Example #1
        private async Task InitializeAsync()
            BundleManager ??= await Task.Run(() => Tw3Controller.LoadBundleManager()).ConfigureAwait(false);

            W3StringManager ??= await Task.Run(() => Tw3Controller.LoadStringsManager()).ConfigureAwait(false);

            TextureManager ??= await Task.Run(() => Tw3Controller.LoadTextureManager()).ConfigureAwait(false);

            CollisionManager ??= await Task.Run(() => Tw3Controller.LoadCollisionManager()).ConfigureAwait(false);

            SoundManager ??= await Task.Run(() => Tw3Controller.LoadSoundManager()).ConfigureAwait(false);

            SpeechManager ??= await Task.Run(() => Tw3Controller.LoadSpeechManager()).ConfigureAwait(false);

            // Hash all filepaths
            _logger.LogString("Starting additional tasks...", Logtype.Important);
            var relativepaths = ModFiles
                                .Select(_ => _.Substring(_.IndexOf(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar) + 1))


            // register all custom classes
            CR2WManager.Init(FileDirectory, MainController.Get().Logger);
            _logger.LogString("Finished additional tasks...", Logtype.Success);

            ServiceLocator.Default.ResolveType <INotificationService>().ShowNotification("WolvenKit", $"Project {Name} has finished loading.");
Example #2
        private async Task InitializeAsync()
            // Hash all filepaths
            _logger.LogString("Starting additional tasks...", Logtype.Important);
            var relativepaths = ModFiles
                                .Select(_ => _.Substring(_.IndexOf(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar) + 1))


            // register all custom classes
            CR2WManager.Init(FileDirectory, MainController.Get().Logger);
            _logger.LogString("Finished additional tasks...", Logtype.Success);

            ServiceLocator.Default.ResolveType <INotificationService>().ShowNotification("WolvenKit", $"Project {Name} has finished loading.");
Example #3
        public static void UpdateComboBoxWith(this ComboBox editor, IChunkPtrAccessor ptr)
            editor.Items.Add(new PtrComboItem {
                Text = "", Value = null

            var availableChunks = CR2WManager.GetAvailableTypes(ptr.ReferenceType).Select(_ => _.Name).ToList();

            foreach (var chunk in ptr.cr2w.chunks.Where(_ => availableChunks.Contains(_.REDType)))
                editor.Items.Add(new PtrComboItem
                    Text  = $"{chunk.REDType} #{chunk.ChunkIndex}",    //real index
                    Value = chunk

            // add new item
            editor.Items.Add(new PtrComboItem
                Text  = $"<Add new chunk ...>",
                Value = null

            // select item
            if (ptr.Reference == null)
                editor.SelectedIndex = 0;
                int selIndex = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < editor.Items.Count; i++)
                    if (editor.Items[i].ToString() == $"{ptr.Reference.REDType} #{ptr.Reference.ChunkIndex}")
                        selIndex = i;

                editor.SelectedIndex = selIndex;
Example #4
        private static Enum CreateEnum(string value)
            if (AssemblyDictionary.EnumExists(value))
                var  type = AssemblyDictionary.GetEnumByName(value);
                Enum e    = (Enum)System.Activator.CreateInstance(type);

            else if (CR2WManager.EnumExists(value))
                var  type = CR2WManager.GetEnumByName(value);
                Enum e    = (Enum)System.Activator.CreateInstance(type);


Example #5
        /// <summary>
        /// The instantiation step of the RedEngine-3 reflection.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="typename">Can be either a generic type such as CUint32 - then converted with GetWKitTypeFromREDType, or a complex type like a
        /// pointer to a class, a handle to an import file, an array, a soft reference, a static reference, various buffers, an enum.</param>
        /// <param name="varname">The variable name</param>
        /// <param name="cr2w">The cr2w base file</param>
        /// <param name="parentVariable">The class owning this attribute</param>
        /// <param name="readUnknownAsBytes"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static CVariable Create(string typename, string varname, CR2WFile cr2w, CVariable parentVariable, bool readUnknownAsBytes = true)
            typename = REDReflection.GetWKitBaseTypeFromREDBaseType(typename);
            var fullname = typename;

