Example #1
 public static bool IsSingleByteType(COLUMN_TYPES colType)
     COLUMN_TYPES[] asingleByteTypes = new COLUMN_TYPES[] {
     return asingleByteTypes.Contains(colType);
Example #2
 public static bool IsSingleByteType(COLUMN_TYPES colType)
     COLUMN_TYPES[] asingleByteTypes = new COLUMN_TYPES[] {
Example #3
        public static void ProcessRows(
            ref DataTable dtWithCols,
            TableContext table,
            CommandParts commandParts
            string strWhere = commandParts.strWhere;

            List<Comparison> lstWhereConditions = _CreateWhereConditions(strWhere, table);

            // TODO: Really need to design a legitimate table locking system.
            int delayFactor = 1;

                using (BinaryReader b = new BinaryReader(File.Open(table.strTableFileLoc, FileMode.Open)))
                    int intRowCount = table.intFileLength / table.intRowLength;
                    b.BaseStream.Seek(2 * table.intRowLength, SeekOrigin.Begin);  // TODO: Code more defensively in case it's somehow not the right/minimum length

                    for (int i = 2; i < intRowCount; i++)
                        byte[] abytRow = b.ReadBytes(table.intRowLength);
                        bool bMatchingRow = true;

                        // Check and make sure this is an active row, and has
                        // the standard row lead byte, 0x11.  If not, the row
                        // should not be read.
                        // I'm going to switch this to make it more defensive
                        // and a little easier to follow.
                        switch (abytRow[0])
                            case 0x88:
                                // DELETED
                                bMatchingRow = false;

                            case 0x11:
                                // ACTIVE
                                // Find if the WHERE clause says to exclude this row.
                                foreach (Comparison comparison in lstWhereConditions)
                                    // For now, we're (somewhat clumsily) processing INs as lots of small ORs.
                                    // And no, we're not actually supporting the OR statement in a regular WHERE yet.
                                    if (comparison is CompoundComparison)
                                        bool bInKeeper = false;
                                        // Could use a lot more indexed logic here, but that'll need to be
                                        // an extension to this package to keep the logic simple.
                                        // This is a painful, bullheaded Moore's comparison.
                                        foreach (Comparison compInner in ((CompoundComparison)comparison).lstComparisons)
                                            if (_ComparisonEngine(compInner, abytRow))
                                                bInKeeper = true;
                                        bMatchingRow = bMatchingRow && bInKeeper;
                                        bMatchingRow = bMatchingRow && _ComparisonEngine(comparison, abytRow);

                                throw new Exception("Unexpected row state in SELECT: " + abytRow[0]);

                        if (bMatchingRow)
                            switch (commandParts.commandType)
                                case CommandParts.COMMAND_TYPES.SELECT:
                                    #region SELECT
                                    Dictionary<string, string> dictFuzzyToColName = new Dictionary<string, string>(commandParts.dictFuzzyToColNameMappings); // resets with each row.
                                    DataRow row = dtWithCols.NewRow();
                                    foreach (Column mCol in commandParts.acolInSelect)
                                        byte[] abytCol = new byte[mCol.intColLength];
                                        Array.Copy(abytRow, mCol.intColStart, abytCol, 0, mCol.intColLength);

                                        // now translate/cast the value to the column in the row.
                                        // OLD:  row[OperativeName(mCol.strColName, dictColNameMapping)] = Router.routeMe(mCol).toNative(abytCol);
                                        // foreach b/c we're supporting multiple calls to the same col in a SELECT now.
                                        foreach (DataColumn dc in dtWithCols.Columns)
                                            // See if we should use this column's (mCol's) value with this DataColumn.
                                            if (dictFuzzyToColName.ContainsValue(mCol.strColName) || mCol.strColName.Equals(dc.ColumnName))
                                                // If so, see if there's a fuzzy name mapped for this column.
                                                string strColName = GetFuzzyNameIfExists(mCol.strColName, dictFuzzyToColName);
                                                row[strColName] = Router.routeMe(mCol).toNative(abytCol);
                                                // If we had a fuzzy name, remove from the dictionary so we don't dupe it.
                                                if (dictFuzzyToColName.ContainsKey(strColName))
                                    #endregion SELECT

                                case CommandParts.COMMAND_TYPES.UPDATE:
                                    #region UPDATE
                                    // kludge for fuzzy names:
                                    // (This should be a one-way process, so I don't think having the logic
                                    // in this cruddy a place is a huge problem that'll cause wasted
                                    // resources; it's just having me rethink fuzzy names in general.)
                                    Dictionary<string, string> dictLaunderedUpdateVals = new Dictionary<string,string>();

                                    foreach (string key in commandParts.dictUpdateColVals.Keys)
                                        dictLaunderedUpdateVals.Add(table.getRawColName(key), commandParts.dictUpdateColVals[key]);

                                    foreach (Column mCol in table.getColumns())
                                        Column colToPullValueFrom = null;
                                        string strUpdateValueModifier = string.Empty;

                                        if (dictLaunderedUpdateVals.ContainsKey(mCol.strColName))
                                            // Column needs updating; take values from update
                                            byte[] abytNewColVal = null; // Will hold "raw" value.  Might not be the full column length.

