Example #1
        //public void InitialEstimatedCost(CRegion sscrg, double[,] padblTD, int intEstSteps)
        //    this.dblCostEstType = 0;
        //    foreach (var kvp in this.CphTypeIndexSD_Area_CphGID)
        //    {
        //        //there is only one element in targetCrg
        //        this.dblCostEstType += kvp.Key.dblArea * padblTD[kvp.Value, sscrg.GetSoloCphTypeIndex()];
        //    }
        //    this.dblCostEstType = intEstSteps * this.dblCostEstType;

        //    if (CConstants.strShapeConstraint == "MaximizeMinArea")
        //    {
        //        //this.dblCostEstArea = intEstSteps * EstimateSumMinArea(this);
        //        //this.dblCostEst += this.dblCostEstArea;
        //    }
        //    else if (CConstants.strShapeConstraint == "MaximizeAvgComp_EdgeNumber")
        //    {
        //        this.dblCostEstComp = intEstSteps * BalancedEstAvgComp_EdgeNumber(this, this, sscrg);
        //    }
        //    else if (CConstants.strShapeConstraint == "MaximizeMinComp_Combine")
        //    {
        //        this.dblCostEstComp = intEstSteps * BalancedEstMinComp_Combine(this, this, sscrg);
        //    }
        //    else if (CConstants.strShapeConstraint == "MaximizeMinComp_EdgeNumber")
        //    {
        //        this.dblCostEstComp = intEstSteps * BalancedEstMinComp_EdgeNumber(this, this, sscrg);
        //    }
        //    else if (CConstants.strShapeConstraint == "MinimizeInteriorBoundaries")
        //    {
        //        this.dblCostEstComp = intEstSteps * BalancedEstCompInteriorLength_Basic(this, this);
        //    }

        //    this.dblCostEst = (1 - CAreaAgg_Base.dblLamda) * this.dblCostEstType +
        //        CAreaAgg_Base.dblLamda * this.dblArea * this.dblCostEstComp;

        //    this.d = this.dblCostEst;

        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="activecph"></param>
        /// <param name="passivecph"></param>
        /// <param name="unitedcph"></param>
        /// <param name="SSCph"></param>
        /// <param name="NewCrg"></param>
        /// <param name="padblTD"></param>
        /// <remarks>if we change the cost method, then we will also need to
        /// change the codes of InitialSubCostEstimated in CRegion.cs, the codes of updating existing outcrg </remarks>
        public void ComputeEstCost(CRegion lscrg, CRegion sscrg, CRegion NewCrg, double[,] padblTD, int intEstSteps)
            NewCrg.dblCostEstType = BalancedEstType(NewCrg, sscrg.GetSoloCphTypeIndex(), padblTD, intEstSteps);

            if (CConstants.strShapeConstraint == "MaximizeMinArea")
                //NewCrg.dblCostEstArea = intEstSteps*EstimateSumMinArea(NewCrg);  //will we do this twice????

                //NewCrg.dblCostEst = NewCrg.dblCostEstType + NewCrg.dblCostEstArea;
            else if (CConstants.strShapeConstraint == "MaximizeAvgComp_EdgeNumber")
                NewCrg.dblCostEstComp = BalancedEstAvgComp_EdgeNumber(NewCrg, lscrg, sscrg, intEstSteps);

                //to make dblCostEstComp comparable to dblCostEstType and to avoid digital problems, we time dblCostEstComp by area
                //we will adjust the value later
                NewCrg.dblCostEst = (1 - CAreaAgg_Base.dblLamda) * NewCrg.dblCostEstType +
                                    CAreaAgg_Base.dblLamda * NewCrg.dblArea * NewCrg.dblCostEstComp;
            else if (CConstants.strShapeConstraint == "MaximizeAvgComp_Combine")
            else if (CConstants.strShapeConstraint == "MaximizeMinComp_Comine")
                //NewCrg.dblCostEstComp = intEstSteps * BalancedEstMinComp_Combine(NewCrg, lscrg, sscrg);

