Example #1
        public AxisStyle(CSAxisInformation info, bool isAxisLineEnabled, bool areMajorTicksEnabled, bool areMinorTicksEnabled, string axisTitleOrNull, Altaxo.Main.Properties.IReadOnlyPropertyBag context)
            _styleID = info.Identifier;

            if (isAxisLineEnabled)
                ShowAxisLine(info.HasTicksByDefault, info.PreferredTickSide, context);

            if (info.HasLabelsByDefault)
                ShowMajorLabels(info.PreferredLabelSide, context);

            if (info.HasLabelsByDefault && areMinorTicksEnabled)
                ShowMinorLabels(info.PreferredLabelSide, context);

            if (null != axisTitleOrNull)
                _axisTitle.Text = axisTitleOrNull;
        private void SetCoordinateSystemDependentObjects(CSLineID id)
            // Scales
            _listOfScales = new SelectableListNodeList
                new SelectableListNode("Z-Scale", 0, false)

            // Axes
            // collect the AxisStyleIdentifier from the actual layer and also all possible AxisStyleIdentifier
            _axisControl = new Dictionary <CSLineID, AxisStyleControllerConditionalGlue>();
            _listOfAxes  = new SelectableListNodeList();
            foreach (CSLineID ids in _doc.CoordinateSystem.GetJoinedAxisStyleIdentifier(_doc.AxisStyles.AxisStyleIDs, new CSLineID[] { id }))
                CSAxisInformation info = _doc.CoordinateSystem.GetAxisStyleInformation(ids);
                var axisInfo           = new AxisStyleControllerConditionalGlue(info, _doc.AxisStyles);
                _axisControl.Add(info.Identifier, axisInfo);
                _listOfAxes.Add(new SelectableListNode(info.NameOfAxisStyle, info.Identifier, false));

            // Planes
            _listOfPlanes   = new SelectableListNodeList();
            _currentPlaneID = CSPlaneID.Front;
            _listOfPlanes.Add(new SelectableListNode("Front", _currentPlaneID, true));
Example #3
        private IList <CSAxisInformation> GetAxisStyleInformations()
            var axisStyleInformations = new List <CSAxisInformation>();

            for (int axisnumber = 0; axisnumber <= 2; ++axisnumber)
                for (int firstother = 0; firstother <= 1; ++firstother)
                    for (int secondother = 0; secondother <= 1; ++secondother)
                        var lineId = new CSLineID(axisnumber, firstother, secondother);
                        var item   = new CSAxisInformation(
                            Identifier: lineId,
                            NameOfAxisStyle: GetAxisLineName(lineId),
                            NameOfFirstDownSide: GetAxisSideName(lineId, CSAxisSide.FirstDown),
                            NameOfFirstUpSide: GetAxisSideName(lineId, CSAxisSide.FirstUp),
                            NameOfSecondDownSide: GetAxisSideName(lineId, CSAxisSide.SecondDown),
                            NameOfSecondUpSide: GetAxisSideName(lineId, CSAxisSide.SecondUp),
                            PreferredLabelSide: GetPreferredLabelSide(lineId),
                            PreferredTickSide: GetPreferredLabelSide(lineId),
                            IsShownByDefault: true, // lineId.LogicalValueOtherFirst :: 0 && lineId.LogicalValueOtherSecond :: 0.
                            HasTicksByDefault: true,
                            HasLabelsByDefault: GetHasLabelsByDefault(lineId),
                            HasTitleByDefault: GetHasLabelsByDefault(lineId));


Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Copy operation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj">The AxisStyle to copy from</param>
        public bool CopyFrom(object obj)
            if (object.ReferenceEquals(this, obj))

            var from = obj as AxisLineStyle;

            if (null == from)

            using (var suspendToken = SuspendGetToken())
                ChildCopyToMember(ref _axisPen, from._axisPen);
                _axisPosition            = from._axisPosition;
                _showFirstDownMajorTicks = from._showFirstDownMajorTicks;
                _showFirstDownMinorTicks = from._showFirstDownMinorTicks;
                _showFirstUpMajorTicks   = from._showFirstUpMajorTicks;
                _showFirstUpMinorTicks   = from._showFirstUpMinorTicks;
                _majorTickLength         = from._majorTickLength;
                ChildCopyToMember(ref _majorTickPen, from._majorTickPen);
                _minorTickLength = from._minorTickLength;
                ChildCopyToMember(ref _minorTickPen, from._minorTickPen);

                _cachedAxisStyleInfo = from._cachedAxisStyleInfo;


Example #5
        public CSAxisInformation GetAxisStyleInformation(CSLineID styleID)
            if (_axisStyleInformation == null || _axisStyleInformation.Count == 0)

            // search for the same axis first, then for the style with the nearest logical value
            double            minDistance = double.MaxValue;
            CSAxisInformation nearestInfo = null;

            foreach (CSAxisInformation info in this._axisStyleInformation)
                if (styleID.ParallelAxisNumber == info.Identifier.ParallelAxisNumber)
                    if (styleID == info.Identifier)
                        minDistance = 0;
                        nearestInfo = info;

                    double dist = Math.Abs(styleID.LogicalValueOtherFirst - info.Identifier.LogicalValueOtherFirst);
                    if (styleID.Is3DIdentifier && info.Identifier.Is3DIdentifier)
                        dist += Math.Abs(styleID.LogicalValueOtherSecond - info.Identifier.LogicalValueOtherSecond);

                    if (dist < minDistance)
                        minDistance = dist;
                        nearestInfo = info;
                        if (0 == minDistance)
                            break; // it can not be smaller than 0

            CSAxisInformation result = new CSAxisInformation(styleID);

            if (nearestInfo == null)
                if (minDistance != 0)
                    result.NameOfAxisStyle += string.Format(" ({0}% offs.)", minDistance * 100);

Example #6
        public CSPlaneInformation GetPlaneInformation(CSPlaneID planeID)
            CSLineID          lineID   = (CSLineID)planeID;
            CSAxisInformation lineInfo = GetAxisStyleInformation(lineID);

            CSPlaneInformation result = new CSPlaneInformation(planeID);

            result.Name = lineInfo.NameOfAxisStyle;
Example #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the axis style with ShowAxisLine = true and ShowMajorLabels = true
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="info">The axis information.</param>
        /// <param name="context">Property context used to determine default values, e.g. for the pen width or symbol size.</param>
        /// <returns>The newly created axis style, if it was not in the collection before. Returns the unchanged axis style, if it was present already in the collection.</returns>
        public AxisStyle CreateDefault(CSAxisInformation info, IReadOnlyPropertyBag context)
            AxisStyle prop = this[info.Identifier];

            if (prop == null)
                prop = new AxisStyle(info, true, info.HasTicksByDefault, false, null, context)
                    CachedAxisInformation = _cachedCoordinateSystem.GetAxisStyleInformation(info.Identifier)
Example #8
        public bool CopyFrom(object obj)
            var from = obj as AxisStyle;

            if (null == from)

            if (!object.ReferenceEquals(this, from))
                _styleID        = from._styleID;        // immutable
                _cachedAxisInfo = from._cachedAxisInfo; // attention - have to appear _before_ CopyWithoutIdFrom, since the _cachedAxisInfo is used when cloning AxisLineStyle!
Example #9
        void SetCoordinateSystemDependentObjects(CSLineID id)
            // collect the AxisStyleIdentifier from the actual layer and also all possible AxisStyleIdentifier
            _axisStyleIds = new Dictionary <CSLineID, CSAxisInformation>();
            _axisStyleInfoSortedByName = new List <CSAxisInformation>();
            foreach (CSLineID ids in _doc.CoordinateSystem.GetJoinedAxisStyleIdentifier(_doc.AxisStyles.AxisStyleIDs, new CSLineID[] { id }))
                CSAxisInformation info = _doc.CoordinateSystem.GetAxisStyleInformation(ids);
                _axisStyleIds.Add(info.Identifier, info);

            _planeIdentifier = new List <CSPlaneID>();

            _axisScaleController   = new AxisScaleController[2];
            _GridStyleController   = new Dictionary <CSPlaneID, IMVCANController>();
            _TitleFormatController = new Dictionary <CSLineID, IMVCANController>();
            _MajorLabelController  = new Dictionary <CSLineID, IMVCANController>();
            _MinorLabelController  = new Dictionary <CSLineID, IMVCANController>();

            _enableAxisStyle   = new Dictionary <CSLineID, bool>();
            _enableMajorLabels = new Dictionary <CSLineID, bool>();
            _enableMinorLabels = new Dictionary <CSLineID, bool>();
            foreach (CSLineID ident in _axisStyleIds.Keys)
                AxisStyle prop = _doc.AxisStyles[ident];
                if (prop == null)
                    _enableAxisStyle.Add(ident, false);
                    _enableMajorLabels.Add(ident, false);
                    _enableMinorLabels.Add(ident, false);
                    _enableAxisStyle.Add(ident, true);
                    _enableMajorLabels.Add(ident, prop.ShowMajorLabels);
                    _enableMinorLabels.Add(ident, prop.ShowMinorLabels);
Example #10
        private void SetCoordinateSystemDependentObjects(CSLineID id)
            // Scales
            _axisScaleController = new ScaleWithTicksController[_doc.Scales.Count];
            _listOfScales        = new SelectableListNodeList();
            if (_doc.Scales.Count > 0)
                _listOfScales.Add(new SelectableListNode("X-Scale", 0, false));
            if (_doc.Scales.Count > 1)
                _listOfScales.Add(new SelectableListNode("Y-Scale", 1, false));
            if (_doc.Scales.Count > 2)
                _listOfScales.Add(new SelectableListNode("Z-Scale", 2, false));

            // collect the AxisStyleIdentifier from the actual layer and also all possible AxisStyleIdentifier
            _axisControl = new Dictionary <CSLineID, AxisStyleControllerConditionalGlue>();
            _listOfAxes  = new SelectableListNodeList();
            foreach (CSLineID ids in _doc.CoordinateSystem.GetJoinedAxisStyleIdentifier(_doc.AxisStyles.AxisStyleIDs, new CSLineID[] { id }))
                CSAxisInformation info = _doc.CoordinateSystem.GetAxisStyleInformation(ids);

                var axisInfo = new AxisStyleControllerConditionalGlue(info, _doc.AxisStyles);
                _axisControl.Add(info.Identifier, axisInfo);
                _listOfAxes.Add(new SelectableListNode(info.NameOfAxisStyle, info.Identifier, false));

            // Planes
            _listOfPlanes   = new SelectableListNodeList();
            _currentPlaneID = CSPlaneID.Back3D;
            _listOfPlanes.Add(new SelectableListNode("Left", CSPlaneID.Left3D, true));
            _listOfPlanes.Add(new SelectableListNode("Front", CSPlaneID.Front3D, true));
            _listOfPlanes.Add(new SelectableListNode("Right", CSPlaneID.Right3D, true));
            _listOfPlanes.Add(new SelectableListNode("Back", CSPlaneID.Back3D, true));
            _listOfPlanes.Add(new SelectableListNode("Top", CSPlaneID.Top3D, true));
            _listOfPlanes.Add(new SelectableListNode("Bottom", CSPlaneID.Bottom3D, true));

            _GridStyleController = new Dictionary <CSPlaneID, IMVCANController>();
Example #11
        public void Paint(Graphics g, XYPlotLayer layer)
            // update the logical values of the physical axes before
            if (_styleID.UsePhysicalValueOtherFirst)
                // then update the logical value of this identifier
                double logicalValue = layer.Scales(_styleID.AxisNumberOtherFirst).PhysicalVariantToNormal(_styleID.PhysicalValueOtherFirst);
                _styleID.LogicalValueOtherFirst = logicalValue;
            if (_styleID.UsePhysicalValueOtherSecond)
                // then update the logical value of this identifier
                double logicalValue = layer.Scales(_styleID.AxisNumberOtherSecond).PhysicalVariantToNormal(_styleID.PhysicalValueOtherSecond);
                _styleID.LogicalValueOtherSecond = logicalValue;

            int axisnumber = _styleID.ParallelAxisNumber;
            CSAxisInformation styleinfo = layer.CoordinateSystem.GetAxisStyleInformation(_styleID);

            _cachedAxisInfo = styleinfo;

            if (ShowAxisLine)
                _axisLineStyle.Paint(g, layer, styleinfo);
            if (ShowMajorLabels)
                this._majorLabelStyle.Paint(g, layer, styleinfo, _axisLineStyle, false);
            if (ShowMinorLabels)
                this._minorLabelStyle.Paint(g, layer, styleinfo, _axisLineStyle, true);
            if (ShowTitle)
                _axisTitle.Paint(g, layer);
Example #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Copy operation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="from">The AxisStyle to copy from</param>
        public void CopyFrom(AxisLineStyle from)
            if (_axisPen != null)

            this._axisPen                 = null == from._axisPen ? null : (PenX)from._axisPen.Clone();
            this._axisPosition            = from._axisPosition;
            this._showFirstDownMajorTicks = from._showFirstDownMajorTicks;
            this._showFirstDownMinorTicks = from._showFirstDownMinorTicks;
            this._showFirstUpMajorTicks   = from._showFirstUpMajorTicks;
            this._showFirstUpMinorTicks   = from._showFirstUpMinorTicks;
            this._majorTickLength         = from._majorTickLength;
            this._majorTickPen            = null == from._majorTickPen ? null : (PenX)from._majorTickPen;
            this._minorTickLength         = from._minorTickLength;
            this._minorTickPen            = (null == from._minorTickPen) ? null : (PenX)from._minorTickPen;

            this._cachedAxisStyleInfo = from._cachedAxisStyleInfo;
            this._parent = from._parent;

            // Rewire the event chain
 /// <summary>
 /// Abstract paint function for the AbstractXYAxisLabelStyle.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="g">The graphics context.</param>
 /// <param name="layer">The layer the lables belongs to.</param>
 /// <param name="styleInfo">The information which identifies the axis styles.</param>
 /// <param name="axisstyle">The axis style the axis is formatted with.</param>
 /// <param name="useMinorTicks">If true, the minor ticks where used instead of the (default) major ticks.</param>
 public abstract void Paint(Graphics g, XYPlotLayer layer, CSAxisInformation styleInfo, AxisLineStyle axisstyle, bool useMinorTicks);
Example #14
		protected override void UpdateAxisInfo()
			int horzAx;
			int vertAx;
			bool vertRev;
			bool horzRev;

			if (_isXYInterchanged)
				horzAx = 1;
				vertAx = 0;
				vertRev = _isXreverse;
				horzRev = _isYreverse;
				horzAx = 0;
				vertAx = 1;
				vertRev = _isYreverse;
				horzRev = _isXreverse;

			if (null != _axisStyleInformation)
				_axisStyleInformation = new List<CSAxisInformation>();

			CSAxisInformation info;

			// Right
			info = new CSAxisInformation(
				Identifier: new CSLineID(vertAx, 0),
			NameOfAxisStyle: "RightDirection",
			NameOfFirstUpSide: horzRev ? "Below" : "Above",
			NameOfFirstDownSide: horzRev ? "Above" : "Below",
			PreferredLabelSide: horzRev ? CSAxisSide.FirstUp : CSAxisSide.FirstDown,
			IsShownByDefault: true,
			HasTitleByDefault: true);

			// Left
			info = new CSAxisInformation(
				Identifier: new CSLineID(vertAx, 0.5),
			NameOfAxisStyle: "LeftDirection",
			NameOfFirstUpSide: horzRev ? "Above" : "Below",
			NameOfFirstDownSide: horzRev ? "Below" : "Above",
			PreferredLabelSide: horzRev ? CSAxisSide.FirstDown : CSAxisSide.FirstUp);

			// Top
			info = new CSAxisInformation(
				Identifier: new CSLineID(vertAx, horzRev ? 0.75 : 0.25),
			NameOfAxisStyle: "TopDirection",
			NameOfFirstUpSide: horzRev ? "Right" : "Left",
			NameOfFirstDownSide: horzRev ? "Left" : "Right",
			PreferredLabelSide: horzRev ? CSAxisSide.FirstDown : CSAxisSide.FirstUp);

			// Bottom
			info = new CSAxisInformation(
				Identifier: new CSLineID(vertAx, horzRev ? 0.25 : 0.75),
			NameOfAxisStyle: "BottomDirection",
			NameOfFirstUpSide: horzRev ? "Left" : "Right",
			NameOfFirstDownSide: horzRev ? "Right" : "Left",
			PreferredLabelSide: horzRev ? CSAxisSide.FirstUp : CSAxisSide.FirstDown);

			// Outer circle
			info = new CSAxisInformation(
				Identifier: new CSLineID(horzAx, vertRev ? 0 : 1),
			NameOfAxisStyle: "OuterCircle",
			NameOfFirstDownSide: vertRev ? "Outer" : "Inner",
			NameOfFirstUpSide: vertRev ? "Inner" : "Outer",
			PreferredLabelSide: vertRev ? CSAxisSide.FirstDown : CSAxisSide.FirstUp,
			IsShownByDefault: true,
			HasTitleByDefault: true);

