Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// 更新文本框
        /// </summary>
        protected void Flush()
            CMS_Column bCol = new CMS_Column();

            Model.CMS_Column col = new Model.CMS_Column();
            DataTable        dt;

            if (CurrentId > 0)
                col          = bCol.GetModel(CurrentId);
                tbTitle.Text = col.Title;
                if (col.GotoUrl != "")
                    cbLink.Checked = true;
                    Panel1.Visible = true;
                cbIsNavi.Checked = col.IsNavigator == 1 ? true : false;
                if (col.GotoUrl != "" && col.GotoUrl != null)
                    ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "jsGotoUrl", "<script>$(\"#ckIsLink\").trigger(\"click\");$(\"#trLink\").css(\"display\",\"block\");</script>");
                    tbLink.Text = col.GotoUrl;
                dt = bCol.GetList("Code not like '" +
                                  col.Code + "%' and (Len(GotoUrl)=0 or  GotoUrl is NULL) " +
                                  "and Id not in (select distinct ColumnId from CMS_Article)").Tables[0];
                dt = bCol.GetList("(Len(GotoUrl)=0 or " +
                                  "GotoUrl is NULL) and Id not in " +
                                  "(select distinct ColumnId from CMS_Article)").Tables[0];
            ddlParentId.Items.Add(new ListItem("作为一级", "0"));
            foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                ListItem li = new ListItem();
                li.Text  = GetColumnName(dr["Title"].ToString(), dr["Code"].ToString());
                li.Value = dr["Id"].ToString();

                if (col.ParentId.ToString() == li.Value)
                    li.Selected = true;
Example #2
        public void Flush()
            CMS_Column bCol = new CMS_Column();

            GVinfo.DataSource = bCol.GetList("");
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// 加载栏目权限和系统权限
        /// </summary>
        protected void LoadSetting()
            CMS_AdminRole bar  = new CMS_AdminRole();
            CMS_Column    bcol = new CMS_Column();

            Model.CMS_AdminRole role = CurrentId > 0 ? bar.GetModel(CurrentId) : new Model.CMS_AdminRole();
            hfSetting.Value = role.AdminSetting + "," + role.Setting; //收藏哪些勾选

            // 加载系统权限
            List <LeftMenu> menus = LeftMenu.Load();
            StringBuilder   sb    = new StringBuilder();

            sb.Append("<table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"5\" class=\"setTable\"> ");
            foreach (LeftMenu menu in menus)
                sb.AppendFormat("<tr><td class=\"forumRowHighlight\">{0}</td></tr>", menu.Title);
                sb.Append("<tr><td class=\"listRow\">");
                foreach (MenuLink link in menu.Links)
                    sb.AppendFormat("<span><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"admin_setting\" value=\"{0}\" id=\"{1}\">{2}</span> ", link.Code, link.Code, link.Title);
            ltAdminSetting.Text = sb.ToString();

            // 加载栏目权限
            DataTable dt = bcol.GetList("").Tables[0];

            sb = new StringBuilder();
            sb.Append("<table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"5\" class=\"setTable\"> ");
            sb.Append("<tr class='listRow'><td style='width:100px'><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"setting\" value=\"deleteBatch\">批量删除文章</td>");
            sb.Append("<td style='width:100px'><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"setting\" value=\"moveBatch\">批量移动文章</td>");
            sb.Append("<td style='width:100px'><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"setting\" value=\"addBatch\">批量加入专题</td>");

            sb.Append("<table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"5\" class=\"setTable\"> ");
            foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                sb.AppendFormat("<tr class='listRow'><td>{0}</td>", GetColumnName(dr["Title"].ToString(), dr["Code"].ToString()));
                sb.AppendFormat("<td style='width:220px'><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"setting\" value=\"{0}_0\">编辑文章", dr["Id"]);
                sb.AppendFormat("<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"setting\" value=\"{0}_1\">删除文章", dr["Id"]);
                sb.AppendFormat("<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"setting\" value=\"{0}_2\">新增文章", dr["Id"]);
            ltSetting.Text = sb.ToString();
            tbTitle.Text   = role.Name;