Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Removes the current Player from its Team
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="player">Player to remove</param>
        private void RemovePlayer(Player player)
            // Little verification : we ask the user to validate his action
            if (Choice_Prefabs.CHOICE_REMOVEPLAYER.GetChoice() == 0)
                // Asking to remove the Player
                Instructions instruction = Instructions.Team_RemovePlayer;
                Net.COMMUNICATION.Send(comm.GetStream(), new Communication(instruction, player));

                // We receive whether it work or not
                if (Net.BOOL.Receive(comm.GetStream()))
                    // We remove the Player from its Team

                    // We display a message accordingly
                    CONSOLE.WriteLine(ConsoleColor.Green, "Player " + player.name + " removed !");
                    // We display a message accordingly
                    CONSOLE.WriteLine(ConsoleColor.Red, "Player " + player.name + "was not removed...");
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Sends a Coach of which we know the id
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id">Id of the Coach we seek</param>
        public void GetCoachById(Guid id)
            // Writing a Log in the Console
            CONSOLE.WriteLine(ConsoleColor.Yellow, "Coach's id : " + id);

            // We send the default Coach if no match was found / the correct one if a match was found
            Net.COACH.Send(comm.GetStream(), Database.COACH.GetById(id));
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Sends a Coach of which we know the name
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name">name of the Coach we seek</param>
        public void GetCoachByName(string name)
            // Writing a Log in the Console
            CONSOLE.WriteLine(ConsoleColor.Yellow, "Coach's name : " + name);

            // We send the default Coach if no match was found / the correct one if a match was found
            Net.COACH.Send(comm.GetStream(), Database.COACH.GetByName(name));
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// When a Client logs off
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="communication"> communication Logged Off </param>
        private void LogOut(TcpClient communication)
            // A client has logged off, but is still present
            CONSOLE.WriteLine(ConsoleColor.Red, "Logged Out @" + communication);


Example #5
        /// <summary>
        /// When a Coach logs in
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="communication"> communication Logged in </param>
        private void LogIn(TcpClient communication)
            // A client has logged in
            CONSOLE.WriteLine(ConsoleColor.Green, "Logged In @" + communication);


Example #6
        public void Start()
            Console.Write(" Server launched !\n\n");

            // We create and initialize a Listener
            TcpListener listener = new TcpListener(new IPAddress(new byte[] { 127, 0, 0, 1 }), port);


            cptCoachessLoggedIn = 0;
            receivers           = new List <Receiver>();

            // Filling the database
            // Database.FillDatabase();

            while (true)
                // Coucou, j'écoute si un Client se connecte
                TcpClient comm = listener.AcceptTcpClient();

                // Oh tiens, un client s'est connecté
                CONSOLE.WriteLine(ConsoleColor.DarkGreen, "Connection established @" + comm);

                // Je récupère ses infos...
                Receiver receiver = new Receiver(this, comm);

                // ... J'initialise quelques events...
                receiver.When_Server_Exit   += EndingCommunication;
                receiver.When_Server_LogIn  += LogIn;
                receiver.When_Server_LogOff += LogOut;

                receiver.When_Coach_Create    += CoachCreate;
                receiver.When_Team_Create     += TeamCreate;
                receiver.When_Player_Create   += PlayerCreate;
                receiver.When_Player_Remove   += PlayerRemove;
                receiver.When_Player_LevelsUp += PlayerLevelsUp;

                // ... et je lance une connexion avec le serveur
                new Thread(receiver.DoOperation).Start();

                // Je garde la connexion en mémoire dans une Liste de Receiver

                // On affiche les informations dans la console

                // Et hop, je retourne écouter si un Client se connecte...
Example #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Ensures the user Logs Out of the Softare (but remains to the Log In / Sign In menu)
        /// </summary>
        private void LogOut()
            // Display a Farewell message
            CONSOLE.WriteLine(ConsoleColor.Blue, "\n\n     Goodbye ! We hope to see you soon :)\n\n");

            // Resetting the user's Data : no user is logged in anymore
            userData = new Coach();

            // Warning the server we log out
            Instructions instruction = Instructions.LogOut;
            Object       content     = null;

