corrupt");
                //logger.warn("RootStartBlock " + rootStartBlock + " totalBlocks " + totalBlocks);
  * Constructor used when importing a sheet from another
  * spreadsheet
  * @param col the column number
  * @param cir the column info record read in
 public ColumnInfoRecord(CSharpJExcel.Jxl.Read.Biff.ColumnInfoRecord cir,int col)
     : base(Type.COLINFO)
     column = col;
     width = cir.getWidth();
     xfIndex = cir.getXFIndex();
     outlineLevel = cir.getOutlineLevel();
     collapsed = cir.getCollapsed();
         * Constructor - used when copying sheets
         * @param index the index into the name table
        public NameRecord(CSharpJExcel.Jxl.Read.Biff.NameRecord sr, int ind)
            : base(Type.NAME)
            data = sr.getData();
            name = sr.getName();
            sheetRef = sr.getSheetRef();
            index = ind;
            modified = false;

            // Copy the ranges
            CSharpJExcel.Jxl.Read.Biff.NameRecord.NameRange[] r = sr.getRanges();
            ranges = new NameRange[r.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < ranges.Length; i++)
                ranges[i] = new NameRange(r[i]);
 public CountryRecord(CSharpJExcel.Jxl.Read.Biff.CountryRecord cr)
     : base(Type.COUNTRY)
     language = cr.getLanguageCode();
     regionalSettings = cr.getRegionalSettingsCode();
Example #6
  * Constructor
  * @param os the output stream
  * @param ws the configuration settings for this workbook
  * @param rcf the rea compound file
  * @exception IOException
 public File(Stream os, WorkbookSettings ws, CSharpJExcel.Jxl.Read.Biff.CompoundFile rcf)
     outputStream = os;
     workbookSettings = ws;
     readCompoundFile = rcf;
  * Creates internal class of the appropriate type
  * @param c the contents to copy
  * @return the new contents
 protected override CSharpJExcel.Jxl.Biff.HeaderFooter.Contents createContents(CSharpJExcel.Jxl.Biff.HeaderFooter.Contents c)
     return new Contents((Contents)c);
 public NameRange(CSharpJExcel.Jxl.Read.Biff.NameRecord.NameRange nr)
     columnFirst = nr.getFirstColumn();
     rowFirst = nr.getFirstRow();
     columnLast = nr.getLastColumn();
     rowLast = nr.getLastRow();
     externalSheet = nr.getExternalSheet();
  * Initializes an internal supbook record
  * @param sr the read supbook record to copy from
 private void initInternal(CSharpJExcel.Jxl.Read.Biff.SupbookRecord sr)
     numSheets = sr.getNumberOfSheets();
         * Constructor used when copying from an external workbook
        public SupbookRecord(CSharpJExcel.Jxl.Read.Biff.SupbookRecord sr, WorkbookSettings ws)
            : base(Type.SUPBOOK)
            workbookSettings = ws;
            if (sr.getType() == SupbookRecord.INTERNAL)
                type = INTERNAL;
                numSheets = sr.getNumberOfSheets();
            else if (sr.getType() == SupbookRecord.EXTERNAL)
                type = EXTERNAL;
                numSheets = sr.getNumberOfSheets();
                fileName = sr.getFileName();
                sheetNames = new string[numSheets];

                for (int i = 0; i < numSheets; i++)
                    sheetNames[i] = sr.getSheetName(i);

            if (sr.getType() == SupbookRecord.ADDIN)
                //logger.warn("Supbook type is addin");
         * Removes a drawing from this workbook
         * @param d the drawing to remove
        public void removeDrawing(CSharpJExcel.Jxl.Biff.Drawing.Drawing d)
            Assert.verify(drawingGroup != null);

Example #12
  * Dummy override
  * @param cf dummy
 public void setCellFormat(CSharpJExcel.Jxl.Format.CellFormat cf)
  * Publicly available copy constructor
  * @param the font to copy
 protected WritableFontRecord(CSharpJExcel.Jxl.Format.Font f)
     : base(f)
  * Constructor
  * @param p the palette record
 public PaletteRecord(CSharpJExcel.Jxl.Read.Biff.PaletteRecord p)
     : base(Type.PALETTE)
     data = p.getData();
         * Reads the additional property sets from the read in compound file
         * @param readCompoundFile the file read in
         * @exception CopyAdditionalPropertySetsException
         * @exception IOException
        private void readAdditionalPropertySets(CSharpJExcel.Jxl.Read.Biff.CompoundFile readCompoundFile)
            if (readCompoundFile == null)

            additionalPropertySets = new ArrayList();
            standardPropertySets = new Dictionary<string, ReadPropertyStorage>();
            int blocksRequired = 0;

            int numPropertySets = readCompoundFile.getNumberOfPropertySets();

            for (int i = 0; i < numPropertySets; i++)
                PropertyStorage ps = readCompoundFile.getPropertySet(i);

                bool standard = false;

                if (System.String.Compare(ps.name,ROOT_ENTRY_NAME) == 0)
                    standard = true;
                    ReadPropertyStorage rps = new ReadPropertyStorage(ps, null, i);
                    standardPropertySets.Add(ROOT_ENTRY_NAME, rps);

