Example #1
        public void CParserIsSetDbTags()
            UInt16 tag1 = 0, tag2 = 0;
            Space  space = Space.Coils;

            UInt16[] data = null;
            // the first case
            Assert.IsTrue(CParser.isSetDbTags("setdb coils 100 110 = 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10", ref space, ref tag1, ref tag2, ref data));
            Assert.IsTrue(space == Space.Coils && tag1 == 100 && tag2 == 110);
            for (int i = 0; i < 11; i++)
                Assert.IsTrue(data[i] == i);
            // the 2nd  case
            Assert.IsTrue(CParser.isSetDbTags("setdb coils 100 110 = 0 1 2 3 4 5", ref space, ref tag1, ref tag2, ref data));
            Assert.IsTrue(space == Space.Coils && tag1 == 100 && tag2 == 110);
            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                Assert.IsTrue(data[i] == i);
            for (int i = 5; i < 11; i++)
                Assert.IsTrue(data[i] == 5);

            // the 3rd case
            Assert.IsTrue(CParser.isSetDbTags("setdb coils 100 105 = 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10", ref space, ref tag1, ref tag2, ref data));
            Assert.IsTrue(space == Space.Coils && tag1 == 100 && tag2 == 105);
            for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                Assert.IsTrue(data[i] == i);

            //the 4th case
            Assert.IsFalse(CParser.isSetDbTags("some bullshit", ref space, ref tag1, ref tag2, ref data));
Example #2
        // Main
        static void Main(string[] args)
            const string defaultFileName = "config.xml";
            string       configFileName  = defaultFileName;

            foreach (string arg in args)
                CParser.configFileName(arg, ref configFileName);
            Console.WriteLine("config = {0}", configFileName);  //debug purpouse
            ConfigReader configReader = new ConfigReader();

            catch (FileLoadException)
                Console.WriteLine("Can't load config file");
            globalObject.transactonFinishedEvent = Transaction_Finished;

            Transaction.currId = 0; //initial transaction id

            if (configReader.portType == PortType.ComPort)
                //string name, int bps, Parity parity, StopBits stopBits)
                ComPort comPort = new ComPort(configReader.portName, configReader.bps, configReader.parity, configReader.stopBits);
                comPort.recieveTimeOut = configReader.comPortTimeOut;
                globalObject.port      = comPort;

            if (configReader.portType == PortType.Ethernet)  //not supported yet
                // blah blah
                //globalData.port = ethPort

            if (configReader.portType == PortType.Test)
                ModbusRtuTestPort testPort = new ModbusRtuTestPort();
                testPort.address = 1;

                globalObject.port = testPort;
            globalObject.port.globalObject = globalObject; //it's awesome!

            globalObject.timeOut = configReader.timeOut;

            globalObject.csvLogger.fileName  = configReader.csvFileName;
            globalObject.csvLogger.separator = configReader.csvSeparator;

            globalObject.varList   = configReader.varList;
            globalObject.queryList = configReader.queryList;
            foreach (Query q in globalObject.queryList)
                q.globalObject = globalObject;

            globalObject.protocol = new ModbusRtuProtocol();   //only Modbus RTU is supported yet
            (globalObject.protocol as ModbusRtuProtocol).deviceAddress = configReader.address;
            globalObject.protocol.globalObject = globalObject; //it's amazing!

            globalObject.mode = configReader.mode;
            if (globalObject.mode == Mode.Master)
                if (configReader.period > 0)
                    globalObject.timer.Interval = configReader.period;
                    globalObject.timer.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(timer_Elapsed);
            if (globalObject.mode == Mode.Slave)
                globalObject.port.messageReceivedEvent += onMessageReceived_SlaveMode;
                //   globalObject.port.messageReceivedEvent += new MessageReceivedHandler(onMessageReceived_SlaveMode);