			// Inner circle
			info = new CSAxisInformation(
				Identifier: new CSLineID(horzAx, vertRev ? 1 : 0),
			NameOfAxisStyle: "Inner circle",
			NameOfFirstDownSide: vertRev ? "Inner" : "Outer",
			NameOfFirstUpSide: vertRev ? "Outer" : "Inner",
			PreferredLabelSide: vertRev ? CSAxisSide.FirstUp : CSAxisSide.FirstDown);
Example #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Paints the axis style labels.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="g">Graphics environment.</param>
        /// <param name="coordSyst">The coordinate system. Used to get the path along the axis.</param>
        /// <param name="scale">Scale.</param>
        /// <param name="tickSpacing">If not <c>null</c>, this parameter provides a custom tick spacing that is used instead of the default tick spacing of the scale.</param>
        /// <param name="styleInfo">Information about begin of axis, end of axis.</param>
        /// <param name="outerDistance">Distance between axis and labels.</param>
        /// <param name="useMinorTicks">If true, minor ticks are shown.</param>
        public virtual void Paint(Graphics g, G2DCoordinateSystem coordSyst, Scale scale, TickSpacing tickSpacing, CSAxisInformation styleInfo, double outerDistance, bool useMinorTicks)
            _cachedAxisStyleInfo = styleInfo;
            CSLineID    styleID = styleInfo.Identifier;
            Scale       raxis   = scale;
            TickSpacing ticking = tickSpacing;

            _enclosingPath.FillMode = FillMode.Winding; // with Winding also overlapping rectangles are selected
            var helperPath = new GraphicsPath();
            var math       = new Matrix();

            Logical3D r0 = styleID.GetLogicalPoint(styleInfo.LogicalValueAxisOrg);
            Logical3D r1 = styleID.GetLogicalPoint(styleInfo.LogicalValueAxisEnd);

            Logical3D outer;
            var       dist_x = outerDistance; // Distance from axis tick point to label
            var       dist_y = outerDistance; // y distance from axis tick point to label

            // dist_x += this._font.SizeInPoints/3; // add some space to the horizontal direction in order to separate the chars a little from the ticks

            // next statement is necessary to have a consistent string length both
            // on 0 degree rotated text and rotated text
            // without this statement, the text is fitted to the pixel grid, which
            // leads to "steps" during scaling
            g.TextRenderingHint = System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.AntiAlias;

            double[]        relpositions;
            AltaxoVariant[] ticks;
            if (useMinorTicks)
                relpositions = ticking.GetMinorTicksNormal(raxis);
                ticks        = ticking.GetMinorTicksAsVariant();
                relpositions = ticking.GetMajorTicksNormal(raxis);
                ticks        = ticking.GetMajorTicksAsVariant();

            if (!_suppressedLabels.IsEmpty)
                var filteredTicks        = new List <AltaxoVariant>();
                var filteredRelPositions = new List <double>();

                for (int i = 0; i < ticks.Length; i++)
                    if (_suppressedLabels.ByValues.Contains(ticks[i]))
                    if (_suppressedLabels.ByNumbers.Contains(i))
                    if (_suppressedLabels.ByNumbers.Contains(i - ticks.Length))

                ticks        = filteredTicks.ToArray();
                relpositions = filteredRelPositions.ToArray();

            IMeasuredLabelItem[] labels = _labelFormatting.GetMeasuredItems(g, _font, _stringFormat, ticks);

            double     emSize    = _font.Size;
            CSAxisSide labelSide = null != _labelSide ? _labelSide.Value : styleInfo.PreferredLabelSide;

            for (int i = 0; i < ticks.Length; i++)
                double r = relpositions[i];

                if (!Altaxo.Calc.RMath.IsInIntervalCC(r, -1000, 1000))

                outer = coordSyst.GetLogicalDirection(styleID.ParallelAxisNumber, labelSide);
                PointD2D tickorg = coordSyst.GetNormalizedDirection(r0, r1, r, outer, out var outVector);
                PointD2D tickend = tickorg + outVector * outerDistance;

                PointD2D msize = labels[i].Size;
                PointD2D morg  = tickend;

                if (_automaticRotationShift)
                    double alpha = _rotation * Math.PI / 180 - Math.Atan2(outVector.Y, outVector.X);
                    double shift = msize.Y * 0.5 * Math.Abs(Math.Sin(alpha)) + (msize.X + _font.Size / 2) * 0.5 * Math.Abs(Math.Cos(alpha));
                    morg = morg + outVector * shift;
                    morg = morg.WithXPlus(outVector.X * _font.Size / 3);

                var mrect = new RectangleD2D(morg, msize);
                if (_automaticRotationShift)
                    AdjustRectangle(ref mrect, StringAlignment.Center, StringAlignment.Center);
                    AdjustRectangle(ref mrect, _horizontalAlignment, _verticalAlignment);

                math.Translate((float)morg.X, (float)morg.Y);
                if (_rotation != 0)
                math.Translate((float)(mrect.X - morg.X + emSize * _xOffset), (float)(mrect.Y - morg.Y + emSize * _yOffset));

                System.Drawing.Drawing2D.GraphicsState gs = g.Save();

                if (_backgroundStyle != null)
                    _backgroundStyle.Draw(g, new RectangleD2D(PointD2D.Empty, msize));

                _brush.SetEnvironment(new RectangleD2D(PointD2D.Empty, msize), BrushX.GetEffectiveMaximumResolution(g, 1));
                labels[i].Draw(g, _brush, new PointF(0, 0));
                g.Restore(gs); // Restore the graphics state

                helperPath.AddRectangle(new RectangleF(PointF.Empty, (SizeF)msize));

                _enclosingPath.AddPath(helperPath, true);
        protected override void UpdateAxisInfo()
            int horzAx = 0;
            int vertAx = 1;
            int deptAx = 2;

            if (null == _axisStyleInformation)
                _axisStyleInformation = new List <CSAxisInformation>();

            CSAxisInformation info;

            // BottomFront
            info = new CSAxisInformation(
                Identifier: new CSLineID(horzAx, 0, 0),
                NameOfAxisStyle: "BottomFront",
                NameOfFirstDownSide: "Below",
                NameOfFirstUpSide: "Above",
                NameOfSecondDownSide: "Before",
                NameOfSecondUpSide: "Behind",
                PreferredLabelSide: CSAxisSide.FirstDown,
                PreferredTickSide: CSAxisSide.FirstDown,
                IsShownByDefault: true,
                HasTicksByDefault: true,
                HasLabelsByDefault: true,
                HasTitleByDefault: true);


            // TopFront
            info = new CSAxisInformation(
                Identifier: new CSLineID(horzAx, 1, 0),
                NameOfAxisStyle: "TopFront",
                NameOfFirstDownSide: "Below",
                NameOfFirstUpSide: "Above",
                NameOfSecondDownSide: "Before",
                NameOfSecondUpSide: "Behind",
                PreferredLabelSide: CSAxisSide.FirstUp,
                PreferredTickSide: CSAxisSide.FirstUp,
                IsShownByDefault: true,
                HasTicksByDefault: false,
                HasLabelsByDefault: false,
                HasTitleByDefault: false);


            // LeftFront
            info = new CSAxisInformation(
                Identifier: new CSLineID(vertAx, 0, 0),
                NameOfAxisStyle: "LeftFront",
                NameOfFirstDownSide: "Left",
                NameOfFirstUpSide: "Right",
                NameOfSecondDownSide: "Before",
                NameOfSecondUpSide: "Behind",
                PreferredLabelSide: CSAxisSide.FirstDown,
                PreferredTickSide: CSAxisSide.FirstDown,
                IsShownByDefault: true,
                HasTicksByDefault: true,
                HasLabelsByDefault: true,
                HasTitleByDefault: true);


            // RightFront
            info = new CSAxisInformation(
                Identifier: new CSLineID(vertAx, 1, 0),
                NameOfAxisStyle: "RightFront",
                NameOfFirstDownSide: "Left",
                NameOfFirstUpSide: "Right",
                NameOfSecondDownSide: "Before",
                NameOfSecondUpSide: "Behind",
                PreferredLabelSide: CSAxisSide.FirstUp,
                PreferredTickSide: CSAxisSide.FirstUp,
                IsShownByDefault: true,
                HasTicksByDefault: true,
                HasLabelsByDefault: true,
                HasTitleByDefault: true


            // BottomBack
            info = new CSAxisInformation(
                new CSLineID(horzAx, 0, 1),
                NameOfAxisStyle: "BottomBack",
                NameOfFirstDownSide: "Below",
                NameOfFirstUpSide: "Above",
                NameOfSecondDownSide: "Before",
                NameOfSecondUpSide: "Behind",
                PreferredLabelSide: CSAxisSide.FirstDown,
                PreferredTickSide: CSAxisSide.FirstDown,
                IsShownByDefault: true,
                HasTicksByDefault: true,
                HasLabelsByDefault: true,
                HasTitleByDefault: true);


            // TopBack
            info = new CSAxisInformation(
                Identifier: new CSLineID(horzAx, 1, 1),
                NameOfAxisStyle: "TopBack",
                NameOfFirstDownSide: "Below",
                NameOfFirstUpSide: "Above",
                NameOfSecondDownSide: "Before",
                NameOfSecondUpSide: "Behind",
                PreferredLabelSide: CSAxisSide.FirstUp,
                PreferredTickSide: CSAxisSide.FirstUp,
                IsShownByDefault: true,
                HasTicksByDefault: true,
                HasLabelsByDefault: true,
                HasTitleByDefault: true


            // LeftBack
            info = new CSAxisInformation(
                new CSLineID(vertAx, 0, 1),
                NameOfAxisStyle: "LeftBack",
                NameOfFirstDownSide: "Left",
                NameOfFirstUpSide: "Right",
                NameOfSecondDownSide: "Before",
                NameOfSecondUpSide: "Behind",
                PreferredLabelSide: CSAxisSide.FirstDown,
                PreferredTickSide: CSAxisSide.FirstDown,
                IsShownByDefault: true,
                HasTicksByDefault: true,
                HasLabelsByDefault: true,
                HasTitleByDefault: true);


            // RightBack
            info = new CSAxisInformation(
                Identifier: new CSLineID(vertAx, 1, 1),
                NameOfAxisStyle: "RightBack",
                NameOfFirstDownSide: "Left",
                NameOfFirstUpSide: "Right",
                NameOfSecondDownSide: "Before",
                NameOfSecondUpSide: "Behind",
                PreferredLabelSide: CSAxisSide.FirstUp,
                PreferredTickSide: CSAxisSide.FirstUp,
                IsShownByDefault: true,
                HasTicksByDefault: true,
                HasLabelsByDefault: true,
                HasTitleByDefault: false


            // BottomLeft
            info = new CSAxisInformation(
                Identifier: new CSLineID(deptAx, 0, 0),
                NameOfAxisStyle: "BottomLeft",
                NameOfFirstDownSide: "Left",
                NameOfFirstUpSide: "Right",
                NameOfSecondDownSide: "Below",
                NameOfSecondUpSide: "Above",
                PreferredLabelSide: CSAxisSide.FirstDown,
                PreferredTickSide: CSAxisSide.FirstDown,
                IsShownByDefault: true,
                HasTicksByDefault: true,
                HasLabelsByDefault: true,
                HasTitleByDefault: true);


            // TopLeft
            info = new CSAxisInformation(
                Identifier: new CSLineID(deptAx, 0, 1),
                NameOfAxisStyle: "TopLeft",
                NameOfFirstDownSide: "Left",
                NameOfFirstUpSide: "Right",
                NameOfSecondDownSide: "Below",
                NameOfSecondUpSide: "Above",
                PreferredLabelSide: CSAxisSide.FirstUp,
                PreferredTickSide: CSAxisSide.FirstUp,
                IsShownByDefault: true,
                HasTicksByDefault: true,
                HasLabelsByDefault: true,
                HasTitleByDefault: false


            // BottomRight
            info = new CSAxisInformation(
                Identifier: new CSLineID(deptAx, 1, 0),
                NameOfAxisStyle: "BottomRight",
                NameOfFirstDownSide: "Left",
                NameOfFirstUpSide: "Right",
                NameOfSecondDownSide: "Below",
                NameOfSecondUpSide: "Above",
                PreferredLabelSide: CSAxisSide.FirstDown,
                PreferredTickSide: CSAxisSide.FirstDown,
                IsShownByDefault: true,
                HasTicksByDefault: true,
                HasLabelsByDefault: true,

                HasTitleByDefault: true);


            // TopRight
            info = new CSAxisInformation(
                Identifier: new CSLineID(deptAx, 1, 1),
                NameOfAxisStyle: "TopRight",
                NameOfFirstDownSide: "Left",
                NameOfFirstUpSide: "Right",
                NameOfSecondDownSide: "Below",
                NameOfSecondUpSide: "Above",
                PreferredLabelSide: CSAxisSide.FirstUp,
                PreferredTickSide: CSAxisSide.FirstUp,
                IsShownByDefault: true,
                HasTicksByDefault: true,
                HasLabelsByDefault: true,
                HasTitleByDefault: false


            // XAxis: Y=0, Z=0
            info = new CSAxisInformation(
                Identifier: CSLineID.FromPhysicalValue(horzAx, 0),
                NameOfAxisStyle: "YZ:0",
                NameOfFirstUpSide: "Above",
                NameOfFirstDownSide: "Below",
                NameOfSecondDownSide: "Before",
                NameOfSecondUpSide: "Behind",
                PreferredLabelSide: CSAxisSide.FirstDown,
                PreferredTickSide: CSAxisSide.FirstDown,
                IsShownByDefault: false,
                HasTicksByDefault: false,
                HasLabelsByDefault: false,
                HasTitleByDefault: false


            // YAxis: X=0, Z=0
            info = new CSAxisInformation(
                Identifier: CSLineID.FromPhysicalValue(vertAx, 0),
                NameOfAxisStyle: "XZ:0",
                NameOfFirstDownSide: "Left",
                NameOfFirstUpSide: "Right",
                NameOfSecondDownSide: "Before",
                NameOfSecondUpSide: "Behind",
                PreferredLabelSide: CSAxisSide.FirstDown,
                PreferredTickSide: CSAxisSide.FirstDown,
                IsShownByDefault: false,
                HasTicksByDefault: false,
                HasLabelsByDefault: false,
                HasTitleByDefault: false


            // ZAxis: X=0,Y=0
            info = new CSAxisInformation(
                CSLineID.FromPhysicalValue(deptAx, 0),
                NameOfAxisStyle: "XY:0",
                NameOfFirstDownSide: "Left",
                NameOfFirstUpSide: "Right",
                NameOfSecondDownSide: "Before",
                NameOfSecondUpSide: "Behind",
                PreferredLabelSide: CSAxisSide.FirstDown,
                PreferredTickSide: CSAxisSide.FirstDown,
                IsShownByDefault: false,
                HasTicksByDefault: false,
                HasLabelsByDefault: false,
                HasTitleByDefault: false);

        protected override void UpdateAxisInfo()
            int horzAx = 0;
            int vertAx = 1;
            int deptAx = 2;

            if (null == _axisStyleInformation)
                _axisStyleInformation = new List <CSAxisInformation>();

            CSAxisInformation info;

            // BottomFront
            info = new CSAxisInformation(new CSLineID(horzAx, 0, 0));
            info.NameOfAxisStyle      = "BottomFront";
            info.NameOfFirstDownSide  = "Below";
            info.NameOfFirstUpSide    = "Above";
            info.NameOfSecondDownSide = "Before";
            info.NameOfSecondUpSide   = "Behind";
            info.PreferedLabelSide    = CSAxisSide.FirstDown;
            info.IsShownByDefault     = true;
            info.HasTitleByDefault    = true;

            // TopFront
            info = new CSAxisInformation(new CSLineID(horzAx, 1, 0));
            info.NameOfAxisStyle      = "TopFront";
            info.NameOfFirstDownSide  = "Below";
            info.NameOfFirstUpSide    = "Above";
            info.NameOfSecondDownSide = "Before";
            info.NameOfSecondUpSide   = "Behind";
            info.PreferedLabelSide    = CSAxisSide.FirstUp;
            info.IsShownByDefault     = true;

            // LeftFront
            info = new CSAxisInformation(new CSLineID(vertAx, 0, 0));
            info.NameOfAxisStyle      = "LeftFront";
            info.NameOfFirstDownSide  = "Left";
            info.NameOfFirstUpSide    = "Right";
            info.NameOfSecondDownSide = "Before";
            info.NameOfSecondUpSide   = "Behind";
            info.PreferedLabelSide    = CSAxisSide.FirstDown;
            info.IsShownByDefault     = true;
            info.HasTitleByDefault    = true;

            // RightFront
            info = new CSAxisInformation(new CSLineID(vertAx, 1, 0));
            info.NameOfAxisStyle      = "RightFront";
            info.NameOfFirstDownSide  = "Left";
            info.NameOfFirstUpSide    = "Right";
            info.NameOfSecondDownSide = "Before";
            info.NameOfSecondUpSide   = "Behind";
            info.PreferedLabelSide    = CSAxisSide.FirstUp;
            info.IsShownByDefault     = true;

            // BottomBack
            info = new CSAxisInformation(new CSLineID(horzAx, 0, 1));
            info.NameOfAxisStyle      = "BottomBack";
            info.NameOfFirstDownSide  = "Below";
            info.NameOfFirstUpSide    = "Above";
            info.NameOfSecondDownSide = "Before";
            info.NameOfSecondUpSide   = "Behind";
            info.PreferedLabelSide    = CSAxisSide.FirstDown;
            info.IsShownByDefault     = true;
            info.HasTitleByDefault    = true;

