Example #1
        public string GetAxisName(CSLineID id)
            if (id.Is3DIdentifier)
                throw new ArgumentException(nameof(id) + " is a 3D identifier, but here a 2D identifier is expected");

            if (id.UsePhysicalValueOtherFirst)
                bool isX = id.ParallelAxisNumber == 0 ^ _isXYInterchanged;
                return(string.Format("{0}={1}", isX ? "X" : "Y", id.PhysicalValueOtherFirst));
            else // logical values
                if (id.LogicalValueOtherFirst == 0 || id.LogicalValueOtherFirst == 1)
                    if (id.LogicalValueOtherFirst <= 0.5)
                        var id1      = id.WithLogicalValueOtherFirst(0);
                        var basename = GetAxisName_Logical0Or1(id1);
                        return(string.Format("{0} ({1}% offset)", basename, id.LogicalValueOtherFirst * 100));
                    else // id.LogicalValueOtherFirst>0.5)
                        var id1      = id.WithLogicalValueOtherFirst(1);
                        var basename = GetAxisName_Logical0Or1(id1);
                        return(string.Format("{0} ({1}% offset)", basename, (id.LogicalValueOtherFirst - 1) * 100));
        /// <summary>Gets the name of the axis side.</summary>
        /// <param name="id">The axis identifier.</param>
        /// <param name="side">The axis side.</param>
        /// <returns>The name of the axis side for the axis line given by the identifier.</returns>
        public override string GetAxisSideName(CSLineID id, CSAxisSide side)
            bool isX = id.ParallelAxisNumber == 0;

            isX ^= _isXYInterchanged;

            bool isUp = side == CSAxisSide.FirstUp;

            isUp ^= isX ? _isXreverse : _isYreverse;

            bool isOuterLine = (id.LogicalValueOtherFirst == 0 || id.LogicalValueOtherFirst == 1);

            if (isOuterLine)
                isUp ^= (0 == id.LogicalValueOtherFirst);

            if (isOuterLine)
                return(_axisNamesOuterLines[isX ? 0 : 1, isUp ? 0 : 1]);
                return(_axisNamesNormal[isX ? 0 : 1, isUp ? 0 : 1]);
        private void SetCoordinateSystemDependentObjects(CSLineID id)
            // Scales
            _listOfScales = new SelectableListNodeList
                new SelectableListNode("Z-Scale", 0, false)

            // Axes
            // collect the AxisStyleIdentifier from the actual layer and also all possible AxisStyleIdentifier
            _axisControl = new Dictionary <CSLineID, AxisStyleControllerConditionalGlue>();
            _listOfAxes  = new SelectableListNodeList();
            foreach (CSLineID ids in _doc.CoordinateSystem.GetJoinedAxisStyleIdentifier(_doc.AxisStyles.AxisStyleIDs, new CSLineID[] { id }))
                CSAxisInformation info = _doc.CoordinateSystem.GetAxisStyleInformation(ids);
                var axisInfo           = new AxisStyleControllerConditionalGlue(info, _doc.AxisStyles);
                _axisControl.Add(info.Identifier, axisInfo);
                _listOfAxes.Add(new SelectableListNode(info.NameOfAxisStyle, info.Identifier, false));

            // Planes
            _listOfPlanes   = new SelectableListNodeList();
            _currentPlaneID = CSPlaneID.Front;
            _listOfPlanes.Add(new SelectableListNode("Front", _currentPlaneID, true));
Example #4
        public void EhView_DeleteAxis()
            if (!ApplyCurrentController(false, false))

            if (_listOfAxes.Count <= 1)

            var axisID = _currentAxisID;

            if (true == Current.Gui.YesNoMessageBox("Are you sure that you want to delete this axis?", "Confirmation", false))
                if (true == _doc.AxisStyles.Remove(axisID))
                    var axisItem = _listOfAxes.First(x => axisID != (CSLineID)(x.Tag));
                    axisItem.IsSelected = true;
                    _currentAxisID      = (CSLineID)(axisItem.Tag);
                    _listOfAxes.RemoveWhere(x => axisID == (CSLineID)(x.Tag));
Example #5
        private IList <CSAxisInformation> GetAxisStyleInformations()
            var axisStyleInformations = new List <CSAxisInformation>();

            for (int axisnumber = 0; axisnumber <= 2; ++axisnumber)
                for (int firstother = 0; firstother <= 1; ++firstother)
                    for (int secondother = 0; secondother <= 1; ++secondother)
                        var lineId = new CSLineID(axisnumber, firstother, secondother);
                        var item   = new CSAxisInformation(
                            Identifier: lineId,
                            NameOfAxisStyle: GetAxisLineName(lineId),
                            NameOfFirstDownSide: GetAxisSideName(lineId, CSAxisSide.FirstDown),
                            NameOfFirstUpSide: GetAxisSideName(lineId, CSAxisSide.FirstUp),
                            NameOfSecondDownSide: GetAxisSideName(lineId, CSAxisSide.SecondDown),
                            NameOfSecondUpSide: GetAxisSideName(lineId, CSAxisSide.SecondUp),
                            PreferredLabelSide: GetPreferredLabelSide(lineId),
                            PreferredTickSide: GetPreferredLabelSide(lineId),
                            IsShownByDefault: true, // lineId.LogicalValueOtherFirst :: 0 && lineId.LogicalValueOtherSecond :: 0.
                            HasTicksByDefault: true,
                            HasLabelsByDefault: GetHasLabelsByDefault(lineId),
                            HasTitleByDefault: GetHasLabelsByDefault(lineId));


Example #6
        public void FixupInternalDataStructures(IPlotArea layer, Func <CSLineID, CSAxisInformation> GetAxisStyleInformation)
            // update the logical values of the physical axes before
            if (_styleID.UsePhysicalValueOtherFirst)
                // then update the logical value of this identifier
                double logicalValue = layer.Scales[_styleID.AxisNumberOtherFirst].PhysicalVariantToNormal(_styleID.PhysicalValueOtherFirst);
                _styleID = _styleID.WithLogicalValueOtherFirst(logicalValue);
            if (_styleID.UsePhysicalValueOtherSecond)
                // then update the logical value of this identifier
                double logicalValue = layer.Scales[_styleID.AxisNumberOtherSecond].PhysicalVariantToNormal(_styleID.PhysicalValueOtherSecond);
                _styleID = _styleID.WithLogicalValueOtherSecond(logicalValue);