                ////to make dblCostEstComp comparable to dblCostEstType and to avoid digital problems, we time dblCostEstComp by area
                ////we will adjust the value later
                //NewCrg.dblCostEst = (1 - CAreaAgg_Base.dblLamda) * NewCrg.dblCostEstType +
                //    CAreaAgg_Base.dblLamda * NewCrg.dblArea * NewCrg.dblCostEstComp;
            else if (CConstants.strShapeConstraint == "MaximizeMinComp_EdgeNumber")
                //NewCrg.dblCostEstComp = intEstSteps * BalancedEstMinComp_EdgeNumber(NewCrg, lscrg, sscrg);

                ////to make dblCostEstComp comparable to dblCostEstType and to avoid digital problems, we time dblCostEstComp by area
                ////we will adjust the value later
                //NewCrg.dblCostEst = (1 - CAreaAgg_Base.dblLamda) * NewCrg.dblCostEstType +
                //    CAreaAgg_Base.dblLamda * NewCrg.dblArea * NewCrg.dblCostEstComp;
            else if (CConstants.strShapeConstraint == "MinimizeInteriorBoundaries")
                NewCrg.dblCostEstComp = BalancedEstCompInteriorLength_Basic(NewCrg, lscrg, intEstSteps);

                //to make dblCostEstComp comparable to dblCostEstType and to avoid digital problems, we time dblCostEstComp by area
                //we will adjust the value later
                NewCrg.dblCostEst = (1 - CAreaAgg_Base.dblLamda) * NewCrg.dblCostEstType +
                                    CAreaAgg_Base.dblLamda * NewCrg.dblArea * NewCrg.dblCostEstComp;
            else if (CConstants.strShapeConstraint == "NonShape")
                NewCrg.dblCostEst = NewCrg.dblCostEstType;

            //double dblWeight = 0.5;
            NewCrg.d = NewCrg.dblCostExact + NewCrg.dblCostEst;
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="LSCrg"></param>
        /// <param name="SSCrg"></param>
        /// <param name="StrObjLtDt"></param>
        /// <param name="adblTD"></param>
        /// <param name="EstStepsCostVPDt">Results from A*</param>
        /// <param name="strAreaAggregation"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public CRegion Greedy(CRegion LSCrg, CRegion SSCrg, CStrObjLtDt StrObjLtDt, double[,] adblTD,
                              Dictionary <int, CValPair <int, double> > EstStepsCostVPDt, string strAreaAggregation)
            long lngStartMemory     = GC.GetTotalMemory(true);
            var  pStopwatchOverHead = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            var ExistingCorrCphsSD0 = LSCrg.SetInitialAdjacency();  //also count the number of edges

            AddLineToStrObjLtDt(StrObjLtDt, LSCrg);

            Console.WriteLine("Crg:  ID  " + LSCrg.ID + ";    n  " + LSCrg.GetCphCount() + ";    m  " +
                              LSCrg.AdjCorrCphsSD.Count + "   " + CConstants.strShapeConstraint + "   " + strAreaAggregation);

            long lngTimeOverHead = pStopwatchOverHead.ElapsedMilliseconds;


            var  pStopwatchLast = new Stopwatch();
            long lngTime        = 0;

            CRegion resultcrg = new CRegion(-2);

                var ExistingCorrCphsSD = new SortedDictionary <CCorrCphs, CCorrCphs>
                                             (ExistingCorrCphsSD0, ExistingCorrCphsSD0.Comparer);
                LSCrg.cenumColor = CEnumColor.white;

                resultcrg = Compute(LSCrg, SSCrg, SSCrg.GetSoloCphTypeIndex(),
                                    strAreaAggregation, ExistingCorrCphsSD, StrObjLtDt, adblTD);
            catch (System.OutOfMemoryException ex)
            lngTime = pStopwatchLast.ElapsedMilliseconds + lngTimeOverHead;

            Console.WriteLine("d: " + resultcrg.d
                              + "            Type: " + resultcrg.dblCostExactType
                              + "            Compactness: " + resultcrg.dblCostExactComp);