            // check for normal type
            if (AssemblyDictionary.TypeExists(typename))
                var type = AssemblyDictionary.GetTypeByName(typename);
                if (type != null)
                    object instance = System.Activator.CreateInstance(type, cr2w, parentVariable, varname);
                    return(instance as CVariable);

            // check for enum types
            if (AssemblyDictionary.EnumExists(typename))
                Enum e     = (Enum)System.Activator.CreateInstance(AssemblyDictionary.GetEnumByName(typename));
                var  cenum = MakeGenericEnumType(typeof(CEnum <>), e);
            else if (CR2WManager.EnumExists(typename))
                Enum e     = (Enum)System.Activator.CreateInstance(CR2WManager.GetEnumByName(typename));
                var  cenum = MakeGenericEnumType(typeof(CEnum <>), e);
            // check for generic type
            else if (typename.StartsWith('['))
                string    generictype = typename.Substring(3);
                CVariable innerobject = Create(generictype, "", cr2w, null);
                var       arrayacc    = MakeArray(typeof(CArrayFixedSize <>), innerobject.GetType());
                //arrayacc.Flags = new List<int>() { int.Parse(matchArrayType.Groups[1].Value) };
                arrayacc.Elementtype = generictype;
                return(arrayacc as CVariable);
            else if (typename.Contains(':'))
                #region GENERIC TYPES
                string[] splits      = typename.Split(':');
                string   generictype = splits.First();
                string   innertype   = string.Join(":", splits.Skip(1));
                // e.g. handle:CEntityTemplate
                switch (generictype)
                case "CHandle":
                case "handle":
                    CVariable innerobject = Create(innertype, "", cr2w, null);
                    return(MakeGenericType(typeof(CHandle <>), innerobject));

                case "wCHandle":
                case "whandle":
                    CVariable innerobject = Create(innertype, "", cr2w, null);
                    return(MakeGenericType(typeof(wCHandle <>), innerobject));

                case "CrRef":
                case "rRef":
                    CVariable innerobject = Create(innertype, "", cr2w, null);
                    return(MakeGenericType(typeof(rRef <>), innerobject));

                case "CraRef":
                case "raRef":
                    CVariable innerobject = Create(innertype, "", cr2w, null);
                    return(MakeGenericType(typeof(raRef <>), innerobject));

                case "array":
                    // match pattern e.g.
                    // array:            (array:)Float
                    // array of array:   (array:)handle:meshMeshAppearance

                    CVariable      innerobject = Create(innertype, "", cr2w, null);
                    IArrayAccessor arrayacc    = MakeArray(typeof(CArray <>), innerobject.GetType());
                    arrayacc.Elementtype = innertype;
                    return(arrayacc as CVariable);

                case "static":
                    typename = generictype;

                    // match pattern e.g.
                    // static:  (4),(Uint32)
                    var regArrayType   = new Regex(@"(\d+),(.+)");
                    var matchArrayType = regArrayType.Match(fullname);
                    if (matchArrayType.Success)
                        CVariable innerobject = Create(matchArrayType.Groups[2].Value, "", cr2w, null);
                        var       arrayacc    = MakeArray(typeof(CStatic <>), innerobject.GetType());
                        //arrayacc.Flags = new List<int>() { int.Parse(matchArrayType.Groups[1].Value) };
                        arrayacc.Elementtype = matchArrayType.Groups[2].Value;
                        return(arrayacc as CVariable);
                        throw new InvalidParsingException($"Invalid static type format: typename: {typename}.");

                case "CEnum":
                    Enum innerobject = CreateEnum(innertype);
                    return(MakeGenericEnumType(typeof(CEnum <>), innerobject));

                    throw new MissingTypeException(generictype);
                // check if custom type
                if (CR2WManager.TypeExists(typename))
                    var    type     = CR2WManager.GetTypeByName(typename);
                    object instance = System.Activator.CreateInstance(type, cr2w, parentVariable, varname);
                    return(instance as CVariable);

                // this should never happen

                if (!cr2w.UnknownTypes.Contains(fullname))

                if (readUnknownAsBytes)
                    return(new CBytes(cr2w, parentVariable, $"UNKNOWN:{typename}:{varname}"));