            CachedAxisInformation = GetAxisStyleInformation(_styleID);

            if (null != _customTickSpacing)
                CSLineID styleID = _cachedAxisInfo.Identifier;
                Scale    scale = layer.Scales[styleID.ParallelAxisNumber];
                Altaxo.Data.AltaxoVariant org = scale.OrgAsVariant, end = scale.EndAsVariant;
                _customTickSpacing.PreProcessScaleBoundaries(ref org, ref end, false, false);
                _customTickSpacing.FinalProcessScaleBoundaries(org, end, scale);

            if (null != _axisTitle)
                _axisTitle.SetParentSize(layer.Size, false);
Example #7
        public AxisStyle(CSLineID id, bool isAxisLineEnabled, bool areMajorTicksEnabled, bool areMinorTicksEnabled, string axisTitleOrNull, Altaxo.Main.Properties.IReadOnlyPropertyBag context)
            _styleID = id;

            if (isAxisLineEnabled)

            if (areMajorTicksEnabled)

            if (areMinorTicksEnabled)

            if (null != axisTitleOrNull)
                _axisTitle.Text = axisTitleOrNull;
Example #8
        public AxisStyle(CSAxisInformation info, bool isAxisLineEnabled, bool areMajorTicksEnabled, bool areMinorTicksEnabled, string axisTitleOrNull, Altaxo.Main.Properties.IReadOnlyPropertyBag context)
            _styleID = info.Identifier;

            if (isAxisLineEnabled)
                ShowAxisLine(info.HasTicksByDefault, info.PreferredTickSide, context);

            if (info.HasLabelsByDefault)
                ShowMajorLabels(info.PreferredLabelSide, context);

            if (info.HasLabelsByDefault && areMinorTicksEnabled)
                ShowMinorLabels(info.PreferredLabelSide, context);

            if (null != axisTitleOrNull)
                _axisTitle.Text = axisTitleOrNull;
        public bool Apply()
            // read axis title
            _doc.TitleText = m_View.AxisTitle;

            if (null != _axisLineStyleController)
                if (!_axisLineStyleController.Apply())
                    _doc.AxisLineStyle = (AxisLineStyle)_axisLineStyleController.ModelObject;

            _doc.ShowMajorLabels = m_View.ShowMajorLabels;
            _doc.ShowMinorLabels = m_View.ShowMinorLabels;

            // if we have offset applying, create a brand new AxisStyle instance
            double offset = m_View.PositionOffset / 100;

            if (0 != offset)
                AxisStyle newDoc = new AxisStyle(CSLineID.FromIDandFirstLogicalOffset(_doc.StyleID, offset));
                _doc = newDoc;

            return(true); // all ok
Example #10
        public override string GetAxisSideName(CSLineID id, CSAxisSide side)
            var v    = GetUntransformedAxisSideVector(id, side);
            var tv   = VectorTransformation.Transform(v);
            var name = GetAxisSideNameFromVector(tv);

Example #11
        public string GetAxisLineName(CSLineID id)
            var v    = GetUntransformedAxisLineVector(id);
            var tv   = VectorTransformation.Transform(v);
            var name = GetAxisLineName(tv);

Example #12
        private string GetAxisName_Logical0Or1(CSLineID id)
            bool isHorizontal = (id.ParallelAxisNumber == 0) ^ _isXYInterchanged;

            bool isLogical0 = (id.LogicalValueOtherFirst == 0) ^ ((id.ParallelAxisNumber == 1 && _isXreverse) || (id.ParallelAxisNumber == 0 && _isYreverse));

            return(_axisNamesOuterLines[isHorizontal ? 0 : 1, isLogical0 ? 0 : 1]);
Example #13
        public static bool ShowDialog(XYPlotLayer layer, string currentPage, CSLineID currentEdge)
            LayerController ctrl = new LayerController(layer, currentPage, currentEdge);
            LayerControl    view = new LayerControl();

            ctrl.View = view;

            return(Current.Gui.ShowDialog(ctrl, layer.Name, true));
Example #14
        public CSAxisInformation GetAxisStyleInformation(CSLineID styleID)
            if (_axisStyleInformation == null || _axisStyleInformation.Count == 0)

            // search for the same axis first, then for the style with the nearest logical value
            double            minDistance = double.MaxValue;
            CSAxisInformation nearestInfo = null;

            foreach (CSAxisInformation info in this._axisStyleInformation)
                if (styleID.ParallelAxisNumber == info.Identifier.ParallelAxisNumber)
                    if (styleID == info.Identifier)
                        minDistance = 0;
                        nearestInfo = info;

                    double dist = Math.Abs(styleID.LogicalValueOtherFirst - info.Identifier.LogicalValueOtherFirst);
                    if (styleID.Is3DIdentifier && info.Identifier.Is3DIdentifier)
                        dist += Math.Abs(styleID.LogicalValueOtherSecond - info.Identifier.LogicalValueOtherSecond);

                    if (dist < minDistance)
                        minDistance = dist;
                        nearestInfo = info;
                        if (0 == minDistance)
                            break; // it can not be smaller than 0

            CSAxisInformation result = new CSAxisInformation(styleID);

            if (nearestInfo == null)
                if (minDistance != 0)
                    result.NameOfAxisStyle += string.Format(" ({0}% offs.)", minDistance * 100);

Example #15
        private XYPlotLayerController(XYPlotLayer layer, string currentPage, int axisScaleIdx, CSLineID id, UseDocument useDocumentCopy)
            _useDocumentCopy = useDocumentCopy == UseDocument.Copy;
            _currentAxisID   = id;
            _currentScale    = axisScaleIdx;
            _currentPageName = currentPage;

Example #16
        public CSAxisSide GetPreferredLabelSide(CSLineID id)
            var u_axisVector = GetUntransformedAxisLineVector(id);
            var t_axisVector = VectorTransformation.Transform(u_axisVector);
            var t_labelSide  = GetPreferredLabelSide(t_axisVector);
            var u_labelSide  = VectorTransformation.InverseTransform(t_labelSide);

            return(GetAxisSide(id, u_labelSide));
Example #17
            public CSAxisInformation GetAxisStyleInformation(CSLineID lineId)
                var result = _underlyingArea.CoordinateSystem.GetAxisStyleInformation(lineId).WithIdentifier(new CSLineID(lineId.ParallelAxisNumber, _org));

                result = result.WithLogicalValuesForAxisOrgAndEnd(
                    LogicalValueAxisOrg: _org[_scaleNumber],
                    LogicalValueAxisEnd: _end[_scaleNumber]);

