public static string fnBuildDivisionDropDown(int id)
            using (var db = new CMCSQL03Entities())
                var qry = (from t in db.tblDivision
                           where t.ClientID == id
                           orderby t.Division, t.BusinessUnit
                           select t);

                string s = "<option value='0'>All Divisions</option>";

                if (qry.Count() > 0)
                    foreach (var item in qry)
                        s = s + "<option value=" + item.DivisionID.ToString() + ">" + item.Division + " - " + item.BusinessUnit + "</option>";
                    s = s + "<option value=0>No Divisions Found</option>";

                s = s + "</select>";

                return s;
 public static List<SelectListItem> fnCarriers()
     using (var db = new CMCSQL03Entities())
         List<SelectListItem> mylist = new List<SelectListItem>();
         mylist = (from t in db.tblCarrier
                   orderby t.CarrierName
                   select new SelectListItem { Value = t.CarrierName, Text = t.CarrierName }).ToList();
         mylist.Insert(0, new SelectListItem { Value = "0", Text = "Select Carrier" });
         return mylist;
 public static List<SelectListItem> fnBulkStatusIDs()
     using (var db = new CMCSQL03Entities())
         List<SelectListItem> mylist = new List<SelectListItem>();
         mylist = (from t in db.tblBulk
                   orderby t.BulkStatus
                   select new SelectListItem { Value = t.BulkStatus, Text = t.BulkStatus }).Distinct().ToList();
         mylist.Insert(0, new SelectListItem { Value = "0", Text = "Please Select" });
         return mylist;
 public static List<SelectListItem> fnClientIDs()
     using (var db = new CMCSQL03Entities())
         List<SelectListItem> mylist = new List<SelectListItem>();
         mylist = (from t in db.tblClient
                   orderby t.ClientName
                   select new SelectListItem { Value = t.ClientID.ToString(), Text = t.ClientName }).ToList();
         mylist.Insert(0, new SelectListItem { Value = "0", Text = "Select Client" });
         return mylist;
 public static List<SelectListItem> fnBulkSuppliers(int id)
     using (var db = new CMCSQL03Entities())
         List<SelectListItem> mylist = new List<SelectListItem>();
         mylist = (from t in db.tblBulkSupplier
                   where t.ClientID == id
                   orderby t.SupplyID
                   select new SelectListItem { Value = t.BulkSupplierID.ToString(), Text = t.SupplyID }).ToList();
         mylist.Insert(0, new SelectListItem { Value = "0", Text = "Select Supplier" });
         return mylist;
Example #6
 public static string fnBuildProductMasterDropDown(int clientid)
     // This returns ONLY the <option> portion of the <select> tag, thus allowing the <select> tag to
     // be propering decorated with onchange= etc..
     using (var db = new CMCSQL03Entities())
         var qry = (from t in db.tblProductMaster where t.ClientID == clientid orderby t.MasterCode, t.MasterName select t);
         string s = "<option value='0' selected=true>Select Master Code</option>";
         if (qry.Count() > 0)
             foreach (var item in qry)
             { s = s + "<option value=" + item.ProductMasterID.ToString() + ">" + item.MasterCode + " - " + item.MasterName + "</option>"; }
         { s = s + "<option value=0>No Products Found</option>"; }
         s = s + "</select>";
         return s;
Example #7
 public static List<BulkContainerViewModel> fnBulkContainerList()
     // full list
     using (var db = new CMCSQL03Entities())
         var mylist = (from t in db.tblBulk
                       join pm in db.tblProductMaster on t.ProductMasterID equals pm.ProductMasterID
                       join cl in db.tblClient on pm.ClientID equals cl.ClientID
                       orderby cl.ClientName, pm.MasterCode
                       select new BulkContainerViewModel
                           bulkid = t.BulkID,
                           warehouse = t.Warehouse,
                           bin = t.Bin,
                           clientname = cl.ClientName,
                           MasterCode = pm.MasterCode,
                           MasterName = pm.MasterName,
                           bulkstatus = t.BulkStatus,
                           productmasterid = t.ProductMasterID,
                           clientid = cl.ClientID
         return mylist;
 public static List<SelectListItem> fnOrderTypes()
     using (var db = new CMCSQL03Entities())
         List<SelectListItem> mylist = new List<SelectListItem>();
         mylist = (from t in db.tblOrderType
                   orderby t.Description
                   select new SelectListItem { Value = t.OrderType, Text = t.Description }).ToList();
         mylist.Insert(0, new SelectListItem { Value = "0", Text = "Select Order Type" });
         return mylist;
 public static List<SelectListItem> fnHSCodes()
     using (var db = new CMCSQL03Entities())
         List<SelectListItem> mylist = new List<SelectListItem>();
         mylist = (from t in db.tblHSCode
                   orderby t.HarmonizedCode
                   select new SelectListItem { Value = t.HarmonizedCode, Text = t.HarmonizedCode }).ToList();
         mylist.Insert(0, new SelectListItem { Value = "0", Text = "Select Harmonized Code" });
         return mylist;
        public static PrePackViewModel fnNewBulkContainerForPrePack(int clientid, int productdetailid)
            PrePackViewModel obj = new PrePackViewModel();
            using (var db = new CMCSQL03Entities())
                var dbClient = db.tblClient.Find(clientid);
                var dbProductDetail = db.tblProductDetail.Find(productdetailid);