            // TopBack
            info = new CSAxisInformation(new CSLineID(horzAx, 1, 1));
            info.NameOfAxisStyle      = "TopBack";
            info.NameOfFirstDownSide  = "Below";
            info.NameOfFirstUpSide    = "Above";
            info.NameOfSecondDownSide = "Before";
            info.NameOfSecondUpSide   = "Behind";
            info.PreferedLabelSide    = CSAxisSide.FirstUp;
            info.IsShownByDefault     = true;

            // LeftBack
            info = new CSAxisInformation(new CSLineID(vertAx, 0, 1));
            info.NameOfAxisStyle      = "LeftBack";
            info.NameOfFirstDownSide  = "Left";
            info.NameOfFirstUpSide    = "Right";
            info.NameOfSecondDownSide = "Before";
            info.NameOfSecondUpSide   = "Behind";
            info.PreferedLabelSide    = CSAxisSide.FirstDown;
            info.IsShownByDefault     = true;
            info.HasTitleByDefault    = true;

            // RightBack
            info = new CSAxisInformation(new CSLineID(vertAx, 1, 1));
            info.NameOfAxisStyle      = "RightBack";
            info.NameOfFirstDownSide  = "Left";
            info.NameOfFirstUpSide    = "Right";
            info.NameOfSecondDownSide = "Before";
            info.NameOfSecondUpSide   = "Behind";
            info.PreferedLabelSide    = CSAxisSide.FirstUp;
            info.IsShownByDefault     = true;

            // BottomLeft
            info = new CSAxisInformation(new CSLineID(deptAx, 0, 0));
            info.NameOfAxisStyle      = "BottomLeft";
            info.NameOfFirstDownSide  = "Left";
            info.NameOfFirstUpSide    = "Right";
            info.NameOfSecondDownSide = "Below";
            info.NameOfSecondUpSide   = "Above";
            info.PreferedLabelSide    = CSAxisSide.FirstDown;
            info.IsShownByDefault     = true;
            info.HasTitleByDefault    = true;

            // TopLeft
            info = new CSAxisInformation(new CSLineID(deptAx, 0, 1));
            info.NameOfAxisStyle      = "TopLeft";
            info.NameOfFirstDownSide  = "Left";
            info.NameOfFirstUpSide    = "Right";
            info.NameOfSecondDownSide = "Below";
            info.NameOfSecondUpSide   = "Above";
            info.PreferedLabelSide    = CSAxisSide.FirstUp;
            info.IsShownByDefault     = true;

            // BottomRight
            info = new CSAxisInformation(new CSLineID(deptAx, 1, 0));
            info.NameOfAxisStyle      = "BottomRight";
            info.NameOfFirstDownSide  = "Left";
            info.NameOfFirstUpSide    = "Right";
            info.NameOfSecondDownSide = "Below";
            info.NameOfSecondUpSide   = "Above";
            info.PreferedLabelSide    = CSAxisSide.FirstDown;
            info.IsShownByDefault     = true;
            info.HasTitleByDefault    = true;

            // TopRight
            info = new CSAxisInformation(new CSLineID(deptAx, 1, 1));
            info.NameOfAxisStyle      = "TopRight";
            info.NameOfFirstDownSide  = "Left";
            info.NameOfFirstUpSide    = "Right";
            info.NameOfSecondDownSide = "Below";
            info.NameOfSecondUpSide   = "Above";
            info.PreferedLabelSide    = CSAxisSide.FirstUp;
            info.IsShownByDefault     = true;

            // XAxis: Y=0, Z=0
            info = new CSAxisInformation(CSLineID.FromPhysicalValue(horzAx, 0));
            info.NameOfAxisStyle      = "YZ=0";
            info.NameOfFirstUpSide    = "Above";
            info.NameOfFirstDownSide  = "Below";
            info.NameOfSecondDownSide = "Before";
            info.NameOfSecondUpSide   = "Behind";
            info.PreferedLabelSide    = CSAxisSide.FirstDown;

            // YAxis: X=0, Z=0
            info = new CSAxisInformation(CSLineID.FromPhysicalValue(vertAx, 0));
            info.NameOfAxisStyle      = "XZ=0";
            info.NameOfFirstDownSide  = "Left";
            info.NameOfFirstUpSide    = "Right";
            info.NameOfSecondDownSide = "Before";
            info.NameOfSecondUpSide   = "Behind";
            info.PreferedLabelSide    = CSAxisSide.FirstDown;

            // ZAxis: X=0,Y=0
            info = new CSAxisInformation(CSLineID.FromPhysicalValue(deptAx, 0));
            info.NameOfAxisStyle      = "XY=0";
            info.NameOfFirstDownSide  = "Left";
            info.NameOfFirstUpSide    = "Right";
            info.NameOfSecondDownSide = "Before";
            info.NameOfSecondUpSide   = "Behind";
            info.PreferedLabelSide    = CSAxisSide.FirstDown;
    protected override void UpdateAxisInfo()
      int horzAx;
      int vertAx;
      bool vertRev;
      bool horzRev;

      if (_isXYInterchanged)
        horzAx = 1;
        vertAx = 0;
        vertRev = _isXreverse;
        horzRev = _isYreverse;
        horzAx = 0;
        vertAx = 1;
        vertRev = _isYreverse;
        horzRev = _isXreverse;

      if (null != _axisStyleInformation)
        _axisStyleInformation = new List<CSAxisInformation>();

      CSAxisInformation info;

      // Right
      info = new CSAxisInformation(new CSLineID(vertAx, 0));
      info.NameOfAxisStyle = "RightDirection";
      info.NameOfFirstUpSide = horzRev ? "Below" : "Above";
      info.NameOfFirstDownSide = horzRev ? "Above" : "Below";
      info.PreferedLabelSide = horzRev ? CSAxisSide.FirstUp : CSAxisSide.FirstDown;
      info.IsShownByDefault = true;
      info.HasTitleByDefault = true;

      // Left
      info = new CSAxisInformation(new CSLineID(vertAx, 0.5));
      info.NameOfAxisStyle = "LeftDirection";
      info.NameOfFirstUpSide = horzRev ? "Above" : "Below";
      info.NameOfFirstDownSide = horzRev ? "Below" : "Above";
      info.PreferedLabelSide = horzRev ? CSAxisSide.FirstDown : CSAxisSide.FirstUp;

      // Top
      info = new CSAxisInformation(new CSLineID(vertAx, horzRev ? 0.75 : 0.25));
      info.NameOfAxisStyle = "TopDirection";
      info.NameOfFirstUpSide = horzRev ? "Right" : "Left";
      info.NameOfFirstDownSide = horzRev ? "Left" : "Right";
      info.PreferedLabelSide = horzRev ? CSAxisSide.FirstDown : CSAxisSide.FirstUp;

      // Bottom
      info = new CSAxisInformation(new CSLineID(vertAx, horzRev ? 0.25 : 0.75));
      info.NameOfAxisStyle = "BottomDirection";
      info.NameOfFirstUpSide = horzRev ? "Left" : "Right";
      info.NameOfFirstDownSide = horzRev ? "Right" : "Left";
      info.PreferedLabelSide = horzRev ? CSAxisSide.FirstUp : CSAxisSide.FirstDown;

      // Outer circle
      info = new CSAxisInformation(new CSLineID(horzAx, vertRev ? 0 : 1));
      info.NameOfAxisStyle = "OuterCircle";
      info.NameOfFirstDownSide = vertRev ? "Outer" : "Inner";
      info.NameOfFirstUpSide = vertRev ? "Inner" : "Outer";
      info.PreferedLabelSide = vertRev ? CSAxisSide.FirstDown : CSAxisSide.FirstUp;
      info.IsShownByDefault = true;
      info.HasTitleByDefault = true;

      // Inner circle
      info = new CSAxisInformation(new CSLineID(horzAx, vertRev ? 1 : 0));
      info.NameOfAxisStyle = "Inner circle";
      info.NameOfFirstDownSide = vertRev ? "Inner" : "Outer";
      info.NameOfFirstUpSide = vertRev ? "Outer" : "Inner";
      info.PreferedLabelSide = vertRev ? CSAxisSide.FirstUp : CSAxisSide.FirstDown;
Example #19
    private GraphicsPath _enclosingPath = new GraphicsPath(); // with Winding also overlapping rectangles are selected
    public override void Paint(Graphics g, XYPlotLayer layer, CSAxisInformation styleInfo, AxisLineStyle axisstyle, bool useMinorTicks)
      _cachedStyleID = styleInfo.Identifier;
      CSLineID styleID = styleInfo.Identifier;
      Scale raxis = styleID.ParallelAxisNumber==0 ? layer.XAxis : layer.YAxis;

      _enclosingPath.FillMode = FillMode.Winding; // with Winding also overlapping rectangles are selected
      GraphicsPath helperPath = new GraphicsPath();
      Matrix math = new Matrix();

      Logical3D r0 = _cachedStyleID.Begin;
      Logical3D r1 = _cachedStyleID.End;

      SizeF layerSize = layer.Size;
      PointF outVector;
      Logical3D outer;
      float outerDistance = null==axisstyle? 0 : axisstyle.GetOuterDistance(styleInfo.PreferedLabelSide);
      float dist_x = outerDistance; // Distance from axis tick point to label
      float dist_y = outerDistance; // y distance from axis tick point to label

      // dist_x += this._font.SizeInPoints/3; // add some space to the horizontal direction in order to separate the chars a little from the ticks

      // next statement is necessary to have a consistent string length both
      // on 0 degree rotated text and rotated text
      // without this statement, the text is fitted to the pixel grid, which
      // leads to "steps" during scaling
      g.TextRenderingHint = System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.AntiAlias;

      double[] relpositions;
      AltaxoVariant[] ticks;
        relpositions = raxis.GetMinorTicksNormal();
        ticks = raxis.GetMinorTicksAsVariant();
        relpositions = raxis.GetMajorTicksNormal();
        ticks = raxis.GetMajorTicksAsVariant();
      IMeasuredLabelItem[] labels = _labelFormatting.GetMeasuredItems(g,_font,_stringFormat,ticks);

      float emSize = _font.SizeInPoints;
      for(int i=0;i<ticks.Length;i++)
        double r = relpositions[i];

        outer = layer.CoordinateSystem.GetLogicalDirection(styleID.ParallelAxisNumber, styleInfo.PreferedLabelSide);
        PointF tickorg = layer.CoordinateSystem.GetNormalizedDirection(r0, r1, r, outer, out outVector);
        PointF tickend = tickorg;
        tickend.X += outVector.X * outerDistance;
        tickend.Y += outVector.Y * outerDistance;

        SizeF msize = labels[i].Size;
        PointF morg = tickend;

        if (_automaticRotationShift)
          double alpha = _rotation * Math.PI / 180 - Math.Atan2(outVector.Y, outVector.X);
          double shift = msize.Height * 0.5 * Math.Abs(Math.Sin(alpha)) + (msize.Width + _font.SizeInPoints / 2) * 0.5 * Math.Abs(Math.Cos(alpha));
          morg.X += (float)(outVector.X * shift);
          morg.Y += (float)(outVector.Y * shift);
          morg.X += (float)(outVector.X * _font.SizeInPoints/3);

        RectangleF mrect = new RectangleF(morg,msize);
          AdjustRectangle(ref mrect, StringAlignment.Center, StringAlignment.Center);
          AdjustRectangle(ref mrect, _horizontalAlignment, _verticalAlignment);

        math.Translate((float)morg.X, (float)morg.Y);
        if (this._rotation != 0)
        math.Translate((float)(mrect.X - morg.X + emSize * _xOffset), (float)(mrect.Y - morg.Y + emSize * _yOffset));

        System.Drawing.Drawing2D.GraphicsState gs = g.Save();

          _backgroundStyle.Draw(g,new RectangleF(PointF.Empty,msize));

        _brush.Rectangle = new RectangleF(PointF.Empty, msize);      
        labels[i].Draw(g,_brush,new PointF(0,0));
        g.Restore(gs); // Restore the graphics state

        helperPath.AddRectangle(new RectangleF(PointF.Empty, msize));



Example #20
 void CopyFrom(AxisStyle from)
     this._styleID = from._styleID.Clone();
     this._cachedAxisInfo = from._cachedAxisInfo;
Example #21
		/// <summary>
		/// Copy operation.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="obj">The AxisStyle to copy from</param>
		public bool CopyFrom(object obj)
			if (object.ReferenceEquals(this, obj))
				return true;

			var from = obj as AxisLineStyle;
			if (null == from)
				return false;

			using (var suspendToken = SuspendGetToken())
				ChildCopyToMember(ref _axisPen, from._axisPen);
				this._axisPosition = from._axisPosition;
				this._showFirstDownMajorTicks = from._showFirstDownMajorTicks;
				this._showFirstDownMinorTicks = from._showFirstDownMinorTicks;
				this._showFirstUpMajorTicks = from._showFirstUpMajorTicks;
				this._showFirstUpMinorTicks = from._showFirstUpMinorTicks;
				this._majorTickLength = from._majorTickLength;
				ChildCopyToMember(ref _majorTickPen, from._majorTickPen);
				this._minorTickLength = from._minorTickLength;
				ChildCopyToMember(ref _minorTickPen, from._minorTickPen);

				this._cachedAxisStyleInfo = from._cachedAxisStyleInfo;


			return true;
Example #22
		/// <summary>
		/// Paint the axis in the Graphics context.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="g">The graphics context painting to.</param>
		/// <param name="layer">The layer the axis belongs to.</param>
		/// <param name="styleInfo">The axis information of the axis to paint.</param>
		/// <param name="customTickSpacing">If not <c>null</c>, this parameter provides a custom tick spacing that is used instead of the default tick spacing of the scale.</param>
		public void Paint(Graphics g, IPlotArea layer, CSAxisInformation styleInfo, TickSpacing customTickSpacing)
			CSLineID styleID = styleInfo.Identifier;
			_cachedAxisStyleInfo = styleInfo;
			Scale axis = layer.Scales[styleID.ParallelAxisNumber];

			TickSpacing ticking = null != customTickSpacing ? customTickSpacing : layer.Scales[styleID.ParallelAxisNumber].TickSpacing;

			Logical3D r0 = styleID.GetLogicalPoint(styleInfo.LogicalValueAxisOrg);
			Logical3D r1 = styleID.GetLogicalPoint(styleInfo.LogicalValueAxisEnd);

			layer.CoordinateSystem.DrawIsoline(g, _axisPen, r0, r1);

			Logical3D outer;

			// now the major ticks
			PointD2D outVector;
			double[] majorticks = ticking.GetMajorTicksNormal(axis);
			for (int i = 0; i < majorticks.Length; i++)
				double r = majorticks[i];

				if (_showFirstUpMajorTicks)
					outer = layer.CoordinateSystem.GetLogicalDirection(styleID.ParallelAxisNumber, CSAxisSide.FirstUp);
					var tickorg = layer.CoordinateSystem.GetNormalizedDirection(r0, r1, r, outer, out outVector);
					var tickend = tickorg + outVector * _majorTickLength;
					g.DrawLine(_majorTickPen, (PointF)tickorg, (PointF)tickend);
				if (_showFirstDownMajorTicks)
					outer = layer.CoordinateSystem.GetLogicalDirection(styleID.ParallelAxisNumber, CSAxisSide.FirstDown);
					var tickorg = layer.CoordinateSystem.GetNormalizedDirection(r0, r1, r, outer, out outVector);
					var tickend = tickorg + outVector * _majorTickLength;
					g.DrawLine(_majorTickPen, (PointF)tickorg, (PointF)tickend);
			// now the major ticks
			double[] minorticks = ticking.GetMinorTicksNormal(axis);
			for (int i = 0; i < minorticks.Length; i++)
				double r = minorticks[i];

				if (_showFirstUpMinorTicks)
					outer = layer.CoordinateSystem.GetLogicalDirection(styleID.ParallelAxisNumber, CSAxisSide.FirstUp);
					var tickorg = layer.CoordinateSystem.GetNormalizedDirection(r0, r1, r, outer, out outVector);
					var tickend = tickorg + outVector * _minorTickLength;
					g.DrawLine(_minorTickPen, (PointF)tickorg, (PointF)tickend);
				if (_showFirstDownMinorTicks)
					outer = layer.CoordinateSystem.GetLogicalDirection(styleID.ParallelAxisNumber, CSAxisSide.FirstDown);
					var tickorg = layer.CoordinateSystem.GetNormalizedDirection(r0, r1, r, outer, out outVector);
					var tickend = tickorg + outVector * _minorTickLength;
					g.DrawLine(_minorTickPen, (PointF)tickorg, (PointF)tickend);
		protected override void UpdateAxisInfo()
			int horzAx = 0;
			int vertAx = 1;
			int deptAx = 2;

			if (null == _axisStyleInformation)
				_axisStyleInformation = new List<CSAxisInformation>();

			CSAxisInformation info;