Example #18
        public CSPlaneInformation GetPlaneInformation(CSPlaneID planeID)
            CSLineID          lineID   = (CSLineID)planeID;
            CSAxisInformation lineInfo = GetAxisStyleInformation(lineID);

            CSPlaneInformation result = new CSPlaneInformation(planeID);

            result.Name = lineInfo.NameOfAxisStyle;
        public AxisStyle AxisStyleEnsured(CSLineID id)
            AxisStyle prop = this[id];

            if (prop == null)
                prop = new AxisStyle(id);
                prop.CachedAxisInformation = _cachedCoordinateSystem.GetAxisStyleInformation(id);
Example #20
        public void EhView_CreateOrMoveAxis(bool moveAxis)
            if (!ApplyCurrentController(false, false))

            var creationArgs = new AxisCreationArguments();

            creationArgs.InitializeAxisInformationList(_doc.CoordinateSystem, _doc.AxisStyles);
            creationArgs.TemplateStyle = _currentAxisID;
            creationArgs.MoveAxis      = moveAxis;

            if (!Current.Gui.ShowDialog(ref creationArgs, "Create/move axis", false))

            if (_axisControl.ContainsKey(creationArgs.CurrentStyle))
                return; // the axis is already present
            var oldIdentity = creationArgs.TemplateStyle;
            var newIdentity = creationArgs.CurrentStyle;
            var newAxisInfo = _doc.CoordinateSystem.GetAxisStyleInformation(newIdentity);

            AxisCreationArguments.AddAxis(_doc.AxisStyles, creationArgs); // add the new axis to the document
            _axisControl.Add(newIdentity, new AxisStyleControllerConditionalGlue(newAxisInfo, _doc.AxisStyles));


            _listOfAxes.Add(new SelectableListNode(newAxisInfo.NameOfAxisStyle, newIdentity, true));

            if (creationArgs.MoveAxis && _axisControl.ContainsKey(oldIdentity))
                for (int i = _listOfAxes.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i)
                    if (((CSLineID)_listOfAxes[i].Tag) == oldIdentity)

            _currentAxisID = newIdentity;
Example #21
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the axis style with ShowAxisLine = true and ShowMajorLabels = true
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id">The axis style identifier.</param>
        /// <param name="context">Property context used to determine default values, e.g. for the pen width or symbol size.</param>
        /// <returns>The newly created axis style, if it was not in the collection before. Returns the unchanged axis style, if it was present already in the collection.</returns>
        public AxisStyle CreateDefault(CSLineID id, IReadOnlyPropertyBag context)
            AxisStyle prop = this[id];

            if (prop == null)
                prop = new AxisStyle(id, true, true, false, null, context)
                    CachedAxisInformation = _cachedCoordinateSystem.GetAxisStyleInformation(id)
Example #22
        private XYPlotLayerController(XYZPlotLayer layer, string currentPage, int axisScaleIdx, CSLineID id, UseDocument useDocumentCopy)
            if (!id.Is3DIdentifier)
                throw new ArgumentException(nameof(id) + " has to be a 3D identifier!");

            _useDocumentCopy = useDocumentCopy == UseDocument.Copy;
            _currentAxisID   = id;
            _currentScale    = axisScaleIdx;
            _currentPageName = currentPage;

Example #23
 /// <summary>
 /// Get a line along the axis designated by the argument id from the logical values r0 to r1.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="path">Graphics path.</param>
 /// <param name="id">Axis to draw the isoline along.</param>
 /// <param name="r0">Start point of the isoline. The logical value of the other coordinate.</param>
 /// <param name="r1">End point of the isoline. The logical value of the other coordinate.</param>
 public virtual void GetIsolineFromTo(CSLineID id, double r0, double r1, out IPolylineD3D path)
     if (id.ParallelAxisNumber == 0)
         path = GetIsoline(new Logical3D(r0, id.LogicalValueOtherFirst, id.LogicalValueOtherSecond), new Logical3D(r1, id.LogicalValueOtherFirst, id.LogicalValueOtherSecond));
     else if (id.ParallelAxisNumber == 1)
         path = GetIsoline(new Logical3D(id.LogicalValueOtherFirst, r0, id.LogicalValueOtherSecond), new Logical3D(id.LogicalValueOtherFirst, r1, id.LogicalValueOtherSecond));
         path = GetIsoline(new Logical3D(id.LogicalValueOtherFirst, id.LogicalValueOtherSecond, r0), new Logical3D(id.LogicalValueOtherFirst, id.LogicalValueOtherSecond, r1));
Example #24
 /// <summary>
 /// Get a line along the axis designated by the argument id from the logical values r0 to r1.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="g">Graphics context.</param>
 /// <param name="pen">The pen required to draw the line.</param>
 /// <param name="id">Axis to draw the isoline along.</param>
 /// <param name="r0">Start point of the isoline. The logical value of the other coordinate.</param>
 /// <param name="r1">End point of the isoline. The logical value of the other coordinate.</param>
 public virtual void DrawIsolineFromTo(Graphics g, Pen pen, CSLineID id, double r0, double r1)
     if (id.ParallelAxisNumber == 0)
         DrawIsoline(g, pen, new Logical3D(r0, id.LogicalValueOtherFirst, id.LogicalValueOtherSecond), new Logical3D(r1, id.LogicalValueOtherFirst, id.LogicalValueOtherSecond));
     else if (id.ParallelAxisNumber == 1)
         DrawIsoline(g, pen, new Logical3D(id.LogicalValueOtherFirst, r0, id.LogicalValueOtherSecond), new Logical3D(id.LogicalValueOtherFirst, r1, id.LogicalValueOtherSecond));
         DrawIsoline(g, pen, new Logical3D(id.LogicalValueOtherFirst, id.LogicalValueOtherSecond, r0), new Logical3D(id.LogicalValueOtherFirst, id.LogicalValueOtherSecond, r1));
        public AxisStyle this[CSLineID id]
                foreach (AxisStyle p in _axisStyles)
                    if (p.StyleID == id)