                obj.productmasterid = dbProductDetail.ProductMasterID;
                obj.isknownmaterial = true;
                obj.clientid = clientid;
                obj.clientname = dbClient.ClientName;
                obj.logofilename = dbClient.LogoFileName;
                obj.bulkid = -1;    // for insert later
                obj.receivedate = DateTime.Now;
                obj.carrier = null;
                obj.ListOfCarriers = fnCarriers();
                obj.warehouse = null;
                obj.ListOfWareHouses = fnWarehouseIDs();
                obj.enteredby = null;
                obj.lotnumber = null;
                obj.receivedby = null;
                obj.mfgdate = null;
                obj.expirationdate = null;
                obj.ceaseshipdate = null;
                obj.qcdate = null;
                obj.msdsincluded = null;
                obj.coaincluded = null;

                obj.productcode = dbProductDetail.ProductCode;
                obj.productname = dbProductDetail.ProductName;

                obj.ListOfShelfMasters = (from t in db.tblShelfMaster
                                          orderby t.ShelfID
                                          where t.ProductDetailID == productdetailid
                                          select new ItemForPrePackViewModel { shelfid = t.ShelfID, size = t.Size, bin = t.Bin }).ToList();
                obj.ItemsCount = obj.ListOfShelfMasters.Count();
                return obj;
        public static void fnSaveStock(StockViewModel vm)
            using (var db = new CMCSQL03Entities())
                var q = (from t in db.tblStock
                         where t.StockID == vm.StockID
                         select t).FirstOrDefault();

                q.Warehouse = vm.Warehouse;
                q.QtyOnHand = vm.QtyOnHand;
                q.Bin = vm.Bin;
                q.ShelfStatus = vm.ShelfStatus;
                q.WasteAccumStartDate = vm.WasteAccumStartDate;
                q.UpdateDate = System.DateTime.Now;
                q.UpdateUser = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;

        public static List<SelectListItem> fnListOfShelfStatusIDs()
            using (var db = new CMCSQL03Entities())
                List<SelectListItem> mylist = new List<SelectListItem>();
                mylist.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = "AVAIL", Value = "AVAIL" });
                mylist.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = "TEST", Value = "TEST" });
                mylist.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = "HOLD", Value = "HOLD" });
                mylist.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = "QC", Value = "QC" });
                mylist.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = "RETURN", Value = "RETURN" });
                mylist.Insert(0, new SelectListItem { Value = "0", Text = "" });

                return mylist;
        public static StockViewModel fnFillStockViewModel(int id)
            using (var db = new CMCSQL03Entities())
                var vm = (from t in db.tblStock
                          join sm in db.tblShelfMaster on t.ShelfID equals sm.ShelfID
                          join pd in db.tblProductDetail on sm.ProductDetailID equals pd.ProductDetailID
                          join bk in db.tblBulk on t.BulkID equals bk.BulkID
                          where t.StockID == id
                          select new StockViewModel
                              StockID = t.StockID,
                              ShelfID = t.ShelfID,
                              BulkID = t.BulkID,
                              Warehouse = t.Warehouse,
                              QtyOnHand = t.QtyOnHand,
                              QtyAllocated = t.QtyAllocated,
                              Bin = t.Bin,
                              ShelfStatus = t.ShelfStatus,
                              WasteAccumStartDate = t.WasteAccumStartDate,
                              CreateDate = t.CreateDate,
                              CreateUser = t.CreateUser,
                              ProductDetailID = pd.ProductDetailID,
                              ProductCode = pd.ProductCode,
                              ProductName = pd.ProductName,
                              LotNumber = bk.LotNumber,
                              ExpirationDate = bk.ExpirationDate,
                              MfgDate = bk.MfgDate,
                              QCDate = bk.QCDate,
                              CeaseShipDate = bk.CeaseShipDate,
                              Size = sm.Size,
                              UnitWeight = sm.UnitWeight,
                              UpdateDate = t.UpdateDate,
                              UpdateUser = t.UpdateUser

                vm.ListOfShelfStatusIDs = Services.InventoryService.fnListOfShelfStatusIDs();
                vm.ListOfShelfMasterIDs = Services.InventoryService.fnListOfShelfMasterIDs(vm.ProductDetailID);
                vm.ListOfBulkIDs = Services.InventoryService.fnListOfBulkIDs(vm.ShelfID);
                vm.ListOfWareHouseIDs = Services.InventoryService.fnListOfWarehouseIDs();

