Example #1
        private IEnumerator _updateTable(string name, string URL, string ver)
            State = CSVWranglerState.Downloading;

            Debug.Log(name + ".csv is downloading");

            WWW www = new WWW(URL);

            yield return(www);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(www.error))
                UTIL.WriteAllText(Application.persistentDataPath + "/" + name + ".csv", www.text);

                //we know the order its name, url, ver
                //get the row
                string[] targetRow = indexTable.GetRowWithData("name", name);

                //doesn't exist create it
                if (targetRow == null)
                    targetRow    = new string[3];
                    targetRow[0] = name;

                targetRow[1] = URL;
                targetRow[2] = ver;

Example #2
        //load local tables from persist storage as described in the curtable, which is loaded from the csvwrangler.csv
        //	currently synchronous, in the future may become async
        public void LoadTables()
            State = CSVWranglerState.Loading;

            //reset so we could reload
            tables = new Dictionary <string, DeadSimpleCSV>();

            //grab the row and load each file of name into the tables dict
            string[] tableNames = indexTable.GetColumn("name");

            foreach (string name in tableNames)
                string tableFullLoc = Application.persistentDataPath + "/" + name + ".csv";

                //TODO could change this logic so the file contents is returned by the util function so we don't double load?
                //make sure it exists
                UTIL.EnsureTextResourceIsHere(tableFullLoc, "csvs/" + name);

                //attempt to load
                string fileContents = UTIL.ReadAllText(tableFullLoc);

                //notify of failure
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileContents))
                    Debug.LogWarning("Tried to load the " + name + " csv but something went wrong");
                else//success, maybe
                    DeadSimpleCSV table = new DeadSimpleCSV(fileContents, true);
                    tables.Add(name, table);

            State = CSVWranglerState.Ready;
Example #3
        //this checks the local index against the live url index given, downloads new or updated or all if forced csvs
        //	and stores in Application persist data path any newer versions that are listed in the index
        public void UpdateFromIndex(string indexURL)

            State = CSVWranglerState.CheckingIndex;
Example #4
        private void ProcessIndex(DeadSimpleCSV newTable)
            State = CSVWranglerState.ProcessingIndex;

            //make a list of all name col names
            string[] curNames = indexTable.GetColumn("name"), newNames = newTable.GetColumn("name");

            List <string> colnames = new List <string>();


            colnames = colnames.Distinct().ToList();

            //this is all a bit too table-ey and memory trashy but it is a table and it is a one off init process

            //handles all new rows from the given index, updates, creates and destroys as required
            _processAllNewRows(colnames, newTable);

            //flush the index file back to storage
Example #5
        public void ForceInitIndex()
            string csvIndexLoc = Application.persistentDataPath + "/csvWrangler.csv";

            if (!ForceCacheIndex())
                Debug.LogError("CSV Wrangler is trying to be used without a local cached csvWrangler.csv in the Resources. Did you remember to cache your csvs?");
                State = CSVWranglerState.ErrorNoIndex;

            //load previous csvwrangler index csv file
            indexTable = new DeadSimpleCSV(UTIL.ReadAllText(csvIndexLoc), true);

            //something terrible happened fake an empty one
            if (indexTable.headers == null || indexTable.headers.Length == 0)
                indexTable.headers = new string[] { "name", "url", "ver" };

            State = CSVWranglerState.IndexOnly;