Example #26
 /// <summary>
 /// Get a line along the axis designated by the argument id from the logical values r0 to r1.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="path">Graphics path.</param>
 /// <param name="id">Axis to draw the isoline along.</param>
 /// <param name="r0">Start point of the isoline. The logical value of the other coordinate.</param>
 /// <param name="r1">End point of the isoline. The logical value of the other coordinate.</param>
 public virtual void GetIsolineFromTo(GraphicsPath path, CSLineID id, double r0, double r1)
     if (id.ParallelAxisNumber == 0)
         GetIsoline(path, new Logical3D(r0, id.LogicalValueOtherFirst, id.LogicalValueOtherSecond), new Logical3D(r1, id.LogicalValueOtherFirst, id.LogicalValueOtherSecond));
     else if (id.ParallelAxisNumber == 1)
         GetIsoline(path, new Logical3D(id.LogicalValueOtherFirst, r0, id.LogicalValueOtherSecond), new Logical3D(id.LogicalValueOtherFirst, r1, id.LogicalValueOtherSecond));
         GetIsoline(path, new Logical3D(id.LogicalValueOtherFirst, id.LogicalValueOtherSecond, r0), new Logical3D(id.LogicalValueOtherFirst, id.LogicalValueOtherSecond, r1));
Example #27
        public override bool Apply(bool disposeController)
            _doc.MoveAxis = _view.MoveAxis;

            if (_view.UsePhysicalValue)
                _doc.CurrentStyle = CSLineID.FromPhysicalVariant(_doc.TemplateStyle.ParallelAxisNumber, _view.AxisPositionPhysicalValue);
                _doc.CurrentStyle = new CSLineID(_doc.TemplateStyle.ParallelAxisNumber, _view.AxisPositionLogicalValue);

            return(ApplyEnd(true, disposeController));
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the axis style with ShowAxisLine = true and ShowMajorLabels = true
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id">The axis style identifier.</param>
        /// <returns>The newly created axis style, if it was not in the collection before. Returns the unchanged axis style, if it was present already in the collection.</returns>
        public AxisStyle CreateDefault(CSLineID id)
            AxisStyle prop = this[id];

            if (prop == null)
                prop = new AxisStyle(id);
                prop.CachedAxisInformation = _cachedCoordinateSystem.GetAxisStyleInformation(id);

                prop.ShowAxisLine    = true;
                prop.ShowMajorLabels = true;

Example #29
        /// <summary>Gets the name of the axis side.</summary>
        /// <param name="id">The axis identifier.</param>
        /// <param name="side">The axis side.</param>
        /// <returns>The name of the axis side for the axis line given by the identifier.</returns>
        public override string GetAxisSideName(CSLineID id, CSAxisSide side)
            bool isHorizontal = id.ParallelAxisNumber == 0 ^ _isXYInterchanged;
            bool isOuterLine  = (id.LogicalValueOtherFirst == 0 || id.LogicalValueOtherFirst == 1);

            if (isOuterLine)
                bool isPointingOutwards = (id.LogicalValueOtherFirst == 0 && side == CSAxisSide.FirstDown) || (id.LogicalValueOtherFirst == 1 && side == CSAxisSide.FirstUp);
                return(_axisSideNamesOuterLines[isHorizontal ? 0 : 1, isPointingOutwards ? 0 : 1]);
                bool isRight = ((id.ParallelAxisNumber == 0 && _isYreverse) || (id.ParallelAxisNumber == 1 && _isXreverse)) ^ (side == CSAxisSide.FirstUp);
                return(_axisSideNamesNormal[isHorizontal ? 0 : 1, isRight ? 0 : 1]);
Example #30
        LayerController(XYPlotLayer layer, string currentPage, int axisScaleIdx, CSLineID id)
            _originalDoc    = layer;
            _doc            = (XYPlotLayer)layer.Clone();
            _docSuspendLock = _doc.BeginUpdate();


            _currentScale    = axisScaleIdx;
            _currentAxisID   = id;
            _currentPlaneID  = CSPlaneID.Front;
            _currentPageName = currentPage;
            if (null != View)
Example #31
		public AxisStyle(CSAxisInformation info, bool isAxisLineEnabled, bool areMajorTicksEnabled, bool areMinorTicksEnabled, string axisTitleOrNull, Altaxo.Main.Properties.IReadOnlyPropertyBag context)
			_styleID = info.Identifier;

			if (isAxisLineEnabled)
				ShowAxisLine(info.HasTicksByDefault, info.PreferredTickSide, context);

			if (info.HasLabelsByDefault)
				ShowMajorLabels(info.PreferredLabelSide, context);

			if (info.HasLabelsByDefault && areMinorTicksEnabled)
				ShowMinorLabels(info.PreferredLabelSide, context);

			if (null != axisTitleOrNull)
				_axisTitle.Text = axisTitleOrNull;
Example #32
		/// <summary>
		/// Changes the style identifier.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="newIdentifier">The new identifier.</param>
		/// <param name="GetNewAxisSideFromOldAxisSide">Functions that uses the old axis side as parameter1, and returns the corresponding axis side of the new coordinate system, or null if no such side could be found.</param>
		/// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException"></exception>
		public void ChangeStyleIdentifier(CSLineID newIdentifier, Func<CSAxisSide, CSAxisSide?> GetNewAxisSideFromOldAxisSide)
			if (null == newIdentifier)
				throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(newIdentifier));
			_styleID = newIdentifier;

			if (null != _axisLineStyle)

			if (null != _majorLabelStyle && _majorLabelStyle.LabelSide.HasValue)
				_majorLabelStyle.LabelSide = GetNewAxisSideFromOldAxisSide(_majorLabelStyle.LabelSide.Value);

			if (null != _minorLabelStyle && _minorLabelStyle.LabelSide.HasValue)
				_minorLabelStyle.LabelSide = GetNewAxisSideFromOldAxisSide(_minorLabelStyle.LabelSide.Value);
Example #33
 public AxisStyle(CSLineID id)
   _styleID = id;
Example #34
 public bool ContainsAxisStyle(CSLineID id)
   ScaleStyle scalestyle = _styles[id.ParallelAxisNumber];
   return scalestyle.ContainsAxisStyle(id);
Example #35
 /// <summary>
 /// This will return an axis style with the given id. If not present, this axis style will be created, added to the collection, and returned.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="id"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public AxisStyle AxisStyleEnsured(CSLineID id)
   ScaleStyle scaleStyle = _styles[id.ParallelAxisNumber];
   return scaleStyle.AxisStyleEnsured(id);
Example #36
		/// <summary>
		/// Get a line along the axis designated by the argument id from the logical values r0 to r1.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="path">Graphics path.</param>
		/// <param name="id">Axis to draw the isoline along.</param>
		/// <param name="r0">Start point of the isoline. The logical value of the other coordinate.</param>
		/// <param name="r1">End point of the isoline. The logical value of the other coordinate.</param>
		public virtual void GetIsolineFromTo(GraphicsPath path, CSLineID id, double r0, double r1)
			if (id.ParallelAxisNumber == 0)
				GetIsoline(path, new Logical3D(r0, id.LogicalValueOtherFirst, id.LogicalValueOtherSecond), new Logical3D(r1, id.LogicalValueOtherFirst, id.LogicalValueOtherSecond));
			else if (id.ParallelAxisNumber == 1)
				GetIsoline(path, new Logical3D(id.LogicalValueOtherFirst, r0, id.LogicalValueOtherSecond), new Logical3D(id.LogicalValueOtherFirst, r1, id.LogicalValueOtherSecond));
				GetIsoline(path, new Logical3D(id.LogicalValueOtherFirst, id.LogicalValueOtherSecond, r0), new Logical3D(id.LogicalValueOtherFirst, id.LogicalValueOtherSecond, r1));
Example #37
      public void RemoveAxisStyle(CSLineID id)
        int idx = -1;
        for (int i = 0; i < _axisStyles.Count; i++)
          if (_axisStyles[i].StyleID == id)
            idx = i;

