Example #1
 public static CarveMesh PerformCSG(CarveMesh MeshA, CarveMesh MeshB, CSGOperations operation)
     return(PerformCSG(MeshA.Vertices, MeshA.FaceIndices, MeshA.FaceSizes,
                       MeshB.Vertices, MeshB.FaceIndices, MeshB.FaceSizes, operation));
Example #2
        public static CarveMesh PerformCSG(double[] firstVerts, int[] firstFaceIndices, int[] firstFaceSizes,
                                           double[] secondVerts, int[] secondFaceIndices, int[] secondFaceSizes,
                                           CSGOperations operation)
            CarveMesh finalResult = null;

                InteropMesh a = new InteropMesh();
                InteropMesh b = new InteropMesh();

                InteropMesh *result;

                fixed(double *aVerts = &firstVerts[0], bVerts = &secondVerts[0])
                    fixed(int *aFaces = &firstFaceIndices[0], bFaces = &secondFaceIndices[0])
                        fixed(int *aFSizes = &firstFaceSizes[0], bFSizes = &secondFaceSizes[0])
                            a.numVertices    = firstVerts.Length;
                            a.numFaceIndices = firstFaceIndices.Length;
                            a.vertices       = aVerts;
                            a.faceIndices    = aFaces;
                            a.faceSizes      = aFSizes;
                            a.numFaces       = firstFaceSizes.Length;

                            b.numVertices    = secondVerts.Length;
                            b.numFaceIndices = secondFaceIndices.Length;
                            b.vertices       = bVerts;
                            b.faceIndices    = bFaces;
                            b.faceSizes      = bFSizes;
                            b.numFaces       = secondFaceSizes.Length;

                                result = performCSG(&a, &b, operation);

                            catch (SEHException ex)
                                ArgumentException e = new ArgumentException("Carve has thrown an error. Possible reason is corrupt or self-intersecting meshes", ex);
                                throw e;

                if (result->numVertices == 0)

                finalResult = new CarveMesh();

                finalResult.Vertices    = new double[result->numVertices];
                finalResult.FaceIndices = new int[result->numFaceIndices];
                finalResult.FaceSizes   = new int[result->numFaces];

                if (result->numVertices > 0)
                    Parallel.For(0, finalResult.Vertices.Length, i =>
                        finalResult.Vertices[i] = result->vertices[i];

                if (result->numFaceIndices > 0)
                    Parallel.For(0, finalResult.FaceIndices.Length, i =>
                        finalResult.FaceIndices[i] = result->faceIndices[i];

                if (result->numFaces > 0)
                    Parallel.For(0, finalResult.FaceSizes.Length, i =>
                        finalResult.FaceSizes[i] = result->faceSizes[i];

            }   // end-unsafe

Example #3
 private static unsafe extern InteropMesh *performCSG(InteropMesh *a, InteropMesh *b, CSGOperations op);
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs the specified operation on the provided meshes.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="first">The first mesh</param>
        /// <param name="second">The second mesh</param>
        /// <param name="operation">The mesh opration to perform on the two meshes</param>
        /// <returns>A triangular mesh resulting from performing the specified operation. If the resulting mesh is empty, will return null.</returns>
        public static Mesh3 PerformCSG(Mesh3 first, Mesh3 second, CSGOperations operation)
            Mesh3 finalResult = null;

                InteropMesh a            = new InteropMesh();
                InteropMesh b            = new InteropMesh();
                Vector3[]   aTransformed = first.GetTransformedVertices();
                Vector3[]   bTransformed = second.GetTransformedVertices();

                InteropMesh *result;

                fixed(Vector3 *aVerts = &aTransformed[0], bVerts = &bTransformed[0])
                    fixed(int *aTris = &first.TriangleIndices[0], bTris = &second.TriangleIndices[0])
                        a.vertsArrayLength = first.Vertices.Length * 3;
                        a.triArrayLength   = first.TriangleIndices.Length;
                        a.vertices         = (double *)aVerts;
                        a.triangleIndices  = aTris;

                        b.vertsArrayLength = second.Vertices.Length * 3;
                        b.triArrayLength   = second.TriangleIndices.Length;
                        b.vertices         = (double *)bVerts;
                        b.triangleIndices  = bTris;

                            result = performCSG(ref a, ref b, operation);
                        catch (SEHException ex)
                            ArgumentException e = new ArgumentException("Carve has thrown an error. Possible reason is corrupt or self-intersecting meshes", ex);
                            throw e;

                if (result->vertsArrayLength == 0)