			// BottomFront
			info = new CSAxisInformation(
				Identifier: new CSLineID(horzAx, 0, 0),
			NameOfAxisStyle: "BottomFront",
			NameOfFirstDownSide: "Below",
			NameOfFirstUpSide: "Above",
			NameOfSecondDownSide: "Before",
			NameOfSecondUpSide: "Behind",
			PreferredLabelSide: CSAxisSide.FirstDown,
			PreferredTickSide: CSAxisSide.FirstDown,
			IsShownByDefault: true,
			HasTicksByDefault: true,
			HasLabelsByDefault: true,
			HasTitleByDefault: true);


			// TopFront
			info = new CSAxisInformation(
			Identifier: new CSLineID(horzAx, 1, 0),
			NameOfAxisStyle: "TopFront",
			NameOfFirstDownSide: "Below",
			NameOfFirstUpSide: "Above",
			NameOfSecondDownSide: "Before",
			NameOfSecondUpSide: "Behind",
			PreferredLabelSide: CSAxisSide.FirstUp,
			PreferredTickSide: CSAxisSide.FirstUp,
			IsShownByDefault: true,
			HasTicksByDefault: false,
			HasLabelsByDefault: false,
			HasTitleByDefault: false);


			// LeftFront
			info = new CSAxisInformation(
				Identifier: new CSLineID(vertAx, 0, 0),
			NameOfAxisStyle: "LeftFront",
			NameOfFirstDownSide: "Left",
			NameOfFirstUpSide: "Right",
			NameOfSecondDownSide: "Before",
			NameOfSecondUpSide: "Behind",
			PreferredLabelSide: CSAxisSide.FirstDown,
			PreferredTickSide: CSAxisSide.FirstDown,
			IsShownByDefault: true,
			HasTicksByDefault: true,
			HasLabelsByDefault: true,
			HasTitleByDefault: true);


			// RightFront
			info = new CSAxisInformation(
				Identifier: new CSLineID(vertAx, 1, 0),
			NameOfAxisStyle: "RightFront",
			NameOfFirstDownSide: "Left",
			NameOfFirstUpSide: "Right",
			NameOfSecondDownSide: "Before",
			NameOfSecondUpSide: "Behind",
			PreferredLabelSide: CSAxisSide.FirstUp,
			PreferredTickSide: CSAxisSide.FirstUp,
			IsShownByDefault: true,
			HasTicksByDefault: true,
			HasLabelsByDefault: true,
			HasTitleByDefault: true


			// BottomBack
			info = new CSAxisInformation(
				new CSLineID(horzAx, 0, 1),
			NameOfAxisStyle: "BottomBack",
			NameOfFirstDownSide: "Below",
			NameOfFirstUpSide: "Above",
			NameOfSecondDownSide: "Before",
			NameOfSecondUpSide: "Behind",
			PreferredLabelSide: CSAxisSide.FirstDown,
			PreferredTickSide: CSAxisSide.FirstDown,
			IsShownByDefault: true,
			HasTicksByDefault: true,
			HasLabelsByDefault: true,
			HasTitleByDefault: true);


			// TopBack
			info = new CSAxisInformation(
				Identifier: new CSLineID(horzAx, 1, 1),
			NameOfAxisStyle: "TopBack",
			NameOfFirstDownSide: "Below",
			NameOfFirstUpSide: "Above",
			NameOfSecondDownSide: "Before",
			NameOfSecondUpSide: "Behind",
			PreferredLabelSide: CSAxisSide.FirstUp,
			PreferredTickSide: CSAxisSide.FirstUp,
			IsShownByDefault: true,
			HasTicksByDefault: true,
			HasLabelsByDefault: true,
			HasTitleByDefault: true


			// LeftBack
			info = new CSAxisInformation(
				new CSLineID(vertAx, 0, 1),
			NameOfAxisStyle: "LeftBack",
			NameOfFirstDownSide: "Left",
			NameOfFirstUpSide: "Right",
			NameOfSecondDownSide: "Before",
			NameOfSecondUpSide: "Behind",
			PreferredLabelSide: CSAxisSide.FirstDown,
			PreferredTickSide: CSAxisSide.FirstDown,
			IsShownByDefault: true,
				HasTicksByDefault: true,
			HasLabelsByDefault: true,
		HasTitleByDefault: true);


			// RightBack
			info = new CSAxisInformation(
			Identifier: new CSLineID(vertAx, 1, 1),
			NameOfAxisStyle: "RightBack",
			NameOfFirstDownSide: "Left",
			NameOfFirstUpSide: "Right",
			NameOfSecondDownSide: "Before",
			NameOfSecondUpSide: "Behind",
			PreferredLabelSide: CSAxisSide.FirstUp,
			PreferredTickSide: CSAxisSide.FirstUp,
			IsShownByDefault: true,
				 HasTicksByDefault: true,
			HasLabelsByDefault: true,
			HasTitleByDefault: false


			// BottomLeft
			info = new CSAxisInformation(
			Identifier: new CSLineID(deptAx, 0, 0),
			NameOfAxisStyle: "BottomLeft",
			NameOfFirstDownSide: "Left",
			NameOfFirstUpSide: "Right",
			NameOfSecondDownSide: "Below",
			NameOfSecondUpSide: "Above",
			PreferredLabelSide: CSAxisSide.FirstDown,
			PreferredTickSide: CSAxisSide.FirstDown,
			IsShownByDefault: true,
			HasTicksByDefault: true,
			HasLabelsByDefault: true,
			HasTitleByDefault: true);


			// TopLeft
			info = new CSAxisInformation(
				Identifier: new CSLineID(deptAx, 0, 1),
			NameOfAxisStyle: "TopLeft",
			NameOfFirstDownSide: "Left",
			NameOfFirstUpSide: "Right",
			NameOfSecondDownSide: "Below",
			NameOfSecondUpSide: "Above",
			PreferredLabelSide: CSAxisSide.FirstUp,
			PreferredTickSide: CSAxisSide.FirstUp,
			IsShownByDefault: true,
			HasTicksByDefault: true,
			HasLabelsByDefault: true,
			HasTitleByDefault: false


			// BottomRight
			info = new CSAxisInformation(
			Identifier: new CSLineID(deptAx, 1, 0),
			NameOfAxisStyle: "BottomRight",
			NameOfFirstDownSide: "Left",
			NameOfFirstUpSide: "Right",
			NameOfSecondDownSide: "Below",
			NameOfSecondUpSide: "Above",
			PreferredLabelSide: CSAxisSide.FirstDown,
			PreferredTickSide: CSAxisSide.FirstDown,
			IsShownByDefault: true,
			HasTicksByDefault: true,
			HasLabelsByDefault: true,

			HasTitleByDefault: true);


			// TopRight
			info = new CSAxisInformation(
				Identifier: new CSLineID(deptAx, 1, 1),
			NameOfAxisStyle: "TopRight",
			NameOfFirstDownSide: "Left",
			NameOfFirstUpSide: "Right",
			NameOfSecondDownSide: "Below",
			NameOfSecondUpSide: "Above",
			PreferredLabelSide: CSAxisSide.FirstUp,
			PreferredTickSide: CSAxisSide.FirstUp,
			IsShownByDefault: true,
			HasTicksByDefault: true,
			HasLabelsByDefault: true,
			HasTitleByDefault: false


			// XAxis: Y=0, Z=0
			info = new CSAxisInformation(
				Identifier: CSLineID.FromPhysicalValue(horzAx, 0),
			NameOfAxisStyle: "YZ:0",
			NameOfFirstUpSide: "Above",
			NameOfFirstDownSide: "Below",
			NameOfSecondDownSide: "Before",
			NameOfSecondUpSide: "Behind",
			PreferredLabelSide: CSAxisSide.FirstDown,
			PreferredTickSide: CSAxisSide.FirstDown,
			IsShownByDefault: false,
			HasTicksByDefault: false,
			HasLabelsByDefault: false,
			HasTitleByDefault: false


			// YAxis: X=0, Z=0
			info = new CSAxisInformation(
			Identifier: CSLineID.FromPhysicalValue(vertAx, 0),
			NameOfAxisStyle: "XZ:0",
			NameOfFirstDownSide: "Left",
			NameOfFirstUpSide: "Right",
			NameOfSecondDownSide: "Before",
			NameOfSecondUpSide: "Behind",
			PreferredLabelSide: CSAxisSide.FirstDown,
			PreferredTickSide: CSAxisSide.FirstDown,
			IsShownByDefault: false,
			HasTicksByDefault: false,
			HasLabelsByDefault: false,
			HasTitleByDefault: false


			// ZAxis: X=0,Y=0
			info = new CSAxisInformation(
				CSLineID.FromPhysicalValue(deptAx, 0),
			NameOfAxisStyle: "XY:0",
			NameOfFirstDownSide: "Left",
			NameOfFirstUpSide: "Right",
			NameOfSecondDownSide: "Before",
			NameOfSecondUpSide: "Behind",
			PreferredLabelSide: CSAxisSide.FirstDown,
			PreferredTickSide: CSAxisSide.FirstDown,
			IsShownByDefault: false,
			HasTicksByDefault: false,
			HasLabelsByDefault: false,
			HasTitleByDefault: false);

Example #24
        public CSAxisInformation GetAxisStyleInformation(CSLineID styleID)
            // search for the same axis first, then for the style with the nearest logical value
            double            minDistance = double.MaxValue;
            CSAxisInformation nearestInfo = null;

            if (!styleID.UsePhysicalValueOtherFirst)
                foreach (CSAxisInformation info in AxisStyles)
                    if (styleID.ParallelAxisNumber == info.Identifier.ParallelAxisNumber)
                        if (styleID == info.Identifier)
                            minDistance = 0;
                            nearestInfo = info;

                        double dist = Math.Abs(styleID.LogicalValueOtherFirst - info.Identifier.LogicalValueOtherFirst);
                        if (styleID.Is3DIdentifier && info.Identifier.Is3DIdentifier)
                            dist += Math.Abs(styleID.LogicalValueOtherSecond - info.Identifier.LogicalValueOtherSecond);

                        if (dist < minDistance)
                            minDistance = dist;
                            nearestInfo = info;
                            if (0 == minDistance)
                                break; // it can not be smaller than 0

            CSAxisInformation result;

            if (nearestInfo == null)
                result = CSAxisInformation.NewWithDefaultValues(styleID);
                result = nearestInfo.WithIdentifier(styleID);
                if (minDistance != 0)
                    result = result.WithNameOfAxisStyle(result.NameOfAxisStyle + string.Format(" ({0}% offs.)", minDistance * 100));

            result = result.WithNamesForFirstUpAndDownSides(
                GetAxisSideName(result.Identifier, CSAxisSide.FirstUp),
                GetAxisSideName(result.Identifier, CSAxisSide.FirstDown));
            if (Is3D)
                result = result.WithNamesForSecondUpAndDownSides(
                    GetAxisSideName(result.Identifier, CSAxisSide.SecondUp),
                    GetAxisSideName(result.Identifier, CSAxisSide.SecondDown));

Example #25
		/// <summary>
		/// Paints the axis style labels.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="g">Graphics environment.</param>
		/// <param name="coordSyst">The coordinate system. Used to get the path along the axis.</param>
		/// <param name="scale">Scale.</param>
		/// <param name="tickSpacing">If not <c>null</c>, this parameter provides a custom tick spacing that is used instead of the default tick spacing of the scale.</param>
		/// <param name="styleInfo">Information about begin of axis, end of axis.</param>
		/// <param name="outerDistance">Distance between axis and labels.</param>
		/// <param name="useMinorTicks">If true, minor ticks are shown.</param>
		public virtual void Paint(IGraphicsContext3D g, G3DCoordinateSystem coordSyst, Scale scale, TickSpacing tickSpacing, CSAxisInformation styleInfo, double outerDistance, bool useMinorTicks)
			_cachedAxisStyleInfo = styleInfo;
			CSLineID styleID = styleInfo.Identifier;
			Scale raxis = scale;
			TickSpacing ticking = tickSpacing;

			var math = Matrix4x3.Identity;

			Logical3D r0 = styleID.GetLogicalPoint(styleInfo.LogicalValueAxisOrg);
			Logical3D r1 = styleID.GetLogicalPoint(styleInfo.LogicalValueAxisEnd);

			VectorD3D outVector;
			Logical3D outer;

			double[] relpositions;
			AltaxoVariant[] ticks;
			if (useMinorTicks)
				relpositions = ticking.GetMinorTicksNormal(raxis);
				ticks = ticking.GetMinorTicksAsVariant();
				relpositions = ticking.GetMajorTicksNormal(raxis);
				ticks = ticking.GetMajorTicksAsVariant();

			if (!_suppressedLabels.IsEmpty)
				List<AltaxoVariant> filteredTicks = new List<AltaxoVariant>();
				List<double> filteredRelPositions = new List<double>();

				for (int i = 0; i < ticks.Length; i++)
					if (_suppressedLabels.ByValues.Contains(ticks[i]))
					if (_suppressedLabels.ByNumbers.Contains(i))
					if (_suppressedLabels.ByNumbers.Contains(i - ticks.Length))

				ticks = filteredTicks.ToArray();
				relpositions = filteredRelPositions.ToArray();

			IMeasuredLabelItem[] labels = _labelFormatting.GetMeasuredItems(g, _font, ticks);

			double emSize = _font.Size;
			CSAxisSide labelSide = null != _labelSide ? _labelSide.Value : styleInfo.PreferredLabelSide;
			var labelOutlines = new RectangularObjectOutline[ticks.Length];
			for (int i = 0; i < ticks.Length; i++)
				double r = relpositions[i];

				if (!Altaxo.Calc.RMath.IsInIntervalCC(r, -1000, 1000))

				outer = coordSyst.GetLogicalDirection(styleID.ParallelAxisNumber, labelSide);
				PointD3D tickorg = coordSyst.GetPositionAndNormalizedDirection(r0, r1, r, outer, out outVector);
				PointD3D tickend = tickorg + outVector * outerDistance;

				var msize = labels[i].Size;
				var morg = tickend;

				if (_automaticRotationShift)
					// if this option is choosen, we have to find a shift value that shifts the center of the text outwards so that the bounding box of the text will not cross the plane that is
					// defined by the tickend point and the normal vector outVector

					// Assume that the text is now centered x, y, and z around the point tickend (but here we use origin instead tickend)
					math = Matrix4x3.NewRotation(_rotationX, _rotationY, _rotationZ);
					// we have to find all points with negative distance to the plane spanned by tickend and the vector outVector (but again instead of tickend we use origin)
					var msizePad = msize + new VectorD3D(
					(_font.Size * 1) / 3, // whereas above and below text no padding is neccessary, it is optically nicer to have left and right padding of the string by 1/6 of font size.
					(_font.Size * 1) / 3 // same padding applies to z
					var crect = new RectangleD3D((PointD3D)(-0.5 * msizePad), msizePad); // our text centered around origin

					double shift = 0;
					foreach (PointD3D p in crect.Vertices)
						PointD3D ps = math.Transform(p);
						double distance = Math3D.GetDistancePointToPlane(ps, PointD3D.Empty, outVector);
						if (-distance > shift)
							shift = -distance; // only negative distances will count here
					morg += outVector * shift;
					morg = morg.WithXPlus(outVector.X * _font.Size / 3);

				var mrect = new RectangleD3D(morg, msize);
				if (_automaticRotationShift)
					mrect = AdjustRectangle(mrect, Alignment.Center, Alignment.Center, Alignment.Center);
					mrect = AdjustRectangle(mrect, _alignmentX, _alignmentY, _alignmentZ);

				math = Matrix4x3.Identity;
				math.TranslatePrepend(morg.X, morg.Y, morg.Z);

				if (this._rotationZ != 0)
				if (this._rotationY != 0)
				if (this._rotationX != 0)

				math.TranslatePrepend((mrect.X - morg.X + emSize * _offsetX), (mrect.Y - morg.Y + emSize * _offsetY), (mrect.Z - morg.Z + emSize * _offsetZ));

				var gs = g.SaveGraphicsState();

				if (this._backgroundStyle != null)
					var itemRectangle = new RectangleD3D(PointD3D.Empty, msize);
					_backgroundStyle.Draw(g, itemRectangle);

				labels[i].Draw(g, _brush, PointD3D.Empty);
				labelOutlines[i] = new RectangularObjectOutline(new RectangleD3D(PointD3D.Empty, msize), math);
				g.RestoreGraphicsState(gs); // Restore the graphics state

			_cachedLabelOutlines = labelOutlines;
Example #26
    /// <summary>
    /// Paint the axis in the Graphics context.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="g">The graphics context painting to.</param>
    /// <param name="layer">The layer the axis belongs to.</param>
    /// <param name="styleInfo">The axis information of the axis to paint.</param>
    public void Paint(Graphics g, XYPlotLayer layer, CSAxisInformation styleInfo)
      CSLineID styleID = styleInfo.Identifier;
      _cachedAxisStyleInfo = styleInfo.Clone();
      Scale axis = styleID.ParallelAxisNumber == 0 ? layer.XAxis : layer.YAxis;
      Logical3D r0 = styleID.Begin;
      Logical3D r1 = styleID.End;

      layer.CoordinateSystem.DrawIsoline(g, _axisPen, r0, r1);

      Logical3D outer;