        if (idx > 0)
		protected override void UpdateAxisInfo()
			int horzAx;
			int vertAx;
			bool vertRev;
			bool horzRev;

			if (_isXYInterchanged)
				horzAx = 1;
				vertAx = 0;
				vertRev = _isXreverse;
				horzRev = _isYreverse;
				horzAx = 0;
				vertAx = 1;
				vertRev = _isYreverse;
				horzRev = _isXreverse;

			if (null == _axisStyleInformation)
				_axisStyleInformation = new List<CSAxisInformation>();

			CSAxisInformation info;
			CSLineID lineID;

			// Left
			lineID = new CSLineID(vertAx, horzRev ? 1 : 0);
			info = new CSAxisInformation(
				Identifier: lineID,
				NameOfAxisStyle: GetAxisName(lineID),
				NameOfFirstDownSide: GetAxisSideName(lineID, CSAxisSide.FirstDown),
				NameOfFirstUpSide: GetAxisSideName(lineID, CSAxisSide.FirstUp),
				PreferredLabelSide: horzRev ? CSAxisSide.FirstUp : CSAxisSide.FirstDown,
				IsShownByDefault: true,
				HasTitleByDefault: true);

			// Right
			lineID = new CSLineID(vertAx, horzRev ? 0 : 1);
			info = new CSAxisInformation(
				Identifier: lineID,
				NameOfAxisStyle: GetAxisName(lineID),
				NameOfFirstDownSide: GetAxisSideName(lineID, CSAxisSide.FirstDown),
				NameOfFirstUpSide: GetAxisSideName(lineID, CSAxisSide.FirstUp),
				PreferredLabelSide: horzRev ? CSAxisSide.FirstDown : CSAxisSide.FirstUp,
				IsShownByDefault: false,
				HasTitleByDefault: false);

			// Bottom
			lineID = new CSLineID(horzAx, vertRev ? 1 : 0);
			info = new CSAxisInformation(
				Identifier: lineID,
				NameOfAxisStyle: GetAxisName(lineID),
				NameOfFirstDownSide: GetAxisSideName(lineID, CSAxisSide.FirstDown),
				NameOfFirstUpSide: GetAxisSideName(lineID, CSAxisSide.FirstUp),
				PreferredLabelSide: vertRev ? CSAxisSide.FirstUp : CSAxisSide.FirstDown,
				IsShownByDefault: true,
				HasTitleByDefault: true);

			// Top
			lineID = new CSLineID(horzAx, vertRev ? 0 : 1);
			info = new CSAxisInformation(
				Identifier: lineID,
				NameOfAxisStyle: GetAxisName(lineID),
				NameOfFirstDownSide: GetAxisSideName(lineID, CSAxisSide.FirstDown),
				NameOfFirstUpSide: GetAxisSideName(lineID, CSAxisSide.FirstUp),
				PreferredLabelSide: vertRev ? CSAxisSide.FirstDown : CSAxisSide.FirstUp,
				IsShownByDefault: false,
				HasTitleByDefault: false);

			// Y=0
			lineID = CSLineID.FromPhysicalValue(horzAx, 0);
			info = new CSAxisInformation(
				Identifier: lineID,
				NameOfAxisStyle: GetAxisName(lineID),
				NameOfFirstDownSide: GetAxisSideName(lineID, CSAxisSide.FirstDown),
				NameOfFirstUpSide: GetAxisSideName(lineID, CSAxisSide.FirstUp),
				PreferredLabelSide: vertRev ? CSAxisSide.FirstUp : CSAxisSide.FirstDown,
				IsShownByDefault: false,
				HasTitleByDefault: false);

			// X=0
			lineID = CSLineID.FromPhysicalValue(vertAx, 0);
			info = new CSAxisInformation(
				Identifier: lineID,
				NameOfAxisStyle: GetAxisName(lineID),
				NameOfFirstDownSide: GetAxisSideName(lineID, CSAxisSide.FirstDown),
				NameOfFirstUpSide: GetAxisSideName(lineID, CSAxisSide.FirstUp),
				PreferredLabelSide: horzRev ? CSAxisSide.FirstUp : CSAxisSide.FirstDown,
				IsShownByDefault: false,
				HasTitleByDefault: false);
Example #39
			public CSAxisInformation GetAxisStyleInformation(CSLineID lineId)
				var result = _underlyingArea.CoordinateSystem.GetAxisStyleInformation(lineId).WithIdentifier(new CSLineID(lineId.ParallelAxisNumber, _org));
				result = result.WithLogicalValuesForAxisOrgAndEnd(
									LogicalValueAxisOrg: _org[_scaleNumber],
									LogicalValueAxisEnd: _end[_scaleNumber]);

				return result;
Example #40
		/// <summary>Gets the name of the axis side.</summary>
		/// <param name="id">The axis identifier.</param>
		/// <param name="side">The axis side.</param>
		/// <returns>The name of the axis side for the axis line given by the identifier.</returns>
		public abstract string GetAxisSideName(CSLineID id, CSAxisSide side);
		public string GetAxisName(CSLineID id)
			if (id.Is3DIdentifier)
				throw new ArgumentException(nameof(id) + " is a 3D identifier, but here a 2D identifier is expected");