            //  command parse

            // команды могут вводиться вручную
            // get coils <from> <to> - function 1
            // get din <from> <to> - function 2
            // get h <from> <to> - function 3
            // get <from> <to> - function 3 //то же, что и get h
            // get in <from> <to> - function 4
            // set coil <tag> - function 5
            // set h <tag> - function 6
            // set <tag> - function 6 //то же, что и set h
            // set coil <from> <to> - function 15
            // set h <from> <to> - function 16
            // set <from> <to> - function 16 //то же, что и set h
            // get <varname>
            // set <varname>
            // auto [period] - автоматический режим с указанным периодом
            // auto off - ручной режим
            // protocol [ascii|rtu|tcpip|simple]
            // set port [name] [, bps] [, none|odd|even|mark|space] [, none|one|two|onepointfive]
            // set eth ip [, port]
            // q - выход
            string command;

                Console.Write(">"); //prompt

                // parse command
                command = Console.ReadLine();

                if (CParser.configFileName(command, ref configFileName))
                    Console.WriteLine("config = {0}", configFileName);

                if (CParser.isHelpLine(command))

                UInt16   tag1 = 0;
                UInt16   tag2 = 0;
                UInt16[] data = null;
                int      func;

                if (CParser.isFunction(command, out func, out tag1, out tag2, out data))
                    Query query = new Query();
                    query.function     = func;
                    query.startTag     = tag1;
                    query.tagNum       = (UInt16)(tag2 - tag1 + 1);
                    query.tagData      = data;
                    query.globalObject = globalObject;
                    globalObject.currentTransaction = new Transaction(query, globalObject);
                // storage get/set commands
                Space space = Space.Coils;
                if (CParser.isGetDbTags(command, ref space, ref tag1, ref tag2))
                    for (int tag = tag1; tag <= tag2; tag++)  //tag имеет тип int, а не UInt16, так как иначе неправильно работает цикл с tag2 = 65535
                        String s1 = space.ToString();
                        String s2 = tag.ToString();
                        String s3 = globalObject.tagStorage.getTag(space, tag).ToString();
                        Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0} {1} = {2}", s1, s2, s3));
                UInt16[] dbTagData = null;
                if (CParser.isSetDbTags(command, ref space, ref tag1, ref tag2, ref dbTagData))
                    for (int tag = tag1; tag <= tag2; tag++)  //tag имеет тип int, а не UInt16, так как иначе неправильно работает цикл с tag2 = 65535
                        String s1 = space.ToString();
                        String s2 = tag.ToString();
                        globalObject.tagStorage.setTag(space, tag, dbTagData[tag - tag1]);
                        String s3 = dbTagData[tag - tag1].ToString();
                        Console.WriteLine(String.Format("set {0} {1} = {2}", s1, s2, s3));
                if (CParser.isGetDbVariables(command))
                    foreach (Var variable in globalObject.varList)
                        Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2}", variable.name, variable.varType, variable.stringValue);

                string varName;
                if (CParser.isGetDbValue(command, out varName))
                    Var v = globalObject.findVar(varName);
                    if (v != null)
                        Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}", varName, v.stringValue);

                double value;
                if (CParser.isSetDbValue(command, out varName, out value))
                    Var v = globalObject.findVar(varName);
                    if (v != null)
                        if (v.setValue(value))
                            Console.WriteLine("{0} = {1}", v.name, v.stringValue);
                            Console.WriteLine("error occured");
                // get/set mode command
                Mode mode = Mode.Master;
                if (CParser.isGetMode(command))
                    Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0} mode", globalObject.mode));
                if (CParser.isSetMode(command, ref mode))
                    globalObject.mode = mode;
                    Console.WriteLine(String.Format("set {0} mode", mode));
                if (command == "p")   //pause

                if (command == "r") //resume

                //if current transaction is busy, wait a little
                while (globalObject.currentTransaction != null && globalObject.currentTransaction.transactionState != TransactionState.Idle)
                    //  Application.DoEvents();
                    System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1); //???

                //and execute
                //  Query query = new Query();
            }while (command != "q");