public static IFeatureLayer SavePointLayer(List <CPolyBase> CpbLt, string strName, double dblSize)
            var pstrFieldNameLt = new List <string> {
            var pesriFieldTypeLt = new List <esriFieldType> {
            var pobjectValueLtLt = new List <List <object> >(CpbLt.Count);

            var cptlt = new List <CPoint>();

            for (int i = 0; i < CpbLt.Count; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < CpbLt[i].CptLt.Count; j++)
                    pobjectValueLtLt.Add(new List <object> {

            return(CSaveFeature.SaveCptEb(cptlt, strName, pstrFieldNameLt, pesriFieldTypeLt, pobjectValueLtLt, dblWidth: dblSize));
Example #2
        public void MatchAndMergePolylines()
            var ParameterInitialize = _ParameterInitialize;
            //List<CPolyline> pCPlLt = this.ObjCGeoLtLt[0].AsExpectedClassEb<CPolyline, CGeoBase>().ToList();

            List <CPolyline> LSCPlLt = this.ObjCGeoLtLt[0].AsExpectedClassEb <CPolyline, CGeoBase>().ToList();
            List <CPolyline> SSCPlLt = this.ObjCGeoLtLt[1].AsExpectedClassEb <CPolyline, CGeoBase>().ToList();

            long                lngStartTime     = System.Environment.TickCount;
            List <CPolyline>    LSAttentionCPlLt = new List <CPolyline>();
            List <CPolyline>    SingleCPlLt      = MatchPolyline(ref LSCPlLt, ref SSCPlLt, ref LSAttentionCPlLt);
            List <CPolyline>    SSAttentionCPlLt = new List <CPolyline>();
            List <CCorrSegment> pCorrCplLt       = UnionLSCPl(ref SSCPlLt, ref LSAttentionCPlLt, ref SSAttentionCPlLt);


            CSaveFeature.SaveCGeoEb(SSAttentionCPlLt, esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolyline, "SSAttentionCPl");
            CSaveFeature.SaveCGeoEb(LSAttentionCPlLt, esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolyline, "LSAttentionCPl");
            CSaveFeature.SaveCGeoEb(SingleCPlLt, esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolyline, "SingleCPl");

            List <CPolyline> pLSCPlLt = new List <CPolyline>(); //the code has to be checked**************************************
            List <CPolyline> pSSCPlLt = new List <CPolyline>(); //the code has to be checked**************************************

            for (int i = 0; i < pCorrCplLt.Count; i++)          //the code has to be checked**************************************

            //pLSCPlLt and pSSCPlLt has to be saved because there are may be LSAttentionCPlLt and SSAttentionCPlLt
            CSaveFeature.SaveCGeoEb(pSSCPlLt, esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolyline, ParameterInitialize.pFLayerLt[1].Name + "SSCPl");
            CSaveFeature.SaveCGeoEb(pLSCPlLt, esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolyline, ParameterInitialize.pFLayerLt[0].Name + "LSCPl");
        public IEnumerable <CRegion> AggregateSmallestAndUpdateQ(CRegion crg, CRegion lscrg, CRegion sscrg, SortedSet <CRegion> Q,
                                                                 List <SortedDictionary <CRegion, CRegion> > ExistingCrgSDLt, List <SortedDictionary <CPatch, CPatch> > ExistingCphSDLt,
                                                                 SortedDictionary <CCorrCphs, CCorrCphs> ExistingCorrCphsSD, double[,] padblTD, int intEstSteps)
            var pAdjCorrCphsSD = crg.AdjCorrCphsSD;
            var mincph         = crg.GetSmallestCph();

            var pCphRecords = crg.GetNeighborCphRecords(mincph).ToList();

            if (pCphRecords.Count == 0)
                CSaveFeature.SaveCpgEb(mincph.CpgSS, "PolygonsOfMincph");
                throw new ArgumentNullException("There is no neighbor of mincph!");

            //for every pair of neighboring Cphs, we aggregate them and generate a new Crg
            foreach (var pCphRecord in pCphRecords)
                foreach (var item in AggregateAndUpdateQ_Common(crg, lscrg, sscrg, Q, pAdjCorrCphsSD, pCphRecord.CorrCphs,
                                                                ExistingCrgSDLt, ExistingCphSDLt, ExistingCorrCphsSD, padblTD, intEstSteps))
                    yield return(item);
Example #4
        private void btnSimplify_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (isDivideByDP == false)
                MessageBox.Show("please press DivideByDP first!");

            double dblParameter = Convert.ToDouble(txtParameter.Text);

            if (rdoDistance.Checked == true)
                _pDPSimplify.DPSimplify(dblParameter, -1, -1, -1);
            else if (rdoRemainRatio.Checked == true)
                _pDPSimplify.DPSimplify(-1, dblParameter, -1, -1);
            else if (rdoRemainNum.Checked == true)
                _pDPSimplify.DPSimplify(-1, -1, dblParameter, -1);

            else if (rdoDeleteNum.Checked == true)
                _pDPSimplify.DPSimplify(-1, -1, -1, dblParameter);

            //we are saving memory here, one can do better
            var CResultsPlLt = _pDPSimplify.ParameterResult.CResultPlLt;

            CSaveFeature.SaveCplEb(CResultsPlLt, "DPSimplify_" + dblParameter.ToString());
Example #5
        public void DisplayAtBd(double dblProp)
            var pParameterInitialize = _ParameterInitialize;
            var pParameterResult     = _ParameterResult;

            if (dblProp < 0 || dblProp > 1)

            //double dblLargerScale = pParameterInitialize.dblLargerScale;
            //double dblSmallerScale = pParameterInitialize.dblSmallerScale;
            //double dblTargetScale = Math.Pow(dblLargerScale, 1 - dblProp) * Math.Pow(dblSmallerScale, dblProp);
            //double dblIgnorableDis = 0.0001 * dblTargetScale / 111319.490793;
            //double dblIgnorableDis = 0.0001 * dblTargetScale / 100000000000;

            var pStopwatch         = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            var normaldisplayCplLt = GenerateInterpolatedCplLt(dblProp);
            var fadeddisplayCplLt  = GenerateInterpolatedCplLt(dblProp, _SgCorrCptsLtLt);


            int intRGB         = Convert.ToInt32(dblProp * 255);
            var pStopwatchSave = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            CSaveFeature.SaveCplEb(fadeddisplayCplLt, dblProp.ToString() + "_Lower", intRed: intRGB, intGreen: intRGB, intBlue: intRGB, dblWidth: 0.5);
            CSaveFeature.SaveCplEb(normaldisplayCplLt, dblProp.ToString() + "_Higher", dblWidth: 1.2);

            CHelpFunc.DisplayRunTime(pStopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds, "Generate", pStopwatchSave.ElapsedMilliseconds, "ToShape");
        public void UnifyIndicesPolylines()
            var ParameterInitialize = _ParameterInitialize;
            //List<CPolyline> pCPlLt = this.ObjCGeoLtLt[0].Select(cgeo => cgeo as CPolyline).ToList();

            List <CPolyline> LSCPlLt = this.ObjCGeoLtLt[0].Select(cgeo => cgeo as CPolyline).ToList();
            List <CPolyline> SSCPlLt = this.ObjCGeoLtLt[1].Select(cgeo => cgeo as CPolyline).ToList();

            long lngStartTime = System.Environment.TickCount;

            MatchPolyline(ref LSCPlLt, ref SSCPlLt);
            List <CPolyline>    LSAttentionCPlLt = new List <CPolyline>();
            List <CPolyline>    SSAttentionCPlLt = new List <CPolyline>();
            List <CCorrSegment> pCorrCplLt       = UnifyIndices(ref LSCPlLt, ref SSCPlLt, ref LSAttentionCPlLt, ref SSAttentionCPlLt);

            //CSaveFeature.SaveCGeoEb(SingleCPlLt, esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolyline, "SingleCPl", ParameterInitialize.pWorkspace, ParameterInitialize.m_mapControl);
            CSaveFeature.SaveCGeoEb(SSAttentionCPlLt, esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolyline, "SSAttentionCPl");
            CSaveFeature.SaveCGeoEb(LSAttentionCPlLt, esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolyline, "LSAttentionCPl");

            List <CPolyline> pLSCPlLt = new List <CPolyline>(); //the code has to be checked**************************************
            List <CPolyline> pSSCPlLt = new List <CPolyline>(); //the code has to be checked**************************************

            for (int i = 0; i < pCorrCplLt.Count; i++)          //the code has to be checked**************************************

            //pLSCPlLt and pSSCPlLt has to be saved because there are may be LSAttentionCPlLt and SSAttentionCPlLt
            CSaveFeature.SaveCGeoEb(pSSCPlLt, esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolyline, ParameterInitialize.pFLayerLt[1].Name + "SSCPl");
            CSaveFeature.SaveCGeoEb(pLSCPlLt, esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolyline, ParameterInitialize.pFLayerLt[0].Name + "LSCPl");
Example #7
        //Stopwatch _pstopwatch = new Stopwatch();
        #region Output
        public void Output(double dblProp, string strSimplification, string strBufferStyle, double dblMiterLimit)
            CConstants.dblVerySmallCoord *= CConstants.dblFclipper;
            var resultCpgEb = GetResultCpgEb(this.MergedCpgLt, dblProp, strSimplification, strBufferStyle, dblMiterLimit);