			if (id.UsePhysicalValueOtherFirst)
				bool isX = id.ParallelAxisNumber == 0 ^ _isXYInterchanged;
				return string.Format("{0}={1}", isX ? "X" : "Y", id.PhysicalValueOtherFirst);
			else // logical values
				if (id.LogicalValueOtherFirst == 0 || id.LogicalValueOtherFirst == 1)
					return GetAxisName_Logical0Or1(id);
					if (id.LogicalValueOtherFirst <= 0.5)
						var id1 = id.WithLogicalValueOtherFirst(0);
						var basename = GetAxisName_Logical0Or1(id1);
						return string.Format("{0} ({1}% offset)", basename, id.LogicalValueOtherFirst * 100);
					else // id.LogicalValueOtherFirst>0.5)
						var id1 = id.WithLogicalValueOtherFirst(1);
						var basename = GetAxisName_Logical0Or1(id1);
						return string.Format("{0} ({1}% offset)", basename, (id.LogicalValueOtherFirst - 1) * 100);
Example #42
 public bool ContainsAxisStyle(CSLineID id)
   return null != AxisStyle(id);
Example #43
    private void SetAxisTitleString(CSLineID id, string value)
      AxisStyle style = _axisStyles[id];
      string oldtitle = (style == null || style.Title == null) ? null : style.Title.Text;
      string newtitle = (value == null || value == String.Empty) ? null : value;

      if (newtitle != oldtitle)
        if (newtitle == null)
          if (style != null)
            style.Title = null;
        else if (_axisStyles.AxisStyleEnsured(id).Title != null)
          _axisStyles[id].Title.Text = newtitle;
          TextGraphic tg = new TextGraphic();
          CSAxisInformation info = CoordinateSystem.GetAxisStyleInformation(id);

          // find out the position and orientation of the item
          double rx0 = 0, rx1 = 1, ry0 = 0, ry1 = 1;
          if (id.ParallelAxisNumber == 0)
            ry0 = ry1 = id.LogicalValueOtherFirst;
            rx0 = rx1 = id.LogicalValueOtherFirst;

          PointF normDirection;
          Logical3D tdirection = CoordinateSystem.GetLogicalDirection(info.Identifier.ParallelAxisNumber, info.PreferedLabelSide);
          PointF location = CoordinateSystem.GetNormalizedDirection(new Logical3D(rx0, ry0), new Logical3D(rx1, ry1), 0.5, tdirection, out normDirection);
          double angle = Math.Atan2(normDirection.Y, normDirection.X) * 180 / Math.PI;

          float distance = 0;
          AxisStyle axisStyle = _axisStyles[id];
          if (null != axisStyle.AxisLineStyle)
            distance += axisStyle.AxisLineStyle.GetOuterDistance(info.PreferedLabelSide);
          float labelFontSize = 0;
          if (axisStyle.ShowMajorLabels)
            labelFontSize = Math.Max(labelFontSize, axisStyle.MajorLabelStyle.FontSize);
          if (axisStyle.ShowMinorLabels)
            labelFontSize = Math.Max(labelFontSize, axisStyle.MinorLabelStyle.FontSize);
          const float scaleFontWidth = 4;
          const float scaleFontHeight = 1.5f;

          if (-45<= angle && angle <= 45)
            //case EdgeType.Right:
            tg.Rotation = 90;
            tg.XAnchor = XAnchorPositionType.Center;
            tg.YAnchor = YAnchorPositionType.Top;
            distance += scaleFontWidth * labelFontSize;
          else if (-135 <= angle && angle <= -45)
            //case Top:
            tg.Rotation = 0;
            tg.XAnchor = XAnchorPositionType.Center;
            tg.YAnchor = YAnchorPositionType.Bottom;
            distance += scaleFontHeight * labelFontSize;
          else if (45 <= angle && angle <= 135)
            //case EdgeType.Bottom:
            tg.Rotation = 0;
            tg.XAnchor = XAnchorPositionType.Center;
            tg.YAnchor = YAnchorPositionType.Top;
            distance += scaleFontHeight * labelFontSize;
            //case EdgeType.Left:

            tg.Rotation = 90;
            tg.XAnchor = XAnchorPositionType.Center;
            tg.YAnchor = YAnchorPositionType.Bottom;
            distance += scaleFontWidth * labelFontSize;

          tg.Position = new PointF(location.X + distance * normDirection.X, location.Y + distance * normDirection.Y);
          tg.Text = newtitle;
          _axisStyles.AxisStyleEnsured(id).Title = tg;
		private string GetAxisName_Logical0Or1(CSLineID id)
			bool isHorizontal = (id.ParallelAxisNumber == 0) ^ _isXYInterchanged;

			bool isLogical0 = (id.LogicalValueOtherFirst == 0) ^ ((id.ParallelAxisNumber == 1 && _isXreverse) || (id.ParallelAxisNumber == 0 && _isYreverse));

			return _axisNamesOuterLines[isHorizontal ? 0 : 1, isLogical0 ? 0 : 1];
Example #45
 public AxisStyle AxisStyleEnsured(CSLineID id)
   AxisStyle prop = AxisStyle(id);
   if (prop == null)
     prop = new AxisStyle(id);
    // prop.CachedAxisInformation = _cachedCoordinateSystem.GetAxisStyleInformation(id);
   return prop;
Example #46
		/// <summary>Gets the name of the axis side.</summary>
		/// <param name="id">The axis identifier.</param>
		/// <param name="side">The axis side.</param>
		/// <returns>The name of the axis side for the axis line given by the identifier.</returns>
		public override string GetAxisSideName(CSLineID id, CSAxisSide side)
			bool isX = id.ParallelAxisNumber == 0;
			isX ^= _isXYInterchanged;

			bool isUp = side == CSAxisSide.FirstUp;
			isUp ^= isX ? _isXreverse : _isYreverse;

			bool isOuterLine = (id.LogicalValueOtherFirst == 0 || id.LogicalValueOtherFirst == 1);

			if (isOuterLine)
				isUp ^= (0 == id.LogicalValueOtherFirst);

			if (isOuterLine)
				return _axisNamesOuterLines[isX ? 0 : 1, isUp ? 0 : 1];
				return _axisNamesNormal[isX ? 0 : 1, isUp ? 0 : 1];
Example #47
      public AxisStyle AxisStyle(CSLineID id)

        foreach (AxisStyle p in _axisStyles)
          if (p.StyleID == id)
            return p;

        return null;
Example #48
		/// <summary>
		/// Find the axis style with the given id. If found, returns the index of this style, or -1 otherwise.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="id">The id to find.</param>
		/// <returns>Index of the style, or -1 if not found.</returns>
		public int IndexOfAxisStyle(CSLineID id)
			if (id == null)
				return -1;

			if (_axisStyleInformation == null || _axisStyleInformation.Count == 0)

			for (int i = 0; i < _axisStyleInformation.Count; i++)
				if (_axisStyleInformation[i].Identifier == id)
					return i;

			return -1;
Example #49
 public void RemoveAxisStyle(CSLineID id)
   ScaleStyle scaleStyle = _styles[id.ParallelAxisNumber];
Example #50
    private GraphicsPath _enclosingPath = new GraphicsPath(); // with Winding also overlapping rectangles are selected
    public override void Paint(Graphics g, XYPlotLayer layer, CSAxisInformation styleInfo, AxisLineStyle axisstyle, bool useMinorTicks)
      _cachedStyleID = styleInfo.Identifier;
      CSLineID styleID = styleInfo.Identifier;
      Scale raxis = styleID.ParallelAxisNumber==0 ? layer.XAxis : layer.YAxis;