      // now the major ticks
      PointF outVector;
      double[] majorticks = axis.GetMajorTicksNormal();
      for(int i=0;i<majorticks.Length;i++)
        double r = majorticks[i];

          outer = layer.CoordinateSystem.GetLogicalDirection(styleID.ParallelAxisNumber,CSAxisSide.FirstUp);
          PointF tickorg = layer.CoordinateSystem.GetNormalizedDirection(r0, r1, r, outer, out outVector);
          PointF tickend = tickorg;
          tickend.X += outVector.X * _majorTickLength;
          tickend.Y += outVector.Y * _majorTickLength;
          outer = layer.CoordinateSystem.GetLogicalDirection(styleID.ParallelAxisNumber, CSAxisSide.FirstDown);
          PointF tickorg = layer.CoordinateSystem.GetNormalizedDirection(r0, r1, r, outer, out outVector);
          PointF tickend = tickorg;
          tickend.X += outVector.X * _majorTickLength;
          tickend.Y += outVector.Y * _majorTickLength;
      // now the major ticks
      double[] minorticks = axis.GetMinorTicksNormal();
      for(int i=0;i<minorticks.Length;i++)
        double r = minorticks[i];
          outer = layer.CoordinateSystem.GetLogicalDirection(styleID.ParallelAxisNumber, CSAxisSide.FirstUp);
          PointF tickorg = layer.CoordinateSystem.GetNormalizedDirection(r0, r1, r, outer, out outVector);
          PointF tickend = tickorg;
          tickend.X += outVector.X * _minorTickLength;
          tickend.Y += outVector.Y * _minorTickLength;
          outer = layer.CoordinateSystem.GetLogicalDirection(styleID.ParallelAxisNumber, CSAxisSide.FirstDown);
          PointF tickorg = layer.CoordinateSystem.GetNormalizedDirection(r0, r1, r, outer, out outVector);
          PointF tickend = tickorg;
          tickend.X += outVector.X * _minorTickLength;
          tickend.Y += outVector.Y * _minorTickLength;
Example #27
		public virtual bool CopyFrom(object obj)
			if (object.ReferenceEquals(this, obj))
				return true;
			var from = obj as AxisLabelStyle;
			if (null == from)
				return false;

			using (var suspendToken = SuspendGetToken())
				_cachedAxisStyleInfo = from._cachedAxisStyleInfo;

				_font = from._font;
				CopyHelper.Copy(ref _stringFormat, from._stringFormat);
				_horizontalAlignment = from._horizontalAlignment;
				_verticalAlignment = from._verticalAlignment;

				ChildCopyToMember(ref _brush, from._brush);

				_automaticRotationShift = from._automaticRotationShift;
				_xOffset = from._xOffset;
				_yOffset = from._yOffset;
				_rotation = from._rotation;
				ChildCopyToMember(ref _backgroundStyle, from._backgroundStyle);
				ChildCopyToMember(ref _labelFormatting, from._labelFormatting);
				_labelSide = from._labelSide;
				_prefixText = from._prefixText;
				_postfixText = from._postfixText;
				ChildCopyToMember(ref _suppressedLabels, from._suppressedLabels);


			return true;
Example #28
 void CopyFrom(AxisStyle from)
   this._styleID = from._styleID.Clone();
   this._cachedAxisInfo = from._cachedAxisInfo;
Example #29
		private GraphicsPath _enclosingPath = new GraphicsPath(); // with Winding also overlapping rectangles are selected

		/// <summary>Predicts the side, where the label will be shown using the given axis information.</summary>
		/// <param name="axisInformation">The axis information.</param>
		/// <returns>The side of the axis where the label will be shown.</returns>
		public virtual CSAxisSide PredictLabelSide(CSAxisInformation axisInformation)
			return null != _labelSide ? _labelSide.Value : axisInformation.PreferredLabelSide;
Example #30
        /// <summary>
        /// Paints the axis style labels.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="g">Graphics environment.</param>
        /// <param name="coordSyst">The coordinate system. Used to get the path along the axis.</param>
        /// <param name="scale">Scale.</param>
        /// <param name="tickSpacing">If not <c>null</c>, this parameter provides a custom tick spacing that is used instead of the default tick spacing of the scale.</param>
        /// <param name="styleInfo">Information about begin of axis, end of axis.</param>
        /// <param name="outerDistance">Distance between axis and labels.</param>
        /// <param name="useMinorTicks">If true, minor ticks are shown.</param>
        public virtual void Paint(IGraphicsContext3D g, G3DCoordinateSystem coordSyst, Scale scale, TickSpacing tickSpacing, CSAxisInformation styleInfo, double outerDistance, bool useMinorTicks)
            _cachedAxisStyleInfo = styleInfo;
            CSLineID    styleID = styleInfo.Identifier;
            Scale       raxis   = scale;
            TickSpacing ticking = tickSpacing;

            var math = Matrix4x3.Identity;

            Logical3D r0 = styleID.GetLogicalPoint(styleInfo.LogicalValueAxisOrg);
            Logical3D r1 = styleID.GetLogicalPoint(styleInfo.LogicalValueAxisEnd);

            Logical3D outer;

            double[]        relpositions;
            AltaxoVariant[] ticks;
            if (useMinorTicks)
                relpositions = ticking.GetMinorTicksNormal(raxis);
                ticks        = ticking.GetMinorTicksAsVariant();
                relpositions = ticking.GetMajorTicksNormal(raxis);
                ticks        = ticking.GetMajorTicksAsVariant();

            if (!_suppressedLabels.IsEmpty)
                var filteredTicks        = new List <AltaxoVariant>();
                var filteredRelPositions = new List <double>();

                for (int i = 0; i < ticks.Length; i++)
                    if (_suppressedLabels.ByValues.Contains(ticks[i]))
                    if (_suppressedLabels.ByNumbers.Contains(i))
                    if (_suppressedLabels.ByNumbers.Contains(i - ticks.Length))

                ticks        = filteredTicks.ToArray();
                relpositions = filteredRelPositions.ToArray();

            IMeasuredLabelItem[] labels = _labelFormatting.GetMeasuredItems(g, _font, ticks);

            double     emSize        = _font.Size;
            CSAxisSide labelSide     = null != _labelSide ? _labelSide.Value : styleInfo.PreferredLabelSide;
            var        labelOutlines = new RectangularObjectOutline[ticks.Length];

            for (int i = 0; i < ticks.Length; i++)
                double r = relpositions[i];

                if (!Altaxo.Calc.RMath.IsInIntervalCC(r, -1000, 1000))

                outer = coordSyst.GetLogicalDirection(styleID.ParallelAxisNumber, labelSide);
                PointD3D tickorg = coordSyst.GetPositionAndNormalizedDirection(r0, r1, r, outer, out var outVector);
                PointD3D tickend = tickorg + outVector * outerDistance;

                var msize = labels[i].Size;
                var morg  = tickend;

                if (_automaticRotationShift)
                    // if this option is choosen, we have to find a shift value that shifts the center of the text outwards so that the bounding box of the text will not cross the plane that is
                    // defined by the tickend point and the normal vector outVector

                    // Assume that the text is now centered x, y, and z around the point tickend (but here we use origin instead tickend)
                    math = Matrix4x3.NewRotation(_rotationX, _rotationY, _rotationZ);
                    // we have to find all points with negative distance to the plane spanned by tickend and the vector outVector (but again instead of tickend we use origin)
                    var msizePad = msize + new VectorD3D(
                        (_font.Size * 1) / 3,                                            // whereas above and below text no padding is neccessary, it is optically nicer to have left and right padding of the string by 1/6 of font size.
                        (_font.Size * 1) / 3                                             // same padding applies to z
                    var crect = new RectangleD3D((PointD3D)(-0.5 * msizePad), msizePad); // our text centered around origin

                    double shift = 0;
                    foreach (PointD3D p in crect.Vertices)
                        PointD3D ps       = math.Transform(p);
                        double   distance = Math3D.GetDistancePointToPlane(ps, PointD3D.Empty, outVector);
                        if (-distance > shift)
                            shift = -distance; // only negative distances will count here
                    morg += outVector * shift;
                    morg = morg.WithXPlus(outVector.X * _font.Size / 3);

                var mrect = new RectangleD3D(morg, msize);
                if (_automaticRotationShift)
                    mrect = AdjustRectangle(mrect, Alignment.Center, Alignment.Center, Alignment.Center);
                    mrect = AdjustRectangle(mrect, _alignmentX, _alignmentY, _alignmentZ);

                math = Matrix4x3.Identity;
                math.TranslatePrepend(morg.X, morg.Y, morg.Z);

                if (_rotationZ != 0)
                if (_rotationY != 0)
                if (_rotationX != 0)

                math.TranslatePrepend((mrect.X - morg.X + emSize * _offsetX), (mrect.Y - morg.Y + emSize * _offsetY), (mrect.Z - morg.Z + emSize * _offsetZ));

                var gs = g.SaveGraphicsState();

                if (_backgroundStyle != null)
                    var itemRectangle = new RectangleD3D(PointD3D.Empty, msize);
                    _backgroundStyle.Draw(g, itemRectangle);

                labels[i].Draw(g, _brush, PointD3D.Empty);
                labelOutlines[i] = new RectangularObjectOutline(new RectangleD3D(PointD3D.Empty, msize), math);
                g.RestoreGraphicsState(gs); // Restore the graphics state

            _cachedLabelOutlines = labelOutlines;
Example #31
		/// <summary>
		/// Paints the axis style labels.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="g">Graphics environment.</param>
		/// <param name="coordSyst">The coordinate system. Used to get the path along the axis.</param>
		/// <param name="scale">Scale.</param>
		/// <param name="tickSpacing">If not <c>null</c>, this parameter provides a custom tick spacing that is used instead of the default tick spacing of the scale.</param>
		/// <param name="styleInfo">Information about begin of axis, end of axis.</param>
		/// <param name="outerDistance">Distance between axis and labels.</param>
		/// <param name="useMinorTicks">If true, minor ticks are shown.</param>
		public virtual void Paint(Graphics g, G2DCoordinateSystem coordSyst, Scale scale, TickSpacing tickSpacing, CSAxisInformation styleInfo, double outerDistance, bool useMinorTicks)
			_cachedAxisStyleInfo = styleInfo;
			CSLineID styleID = styleInfo.Identifier;
			Scale raxis = scale;
			TickSpacing ticking = tickSpacing;

			_enclosingPath.FillMode = FillMode.Winding; // with Winding also overlapping rectangles are selected
			GraphicsPath helperPath = new GraphicsPath();
			Matrix math = new Matrix();

			Logical3D r0 = styleID.GetLogicalPoint(styleInfo.LogicalValueAxisOrg);
			Logical3D r1 = styleID.GetLogicalPoint(styleInfo.LogicalValueAxisEnd);

			PointD2D outVector;
			Logical3D outer;
			var dist_x = outerDistance; // Distance from axis tick point to label
			var dist_y = outerDistance; // y distance from axis tick point to label

			// dist_x += this._font.SizeInPoints/3; // add some space to the horizontal direction in order to separate the chars a little from the ticks

			// next statement is necessary to have a consistent string length both
			// on 0 degree rotated text and rotated text
			// without this statement, the text is fitted to the pixel grid, which
			// leads to "steps" during scaling
			g.TextRenderingHint = System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.AntiAlias;

			double[] relpositions;
			AltaxoVariant[] ticks;
			if (useMinorTicks)
				relpositions = ticking.GetMinorTicksNormal(raxis);
				ticks = ticking.GetMinorTicksAsVariant();
				relpositions = ticking.GetMajorTicksNormal(raxis);
				ticks = ticking.GetMajorTicksAsVariant();

			if (!_suppressedLabels.IsEmpty)
				List<AltaxoVariant> filteredTicks = new List<AltaxoVariant>();
				List<double> filteredRelPositions = new List<double>();

				for (int i = 0; i < ticks.Length; i++)
					if (_suppressedLabels.ByValues.Contains(ticks[i]))
					if (_suppressedLabels.ByNumbers.Contains(i))
					if (_suppressedLabels.ByNumbers.Contains(i - ticks.Length))

				ticks = filteredTicks.ToArray();
				relpositions = filteredRelPositions.ToArray();

			IMeasuredLabelItem[] labels = _labelFormatting.GetMeasuredItems(g, _font, _stringFormat, ticks);

			double emSize = _font.Size;
			CSAxisSide labelSide = null != _labelSide ? _labelSide.Value : styleInfo.PreferredLabelSide;
			for (int i = 0; i < ticks.Length; i++)
				double r = relpositions[i];

				if (!Altaxo.Calc.RMath.IsInIntervalCC(r, -1000, 1000))

				outer = coordSyst.GetLogicalDirection(styleID.ParallelAxisNumber, labelSide);
				PointD2D tickorg = coordSyst.GetNormalizedDirection(r0, r1, r, outer, out outVector);
				PointD2D tickend = tickorg + outVector * outerDistance;

				PointD2D msize = labels[i].Size;
				PointD2D morg = tickend;

				if (_automaticRotationShift)
					double alpha = _rotation * Math.PI / 180 - Math.Atan2(outVector.Y, outVector.X);
					double shift = msize.Y * 0.5 * Math.Abs(Math.Sin(alpha)) + (msize.X + _font.Size / 2) * 0.5 * Math.Abs(Math.Cos(alpha));
					morg = morg + outVector * shift;
					morg = morg.WithXPlus(outVector.X * _font.Size / 3);

				RectangleD2D mrect = new RectangleD2D(morg, msize);
				if (_automaticRotationShift)
					AdjustRectangle(ref mrect, StringAlignment.Center, StringAlignment.Center);
					AdjustRectangle(ref mrect, _horizontalAlignment, _verticalAlignment);

				math.Translate((float)morg.X, (float)morg.Y);
				if (this._rotation != 0)
				math.Translate((float)(mrect.X - morg.X + emSize * _xOffset), (float)(mrect.Y - morg.Y + emSize * _yOffset));

				System.Drawing.Drawing2D.GraphicsState gs = g.Save();

				if (this._backgroundStyle != null)
					_backgroundStyle.Draw(g, new RectangleD2D(PointD2D.Empty, msize));

				_brush.SetEnvironment(new RectangleD2D(PointD2D.Empty, msize), BrushX.GetEffectiveMaximumResolution(g, 1));
				labels[i].Draw(g, _brush, new PointF(0, 0));
				g.Restore(gs); // Restore the graphics state

				helperPath.AddRectangle(new RectangleF(PointF.Empty, (SizeF)msize));

				_enclosingPath.AddPath(helperPath, true);
 public AxisStyleControllerConditionalGlue(CSAxisInformation axisInfo, AxisStyleCollection axisStyleCollection)
     _doc            = axisStyleCollection;
     AxisInformation = axisInfo;
Example #33
		public bool CopyFrom(object obj)
			var from = obj as AxisStyle;
			if (null == from)
				return false;

			if (!object.ReferenceEquals(this, from))
				this._styleID = from._styleID; // immutable
				this._cachedAxisInfo = from._cachedAxisInfo; // attention - have to appear _before_ CopyWithoutIdFrom, since the _cachedAxisInfo is used when cloning AxisLineStyle!
			return true;
Example #34
        private GraphicsPath _enclosingPath = new GraphicsPath(); // with Winding also overlapping rectangles are selected

        /// <summary>Predicts the side, where the label will be shown using the given axis information.</summary>
        /// <param name="axisInformation">The axis information.</param>
        /// <returns>The side of the axis where the label will be shown.</returns>
        public virtual CSAxisSide PredictLabelSide(CSAxisInformation axisInformation)
            return(null != _labelSide ? _labelSide.Value : axisInformation.PreferredLabelSide);
Example #35
 /// <summary>
 /// Abstract paint function for the AbstractXYAxisLabelStyle.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="g">The graphics context.</param>
 /// <param name="layer">The layer the lables belongs to.</param>
 /// <param name="styleInfo">The information which identifies the axis styles.</param>
 /// <param name="axisstyle">The axis style the axis is formatted with.</param>
 /// <param name="useMinorTicks">If true, the minor ticks where used instead of the (default) major ticks.</param>
 public abstract void Paint(Graphics g, XYPlotLayer layer, CSAxisInformation styleInfo, AxisLineStyle axisstyle, bool useMinorTicks);
Example #36
        protected override void UpdateAxisInfo()
            int  horzAx;
            int  vertAx;
            bool vertRev;
            bool horzRev;

            if (_isXYInterchanged)
                horzAx  = 1;
                vertAx  = 0;
                vertRev = _isXreverse;
                horzRev = _isYreverse;
                horzAx  = 0;
                vertAx  = 1;
                vertRev = _isYreverse;
                horzRev = _isXreverse;

            if (null != _axisStyleInformation)
                _axisStyleInformation = new List <CSAxisInformation>();

            CSAxisInformation info;

            // Right
            info = new CSAxisInformation(
                Identifier: new CSLineID(vertAx, 0),
                NameOfAxisStyle: "RightDirection",
                NameOfFirstUpSide: horzRev ? "Below" : "Above",
                NameOfFirstDownSide: horzRev ? "Above" : "Below",
                PreferredLabelSide: horzRev ? CSAxisSide.FirstUp : CSAxisSide.FirstDown,
                IsShownByDefault: true,
                HasTitleByDefault: true);

            // Left
            info = new CSAxisInformation(
                Identifier: new CSLineID(vertAx, 0.5),
                NameOfAxisStyle: "LeftDirection",
                NameOfFirstUpSide: horzRev ? "Above" : "Below",
                NameOfFirstDownSide: horzRev ? "Below" : "Above",
                PreferredLabelSide: horzRev ? CSAxisSide.FirstDown : CSAxisSide.FirstUp);