                                            // Check to see if we're updating using another column from the same row or a value.
                                            // TODO: Performance here should be crappy.  Create a mapping of col names & Cols for
                                            // in-statement column value transfers.  ie, "UPDATE table1 SET col1 = col2 WHERE col1 = 'update me';"
                                            string valueAsString = dictLaunderedUpdateVals[mCol.strColName];

                                            // Check for operators inside of update values.
                                            // TODO: Handle strings with operators, but then that's what CONCAT is for.
                                            // See PIPES_AS_CONCAT in MySQL for more fun. (Note that SQL Server does
                                            // allow string concat via `+`.)
                                            // TODO: Note that tabs in the phrase (though strange) should be legit.
                                            // The current state of the code will choke on them, however.
                                            // NOTE: I'm going to slowly refactor to ConstructValue as I add the operation
                                            // functions to the serializers.  So right now I've only got IntSerializer ready.
                                            // (... but I want to check this in instead of stash).
                                            COLUMN_TYPES[] validValueModiferTypes = new COLUMN_TYPES[] { COLUMN_TYPES.INT };
                                            if (validValueModiferTypes.Contains(mCol.colType))
                                                // New method that allows composition update clauses (eg, `col1 + 4 - col2`)
                                                abytNewColVal = CompositeColumnValueModifier.ConstructValue(mCol, valueAsString, abytRow, table);
                                                // Old method to update value (no composite clauses).
                                                colToPullValueFrom = table.getColumnByName(valueAsString);

                                                if (null != colToPullValueFrom)
                                                    if (mCol.intColLength < colToPullValueFrom.intColLength || !CompositeColumnValueModifier.ColsAreCompatible(mCol, colToPullValueFrom))
                                                        throw new Exception("UPDATE attempted to update with a value that was potentially too large or with columns of incompatible types.");
                                                    abytNewColVal = new byte[colToPullValueFrom.intColLength];
                                                    Array.Copy(abytRow, colToPullValueFrom.intColStart, abytNewColVal, 0, colToPullValueFrom.intColLength);
                                                    BaseSerializer serializer = Router.routeMe(mCol);
                                                    abytNewColVal = serializer.toByteArray(dictLaunderedUpdateVals[mCol.strColName]);


                                            // double check that the serializer at least
                                            // gave you a value that's the right length so
                                            // that everything doesn't go to heck (moved where
                                            // that was previously checked into the serializers)
                                            if (abytNewColVal.Length != mCol.intColLength)
                                                throw new Exception("Improperly lengthed field from serializer (UPDATE): " + mCol.strColName);

                                            // keep in mind that column.intColLength should always match abytColValue.Length.  While I'm
                                            // testing, I'm going to put in this check, but at some point, you should be confident enough
                                            // to consider removing this check.
                                            if (abytNewColVal.Length != mCol.intColLength)
                                                throw new Exception("Surprising value and column length mismatch");

                                            Buffer.BlockCopy(abytNewColVal, 0, abytRow, mCol.intColStart, abytNewColVal.Length);
                                        }   // else don't touch what's in the row; it's not an updated colum

                                    b.BaseStream.Seek(-1 * table.intRowLength, SeekOrigin.Current);
                                    b.BaseStream.Write(abytRow, 0, abytRow.Length);

                                    #endregion UPDATE

                                case CommandParts.COMMAND_TYPES.DELETE:
                                    byte[] abytErase = new byte[table.intRowLength];   // should be initialized to zeroes.
                                    // at least to test, I'm going to write it all over with 0x88s.
                                    for (int j = 0; j < table.intRowLength; j++) { abytErase[j] = 0x88; }

                                    // move pointer back to the first byte of this row.
                                    b.BaseStream.Seek(-1 * table.intRowLength, SeekOrigin.Current);
                                    b.BaseStream.Write(abytErase, 0, abytErase.Length);

                                    throw new Exception("Unhandled command type in WhereProcessor: " + commandParts.commandType);
                    }   // eo for loop i < intRowCount
                }   // eo using statement for the binary reader.
            catch (IOException)
                delayFactor = delayFactor * 2;
                if (delayFactor > (3 * 60 * 1000))
                    throw new Exception("Statement timeout: " + commandParts.strOriginal);
                Thread.Sleep(delayFactor * 200);
                //org.rufwork.mooresDb.SqlDbSharpLogger.LogMessage(table.strTableName + ".mdbf is locked.  Waiting " + delayFactor + " millis to try again.", "WhereProcessor.ProcessRows");
            // nothing to return -- dt was passed by ref.
Example #4
        public static void ProcessRows(
            ref DataTable dtWithCols,
            TableContext table,
            CommandParts commandParts
            string strWhere = commandParts.strWhere;