      _enclosingPath.FillMode = FillMode.Winding; // with Winding also overlapping rectangles are selected
      GraphicsPath helperPath = new GraphicsPath();
      Matrix math = new Matrix();

      Logical3D r0 = _cachedStyleID.Begin;
      Logical3D r1 = _cachedStyleID.End;

      SizeF layerSize = layer.Size;
      PointF outVector;
      Logical3D outer;
      float outerDistance = null==axisstyle? 0 : axisstyle.GetOuterDistance(styleInfo.PreferedLabelSide);
      float dist_x = outerDistance; // Distance from axis tick point to label
      float dist_y = outerDistance; // y distance from axis tick point to label

      // dist_x += this._font.SizeInPoints/3; // add some space to the horizontal direction in order to separate the chars a little from the ticks

      // next statement is necessary to have a consistent string length both
      // on 0 degree rotated text and rotated text
      // without this statement, the text is fitted to the pixel grid, which
      // leads to "steps" during scaling
      g.TextRenderingHint = System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.AntiAlias;

      double[] relpositions;
      AltaxoVariant[] ticks;
        relpositions = raxis.GetMinorTicksNormal();
        ticks = raxis.GetMinorTicksAsVariant();
        relpositions = raxis.GetMajorTicksNormal();
        ticks = raxis.GetMajorTicksAsVariant();
      IMeasuredLabelItem[] labels = _labelFormatting.GetMeasuredItems(g,_font,_stringFormat,ticks);

      float emSize = _font.SizeInPoints;
      for(int i=0;i<ticks.Length;i++)
        double r = relpositions[i];

        outer = layer.CoordinateSystem.GetLogicalDirection(styleID.ParallelAxisNumber, styleInfo.PreferedLabelSide);
        PointF tickorg = layer.CoordinateSystem.GetNormalizedDirection(r0, r1, r, outer, out outVector);
        PointF tickend = tickorg;
        tickend.X += outVector.X * outerDistance;
        tickend.Y += outVector.Y * outerDistance;

        SizeF msize = labels[i].Size;
        PointF morg = tickend;

        if (_automaticRotationShift)
          double alpha = _rotation * Math.PI / 180 - Math.Atan2(outVector.Y, outVector.X);
          double shift = msize.Height * 0.5 * Math.Abs(Math.Sin(alpha)) + (msize.Width + _font.SizeInPoints / 2) * 0.5 * Math.Abs(Math.Cos(alpha));
          morg.X += (float)(outVector.X * shift);
          morg.Y += (float)(outVector.Y * shift);
          morg.X += (float)(outVector.X * _font.SizeInPoints/3);

        RectangleF mrect = new RectangleF(morg,msize);
          AdjustRectangle(ref mrect, StringAlignment.Center, StringAlignment.Center);
          AdjustRectangle(ref mrect, _horizontalAlignment, _verticalAlignment);

        math.Translate((float)morg.X, (float)morg.Y);
        if (this._rotation != 0)
        math.Translate((float)(mrect.X - morg.X + emSize * _xOffset), (float)(mrect.Y - morg.Y + emSize * _yOffset));

        System.Drawing.Drawing2D.GraphicsState gs = g.Save();

          _backgroundStyle.Draw(g,new RectangleF(PointF.Empty,msize));

        _brush.Rectangle = new RectangleF(PointF.Empty, msize);      
        labels[i].Draw(g,_brush,new PointF(0,0));
        g.Restore(gs); // Restore the graphics state

        helperPath.AddRectangle(new RectangleF(PointF.Empty, msize));



Example #51
 void CopyFrom(AxisStyle from)
   this._styleID = from._styleID.Clone();
   this._cachedAxisInfo = from._cachedAxisInfo;
Example #52
		public CSAxisInformation GetAxisStyleInformation(CSLineID styleID)
			if (_axisStyleInformation == null || _axisStyleInformation.Count == 0)

			// search for the same axis first, then for the style with the nearest logical value
			double minDistance = double.MaxValue;
			CSAxisInformation nearestInfo = null;

			if (!styleID.UsePhysicalValueOtherFirst)
				foreach (CSAxisInformation info in this._axisStyleInformation)
					if (styleID.ParallelAxisNumber == info.Identifier.ParallelAxisNumber)
						if (styleID == info.Identifier)
							minDistance = 0;
							nearestInfo = info;

						double dist = Math.Abs(styleID.LogicalValueOtherFirst - info.Identifier.LogicalValueOtherFirst);
						if (styleID.Is3DIdentifier && info.Identifier.Is3DIdentifier)
							dist += Math.Abs(styleID.LogicalValueOtherSecond - info.Identifier.LogicalValueOtherSecond);

						if (dist < minDistance)
							minDistance = dist;
							nearestInfo = info;
							if (0 == minDistance)
								break; // it can not be smaller than 0

			CSAxisInformation result = new CSAxisInformation(styleID);
			if (nearestInfo == null)
				result = CSAxisInformation.NewWithDefaultValues(styleID);
				result = nearestInfo.WithIdentifier(styleID);

				if (minDistance != 0)
					result = result.WithNameOfAxisStyle(result.NameOfAxisStyle + string.Format(" ({0}% offs.)", minDistance * 100));

			result = result.WithNamesForFirstUpAndDownSides(
				GetAxisSideName(result.Identifier, CSAxisSide.FirstUp),
				GetAxisSideName(result.Identifier, CSAxisSide.FirstDown));
			if (Is3D)
				result = result.WithNamesForSecondUpAndDownSides(
					GetAxisSideName(result.Identifier, CSAxisSide.SecondUp),
					GetAxisSideName(result.Identifier, CSAxisSide.SecondDown));

			return result;
Example #53
		public bool CopyFrom(object obj)
			var from = obj as AxisStyle;
			if (null == from)
				return false;

