Example #1
        public CSVThread ParseLine(string aLine)
            CSVThread ret = null;
            Match m = KParserRegEx.Match(aLine);

            if (m.Success)
                ret = CSVThread.New();
                string[] items = m.Value.Split(',');
                if (items.Length >= KExpectedItemCount)
                    // Ensure each item is trimmed before processing
                    for (int i = 0; i < items.Length; i++)
                        items[i] = items[i].Trim();

                        // THREAD
                        ret.ThreadName = items[0];

                        // CHUNK
                        ret.ChunkName        = items[1];
                        ret.ChunkBaseAddress = ParseHexValue(items[2]);

                        // HEAP
                        ret.SizeCurrent = ParseDecimalValue(items[3]);
                        ret.SizeMin     = ParseDecimalValue(items[4]);
                        ret.SizeMax     = ParseDecimalValue(items[5]);

                        // FIRST FREE CELL
                        ret.FirstFreeCellAddress = ParseHexValue(items[6]);
                        ret.FirstFreeCellLength  = ParseDecimalValue(items[7]);

                        // OTHER FREE CELL INFO
                        ret.FreeCellCount   = ParseDecimalValue(items[8]);
                        ret.FreeSpaceTotal  = ParseDecimalValue(items[9]);
                        ret.FreeSpaceSlack  = ParseDecimalValue(items[10]);
                        ret.FreeCellLargest = ParseDecimalValue(items[11]);

                        // ALLOC CELL INFO
                        ret.AllocCellLargest = ParseDecimalValue(items[12]);
                        ret.AllocCellCount   = ParseDecimalValue(items[13]);
                        ret.AllocSpaceTotal  = ParseDecimalValue(items[15]);

                        // MISC
                        ret.MinCellSize = ParseDecimalValue(items[14]);
                    catch (Exception)
                        ret = null;

Example #2
        protected void CompareAndWriteItems(CSVThread aItem1, long aItemVal1, CSVThread aItem2, long aItemVal2, int aColumn, int aGrowColour, int aShrinkColour)
            // First write the values to the columns
            if (!aItem1.IsDefault)
                Utils.SetValue(Row, aColumn, Sheet, aItemVal1.ToString());
            if (!aItem2.IsDefault)
                Utils.SetValue(Row, aColumn + 1, Sheet, aItemVal2.ToString());

            // Delta
            long delta = aItemVal1 - aItemVal2;

            Utils.SetValue(Row, aColumn + 2, Sheet, (delta * -1).ToString());

            // Colour code accordingly
            int colour = 0x000000;             // black

            if (aItemVal1 < aItemVal2)
                colour = aGrowColour;                 // 0x0000FF; // red
            else if (aItemVal1 > aItemVal2)
                colour = aShrinkColour;                 // 0x00FF00; // green
            Utils.SetRangeFontColour(Row, aColumn + 2, Row, aColumn + 2, Sheet, colour);
        private bool TryToParseEntry(string aLine)
            Match matchEntry = KRegExEntry.Match(aLine);

            if (matchEntry.Success)
                // Check if it's an opening or closing tag.
                bool isOpen = string.IsNullOrEmpty(matchEntry.Groups["TagType"].Value);
                int  index  = int.Parse(matchEntry.Groups["Index"].Value);
                if (isOpen)
                    // Opening tag - starting a new entry, save entry id

                    iCurrentEntryId       = index;
                    iWorkInProgressThread = CSVThread.New();
                    // Closing tag, we should've finished an entry now.
                    // Validate the index is as we expect

        public override void Compare(CSVThread aMaster, CSVThread aOther)
            Utils.SetValue(Row, 1, Sheet, aMaster.FullName);
            float  frag1Value = (float)aMaster.FreeSpaceTotal / (float)aMaster.SizeCurrent;
            string frag1      = "=" + aMaster.FreeSpaceTotal.ToString() + " / " + aMaster.SizeCurrent.ToString();

