Example #1
        private void NormalizeCoords(Molecule mol, COMPOUND_TYPES type, int id)
            if (mol == null) return;

            //First we get the region we are working in
            RectangleF region;
            if (type == COMPOUND_TYPES.Reactant) region = reactantRegions[id];
            else if (type == COMPOUND_TYPES.Reagent) region = reagentRegions[0]; //we only ever have one reagent region
            else region = productRegions[id];

            //we get the bounds of the raw copy for initial sizing for the given region
            mol.Bounds = GetBoundingBox(mol, region);

            PointF center = new PointF(region.X + region.Width / 2, region.Y + region.Height / 2);

            //The scale values for x and y are then calculated
            //We want to keep the same ratio so we get the ratio, find the max sx can be and then calculte sy from that
            float ratio = mol.Bounds.Width/mol.Bounds.Height;

            double sx = 40; //region.Width / mol.Bounds.Width-30;
            double sy = 30; //ratio / sx;

            foreach (Node atom in mol.Atoms.Values)
                double ox = atom.Position.X;
                double oy = atom.Position.Y;

                double x = (ox * sx + center.X);
                double y = (oy * sy + center.Y);

                atom.Position = new Vector3(x, y, 0);

                //Finally we go through the bonds and update their nodes, due to some error in copying
                foreach (Bond bond in mol.Bonds)
                    if (bond.Node1.ID == atom.ID)
                        bond.Node1 = atom;
                    else if (bond.Node2.ID == atom.ID)
                        bond.Node2 = atom;
                //and again go through one more time to calculate the paths
                foreach (Bond bond in mol.Bonds)
            //We also need to get the new size of the bounding box and get the bounds for each bond
            mol.Bounds = GetBoundingBox(mol, region);
Example #2
        private static void WriteBlock(XmlDocument doc, XmlElement pparent, Edit edit, List<int> fileIDs, ObservableCollection<Compound> compounds, COMPOUND_TYPES type)
            //First we have a counter to keep track of rc1, rc2 etc
            int counter = 0;

            foreach (Compound comp in compounds)
                //First we determine what element this will belong to
                string parentname = string.Empty;
                switch (type)
                    case COMPOUND_TYPES.Reactant:
                        parentname = "reactant";
                    case COMPOUND_TYPES.Reagent:
                        parentname = "reagent";
                    case COMPOUND_TYPES.Product:
                        parentname = "product";
                XmlElement parent = doc.CreateElement(parentname);
                //Fileid is generated on the fly
                XmlElement fileid = doc.CreateElement("fileid");
                comp.FileID = GenerateFileID(fileIDs);
                fileid.InnerText = comp.FileID.ToString();
                //Local id is also generated on the fly we simply pass our counter and type
                XmlElement localid = doc.CreateElement("localid");
                localid.InnerText = GenerateLocalID(counter, type);
                //The name is a copy of our compoud name
                XmlElement name = doc.CreateElement("name");
                name.InnerText = comp.Name;
                //Copy over ref id
                XmlElement refid = doc.CreateElement("refid");
                refid.InnerText = comp.RefName;
                //Same for formula
                XmlElement formula = doc.CreateElement("formula");
                formula.InnerText = comp.Formula;
                //And same for state
                XmlElement state = doc.CreateElement("state");
                state.InnerText = comp.State.ToString();
                //density is the same, but it has a temperature <--- NOT DONE
                XmlElement density = doc.CreateElement("density"); // at temp x
                density.InnerText = comp.Density.ToString(); //THIS IS NOT COMPLETE; DENSITY EXISTS AT A GIVEN TEMP
                density.SetAttribute("temp", "25");
                XmlElement islimiting = doc.CreateElement("islimiting");
                islimiting.InnerText = comp.IsLimiting.ToString();
                XmlElement isTarget = doc.CreateElement("istarget");
                isTarget.InnerText = comp.IsTarget.ToString();
                //The mols have a unit so we look into the dictionary to get the value at whatever unit
                XmlElement mols = doc.CreateElement("mols"); // unit
                mols.InnerText = comp.MolsValue.ToString();
                mols.SetAttribute("unit", comp.MolsUnit);
                mols.SetAttribute("unit_power", comp.Mols.Power.ToString());
                //The mass is also at a unit so just the same, however some compounds are measured
                //not in mass but by volume so we check this and output null if thats the case
                XmlElement mass = doc.CreateElement("mass"); //unit
                if (comp.MassValue > 0)
                    mass.InnerText = comp.MassValue.ToString();
                    mass.SetAttribute("unit", comp.MassUnit);
                    mass.SetAttribute("unit_power", comp.Mass.Power.ToString());
                    mass.InnerText = "null";
                    mass.SetAttribute("unit", "mol");
                    mass.SetAttribute("unit_power", "0");
                //and likewise for the volume, sometimes things are measured by mass and not volume
                XmlElement volume = doc.CreateElement("volume"); //unit
                if (comp.VolumeValue > 0)
                    volume.InnerText = comp.VolumeValue.ToString();
                    volume.SetAttribute("unit", "l");
                    volume.SetAttribute("unit_power", comp.Volume.Power.ToString());
                    volume.InnerText = "null";
                    volume.SetAttribute("unit", "l");
                    volume.SetAttribute("unit_power", "0");
                XmlElement solvent = doc.CreateElement("solvent");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(comp.SolventName))
                    solvent.InnerText = comp.SolventName;
                    solvent.SetAttribute("conc", comp.Solution.Concentration.Value.ToString());
                    solvent.SetAttribute("conc_unit", comp.Solution.Concentration.UnitType);
                    solvent.SetAttribute("unit_power", comp.Solution.Concentration.Power.ToString());
                    solvent.InnerText = "null";
                    solvent.SetAttribute("conc", "null");
                    solvent.SetAttribute("conc_unit", "mol/l");
                    solvent.SetAttribute("unit_power", "0");
                //Now we have to append all of these as children to the parent element given
                parent.AppendChild(fileid); parent.AppendChild(localid); parent.AppendChild(name); parent.AppendChild(refid);
                parent.AppendChild(formula); parent.AppendChild(state); parent.AppendChild(density); parent.AppendChild(islimiting); parent.AppendChild(isTarget);
                parent.AppendChild(mols); parent.AppendChild(mass); parent.AppendChild(volume); parent.AppendChild(solvent);
                //NOw that we have added all of the elements we add this parent element to our parents parent, giving us the correct format
Example #3
        private static ObservableCollection<Compound> ReadBlock(XmlNodeList compoundList, COMPOUND_TYPES type)
            ObservableCollection<Compound> returnList = new ObservableCollection<Compound>();
            foreach (XmlNode node in compoundList)
                string localid = string.Empty;
                string name = string.Empty;
                string refid = string.Empty;
                int fileid = 0; //In the files each compound is recognized by a five digit number, so we can attach mol data
                int state = 0;
                string formula = string.Empty;
                float density = 0.0f;
                Unit mols = new Unit(0, "mol", (int)UNIT_POWERS.none);
                Unit mass = new Unit(0, "g", (int)UNIT_POWERS.none);
                Unit volume = new Unit(0, "l", (int)UNIT_POWERS.none);
                Solution solvent = new Solution("null", new Unit(0, "mol/l", (int)UNIT_POWERS.none));
                bool isLimiting = false;
                bool isTarget = false;