                return vm;
        public static List<SelectListItem> fnProductMasterIDs(int? id, int? PmID = null)
            using (var db = new CMCSQL03Entities())
                List<SelectListItem> mylist = new List<SelectListItem>();

                if (PmID == null)
                    mylist = (from t in db.tblProductMaster
                              where t.ClientID == id
                              orderby t.MasterCode, t.MasterName
                              select new SelectListItem { Value = t.ProductMasterID.ToString(), Text = t.MasterCode + " - " + t.MasterName.Substring(0, 25) }).ToList();
                    mylist.Insert(0, new SelectListItem { Value = "0", Text = "Please Select" });
                    mylist = (from t in db.tblProductMaster
                              where t.ClientID == id && t.ProductMasterID == PmID
                              orderby t.MasterCode, t.MasterName
                              select new SelectListItem { Value = t.ProductMasterID.ToString(), Text = t.MasterCode + " - " + t.MasterName.Substring(0, 25) }).ToList();

                return mylist;
Example #15
        public static BulkContainerViewModel fnFillBulkContainerFromDB(int id)
            // id=bulkid
            using (var db = new CMCSQL03Entities())
                var obj = (from t in db.tblBulk
                           where t.BulkID == id
                           select new BulkContainerViewModel
                               isknownmaterial = true,
                               bulkid = t.BulkID,
                               productmasterid = t.ProductMasterID,
                               warehouse = t.Warehouse,
                               receivedate = t.ReceiveDate,
                               carrier = t.Carrier,
                               receivedby = t.ReceivedBy,
                               enteredby = t.EnteredBy,
                               receiveweight = t.ReceiveWeight,
                               lotnumber = t.LotNumber,
                               mfgdate = t.MfgDate,
                               expirationdate = t.ExpirationDate,
                               ceaseshipdate = t.CeaseShipDate,
                               bulkstatus = t.BulkStatus,
                               qty = "1",
                               um = t.UM,
                               containercolor = t.ContainerColor,
                               bin = t.Bin,
                               containertype = t.ContainerType,
                               coaincluded = t.COAIncluded,
                               msdsincluded = t.MSDSIncluded,
                               currentweight = t.CurrentWeight,
                               qcdate = t.QCDate,
                               returnlocation = t.ReturnLocation,
                               noticedate = t.NoticeDate,
                               bulklabelnote = t.BulkLabelNote,
                               receivedascode = t.ReceivedAsCode,
                               receivedasname = t.ReceivedAsName,
                               containernotes = t.ContainerNotes,
                               otherstorage = t.OtherStorage

                var qPM = (from t in db.tblProductMaster where t.ProductMasterID == obj.productmasterid select t).FirstOrDefault();
                var qCL = (from t in db.tblClient where t.ClientID == qPM.ClientID select t).FirstOrDefault();
                obj.clientid = qPM.ClientID;
                obj.clientname = qCL.ClientName;

                obj.logofilename = qCL.LogoFileName;
                obj.ListOfWareHouses = fnWarehouseIDs();
                obj.ListOfBulkStatusIDs = fnBulkStatusIDs();
                obj.ListOfContainerTypeIDs = ReceivingService.fnContainerTypeIDs();
                obj.ListOfCarriers = ReceivingService.fnCarriers();

                obj.MasterCode = qPM.MasterCode;
                obj.MasterName = qPM.MasterName;