            if (aMaster.SizeCurrent == 0)
                frag1Value = 0.0F;
                frag1      = "=0";
            if (!aMaster.IsDefault)
                Utils.SetValue(Row, 2, Sheet, frag1);
            float  frag2Value = (float)aOther.FreeSpaceTotal / (float)aOther.SizeCurrent;
            string frag2      = "=" + aOther.FreeSpaceTotal.ToString() + " / " + aOther.SizeCurrent.ToString();

            if (aOther.SizeCurrent == 0)
                frag2Value = 0.0F;
                frag2      = "=0";
            if (!aOther.IsDefault)
                Utils.SetValue(Row, 3, Sheet, frag2);

            if (aMaster.IsDefault || aOther.IsDefault)
                Utils.GetRangeByColumnAndRow(Row, 1, Row, 1, Sheet).Font.Bold = true;

            // Delta
            float delta = frag1Value - frag2Value;

            Utils.SetValue(Row, 4, Sheet, (delta * -1.0).ToString());

            // Colourise line according to difference
            int colour = 0x000000;             // black

            if (frag2Value > frag1Value)
                // Original size was smaller than new size => heap has grown
                colour = 0x0000FF;                 // red
            else if (frag2Value < frag1Value)
                // Original size was bigger than new size => heap has shrunk
                colour = 0xFF0000;                 // blue
            Utils.SetRangeFontColour(Row, 4, Row, 4, Sheet, colour);
Example #5
        public override void Compare(CSVThread aMaster, CSVThread aOther)
            // Set thread and make bold if one of the entries is just a default
            // i.e. blank placeholder (occurs when a thread doesn't exist in one or
            // other comparsion lists)
            Range threadName = Utils.SetValue(Row, 1, Sheet, aMaster.FullName);

            if (aMaster.IsDefault || aOther.IsDefault)
                Utils.GetRangeByColumnAndRow(Row, 1, Row, 1, Sheet).Font.Bold = true;

            if (aMaster.IsSharedHeap)
                long  chunkHandle = aMaster.ChunkHandle;
                Color backColour  = ColourForChunkHandle(chunkHandle);
                threadName.Interior.Color = backColour.ToArgb();

                // Check text will be legible
                Color foreColour = Color.Black;
                float lum        = backColour.GetBrightness();
                if (lum < 0.5)
                    foreColour = Color.White;

                threadName.Font.Color = foreColour.ToArgb();

            // Column 2 -> Column 4 ====> Heap size comparsion
            CreateComparsion(2, aMaster, aOther, aMaster.SizeCurrent, aOther.SizeCurrent, -1);

            // Column 5 is a spacer

            // Column 6 -> Column 8 ====> Free space comparsion
            CreateComparsion(6, aMaster, aOther, aMaster.FreeSpaceTotal, aOther.FreeSpaceTotal, 1);

            // Column 9 is a spacer

            // Column 10 -> Column 12 ====> Alloc space comparsion
            CreateComparsion(10, aMaster, aOther, aMaster.AllocSpaceTotal, aOther.AllocSpaceTotal, -1);

            // Column 13 is a spacer

            // Max heap size is the same for both
            Utils.SetValue(Row, 14, Sheet, aOther.SizeMax.ToString());

            // Next comes the free cell size

 public override void Compare(CSVThread aMaster, CSVThread aOther)
     Utils.SetValue(Row, 1, Sheet, aMaster.FullName);
     if (aMaster.IsDefault || aOther.IsDefault)
         Utils.GetRangeByColumnAndRow(Row, 1, Row, 1, Sheet).Font.Bold = true;
     CompareAndWriteItems(aMaster, aMaster.FreeCellLargest, aOther, aOther.FreeCellLargest, 2, 0xFF0000, 0x0000FF);
     CompareAndWriteItems(aMaster, aMaster.AllocCellLargest, aOther, aOther.AllocCellLargest, 6, 0x0000FF, 0xFF0000);
Example #7
        private void CreateComparsion(int aStartCol, CSVThread aMaster, CSVThread aOther, long aMasterVal, long aOtherVal, int aMultiplier)
            if (!aMaster.IsDefault)
                Utils.SetValue(Row, aStartCol, Sheet, aMasterVal.ToString());
            if (!aOther.IsDefault)
                Utils.SetValue(Row, aStartCol + 1, Sheet, aOtherVal.ToString());