            #region LOCAL FUNCTIONS

            IArrayAccessor MakeArray(Type arraytype, Type generictype)
                Type elementType;

                if (arraytype == typeof(CStatic <>))
                    elementType = typeof(CStatic <>).MakeGenericType(generictype);
                else if (arraytype == typeof(CArrayFixedSize <>))
                    elementType = typeof(CArrayFixedSize <>).MakeGenericType(generictype);
                else if (arraytype == typeof(CArray <>))
                    elementType = typeof(CArray <>).MakeGenericType(generictype);
                    throw new NotImplementedException();

                var array = System.Activator.CreateInstance(elementType, cr2w, parentVariable, varname) as CVariable;

                return(array as IArrayAccessor);

            CVariable MakeGenericType(Type gentype, CVariable innerobject)
                if (innerobject != null)
                    Type      elementType = gentype.MakeGenericType(innerobject.GetType());
                    CVariable handle      = System.Activator.CreateInstance(elementType, cr2w, parentVariable, varname) as CVariable;
                    throw new Exception();

            CVariable MakeGenericEnumType(Type gentype, Enum innerobject)
                if (innerobject != null)
                    Type      elementType = gentype.MakeGenericType(innerobject.GetType());
                    CVariable handle      = System.Activator.CreateInstance(elementType, cr2w, parentVariable, varname) as CVariable;
                    throw new Exception();

Example #6
        /// <summary>
        /// The instantiation step of the RedEngine-3 reflection.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="typename">Can be either a generic type such as CUint32 - then converted with GetWKitTypeFromREDType, or a complex type like a
        /// pointer to a class, a handle to an import file, an array, a soft reference, a static reference, various buffers, an enum.</param>
        /// <param name="varname">The variable name</param>
        /// <param name="cr2w">The cr2w base file</param>
        /// <param name="parentVariable">The class owning this attribute</param>
        /// <param name="readUnknownAsBytes"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static CVariable Create(string typename, string varname, CR2WFile cr2w, CVariable parentVariable, bool readUnknownAsBytes = true)
            typename = REDReflection.GetWKitBaseTypeFromREDBaseType(typename);
            var fullname = typename;

            // check for normal type
            if (AssemblyDictionary.TypeExists(typename))
                var type = AssemblyDictionary.GetTypeByName(typename);
                if (type != null)
                    object instance = Activator.CreateInstance(type, cr2w, parentVariable, varname);
                    return(instance as CVariable);

            // check for enum types
            if (AssemblyDictionary.EnumExists(typename))
                Enum e     = (Enum)Activator.CreateInstance(AssemblyDictionary.GetEnumByName(typename));
                var  cenum = MakeGenericEnumType(typeof(CEnum <>), e);
            else if (CR2WManager.EnumExists(typename))
                Enum e     = (Enum)Activator.CreateInstance(CR2WManager.GetEnumByName(typename));
                var  cenum = MakeGenericEnumType(typeof(CEnum <>), e);
            // check for generic type
            else if (typename.Contains(':'))
                #region GENERIC TYPES
                string[] splits      = typename.Split(':');
                string   generictype = splits.First();
                string   innertype   = string.Join(":", splits.Skip(1));
                // e.g. handle:CEntityTemplate
                switch (generictype)
                case "CHandle":
                case "handle":
                    CVariable innerobject = Create(innertype, "", cr2w, null);
                    return(MakeGenericType(typeof(CHandle <>), innerobject));

                case "CPtr":
                case "ptr":
                    CVariable innerobject = Create(innertype, "", cr2w, null);
                    return(MakeGenericType(typeof(CPtr <>), innerobject));

                case "CSoft":
                case "soft":
                    CVariable innerobject = Create(innertype, "", cr2w, null);
                    return(MakeGenericType(typeof(CSoft <>), innerobject));

                case "array":
                    // match pattern e.g.
                    // array:            Array: (2),(0),(handle:CBitmapTexture)
                    // array:            Array: (2),(0),(Int32)
                    // array of array:   Array: (2),(0),(Array:133,0,EngineQsTransform)

                    string[] arraysplits = innertype.Split(',');
                    string   flag1       = arraysplits[0];
                    string   flag2       = arraysplits[1];
                    string   body        = string.Join(",", arraysplits.Skip(2));
                    if (arraysplits.Length >= 3)
                        //byte arrays, these can be huge, using ordinary arrays is just too slow.
                        if (body == "Uint8" || body == "Int8")
                            var bytearray = new CByteArray(cr2w, parentVariable, varname);
                            // save the actual redengine type for serialization: e.g. array:2,0,Uint8
                            bytearray.InternalType = typename;