                // See if it is a standard property set
                for (int j = 0; j < STANDARD_PROPERTY_SETS.Length && !standard; j++)
                    if (System.String.Compare(ps.name,STANDARD_PROPERTY_SETS[j]) == 0)
                        // See if it comes directly off the root entry
                        PropertyStorage ps2 = readCompoundFile.findPropertyStorage(ps.name);
                        Assert.verify(ps2 != null);

                        if (ps2 == ps)
                            standard = true;
                            ReadPropertyStorage rps = new ReadPropertyStorage(ps, null, i);
                            standardPropertySets.Add(STANDARD_PROPERTY_SETS[j], rps);

                if (!standard)
                        byte[] data = null;
                        if (ps.size > 0)
                            data = readCompoundFile.getStream(i);
                            data = new byte[0];
                        ReadPropertyStorage rps = new ReadPropertyStorage(ps, data, i);

                        if (data.Length > SMALL_BLOCK_THRESHOLD)
                            int blocks = getBigBlocksRequired(data.Length);
                            blocksRequired += blocks;
                            int blocks = getSmallBlocksRequired(data.Length);
                            numSmallBlocks += blocks;
                    catch (CSharpJExcel.Jxl.Read.Biff.BiffException e)
                        throw new CopyAdditionalPropertySetsException();

            additionalPropertyBlocks = blocksRequired;
  * Constructor
 public ButtonPropertySetRecord(CSharpJExcel.Jxl.Read.Biff.ButtonPropertySetRecord bps)
     data = bps.getData();
Example #17
  * Consructor invoked when copying a spreadsheet
  * @param hr the read header record
 public PLSRecord(CSharpJExcel.Jxl.Read.Biff.PLSRecord hr)
     : base(Type.PLS)
     data = hr.getData();
  * Publicly available copy constructor
  * @param f the font to copy
 public WritableFont(CSharpJExcel.Jxl.Format.Font f)
     : base(f)
Example #19
         * Writes out the biff record
         * @param r
         * @exception IOException if an error occurs
        private bool writeRecord(CSharpJExcel.Jxl.Read.Biff.Record r, TextWriter os)
            bool cont = true;
            int pos = reader.getPos();
            int code = r.getCode();

            if (bofs == 0)
                cont = (r.getType() == CSharpJExcel.Jxl.Biff.Type.BOF);

            if (!cont)
                return cont;

            if (r.getType() == CSharpJExcel.Jxl.Biff.Type.BOF)

            if (r.getType() == CSharpJExcel.Jxl.Biff.Type.EOF)

            StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();

            // Write out the record header
            writeSixDigitValue(pos, buf);
            buf.Append(" [");
            buf.Append("  (0x");

            if (code == CSharpJExcel.Jxl.Biff.Type.XF.value)
                buf.Append(" (0x");

            if (code == CSharpJExcel.Jxl.Biff.Type.FONT.value)
                if (fontIndex == 4)

                buf.Append(" (0x");


            byte[] standardData = new byte[4];
            standardData[0] = (byte)(code & 0xff);
            standardData[1] = (byte)((code & 0xff00) >> 8);
            standardData[2] = (byte)(r.getLength() & 0xff);
            standardData[3] = (byte)((r.getLength() & 0xff00) >> 8);
            byte[] recordData = r.getData();
            byte[] data = new byte[standardData.Length + recordData.Length];
            Array.Copy(standardData, 0, data, 0, standardData.Length);
            Array.Copy(recordData, 0, data, standardData.Length, recordData.Length);

            int byteCount = 0;
            int lineBytes = 0;

            while (byteCount < data.Length)
                buf = new StringBuilder();
                writeSixDigitValue(pos + byteCount, buf);
                buf.Append("   ");

                lineBytes = Math.Min(bytesPerLine, data.Length - byteCount);

                for (int i = 0; i < lineBytes; i++)
                    writeByte(data[i + byteCount], buf);
                    buf.Append(' ');

                // Perform any padding
                if (lineBytes < bytesPerLine)
                    for (int i = 0; i < bytesPerLine - lineBytes; i++)
                        buf.Append("   ");

                buf.Append("  ");

                for (int i = 0; i < lineBytes; i++)
                    char c = (char)data[i + byteCount];
                    if (c < ' ' || c > 'z')
                        c = '.';

                byteCount += lineBytes;


            return cont;