Example #1
        public int setupDialog()
            //  if there are value equations, show in grid
            //  if not, just initialize the grid
            valList = bslyr.getValueEquations();
            valueEquationDOBindingSource.DataSource = valList;
            valueEquationList.DataSource            = valueEquationDOBindingSource;

            //  need unique species and product
            List <TreeDefaultValueDO> tdvList = bslyr.GetUniqueSpeciesProductLiveDead();

            if (valList.Count == 0)
                foreach (TreeDefaultValueDO tdv in tdvList)
                    ValueEquationDO ved = new ValueEquationDO();
                    ved.Species        = tdv.Species;
                    ved.PrimaryProduct = tdv.PrimaryProduct;
                } //  end foreach loop
            }     //  endif list is empty

            //  Fill lists at bottom with unique species and primary products
            ArrayList justSpecies = bslyr.GetJustSpecies("Tree");

            for (int n = 0; n < justSpecies.Count; n++)

            //  If there are no species/products in tree default values, it's wrong
            //  tell user to check the file design in CSM --  June 2013
            if (justSpecies.Count == 0)
                MessageBox.Show("No species/product combinations found in Tree records.\nPlease enter tree records before continuing.", "ERROR", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
            }   //  endif

            ArrayList justProducts = bslyr.GetJustPrimaryProduct();

            for (int n = 0; n < justProducts.Count; n++)

            regionNum.Enabled       = false;
            equationNumber.Enabled  = false;
            speciesList.Enabled     = false;
            primaryProdList.Enabled = false;
        }   //  end setupDialog
        }     //  end onCancel

        public void setupDialog()
            // initially, all check boxes are not visible
            checkBox1.Visible  = false;
            checkBox2.Visible  = false;
            checkBox3.Visible  = false;
            checkBox4.Visible  = false;
            checkBox5.Visible  = false;
            checkBox6.Visible  = false;
            checkBox7.Visible  = false;
            checkBox8.Visible  = false;
            checkBox9.Visible  = false;
            checkBox10.Visible = false;
            checkBox11.Visible = false;
            checkBox12.Visible = false;
            checkBox13.Visible = false;
            checkBox14.Visible = false;
            checkBox15.Visible = false;
            checkBox16.Visible = false;
            checkBox17.Visible = false;
            checkBox18.Visible = false;
            checkBox19.Visible = false;
            checkBox20.Visible = false;
            checkBox21.Visible = false;
            checkBox22.Visible = false;
            checkBox23.Visible = false;
            checkBox24.Visible = false;
            checkBox25.Visible = false;
            checkBox26.Visible = false;
            checkBox27.Visible = false;
            checkBox28.Visible = false;
            checkBox29.Visible = false;
            checkBox30.Visible = false;

            //  reset checked status to all zero
            for (int k = 0; k < 30; k++)
                checkStatus[k] = "0";

            // Add species code to checkbox text area and set check to true
            ArrayList justSpecies = bslyr.GetJustSpecies("Tree");

            for (int k = 0; k < justSpecies.Count; k++)
                loadCheckBox(k + 1, justSpecies[k].ToString());
            } //  end for k loop
        }     //  end setupDialog
Example #3
        public void setupDialog()
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            //  Get just species from tree list
            CPbusinessLayer bslyr = new CPbusinessLayer();

            bslyr.fileName = fileName;
            ArrayList justSpecies = bslyr.GetJustSpecies();

            //  if there are rows in the bioList, show the data in the dialog
            if (bioList.Count() > 0)
                //  Load values as needed
                foreach (Biomass bms in bioList)
                    //  Is species from tree table already associated?  Suppress from user species list if so.
                    for (int k = 0; k < justSpecies.Count; k++)
                        if (justSpecies[k].ToString() != bms.userSpecies)
                            sb.Remove(0, sb.Length);
                            sb.Append(" -- ");
                        } //  endif justSpecies
                        //  add the other fields
                    }     //  end for k loop
                }   //  end foreach loop
            else if (bioList.Count() <= 0)
                //  Add just species
                for (int k = 0; k < justSpecies.Count; k++)
                } //  end for k loop
            }     //  endif bioList has rows