                return obj;
Example #16
 public static List<SelectListItem> fnWarehouseIDs()
     using (var db = new CMCSQL03Entities())
         List<SelectListItem> mylist = new List<SelectListItem>();
         mylist.Add(new SelectListItem { Value = "CO", Text = "CO" });
         mylist.Add(new SelectListItem { Value = "CT", Text = "CT" });
         mylist.Add(new SelectListItem { Value = "EU", Text = "EU" });
         mylist.Add(new SelectListItem { Value = "AP", Text = "AP" });
         mylist.Insert(0, new SelectListItem { Value = "", Text = "All" });
         return mylist;
 public static void fnTagItemToBeClosed(int id, bool ischecked)
     // update the ToBeClosed flag on the bulk order item record
     string s = "";
     using (var db = new CMCSQL03Entities())
         // clear it always
         s = "Update tblBulkOrderItem set ToBeClosed=0 where BulkOrderItemID=" + id;
     if (ischecked == true)
         using (var db = new CMCSQL03Entities())
             // tag it
             s = "Update tblBulkOrderItem set ToBeClosed=1 where BulkOrderItemID=" + id;
 public static List<SelectListItem> fnReportCriterias()
     using (var db = new CMCSQL03Entities())
         List<SelectListItem> mylist = new List<SelectListItem>();
         mylist = (from t in db.tblReportCriteria
                   orderby t.Display
                   select new SelectListItem { Value = t.Display, Text = t.ReportName }).ToList();
         mylist.Insert(0, new SelectListItem { Value = "0", Text = "Select Report Criteria" });
         return mylist;
 public static List<SelectListItem> fnStatusNotes()
     using (var db = new CMCSQL03Entities())
         List<SelectListItem> mylist = new List<SelectListItem>();
         mylist = (from t in db.tblStatusNotes
                   orderby t.Note
                   select new SelectListItem { Value = t.StatusNotesID.ToString(), Text = t.Note }).ToList();
         mylist.Insert(0, new SelectListItem { Value = "0", Text = "Select Status Note" });
         return mylist;
 public static BulkContainerViewModel fnNewBulkContainerUnKnown()
     // id=productmasterid
     BulkContainerViewModel obj = new BulkContainerViewModel();
     using (var db = new CMCSQL03Entities())
         obj.isknownmaterial = false;
         obj.productmasterid = null;
         obj.bulkid = -1;    // for insert later
         obj.clientid = null;
         obj.clientname = null;
         obj.logofilename = null;
         obj.productmasterid = null;
         obj.receivedate = DateTime.Now;
         obj.bulkstatus = "RECD";
         obj.MasterCode = null;
         obj.MasterName = null;
         obj.ListOfWareHouses = fnWarehouseIDs();
         obj.ListOfProductMasters = fnProductMasterIDs(obj.clientid, null);
         obj.ListOfBulkStatusIDs = fnBulkStatusIDs();
         obj.ListOfContainerTypeIDs = fnContainerTypeIDs();
         obj.ListOfCarriers = fnCarriers();
         return obj;
        public static List<SelectListItem> fnDivisionIDs(int clientid)
            using (var db = new CMCSQL03Entities())
                List<SelectListItem> mylist = new List<SelectListItem>();

                mylist = (from c in db.tblDivision
                          where c.ClientID == clientid
                          select new SelectListItem { Value = c.DivisionID.ToString(), Text = c.Division }).ToList();

                mylist.Insert(0, new SelectListItem { Value = "0", Text = "Division" });

                return mylist;
        public static int fnGenerateSuggestedOrder(int clientid, int divisionid)
            // return the number of items created
            int itemscount = 0;

            string username = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;

            using (var db = new CMCSQL03Entities())
                string s;
                string fnTempTable = "tblSuggestedBulk";

                // Clear the work table of my records
                s = String.Format("Delete from {0} where UserName='******'", fnTempTable, username);

                // Build a list of ProductMasters to analyze
                var q1 = (from pd in db.tblProductDetail
                          join pm in db.tblProductMaster on pd.ProductMasterID equals pm.ProductMasterID
                          where pm.ClientID == clientid
                          select new

                // Restrict list to a PD.DivisionID if user requested
                if (divisionid > 0)
                    q1 = (from t in q1
                          where t.DivisionID == divisionid
                          select t).ToList();

                // Insert new records into the work table
                foreach (var row in q1)
                    var newrec = new EF.tblSuggestedBulk();
                    newrec.ClientID = row.ClientID;
                    newrec.UserName = username;
                    newrec.ProductMasterID = row.ProductMasterID;
                    newrec.SupplyID = row.SUPPLYID;
                    newrec.ShelfLife = row.ShlfLife;
                    newrec.ProductSetupDate = row.ProductSetupDate;
                    newrec.DivisionID = row.DivisionID;
                    newrec.BulkCurrentAvailable = 0;
                    newrec.ShelfCurrentAvailable = 0;
                    newrec.BulkShippedPastYear = 0;
                    newrec.BulkShippedPerDay = 0;
                    newrec.ShelfShippedPastYear = 0;
                    newrec.ShelfShippedPerDay = 0;
                    newrec.UseThisExpirationDate = null;
                    newrec.AverageLeadTime = 0;
                    newrec.ReorderThis = false;
                    newrec.ReorderWeight = 0;

                    newrec.BulkOnOrder = false;

                    newrec.ProductMasterAge = (System.DateTime.Now.Date - row.ProductSetupDate.Value).Days;