            List <Comparison> lstWhereConditions = _CreateWhereConditions(strWhere, table);

            // TODO: Really need to design a legitimate table locking system.
            int delayFactor = 1;

                using (BinaryReader b = new BinaryReader(File.Open(table.strTableFileLoc, FileMode.Open)))
                    int intRowCount = table.intFileLength / table.intRowLength;
                    b.BaseStream.Seek(2 * table.intRowLength, SeekOrigin.Begin);  // TODO: Code more defensively in case it's somehow not the right/minimum length

                    for (int i = 2; i < intRowCount; i++)
                        byte[] abytRow      = b.ReadBytes(table.intRowLength);
                        bool   bMatchingRow = true;

                        // Check and make sure this is an active row, and has
                        // the standard row lead byte, 0x11.  If not, the row
                        // should not be read.
                        // I'm going to switch this to make it more defensive
                        // and a little easier to follow.
                        switch (abytRow[0])
                        case 0x88:
                            // DELETED
                            bMatchingRow = false;

                        case 0x11:
                            // ACTIVE
                            // Find if the WHERE clause says to exclude this row.
                            foreach (Comparison comparison in lstWhereConditions)
                                // For now, we're (somewhat clumsily) processing INs as lots of small ORs.
                                // And no, we're not actually supporting the OR statement in a regular WHERE yet.
                                if (comparison is CompoundComparison)
                                    bool bInKeeper = false;
                                    // Could use a lot more indexed logic here, but that'll need to be
                                    // an extension to this package to keep the logic simple.
                                    // This is a painful, bullheaded Moore's comparison.
                                    foreach (Comparison compInner in ((CompoundComparison)comparison).lstComparisons)
                                        if (_ComparisonEngine(compInner, abytRow))
                                            bInKeeper = true;
                                    bMatchingRow = bMatchingRow && bInKeeper;
                                    bMatchingRow = bMatchingRow && _ComparisonEngine(comparison, abytRow);

                            throw new Exception("Unexpected row state in SELECT: " + abytRow[0]);

                        if (bMatchingRow)
                            switch (commandParts.commandType)
                            case CommandParts.COMMAND_TYPES.SELECT:
                                #region SELECT
                                Dictionary <string, string> dictFuzzyToColName = new Dictionary <string, string>(commandParts.dictFuzzyToColNameMappings);   // resets with each row.
                                DataRow row = dtWithCols.NewRow();
                                foreach (Column mCol in commandParts.acolInSelect)
                                    byte[] abytCol = new byte[mCol.intColLength];
                                    Array.Copy(abytRow, mCol.intColStart, abytCol, 0, mCol.intColLength);

                                    // now translate/cast the value to the column in the row.
                                    // OLD:  row[OperativeName(mCol.strColName, dictColNameMapping)] = Router.routeMe(mCol).toNative(abytCol);
                                    // foreach b/c we're supporting multiple calls to the same col in a SELECT now.
                                    foreach (DataColumn dc in dtWithCols.Columns)
                                        // See if we should use this column's (mCol's) value with this DataColumn.
                                        if (dictFuzzyToColName.ContainsValue(mCol.strColName) || mCol.strColName.Equals(dc.ColumnName))
                                            // If so, see if there's a fuzzy name mapped for this column.
                                            string strColName = GetFuzzyNameIfExists(mCol.strColName, dictFuzzyToColName);
                                            row[strColName] = Router.routeMe(mCol).toNative(abytCol);
                                            // If we had a fuzzy name, remove from the dictionary so we don't dupe it.
                                            if (dictFuzzyToColName.ContainsKey(strColName))
                                #endregion SELECT

                            case CommandParts.COMMAND_TYPES.UPDATE:
                                #region UPDATE
                                // kludge for fuzzy names:
                                // (This should be a one-way process, so I don't think having the logic
                                // in this cruddy a place is a huge problem that'll cause wasted
                                // resources; it's just having me rethink fuzzy names in general.)
                                Dictionary <string, string> dictLaunderedUpdateVals = new Dictionary <string, string>();

                                foreach (string key in commandParts.dictUpdateColVals.Keys)
                                    dictLaunderedUpdateVals.Add(table.getRawColName(key), commandParts.dictUpdateColVals[key]);

                                foreach (Column mCol in table.getColumns())
                                    Column colToPullValueFrom     = null;
                                    string strUpdateValueModifier = string.Empty;

                                    if (dictLaunderedUpdateVals.ContainsKey(mCol.strColName))
                                        // Column needs updating; take values from update
                                        byte[] abytNewColVal = null;     // Will hold "raw" value.  Might not be the full column length.