            // Delta
            long delta = 0;

            int colour = 0x000000; // black

            if (aMultiplier < 0)
                delta = aMasterVal - aOtherVal;
                if (delta < 0)
                    // Original size was smaller than new size => heap has grown
                    colour = 0x0000FF; // red
                else if (delta > 0)
                    // Original size was bigger than new size => heap has shrunk
                    colour = 0xFF0000; // blue
            else if (aMultiplier > 0)
                delta = (aMasterVal - aOtherVal) * -1;
                if (delta < 0)
                    // Original size was smaller than new size => heap has grown
                    colour = 0x0000FF; // red
                else if (delta > 0)
                    // Original size was bigger than new size => heap has shrunk
                    colour = 0xFF0000; // blue

            Utils.SetValue(Row, aStartCol + 2, Sheet, (delta * aMultiplier).ToString());
            Utils.SetRangeFontColour(Row, aStartCol + 2, Row, aStartCol + 2, Sheet, colour);
        public CSVThread ParseLine(string aLine)
            if (!TryToParseEntry(aLine))
                if (!TryToParseTimestamp(aLine))

            // Return a constructed entry (or null) if we have one ready
            CSVThread ret = iConstructedEntry;

            iConstructedEntry = null;
Example #9
        public override void Compare(CSVThread aMaster, CSVThread aOther)
            Utils.SetValue(Row, 1, Sheet, aMaster.FullName);

            if (!aMaster.IsDefault)
                Utils.SetValue(Row, 2, Sheet, aMaster.FreeSpaceSlack.ToString());
            if (!aOther.IsDefault)
                Utils.SetValue(Row, 3, Sheet, aOther.FreeSpaceSlack.ToString());
            if (aMaster.IsDefault || aOther.IsDefault)
                Utils.GetRangeByColumnAndRow(Row, 1, Row, 1, Sheet).Font.Bold = true;

            long delta = aMaster.FreeSpaceSlack - aOther.FreeSpaceSlack;

            Utils.SetValue(Row, 4, Sheet, (delta * -1).ToString());

            // Colourise line according to difference
            int colour = 0x000000;             // black

            if (aOther.FreeSpaceSlack > aMaster.FreeSpaceSlack)
                colour = 0x0000FF;                 // red
            else if (aOther.FreeSpaceSlack < aMaster.FreeSpaceSlack)
                colour = 0xFF0000;                 // blue
            Utils.SetRangeFontColour(Row, 4, Row, 4, Sheet, colour);
Example #10
        static void Main()
            serializer = new RestSharp.Serialization.Json.JsonSerializer();

            var connection = new ConnectionBuilder()

            // expects a request named "greeting" with a string argument and returns a string
            connection.On <string, string>("login", data =>
                 * client_id
                 * client_secret
                 * username
                 * password
                 * path to file
                 * login url

                string[] args = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <string[]>(data);
                ////check number of arguments passed to applicaiton
                if (args.Length < 6)
                    ////Console.WriteLine("You dind't pass all necessary parameters");
                    throw new ArgumentException(Help());

                String Username     = args[0];
                String Password     = args[1];
                String ClientID     = args[2];
                String ClientSecret = args[3];
                String LoginUrl     = args[4];
                csv = args[5];

                //create necessary directories

                if (!File.Exists(csv))
                    throw new FileNotFoundException("The file was not found!", csv);

                Logger = new FileLogger("logs");

                SFDC = new Salesforce.Salesforce(ClientID, ClientSecret, Username, Password, LoginUrl, Logger);

                parser = new CSVThread(csv, Logger, SFDC);

                return($"Logged to salesforce instance: {SFDC.InstanceUrl}");

            connection.On <string, string>("initialize", data =>
                 * token
                 * instance_url
                 * file_path

                string[] args = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <string[]>(data);