            // Top
            info = new CSAxisInformation(
                Identifier: new CSLineID(vertAx, horzRev ? 0.75 : 0.25),
                NameOfAxisStyle: "TopDirection",
                NameOfFirstUpSide: horzRev ? "Right" : "Left",
                NameOfFirstDownSide: horzRev ? "Left" : "Right",
                PreferredLabelSide: horzRev ? CSAxisSide.FirstDown : CSAxisSide.FirstUp);

            // Bottom
            info = new CSAxisInformation(
                Identifier: new CSLineID(vertAx, horzRev ? 0.25 : 0.75),
                NameOfAxisStyle: "BottomDirection",
                NameOfFirstUpSide: horzRev ? "Left" : "Right",
                NameOfFirstDownSide: horzRev ? "Right" : "Left",
                PreferredLabelSide: horzRev ? CSAxisSide.FirstUp : CSAxisSide.FirstDown);

            // Outer circle
            info = new CSAxisInformation(
                Identifier: new CSLineID(horzAx, vertRev ? 0 : 1),
                NameOfAxisStyle: "OuterCircle",
                NameOfFirstDownSide: vertRev ? "Outer" : "Inner",
                NameOfFirstUpSide: vertRev ? "Inner" : "Outer",
                PreferredLabelSide: vertRev ? CSAxisSide.FirstDown : CSAxisSide.FirstUp,
                IsShownByDefault: true,
                HasTitleByDefault: true);

            // Inner circle
            info = new CSAxisInformation(
                Identifier: new CSLineID(horzAx, vertRev ? 1 : 0),
                NameOfAxisStyle: "Inner circle",
                NameOfFirstDownSide: vertRev ? "Inner" : "Outer",
                NameOfFirstUpSide: vertRev ? "Outer" : "Inner",
                PreferredLabelSide: vertRev ? CSAxisSide.FirstUp : CSAxisSide.FirstDown);
Example #37
		public virtual bool CopyFrom(object obj)
			if (object.ReferenceEquals(this, obj))
				return true;
			var from = obj as AxisLabelStyle;
			if (null == from)
				return false;

			using (var suspendToken = SuspendGetToken())
				_cachedAxisStyleInfo = from._cachedAxisStyleInfo;

				_font = from._font;
				_alignmentX = from._alignmentX;
				_alignmentY = from._alignmentY;
				_alignmentZ = from._alignmentZ;

				_brush = from._brush;

				_automaticRotationShift = from._automaticRotationShift;
				_offsetX = from._offsetX;
				_offsetY = from._offsetY;
				_offsetZ = from._offsetZ;
				_rotationX = from._rotationX;
				_rotationY = from._rotationY;
				_rotationZ = from._rotationZ;
				ChildCopyToMember(ref _backgroundStyle, from._backgroundStyle);
				ChildCopyToMember(ref _labelFormatting, from._labelFormatting);
				_labelSide = from._labelSide;
				_prefixText = from._prefixText;
				_postfixText = from._postfixText;
				ChildCopyToMember(ref _suppressedLabels, from._suppressedLabels);


			return true;
    public CSAxisInformation GetAxisStyleInformation(CSLineID styleID)
      if (_axisStyleInformation == null || _axisStyleInformation.Count == 0)

      // search for the same axis first, then for the style with the nearest logical value
      double minDistance = double.MaxValue;
      CSAxisInformation nearestInfo = null;

      foreach (CSAxisInformation info in this._axisStyleInformation)
        if (styleID.ParallelAxisNumber == info.Identifier.ParallelAxisNumber)
          if (styleID == info.Identifier)
            minDistance = 0;
            nearestInfo = info;

          double dist = Math.Abs(styleID.LogicalValueOtherFirst - info.Identifier.LogicalValueOtherFirst);
          if(styleID.Is3DIdentifier && info.Identifier.Is3DIdentifier)
            dist += Math.Abs(styleID.LogicalValueOtherSecond - info.Identifier.LogicalValueOtherSecond);

          if (dist < minDistance)
            minDistance = dist;
            nearestInfo = info;
            if (0 == minDistance)
              break; // it can not be smaller than 0


      CSAxisInformation result = new CSAxisInformation(styleID);
      if (nearestInfo == null)
          result.NameOfAxisStyle += string.Format(" ({0}% offs.)",minDistance*100);


      return result;
    protected override void UpdateAxisInfo()
      int horzAx=0;
      int vertAx=1;
      int deptAx=2;

      if (null == _axisStyleInformation)
        _axisStyleInformation = new List<CSAxisInformation>();

      CSAxisInformation info;

      // BottomFront
      info = new CSAxisInformation(new CSLineID(horzAx, 0, 0));
      info.NameOfAxisStyle = "BottomFront";
      info.NameOfFirstDownSide = "Below";
      info.NameOfFirstUpSide =   "Above";
      info.NameOfSecondDownSide = "Before";
      info.NameOfSecondUpSide = "Behind";
      info.PreferedLabelSide =  CSAxisSide.FirstDown;
      info.IsShownByDefault = true;
      info.HasTitleByDefault = true;

      // TopFront
      info = new CSAxisInformation(new CSLineID(horzAx, 1 , 0));
      info.NameOfAxisStyle = "TopFront";
      info.NameOfFirstDownSide = "Below";
      info.NameOfFirstUpSide =  "Above";
      info.NameOfSecondDownSide = "Before";
      info.NameOfSecondUpSide = "Behind";
      info.PreferedLabelSide = CSAxisSide.FirstUp;
      info.IsShownByDefault = true;

      // LeftFront
      info = new CSAxisInformation(new CSLineID(vertAx,0,0));
      info.NameOfAxisStyle = "LeftFront";
      info.NameOfFirstDownSide = "Left";
      info.NameOfFirstUpSide = "Right";
      info.NameOfSecondDownSide = "Before";
      info.NameOfSecondUpSide = "Behind";
      info.PreferedLabelSide = CSAxisSide.FirstDown;
      info.IsShownByDefault = true;
      info.HasTitleByDefault = true;

      // RightFront
      info = new CSAxisInformation(new CSLineID(vertAx, 1 , 0));
      info.NameOfAxisStyle = "RightFront";
      info.NameOfFirstDownSide = "Left";
      info.NameOfFirstUpSide =  "Right";
      info.NameOfSecondDownSide = "Before";
      info.NameOfSecondUpSide = "Behind";
      info.PreferedLabelSide =  CSAxisSide.FirstUp;
      info.IsShownByDefault = true;

      // BottomBack
      info = new CSAxisInformation(new CSLineID(horzAx, 0, 1));
      info.NameOfAxisStyle = "BottomBack";
      info.NameOfFirstDownSide = "Below";
      info.NameOfFirstUpSide = "Above";
      info.NameOfSecondDownSide = "Before";
      info.NameOfSecondUpSide = "Behind";
      info.PreferedLabelSide = CSAxisSide.FirstDown;
      info.IsShownByDefault = true;
      info.HasTitleByDefault = true;

      // TopBack
      info = new CSAxisInformation(new CSLineID(horzAx, 1, 1));
      info.NameOfAxisStyle = "TopBack";
      info.NameOfFirstDownSide = "Below";
      info.NameOfFirstUpSide = "Above";
      info.NameOfSecondDownSide = "Before";
      info.NameOfSecondUpSide = "Behind";
      info.PreferedLabelSide = CSAxisSide.FirstUp;
      info.IsShownByDefault = true;

      // LeftBack
      info = new CSAxisInformation(new CSLineID(vertAx, 0, 1));
      info.NameOfAxisStyle = "LeftBack";
      info.NameOfFirstDownSide = "Left";
      info.NameOfFirstUpSide = "Right";
      info.NameOfSecondDownSide = "Before";
      info.NameOfSecondUpSide = "Behind";
      info.PreferedLabelSide = CSAxisSide.FirstDown;
      info.IsShownByDefault = true;
      info.HasTitleByDefault = true;

      // RightBack
      info = new CSAxisInformation(new CSLineID(vertAx, 1, 1));
      info.NameOfAxisStyle = "RightBack";
      info.NameOfFirstDownSide = "Left";
      info.NameOfFirstUpSide = "Right";
      info.NameOfSecondDownSide = "Before";
      info.NameOfSecondUpSide = "Behind";
      info.PreferedLabelSide = CSAxisSide.FirstUp;
      info.IsShownByDefault = true;

      // BottomLeft
      info = new CSAxisInformation(new CSLineID(deptAx, 0, 0));
      info.NameOfAxisStyle = "BottomLeft";
      info.NameOfFirstDownSide = "Left";
      info.NameOfFirstUpSide = "Right";
      info.NameOfSecondDownSide = "Below";
      info.NameOfSecondUpSide = "Above";
      info.PreferedLabelSide = CSAxisSide.FirstDown;
      info.IsShownByDefault = true;
      info.HasTitleByDefault = true;

      // TopLeft
      info = new CSAxisInformation(new CSLineID(deptAx, 0, 1));
      info.NameOfAxisStyle = "TopLeft";
      info.NameOfFirstDownSide = "Left";
      info.NameOfFirstUpSide = "Right";
      info.NameOfSecondDownSide = "Below";
      info.NameOfSecondUpSide = "Above";
      info.PreferedLabelSide = CSAxisSide.FirstUp;
      info.IsShownByDefault = true;

      // BottomRight
      info = new CSAxisInformation(new CSLineID(deptAx, 1, 0));
      info.NameOfAxisStyle = "BottomRight";
      info.NameOfFirstDownSide = "Left";
      info.NameOfFirstUpSide = "Right";
      info.NameOfSecondDownSide = "Below";
      info.NameOfSecondUpSide = "Above";
      info.PreferedLabelSide = CSAxisSide.FirstDown;
      info.IsShownByDefault = true;
      info.HasTitleByDefault = true;

      // TopRight
      info = new CSAxisInformation(new CSLineID(deptAx, 1, 1));
      info.NameOfAxisStyle = "TopRight";
      info.NameOfFirstDownSide = "Left";
      info.NameOfFirstUpSide = "Right";
      info.NameOfSecondDownSide = "Below";
      info.NameOfSecondUpSide = "Above";
      info.PreferedLabelSide = CSAxisSide.FirstUp;
      info.IsShownByDefault = true;

      // XAxis: Y=0, Z=0
      info = new CSAxisInformation(CSLineID.FromPhysicalValue(horzAx, 0));
      info.NameOfAxisStyle = "YZ=0";
      info.NameOfFirstUpSide =  "Above";
      info.NameOfFirstDownSide =  "Below";
      info.NameOfSecondDownSide = "Before";
      info.NameOfSecondUpSide = "Behind";
      info.PreferedLabelSide = CSAxisSide.FirstDown;

      // YAxis: X=0, Z=0
      info = new CSAxisInformation(CSLineID.FromPhysicalValue(vertAx, 0));
      info.NameOfAxisStyle = "XZ=0";
      info.NameOfFirstDownSide =  "Left";
      info.NameOfFirstUpSide = "Right";
      info.NameOfSecondDownSide = "Before";
      info.NameOfSecondUpSide = "Behind";
      info.PreferedLabelSide =  CSAxisSide.FirstDown;

      // ZAxis: X=0,Y=0
      info = new CSAxisInformation(CSLineID.FromPhysicalValue(deptAx, 0));
      info.NameOfAxisStyle = "XY=0";
      info.NameOfFirstDownSide =  "Left";
      info.NameOfFirstUpSide =  "Right";
      info.NameOfSecondDownSide = "Before";
      info.NameOfSecondUpSide = "Behind";
      info.PreferedLabelSide =  CSAxisSide.FirstDown;

Example #40
        protected override void UpdateAxisInfo()
            int  horzAx;
            int  vertAx;
            bool vertRev;
            bool horzRev;

            if (_isXYInterchanged)
                horzAx  = 1;
                vertAx  = 0;
                vertRev = _isXreverse;
                horzRev = _isYreverse;
                horzAx  = 0;
                vertAx  = 1;
                vertRev = _isYreverse;
                horzRev = _isXreverse;

            if (null != _axisStyleInformation)
                _axisStyleInformation = new List <CSAxisInformation>();

            CSAxisInformation info;

            // Right
            info = new CSAxisInformation(new CSLineID(vertAx, 0));
            info.NameOfAxisStyle     = "RightDirection";
            info.NameOfFirstUpSide   = horzRev ? "Below" : "Above";
            info.NameOfFirstDownSide = horzRev ? "Above" : "Below";
            info.PreferedLabelSide   = horzRev ? CSAxisSide.FirstUp : CSAxisSide.FirstDown;
            info.IsShownByDefault    = true;
            info.HasTitleByDefault   = true;

            // Left
            info = new CSAxisInformation(new CSLineID(vertAx, 0.5));
            info.NameOfAxisStyle     = "LeftDirection";
            info.NameOfFirstUpSide   = horzRev ? "Above" : "Below";
            info.NameOfFirstDownSide = horzRev ? "Below" : "Above";
            info.PreferedLabelSide   = horzRev ? CSAxisSide.FirstDown : CSAxisSide.FirstUp;

            // Top
            info = new CSAxisInformation(new CSLineID(vertAx, horzRev ? 0.75 : 0.25));
            info.NameOfAxisStyle     = "TopDirection";
            info.NameOfFirstUpSide   = horzRev ? "Right" : "Left";
            info.NameOfFirstDownSide = horzRev ? "Left" : "Right";
            info.PreferedLabelSide   = horzRev ? CSAxisSide.FirstDown : CSAxisSide.FirstUp;

            // Bottom
            info = new CSAxisInformation(new CSLineID(vertAx, horzRev ? 0.25 : 0.75));
            info.NameOfAxisStyle     = "BottomDirection";
            info.NameOfFirstUpSide   = horzRev ? "Left" : "Right";
            info.NameOfFirstDownSide = horzRev ? "Right" : "Left";
            info.PreferedLabelSide   = horzRev ? CSAxisSide.FirstUp : CSAxisSide.FirstDown;

            // Outer circle
            info = new CSAxisInformation(new CSLineID(horzAx, vertRev ? 0 : 1));
            info.NameOfAxisStyle     = "OuterCircle";
            info.NameOfFirstDownSide = vertRev ? "Outer" : "Inner";
            info.NameOfFirstUpSide   = vertRev ? "Inner" : "Outer";
            info.PreferedLabelSide   = vertRev ? CSAxisSide.FirstDown : CSAxisSide.FirstUp;
            info.IsShownByDefault    = true;
            info.HasTitleByDefault   = true;

            // Inner circle
            info = new CSAxisInformation(new CSLineID(horzAx, vertRev ? 1 : 0));
            info.NameOfAxisStyle     = "Inner circle";
            info.NameOfFirstDownSide = vertRev ? "Inner" : "Outer";
            info.NameOfFirstUpSide   = vertRev ? "Outer" : "Inner";
            info.PreferedLabelSide   = vertRev ? CSAxisSide.FirstUp : CSAxisSide.FirstDown;
Example #41
        protected override void UpdateAxisInfo()
            int  horzAx;
            int  vertAx;
            bool vertRev;
            bool horzRev;

            if (_isXYInterchanged)
                horzAx  = 1;
                vertAx  = 0;
                vertRev = _isXreverse;
                horzRev = _isYreverse;
                horzAx  = 0;
                vertAx  = 1;
                vertRev = _isYreverse;
                horzRev = _isXreverse;

            if (null == _axisStyleInformation)
                _axisStyleInformation = new List <CSAxisInformation>();

            CSAxisInformation info;
            CSLineID          lineID;

            // Left
            lineID = new CSLineID(vertAx, horzRev ? 1 : 0);
            info   = new CSAxisInformation(
                Identifier: lineID,
                NameOfAxisStyle: GetAxisName(lineID),
                NameOfFirstDownSide: GetAxisSideName(lineID, CSAxisSide.FirstDown),
                NameOfFirstUpSide: GetAxisSideName(lineID, CSAxisSide.FirstUp),
                PreferredLabelSide: horzRev ? CSAxisSide.FirstUp : CSAxisSide.FirstDown,
                IsShownByDefault: true,
                HasTitleByDefault: true);

            // Right
            lineID = new CSLineID(vertAx, horzRev ? 0 : 1);
            info   = new CSAxisInformation(
                Identifier: lineID,
                NameOfAxisStyle: GetAxisName(lineID),
                NameOfFirstDownSide: GetAxisSideName(lineID, CSAxisSide.FirstDown),
                NameOfFirstUpSide: GetAxisSideName(lineID, CSAxisSide.FirstUp),
                PreferredLabelSide: horzRev ? CSAxisSide.FirstDown : CSAxisSide.FirstUp,
                IsShownByDefault: false,
                HasTitleByDefault: false);

            // Bottom
            lineID = new CSLineID(horzAx, vertRev ? 1 : 0);
            info   = new CSAxisInformation(
                Identifier: lineID,
                NameOfAxisStyle: GetAxisName(lineID),
                NameOfFirstDownSide: GetAxisSideName(lineID, CSAxisSide.FirstDown),
                NameOfFirstUpSide: GetAxisSideName(lineID, CSAxisSide.FirstUp),
                PreferredLabelSide: vertRev ? CSAxisSide.FirstUp : CSAxisSide.FirstDown,
                IsShownByDefault: true,
                HasTitleByDefault: true);