            EstStepsCostVPDt.TryGetValue(LSCrg.ID, out CValPair <int, double> outEstStepsCostVP);
            if (outEstStepsCostVP.val1 == 0 &&
                CCmpMethods.CmpDbl_CoordVerySmall(outEstStepsCostVP.val2, resultcrg.d) == 0)
                StrObjLtDt.SetLastObj("EstSteps/Gap%", 0); //optimal solutions
                StrObjLtDt.SetLastObj("EstSteps/Gap%", 100); //not sure, at least feasible solutions
            //we don't need to +1 because +1 is already included in _intStaticGID
            //int intExploredRegionAll = CRegion._intStaticGID - CRegion._intStartStaticGIDLast;
            StrObjLtDt.SetLastObj("#Edges", CRegion._intEdgeCount);
            StrObjLtDt.SetLastObj("Time_F(ms)", lngTime);
            StrObjLtDt.SetLastObj("Time_L(ms)", lngTime);
            StrObjLtDt.SetLastObj("Time(ms)", lngTime);
            StrObjLtDt.SetLastObj("Memory(MB)", CHelpFunc.GetConsumedMemoryInMB(false, lngStartMemory));

            Console.WriteLine("We have visited " +
                              CRegion._intNodeCount + " Nodes and " + CRegion._intEdgeCount + " Edges.");

Example #3
        private CRegion ComputeAccordEstSteps(CRegion LSCrg, CRegion SSCrg, string strAreaAggregation,
                                              SortedDictionary <CCorrCphs, CCorrCphs> ExistingCorrCphsSD, int intEstSteps, CStrObjLtDt StrObjLtDt,
                                              double[,] padblTD, int intQuitCount = 200000)
            int intRegionID = LSCrg.ID;  //all the regions generated in this function will have the same intRegionID

            ComputeEstCost(LSCrg, SSCrg, LSCrg, padblTD, intEstSteps);

            //LSCrg.InitialEstimatedCost(SSCrg, padblTD, intEstSteps);

            //a region represents a node in graph, ExistingCrgSD stores all the nodes
            //we use this dictionary to make sure that if the two patches have the same cpgs, then they have the same GID
            var ExistingCphSDLt = new List <SortedDictionary <CPatch, CPatch> >(LSCrg.GetCphCount() + 1);

            for (int i = 0; i < ExistingCphSDLt.Capacity; i++)
                var Element = new SortedDictionary <CPatch, CPatch>(CPatch.pCmpCPatch_CpgGID);

            var ExistingCrgSDLt = new List <SortedDictionary <CRegion, CRegion> >(LSCrg.GetCphCount() + 1);

            for (int i = 0; i < ExistingCrgSDLt.Capacity; i++)
                //we don't compare exact cost first because of there may be rounding problems
                var Element = new SortedDictionary <CRegion, CRegion>(CRegion.pCmpCrg_CphGIDTypeIndex);
            ExistingCrgSDLt[LSCrg.GetCphCount()].Add(LSCrg, LSCrg);

            var FinalOneCphCrg = new CRegion(intRegionID);
            var Q        = new SortedSet <CRegion>(CRegion.pCmpCrg_Cost_CphGIDTypeIndex);
            int intCount = 0;

            CRegion._intNodeCount = 1;
            CRegion._intEdgeCount = 0;
            while (true)
                var u = Q.Min;
                if (Q.Remove(u) == false)
                    throw new ArgumentException
                              ("cannot move an element in this queue! A solution might be to make dblVerySmall smaller!");
                u.cenumColor = CEnumColor.black;

                //List<CRegion> crgcol = new List<CRegion>();

                //OutputMap(crgcol, this._TypePVDt, u.d, intCount, pParameterInitialize);

                //MessageBox.Show("click for next!");