                    // get the bulk containers and setup critieria
                    string[] sBulkStatus = { "QC", "TEST", "WASTE" };

                    var qBulk = (from t in db.tblBulk
                                 where t.ProductMasterID == row.ProductMasterID
                                 select t).ToList();

                    newrec.BulkCurrentAvailable = (from t in qBulk
                                                   where !sBulkStatus.Contains(t.BulkStatus)
                                                   select ((t.Qty == null ? 1 : t.Qty) * t.CurrentWeight)).Sum();

                    string[] sStockStatus = { "QC", "TEST", "WASTE" };

                    var qStock = (from t in db.tblStock
                                  join sm in db.tblShelfMaster on t.ShelfID equals sm.ShelfID
                                  join pd in db.tblProductDetail on sm.ProductDetailID equals pd.ProductDetailID
                                  join pm in db.tblProductMaster on pd.ProductMasterID equals pm.ProductMasterID
                                  where pm.ProductMasterID == row.ProductMasterID
                                  select new { t.ShelfStatus, t.QtyOnHand, sm.UnitWeight }).ToList();

                    newrec.ShelfCurrentAvailable = (from t in qStock
                                                    where !sStockStatus.Contains(t.ShelfStatus)
                                                    select (t.QtyOnHand * t.UnitWeight)).Sum();

                    newrec.CurrentAvailable = newrec.BulkCurrentAvailable + newrec.ShelfCurrentAvailable;

                    // Set BulkShippedPastYear=(Select sum(LogQty*LogAmount) from vwBulkTransForReplenishment where logdate>DateAdd(day,-365,getdate()) and ProductMasterID={0}.ProductMasterID)
                    // may not be working because missing BulkIDs in log
                    var qBulkLog = (from t in db.tblInvLog
                                    join bl in db.tblBulk on t.BulkID equals bl.BulkID
                                    where (bl.ProductMasterID == row.ProductMasterID) && (t.LogType == "BS-SHP")
                                    select new { t.LogType, t.LogDate, t.LogQty, t.LogAmount, bl.BulkID, bl.BulkStatus, }).ToList();

                    qBulkLog = (from t in qBulkLog
                                where !sBulkStatus.Contains(t.BulkStatus)
                                select t).ToList();

                    qBulkLog = (from t in qBulkLog
                                where t.LogDate > DateTime.Now.AddDays(-365)
                                select t).ToList();

                    newrec.BulkShippedPastYear = (from t in qBulkLog
                                                  select (t.LogQty * t.LogAmount)).Sum();

                    if (newrec.BulkShippedPastYear > 0 && newrec.ProductMasterAge > 365)
                        newrec.BulkShippedPerDay = newrec.BulkShippedPastYear / 365;

                    if (newrec.BulkShippedPastYear > 0 && newrec.ProductMasterAge <= 365)
                        newrec.BulkShippedPerDay = newrec.BulkShippedPastYear / newrec.ProductMasterAge;

                    var qShelfLog = (from t in db.tblInvLog
                                     join st in db.tblStock on t.StockID equals st.StockID
                                     join sm in db.tblShelfMaster on st.ShelfID equals sm.ShelfID
                                     join pd in db.tblProductDetail on sm.ProductDetailID equals pd.ProductDetailID
                                     where (pd.ProductMasterID == row.ProductMasterID) && (t.LogType == "SS-SHP")
                                     select new { t.LogType, t.LogDate, t.LogQty, t.LogAmount, t.Status }).ToList();

                    qShelfLog = (from t in qShelfLog
                                 where !sStockStatus.Contains(t.Status)
                                 select t).ToList();

                    qShelfLog = (from t in qShelfLog
                                 where t.LogDate > DateTime.Now.AddDays(-365)
                                 select t).ToList();

                    newrec.ShelfShippedPastYear = (from t in qShelfLog
                                                   select (t.LogQty * t.LogAmount)).Sum();

                    if (newrec.ShelfShippedPastYear > 0 && newrec.ProductMasterAge > 365)
                        newrec.ShelfShippedPerDay = newrec.ShelfShippedPastYear / 365;

                    if (newrec.ShelfShippedPastYear > 0 && newrec.ProductMasterAge <= 365)
                        newrec.ShelfShippedPerDay = newrec.ProductMasterAge / 365;

                    // Set BulkLatestExpirationDate=(Select top 1 ExpirationDate from tblBulk where ProductMasterID={0}.ProductMasterID order by ExpirationDate Desc)
                    // assumes always at least one bulk container
                    var qBulkExpiration = (from t in db.tblBulk
                                           where t.ProductMasterID == row.ProductMasterID
                                           orderby t.CeaseShipDate descending
                                           select t).Take(1).FirstOrDefault();

                    // set initial value to null, then try to update it, if cannot update set to a future date (below)
                    if (qBulkExpiration != null && qBulkExpiration.CeaseShipDate != null)
                        newrec.BulkLatestExpirationDate = qBulkExpiration.CeaseShipDate;
                        newrec.BulkDaysTilExpiration = (newrec.BulkLatestExpirationDate.Value - System.DateTime.Now.Date).Days;

                        newrec.ShelfLatestExpirationDate = qBulkExpiration.CeaseShipDate;
                        newrec.ShelfDaysTilExpiration = (newrec.ShelfLatestExpirationDate.Value - System.DateTime.Now.Date).Days;