            // Top
            lineID = new CSLineID(horzAx, vertRev ? 0 : 1);
            info   = new CSAxisInformation(
                Identifier: lineID,
                NameOfAxisStyle: GetAxisName(lineID),
                NameOfFirstDownSide: GetAxisSideName(lineID, CSAxisSide.FirstDown),
                NameOfFirstUpSide: GetAxisSideName(lineID, CSAxisSide.FirstUp),
                PreferredLabelSide: vertRev ? CSAxisSide.FirstDown : CSAxisSide.FirstUp,
                IsShownByDefault: false,
                HasTitleByDefault: false);

            // Y=0
            lineID = CSLineID.FromPhysicalValue(horzAx, 0);
            info   = new CSAxisInformation(
                Identifier: lineID,
                NameOfAxisStyle: GetAxisName(lineID),
                NameOfFirstDownSide: GetAxisSideName(lineID, CSAxisSide.FirstDown),
                NameOfFirstUpSide: GetAxisSideName(lineID, CSAxisSide.FirstUp),
                PreferredLabelSide: vertRev ? CSAxisSide.FirstUp : CSAxisSide.FirstDown,
                IsShownByDefault: false,
                HasTitleByDefault: false);

            // X=0
            lineID = CSLineID.FromPhysicalValue(vertAx, 0);
            info   = new CSAxisInformation(
                Identifier: lineID,
                NameOfAxisStyle: GetAxisName(lineID),
                NameOfFirstDownSide: GetAxisSideName(lineID, CSAxisSide.FirstDown),
                NameOfFirstUpSide: GetAxisSideName(lineID, CSAxisSide.FirstUp),
                PreferredLabelSide: horzRev ? CSAxisSide.FirstUp : CSAxisSide.FirstDown,
                IsShownByDefault: false,
                HasTitleByDefault: false);
Example #42
    /// <summary>
    /// Copy operation.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="from">The AxisStyle to copy from</param>
    public void CopyFrom(AxisLineStyle from)
      if (_axisPen != null)
      this._axisPen = null == from._axisPen ? null : (PenX)from._axisPen.Clone();
      this._axisPosition = from._axisPosition;
      this._showFirstDownMajorTicks = from._showFirstDownMajorTicks;
      this._showFirstDownMinorTicks = from._showFirstDownMinorTicks;
      this._showFirstUpMajorTicks = from._showFirstUpMajorTicks;
      this._showFirstUpMinorTicks = from._showFirstUpMinorTicks;
      this._majorTickLength  = from._majorTickLength;
      this._majorTickPen     = null==from._majorTickPen ? null : (PenX)from._majorTickPen;
      this._minorTickLength  = from._minorTickLength;
      this._minorTickPen     = (null==from._minorTickPen) ? null : (PenX)from._minorTickPen;

      this._cachedAxisStyleInfo = from._cachedAxisStyleInfo;
      this._parent = from._parent;

      // Rewire the event chain
Example #43
		/// <summary>
		/// Paint the axis in the Graphics context.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="g">The graphics context painting to.</param>
		/// <param name="layer">The layer the axis belongs to.</param>
		/// <param name="styleInfo">The axis information of the axis to paint.</param>
		/// <param name="customTickSpacing">If not <c>null</c>, this parameter provides a custom tick spacing that is used instead of the default tick spacing of the scale.</param>
		public void Paint(IGraphicsContext3D g, IPlotArea layer, CSAxisInformation styleInfo, TickSpacing customTickSpacing)
			CSLineID styleID = styleInfo.Identifier;
			_cachedAxisStyleInfo = styleInfo;
			Scale axis = layer.Scales[styleID.ParallelAxisNumber];

			TickSpacing ticking = null != customTickSpacing ? customTickSpacing : layer.Scales[styleID.ParallelAxisNumber].TickSpacing;

			Logical3D r0 = styleID.GetLogicalPoint(styleInfo.LogicalValueAxisOrg);
			Logical3D r1 = styleID.GetLogicalPoint(styleInfo.LogicalValueAxisEnd);

			var sweepPath = layer.CoordinateSystem.GetIsoline(r0, r1);
			g.DrawLine(_axisPen, sweepPath);

			_cachedMainLinePointsUsedForHitTesting = sweepPath.Points.ToArray();
			var majorTickLinesUsedForHitTesting = new List<LineD3D>();
			var minorTickLinesUsedForHitTesting = new List<LineD3D>();

			Logical3D outer;

			// now the major ticks
			VectorD3D outVector;
			double[] majorticks = ticking.GetMajorTicksNormal(axis);
			for (int i = 0; i < majorticks.Length; i++)
				double r = majorticks[i];

				if (_showFirstUpMajorTicks)
					outer = layer.CoordinateSystem.GetLogicalDirection(styleID.ParallelAxisNumber, CSAxisSide.FirstUp);
					var tickorg = layer.CoordinateSystem.GetPositionAndNormalizedDirection(r0, r1, r, outer, out outVector);
					var tickend = tickorg + outVector * _majorTickLength;
					g.DrawLine(_majorTickPen, tickorg, tickend);
					majorTickLinesUsedForHitTesting.Add(new LineD3D(tickorg, tickend));
				if (_showFirstDownMajorTicks)
					outer = layer.CoordinateSystem.GetLogicalDirection(styleID.ParallelAxisNumber, CSAxisSide.FirstDown);
					var tickorg = layer.CoordinateSystem.GetPositionAndNormalizedDirection(r0, r1, r, outer, out outVector);
					var tickend = tickorg + outVector * _majorTickLength;
					g.DrawLine(_majorTickPen, tickorg, tickend);
					majorTickLinesUsedForHitTesting.Add(new LineD3D(tickorg, tickend));
				if (_showSecondUpMajorTicks)
					outer = layer.CoordinateSystem.GetLogicalDirection(styleID.ParallelAxisNumber, CSAxisSide.SecondUp);
					var tickorg = layer.CoordinateSystem.GetPositionAndNormalizedDirection(r0, r1, r, outer, out outVector);
					var tickend = tickorg + outVector * _majorTickLength;
					g.DrawLine(_majorTickPen, tickorg, tickend);
					majorTickLinesUsedForHitTesting.Add(new LineD3D(tickorg, tickend));
				if (_showSecondDownMajorTicks)
					outer = layer.CoordinateSystem.GetLogicalDirection(styleID.ParallelAxisNumber, CSAxisSide.SecondDown);
					var tickorg = layer.CoordinateSystem.GetPositionAndNormalizedDirection(r0, r1, r, outer, out outVector);
					var tickend = tickorg + outVector * _majorTickLength;
					g.DrawLine(_majorTickPen, tickorg, tickend);
					majorTickLinesUsedForHitTesting.Add(new LineD3D(tickorg, tickend));

			// now the major ticks
			double[] minorticks = ticking.GetMinorTicksNormal(axis);
			for (int i = 0; i < minorticks.Length; i++)
				double r = minorticks[i];

				if (_showFirstUpMinorTicks)
					outer = layer.CoordinateSystem.GetLogicalDirection(styleID.ParallelAxisNumber, CSAxisSide.FirstUp);
					var tickorg = layer.CoordinateSystem.GetPositionAndNormalizedDirection(r0, r1, r, outer, out outVector);
					var tickend = tickorg + outVector * _minorTickLength;
					g.DrawLine(_minorTickPen, tickorg, tickend);
					minorTickLinesUsedForHitTesting.Add(new LineD3D(tickorg, tickend));
				if (_showFirstDownMinorTicks)
					outer = layer.CoordinateSystem.GetLogicalDirection(styleID.ParallelAxisNumber, CSAxisSide.FirstDown);
					var tickorg = layer.CoordinateSystem.GetPositionAndNormalizedDirection(r0, r1, r, outer, out outVector);
					var tickend = tickorg + outVector * _minorTickLength;
					g.DrawLine(_minorTickPen, tickorg, tickend);
					minorTickLinesUsedForHitTesting.Add(new LineD3D(tickorg, tickend));

				if (_showSecondUpMinorTicks)
					outer = layer.CoordinateSystem.GetLogicalDirection(styleID.ParallelAxisNumber, CSAxisSide.SecondUp);
					var tickorg = layer.CoordinateSystem.GetPositionAndNormalizedDirection(r0, r1, r, outer, out outVector);
					var tickend = tickorg + outVector * _minorTickLength;
					g.DrawLine(_minorTickPen, tickorg, tickend);
					minorTickLinesUsedForHitTesting.Add(new LineD3D(tickorg, tickend));
				if (_showSecondDownMinorTicks)
					outer = layer.CoordinateSystem.GetLogicalDirection(styleID.ParallelAxisNumber, CSAxisSide.SecondDown);
					var tickorg = layer.CoordinateSystem.GetPositionAndNormalizedDirection(r0, r1, r, outer, out outVector);
					var tickend = tickorg + outVector * _minorTickLength;
					g.DrawLine(_minorTickPen, tickorg, tickend);
					minorTickLinesUsedForHitTesting.Add(new LineD3D(tickorg, tickend));

			_cachedMajorTickLinesUsedForHitTesting = majorTickLinesUsedForHitTesting.ToArray();
			_cachedMinorTickLinesUsedForHitTesting = minorTickLinesUsedForHitTesting.ToArray();
Example #44
        /// <summary>
        /// Paint the axis in the Graphics context.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="g">The graphics context painting to.</param>
        /// <param name="layer">The layer the axis belongs to.</param>
        /// <param name="styleInfo">The axis information of the axis to paint.</param>
        /// <param name="customTickSpacing">If not <c>null</c>, this parameter provides a custom tick spacing that is used instead of the default tick spacing of the scale.</param>
        public void Paint(IGraphicsContext3D g, IPlotArea layer, CSAxisInformation styleInfo, TickSpacing customTickSpacing)
            CSLineID styleID = styleInfo.Identifier;

            _cachedAxisStyleInfo = styleInfo;
            Scale axis = layer.Scales[styleID.ParallelAxisNumber];

            TickSpacing ticking = null != customTickSpacing ? customTickSpacing : layer.Scales[styleID.ParallelAxisNumber].TickSpacing;

            Logical3D r0 = styleID.GetLogicalPoint(styleInfo.LogicalValueAxisOrg);
            Logical3D r1 = styleID.GetLogicalPoint(styleInfo.LogicalValueAxisEnd);

            var sweepPath = layer.CoordinateSystem.GetIsoline(r0, r1);

            g.DrawLine(_axisPen, sweepPath);

            _cachedMainLinePointsUsedForHitTesting = sweepPath.Points.ToArray();
            var majorTickLinesUsedForHitTesting = new List <LineD3D>();
            var minorTickLinesUsedForHitTesting = new List <LineD3D>();

            Logical3D outer;

            // now the major ticks
            VectorD3D outVector;

            double[] majorticks = ticking.GetMajorTicksNormal(axis);
            for (int i = 0; i < majorticks.Length; i++)
                double r = majorticks[i];

                if (_showFirstUpMajorTicks)
                    outer = layer.CoordinateSystem.GetLogicalDirection(styleID.ParallelAxisNumber, CSAxisSide.FirstUp);
                    var tickorg = layer.CoordinateSystem.GetPositionAndNormalizedDirection(r0, r1, r, outer, out outVector);
                    var tickend = tickorg + outVector * _majorTickLength;
                    g.DrawLine(_majorTickPen, tickorg, tickend);
                    majorTickLinesUsedForHitTesting.Add(new LineD3D(tickorg, tickend));
                if (_showFirstDownMajorTicks)
                    outer = layer.CoordinateSystem.GetLogicalDirection(styleID.ParallelAxisNumber, CSAxisSide.FirstDown);
                    var tickorg = layer.CoordinateSystem.GetPositionAndNormalizedDirection(r0, r1, r, outer, out outVector);
                    var tickend = tickorg + outVector * _majorTickLength;
                    g.DrawLine(_majorTickPen, tickorg, tickend);
                    majorTickLinesUsedForHitTesting.Add(new LineD3D(tickorg, tickend));
                if (_showSecondUpMajorTicks)
                    outer = layer.CoordinateSystem.GetLogicalDirection(styleID.ParallelAxisNumber, CSAxisSide.SecondUp);
                    var tickorg = layer.CoordinateSystem.GetPositionAndNormalizedDirection(r0, r1, r, outer, out outVector);
                    var tickend = tickorg + outVector * _majorTickLength;
                    g.DrawLine(_majorTickPen, tickorg, tickend);
                    majorTickLinesUsedForHitTesting.Add(new LineD3D(tickorg, tickend));
                if (_showSecondDownMajorTicks)
                    outer = layer.CoordinateSystem.GetLogicalDirection(styleID.ParallelAxisNumber, CSAxisSide.SecondDown);
                    var tickorg = layer.CoordinateSystem.GetPositionAndNormalizedDirection(r0, r1, r, outer, out outVector);
                    var tickend = tickorg + outVector * _majorTickLength;
                    g.DrawLine(_majorTickPen, tickorg, tickend);
                    majorTickLinesUsedForHitTesting.Add(new LineD3D(tickorg, tickend));

            // now the major ticks
            double[] minorticks = ticking.GetMinorTicksNormal(axis);
            for (int i = 0; i < minorticks.Length; i++)
                double r = minorticks[i];

                if (_showFirstUpMinorTicks)
                    outer = layer.CoordinateSystem.GetLogicalDirection(styleID.ParallelAxisNumber, CSAxisSide.FirstUp);
                    var tickorg = layer.CoordinateSystem.GetPositionAndNormalizedDirection(r0, r1, r, outer, out outVector);
                    var tickend = tickorg + outVector * _minorTickLength;
                    g.DrawLine(_minorTickPen, tickorg, tickend);
                    minorTickLinesUsedForHitTesting.Add(new LineD3D(tickorg, tickend));
                if (_showFirstDownMinorTicks)
                    outer = layer.CoordinateSystem.GetLogicalDirection(styleID.ParallelAxisNumber, CSAxisSide.FirstDown);
                    var tickorg = layer.CoordinateSystem.GetPositionAndNormalizedDirection(r0, r1, r, outer, out outVector);
                    var tickend = tickorg + outVector * _minorTickLength;
                    g.DrawLine(_minorTickPen, tickorg, tickend);
                    minorTickLinesUsedForHitTesting.Add(new LineD3D(tickorg, tickend));

                if (_showSecondUpMinorTicks)
                    outer = layer.CoordinateSystem.GetLogicalDirection(styleID.ParallelAxisNumber, CSAxisSide.SecondUp);
                    var tickorg = layer.CoordinateSystem.GetPositionAndNormalizedDirection(r0, r1, r, outer, out outVector);
                    var tickend = tickorg + outVector * _minorTickLength;
                    g.DrawLine(_minorTickPen, tickorg, tickend);
                    minorTickLinesUsedForHitTesting.Add(new LineD3D(tickorg, tickend));
                if (_showSecondDownMinorTicks)
                    outer = layer.CoordinateSystem.GetLogicalDirection(styleID.ParallelAxisNumber, CSAxisSide.SecondDown);
                    var tickorg = layer.CoordinateSystem.GetPositionAndNormalizedDirection(r0, r1, r, outer, out outVector);
                    var tickend = tickorg + outVector * _minorTickLength;
                    g.DrawLine(_minorTickPen, tickorg, tickend);
                    minorTickLinesUsedForHitTesting.Add(new LineD3D(tickorg, tickend));

            _cachedMajorTickLinesUsedForHitTesting = majorTickLinesUsedForHitTesting.ToArray();
            _cachedMinorTickLinesUsedForHitTesting = minorTickLinesUsedForHitTesting.ToArray();
Example #45
        /// <summary>
        /// Paint the axis in the Graphics context.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="g">The graphics context painting to.</param>
        /// <param name="layer">The layer the axis belongs to.</param>
        /// <param name="styleInfo">The axis information of the axis to paint.</param>
        public void Paint(Graphics g, XYPlotLayer layer, CSAxisInformation styleInfo)
            CSLineID styleID = styleInfo.Identifier;

            _cachedAxisStyleInfo = styleInfo.Clone();
            Scale axis = styleID.ParallelAxisNumber == 0 ? layer.XAxis : layer.YAxis;

            Logical3D r0 = styleID.Begin;
            Logical3D r1 = styleID.End;

            layer.CoordinateSystem.DrawIsoline(g, _axisPen, r0, r1);

            Logical3D outer;