                //if (CConstants.strShapeConstraint == "MaximizeMinComp_EdgeNumber" ||
                //    CConstants.strShapeConstraint == "MinimizeInteriorBoundaries")
                //    Console.WriteLine("Crg:  ID  " + u.ID + ";      GID:" + u.GID + ";      CphNum:" +  u.GetCphCount() +
                //        ";      d:" + u.d / u.dblArea + ";      ExactCost:" + u.dblCostExact / u.dblArea +
                //        ";      Compactness:" + u.dblCostExactComp + ";      Type:" + u.dblCostExactType / u.dblArea);
                //else if (CConstants.strShapeConstraint == "NonShape")
                //    Console.WriteLine("Crg:  ID  " + u.ID + ";      GID:" + u.GID + ";      CphNum:" + u.GetCphCount() +
                //        ";      d:" + u.d + ";      ExactCost:" + u.dblCostExactType);

                //at the beginning, resultcrg.d is double.MaxValue.
                //Later, when we first encounter that there is only one CPatch in LSCrg,
                //resultcrg.d will be changed to the real cost
                //u.d contains estimation, and resultcrg.d doesn't contains.
                //if u.d > resultcrg.d, then resultcrg.d must already be the smallest cost
                if (u.GetCphCount() == 1)
                    if (u.GetSoloCphTypeIndex() == SSCrg.GetSoloCphTypeIndex())
                        //Console.WriteLine("The number of nodes we can forget:   " + intCount);
                        //Console.WriteLine("The nodes in the stack:   " + Q.Count);

                        //int intCrgCount = 0;
                        //foreach (var item in ExistingCrgSDLt)
                        //    intCrgCount += item.Count;

                        FinalOneCphCrg = u;
                        throw new ArgumentException("this is impossible!");

                foreach (var newcrg in AggregateAndUpdateQ(u, LSCrg, SSCrg, Q, strAreaAggregation,
                                                           ExistingCrgSDLt, ExistingCphSDLt, ExistingCorrCphsSD, _adblTD, intEstSteps))
                    //int intExploredRegionLast = CRegion._intStaticGID - CRegion._intStartStaticGIDLast;
                    //we don't need to +1 because +1 is already included in _intStaticGID

                    if (CRegion._intNodeCount > intQuitCount)
                        //if we have visited 2000000 regions but haven't found an optimum aggregation sequence,
                        //then we return null and overestimate in the heuristic function
                        return(new CRegion(-2));

            RecordResultForCrg(StrObjLtDt, LSCrg, FinalOneCphCrg, SSCrg.GetSoloCphTypeIndex());
        // Step 4 *****************************************************************************************************
        // Step 4 *****************************************************************************************************
        internal static void PopulateByRow(IMPModeler model, out IIntVar[][][] var2, out IIntVar[][][][] var3,
                                           out IIntVar[][][][][] var4, out IRange[][] rng,
                                           CRegion lscrg, CRegion sscrg, double[,] adblTD, string strAreaAggregation)
            var aCph        = lscrg.GetCphCol().ToArray();
            int intCpgCount = lscrg.GetCphCount();
            //double dblILPSmallValue = 0.000000001;
            //double dblILPSmallValue = 0;

            var x = new IIntVar[intCpgCount][][];

            for (int i = 0; i < intCpgCount; i++)
                x[i] = new IIntVar[intCpgCount][];
                for (int j = 0; j < intCpgCount; j++)
                    x[i][j] = model.BoolVarArray(intCpgCount);

            //cost in terms of type change
            var y = Generate4DNumVar(model, intCpgCount - 1, intCpgCount, intCpgCount, intCpgCount);

            //cost in terms of compactness (length of interior boundaries)
            var z = Generate4DNumVar(model, intCpgCount - 2, intCpgCount, intCpgCount, intCpgCount);

            var c = Generate4DNumVar(model, intCpgCount - 2, intCpgCount, intCpgCount, intCpgCount);

            var3    = new IIntVar[1][][][];
            var4    = new IIntVar[3][][][][];
            var3[0] = x;
            var4[0] = y;
            var4[1] = z;
            var4[2] = c;

            //model.AddEq(x[2][0][3], 1.0, "X1");
            //model.AddEq(x[2][1][3], 1.0, "X2");
            //model.AddEq(x[2][2][2], 1.0, "X3");
            //model.AddEq(x[2][3][3], 1.0, "X4");