                                   dblProp + "_Growing", intBlue: 255, blnVisible: false);
            CConstants.dblVerySmallCoord /= CConstants.dblFclipper;
Example #8
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>construct DCEL for InterLSCPlLt, and set the two face numbers for every Cpl.
        /// since InterSSCPlLt are stored with the same order as InterLSCPlLt,
        /// we also set the same faces numbers for every Cpl from InterSSCPlLt for a SgCpl,
        /// we get a point on it and test in which face this point is</remarks>
        public void IdentifyAddFaceNumber()
            CParameterInitialize pParameterInitialize = _ParameterInitialize;

            _intInterLS = 0;
            _intInterSS = 1;
            _intSg      = 2;

            List <CPolyline> pInterLSCPlLt = this.ObjCGeoLtLt[_intInterLS].AsExpectedClassEb <CPolyline, CGeoBase>().ToList();
            List <CPolyline> pSgCPlLt      = this.ObjCGeoLtLt[_intSg].AsExpectedClassEb <CPolyline, CGeoBase>().ToList();

            CDCEL pInterLSDCEL = new CDCEL(pInterLSCPlLt);


            List <object> InterLSobjlt1 = new List <object>(pInterLSCPlLt.Count);
            List <object> InterLSobjlt2 = new List <object>(pInterLSCPlLt.Count);

            for (int i = 0; i < pInterLSCPlLt.Count; i++)
                int indexID1 = pInterLSCPlLt[i].CEdgeLt[0].cpgIncidentFace.indexID;
                int indexID2 = pInterLSCPlLt[i].CEdgeLt[0].cedgeTwin.cpgIncidentFace.indexID;

                //we store the smaller index at "FaceNum_1", and store the larger index at "FaceNum_2"
                int intSmallerindexID;
                int intLargerindexID;
                CHelpFunc.CompareAndOrder(indexID1, indexID2, ID => ID, out intSmallerindexID, out intLargerindexID);


            //it should be true that a polyline of pInterSSCPlLt has the same indices of faces
            //as the corresponding polyline of pInterLSCPlLt does
                                              esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeInteger, "FaceNum1", InterLSobjlt1);
                                              esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeInteger, "FaceNum2", InterLSobjlt2);
                                              esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeInteger, "FaceNum1", InterLSobjlt1);
                                              esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeInteger, "FaceNum2", InterLSobjlt2);

            List <object> Sgobjlt = new List <object>(pSgCPlLt.Count);

            for (int i = 0; i < pSgCPlLt.Count; i++)
                Sgobjlt.Add(DetectFaceForSg(pSgCPlLt[i], pInterLSDCEL).indexID);
                                              esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeInteger, "FaceNum", Sgobjlt);
        public void SaveDataAreaITinEdgeLt(string strName)
            var ITinEdgeLt = _pTinEdgeLt;
            var CEdgeLt    = new List <CEdge>(ITinEdgeLt.Count);

            foreach (var pTinEdge in ITinEdgeLt)
                CEdgeLt.Add(new CEdge(pTinEdge));

            CSaveFeature.SaveCEdgeEb(CEdgeLt, "TIN_" + strName);
        public void MergeAndSplitPolylines()
            var ParameterInitialize = _ParameterInitialize;
            List <CPolyline> pCPlLt = this.ObjCGeoLtLt[0].Select(cgeo => cgeo as CPolyline).ToList();

            long lngStartTime = System.Environment.TickCount;

            CDCEL pDCEL = new CDCEL(pCPlLt);


            pDCEL.HalfEdgeLt.ForEach(cedge => cedge.isTraversed = false);
            List <CPolyline> OutputCPlLt = new List <CPolyline>();

            int intID = 0;

            foreach (var cedge in pDCEL.HalfEdgeLt)
                if (cedge.isTraversed == true)

                var PreCptLt = new List <CPoint>();
                var SucCptLt = new List <CPoint>();
                GetCptLtUntilIntersection(SucCptLt, cedge.cedgeNext);
                if (SucCptLt.Count == 1 || SucCptLt.Last().GID != SucCptLt[0].GID)   //if it is not a "hole"
                    cedge.isTraversed           = true;
                    cedge.cedgeTwin.isTraversed = true;

                    GetCptLtUntilIntersection(PreCptLt, cedge.cedgeTwin.cedgeNext);

                OutputCPlLt.Add(new CPolyline(intID++, PreCptLt));
            CSaveFeature.SaveCGeoEb(OutputCPlLt, esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolyline,
                                    ParameterInitialize.pFLayerLt[0].Name + "MergeAndSplit");

            long lngEndTime = System.Environment.TickCount;//记录结束时间

            ParameterInitialize.tsslTime.Text = "Running Time: " + Convert.ToString(lngEndTime - lngStartTime) + "ms";
        public void MatchAndMergePolygons()
            var ParameterInitialize = _ParameterInitialize;
            var pLSCPgLt            = this.ObjCGeoLtLt[0].AsExpectedClassEb <CPolygon, CGeoBase>().ToList();
            var pSSCPgLt            = this.ObjCGeoLtLt[1].AsExpectedClassEb <CPolygon, CGeoBase>().ToList();

            long            lngStartTime          = System.Environment.TickCount;
            List <CPolygon> InterLSAttentionCPgLt = new List <CPolygon>();
            List <CPolygon> SSAttentionCPgLt      = new List <CPolygon>();

            MatchCpg(ref pLSCPgLt, ref pSSCPgLt, ref InterLSAttentionCPgLt, ref SSAttentionCPgLt);
            List <CPolygon> ResultCPgLt = MergeCpg(ref pSSCPgLt);

            CSaveFeature.SaveCGeoEb(SSAttentionCPgLt, esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolygon,
                                    ParameterInitialize.cboLayerLt[1].Text + "_Attention");
            CSaveFeature.SaveCGeoEb(InterLSAttentionCPgLt, esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolygon,
                                    ParameterInitialize.cboLayerLt[0].Text + "_Attention");
            CSaveFeature.SaveCGeoEb(ResultCPgLt, esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolygon,
                                    ParameterInitialize.cboLayerLt[0].Text + "_Merged");
Example #12
        public void UnifyDirectionsPolylines()
            var ParameterInitialize = _ParameterInitialize;
            //List<CPolyline> pCPlLt = this.ObjCGeoLtLt[0].AsExpectedClassEb<CPolyline, CGeoBase>().ToList();

            List <CPolyline> LSCPlLt = this.ObjCGeoLtLt[0].AsExpectedClassEb <CPolyline, CGeoBase>().ToList();
            List <CPolyline> SSCPlLt = this.ObjCGeoLtLt[1].AsExpectedClassEb <CPolyline, CGeoBase>().ToList();

            for (int i = 0; i < LSCPlLt.Count; i++)
                double dblAngleDiff = CGeoFunc.CalAngle_Counterclockwise(LSCPlLt[i].FrCpt, LSCPlLt[i].ToCpt, SSCPlLt[i].FrCpt, SSCPlLt[i].ToCpt);

                if ((Math.Abs(dblAngleDiff) > (Math.PI / 2) && Math.Abs(dblAngleDiff) < (3 * Math.PI / 2)))

            CSaveFeature.SaveCGeoEb(LSCPlLt, esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolyline, ParameterInitialize.pFLayerLt[0].Name + "UnifiedDirections");
Example #13
        public void IdentifyCorrCpgAddRegionNum()
            var ParameterInitialize = _ParameterInitialize;
            var pLSCPgLt            = this.ObjCGeoLtLt[0].AsExpectedClassEb <CPolygon, CGeoBase>().ToList();
            var pSSCPgLt            = this.ObjCGeoLtLt[1].AsExpectedClassEb <CPolygon, CGeoBase>().ToList();

            long            lngStartTime     = System.Environment.TickCount;
            List <CPolygon> LSAttentionCPgLt = new List <CPolygon>();
            List <CPolygon> SSAttentionCPgLt = new List <CPolygon>();

            CMatchAndMergePolygons.MatchCpg(ref pLSCPgLt, ref pSSCPgLt, ref LSAttentionCPgLt, ref SSAttentionCPgLt);

            List <object> LSRgNumLt = new List <object>(pLSCPgLt.Count);

            List <object> SSRgNumLt = new List <object>(pSSCPgLt.Count);

            foreach (var sscpg in pSSCPgLt)

                foreach (var corrcgeo in sscpg.CorrCGeoLt)
                    LSRgNumLt[corrcgeo.ID] = sscpg.ID;

                                              esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeInteger, "RegionNum", LSRgNumLt);
                                              esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeInteger, "RegionNum", SSRgNumLt);

            CSaveFeature.SaveCGeoEb(SSAttentionCPgLt, esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolygon,
                                    ParameterInitialize.cboLayerLt[1].Text + "_Attention");
            CSaveFeature.SaveCGeoEb(LSAttentionCPgLt, esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolygon,
                                    ParameterInitialize.cboLayerLt[0].Text + "_Attention");
        public void Temporary()
            var ParameterInitialize = _ParameterInitialize;

            var pLSCPlLt = this.ObjCGeoLtLt[0].Select(cgeo => cgeo as CPolyline).ToList();
            //var pSSCPlLt = this.ObjCGeoLtLt[1].Select(cgeo => cgeo as CPolyline).ToList();

            var subLSCplLt = new List <CPolyline>(pLSCPlLt.Count / 2);
            var subSSCplLt = new List <CPolyline>(pLSCPlLt.Count / 2);

            int intI = 0;

            while (intI < pLSCPlLt.Count)