            Net.COMMUNICATION.Send(comm.GetStream(), new Communication(instruction, content));
        /// <summary>
        /// A panel saying goodbye to the user
        /// </summary>
        private void PanelExitSoftware()
            // Displaying a farewell message
            CONSOLE.WriteLine(ConsoleColor.Blue, "\n\n\n      Goodbye !! We hope to see you soon :)");

            // Warning the server we leave the software
            Instructions instruction = Instructions.Exit_Software;
            Object       content     = null;

            Net.COMMUNICATION.Send(comm.GetStream(), new Communication(instruction, content));

            // Environment.Exit(0);
        /// <summary>
        /// A panel displaying all options a user can perform while logged to the program (Topic / Chat)
        /// </summary>
        private void PanelConnected()
            bool continuingConnection = true;

            while (continuingConnection)
                int choice = Choice_Prefabs.CHOICE_CONNECTED.GetChoice();
                switch (choice)
                // COACH
                case 0:

                // LEAGUE
                case 1:
                    CONSOLE.WriteLine(ConsoleColor.Magenta, "Not yet implemented !");

                case 2:
                    CONSOLE.WriteLine(ConsoleColor.Magenta, "Not yet implemented !");

                // TEAM
                case 3:

                case 4:

                // LOG OUT
                case 5:
                    continuingConnection = false;

                    Console.WriteLine("Error at the Main menu");

Example #10
        /// <summary>
        /// When a Client stops the communication with the server
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="communication"></param>
        private void EndingCommunication(TcpClient communication)
            // A client has disconnected the software
            CONSOLE.WriteLine(ConsoleColor.DarkRed, "Connection stopped @" + communication);

            // We remove the Receiver communication from our list
            foreach (Receiver receiver in receivers)
                if (receiver.comm == communication)

Example #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the newly created Coach's data of the user, and connects him / makes him retry accordingly
        /// </summary>
        private void SignIn()
            bool   continueSignin = true;
            string errorMessage   = "";

            while (continueSignin)
                // Displaying some messages
                CONSOLE.WriteLine(ConsoleColor.Blue, "\n   Enter empty fields to leave the SIGN-IN");

                // Displays a message if the credentials are incorrect
                CONSOLE.WriteLine(ConsoleColor.Red, errorMessage);

                // USERNAME
                Console.Write("\n Please enter your username : "******"\n Please enter your password : "******"\n Please verify your password : "******"\n Please enter your email : ");
                string email = Console.ReadLine();

                // All the fields are empty : go back to the menu
                if (name.Length == 0 && password.Length == 0 && passwordVerif.Length == 0 && email.Length == 0)
                    continueSignin = false;
                // If at least one field is empty : ERROR
                else if (name.Length == 0 || password.Length == 0 || passwordVerif.Length == 0 || email.Length == 0)
                    errorMessage = PrefabMessages.INCOMPLETE_FIELDS;
                // The password and its verification do not match : ERROR
                else if (password != passwordVerif)
                    errorMessage = PrefabMessages.SIGNIN_PASSWORD_DONT_MATCH;
                // NOW, we don't have to verify the PasswordVerif field anymore !
                // If at least one field is too long : ERROR
                else if (name.Length > PrefabMessages.INPUT_MAXSIZE_COACH_NAME ||
                         password.Length > PrefabMessages.INPUT_MAXSIZE_COACH_PASSWORD ||
                         email.Length > PrefabMessages.INPUT_MAXSIZE_COACH_EMAIL)
                    errorMessage = PrefabMessages.INCORRECT_INPUT_SIZE;
                // If at least one field has one incorrect character : ERROR
                else if (!Util.CorrectInput(name) || !Util.CorrectInput(password) || !Util.CorrectInput(email))
                    errorMessage = PrefabMessages.INCORRECT_INPUT_CHARACTER;
                // Otherwise : verify with the server
                    // Sending the new Coach (with password !)
                    Instructions instruction = Instructions.SignIn;
                    Object       content     = new CoachWithPassword(name, password, email);
                    Net.COMMUNICATION.Send(comm.GetStream(), new Communication(instruction, content));

                    // We get the Coach data back
                    // CORRECT :  regular data
                    // INCORRECT : default data
                    userData = Net.COACH.Receive(comm.GetStream());

                    // the data is complete : successful Sign in
                    if (userData.IsComplete)
                        continueSignin = false;
                    // If the data is incomplete : the profile's name and/or email is already taken, we reset the sign-in
                        errorMessage = PrefabMessages.SIGNIN_FAILURE;
Example #12