            //add minimizations
            ILinearNumExpr pTypeCostExpr = model.LinearNumExpr();

            //ILinearNumExpr pTypeCostAssitantExpr = model.LinearNumExpr();
            for (int i = 0; i < intCpgCount - 1; i++)   //i represents indices
                for (int j = 0; j < intCpgCount; j++)
                    for (int k = 0; k < intCpgCount; k++)
                        for (int l = 0; l < intCpgCount; l++)
                            double dblCoe = aCph[j].dblArea * adblTD[aCph[k].intTypeIndex, aCph[l].intTypeIndex];
                            pTypeCostExpr.AddTerm(y[i][j][k][l], dblCoe);
                            //pTypeCostAssitantExpr.AddTerm(y[i][j][k][l], dblILPSmallValueMinimization);

            //this is actually for t=1, whose compactness is known
            double         dblCompCostFirstPart    = 0;
            ILinearNumExpr pCompCostSecondPartExpr = model.LinearNumExpr();
            var            pAdjCorrCphsSD          = lscrg.AdjCorrCphsSD;
            double         dblConst = Convert.ToDouble(intCpgCount - 1) / Convert.ToDouble(intCpgCount - 2);

            for (int i = 0; i < intCpgCount - 2; i++)   //i represents indices
                double dblNminusT = intCpgCount - i - 2;
                //double dblTemp = (intCpgCount - i) * dblConst;
                dblCompCostFirstPart += 1 / dblNminusT;
                double dblSecondPartDenominator = lscrg.dblInteriorSegLength * dblNminusT * 2;

                //we don't need to divide the value by 2 because every boundary is only counted once
                foreach (var pCorrCphs in pAdjCorrCphsSD.Keys)
                    for (int l = 0; l < intCpgCount; l++)
                        pCompCostSecondPartExpr.AddTerm(pCorrCphs.dblSharedSegLength / dblSecondPartDenominator,
                        pCompCostSecondPartExpr.AddTerm(pCorrCphs.dblSharedSegLength / dblSecondPartDenominator,
                //var pSecondPartExpr =  model.Prod(pCompCostSecondPartExpr, 1 / dblSecondPartDenominator);

            if (intCpgCount == 1)
                model.AddMinimize(pTypeCostExpr);  //we just use an empty expression
                //Our Model***************************************
                var Ftp = model.Prod(pTypeCostExpr, 1 / lscrg.dblArea);
                var Fcp = model.Prod(dblConst, model.Sum(dblCompCostFirstPart, model.Negative(pCompCostSecondPartExpr)));
                //model.AddMinimize(model.Prod(model.Sum(Ftp, Fcp), 0.5));
                                      model.Prod(1 - CAreaAgg_Base.dblLamda, Ftp), model.Prod(CAreaAgg_Base.dblLamda, Fcp)));

            //for showing slacks
            var IRangeLt = new List <IRange>();

            //a polygon $p$ is assigned to exactly one polygon at a step $t$
            for (int i = 0; i < intCpgCount; i++)   //i represents indices
                for (int j = 0; j < intCpgCount; j++)
                    ILinearNumExpr pOneCenterExpr = model.LinearNumExpr();
                    for (int l = 0; l < intCpgCount; l++)
                        pOneCenterExpr.AddTerm(x[i][j][l], 1.0);
                    model.AddEq(pOneCenterExpr, 1.0, "AssignToOnlyOneCenter");

            //polygon $r$, which is assigned by other polygons, must be a center
            for (int i = 0; i < intCpgCount; i++)   //i represents indices
                for (int j = 0; j < intCpgCount; j++)
                    for (int l = 0; l < intCpgCount; l++)
                        model.AddLe(x[i][j][l], x[i][l][l], "AssignedIsCenter__" + i + "__" + j + "__" + l);