                //check number of arguments passed to applicaiton
                if (args.Length < 3)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Caramba, not enough parameters");

                String Token       = args[0];
                String InstanceUrl = args[1];
                String CSV         = args[2];

                if (!File.Exists(CSV))
                    throw new FileNotFoundException("The file was not found!", CSV);


                Logger = new FileLogger("logs");

                SFDC = new Salesforce.Salesforce(Token, InstanceUrl, Logger);

                parser = new CSVThread(CSV, Logger, SFDC);

                return($"Logged to salesforce instance: {SFDC.InstanceUrl}");

            connection.On <string>("getSFDCObjects", () =>
                List <Sobject> sobjects = SFDC.RetrieveObjects();


            connection.On <string>("getHeaderRow", () =>

            connection.On <string, string>("getMetadata", fields =>
                string[] args = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <string[]>(fields);

                foreach (string name in args)

                Dictionary <String, List <string> > data = SFDC.getMetadata();


            connection.On <string, string>("parse", mapping =>
                SFDC.SetMapping(mapping, parser.Header);

                return("{\"x\":" + Salesforce.Salesforce.BatchSize + "}");

            connection.On <string>("getStatus", () =>
                bool ready = parser.IsReady();

                Dictionary <string, string> response = new Dictionary <string, string>();

                //Boolean x = false;
                //response.Add("isReady", x.ToString());
                //response.Add("all", "100");
                //response.Add("error", "10");
                //response.Add("success", "90");

                response.Add("isReady", ready.ToString());
                response.Add("all", parser.Size.ToString());
                response.Add("processed", parser.Processed.ToString());


            connection.On <string>("saveLogs", () =>


            // wait for incoming requests
Example #11
        static void Main(string[] args)
             * client_id
             * client_secret
             * username
             * password
             * path to file
             * login url

            //check number of arguments passed to applicaiton
            if (args.Length < 6)
                Console.WriteLine("You dind't pass all necessary parameters");

            Console.WriteLine("Ok, let's rock!");

            //create necessary directories
            if (!Directory.Exists("results"))

            if (!Directory.Exists("tmp"))

            if (!Directory.Exists("logs"))

            String ClientID     = args[0];
            String ClientSecret = args[1];
            String Username     = args[2];
            String Password     = args[3];
            String csv          = args[4];
            String LoginUrl     = args[5];

            if (!File.Exists(csv))
                throw new FileNotFoundException("The file was not found!", csv);

            Console.WriteLine("Create logs...");
            FileLogger Logger = new FileLogger("logs");

            Salesforce.Salesforce SFDC = new Salesforce.Salesforce(ClientID, ClientSecret, Username, Password, LoginUrl, Logger);

            Console.WriteLine("Parsing file \"{0}\" started...", csv);
            CSVThread parser = new CSVThread(csv, Logger, SFDC);



            //Console.WriteLine("XXX {0}", parser.RowsParsed);
            //Dictionary<string, List<string>> fields = parser.GetHeader();

            //foreach (KeyValuePair<string, List<string>> entry in fields)
            //    Console.WriteLine("Object [{0}]: ", entry.Key);
            //    foreach (string field in entry.Value) {
            //        Console.WriteLine("field: {0}", field);
            //    }

            //foreach (KeyValuePair<string, List<string>> entry in parser.Relations)
            //    Console.WriteLine("Rel [{0}]: ", entry.Key);
            //    foreach (string field in entry.Value)
            //    {
            //        Console.WriteLine("obj: {0}", field);
            //    }

            //get metadada from saleforce based on header

            //parse file labels/header ->  class
            //prepare threads and copy file -> class

            //login salesforce -> salesfore class

            //get metadata of objects in salesforce -> sfdc class

            //parse file in threads -> class

            //store logs -> class
Example #12
 public abstract void Compare(CSVThread aOther, CSVThread aMaster);