			if (!object.ReferenceEquals(this, from))
				this._styleID = from._styleID; // immutable
				this._cachedAxisInfo = from._cachedAxisInfo; // attention - have to appear _before_ CopyWithoutIdFrom, since the _cachedAxisInfo is used when cloning AxisLineStyle!
			return true;
		/// <summary>Gets the name of the axis side.</summary>
		/// <param name="id">The axis identifier.</param>
		/// <param name="side">The axis side.</param>
		/// <returns>The name of the axis side for the axis line given by the identifier.</returns>
		public override string GetAxisSideName(CSLineID id, CSAxisSide side)
			return _axisNamesNormal[id.ParallelAxisNumber, (int)side];
Example #55
		public AxisStyle(CSLineID id, bool isAxisLineEnabled, bool areMajorTicksEnabled, bool areMinorTicksEnabled, string axisTitleOrNull, Altaxo.Main.Properties.IReadOnlyPropertyBag context)
			_styleID = id;

			if (isAxisLineEnabled)

			if (areMajorTicksEnabled)

			if (areMinorTicksEnabled)

			if (null != axisTitleOrNull)
				_axisTitle.Text = axisTitleOrNull;
    public CSAxisInformation GetAxisStyleInformation(CSLineID styleID)
      if (_axisStyleInformation == null || _axisStyleInformation.Count == 0)

      // search for the same axis first, then for the style with the nearest logical value
      double minDistance = double.MaxValue;
      CSAxisInformation nearestInfo = null;

      foreach (CSAxisInformation info in this._axisStyleInformation)
        if (styleID.ParallelAxisNumber == info.Identifier.ParallelAxisNumber)
          if (styleID == info.Identifier)
            minDistance = 0;
            nearestInfo = info;

          double dist = Math.Abs(styleID.LogicalValueOtherFirst - info.Identifier.LogicalValueOtherFirst);
          if(styleID.Is3DIdentifier && info.Identifier.Is3DIdentifier)
            dist += Math.Abs(styleID.LogicalValueOtherSecond - info.Identifier.LogicalValueOtherSecond);

          if (dist < minDistance)
            minDistance = dist;
            nearestInfo = info;
            if (0 == minDistance)
              break; // it can not be smaller than 0


      CSAxisInformation result = new CSAxisInformation(styleID);
      if (nearestInfo == null)
          result.NameOfAxisStyle += string.Format(" ({0}% offs.)",minDistance*100);


      return result;
Example #57
		public void FixupInternalDataStructures(IPlotArea layer, Func<CSLineID, CSAxisInformation> GetAxisStyleInformation)
			// update the logical values of the physical axes before
			if (_styleID.UsePhysicalValueOtherFirst)
				// then update the logical value of this identifier
				double logicalValue = layer.Scales[_styleID.AxisNumberOtherFirst].PhysicalVariantToNormal(_styleID.PhysicalValueOtherFirst);
				_styleID = _styleID.WithLogicalValueOtherFirst(logicalValue);
			if (_styleID.UsePhysicalValueOtherSecond)
				// then update the logical value of this identifier
				double logicalValue = layer.Scales[_styleID.AxisNumberOtherSecond].PhysicalVariantToNormal(_styleID.PhysicalValueOtherSecond);
				_styleID = _styleID.WithLogicalValueOtherSecond(logicalValue);

			CachedAxisInformation = GetAxisStyleInformation(_styleID);

			if (null != _customTickSpacing)
				CSLineID styleID = _cachedAxisInfo.Identifier;
				Scale scale = layer.Scales[styleID.ParallelAxisNumber];
				Altaxo.Data.AltaxoVariant org = scale.OrgAsVariant, end = scale.EndAsVariant;
				_customTickSpacing.PreProcessScaleBoundaries(ref org, ref end, false, false);
				_customTickSpacing.FinalProcessScaleBoundaries(org, end, scale);

			if (null != _axisTitle)
				_axisTitle.SetParentSize(layer.Size, false);
Example #58
 private string GetAxisTitleString(CSLineID id)
   return _axisStyles[id] != null && _axisStyles[id].Title != null ? _axisStyles[id].Title.Text : null;
Example #59
		/// <summary>
		/// Get a line along the axis designated by the argument id from the logical values r0 to r1.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="g">Graphics context.</param>
		/// <param name="pen">The pen required to draw the line.</param>
		/// <param name="id">Axis to draw the isoline along.</param>
		/// <param name="r0">Start point of the isoline. The logical value of the other coordinate.</param>
		/// <param name="r1">End point of the isoline. The logical value of the other coordinate.</param>
		public virtual void DrawIsolineFromTo(Graphics g, Pen pen, CSLineID id, double r0, double r1)
			if (id.ParallelAxisNumber == 0)
				DrawIsoline(g, pen, new Logical3D(r0, id.LogicalValueOtherFirst, id.LogicalValueOtherSecond), new Logical3D(r1, id.LogicalValueOtherFirst, id.LogicalValueOtherSecond));
			else if (id.ParallelAxisNumber == 1)
				DrawIsoline(g, pen, new Logical3D(id.LogicalValueOtherFirst, r0, id.LogicalValueOtherSecond), new Logical3D(id.LogicalValueOtherFirst, r1, id.LogicalValueOtherSecond));
				DrawIsoline(g, pen, new Logical3D(id.LogicalValueOtherFirst, id.LogicalValueOtherSecond, r0), new Logical3D(id.LogicalValueOtherFirst, id.LogicalValueOtherSecond, r1));
		/// <summary>Gets the name of the axis side.</summary>
		/// <param name="id">The axis identifier.</param>
		/// <param name="side">The axis side.</param>
		/// <returns>The name of the axis side for the axis line given by the identifier.</returns>
		public override string GetAxisSideName(CSLineID id, CSAxisSide side)
			bool isHorizontal = id.ParallelAxisNumber == 0 ^ _isXYInterchanged;
			bool isOuterLine = (id.LogicalValueOtherFirst == 0 || id.LogicalValueOtherFirst == 1);

			if (isOuterLine)
				bool isPointingOutwards = (id.LogicalValueOtherFirst == 0 && side == CSAxisSide.FirstDown) || (id.LogicalValueOtherFirst == 1 && side == CSAxisSide.FirstUp);
				return _axisSideNamesOuterLines[isHorizontal ? 0 : 1, isPointingOutwards ? 0 : 1];
				bool isRight = ((id.ParallelAxisNumber == 0 && _isYreverse) || (id.ParallelAxisNumber == 1 && _isXreverse)) ^ (side == CSAxisSide.FirstUp);
				return _axisSideNamesNormal[isHorizontal ? 0 : 1, isRight ? 0 : 1];