            CSaveFeature.SaveCGeoEb(subLSCplLt, esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolyline, "InterSgLS_203");
            CSaveFeature.SaveCGeoEb(subSSCplLt, esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolyline, "InterSgSS_203");
        public List <CPoint> GetOnlyInnerCptLt(bool clockwise = true, bool blnIdentical = true)
            //var innercptltlt = new List<List<CPoint>>();
            if (_InnerCmptCEdgeLt != null && _InnerCmptCEdgeLt.Count == 1)
                return(GetInnerCptEb(_InnerCmptCEdgeLt.First(), clockwise, blnIdentical).ToList());
                if (_InnerCmptCEdgeLt != null && _InnerCmptCEdgeLt.Count > 0)
                    var cpglt = new List <CPolygon>();
                    foreach (var cptlt in GetInnerCptLtLt())
                        cpglt.Add(new CPolygon(-1, cptlt));

                    CSaveFeature.SaveCpgEb(clipperMethods.ScaleCpgEb(cpglt, 1 / CConstants.dblFclipper), "OuterFace");

                throw new ArgumentException("This face has no or more than one inner components!");
Example #16
        public void SelectRandomly(double dblPortion)
            var iptlt = this.ObjIGeoLtLt[0].AsExpectedClassEb <IPoint, object>().ToList();

            var remainIptLt = new List <IPoint>(Convert.ToInt32(dblPortion * iptlt.Count));
            var rand        = new Random();

            foreach (var ipt in iptlt)
                var dblrand = rand.NextDouble();
                if (dblrand < dblPortion)

            CSaveFeature.SaveIGeoEb(remainIptLt, esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPoint, dblPortion.ToString());

            //long lngEndTime = System.Environment.TickCount;//记录结束时间
            //ParameterInitialize.tsslTime.Text = "Running Time: " + Convert.ToString(lngEndTime - lngStartTime) + "ms";  //显示运行时
        //Stopwatch _pstopwatch = new Stopwatch();
        #region Output
        public List <CPolyline> Output(double dblT, double dblS, IRgbColor olIRgbColor, IRgbColor nlIRgbColor, double dblExtraX = 300, double dblExtraY = 300)
            var strTS = _ParameterInitialize.strTS;
            var dblt  = dblT;
            var dbls  = dblS;

            if (strTS == "vario_vario")
            else if (strTS == "vario_separate")
                dbls = SetForSeparate(dblS, 0.5);
            else if (strTS == "separate_vario")
                dblt = SetForSeparate(dblT, 0.5);
            else //if (strTS == "separate_separate")
                dblt = SetForSeparate(dblT, 0.5);
                dbls = SetForSeparate(dblS, 0.5);

            double dblRTime = CGeoFunc.GetInbetweenDbl(olIRgbColor.Red, nlIRgbColor.Red, dblt);
            double dblGTime = CGeoFunc.GetInbetweenDbl(olIRgbColor.Green, nlIRgbColor.Green, dblt);
            double dblBTime = CGeoFunc.GetInbetweenDbl(olIRgbColor.Blue, nlIRgbColor.Blue, dblt);
            int    intRTS   = Convert.ToInt32(CGeoFunc.GetInbetweenDbl(dblRTime, CGeoFunc.GetInbetweenDbl(dblRTime, 255, 0.8), dbls));
            int    intGTS   = Convert.ToInt32(CGeoFunc.GetInbetweenDbl(dblGTime, CGeoFunc.GetInbetweenDbl(dblGTime, 255, 0.8), dbls));
            int    intBTS   = Convert.ToInt32(CGeoFunc.GetInbetweenDbl(dblBTime, CGeoFunc.GetInbetweenDbl(dblBTime, 255, 0.8), dbls));

            var olcpl = _OLCplLt[0];
            var oscpl = _OSCplLt[0];
            var nlcpl = _NLCplLt[0];
            var nscpl = _NSCplLt[0];

            var olcplmoved = olcpl;
            var oscplmoved = oscpl.Move(0, -dblExtraY);
            var nlcplmoved = nlcpl.Move(-dblExtraX, 0);
            var nscplmoved = nscpl.Move(-dblExtraX, -dblExtraY);

            var InterLargerCpl  = CGeoFunc.GetInbetweenCpl(olcplmoved, nlcplmoved, dblt);
            var InterSmallerCpl = CGeoFunc.GetInbetweenCpl(oscplmoved, nscplmoved, dblt);
            var InterCpl        = CGeoFunc.GetInbetweenCpl(InterLargerCpl, InterSmallerCpl, dbls);

            //var simplifedcpllt = CDPSimplify.DPSimplify(CHelpFunc.MakeLt(InterCpl), dblThresholdDis: 300000 * CConstants.dblVerySmallCoord);
            int intPtNum       = olcpl.CptLt.Count - 1;
            var simplifedcpllt = CDPSimplify.DPSimplify(CHelpFunc.MakeLt(InterCpl), dblRemainPoints: intPtNum * ((1 - dbls) * 3 + 1) / 4);

            //var simplifedcptlt = CImaiIriSimplify.ImaiIriSimplify(InterCpl.CptLt, 100000 * CConstants.dblVerySmallCoord).ToList();
            //CSaveFeature.SaveCpl(InterLargerCpl, "InterLargerCpl_" + dblT.ToString() + " " + dblS.ToString());
            //CSaveFeature.SaveCpl(InterSmallerCpl, "InterSmallerCpl_" + dblT.ToString() + " " + dblS.ToString());
            //CSaveFeature.SaveCpl(InterCpl, "InterCpl_" + dblT.ToString() + " " + dblS.ToString());

            var dblBaseX      = dblT * dblExtraX;
            var dblBaseY      = dblS * dblExtraY;
            var movedInterCpl = new CPolyline(0, CGeoFunc.MoveCptEb(simplifedcpllt[0].CptLt, dblBaseX, dblBaseY).ToList());

            //CSaveFeature.SaveCpl(movedInterCpl, dblT.ToString() + " " + dblS.ToString());
            var movedInterCpg = new CPolygon(movedInterCpl.CptLt);

            CSaveFeature.SaveCpg(movedInterCpg, dblT.ToString() + " " + dblS.ToString(), intRed: intRTS, intGreen: intGTS, intBlue: intBTS);

            var cpbLt = new List <CPolyBase>

            CCreatePointLayer.SavePointLayer(cpbLt, dblT.ToString() + " " + dblS.ToString(), 3);


            //var a00 = (1 - x) * (1 - y);    //lower left
            //var a10 = x * (1 - y);          //lower right
            //var a01 = (1 - x) * y;          //upper left
            //var a11 = x * y;                //upper right

            ////var dblDiffX = _NSCplLt[0].CptLt[0].X - _OLCplLt[0].CptLt[0].X;
            ////var dblDiffY = _NSCplLt[0].CptLt[0].Y - _OLCplLt[0].CptLt[0].Y;

            //var dblDiffX = 300;
            //var dblDiffY = 400;

            ////var dblDiffXPlus= dblDiffX+

            //var dblBaseX = dblT * dblDiffX;
            //var dblBaseY = dblS * dblDiffY;
            //var newCplLt = new List<CPolyline>(_OLCplLt.Count);
            //for (int i = 0; i < _OLCplLt.Count; i++)
            //    var olcpl = _OLCplLt[i];
            //    var oscpl = _OSCplLt[i];
            //    var nlcpl = _NLCplLt[i];
            //    var nscpl = _NSCplLt[i];

            //    var newcptlt = new List<CPoint>(olcpl.CptLt.Count);
            //    for (int j = 0; j < olcpl.CptLt.Count; j++)
            //    {
            //        var dblX = BilinearInterpolateUnit(a00, a10, a01, a11,
            //            olcpl.CptLt[j].X - olcpl.CptLt[j].X, nlcpl.CptLt[j].X - olcpl.CptLt[j].X - dblDiffX,
            //            oscpl.CptLt[j].X - olcpl.CptLt[j].X, nscpl.CptLt[j].X - olcpl.CptLt[j].X - dblDiffX);
            //        var dblY = BilinearInterpolateUnit(a00, a10, a01, a11,
            //            olcpl.CptLt[j].Y - olcpl.CptLt[j].Y, nlcpl.CptLt[j].Y - olcpl.CptLt[j].Y,
            //            oscpl.CptLt[j].Y - olcpl.CptLt[j].Y - dblDiffY, nscpl.CptLt[j].Y - olcpl.CptLt[j].Y - dblDiffY);

            //        newcptlt.Add(new CPoint(j, dblX + dblBaseX + olcpl.CptLt[j].X, dblY + dblBaseY + olcpl.CptLt[j].Y));
            //    }

            //    CImaiIriSimplify.ImaiIriSimplify(newcptlt, CConstants.dblVerySmallCoord);

            //    newCplLt.Add(new CPolyline(i, newcptlt));

            //CSaveFeature.SaveCplEb(newCplLt, dblT.ToString() + " " + dblS.ToString());
Example #18
        public void CGABM()
            int intInterLS   = 0;
            int intInterSS   = 1;
            int intSg        = 2;
            int intInterLSSg = 3;
            int intInterSSSg = 4;

            var pstrFieldNameLtLt = this.strFieldNameLtLt;
            var pObjValueLtLtLt   = this.ObjValueLtLtLt;

            var intInterLSFaceNumIndex1 = CSaveFeature.FindFieldNameIndex(pstrFieldNameLtLt[intInterLS], "FaceNum1");
            var intInterLSFaceNumIndex2 = CSaveFeature.FindFieldNameIndex(pstrFieldNameLtLt[intInterLS], "FaceNum2");
            var intSgFaceNumIndex       = CSaveFeature.FindFieldNameIndex(pstrFieldNameLtLt[intSg], "FaceNum");