            // now the major ticks
            PointF outVector;

            double[] majorticks = axis.GetMajorTicksNormal();
            for (int i = 0; i < majorticks.Length; i++)
                double r = majorticks[i];

                if (_showFirstUpMajorTicks)
                    outer = layer.CoordinateSystem.GetLogicalDirection(styleID.ParallelAxisNumber, CSAxisSide.FirstUp);
                    PointF tickorg = layer.CoordinateSystem.GetNormalizedDirection(r0, r1, r, outer, out outVector);
                    PointF tickend = tickorg;
                    tickend.X += outVector.X * _majorTickLength;
                    tickend.Y += outVector.Y * _majorTickLength;
                    g.DrawLine(_majorTickPen, tickorg, tickend);
                if (_showFirstDownMajorTicks)
                    outer = layer.CoordinateSystem.GetLogicalDirection(styleID.ParallelAxisNumber, CSAxisSide.FirstDown);
                    PointF tickorg = layer.CoordinateSystem.GetNormalizedDirection(r0, r1, r, outer, out outVector);
                    PointF tickend = tickorg;
                    tickend.X += outVector.X * _majorTickLength;
                    tickend.Y += outVector.Y * _majorTickLength;
                    g.DrawLine(_majorTickPen, tickorg, tickend);
            // now the major ticks
            double[] minorticks = axis.GetMinorTicksNormal();
            for (int i = 0; i < minorticks.Length; i++)
                double r = minorticks[i];

                if (_showFirstUpMinorTicks)
                    outer = layer.CoordinateSystem.GetLogicalDirection(styleID.ParallelAxisNumber, CSAxisSide.FirstUp);
                    PointF tickorg = layer.CoordinateSystem.GetNormalizedDirection(r0, r1, r, outer, out outVector);
                    PointF tickend = tickorg;
                    tickend.X += outVector.X * _minorTickLength;
                    tickend.Y += outVector.Y * _minorTickLength;
                    g.DrawLine(_minorTickPen, tickorg, tickend);
                if (_showFirstDownMinorTicks)
                    outer = layer.CoordinateSystem.GetLogicalDirection(styleID.ParallelAxisNumber, CSAxisSide.FirstDown);
                    PointF tickorg = layer.CoordinateSystem.GetNormalizedDirection(r0, r1, r, outer, out outVector);
                    PointF tickend = tickorg;
                    tickend.X += outVector.X * _minorTickLength;
                    tickend.Y += outVector.Y * _minorTickLength;
                    g.DrawLine(_minorTickPen, tickorg, tickend);
Example #46
    public void Paint(Graphics g, XYPlotLayer layer)
      // update the logical values of the physical axes before
        if (_styleID.UsePhysicalValueOtherFirst)
          // then update the logical value of this identifier
          double logicalValue = layer.Scales(_styleID.AxisNumberOtherFirst).PhysicalVariantToNormal(_styleID.PhysicalValueOtherFirst);
          _styleID.LogicalValueOtherFirst = logicalValue;
        if (_styleID.UsePhysicalValueOtherSecond)
          // then update the logical value of this identifier
          double logicalValue = layer.Scales(_styleID.AxisNumberOtherSecond).PhysicalVariantToNormal(_styleID.PhysicalValueOtherSecond);
          _styleID.LogicalValueOtherSecond = logicalValue;

      int axisnumber = _styleID.ParallelAxisNumber;
      CSAxisInformation styleinfo = layer.CoordinateSystem.GetAxisStyleInformation(_styleID);
      _cachedAxisInfo = styleinfo;

      if (ShowAxisLine)
        _axisLineStyle.Paint(g, layer, styleinfo);
      if (ShowMajorLabels)
        this._majorLabelStyle.Paint(g, layer, styleinfo, _axisLineStyle, false);
      if (ShowMinorLabels)
        this._minorLabelStyle.Paint(g, layer, styleinfo, _axisLineStyle, true);
      if (ShowTitle)
        _axisTitle.Paint(g, layer);
Example #47
		public CSAxisInformation GetAxisStyleInformation(CSLineID styleID)
			if (_axisStyleInformation == null || _axisStyleInformation.Count == 0)

			// search for the same axis first, then for the style with the nearest logical value
			double minDistance = double.MaxValue;
			CSAxisInformation nearestInfo = null;

			if (!styleID.UsePhysicalValueOtherFirst)
				foreach (CSAxisInformation info in this._axisStyleInformation)
					if (styleID.ParallelAxisNumber == info.Identifier.ParallelAxisNumber)
						if (styleID == info.Identifier)
							minDistance = 0;
							nearestInfo = info;

						double dist = Math.Abs(styleID.LogicalValueOtherFirst - info.Identifier.LogicalValueOtherFirst);
						if (styleID.Is3DIdentifier && info.Identifier.Is3DIdentifier)
							dist += Math.Abs(styleID.LogicalValueOtherSecond - info.Identifier.LogicalValueOtherSecond);

						if (dist < minDistance)
							minDistance = dist;
							nearestInfo = info;
							if (0 == minDistance)
								break; // it can not be smaller than 0

			CSAxisInformation result = new CSAxisInformation(styleID);
			if (nearestInfo == null)
				result = CSAxisInformation.NewWithDefaultValues(styleID);
				result = nearestInfo.WithIdentifier(styleID);

				if (minDistance != 0)
					result = result.WithNameOfAxisStyle(result.NameOfAxisStyle + string.Format(" ({0}% offs.)", minDistance * 100));

			result = result.WithNamesForFirstUpAndDownSides(
				GetAxisSideName(result.Identifier, CSAxisSide.FirstUp),
				GetAxisSideName(result.Identifier, CSAxisSide.FirstDown));
			if (Is3D)
				result = result.WithNamesForSecondUpAndDownSides(
					GetAxisSideName(result.Identifier, CSAxisSide.SecondUp),
					GetAxisSideName(result.Identifier, CSAxisSide.SecondDown));

			return result;
Example #48
		public AxisStyle(CSAxisInformation info, bool isAxisLineEnabled, bool areMajorTicksEnabled, bool areMinorTicksEnabled, string axisTitleOrNull, Altaxo.Main.Properties.IReadOnlyPropertyBag context)
			_styleID = info.Identifier;

			if (isAxisLineEnabled)
				ShowAxisLine(info.HasTicksByDefault, info.PreferredTickSide, context);

			if (info.HasLabelsByDefault)
				ShowMajorLabels(info.PreferredLabelSide, context);

			if (info.HasLabelsByDefault && areMinorTicksEnabled)
				ShowMinorLabels(info.PreferredLabelSide, context);

			if (null != axisTitleOrNull)
				_axisTitle.Text = axisTitleOrNull;
Example #49
        /// <summary>
        /// Paint the axis in the Graphics context.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="g">The graphics context painting to.</param>
        /// <param name="layer">The layer the axis belongs to.</param>
        /// <param name="styleInfo">The axis information of the axis to paint.</param>
        /// <param name="customTickSpacing">If not <c>null</c>, this parameter provides a custom tick spacing that is used instead of the default tick spacing of the scale.</param>
        public void Paint(Graphics g, IPlotArea layer, CSAxisInformation styleInfo, TickSpacing customTickSpacing)
            CSLineID styleID = styleInfo.Identifier;

            _cachedAxisStyleInfo = styleInfo;
            Scale axis = layer.Scales[styleID.ParallelAxisNumber];

            TickSpacing ticking = null != customTickSpacing ? customTickSpacing : layer.Scales[styleID.ParallelAxisNumber].TickSpacing;

            Logical3D r0 = styleID.GetLogicalPoint(styleInfo.LogicalValueAxisOrg);
            Logical3D r1 = styleID.GetLogicalPoint(styleInfo.LogicalValueAxisEnd);

            layer.CoordinateSystem.DrawIsoline(g, _axisPen, r0, r1);

            Logical3D outer;

            // now the major ticks
            PointD2D outVector;

            double[] majorticks = ticking.GetMajorTicksNormal(axis);
            for (int i = 0; i < majorticks.Length; i++)
                double r = majorticks[i];

                if (_showFirstUpMajorTicks)
                    outer = layer.CoordinateSystem.GetLogicalDirection(styleID.ParallelAxisNumber, CSAxisSide.FirstUp);
                    var tickorg = layer.CoordinateSystem.GetNormalizedDirection(r0, r1, r, outer, out outVector);
                    var tickend = tickorg + outVector * _majorTickLength;
                    g.DrawLine(_majorTickPen, (PointF)tickorg, (PointF)tickend);
                if (_showFirstDownMajorTicks)
                    outer = layer.CoordinateSystem.GetLogicalDirection(styleID.ParallelAxisNumber, CSAxisSide.FirstDown);
                    var tickorg = layer.CoordinateSystem.GetNormalizedDirection(r0, r1, r, outer, out outVector);
                    var tickend = tickorg + outVector * _majorTickLength;
                    g.DrawLine(_majorTickPen, (PointF)tickorg, (PointF)tickend);
            // now the major ticks
            double[] minorticks = ticking.GetMinorTicksNormal(axis);
            for (int i = 0; i < minorticks.Length; i++)
                double r = minorticks[i];

                if (_showFirstUpMinorTicks)
                    outer = layer.CoordinateSystem.GetLogicalDirection(styleID.ParallelAxisNumber, CSAxisSide.FirstUp);
                    var tickorg = layer.CoordinateSystem.GetNormalizedDirection(r0, r1, r, outer, out outVector);
                    var tickend = tickorg + outVector * _minorTickLength;
                    g.DrawLine(_minorTickPen, (PointF)tickorg, (PointF)tickend);
                if (_showFirstDownMinorTicks)
                    outer = layer.CoordinateSystem.GetLogicalDirection(styleID.ParallelAxisNumber, CSAxisSide.FirstDown);
                    var tickorg = layer.CoordinateSystem.GetNormalizedDirection(r0, r1, r, outer, out outVector);
                    var tickend = tickorg + outVector * _minorTickLength;
                    g.DrawLine(_minorTickPen, (PointF)tickorg, (PointF)tickend);
		protected override void UpdateAxisInfo()
			int horzAx;
			int vertAx;
			bool vertRev;
			bool horzRev;

			if (_isXYInterchanged)
				horzAx = 1;
				vertAx = 0;
				vertRev = _isXreverse;
				horzRev = _isYreverse;
				horzAx = 0;
				vertAx = 1;
				vertRev = _isYreverse;
				horzRev = _isXreverse;

			if (null == _axisStyleInformation)
				_axisStyleInformation = new List<CSAxisInformation>();

			CSAxisInformation info;
			CSLineID lineID;

			// Left
			lineID = new CSLineID(vertAx, horzRev ? 1 : 0);
			info = new CSAxisInformation(
				Identifier: lineID,
				NameOfAxisStyle: GetAxisName(lineID),
				NameOfFirstDownSide: GetAxisSideName(lineID, CSAxisSide.FirstDown),
				NameOfFirstUpSide: GetAxisSideName(lineID, CSAxisSide.FirstUp),
				PreferredLabelSide: horzRev ? CSAxisSide.FirstUp : CSAxisSide.FirstDown,
				IsShownByDefault: true,
				HasTitleByDefault: true);

			// Right
			lineID = new CSLineID(vertAx, horzRev ? 0 : 1);
			info = new CSAxisInformation(
				Identifier: lineID,
				NameOfAxisStyle: GetAxisName(lineID),
				NameOfFirstDownSide: GetAxisSideName(lineID, CSAxisSide.FirstDown),
				NameOfFirstUpSide: GetAxisSideName(lineID, CSAxisSide.FirstUp),
				PreferredLabelSide: horzRev ? CSAxisSide.FirstDown : CSAxisSide.FirstUp,
				IsShownByDefault: false,
				HasTitleByDefault: false);

			// Bottom
			lineID = new CSLineID(horzAx, vertRev ? 1 : 0);
			info = new CSAxisInformation(
				Identifier: lineID,
				NameOfAxisStyle: GetAxisName(lineID),
				NameOfFirstDownSide: GetAxisSideName(lineID, CSAxisSide.FirstDown),
				NameOfFirstUpSide: GetAxisSideName(lineID, CSAxisSide.FirstUp),
				PreferredLabelSide: vertRev ? CSAxisSide.FirstUp : CSAxisSide.FirstDown,
				IsShownByDefault: true,
				HasTitleByDefault: true);

			// Top
			lineID = new CSLineID(horzAx, vertRev ? 0 : 1);
			info = new CSAxisInformation(
				Identifier: lineID,
				NameOfAxisStyle: GetAxisName(lineID),
				NameOfFirstDownSide: GetAxisSideName(lineID, CSAxisSide.FirstDown),
				NameOfFirstUpSide: GetAxisSideName(lineID, CSAxisSide.FirstUp),
				PreferredLabelSide: vertRev ? CSAxisSide.FirstDown : CSAxisSide.FirstUp,
				IsShownByDefault: false,
				HasTitleByDefault: false);

			// Y=0
			lineID = CSLineID.FromPhysicalValue(horzAx, 0);
			info = new CSAxisInformation(
				Identifier: lineID,
				NameOfAxisStyle: GetAxisName(lineID),
				NameOfFirstDownSide: GetAxisSideName(lineID, CSAxisSide.FirstDown),
				NameOfFirstUpSide: GetAxisSideName(lineID, CSAxisSide.FirstUp),
				PreferredLabelSide: vertRev ? CSAxisSide.FirstUp : CSAxisSide.FirstDown,
				IsShownByDefault: false,
				HasTitleByDefault: false);

			// X=0
			lineID = CSLineID.FromPhysicalValue(vertAx, 0);
			info = new CSAxisInformation(
				Identifier: lineID,
				NameOfAxisStyle: GetAxisName(lineID),
				NameOfFirstDownSide: GetAxisSideName(lineID, CSAxisSide.FirstDown),
				NameOfFirstUpSide: GetAxisSideName(lineID, CSAxisSide.FirstUp),
				PreferredLabelSide: horzRev ? CSAxisSide.FirstUp : CSAxisSide.FirstDown,
				IsShownByDefault: false,
				HasTitleByDefault: false);
Example #51
        private GraphicsPath _enclosingPath = new GraphicsPath(); // with Winding also overlapping rectangles are selected
        public override void Paint(Graphics g, XYPlotLayer layer, CSAxisInformation styleInfo, AxisLineStyle axisstyle, bool useMinorTicks)
            _cachedStyleID = styleInfo.Identifier;
            CSLineID styleID = styleInfo.Identifier;
            Scale    raxis   = styleID.ParallelAxisNumber == 0 ? layer.XAxis : layer.YAxis;

            _enclosingPath.FillMode = FillMode.Winding; // with Winding also overlapping rectangles are selected
            GraphicsPath helperPath = new GraphicsPath();
            Matrix       math       = new Matrix();

            Logical3D r0 = _cachedStyleID.Begin;
            Logical3D r1 = _cachedStyleID.End;

            SizeF     layerSize = layer.Size;
            PointF    outVector;
            Logical3D outer;
            float     outerDistance = null == axisstyle? 0 : axisstyle.GetOuterDistance(styleInfo.PreferedLabelSide);
            float     dist_x        = outerDistance; // Distance from axis tick point to label
            float     dist_y        = outerDistance; // y distance from axis tick point to label

            // dist_x += this._font.SizeInPoints/3; // add some space to the horizontal direction in order to separate the chars a little from the ticks

            // next statement is necessary to have a consistent string length both
            // on 0 degree rotated text and rotated text
            // without this statement, the text is fitted to the pixel grid, which
            // leads to "steps" during scaling
            g.TextRenderingHint = System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.AntiAlias;

            double[]        relpositions;
            AltaxoVariant[] ticks;
            if (useMinorTicks)
                relpositions = raxis.GetMinorTicksNormal();
                ticks        = raxis.GetMinorTicksAsVariant();
                relpositions = raxis.GetMajorTicksNormal();
                ticks        = raxis.GetMajorTicksAsVariant();

            IMeasuredLabelItem[] labels = _labelFormatting.GetMeasuredItems(g, _font, _stringFormat, ticks);

            float emSize = _font.SizeInPoints;

            for (int i = 0; i < ticks.Length; i++)
                double r = relpositions[i];

                outer = layer.CoordinateSystem.GetLogicalDirection(styleID.ParallelAxisNumber, styleInfo.PreferedLabelSide);
                PointF tickorg = layer.CoordinateSystem.GetNormalizedDirection(r0, r1, r, outer, out outVector);
                PointF tickend = tickorg;
                tickend.X += outVector.X * outerDistance;
                tickend.Y += outVector.Y * outerDistance;

                SizeF  msize = labels[i].Size;
                PointF morg  = tickend;

                if (_automaticRotationShift)
                    double alpha = _rotation * Math.PI / 180 - Math.Atan2(outVector.Y, outVector.X);
                    double shift = msize.Height * 0.5 * Math.Abs(Math.Sin(alpha)) + (msize.Width + _font.SizeInPoints / 2) * 0.5 * Math.Abs(Math.Cos(alpha));
                    morg.X += (float)(outVector.X * shift);
                    morg.Y += (float)(outVector.Y * shift);
                    morg.X += (float)(outVector.X * _font.SizeInPoints / 3);

                RectangleF mrect = new RectangleF(morg, msize);
                if (_automaticRotationShift)
                    AdjustRectangle(ref mrect, StringAlignment.Center, StringAlignment.Center);
                    AdjustRectangle(ref mrect, _horizontalAlignment, _verticalAlignment);

                math.Translate((float)morg.X, (float)morg.Y);
                if (this._rotation != 0)
                math.Translate((float)(mrect.X - morg.X + emSize * _xOffset), (float)(mrect.Y - morg.Y + emSize * _yOffset));

                System.Drawing.Drawing2D.GraphicsState gs = g.Save();

                if (this._backgroundStyle != null)
                    _backgroundStyle.Draw(g, new RectangleF(PointF.Empty, msize));

                _brush.Rectangle = new RectangleF(PointF.Empty, msize);
                labels[i].Draw(g, _brush, new PointF(0, 0));
                g.Restore(gs); // Restore the graphics state

                helperPath.AddRectangle(new RectangleF(PointF.Empty, msize));

                _enclosingPath.AddPath(helperPath, true);