                Vector3[] vertices        = new Vector3[result->vertsArrayLength / 3];
                int[]     triangleIndices = new int[result->triArrayLength];

                // Copy the results back in parallel
                Parallel.For(0, vertices.Length, i =>
                    vertices[i] = new Vector3(result->vertices[3 * i], result->vertices[3 * i + 1], result->vertices[3 * i + 2]);

                Parallel.For(0, triangleIndices.Length, i =>
                    triangleIndices[i] = result->triangleIndices[i];

                // If none of the vertices had colors, return whatever we have
                if (!first.HasColours && !second.HasColours)
                    finalResult = new Mesh3(vertices, triangleIndices);
                else // Assign colors to the resulting mesh
                    uint[] colors   = new uint[vertices.Length];
                    uint   grayCode = 4286611584; // The uint value of the color gray (representing no color)

                    // Assign the default gray to all vertices
                    Parallel.For(0, colors.Length, i =>
                        colors[i] = grayCode;

                    #region Worst practices of parallel coding

                     * The procedure for color matching is creating a map of (vertex=>color) and then
                     * comparing all vertices of the resulting mesh (in parallel) with this map and
                     * assigning colors as necessary
                    if (first.HasColours)
                        ConcurrentDictionary <Vector3, uint> firstMap = new ConcurrentDictionary <Vector3, uint>();

                        // Create vertex to color map
                        Parallel.For(0, aTransformed.Length, i =>
                            firstMap[aTransformed[i]] = first.VertexColours[i];

                        // Assign colors
                        Parallel.For(0, vertices.Length, i =>
                            if (firstMap.ContainsKey(vertices[i]))
                                colors[i] = firstMap[vertices[i]];

                    if (second.HasColours)
                        ConcurrentDictionary <Vector3, uint> secondMap = new ConcurrentDictionary <Vector3, uint>();

                        Parallel.For(0, bTransformed.Length, i =>
                            secondMap[bTransformed[i]] = second.VertexColours[i];

                        Parallel.For(0, vertices.Length, i =>
                            if (secondMap.ContainsKey(vertices[i]))
                                colors[i] = secondMap[vertices[i]];

                    finalResult = new Mesh3(vertices, triangleIndices, colors);
            } // end-unsafe

            Matrix3 transform = first.Transform.Invert();
            finalResult = new Mesh3(finalResult.Vertices.Select(x => transform.Transform(x - first.Position)).ToArray(),
                                    finalResult.TriangleIndices, finalResult.VertexColours);
            finalResult.Position  = first.Position;
            finalResult.Transform = first.Transform;
Example #5
 private static unsafe extern InteropMesh *performCSG(ref InteropMesh a, ref InteropMesh b, CSGOperations op);
Example #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs the specified operation on the provided meshes.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="first">The first mesh</param>
        /// <param name="second">The second mesh</param>
        /// <param name="operation">The mesh opration to perform on the two meshes</param>
        /// <returns>A triangular mesh resulting from performing the specified operation. If the resulting mesh is empty, will return null.</returns>
        public static Tuple <int[], double[]> PerformCSG(int[] t1, int[] t2, double[] v1, double[] v2, CSGOperations operation)
            Tuple <int[], double[]> finalResult = null;

                InteropMesh a = new InteropMesh();
                InteropMesh b = new InteropMesh();

                InteropMesh *result;

                fixed(double *aVerts = &v1[0], bVerts = &v2[0])
                    fixed(int *aTris = &t1[0], bTris = &t2[0])
                        a.vertsArrayLength = v1.Length;
                        a.triArrayLength   = t1.Length;
                        a.vertices         = (double *)aVerts;
                        a.triangleIndices  = aTris;

                        b.vertsArrayLength = v2.Length;
                        b.triArrayLength   = t2.Length;
                        b.vertices         = (double *)bVerts;
                        b.triangleIndices  = bTris;

                    result = performCSG(ref a, ref b, operation);
                catch (SEHException ex)
                    ArgumentException e = new ArgumentException("Carve has thrown an error. Possible reason is corrupt or self-intersecting meshes", ex);

                    throw e;
                if (result->vertsArrayLength == 0)

                double[] vertices        = new double[result->vertsArrayLength];
                int[]    triangleIndices = new int[result->triArrayLength];

                // Copy the results back in parallel
                for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Length; i++)
                    vertices[i] = result->vertices[i];

                for (int i = 0; i < triangleIndices.Length; i++)
                    triangleIndices[i] = result->triangleIndices[i];

                finalResult = Tuple.Create(triangleIndices, vertices);
            }   // end-unsafe