            //count the faces
            var intInterLSFaceNumSS = new SortedSet <int>();

            foreach (var objlt in pObjValueLtLtLt[intInterLS])
            var intInterLSFaceCount = intInterLSFaceNumSS.Count;

            _intStart    = 0;
            _intEndCount = intInterLSFaceCount;

            var pInterLSCplLt   = new List <CPolyline>();
            var pInterSSCplLt   = new List <CPolyline>();
            var pObjValueLSLtLt = pObjValueLtLtLt[intInterLS]; //the values for the layer of the larger-scale polylines

            for (int i = 0; i < pObjValueLSLtLt.Count; i++)
                int intFaceNum1 = (int)pObjValueLSLtLt[i][intInterLSFaceNumIndex1];
                int intFaceNum2 = (int)pObjValueLSLtLt[i][intInterLSFaceNumIndex2];

                if ((intFaceNum1 >= _intStart && intFaceNum1 < _intEndCount) ||
                    (intFaceNum2 >= _intStart && intFaceNum2 < _intEndCount))
                    pInterLSCplLt.Add(this.ObjCGeoLtLt[intInterLS][i] as CPolyline);
                    pInterSSCplLt.Add(this.ObjCGeoLtLt[intInterSS][i] as CPolyline);

            var pInterLSSgCplLt = new List <CPolyline>();
            var pInterSSSgCplLt = new List <CPolyline>();
            var pObjValueSgLtLt = pObjValueLtLtLt[intSg]; //the values for the layer of the larger-scale polylines

            for (int i = 0; i < pObjValueSgLtLt.Count; i++)
                int intFaceNum = (int)pObjValueSgLtLt[i][intSgFaceNumIndex];

                if (intFaceNum >= _intStart && intFaceNum < _intEndCount)
                    pInterLSSgCplLt.Add(this.ObjCGeoLtLt[intInterLSSg][i] as CPolyline);
                    pInterSSSgCplLt.Add(this.ObjCGeoLtLt[intInterSSSg][i] as CPolyline);

            _CorrCptsLtLt   = CGeoFunc.GetCorrCptsLtLt(pInterLSCplLt, pInterSSCplLt);
            _SgCorrCptsLtLt = CGeoFunc.GetCorrCptsLtLt(pInterLSSgCplLt, pInterSSSgCplLt);


            ////to save memory
            //this.ObjCGeoLtLt[0] = null;
            //this.ObjCGeoLtLt[1] = null;
            //this.ObjCGeoLtLt[2] = null;
            //this.ObjCGeoLtLt[3] = null;

            //CTranslation pTranslation=new CTranslation ();
            //double dblSum = pTranslation.CalTranslationCorr(_CorrCptsLtLt);
            //double dblSumSg = pTranslation.CalTranslationCorr(_SgCorrCptsLtLt);
        public void TopologyCheck()
            var          ParameterInitialize = _ParameterInitialize;
            List <CEdge> pAllReadCEdgeLt     = _AllReadCEdgeLt;

            long lngStartTime = System.Environment.TickCount;

            double dblVerySmall = CConstants.dblVerySmallCoord;

            throw new ArgumentException("consider setting of dblverysmall!");
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                CConstants.dblVerySmallCoord = dblVerySmall / Math.Pow(10, i - 5);
                var fEdgeGrid      = new CEdgeGrid(pAllReadCEdgeLt);
                var IntersectionLt = fEdgeGrid.DetectIntersectionsOfExistingEdges(true, true, true);

                foreach (var cedge in pAllReadCEdgeLt)
                    cedge.FrCpt.IntersectionLt = new List <CIntersection>();
                    cedge.ToCpt.IntersectionLt = new List <CIntersection>();

                    cedge.FrCpt.isTraversed = false;
                    cedge.ToCpt.isTraversed = false;

                List <CPoint> CrossCptLt = new List <CPoint>();
                //List<CEdge> OverlapEdgeLt = new List<CEdge>();  //to save memory, we don't record overlap edges anymore, instead, we only record an end of the overlap edge
                List <CPoint> OverlapCptLt = new List <CPoint>();
                foreach (CIntersection pIntersection in IntersectionLt)
                    switch (pIntersection.enumIntersectionType)
                    case CEnumIntersectionType.NoNo:

                    case CEnumIntersectionType.FrFr:
                        pIntersection.CEdge1.FrCpt.IntersectionLt.Add(pIntersection);       //End Intersection
                        pIntersection.CEdge2.FrCpt.IntersectionLt.Add(pIntersection);       //End Intersection

                    case CEnumIntersectionType.FrIn:
                        //CrossCptLt.AddLast(pIntersection.IntersectCpt);     //Cross
                        //pIntersection.CEdge1.FrCpt.IntersectionLt.Add(pIntersection);   //we don't want to notice this intersection twice, so we add this intersection to the vertice

                    case CEnumIntersectionType.FrTo:
                        pIntersection.CEdge1.FrCpt.IntersectionLt.Add(pIntersection);       //End Intersection
                        pIntersection.CEdge2.ToCpt.IntersectionLt.Add(pIntersection);       //End Intersection

                    case CEnumIntersectionType.InFr:
                        //CrossCptLt.AddLast(pIntersection.IntersectCpt);     //Cross
                        //pIntersection.CEdge2.FrCpt.IntersectionLt.Add(pIntersection);   //we don't want to notice this intersection twice, so we add this intersection to the vertice

                    case CEnumIntersectionType.InIn:
                        CrossCptLt.Add(pIntersection.IntersectCpt);         //Cross

                    case CEnumIntersectionType.InTo:
                        //CrossCptLt.AddLast(pIntersection.IntersectCpt);     //Cross
                        //pIntersection.CEdge2.ToCpt.IntersectionLt.Add(pIntersection);   //we don't want to notice this intersection twice, so we add this intersection to the vertice

                    case CEnumIntersectionType.ToFr:
                        pIntersection.CEdge1.ToCpt.IntersectionLt.Add(pIntersection);       //End Intersection
                        pIntersection.CEdge2.FrCpt.IntersectionLt.Add(pIntersection);       //End Intersection

                    case CEnumIntersectionType.ToIn:
                        //CrossCptLt.AddLast(pIntersection.IntersectCpt);     //Cross
                        //pIntersection.CEdge1.ToCpt.IntersectionLt.Add(pIntersection);   //we don't want to notice this intersection twice, so we add this intersection to the vertice

                    case CEnumIntersectionType.ToTo:
                        pIntersection.CEdge1.ToCpt.IntersectionLt.Add(pIntersection);       //End Intersection
                        pIntersection.CEdge2.ToCpt.IntersectionLt.Add(pIntersection);       //End Intersection

                    case CEnumIntersectionType.Overlap:
                        //pIntersection.OverlapCEdge.FrCpt.IntersectionLt.Add(pIntersection);   //we don't want to notice this intersection twice, so we add this intersection to the vertice
                        //pIntersection.OverlapCEdge.ToCpt.IntersectionLt.Add(pIntersection);   //we don't want to notice this intersection twice, so we add this intersection to the vertice

                CConstants.dblVerySmallCoord = dblVerySmall;

                List <CPoint> UnLinkedCptLt = new List <CPoint>();
                foreach (var cedge in pAllReadCEdgeLt)
                    if (cedge.FrCpt.isTraversed == false && cedge.FrCpt.IntersectionLt.Count == 0)

                    if (cedge.ToCpt.isTraversed == false && cedge.ToCpt.IntersectionLt.Count == 0)

                    cedge.FrCpt.IntersectionLt = null;
                    cedge.ToCpt.IntersectionLt = null;

                    cedge.FrCpt.isTraversed = true;
                    cedge.ToCpt.isTraversed = true;

                IntersectionLt = null;

                CSaveFeature.SaveCGeoEb(UnLinkedCptLt, esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPoint,
                                        "UnLinkedCpt_" + i.ToString() + "__" + UnLinkedCptLt.Count, blnVisible: false);

                CSaveFeature.SaveCGeoEb(CrossCptLt, esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPoint,
                                        "Crosses_" + i.ToString() + "__" + CrossCptLt.Count, blnVisible: false);

                CSaveFeature.SaveCGeoEb(OverlapCptLt, esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPoint,
                                        "OverlapCpt_" + i.ToString() + "__" + OverlapCptLt.Count, blnVisible: false);

            long lngEndTime = System.Environment.TickCount;                                                            //记录结束时间

            ParameterInitialize.tsslTime.Text = "Running Time: " + Convert.ToString(lngEndTime - lngStartTime) + "ms"; //显示运行时
Example #20
        public void Transform()
            int intInterLS = 0;
            int intInterSS = 1;
            int intSg      = 2;

            var pParameterInitialize = CConstants.ParameterInitialize;
            var pstrFieldNameLtLt    = this.strFieldNameLtLt;
            var pObjValueLtLtLt      = this.ObjValueLtLtLt;

            var InterLSIplLt = this.ObjIGeoLtLt[intInterLS].Select(obj => obj as IPolyline5).ToList();
            var InterSSIplLt = this.ObjIGeoLtLt[intInterSS].Select(obj => obj as IPolyline5).ToList();
            var SgIplLt      = this.ObjIGeoLtLt[intSg].Select(obj => obj as IPolyline5).ToList();

            var pStopwatch = new Stopwatch();


            var intInterLSFaceNumIndex1 = CSaveFeature.FindFieldNameIndex(pstrFieldNameLtLt[intInterLS], "FaceNum1");
            var intInterLSFaceNumIndex2 = CSaveFeature.FindFieldNameIndex(pstrFieldNameLtLt[intInterLS], "FaceNum2");
            var intSgFaceNumIndex       = CSaveFeature.FindFieldNameIndex(pstrFieldNameLtLt[intSg], "FaceNum");