        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the Credentials of the user, and connects him / makes him retry accordingly
        /// </summary>
        private void LogIn()
            bool   continueLogin = true;
            string errorMessage  = "";

                // Displaying some messages
                CONSOLE.WriteLine(ConsoleColor.Blue, "\n   Enter empty fields to leave the LOGIN");

                // Displays a message if the credentials are incorrect
                CONSOLE.WriteLine(ConsoleColor.Red, errorMessage);

                // USERNAME
                Console.Write("\n Please enter your name : ");
                string name = Console.ReadLine();

                // PASSWORD
                Console.Write("\n Please enter your password : ");
                string password = Console.ReadLine();

                // All the fields are empty : go back to the menu
                if (name.Length == 0 && password.Length == 0)
                    continueLogin = false;
                // If at least one field is empty : ERROR
                else if (name.Length == 0 || password.Length == 0)
                    errorMessage = PrefabMessages.INCOMPLETE_FIELDS;
                // If at least one field is too long : ERROR
                else if (name.Length > PrefabMessages.INPUT_MAXSIZE_COACH_NAME || password.Length > PrefabMessages.INPUT_MAXSIZE_COACH_PASSWORD)
                    errorMessage = PrefabMessages.INCORRECT_INPUT_SIZE;
                // If at least one field has one incorrect character : ERROR
                else if (!Util.CorrectInput(name) || !Util.CorrectInput(password))
                    errorMessage = PrefabMessages.INCORRECT_INPUT_CHARACTER;
                // Otherwise : verify with the server
                    // Sending the credentials
                    Instructions instruction = Instructions.LogIn;
                    Object       content     = new Credentials(name, password);
                    Net.COMMUNICATION.Send(comm.GetStream(), new Communication(instruction, content));

                    // Receiving the response ID
                    userData = Net.COACH.Receive(comm.GetStream());

                    // Match found, we proceed forward
                    if (userData.IsComplete)
                        continueLogin = false;
                    // If the ID is Empty : there was no match found, we reset the login
                        errorMessage = PrefabMessages.LOGIN_FAILURE;
            }while (continueLogin);
Example #13
 /// <summary>
 /// Display some data about the number of users, whether logged in just in the connection menu
 /// </summary>
 private void DisplaySituation()
     CONSOLE.WriteLine(ConsoleColor.Magenta, "Number of clients Logged In / Number of clients Total : " + cptCoachessLoggedIn + "/ " + receivers.Count);
Example #14
        /// <summary>
        /// When a Player levels up
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="player"></param>
        private void PlayerLevelsUp(Player player)
            // Asking to level up a Player
            Instructions instruction = Instructions.Player_LevelUp;

            Net.COMMUNICATION.Send(comm.GetStream(), new Communication(instruction, player));

            // We receive / define some variables
            int dice1 = Net.INT.Receive(comm.GetStream());
            int dice2 = Net.INT.Receive(comm.GetStream());

            dice1 = 5;
            dice2 = 6;
            List <EffectType> types = EffectStuff.GetEffectTypesForLevelUp(player.role, dice1, dice2);

            // There are 2 steps :
            // PART 1 - display some useful info to the user
            // PART 2 - Wait for the user to choose a new Effect for his Player

            // PART 1 - display some useful info to the user
            Console.WriteLine("New level !\n\n\n\nyou rolled {0} - {1} !", dice1, dice2);

            Console.WriteLine("You can level up in any category :");
            types.ForEach(type => Console.WriteLine(" - " + type));

            // PART 2 - Wait for the user to choose a new Effect for his Player
            // We initialize our variables
            List <List <Effect> > effects = EffectStuff.GetEffectsForLevelUp(types);
            bool   continuing             = true;
            Effect chosenEffect           = effects[0][0];
            int    currentType            = 0;
            int    currentEffect          = 0;

            // While the user doesn't press Enter, the loop continues
                // We clear the console, and display a given message

                // We display all our Types
                for (int t = 0; t < types.Count; t++)
                    // Display the current EffectType
                    Console.WriteLine("\n" + types[t]);