                                        // Check to see if we're updating using another column from the same row or a value.
                                        // TODO: Performance here should be crappy.  Create a mapping of col names & Cols for
                                        // in-statement column value transfers.  ie, "UPDATE table1 SET col1 = col2 WHERE col1 = 'update me';"
                                        string valueAsString = dictLaunderedUpdateVals[mCol.strColName];

                                        // Check for operators inside of update values.
                                        // TODO: Handle strings with operators, but then that's what CONCAT is for.
                                        // See PIPES_AS_CONCAT in MySQL for more fun. (Note that SQL Server does
                                        // allow string concat via `+`.)
                                        // TODO: Note that tabs in the phrase (though strange) should be legit.
                                        // The current state of the code will choke on them, however.
                                        // NOTE: I'm going to slowly refactor to ConstructValue as I add the operation
                                        // functions to the serializers.  So right now I've only got IntSerializer ready.
                                        // (... but I want to check this in instead of stash).
                                        COLUMN_TYPES[] validValueModiferTypes = new COLUMN_TYPES[] { COLUMN_TYPES.INT };
                                        if (validValueModiferTypes.Contains(mCol.colType))
                                            // New method that allows composition update clauses (eg, `col1 + 4 - col2`)
                                            abytNewColVal = CompositeColumnValueModifier.ConstructValue(mCol, valueAsString, abytRow, table);
                                            // Old method to update value (no composite clauses).
                                            colToPullValueFrom = table.getColumnByName(valueAsString);

                                            if (null != colToPullValueFrom)
                                                if (mCol.intColLength < colToPullValueFrom.intColLength || !CompositeColumnValueModifier.ColsAreCompatible(mCol, colToPullValueFrom))
                                                    throw new Exception("UPDATE attempted to update with a value that was potentially too large or with columns of incompatible types.");
                                                abytNewColVal = new byte[colToPullValueFrom.intColLength];
                                                Array.Copy(abytRow, colToPullValueFrom.intColStart, abytNewColVal, 0, colToPullValueFrom.intColLength);
                                                BaseSerializer serializer = Router.routeMe(mCol);
                                                abytNewColVal = serializer.toByteArray(dictLaunderedUpdateVals[mCol.strColName]);

                                        // double check that the serializer at least
                                        // gave you a value that's the right length so
                                        // that everything doesn't go to heck (moved where
                                        // that was previously checked into the serializers)
                                        if (abytNewColVal.Length != mCol.intColLength)
                                            throw new Exception("Improperly lengthed field from serializer (UPDATE): " + mCol.strColName);

                                        // keep in mind that column.intColLength should always match abytColValue.Length.  While I'm
                                        // testing, I'm going to put in this check, but at some point, you should be confident enough
                                        // to consider removing this check.
                                        if (abytNewColVal.Length != mCol.intColLength)
                                            throw new Exception("Surprising value and column length mismatch");

                                        Buffer.BlockCopy(abytNewColVal, 0, abytRow, mCol.intColStart, abytNewColVal.Length);
                                    }       // else don't touch what's in the row; it's not an updated colum

                                b.BaseStream.Seek(-1 * table.intRowLength, SeekOrigin.Current);
                                b.BaseStream.Write(abytRow, 0, abytRow.Length);

                                #endregion UPDATE

                            case CommandParts.COMMAND_TYPES.DELETE:
                                byte[] abytErase = new byte[table.intRowLength];       // should be initialized to zeroes.
                                // at least to test, I'm going to write it all over with 0x88s.
                                for (int j = 0; j < table.intRowLength; j++)
                                    abytErase[j] = 0x88;

                                // move pointer back to the first byte of this row.
                                b.BaseStream.Seek(-1 * table.intRowLength, SeekOrigin.Current);
                                b.BaseStream.Write(abytErase, 0, abytErase.Length);

                                throw new Exception("Unhandled command type in WhereProcessor: " + commandParts.commandType);
                    } // eo for loop i < intRowCount
                }     // eo using statement for the binary reader.
            catch (IOException)
                delayFactor = delayFactor * 2;
                if (delayFactor > (3 * 60 * 1000))
                    throw new Exception("Statement timeout: " + commandParts.strOriginal);
                Thread.Sleep(delayFactor * 200);
                //org.rufwork.mooresDb.SqlDbSharpLogger.LogMessage(table.strTableName + ".mdbf is locked.  Waiting " + delayFactor + " millis to try again.", "WhereProcessor.ProcessRows");
            // nothing to return -- dt was passed by ref.