            //count the faces
            var intInterLSFaceNumSS = new SortedSet <int>();

            foreach (var objlt in pObjValueLtLtLt[intInterLS])
            var intInterLSFaceCount = intInterLSFaceNumSS.Count;

            //record the ipolylines into corresponding faces (lists)
            var InterLSIplLtLt = new List <List <IPolyline5> >(intInterLSFaceCount);
            var InterSSIplLtLt = new List <List <IPolyline5> >(intInterLSFaceCount);


            var pInterLSObjValueLtLt = pObjValueLtLtLt[intInterLS];  //the value table of LSLayer

            for (int i = 0; i < pInterLSObjValueLtLt.Count; i++)
                //pLSObjValueLtLt[i][intInterLSFaceNumIndex1] is the index of a face

                //we use the same index, i.e.,pLSObjValueLtLt[i][intInterLSFaceNumIndex1], as we use for LS

            var SgIplLtLt      = new List <List <IPolyline5> >(intInterLSFaceCount);
            var intSgIndexLtLt = new List <List <int> >(intInterLSFaceCount);


            var pSgObjValueLtLt = pObjValueLtLtLt[intSg];  //the value table of LSLayer

            for (int i = 0; i < pSgObjValueLtLt.Count; i++)
                //pLSObjValueLtLt[i][intInterLSFaceNumIndex1] is the index of a face
                //we record the index of every polyline
                //so that later we can store the transformed polylines with the same orders as SgIplLt

            //var dlgTransform = SetDlgTransform(pParameterInitialize.cboTransform.Text);
            var TransSgIGeoLt = new List <IGeometry>(SgIplLt.Count);

            CHelpFunc.Displaytspb(0.5, intInterLSFaceCount);

            _intStart    = 0;
            _intEndCount = intInterLSFaceCount;

            for (int i = _intStart; i < _intEndCount; i++)
                Console.WriteLine("Face Num: " + i);
                if (SgIplLtLt[i].Count != 0) //face 0 is the outer face, the count is zero
                    List <CPolyline> TransSgCplLt;
                    switch (pParameterInitialize.cboTransform.Text)
                    case "CT Max Common Chords":
                        TransSgCplLt = CTTransform(InterLSIplLtLt[i], InterSSIplLtLt[i], SgIplLtLt[i], true);

                    case "Compatible Triangulations":
                        TransSgCplLt = CTTransform(InterLSIplLtLt[i], InterSSIplLtLt[i], SgIplLtLt[i], false);

                    case "Rubber Sheeting":
                        TransSgCplLt = RSTransform(InterLSIplLtLt[i], InterSSIplLtLt[i], SgIplLtLt[i]);

                    default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("a case doesn't exist!");

                    //var TransSgCplEb = dlgTransform(InterLSIplLtLt[i], InterSSIplLtLt[i], SgIplLtLt[i]);

                    int intCount = 0;
                    foreach (var TransSgCpl in TransSgCplLt)
                        TransSgIGeoLt[intSgIndexLtLt[i][intCount++]] = TransSgCpl.JudgeAndSetAEGeometry();
                CHelpFunc.Displaytspb(i + 1, intInterLSFaceCount);

            CSaveFeature.SaveIGeoEb(TransSgIGeoLt, esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolyline, "TransSgCPlLt",
                                    this.strFieldNameLtLt[intSg], this.esriFieldTypeLtLt[intSg], _ObjValueLtLtLt[intSg]);
Example #21
        //Stopwatch _pstopwatch = new Stopwatch();
        #region Output
        public void Output(double dblT, double dblS)
            var    strTS     = _ParameterInitialize.strTS;
            var    x         = dblT;
            var    y         = dblS;
            double dblExtraX = 300;
            double dblExtraY = 400;

            if (strTS == "vario_vario")
            else if (strTS == "vario_separate")
                y = SetForSeparate(dblS, 0.5);
            else if (strTS == "separate_vario")
                x = SetForSeparate(dblT, 0.5);
            else //if (strTS == "separate_separate")
                x = SetForSeparate(dblT, 0.5);
                y = SetForSeparate(dblS, 0.5);

            var olcpl = _OLCplLt[0];
            var oscpl = _OSCplLt[0];
            var nlcpl = _NLCplLt[0];
            var nscpl = _NSCplLt[0];

            var olcplmoved = olcpl;
            var oscplmoved = oscpl.Move(0, -dblExtraY);
            var nlcplmoved = nlcpl.Move(-dblExtraX, 0);
            var nscplmoved = nscpl.Move(-dblExtraX, -dblExtraY);

            //double dblMaxDis = olcpl.CptLt[9].DistanceTo(oscpl.CptLt[9]);
            //double dblMaxDis = 22.36068;
            //double dblMoveT = dblMaxDis * dblT;
            //double dblMoveS = dblMaxDis * dblS;

            //var InterLargerCpl = InterpolateCpl(olcplmoved, nlcplmoved, dblT);
            //var InterSmallerCpl = InterpolateCpl(oscplmoved, nscplmoved, dblT);
            //var InterCpl = InterpolateCpl(InterLargerCpl, InterSmallerCpl, dblS);

            var InterLargerCpl  = CGeoFunc.GetInbetweenCpl(olcplmoved, nlcplmoved, dblT);
            var InterSmallerCpl = CGeoFunc.GetInbetweenCpl(oscplmoved, nscplmoved, dblT);
            var InterCpl        = CGeoFunc.GetInbetweenCpl(InterLargerCpl, InterSmallerCpl, dblS);
            var simplifedcptlt  = CImaiIriSimplify.ImaiIriSimplify(InterCpl.CptLt, 100000 * CConstants.dblVerySmallCoord).ToList();

            //CSaveFeature.SaveCpl(InterLargerCpl, "InterLargerCpl_" + dblT.ToString() + " " + dblS.ToString());
            //CSaveFeature.SaveCpl(InterSmallerCpl, "InterSmallerCpl_" + dblT.ToString() + " " + dblS.ToString());
            //CSaveFeature.SaveCpl(InterCpl, "InterCpl_" + dblT.ToString() + " " + dblS.ToString());

            var dblBaseX      = dblT * dblExtraX;
            var dblBaseY      = dblS * dblExtraY;
            var movedInterCpl = new CPolyline(0, CGeoFunc.MoveCptEb(simplifedcptlt, dblBaseX, dblBaseY).ToList());

            CSaveFeature.SaveCpl(movedInterCpl, dblT.ToString() + " " + dblS.ToString());

            //var a00 = (1 - x) * (1 - y);    //lower left
            //var a10 = x * (1 - y);          //lower right
            //var a01 = (1 - x) * y;          //upper left
            //var a11 = x * y;                //upper right

            ////var dblDiffX = _NSCplLt[0].CptLt[0].X - _OLCplLt[0].CptLt[0].X;
            ////var dblDiffY = _NSCplLt[0].CptLt[0].Y - _OLCplLt[0].CptLt[0].Y;

            //var dblDiffX = 300;
            //var dblDiffY = 400;

            ////var dblDiffXPlus= dblDiffX+

            //var dblBaseX = dblT * dblDiffX;
            //var dblBaseY = dblS * dblDiffY;
            //var newCplLt = new List<CPolyline>(_OLCplLt.Count);
            //for (int i = 0; i < _OLCplLt.Count; i++)
            //    var olcpl = _OLCplLt[i];
            //    var oscpl = _OSCplLt[i];
            //    var nlcpl = _NLCplLt[i];
            //    var nscpl = _NSCplLt[i];

            //    var newcptlt = new List<CPoint>(olcpl.CptLt.Count);
            //    for (int j = 0; j < olcpl.CptLt.Count; j++)
            //    {
            //        var dblX = BilinearInterpolateUnit(a00, a10, a01, a11,
            //            olcpl.CptLt[j].X - olcpl.CptLt[j].X, nlcpl.CptLt[j].X - olcpl.CptLt[j].X - dblDiffX,
            //            oscpl.CptLt[j].X - olcpl.CptLt[j].X, nscpl.CptLt[j].X - olcpl.CptLt[j].X - dblDiffX);
            //        var dblY = BilinearInterpolateUnit(a00, a10, a01, a11,
            //            olcpl.CptLt[j].Y - olcpl.CptLt[j].Y, nlcpl.CptLt[j].Y - olcpl.CptLt[j].Y,
            //            oscpl.CptLt[j].Y - olcpl.CptLt[j].Y - dblDiffY, nscpl.CptLt[j].Y - olcpl.CptLt[j].Y - dblDiffY);

            //        newcptlt.Add(new CPoint(j, dblX + dblBaseX + olcpl.CptLt[j].X, dblY + dblBaseY + olcpl.CptLt[j].Y));
            //    }

            //    CImaiIriSimplify.ImaiIriSimplify(newcptlt, CConstants.dblVerySmallCoord);

            //    newCplLt.Add(new CPolyline(i, newcptlt));

            //CSaveFeature.SaveCplEb(newCplLt, dblT.ToString() + " " + dblS.ToString());
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ConstraintCpllt"></param>
        /// <param name="KnownCEdgeLt"></param>
        /// <param name="strIdentity"></param>
        /// <param name="blnSave"></param>
        /// <remarks>If the "data area" is not set deliberately, then ArcEngine will set a default "data area".
        /// The default data area excludes super edges and super nodes</remarks>
        public void Triangulate(List <CPolyline> ConstraintCpllt = null, List <CEdge> KnownCEdgeLt = null,
                                string strIdentity = "", bool blnSave = false)
            var cpg = _CPg;