                    // Display all its Effects (with an arrow if it is the current one)
                    for (int e = 0; e < effects[t].Count; e++)
                        // Initialize some variables
                        Effect       effect = effects[t][e];
                        string       arrow  = (currentType == t && currentEffect == e) ? "\t --> " : "\t     ";
                        ConsoleColor color  = (player.effectsAll.Contains(effect)) ? ConsoleColor.Red : ConsoleColor.Blue;

                        // Display the result
                        CONSOLE.WriteLine(color, arrow + effect.name());

                // We read the input
                ConsoleKeyInfo input          = Console.ReadKey();
                bool           goToLastEffect = false;

                // If it is an Array key (UP or DOWN), we modify our index accordingly
                if (input.Key == ConsoleKey.UpArrow)

                    // If the index goes too low, we change type
                    if (currentEffect < 0)
                        goToLastEffect = true;
                if (input.Key == ConsoleKey.DownArrow)

                    // If the index goes too high, we change type
                    if (currentEffect > effects[currentType].Count - 1)
                        currentEffect = 0;
                // If it is a LEFT Array key : go to the previous type
                if (input.Key == ConsoleKey.LeftArrow)
                    currentEffect = 0;
                // If it is a RIGHT Array key : go to the next type
                if (input.Key == ConsoleKey.RightArrow)
                    currentEffect = 0;

                // If the type is too high / too low, we change it accordingly
                if (currentType < 0)
                    currentType = types.Count - 1;
                if (currentType > types.Count - 1)
                    currentType = 0;

                // If needed : we replace the effect counter to the last index of the current list
                if (goToLastEffect)
                    currentEffect = effects[currentType].Count - 1;

                // We check if we end the loop
                if (input.Key == ConsoleKey.Enter)
                    // We set the chosen Effect
                    chosenEffect = effects[currentType][currentEffect];

                    // We display a message, whether the Effect can be chosen or not
                    if (player.effectsAll.Contains(chosenEffect))
                        CONSOLE.WriteLine(ConsoleColor.Red, "You cannot choose the Effect " + chosenEffect.name() + " :\n\nyour Player already has it !!");
                        continuing = false;
            }while (continuing);

            // Small message
            CONSOLE.WriteLine(ConsoleColor.Green, "You have chosen the Effect " + chosenEffect.name() + " !!");

            // Sending the chosen Effect
            Net.EFFECT.Send(comm.GetStream(), chosenEffect);

            // If the Effect was validated : add it to the Player
            if (Net.BOOL.Receive(comm.GetStream()))
                CONSOLE.WriteLine(ConsoleColor.Green, "\n\n\tEffect validated !!");
                CONSOLE.WriteLine(ConsoleColor.Red, "\n\n\tEffect refused...");

Example #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new Player
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="team">Team the Player is in</param>
        private void NewPlayer(Team team)
            bool   continueNewPlayer       = true;
            bool   continueNewPlayerInputs = true;
            string errorMessage            = "";

                // CHOICE
                // We dynamically create a List containing all the roles names
                List <string> choiceString = new List <string>();
                team.race.roles().ForEach(role => choiceString.Add(role.ToStringCustom()));

                // We add as a last choice the option to "Cancel"

                // We create the Choice
                Choice c     = new Choice("please Select a Role (last one = cancel) : ", choiceString);
                int    index = c.GetChoice();

                if (index != choiceString.Count - 1)
                    // We save the Role
                    Role role = team.race.roles()[index];

                    // if the role chosen is too cost-expensive
                    if (role.price() > team.money)
                        CONSOLE.WriteLine(ConsoleColor.Red, PrefabMessages.NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY);
                    // if the player can afford it : continue
                        // Inputs

                            // Displays a message if the credentials are incorrect
                            CONSOLE.WriteLine(ConsoleColor.Red, errorMessage);

                            // NAME
                            Console.Write("\n Please enter the {0}'s name (empty = go back) : ", role.name());
                            string name = Console.ReadLine();

                            // All the fields are empty : go back to the menu
                            if (name.Length == 0)
                                continueNewPlayerInputs = false;
                            // If at least one field is too long : ERROR
                            else if (name.Length > PrefabMessages.INPUT_MAXSIZE_COACH_NAME)
                                errorMessage = PrefabMessages.INCORRECT_INPUT_SIZE;
                            // If at least one field has one incorrect character : ERROR
                            else if (!Util.CorrectInput(name))
                                errorMessage = PrefabMessages.INCORRECT_INPUT_CHARACTER;
                            // Otherwise : verify with the server
                                // Sending the new Player
                                Instructions instruction = Instructions.Team_AddPlayer;
                                Player       newPlayer   = new Player(name, role, team);
                                Net.COMMUNICATION.Send(comm.GetStream(), new Communication(instruction, newPlayer));