                        // all other arrays
                        CVariable      innerobject = Create(body, "", cr2w, null);
                        IArrayAccessor arrayacc    = MakeArray(typeof(CArray <>), innerobject.GetType());
                        arrayacc.Flags = new List <int>()
                            int.Parse(flag1), int.Parse(flag2)
                        if (innerobject is IArrayAccessor accessor && accessor.Flags != null)
                        arrayacc.Elementtype = body;
                        return(arrayacc as CVariable);
                        CVariable      innerobject = Create(innertype, "", cr2w, null);
                        IArrayAccessor arrayacc    = MakeArray(typeof(CArray <>), innerobject.GetType());
                        arrayacc.Elementtype = body;
                        return(arrayacc as CVariable);

                case "static":
                    typename = generictype;

                    // match pattern e.g.
                    // static:  (4),(Uint32)
                    var regArrayType   = new Regex(@"(\d+),(.+)");
                    var matchArrayType = regArrayType.Match(fullname);
                    if (matchArrayType.Success)
                        CVariable innerobject = Create(matchArrayType.Groups[2].Value, "", cr2w, null);
                        var       arrayacc    = MakeArray(typeof(CStatic <>), innerobject.GetType());
                        arrayacc.Flags = new List <int>()
                        arrayacc.Elementtype = matchArrayType.Groups[2].Value;
                        return(arrayacc as CVariable);
                        throw new InvalidParsingException($"Invalid static type format: typename: {typename}.");

                case "CBufferUInt16":
                    CVariable innerobject = Create(innertype, "", cr2w, null);
                    return(MakeGenericType(typeof(CBufferUInt16 <>), innerobject));

                case "CBufferUInt32":
                    CVariable innerobject = Create(innertype, "", cr2w, null);
                    return(MakeGenericType(typeof(CBufferUInt32 <>), innerobject));

                case "CBufferVLQInt32":
                    CVariable innerobject = Create(innertype, "", cr2w, null);
                    return(MakeGenericType(typeof(CBufferVLQInt32 <>), innerobject));

                case "CCompressedBuffer":
                    CVariable innerobject = Create(innertype, "", cr2w, null);
                    return(MakeGenericType(typeof(CCompressedBuffer <>), innerobject));

                case "CPaddedBuffer":
                    CVariable innerobject = Create(innertype, "", cr2w, null);
                    return(MakeGenericType(typeof(CPaddedBuffer <>), innerobject));

                case "CEnum":
                    Enum innerobject = CreateEnum(innertype);
                    return(MakeGenericEnumType(typeof(CEnum <>), innerobject));

                    throw new NotImplementedException();
                #region FIXED SIZE ARRAYS
                // match pattern e.g.
                // [(1)](Bezier2dHandle)
                var regFixedSizeArray   = new Regex(@"^\[(\d+)\](.+)$");
                var matchFixedSizeArray = regFixedSizeArray.Match(typename);
                if (matchFixedSizeArray.Success)
                    CVariable innerobject = Create(matchFixedSizeArray.Groups[2].Value, "", cr2w, null);
                    var       arrayacc    = MakeArray(typeof(CArrayFixedSize <>), innerobject.GetType());
                    arrayacc.Flags = new List <int>()
                    arrayacc.Elementtype = matchFixedSizeArray.Groups[2].Value;
                    return(arrayacc as CVariable);

                if (fullname.Contains("@SItem"))
                    cr2w.UnknownTypes.Add($"Congratulations! You have found one of the hidden e3 files! These files are special." +
                                          $" If you edited this file and are experiencing errors, please contact a member of the Wkit Team. ErrorCode: {fullname}");
                    return(new SItem(cr2w, parentVariable, varname));
                else if (fullname.Contains("#CEnvironmentDefinition"))
                    cr2w.UnknownTypes.Add($"Congratulations! You have found one of the hidden e3 files! These files are special." +
                                          $" If you edited this file and are experiencing errors, please contact a member of the Wkit Team. ErrorCode: {fullname}");
                    return(new CHandle <CEnvironmentDefinition>(cr2w, parentVariable, varname));
                    // check if custom type
                    if (CR2WManager.TypeExists(typename))
                        var    type     = CR2WManager.GetTypeByName(typename);
                        object instance = Activator.CreateInstance(type, cr2w, parentVariable, varname);
                        return(instance as CVariable);