            //cpg.pPolygon = null;

            IPointCollection4 pCol = cpg.pPolygon as IPointCollection4;
            int intCount           = pCol.PointCount;
            var pEnv = cpg.pPolygon.Envelope;

            ITinEdit TinEdit = new TinClass();

            ITinEdit2 TinEdit2 = TinEdit as ITinEdit2;

            TinEdit2.SetToConstrainedDelaunay();  //this must be done before adding any feature
            var             pTinAdvanced2   = TinEdit as ITinAdvanced2;
            ITinFeatureEdit pTinFeatureEdit = TinEdit as ITinFeatureEdit;

            cpg.JudgeAndSetZToZero();  //we need z coordinate to construct triangulation
            pTinFeatureEdit.AddPolygonZ(cpg.pPolygon, esriTinEdgeType.esriTinHardEdge, 1, 1, 1, null);

            if (ConstraintCpllt != null)
                foreach (var cpl in ConstraintCpllt)
                    pTinFeatureEdit.AddPolylineZ(cpl.pPolyline, esriTinEdgeType.esriTinHardEdge, 1, 1, null);
            _pTinAdvanced2 = pTinAdvanced2;

            //we are not allowed to use AddShapeZ.
            //it will report that there is no Z value in the shape, even we already set Z value to 0
            //The reason may be that we actually need polyhedron
            //TinEdit.AddShapeZ((IGeometry)cpg.pPolygon, esriTinSurfaceType.esriTinHardClip, 0);
            //this function set the "data area" of the TIN,
            //we avoid to use this function because it may introduce new points
            //the new poins can be very close to the original points
            //TinEdit.AddShape((IGeometry)cpg.pPolygon, esriTinSurfaceType.esriTinHardClip, 0);

            if (pTinAdvanced2.DataNodeCount != this.CptLt.Count)
                //Usually, KnownCEdgeLt saves all the constraints for the triangulation
                CSaveFeature.SaveCEdgeEb(KnownCEdgeLt, "KnownCEdgeLt" + strIdentity);
                CSaveFeature.SaveCptEb(this.CptLt, "CptLtForKnownCEdgeLt" + strIdentity);

                var NodeCptLt = GetCptLtFromTinAdvanced(pTinAdvanced2, true);
                CSaveFeature.SaveCptEb(NodeCptLt, "TinNode" + strIdentity);
                //var TinCEdgeLt= get
                var ExtraNodeCptLt = new List <CPoint>(pTinAdvanced2.DataNodeCount - this.CptLt.Count);
                foreach (var nodeCpt in NodeCptLt)
                    if (this.CptSD.ContainsKey(nodeCpt) == false)
                CSaveFeature.SaveCptEb(ExtraNodeCptLt, "ExtraNodeCptLt" + strIdentity);

                var TinCEdgeLt = GetCEdgeLtFromTinAdvanced(pTinAdvanced2);
                CSaveFeature.SaveCEdgeEb(TinCEdgeLt, "TinCEdgeLt" + strIdentity);

                throw new ArgumentException("the numbers of points should be the same!");

            var ITinEdgeLt = GenerateITinEdgeLt();
            var tincedgeSS = new SortedSet <CEdge>(new CCmpEdge_CptGID_BothDirections());
            var tincedgelt = new List <CEdge>();

            if (KnownCEdgeLt != null)
                tincedgeSS = new SortedSet <CEdge>(KnownCEdgeLt, new CCmpEdge_CptGID_BothDirections());

            var cptSD = this.CptSD;

            foreach (var tinedge in ITinEdgeLt)
                //there are always a pair of edges between a pair of triangles, but we only need one edge.
                //So we reverse some edges than we can delete one edge of each pair
                var pFrNode = tinedge.FromNode;
                var pToNode = tinedge.ToNode;

                CPoint frcpt, tocpt;
                FindCorrCptInSDByTinNode(pFrNode, cptSD, out frcpt);
                FindCorrCptInSDByTinNode(pToNode, cptSD, out tocpt);

                CEdge newCEdge;
                if (frcpt.indexID < tocpt.indexID)
                    newCEdge = new CEdge(frcpt, tocpt);
                else if (frcpt.indexID > tocpt.indexID)
                    newCEdge = new CEdge(tocpt, frcpt);
                    throw new ArgumentException("should not happen!");

                //test if the new edge is outside the boundary polygon (cpg)
                if (newCEdge.FrCpt.indexID < cpg.CEdgeLt.Count)
                    //the new edge starts from a point which constitues the boundary polygon (cpg)
                    if (CGeoFunc.IsInbetween_Counterclockwise(cpg.AxisAngleLt[newCEdge.FrCpt.indexID],
                                                              newCEdge.dblAxisAngle, cpg.ReverseAxisAngleLt[newCEdge.FrCpt.indexID]) == false)
                        //the new edge is outside the boundary polygon (cpg)

                //add the new edge if the edge is not added yet
                if (tincedgeSS.Add(newCEdge))

            if (blnSave == true)
                CSaveFeature.SaveCEdgeEb(tincedgelt, "tincedgelt" + strIdentity, blnVisible: false);

            this.CEdgeLt = tincedgelt;
        public void STS()
            var pParameterInitialize = _ParameterInitialize;
            var pAxMapControl        = pParameterInitialize.pAxMapControl;

            pAxMapControl.Dock   = DockStyle.None;
            pAxMapControl.Width  = 310;
            pAxMapControl.Height = 310;
            double dblWHRation = pAxMapControl.Width / pAxMapControl.Height;

            double dblCenterX = 318;
            double dblCenterY = 345;
            //IPoint cptMC = new PointClass();
            //cptMC.PutCoords(170, 180);

            IEnvelope newEnvelope = new EnvelopeClass();
            double    dblRatio    = 1;

            newEnvelope.XMin = dblCenterX - pAxMapControl.Width / dblRatio;
            newEnvelope.XMax = dblCenterX + pAxMapControl.Width / dblRatio;
            newEnvelope.YMin = dblCenterY - pAxMapControl.Height / dblRatio;
            newEnvelope.YMax = dblCenterY + pAxMapControl.Height / dblRatio;
            //newEnvelope.XMin = dblCenterX - pAxMapControl.Width ;
            //newEnvelope.XMax = dblCenterX + pAxMapControl.Width ;
            //newEnvelope.YMin = dblCenterY - pAxMapControl.Height ;
            //newEnvelope.YMax = dblCenterY + pAxMapControl.Height;
            pAxMapControl.Extent = newEnvelope;

            //pAxMapControl.MapScale = 1 / 6000000;
            //Old Larger-scale, Old Smaller-scale, New Larger-scale, New Smaller-scale
            _OLCplLt = this.ObjCGeoLtLt[0].Select(cgeo => cgeo as CPolyline).ToList();
            _OSCplLt = this.ObjCGeoLtLt[1].Select(cgeo => cgeo as CPolyline).ToList();
            _NLCplLt = this.ObjCGeoLtLt[2].Select(cgeo => cgeo as CPolyline).ToList();
            _NSCplLt = this.ObjCGeoLtLt[3].Select(cgeo => cgeo as CPolyline).ToList();

            var olcpl = _OLCplLt[0];
            var oscpl = _OSCplLt[0];
            var nlcpl = _NLCplLt[0];
            var nscpl = _NSCplLt[0];

            double dblXAxisStart = 50;
            double dblXAxisEnd   = 620;
            double dblYAxisStart = 70;
            double dblYAxisEnd   = 620;

            double dblScaleMidY = (olcpl.CptLt[0].Y + oscpl.CptLt[0].Y) / 2;
            double dblTimeMidX  = (olcpl.CptLt[4].X + nlcpl.CptLt[4].X) / 2;

            var strTS             = _ParameterInitialize.strTS;
            var LinkCplLt         = new List <CPolyline>();
            var SeparatorCplLt    = new List <CPolyline>();
            var scaleSeparatorCpl = new CPolyline(
                new CPoint(dblXAxisStart + 5, dblScaleMidY), new CPoint(dblXAxisEnd - 5, dblScaleMidY));
            var timeSeparatorCpl = new CPolyline(
                new CPoint(dblTimeMidX, dblYAxisStart + 5), new CPoint(dblTimeMidX, dblYAxisEnd - 5));

            if (strTS == "vario_vario")
                //time transition
                LinkCplLt.AddRange(GenerateVarioLinkCplEb(olcpl, nlcpl, oscpl, nscpl, 4, 12));
                //scale transition
                LinkCplLt.AddRange(GenerateVarioLinkCplEb(olcpl, oscpl, nlcpl, nscpl, 0, 8));
            else if (strTS == "vario_separate")
                //time transition
                LinkCplLt.AddRange(GenerateVarioLinkCplEb(olcpl, nlcpl, oscpl, nscpl, 4, 12));
                //scale transition
                LinkCplLt.AddRange(GenerateSeparateLinkCplEb(olcpl, oscpl, nlcpl, nscpl, 0, 8, dblScaleMidY, "Scale"));

            else if (strTS == "separate_vario")
                //time transition
                LinkCplLt.AddRange(GenerateSeparateLinkCplEb(olcpl, nlcpl, oscpl, nscpl, 4, 12, dblTimeMidX, "Time"));
                //scale transition
                LinkCplLt.AddRange(GenerateVarioLinkCplEb(olcpl, oscpl, nlcpl, nscpl, 0, 8));

            else //if (strTS == "separate_separate")
                //time transition
                LinkCplLt.AddRange(GenerateSeparateLinkCplEb(olcpl, nlcpl, oscpl, nscpl, 4, 12, dblTimeMidX, "Time"));
                //scale transition
                LinkCplLt.AddRange(GenerateSeparateLinkCplEb(olcpl, oscpl, nlcpl, nscpl, 0, 8, dblScaleMidY, "Scale"));