                                // We receive the id of the Player from the server
                                Guid idReceived = Net.GUID.Receive(comm.GetStream());

                                // We see if the id received is valid
                                if (idReceived != Guid.Empty)
                                    // We set the received id
                                    newPlayer.id = idReceived;

                                    // We add the Player to the user's team

                                    // We make the transaction (the team has less money now)
                                    team.money -= role.price();

                                    // We display a success message
                                    CONSOLE.WriteLine(ConsoleColor.Green, PrefabMessages.PLAYER_CREATION_SUCCESS);

                                    // Ending the loops
                                    continueNewPlayerInputs = false;
                                    continueNewPlayer       = false;
                                    errorMessage = PrefabMessages.PLAYER_CREATION_FAILURE;
                        }while (continueNewPlayerInputs);
                    continueNewPlayer = false;
            }while (continueNewPlayer);
Example #16
        public int GetChoice()
            // We initialize our variables
            bool continuing    = true;
            int  currentChoice = 0;
            int  MIN           = 0;
            int  MAX           = choices.Count - 1;

            // While the user doesn't press Enter, the loop continues
                // We clear the console, and display a given message
                CONSOLE.WriteLine(ConsoleColor.Blue, message + "\n\n");

                // We display all our choices (and we highlight the current choice)
                int index = 0;

                foreach (string s in choices)
                    if (index == currentChoice)
                        Console.Write("     --> ");
                        Console.Write("         ");

                    // We set the color to Blue if we reach the final statement (usually one saying "Go back" or "Log out")
                    ConsoleColor color = (index == MAX) ? ConsoleColor.Blue : ConsoleColor.White;

                    CONSOLE.WriteLine(color, choices[index++] + "\n");

                // We read the input
                switch (Console.ReadKey().Key)
                case ConsoleKey.UpArrow:
                    // If the value goes too low, it goes to the other extreme
                    if (currentChoice < MIN)
                        currentChoice = MAX;

                case ConsoleKey.DownArrow:
                    // If the value goes too high, it goes to the other extreme
                    if (MAX < currentChoice)
                        currentChoice = MIN;

                case ConsoleKey.LeftArrow:
                    currentChoice = MIN;

                case ConsoleKey.RightArrow:
                    currentChoice = MAX;

                case ConsoleKey.Enter:
                    continuing = false;

                case ConsoleKey.Escape:
                    continuing    = false;
                    currentChoice = MAX;
            }while (continuing);

            // We return the value
Example #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Server's HUB : it does stuff.
        /// </summary>
        public void DoOperation()
            while (true)
                // We receive a Communication from the client
                Communication communication = Net.COMMUNICATION.Receive(comm.GetStream());

                // We extract the data
                Instructions instruction = communication.instruction;
                Object       content     = communication.content;

                // We display the instruction
                CONSOLE.WriteLine(ConsoleColor.Cyan, "\nINSTRUCTION : " + instruction);

                // According to the instruction, we'll do a specific action
                switch (instruction)
                case Instructions.Exit_Software:
                    // We raise the event : a user left the software

                // CREDENTIALS
                case Instructions.LogIn:
                    if (LogIn((Credentials)content))
                        // We raise the event : a user has logged in

                case Instructions.SignIn:
                    // We get the profile Signed In
                    CoachWithPassword newCoach = SignIn((CoachWithPassword)content);

                    // If the Profile's ID is not Empty (means that the Sign In was successful)
                    if (newCoach.id != Guid.Empty)
                        // We raise the event : a user has logged in

                        // We raise the event : a Profile has been created

                case Instructions.LogOut:
                    // We raise the event : a user has logged off

                // COACH
                case Instructions.Coach_GetById:

                // TEAM
                case Instructions.Team_New:
                    // We get the newly created Team
                    Team newTeam = NewTeam((Team)content);