        }   //  end setupDialog
Example #4
        public void setupDialog()
            //  if there are weight equations, show in grid
            //  if not, just initialize the grid
            CPbusinessLayer bslyr = new CPbusinessLayer();

            bslyr.fileName = fileName;
            wgtList        = bslyr.getWeightEquations();
            weightEquationDOBindingSource.DataSource = wgtList;
            weightEquationList.DataSource            = weightEquationDOBindingSource;
            //  need unique species, livedead and primary product from trees
            List <TreeDefaultValueDO> tList = bslyr.GetUniqueSpeciesProductLiveDead();

            if (wgtList.Count == 0)
                //  Fill species, livedead and primary product with unique items from trees
                foreach (TreeDefaultValueDO tdo in tList)
                    WeightEquationDO wedo = new WeightEquationDO();
                    wedo.Species        = tdo.Species;
                    wedo.LiveDead       = tdo.LiveDead;
                    wedo.PrimaryProduct = tdo.PrimaryProduct;
                } //  end foreach loop
            }     //  endif wgtList is empty

            // Fill lists at bottom with unique species and primary products
            ArrayList justSpecies = bslyr.GetJustSpecies();

            for (int n = 0; n < justSpecies.Count; n++)

            ArrayList justProduct = bslyr.GetJustPrimaryProduct();

            for (int n = 0; n < justProduct.Count; n++)

            speciesList.Enabled     = true;
            liveDeadList.Enabled    = true;
            primaryProdList.Enabled = true;
        }   //  end setupDialog
        public int setupDialog()
            //  are there any product 08 species to show in the grid?
            //  changes made to Region 8 equations --  July 2017 --  slight changes to this code
            //ArrayList justSpecies = bslyr.GetProduct08Species();
            ArrayList justSpecies = bslyr.GetJustSpecies("Tree");

            if (justSpecies.Count == 0)
                MessageBox.Show("There are no measured trees in this sale.", "INFORMATION", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
            }   //  endif

            //  Otherwise show default value and put species with default in the grid
            defaultDIB.Text = "6.0";
            speciesDIB      = new string[justSpecies.Count, 2];
            //  set number of rows to the species list count
            for (int k = 0; k < justSpecies.Count; k++)
                speciesDIB[k, 0] = justSpecies[k].ToString();
                speciesDIB[k, 1] = "6.0";
            }   //  end for k loop

            //  place just species in the list
            int nthRow = 0;

            speciesDIBlist.RowCount = justSpecies.Count;
            for (int k = 0; k < justSpecies.Count; k++)
                speciesDIBlist.Rows[nthRow].Cells[0].Value = speciesDIB[k, 0];
                speciesDIBlist.Rows[nthRow].Cells[1].Value = speciesDIB[k, 1];
            }   //  end for loop on speciesDIB

            numRows = justSpecies.Count;
        }   //  end setupDialog
        public int setupDialog()
            VolumeEqMethods Veq = new VolumeEqMethods();
            //  fill species list from tree table
            //  show message box if this is BLM
            string currRegion = bslyr.getRegion();

            if (currRegion == "7" || currRegion == "07")
                MessageBox.Show("BLM Volume Equations cannot be entered here.", "INFORMATION", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
            }   //  endif BLM

            //  if there are volume equations, show in grid
            //  if not, the grid is just initialized
            equationList = bslyr.getVolumeEquations();

            //  Check for missing common name and model name
            Veq.updateVolumeList(equationList, fileName, currRegion);

            string[,] speciesProduct;
            speciesProduct = bslyr.GetUniqueSpeciesProduct();
            //  pull species not used in the cruise from the equations list
            equationList = updateEquationList(speciesProduct);

            //  If there are no species/products in tree default values, it's wrong
            //  tell user to check the file design in CSM --  June 2013
            if (speciesProduct.Length == 0)
                MessageBox.Show("No species/product combinations found in Tree records.\nPlease enter tree records before continuing.", "ERROR", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
            }   //  endif