            CSaveFeature.SaveCplEb(SeparatorCplLt, strTS + "_Separator", intRed: 204, intGreen: 204, intBlue: 204,
                                   pesriSimpleLineStyle: esriSimpleLineStyle.esriSLSDot);
            //pesriSimpleLineStyle: esriSimpleLineStyle.esriSLSDash);
            CSaveFeature.SaveCplEb(LinkCplLt, strTS + "_Link", intRed: 150, intGreen: 150, intBlue: 150);

            double dblXExtra   = 400;
            double dblYExtra   = 400;
            var    olIRgbColor = CHelpFunc.GenerateIRgbColor(230, 97, 1);
            var    nlIRgbColor = CHelpFunc.GenerateIRgbColor(94, 60, 153);

            var cpllt00 = Output(0.00, 0.00, olIRgbColor, nlIRgbColor, dblXExtra, dblYExtra);
            var cpllt10 = Output(0.33, 0.00, olIRgbColor, nlIRgbColor, dblXExtra, dblYExtra);
            var cpllt20 = Output(0.67, 0.00, olIRgbColor, nlIRgbColor, dblXExtra, dblYExtra);
            var cpllt30 = Output(1.00, 0.00, olIRgbColor, nlIRgbColor, dblXExtra, dblYExtra);

            var cpllt01 = Output(0.00, 0.33, olIRgbColor, nlIRgbColor, dblXExtra, dblYExtra);
            var cpllt11 = Output(0.33, 0.33, olIRgbColor, nlIRgbColor, dblXExtra, dblYExtra);
            var cpllt21 = Output(0.67, 0.33, olIRgbColor, nlIRgbColor, dblXExtra, dblYExtra);
            var cpllt31 = Output(1.00, 0.33, olIRgbColor, nlIRgbColor, dblXExtra, dblYExtra);

            var cpllt02 = Output(0.00, 0.67, olIRgbColor, nlIRgbColor, dblXExtra, dblYExtra);
            var cpllt12 = Output(0.33, 0.67, olIRgbColor, nlIRgbColor, dblXExtra, dblYExtra);
            var cpllt22 = Output(0.67, 0.67, olIRgbColor, nlIRgbColor, dblXExtra, dblYExtra);
            var cpllt32 = Output(1.00, 0.67, olIRgbColor, nlIRgbColor, dblXExtra, dblYExtra);

            var cpllt03 = Output(0.00, 1.00, olIRgbColor, nlIRgbColor, dblXExtra, dblYExtra);
            var cpllt13 = Output(0.33, 1.00, olIRgbColor, nlIRgbColor, dblXExtra, dblYExtra);
            var cpllt23 = Output(0.67, 1.00, olIRgbColor, nlIRgbColor, dblXExtra, dblYExtra);
            var cpllt33 = Output(1.00, 1.00, olIRgbColor, nlIRgbColor, dblXExtra, dblYExtra);

            double dblMinY00 = cpllt00[0].CptLt.Min(cpt => cpt.Y);
            double dblMinY01 = cpllt01[0].CptLt.Min(cpt => cpt.Y);
            double dblMinY02 = cpllt02[0].CptLt.Min(cpt => cpt.Y);
            double dblMinY03 = cpllt03[0].CptLt.Min(cpt => cpt.Y);

            double dblMaxY00 = cpllt00[0].CptLt.Max(cpt => cpt.Y);
            double dblMaxY01 = cpllt01[0].CptLt.Max(cpt => cpt.Y);
            double dblMaxY02 = cpllt02[0].CptLt.Max(cpt => cpt.Y);
            double dblMaxY03 = cpllt03[0].CptLt.Max(cpt => cpt.Y);

            double dblMidY00 = (dblMinY00 + dblMaxY00) / 2;
            double dblMidY01 = (dblMinY01 + dblMaxY01) / 2;
            double dblMidY02 = (dblMinY02 + dblMaxY02) / 2;
            double dblMidY03 = (dblMinY03 + dblMaxY03) / 2;

            double dblMinX00 = cpllt00[0].CptLt.Min(cpt => cpt.X);
            double dblMinX10 = cpllt10[0].CptLt.Min(cpt => cpt.X);
            double dblMinX20 = cpllt20[0].CptLt.Min(cpt => cpt.X);
            double dblMinX30 = cpllt30[0].CptLt.Min(cpt => cpt.X);

            double dblMaxX00 = cpllt00[0].CptLt.Max(cpt => cpt.X);
            double dblMaxX10 = cpllt10[0].CptLt.Max(cpt => cpt.X);
            double dblMaxX20 = cpllt20[0].CptLt.Max(cpt => cpt.X);
            double dblMaxX30 = cpllt30[0].CptLt.Max(cpt => cpt.X);

            double dblMidX00 = (dblMinX00 + dblMaxX00) / 2;
            double dblMidX10 = (dblMinX10 + dblMaxX10) / 2;
            double dblMidX20 = (dblMinX20 + dblMaxX20) / 2;
            double dblMidX30 = (dblMinX30 + dblMaxX30) / 2;

            double dblTextSize = 8;

                                        new CPoint(dblXAxisStart - 30, dblYAxisStart), new CPoint(dblXAxisEnd, dblYAxisStart), 6, 5); //x arrow; horizontal
                                        new CPoint(dblXAxisStart, dblYAxisStart - 30), new CPoint(dblXAxisStart, dblYAxisEnd), 6, 5); //y arrow; vertical
            CDrawInActiveView.DrawTextMarker(pAxMapControl.ActiveView, "Generalize", dblXAxisStart + 20, dblYAxisEnd + 10, dblTextSize);
            CDrawInActiveView.DrawTextMarker(pAxMapControl.ActiveView, "Time", dblXAxisEnd - 20, dblYAxisStart - 25, dblTextSize);

            CDrawInActiveView.DrawTextMarker(pAxMapControl.ActiveView, "", dblXAxisStart - 40, dblMidY00 - dblTextSize / 2, dblTextSize);
            CDrawInActiveView.DrawTextMarker(pAxMapControl.ActiveView, "", dblXAxisStart - 40, dblMidY01 - dblTextSize / 2, dblTextSize);
            CDrawInActiveView.DrawTextMarker(pAxMapControl.ActiveView, "", dblXAxisStart - 40, dblMidY02 - dblTextSize / 2, dblTextSize);
            CDrawInActiveView.DrawTextMarker(pAxMapControl.ActiveView, "", dblXAxisStart - 40, dblMidY03 - dblTextSize / 2, dblTextSize);

            CDrawInActiveView.DrawTextMarker(pAxMapControl.ActiveView, "2015", dblMidX00, dblYAxisStart - 30, dblTextSize);
            CDrawInActiveView.DrawTextMarker(pAxMapControl.ActiveView, "2016", dblMidX10, dblYAxisStart - 30, dblTextSize);
            CDrawInActiveView.DrawTextMarker(pAxMapControl.ActiveView, "2017", dblMidX20, dblYAxisStart - 30, dblTextSize);
            CDrawInActiveView.DrawTextMarker(pAxMapControl.ActiveView, "2018", dblMidX30, dblYAxisStart - 30, dblTextSize);

            var pExportActiveViewCS_Net = new MorphingClass.CCommon.ExportActiveViewCS_Net();

            pExportActiveViewCS_Net.ExportActiveViewParameterized(300, 1, "EMF",
                                                                  pParameterInitialize.strMxdPathBackSlash, strTS, true);

            //CDrawInActiveView.DrawTextMarker(pAxMapControl.ActiveView, "input", dblXAxisStart + 30, dblYAxisStart + 15, dblTextSize);
            //CDrawInActiveView.DrawTextMarker(pAxMapControl.ActiveView, "input", dblXAxisStart + 30, oscpl.CptLt[0].Y + 40, dblTextSize);
            //CDrawInActiveView.DrawTextMarker(pAxMapControl.ActiveView, "input", nlcpl.CptLt[5].X + 10, dblYAxisStart + 15, dblTextSize);
            //CDrawInActiveView.DrawTextMarker(pAxMapControl.ActiveView, "input", nlcpl.CptLt[5].X + 10, oscpl.CptLt[0].Y + 40, dblTextSize);

            //Output(0, 0.6);
            //Output(0.7, 0.2);
            //Output(0.6, 0.9);
Example #24
        public void BldgGrow(string strBufferStyle, double dblMiterLimit, string strSimplification,
                             double dblLS, double dblSS, int intOutputMapCount)
            //I may need to do buffering based on Miterjoint in a more clever way
            //if the distance from the miter point to original line is larger than dblMiterLimit*dblBufferRadius, we, instead of calling
            //the normal square method, make a square so that the farthest distance to the original line exactly dblMiterLimit*dblBufferRadius

            var pParameterInitialize = _ParameterInitialize;

            var LSCpgLt = this.ObjCGeoLtLt[0].AsExpectedClassEb <CPolygon, CGeoBase>().ToList();
            //int intEdgeCount = 0;
            //double dblArea = 0;
            //foreach (var cpg in LSCpgLt)
            //    intEdgeCount += cpg.GetEdgeCount();
            //    cpg.SetAreaSimple();
            //    dblArea += cpg.dblAreaSimple;

            double dblStartScale = dblLS;
            double dblFclipper   = CConstants.dblFclipper;