                    // If the Team can be created (ID is not empty)
                    if (newTeam.IsComplete)
                        // We raise the event : a Team has been created

                case Instructions.Team_AddPlayer:
                    // We get the newly created Player
                    Player newPlayer = NewPlayer((Player)content);

                    // If the Player can be created (ID is not empty)
                    if (newPlayer.IsComplete)
                        // We raise the event : a Player has been created

                case Instructions.Team_RemovePlayer:
                    // We get the Player to remove
                    Player playerToRemove = (Player)content;

                    // We remove him from the database
                    playerToRemove = RemovePlayer(playerToRemove);

                    // If the removal was successful)
                    if (playerToRemove.IsComplete)
                        // We raise the event : a Player has been removed

                // PLAYER
                case Instructions.Player_LevelUp:
                    // We get the Player to remove
                    Player player = (Player)content;

                    // We add a new Effect to the player
                    Effect?newEffect = PlayerLevelsUp(player);

                    // If a new effect was chosen
                    if (newEffect != null)
                        // We add the effect to the Player

                        // We raise the event : an Effect has been added

                // otherwise : Error (should not occur, but we're not taking any chance)
                    CONSOLE.WriteLine(ConsoleColor.Red, "Message instruction not understood : " + instruction);
Example #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new Team
        /// </summary>
        private void NewTeam()
            bool   continueNewTeam = true;
            string errorMessage    = "";

            while (continueNewTeam)
                // Displaying some messages
                CONSOLE.WriteLine(ConsoleColor.Blue, "\n   Enter empty fields to leave the Creation of the new TEAM");

                // Displays a message if the credentials are incorrect
                CONSOLE.WriteLine(ConsoleColor.Red, errorMessage);

                // NAME
                Console.Write("\n Please enter the name of the Team : ");
                string name = Console.ReadLine();

                // DESCRIPTION
                Console.Write("\n Please enter the description of the Team  : ");
                string description = Console.ReadLine();

                // All the fields are empty : go back to the menu
                if (name.Length == 0 && description.Length == 0)
                    continueNewTeam = false;
                // One of the field is empty : error
                else if (name.Length == 0 || description.Length == 0)
                    errorMessage = PrefabMessages.INCOMPLETE_FIELDS;
                else if (name.Length > PrefabMessages.INPUT_MAXSIZE_STRUCTURE_NAME ||
                         description.Length > PrefabMessages.INPUT_MAXSIZE_STRUCTURE_DESCRIPTION)
                    errorMessage = PrefabMessages.INCORRECT_INPUT_SIZE;
                // If at least one field has one incorrect character : ERROR
                else if (!Util.CorrectInput(name) || !Util.CorrectInput(description))
                    errorMessage = PrefabMessages.INCORRECT_INPUT_CHARACTER;
                // Otherwise : continue the protocol by choosing a Race
                    // We create a list of all the Races
                    List <Race> races = RaceStuff.GetAllRaces();

                    // CHOICE
                    // We dynamically create a List containing all the Race's name
                    List <string> choiceString = new List <string>();
                    races.ForEach(r => choiceString.Add(r.name()));

                    // We add as a last choice the option to cancel the protocol
                    choiceString.Add("Cancel the creation");

                    // We create the Choice
                    Choice choice = new Choice("please Select a Race (last one = cancel) : ", choiceString);
                    int    index  = choice.GetChoice();

                    // The user chose a Race
                    if (index != choiceString.Count - 1)
                        // We get the race chose by the user
                        Race race = races[index];

                        // Sending the new Team
                        Instructions instruction = Instructions.Team_New;
                        Team         newTeam     = new Team(name, description, race, userData);
                        Net.COMMUNICATION.Send(comm.GetStream(), new Communication(instruction, newTeam));

                        // We receive the id of the Team from the server
                        Guid idReceived = Net.GUID.Receive(comm.GetStream());

                        // We see if the id received is valid
                        if (idReceived != Guid.Empty)
                            // We set the received id
                            newTeam.id = idReceived;

                            // We add the Player to the user's team

                            // We display a success message
                            CONSOLE.WriteLine(ConsoleColor.Green, PrefabMessages.TEAM_CREATION_SUCCESS);

                            // Ending the loop
                            continueNewTeam = false;
                            errorMessage = PrefabMessages.TEAM_CREATION_FAILURE;
                    // The user chose to leave
                        continueNewTeam = false;