                        newrec.UseThisExpirationDate = newrec.BulkLatestExpirationDate;

                    if (newrec.UseThisExpirationDate == null)
                        newrec.UseThisExpirationDate = new DateTime(2099, 01, 01, 0, 0, 0);

                    newrec.UseThisDaysTilExpiration = (newrec.UseThisExpirationDate.Value - System.DateTime.Now.Date).Days;

                    if (newrec.UseThisDaysTilExpiration > 998)
                        newrec.UseThisDaysTilExpiration = 999;

                    // Set DaysSupplyLeft= CurrentAvailable / (ShelfShippedPerDay+BulkShippedPerDay) Where (ShelfShippedPerDay+BulkShippedPerDay>0)
                    if ((newrec.ShelfShippedPerDay + newrec.BulkShippedPerDay) > 0)
                        newrec.DaysSupplyLeft = Convert.ToInt32(newrec.CurrentAvailable / (newrec.ShelfShippedPerDay + newrec.BulkShippedPerDay));

                    // Set DaysSupplyLeft=0 Where DaysSupplyLeft Is Null
                    if (newrec.DaysSupplyLeft == null)
                        newrec.DaysSupplyLeft = 0;

                    var qBulkOrders = (from t in db.tblBulkOrderItem
                                       where t.ProductMasterID == row.ProductMasterID && (t.Status == "OP" || t.Status == "OPEN")
                                       select t.BulkOrderItemID).ToList();

                    if (qBulkOrders.Count() > 0)
                        newrec.BulkOnOrder = true;
                        newrec.BulkOnOrder = false;

                    if (newrec.DaysSupplyLeft < 65)
                        newrec.ReorderThis = true;

                    if (newrec.UseThisDaysTilExpiration < 65)
                        newrec.ReorderThis = true;

                    if (newrec.ShelfShippedPerDay + newrec.BulkShippedPerDay == 0)
                        newrec.ReorderThis = false;

                    if (newrec.BulkOnOrder == true)
                        newrec.ReorderThis = false;

                    // Set ReorderWeight=Round((ShelfShippedPerDay+BulkShippedPerDay) * 120,0) Where ShelfLife<13 and ReorderThis=1
                    if (newrec.ShelfLife < 13 && newrec.ReorderThis == true)
                        newrec.ReorderWeight = Convert.ToInt32((newrec.ShelfShippedPerDay + newrec.BulkShippedPerDay) * 120);

                    // Set ReorderWeight=Round((ShelfShippedPerDay+BulkShippedPerDay) * 180,0) Where (ShelfLife>=13 or ShelfLife is null) and (ReorderThis=1)
                    if (newrec.ShelfLife >= 13 || newrec.ShelfLife == null)
                        newrec.ReorderWeight = Convert.ToInt32((newrec.ShelfShippedPerDay + newrec.BulkShippedPerDay)) * 180;

                    // Set ReorderWeight=1 Where (ReorderWeight<1) and (ReorderThis=1)
                    if (newrec.ReorderWeight < 1 && newrec.ReorderThis == true)
                        newrec.ReorderWeight = 1;


                s = String.Format("Delete from {0} where ReorderThis=0 and Username='******'", fnTempTable, username);


                itemscount = (from t in db.tblSuggestedBulk
                              where t.UserName == username
                              select t).Count();

                return itemscount;
        public static List<SelectListItem> fnClientsContacts(int id, string sContactType)
            using (var db = new CMCSQL03Entities())
                List<SelectListItem> mylist = new List<SelectListItem>();

                mylist = (from t in db.tblClientContact
                          where t.ClientID == id && t.ContactType == sContactType
                          orderby t.FullName
                          select new SelectListItem { Value = t.ClientContactID.ToString(), Text = t.FullName }).ToList();
                mylist.Insert(0, new SelectListItem { Value = "0", Text = "Select Supplier" });
                return mylist;
        public static List<SelectListItem> fnProductMasterIDs(int? clientid)
            // 06/13/2016 This now is a list of PD-PN records
            using (var db = new CMCSQL03Entities())
                List<SelectListItem> mylist = new List<SelectListItem>();

                mylist = (from t in db.tblProductMaster
                          where t.ClientID == clientid
                          orderby t.MasterCode
                          select new SelectListItem { Value = t.ProductMasterID.ToString(), Text = t.MasterCode + " - " + t.MasterName.Substring(0, 25) }).ToList();

                mylist.Insert(0, new SelectListItem { Value = "0", Text = "Master Code" });

                return mylist;
        public static List<SelectListItem> fnListOfShelfMasterIDs(int? id)
            using (var db = new CMCSQL03Entities())
                List<SelectListItem> mylist = new List<SelectListItem>();
                mylist = (from t in db.tblShelfMaster
                          join pd in db.tblProductDetail on t.ProductDetailID equals pd.ProductDetailID
                          where t.ProductDetailID == id
                          select new SelectListItem { Value = t.ShelfID.ToString(), Text = t.Size }).ToList();
                mylist.Insert(0, new SelectListItem { Value = "", Text = "Select Size" });