            CConstants.dblFScale = CConstants.dblFclipper;
            var MagnifiedCpgLt = clipperMethods.ScaleCpgEb(LSCpgLt, dblFclipper).ToList();

            CConstants.dblVerySmallCoord *= dblFclipper;
            int intStart = 0;
            int intEnd   = intStart + intOutputMapCount;

            CHelpFunc.Displaytspb(0.5, intEnd - intStart);
            double dblTargetScale = 0;
            var    pStopwatch     = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            for (int i = intStart; i < intEnd; i++)
                //double dblTargetScale = dblStartScale + (i + 1) * 5;
                switch (i)
                case 0:
                    dblTargetScale = 50;
                    //dblTargetScale = 25;

                case 1:
                    dblTargetScale = 100;
                    //dblTargetScale = 50;

                case 2:
                    dblTargetScale = 250;
                    //dblTargetScale = 100;

                case 3:
                    dblTargetScale = 500;
                    //CConstants.blnStop = true;
                    //dblTargetScale = 250;
                    _intI = 3;

                case 4:
                    dblTargetScale = 1000;
                    //CConstants.blnStop = true;
                    //dblTargetScale = 500;
                    _intI = 3;


                _dblStartScale  = dblStartScale;
                _dblTargetScale = dblTargetScale;

                //_dblAreaLimit = 4; //area limit 0.16 mm^2
                _dblAreaLimit = 0.16; //area limit 0.16 mm^2
                //double dblAreaLimitTargetScale= dblAreaLimit * dblTargetScale * dblTargetScale;

                _dblEpsilon = 0.2;
                double dblTargetEpsilon = _dblEpsilon * dblTargetScale * dblFclipper;

                //_dblLambda = 0.8;
                //_dblTotalGrow = _dblLambda / 2 * Math.Sqrt(_dblAreaLimit) * (dblTargetScale - dblStartScale);

                _dblTotalGrow = 25;
                //_dblTotalGrow *= 50;
                double dblTotalGrow = _dblTotalGrow * dblFclipper;

                _dblHoleAreaLimit = 8; //dblHoleAreaLimit=8 mm^2 * dblTargetScale * dblTargetScale
                double dblHoleAreaLimitTargetScale = _dblHoleAreaLimit * dblTargetScale * dblTargetScale * dblFclipper * dblFclipper;

                //_dblErosion = _dblTotalGrow / 2;
                _dblErosion = 1.5 * _dblEpsilon / 2; //To avoid breaking the polygon when we errod, dblOverDilated should not be too large
                double dblTargetErosion = _dblErosion * dblTargetScale * dblFclipper;
                //dblTargetErosion = 0;
                //dblTargetErosion = dblTotalGrow / 2;

                //_dblDilation should be larger than dblEpsilon * Math.Sqrt(5) / 2 + 4 * dblGrow, because of function GroupAndGetShortestCpipeSD_Overlap
                //_dblDilation = Math.Sqrt(_dblHoleAreaLimit / Math.PI);
                //_dblDilation = _dblEpsilon / 2;
                double dblTargetDilation = (dblTotalGrow - dblMiterLimit * dblTargetErosion) / (dblMiterLimit - 1);
                //dblTargetDilation = 0;
                //double dblTargetDilation = dblTotalGrow;
                //dblTargetDilation= dblTotalGrow / 2;

                foreach (var MagnifiedCpg in MagnifiedCpgLt)
                    //MagnifiedCpg.SubCpgLt = new List<CPolygon> { MagnifiedCpg };
                    MagnifiedCpg.CEdgeLt.ForEach(cedge => cedge.BelongedCpg = MagnifiedCpg);
                    //MagnifiedCpg. = CHelpFunc.MakeLt(clipperMethods.GeneratePathByCpgExterior(MagnifiedCpg));

                #region Generate buffers (commented)
                //var allpaths = new Paths();
                //foreach (var MagnifiedCpg in MagnifiedCpgLt)
                //    allpaths.AddRange(MagnifiedCpg.GetAllPaths());
                //var offsetpaths = clipperMethods.Offset_Paths(allpaths,
                //dblTotalGrow, strBufferStyle, dblMiterLimit);

                //CSaveFeature.SavePathEbAsCpgEb(offsetpaths, "offsetpaths");

                //var mergedCpgLt = MergeCloseCpgsAndAddBridges(MagnifiedCpgLt, dblTotalGrow, dblTargetDilation, dblTargetEpsilon);
                var mergedCpgLt = MergeCloseCpgsAndAddBridges(MagnifiedCpgLt, true,
                                                              dblTotalGrow, dblTargetDilation, dblTargetEpsilon, strBufferStyle, dblMiterLimit);

                //dblGrow, dblDilation, dblErosion, dblEpsilon

                for (int j = 0; j < mergedCpgLt.Count; j++)
                    var mergedcpg = mergedCpgLt[j];

                                                           dblTotalGrow, dblTargetDilation, dblTargetErosion, dblTargetEpsilon,
                                                           dblHoleAreaLimitTargetScale, strSimplification, strBufferStyle, dblMiterLimit);

                    //if (mergedcpg.BridgeCptEdgeDisLt != null)
                    //    var BridgeCpipeDt = new Dictionary<CValPairIncr<CPolygon>, CptEdgeDis>
                    //(mergedcpg.BridgeCptEdgeDisLt.Count, new CCmpEqCpgPairIncr());
                    //    foreach (var BridgeCptEdgeDis in mergedcpg.BridgeCptEdgeDisLt)
                    //    {
                    //        BridgeCpipeDt.Add(new CValPairIncr<CPolygon>(BridgeCptEdgeDis.FrCEdge.BelongedCpg,
                    //            BridgeCptEdgeDis.ToCEdge.BelongedCpg), BridgeCptEdgeDis);
                    //    }
                    //    mergedcpg.BridgeCpipeDt = BridgeCpipeDt;

                    mergedcpg.LastTimePaths = new Paths();
                    if (mergedcpg.SubCpgLt == null || mergedcpg.SubCpgLt.Count < 2)
                        foreach (var subcpg in mergedcpg.SubCpgLt)

                    dblStartScale = dblTargetScale;
                    CHelpFunc.Displaytspb(j + 1, mergedCpgLt.Count);

                int intEdgecountbeforesimplification = CDPSimplify._intEdgeCountBefore;
                int intEdgecountaftersimplification  = CDPSimplify._intEdgeCountAfter;
                CDPSimplify._intEdgeCountBefore = 0;
                CDPSimplify._intEdgeCountAfter  = 0;

                this.MergedCpgLt = mergedCpgLt;

                var clipcpgEb = GetClipCpgEb(mergedCpgLt);
                CSaveFeature.SaveCpgEb(clipperMethods.ScaleCpgEb(clipcpgEb, 1 / dblFclipper),
                                       strSimplification + "_" + dblTargetScale + "k_ClipForm" + dblTargetEpsilon + "m", intOutlineRed: 255,
                                       pesriSimpleFillStyle: esriSimpleFillStyle.esriSFSHollow, blnVisible: false);

                CSaveFeature.SaveCpgEb(clipperMethods.ScaleCpgEb(mergedCpgLt, 1 / dblFclipper),
                                       strSimplification + "_" + dblTargetScale + "k_BridgedCpg" + dblTargetEpsilon + "m_",
                                       pesriSimpleFillStyle: esriSimpleFillStyle.esriSFSHollow, blnVisible: false);

                #region Geoprocessor Samples
                //// Initialize the geoprocessor.
                ////IGeoProcessor2 gp2 = new GeoProcessorClass();
                //Geoprocessor gp = gp = new Geoprocessor();

                ////ESRI.ArcGIS.AnalysisTools.Buffer pBuffer = new ESRI.ArcGIS.AnalysisTools.Buffer(
                ////    pParameterInitialize.strSavePathBackSlash + lyroverbuffer.Name,
                ////    pParameterInitialize.strSavePathBackSlash + lyroverbuffer.Name + "_Buffered", 5);

                ////pBuffer.in_features = pParameterInitialize.m_mapControl.Layer[0] as IDataset;

                //AggregatePolygons pAggregatePolygons = new AggregatePolygons();
                //pAggregatePolygons.in_features = pParameterInitialize.m_mapControl.Layer[0] as IDataset;
                //pAggregatePolygons.out_feature_class = pParameterInitialize.pWorkspace.PathName + "\\" + "My_Agg";
                ////strReturnName = pWorkspace.PathName + "\\" + pDataset.Name + "_Agg"; ;

                //pAggregatePolygons.orthogonality_option = "ORTHOGONAL";
                //pAggregatePolygons.aggregation_distance = "500 Meters";
                //gp.Execute(pAggregatePolygons, null);

                ////execute the buffer tool (very easy :-))
                ////gp.Execute(buffer, null);
                ////IGeoProcessorResult results = (IGeoProcessorResult)gp.Execute(buffer, null);

                ////ESRI.ArcGIS.CoverageTools.SimplifyBuilding pSimplifyBuilding = new SimplifyBuilding();
                ////pSimplifyBuilding.in_cover = pParameterInitialize.strSavePathBackSlash + lyroverbuffer.Name;
                ////pSimplifyBuilding.out_cover = pParameterInitialize.strSavePathBackSlash + lyroverbuffer.Name +"_Simplified";
                ////pSimplifyBuilding.simplification_tolerance = dblEpsilon;
                ////pSimplifyBuilding.minimum_area = dblA;
                ////pSimplifyBuilding.CheckConflict = "CHECK_CONFLICT ";


            CConstants.dblVerySmallCoord /= dblFclipper;