Example #1
                internal PICSProductInfo(CMsgClientPICSProductInfoResponse parentResponse, CMsgClientPICSProductInfoResponse.AppInfo app_info)
                    this.ID           = app_info.appid;
                    this.ChangeNumber = app_info.change_number;
                    this.MissingToken = app_info.missing_token;
                    this.SHAHash      = app_info.sha;

                    this.KeyValues = new KeyValue();

                    if (app_info.buffer != null)
                        // we don't want to read the trailing null byte
                        using (var ms = new MemoryStream(app_info.buffer, 0, app_info.buffer.Length - 1))

                    this.OnlyPublic = app_info.only_public;

                    // We should have all these fields set for the response to a metadata-only request, but guard here just in case.
                    if (this.SHAHash != null && this.SHAHash.Length > 0 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(parentResponse.http_host))
                        var shaString = BitConverter.ToString(this.SHAHash)
                                        .Replace("-", string.Empty)
                        var uriString = string.Format("http://{0}/appinfo/{1}/sha/{2}.txt.gz", parentResponse.http_host, this.ID, shaString);
                        this.HttpUri = new Uri(uriString);

                    this.UseHttp = this.HttpUri != null && app_info.size >= parentResponse.http_min_size;
Example #2
            internal PICSProductInfoCallback(CMsgClientPICSProductInfoResponse msg)
                MetaDataOnly    = msg.meta_data_only;
                ResponsePending = msg.response_pending;
                UnknownPackages = new ReadOnlyCollection <uint>(msg.unknown_packageids);
                UnknownApps     = new ReadOnlyCollection <uint>(msg.unknown_appids);
                Packages        = new Dictionary <uint, PICSProductInfo>();
                Apps            = new Dictionary <uint, PICSProductInfo>();

                foreach (var package_info in msg.packages)
                    Packages.Add(package_info.packageid, new PICSProductInfo(package_info));

                foreach (var app_info in msg.apps)
                    Apps.Add(app_info.appid, new PICSProductInfo(msg, app_info));