            //only one patch is aggregated into another patch at each step
            for (int i = 0; i < intCpgCount; i++)   //i represents indices
                ILinearNumExpr pOneAggregationExpr = model.LinearNumExpr();
                for (int j = 0; j < intCpgCount; j++)
                    pOneAggregationExpr.AddTerm(x[i][j][j], 1.0);
                model.AddEq(pOneAggregationExpr, intCpgCount - i, "CountCenters");

            //a center can disappear, but will never reappear afterwards
            for (int i = 0; i < intCpgCount - 1; i++)   //i represents indices
                for (int j = 0; j < intCpgCount; j++)
                    model.AddGe(x[i][j][j], x[i + 1][j][j], "SteadyCenters");

            //to make sure that the final aggregated polygon has the same color as the target polygon
            ILinearNumExpr pFinalStateExpr  = model.LinearNumExpr();
            int            intTypeIndexGoal = sscrg.GetSoloCphTypeIndex();

            for (int i = 0; i < intCpgCount; i++)
                if (aCph[i].intTypeIndex == intTypeIndexGoal)
                    pFinalStateExpr.AddTerm(x[intCpgCount - 1][i][i], 1.0);
            model.AddEq(pFinalStateExpr, 1.0, "EnsureTarget");

            //to restrict *y*
            for (int i = 0; i < intCpgCount - 1; i++)   //i represents indices
                for (int j = 0; j < intCpgCount; j++)
                    for (int k = 0; k < intCpgCount; k++)
                        //IRangeLt.Add(model.AddLe(model.Sum(y[i][j][k][k], x[i][j][k], x[i + 1][j][k]), 2.0 , "RestrictY"));

                        for (int l = 0; l < intCpgCount; l++)
                            var LieYRight = model.LinearIntExpr(-1);
                            LieYRight.AddTerm(x[i][j][k], 1);
                            LieYRight.AddTerm(x[i + 1][j][l], 1);

                            model.AddGe(y[i][j][k][l], LieYRight, "RestrictY1");
                            model.AddLe(y[i][j][k][l], x[i][j][k], "RestrictY2");
                            model.AddLe(y[i][j][k][l], x[i + 1][j][l], "RestrictY3");

            //to restrict *z*
            for (int i = 0; i < intCpgCount - 2; i++)   //i represents indices
                for (int j = 0; j < intCpgCount; j++)
                    //for (int k = j; k < intCpgCount; k++)  // pay attention
                    for (int k = 0; k < intCpgCount; k++)
                        for (int l = 0; l < intCpgCount; l++)
                            var LieZRight = model.LinearIntExpr(-1);
                            LieZRight.AddTerm(x[i + 1][j][l], 1);
                            LieZRight.AddTerm(x[i + 1][k][l], 1);

                            model.AddGe(z[i][j][k][l], LieZRight, "RestrictZ1");
                            model.AddLe(z[i][j][k][l], x[i + 1][j][l], "RestrictZ2");
                            model.AddLe(z[i][j][k][l], x[i + 1][k][l], "RestrictZ3");

            //to restrict *c*
            double dblCpgCountReciprocal = 1 / Convert.ToDouble(intCpgCount);

            for (int i = 0; i < intCpgCount - 2; i++)   //i represents indices
                for (int j = 0; j < intCpgCount; j++)
                    //for (int k = j; k < intCpgCount; k++)  // pay attention
                    for (int k = 0; k < intCpgCount; k++)
                        for (int l = 0; l < intCpgCount; l++)
                            if (k == l)

                            model.AddLe(c[i][j][k][l], x[i][j][k], "RestrictC1");

                            var pLieContiguityExpr = model.LinearIntExpr();
                            //pContiguityExpr.AddTerm(x[i][j][k], 1.0);  //including polygon j itself
                            foreach (var pAdjacentCph in aCph[j].AdjacentCphSS)
                                pLieContiguityExpr.AddTerm(x[i][pAdjacentCph.ID][l], 1);
                            model.AddLe(c[i][j][k][l], pLieContiguityExpr, "Contiguity");

