public TaskManager(RepeatClient client) { this.client = client; this.compiler = new CSCompiler("."); actions = new Dictionary <string, UserDefinedAction>(); emptyAction = new EmptyAction(""); }
public void Compile_with_errors() { var csSource = new Sourcecode { Filename = "program_with_errors.cs", Text = @"using System public class Program { public static void Main(string[] args) { #region main var answer == 42 Console.WriteLine(answer); #endregion } } ".Split('\n') };[] result = null; CSCompiler.Compile(csSource, null, errors => result = errors.ToArray()); foreach (var err in result) { Console.WriteLine($"{err.Filename}-{err.LineNumber},{err.ColumnNumber}: {err.Description}"); } Assert.AreEqual(2, result.Length); Assert.AreEqual(2, result[0].LineNumber); Assert.AreEqual(5, result[1].LineNumber); }
// Functionality methods private void TestMet1() { if (structureViever.SelectedNode == null) { return; } TypeDefinition TypDef = structureViever.SelectedNode.Tag as TypeDefinition; if (TypDef == null) { return; } string test = @"using System.Windows.Forms; namespace DefNamSp { public class DefClass { public void DefFunc() { MessageBox.Show(""Message Successfuly Injected""); } } }" ; CSCompiler csc = new CSCompiler(dataStruct.AssemblyDefinition); csc.Code = test; MethodDefinition md = csc.GetMethodDefinition(string.Empty, string.Empty); if (md == null) { return; } TypeDefinition tdret = (TypeDefinition)dataStruct.ILNodeManager.FindMemberByPath("-.System.Void"); if (tdret == null) { return; } MethodDefinition md2 = new MethodDefinition("blub", MethodAttributes.Public, tdret); TypDef.Methods.Add(md2); CecilHelper.CloneMethodBody(md, md2); using (SaveFileDialog saveFileDialog = new SaveFileDialog { Title = "Save to :", Filter = "Executables | *.exe;*.dll" }) { if (saveFileDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { dataStruct.AssemblyDefinition.MainModule.Runtime = TargetRuntime.Net_4_0; dataStruct.AssemblyDefinition.Write(saveFileDialog.FileName); MessageBox.Show("Message Successfuly Injected"); } } }
private void ExecuteOnce() { var csSource = Transpile(_cmd.SourceFilename); _reEval = new ResultEvaluation(csSource, _resultLog); CSCompiler.Compile(csSource, onSuccess: Run, onFailure: _reEval.HandleCompilerErrors ); }
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int error = 0; string message = string.Empty; var cpr = CSCompiler.Compile(textBox1.Text, "aaa.dll", out error, out message); if (error != 0) { textBox2.Text = message; } object obj1 = CSCompiler.CreateObject(cpr, "WpfApplication1.NS", null, 0); //object obj2 = CSCompiler.CreateObject(cpr, "test.CTObservableCollection", null, 0); }
protected override void LoadContent() { _spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice); var cs = new ComputeShader(GraphicsDevice, CSCompiler.Compile("sample.compute")); var surface = new ComputeTexture2D(GraphicsDevice, 1024, 1024, false, SurfaceFormat.Color); cs.SetRWTexture(0, surface); cs.Dispatch("Main", 32, 32, 1); surface.Texture.SaveAsJpeg(File.Create("file.jpg"), 1024, 1024); cs.Dispatch("Main2", 32, 32, 1); surface.Texture.SaveAsJpeg(File.Create("file1.jpg"), 1024, 1024); // TODO: use this.Content to load your game content here }
internal ScriptSession(String applicationType, Boolean personalizedSettings, String contextWebsite = "website", Boolean onlyBuild = false) { ApplicationType = applicationType; this.Output = new OutputBuffer(); this.OnlyBuildCode = onlyBuild; this.ContextWebsite = contextWebsite; this.compiler = new CSCompiler(); //TODO: Implement settings if (!initialized) { Initialize(); } }
private void TypeCompiler_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string compileVar = CapsuleVarNamespaces + CapsuleVarStart + txtTypeCompile.Text + CapsuleVarEnd; if (cSCompiler == null) { cSCompiler = new CSCompiler(dataStruct.AssemblyDefinition); } cSCompiler.Code = compileVar; MethodDefinition methodDefiniton = cSCompiler.GetMethodDefinition("B", "C"); if (methodDefiniton == null) { return; } SetTypeReference(methodDefiniton.ReturnType); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string message = string.Empty; int errorcode = CSCompiler.Compile(textBox1.Text, "test.dll", out message); if (errorcode != 0) { textBox2.Text = message; } //object obj1 = CSScript.CSScript.CreateObject("test.dll", "test.testdata", null); //object obj2 = CSScript.CSScript.CreateObject("test.dll", "test.CTObservableCollection", null); //string message = string.Empty; int error = 0; object obj = CSCompiler.Compile(textBox1.Text, "test.testdata", null, out error, out message); if (errorcode != 0) { textBox2.Text = message; } }
public void Compile_no_errors() { var csSource = new Sourcecode { Filename = "program_no_errors.cs", Text = @"using System; public class Program { public static void Main(string[] args) { #region main var answer = 42; Console.WriteLine(answer); #endregion } } ".Split('\n') }; Executable result = null; CSCompiler.Compile(csSource, exe => result = exe, errors => { foreach (var err in errors) { Console.WriteLine($"{err.Filename} - {err.LineNumber},{err.ColumnNumber}: {err.Description}"); } Assert.Fail("There should not be any errors!"); }); Assert.NotNull(result); var output = ConsoleOutput.Capture(() => result.Main()); Assert.AreEqual("42", output.Trim()); }