                    // this should never happen

                    if (!cr2w.UnknownTypes.Contains(fullname))

                    if (readUnknownAsBytes)
                        return(new CBytes(cr2w, parentVariable, $"UNKNOWN:{typename}:{varname}"));

            #region LOCAL FUNCTIONS

            IArrayAccessor MakeArray(Type arraytype, Type generictype)
                Type elementType;

                if (arraytype == typeof(CStatic <>))
                    elementType = typeof(CStatic <>).MakeGenericType(generictype);
                else if (arraytype == typeof(CArrayFixedSize <>))
                    elementType = typeof(CArrayFixedSize <>).MakeGenericType(generictype);
                else if (arraytype == typeof(CArray <>))
                    elementType = typeof(CArray <>).MakeGenericType(generictype);
                    throw new NotImplementedException();

                var array = Activator.CreateInstance(elementType, cr2w, parentVariable, varname) as CVariable;

                return(array as IArrayAccessor);

            CVariable MakeGenericType(Type gentype, CVariable innerobject)
                if (innerobject != null)
                    Type      elementType = gentype.MakeGenericType(innerobject.GetType());
                    CVariable handle      = Activator.CreateInstance(elementType, cr2w, parentVariable, varname) as CVariable;
                    throw new Exception();

            CVariable MakeGenericEnumType(Type gentype, Enum innerobject)
                if (innerobject != null)
                    Type      elementType = gentype.MakeGenericType(innerobject.GetType());
                    CVariable handle      = Activator.CreateInstance(elementType, cr2w, parentVariable, varname) as CVariable;
                    throw new Exception();

Example #7
        private void treeView_CellEditStarting(object sender, CellEditEventArgs e)
            if (!(e.RowObject is IEditableVariable editableVariable))
            switch (e.Column.AspectName)
            //var variable = (e.RowObject as VariableListNode).Variable;
            case "REDValue":
                // if variant is null, ask the user to create a new wrapped cvar
                if (editableVariable is IVariantAccessor ivariant && ivariant.Variant == null)
                    var availableTypes = CR2WManager.GetAvailableTypes(nameof(IReferencable)).Select(_ => _.Name);
                    var variantType    = new Utility.ProductionWindowFactory().ShowAddChunkFormModal(availableTypes);

                    var variant = CR2WTypeManager.Create(variantType, "Variant", editableVariable.cr2w,
                    variant.IsSerialized          = true;
                    ivariant.Variant              = variant;
                    editableVariable.IsSerialized = true;

                e.Control = EditorHandler.GetEditor(editableVariable);
                if (e.Control != null)
                    e.Control.Location = new Point(e.CellBounds.Location.X, e.CellBounds.Location.Y - 1);
                    e.Control.Width    = e.CellBounds.Width;

                    // update references for pointer type variables
                    if (editableVariable is IChunkPtrAccessor iptr && e.Control is ComboBox editor)
                        editor.SelectedIndexChanged += delegate(object o, EventArgs _e)
                            var ptrcomboitem = (PtrComboItem)((ComboBox)o).SelectedItem;
                            if (ptrcomboitem != null)
                                if (ptrcomboitem.Text == $"<Add new chunk ...>")
                                    // raise event

                                    // select item
                                    iptr.Reference = ptrcomboitem.Value;

                    if (e.Control is ByteArrayEditor byteArrayEditor)
                        byteArrayEditor.RequestBytesOpen += ByteArrayEditor_RequestBytesOpen;
                    if (e.Control is ArrayEditor arrayEditor)
                        arrayEditor.parentref         = this;
                        arrayEditor.RequestBytesOpen += ByteArrayEditor_RequestBytesOpen;

                e.Cancel = e.Control == null;

            case "REDName":
                //Normal textbox is good for this.

                e.Cancel = true;