                foreach (XmlNode inner in node.ChildNodes)

                    switch (inner.Name)
                        case "fileid":
                            fileid = int.Parse(inner.InnerText); break;
                        case "localid":
                            localid = inner.InnerText; break;
                        case "name":
                            name = inner.InnerText; break;
                        case "refid":
                            refid = inner.InnerText; break;
                        case "formula":
                            formula = inner.InnerText; break;
                        case "state":
                            string text = inner.InnerText;
                            if (text == "solid") state = 0;
                            if (text == "liquid") state = 1;
                            if (text == "gas") state = 2;
                            if (text == "solvated") state = 3;
                        case "islimiting":
                            isLimiting = bool.Parse(inner.InnerText);
                        case "istarget":
                            isTarget = bool.Parse(inner.InnerText);
                        case "density":
                            if (inner.InnerText == "null") break;
                            density = float.Parse(inner.InnerText); break;
                        case "mols":
                            if(inner.InnerText == "null") break;
                            mols = new Unit(double.Parse(inner.InnerText), inner.Attributes["unit"].Value, int.Parse(inner.Attributes["unit_power"].Value));
                        case "mass":
                            if (inner.InnerText == "null") break;
                            mass = new Unit(double.Parse(inner.InnerText), inner.Attributes["unit"].Value, int.Parse(inner.Attributes["unit_power"].Value));
                        case "volume":
                            if (inner.InnerText == "null") break;
                            volume = new Unit(double.Parse(inner.InnerText), inner.Attributes["unit"].Value, int.Parse(inner.Attributes["unit_power"].Value));
                        case "solvent":
                            if (inner.InnerText == "null") break;
                            solvent = new Solution(inner.InnerText, new Unit(float.Parse(inner.Attributes["conc"].Value), inner.Attributes["conc_unit"].Value, int.Parse(inner.Attributes["unit_power"].Value)));


                Compound c = new Compound(name, refid, localid, fileid, (int)type, state, isLimiting, isTarget, formula, density, mols, mass, volume, solvent);
            return returnList;
Example #4
 //We need to be able to generate an local id for an edit such as rc1 or p1
 private static string GenerateLocalID(int counter, COMPOUND_TYPES type)
     switch (type)
         case COMPOUND_TYPES.Reactant:
             return "rc" + counter;
         case COMPOUND_TYPES.Reagent:
             return "rg" + counter;
         case COMPOUND_TYPES.Product:
             return "p" + counter;
     return string.Empty;