                            foreach (var pAdjacentCph in aCph[j].AdjacentCphSS)
                                var pContiguityExpr2 = model.LinearNumExpr(-1);
                                pContiguityExpr2.AddTerm(x[i][j][k], 1);
                                pContiguityExpr2.AddTerm(x[i][pAdjacentCph.ID][l], 1);

                                model.AddGe(c[i][j][k][l], pContiguityExpr2, "Contiguity2");

                            var pContiguityExprRight3 = model.LinearIntExpr();
                            for (int m = 0; m < intCpgCount; m++)
                                pContiguityExprRight3.AddTerm(c[i][m][k][l], 1);
                            model.AddLe(y[i][k][k][l], pContiguityExprRight3, "Contiguity3");

            //If two polygons have been aggregated into one polygon, then they will
            //be aggregated together in later steps. Our sixth constraint achieve this by requiring
            for (int i = 0; i < intCpgCount - 3; i++)   //i represents indices
                for (int j = 0; j < intCpgCount; j++)
                    for (int k = 0; k < intCpgCount; k++)
                        var pAssignTogetherExprPre   = model.LinearIntExpr();
                        var pAssignTogetherExprAfter = model.LinearIntExpr();
                        for (int l = 0; l < intCpgCount; l++)
                            pAssignTogetherExprPre.AddTerm(z[i][j][k][l], 1);
                            pAssignTogetherExprAfter.AddTerm(z[i + 1][j][k][l], 1);
                        model.AddLe(pAssignTogetherExprPre, pAssignTogetherExprAfter, "AssignTogether");

            var2 = new IIntVar[1][][];
            if (strAreaAggregation == _strSmallest)
                IIntVar[][] w = new IIntVar[intCpgCount - 1][];
                for (int i = 0; i < intCpgCount - 1; i++)
                    w[i] = model.BoolVarArray(intCpgCount);
                var2[0] = w;

                //there is only one smallest patch will be involved in each aggregation step
                for (int i = 0; i < intCpgCount - 1; i++)   //i represents indices
                    var pOneSmallestExpr = model.LinearIntExpr();
                    for (int j = 0; j < intCpgCount; j++)
                        pOneSmallestExpr.AddTerm(w[i][j], 1);

                    model.AddEq(pOneSmallestExpr, 1.0, "OneSmallest");

                //forces that the aggregation must involve the smallest patch.
                for (int i = 0; i < intCpgCount - 1; i++)   //i represents indices
                    for (int j = 0; j < intCpgCount; j++)
                        var pInvolveSmallestExpr = model.LinearIntExpr();
                        for (int k = 0; k < intCpgCount; k++)
                            if (j == k) //o != r
                            pInvolveSmallestExpr.AddTerm(y[i][j][j][k], 1);
                            pInvolveSmallestExpr.AddTerm(y[i][k][k][j], 1);
                        model.AddLe(w[i][j], pInvolveSmallestExpr, "InvolveSmallest");

                //To guarantee that patch $o$ is involved in aggregation is indeed the smallest patch
                double dblM = 1.1 * lscrg.dblArea;        //a very large value
                for (int i = 0; i < intCpgCount - 1; i++) //i represents indices
                    var aAreaExpr = ComputeAreaExpr(model, x[i], aCph);
                    for (int j = 0; j < intCpgCount; j++)
                        for (int k = 0; k < intCpgCount; k++)
                            if (j == k) //o != r

                            var pSumExpr  = model.Sum(2.0, model.Negative(model.Sum(w[i][j], x[i][k][k]))); //(2-w_{t,o}-x_{t,r,r})
                            var pProdExpr = model.Prod(pSumExpr, dblM);                                     //M(2-w_{t,o}-x_{t,r,r})

                            //A_{t,o}-A_{t,r}<= M(2-w_{t,o}-x_{t,r,r})
                                        .Sum(aAreaExpr[j], model.Negative(aAreaExpr[k])), pProdExpr, "IndeedSmallest");

            //***************compare with number of constraints counted manually************
            rng    = new IRange[1][];
            rng[0] = new IRange[IRangeLt.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < IRangeLt.Count; i++)
                rng[0][i] = IRangeLt[i];