            //  if equation list is empty, just fill in unique species and primary product
            if (equationList.Count == 0)
                for (int k = 0; k < speciesProduct.GetLength(0); k++)
                    if (speciesProduct[k, 0] != "" && speciesProduct[k, 0] != null)
                        VolumeEquationDO ved = new VolumeEquationDO();
                        ved.Species        = speciesProduct[k, 0];
                        ved.PrimaryProduct = speciesProduct[k, 1];
                    } //  endif end of list
                }     //  end for k loop
                //  situation exists were a template file was made from an existing cruise and
                //  additional species/product combinations were placed in tree default value
                //  need to add those to the equationList so user can enter equation information
                //  June 2013
                for (int k = 0; k < speciesProduct.GetLength(0); k++)
                    if (speciesProduct[k, 0] != "" && speciesProduct[k, 0] != null)
                        //  see if this combination is in the equationList
                        int nthRow = equationList.FindIndex(
                            delegate(VolumeEquationDO ved)
                            return(ved.Species == speciesProduct[k, 0] && ved.PrimaryProduct == speciesProduct[k, 1]);
                        if (nthRow == -1)
                            //  add the equation to the list so the user can enter equation information
                            VolumeEquationDO v = new VolumeEquationDO();
                            v.Species        = speciesProduct[k, 0];
                            v.PrimaryProduct = speciesProduct[k, 1];
                        } //  endif
                    }     //  endif
                }         //  end for k loop
            }             //  endif list is empty

            volumeEquationDOBindingSource.DataSource = equationList;
            volumeEquationList.DataSource            = volumeEquationDOBindingSource;

            //  also add species and product to combo boxes at bottom
            ArrayList justSpecies = bslyr.GetJustSpecies("TreeDefaultValue");

            for (int n = 0; n < justSpecies.Count; n++)

            ArrayList justProduct = bslyr.GetJustPrimaryProduct();

            for (int n = 0; n < justProduct.Count; n++)

            volRegion.Enabled   = false;
            volForest.Enabled   = false;
            volEquation.Enabled = false;
            speciesList.Enabled = false;
            productList.Enabled = false;
        }   //  end setupDialog
        public void setupDialog()
            //  Get unique species list from trees
            ArrayList uniqueSpecies = bslyr.GetJustSpecies("Tree");

            //  any volume equations??
            List <VolumeEquationDO> volList = bslyr.getVolumeEquations();

            if (volList.Count <= 0)
                //  Initialize dibs as zero
                for (int k = 0; k < uniqueSpecies.Count; k++)
                    JustDIBs jd = new JustDIBs();
                    jd.speciesDIB   = uniqueSpecies[k].ToString();
                    jd.productDIB   = "01";
                    jd.primaryDIB   = 0.0F;
                    jd.secondaryDIB = 0.0F;
                }   //  end for k loop
            else if (volList.Count > 0)
                //  Initialize dibs from volume equations
                for (int k = 0; k < uniqueSpecies.Count; k++)
                    JustDIBs jd             = new JustDIBs();
                    string   currentSpecies = uniqueSpecies[k].ToString();
                    int      nthRow         = volList.FindIndex(
                        delegate(VolumeEquationDO v)
                        //return v.Species == currentSpecies && v.PrimaryProduct == "01";
                        return(v.Species == currentSpecies);
                    if (nthRow >= 0)
                        jd.speciesDIB   = currentSpecies;
                        jd.productDIB   = volList[nthRow].PrimaryProduct.ToString();
                        jd.primaryDIB   = (float)volList[nthRow].TopDIBPrimary;
                        jd.secondaryDIB = (float)volList[nthRow].TopDIBSecondary;
                    } //  endif nthRow
                }     //  end for k loop
            }         //  endif volumes

            //  Now the list can be loaded into the data grid -- it is not bound
            int rowNum = 0;

            completedDIBs.RowCount    = jstDIB.Count;
            completedDIBs.ColumnCount = 3;
            foreach (JustDIBs jd in jstDIB)
                completedDIBs.Rows[rowNum].Cells[0].Value = jd.speciesDIB;
                completedDIBs.Rows[rowNum].Cells[1].Value = jd.primaryDIB;
                completedDIBs.Rows[rowNum].Cells[2].Value = jd.secondaryDIB;
            }   //  end foreach loop

        }   //  end setupDialog