                return mylist;
        private static List<SelectListItem> fnListOfSupplyIDs(int? clientid)
            using (var db = new CMCSQL03Entities())
                List<SelectListItem> mylist = new List<SelectListItem>();

                mylist = (from t in db.tblProductMaster
                          where t.ClientID == clientid
                          orderby t.SUPPLYID
                          new SelectListItem { Value = t.SUPPLYID, Text = t.SUPPLYID }).Distinct().ToList();

                mylist.Insert(0, new SelectListItem { Value = "0", Text = "" });

                return mylist;
        public static void fnSavePrePackStock(PrePackStock vm, FormCollection fc)
            using (var db = new CMCSQL03Entities())
                // for each sm, insert tblStock
                vm.BulkContainer.bulkid = fnNewBulkID();

                var dbBulk = db.tblBulk.Find(vm.BulkContainer.bulkid);
                var dbPD = db.tblProductDetail.Find(vm.ProductDetailID);

                dbBulk.ProductMasterID = dbPD.ProductMasterID;
                dbBulk.Qty = 1;
                dbBulk.ReceiveDate = vm.BulkContainer.receivedate;
                dbBulk.LotNumber = vm.BulkContainer.lotnumber;
                dbBulk.MfgDate = vm.BulkContainer.mfgdate;
                dbBulk.ExpirationDate = vm.BulkContainer.expirationdate;
                dbBulk.CeaseShipDate = vm.BulkContainer.ceaseshipdate;
                dbBulk.QCDate = vm.BulkContainer.qcdate;
                dbBulk.BulkStatus = vm.BulkContainer.bulkstatus;
                dbBulk.Bin = vm.BulkContainer.bin;
                dbBulk.Warehouse = vm.BulkContainer.warehouse;
                dbBulk.CreateDate = System.DateTime.Now;
                dbBulk.CreateUser = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;
                dbBulk.ReceiveWeight = 0;
                dbBulk.CurrentWeight = 0;

                for (int i = 1; i <= vm.ShelfMasterCount; i++)
                    // this will always have a value
                    string sThisShelfID = fc["Key" + i.ToString()];
                    Int32 ThisShelfID = Convert.ToInt32(sThisShelfID);

                    string sThisQty = fc["Value" + i.ToString()];
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sThisQty))
                        Int32 ThisQty = Convert.ToInt32(sThisQty);
                        var newstock = new EF.tblStock();
                        newstock.ShelfID = ThisShelfID;
                        newstock.BulkID = vm.BulkContainer.bulkid;
                        newstock.Warehouse = vm.BulkContainer.warehouse;
                        newstock.QtyOnHand = ThisQty;

                        var sm = (from t in db.tblShelfMaster
                                  where t.ShelfID == ThisShelfID
                                  select t).FirstOrDefault();   // needed for default bin

                        dbBulk.ReceiveWeight = dbBulk.ReceiveWeight + (ThisQty * sm.UnitWeight);
                        newstock.Bin = sm.Bin;
                        newstock.ShelfStatus = "AVAIL";
                        newstock.CreateDate = DateTime.Now;
                        newstock.CreateUser = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;

 public static List<SelectListItem> fnEndUses(int id)
     using (var db = new CMCSQL03Entities())
         List<SelectListItem> mylist = new List<SelectListItem>();
         mylist = (from t in db.tblEndUse
                   where t.ClientID == id
                   orderby t.EndUse
                   select new SelectListItem { Value = t.EndUseID.ToString(), Text = t.EndUse }).ToList();
         mylist.Insert(0, new SelectListItem { Value = "0", Text = "Select End Use" });
         return mylist;
        public static Inventory fnFillInventoryVM(int id)
            using (var db = new CMCSQL03Entities())
                Inventory vm = new Inventory();
                ProductProfile PP = new ProductProfile();

                PP.productdetailid = id;
                vm.PP = ProductsService.FillFromPD(PP);
                PP = ProductsService.FillFromPM(PP);
                PP = ProductsService.fnFillOtherPMProps(PP);

                //vm.vmMasterNotesAlert = PP.masternotesalert;    // cannot get View to properly handle this when buried in PP
                vm.ClientCode = (from t in db.tblClient
                                 where t.ClientID == PP.clientid
                                 select t.ClientCode).FirstOrDefault();

                vm.ClientUM = (from t in db.tblClient
                               where t.ClientID == id
                               select t.ClientUM).FirstOrDefault();

                vm.Division = (from t in db.tblDivision
                               where t.DivisionID == PP.divisionid
                               select t.Division).FirstOrDefault();

                var q = (from t in db.tblBulkOrderItem
                         where t.ProductMasterID == id && t.Status == "OP"
                         select t).FirstOrDefault();

                vm.BackOrderPending = q == null ? false : true;

                var q1 = (from t in db.tblBulkOrderItem
                          where t.ProductMasterID == id && t.Status == "OP"
                          select new { tot = t.Qty * t.Weight }).ToList();

                var q2 = (from x in q1 select x.tot).Sum();

                vm.BulkWeightCurrentlyOnOrder = Convert.ToDecimal(q2);

                vm.ShelfLevelTotal = StatusLevelShelf(id, "TOTAL");
                vm.ShelfLevelAvail = StatusLevelShelf(id, "AVAIL");
                vm.ShelfLevelTest = StatusLevelShelf(id, "TEST");
                vm.ShelfLevelHold = StatusLevelShelf(id, "HOLD");
                vm.ShelfLevelQC = StatusLevelShelf(id, "QC");
                vm.ShelfLevelReturn = StatusLevelShelf(id, "RETURN");
                vm.ShelfLevelRecd = StatusLevelShelf(id, "RECD");
                vm.ShelfLevelOther = StatusLevelShelf(id, "OTHER");
                vm.BulkLevelTotal = StatusLevelBulk(id, "TOTAL");
                vm.BulkLevelAvail = StatusLevelBulk(id, "AVAIL");
                vm.BulkLevelTest = StatusLevelBulk(id, "TEST");
                vm.BulkLevelHold = StatusLevelBulk(id, "HOLD");
                vm.BulkLevelQC = StatusLevelBulk(id, "QC");
                vm.BulkLevelReturn = StatusLevelBulk(id, "RETURN");
                vm.BulkLevelRecd = StatusLevelBulk(id, "RECD");
                vm.BulkLevelOther = StatusLevelBulk(id, "OTHER");
                vm.TotalLevelTotal = StatusLevelTotal(id, "TOTAL");
                vm.TotalLevelAvail = StatusLevelTotal(id, "AVAIL");
                vm.TotalLevelTest = StatusLevelTotal(id, "TEST");
                vm.TotalLevelHold = StatusLevelTotal(id, "HOLD");
                vm.TotalLevelQC = StatusLevelTotal(id, "QC");
                vm.TotalLevelReturn = StatusLevelTotal(id, "RETURN");
                vm.TotalLevelReturn = StatusLevelTotal(id, "RECD");
                vm.TotalLevelOther = StatusLevelTotal(id, "OTHER");

                return vm;
        // ************** TODO ***************************
        // Finish adding all properties to next 2
        // ************** TODO ***************************
        public static BulkContainerViewModel fnNewBulkContainer(int id)
            // id=productmasterid
            BulkContainerViewModel obj = new BulkContainerViewModel();
            using (var db = new CMCSQL03Entities())
                obj.isknownmaterial = true;

                var x = (from t in db.tblBulk where t.ProductMasterID == id select t).ToList();
                obj.pm_sumofcurrentweight = 0;
                foreach (var row in x)
                    obj.pm_sumofcurrentweight = obj.pm_sumofcurrentweight + row.CurrentWeight;

                var dbPM = db.tblProductMaster.Find(id);
                // assign ProductMaster fields for R/O
                obj.pm_MasterNotes = dbPM.MasterNotes;
                obj.pm_HandlingOther = dbPM.HandlingOther;
                obj.pm_OtherHandlingInstr = dbPM.OtherHandlingInstr;
                obj.pm_refrigerate = dbPM.Refrigerate;
                obj.pm_flammablestorageroom = dbPM.FlammableStorageRoom;
                obj.pm_freezablelist = dbPM.FreezableList;
                obj.pm_refrigeratedlist = dbPM.RefrigeratedList;

                //var qCL = (from t in db.tblClient where t.ClientID == qPM.ClientID select t).FirstOrDefault();
                var dbClient = db.tblClient.Find(dbPM.ClientID);

                obj.bulkid = -1;    // for insert later
                obj.clientid = dbClient.ClientID;
                obj.warehouse = dbClient.CMCLocation;
                obj.clientname = dbClient.ClientName;
                obj.logofilename = dbClient.LogoFileName;
                obj.productmasterid = id;
                obj.receivedate = DateTime.Now;
                obj.bulkstatus = "RECD";

                obj.ListOfWareHouses = fnWarehouseIDs();
                obj.ListOfProductMasters = fnProductMasterIDs(obj.clientid, id);
                obj.ListOfBulkStatusIDs = fnBulkStatusIDs();
                obj.ListOfContainerTypeIDs = fnContainerTypeIDs();
                obj.ListOfCarriers = fnCarriers();

                // R/O fields from PM
                obj.MasterCode = dbPM.MasterCode;
                obj.MasterName = dbPM.MasterName;
                obj.flammable = dbPM.Flammable;
                obj.freezer = dbPM.FREEZERSTORAGE;
                obj.refrigerated = dbPM.Refrigerate;
                obj.packout = dbPM.PackOutOnReceipt;

                return obj;