/// <summary> /// For the specified table, return a list of input fields /// </summary> /// <param name="table"></param> /// <returns></returns> protected List <ICaisisInputControl> GetInputControls(string table) { // get a list of controls by table List <ICaisisInputControl> inputs = CICHelper.GetCaisisInputControlsByTableName(table); // cleanup foreach (ICaisisInputControl input in inputs) { // supress labels input.ShowLabel = false; // trigger calc date on text fields if (input is CaisisTextBox && input.Field.EndsWith("DateText")) { CaisisTextBox ctb = input as CaisisTextBox; ctb.Attributes["onblur"] = "UpdateDate(this);"; } // cleanup spacer on date fields if (input is CaisisHidden) { CaisisHidden hiddenInput = input as CaisisHidden; if (hiddenInput.DisplayCalculatedDate) { hiddenInput.ShowSpacer = false; } } } return(inputs); }
/// <summary> /// Populates the status for the current control /// </summary> /// <param name="container"></param> /// <param name="status"></param> private void PopulateStatus(Control container, string status) { HiddenField StatusIdField = container.FindControl("StatusIdField") as HiddenField; ICaisisInputControl Status_Field = container.FindControl("Status_Field") as ICaisisInputControl; ICaisisInputControl StatusDisease = container.FindControl("StatusDisease") as ICaisisInputControl; ImageButton deleteBtn = container.FindControl("DeleteBtn") as ImageButton; // get pri key int?statusId = GetStaustId(status); // set hidden field StatusIdField.Value = statusId + ""; // populate if (statusId.HasValue) { Status biz = new Status(); biz.Get(statusId.Value); CICHelper.SetFieldValues(container.Controls, biz); } // set inital values else { CICHelper.ClearCaisisInputControlValues(container); // set required values StatusDisease.Value = STATUS_DISEASE; Status_Field.Value = status; } // set delete deleteBtn.Visible = statusId.HasValue; }
protected void SaveClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { Contact contact = new Contact(); bool isNew = !ContactId.HasValue; // edit user if (ContactId.HasValue) { contact.Get(ContactId.Value); } CICHelper.SetBOValues(EditPanel.Controls, contact, -1); if (!contact.IsEmpty) { contact.Save(); // associate organization string organizationId = Request.QueryString["organizationId"]; if (isNew && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(organizationId)) { ProjectOrganization_ProjectContact contactOrg = new ProjectOrganization_ProjectContact(); contactOrg[ProjectOrganization_ProjectContact.ContactId] = (int)contact[contact.PrimaryKeyName]; contactOrg[ProjectOrganization_ProjectContact.OrganizationId] = int.Parse(organizationId); contactOrg[ProjectOrganization_ProjectContact.ContactType] = 0; contactOrg.Save(); } ReloadMain(false); } else { Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "errorUpdating", "alert('Please validate all required fields.');", true); } }
protected void addSubSpecimenbtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string refNum = CurrentSpecimen[Specimen.SpecimenReferenceNumber].ToString(); CICHelper.ClearCaisisInputControlValues(this); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(refNum)) { this.SpecimenReferenceNumber.Value = refNum + "-"; //pattern yet to decide } else { this.SpecimenReferenceNumber.Value = ""; } this.SpecimenUnits.Value = CurrentSpecimen[Specimen.SpecimenUnits].ToString(); this.UpdateBtn.Visible = false; this.SaveBtn.Visible = true; this.addSubSpecimenbtn.Visible = false; this.hdrlbl.Visible = false; this.subspeclbl.Visible = true; //get SpecimenReferencNumber string datasetSql = CacheManager.GetDatasetSQL(Session[SessionKey.DatasetId]); DataTable dt = da.GetIdentifier(this.specimenId, _identifierType, datasetSql); string refnum = dt.Rows[0].ItemArray[3].ToString(); this.subspeclbl.Text = "Add Sub-Specimen for Specimen : " + refnum.ToString(); Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(typeof(Page), "HideProcessingEvents", "HideProcessingEvents();", true); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> protected void SaveClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { // if editing last dirty row, show more bool rebindToEdit = dirtyRows.Contains(ReadOnlyLogRptr.Items.Count - 1); // update/insert "dirty" records foreach (int dirtyRowIndex in dirtyRows) { RepeaterItem item = ReadOnlyLogRptr.Items[dirtyRowIndex]; // get pri key CaisisHidden priKeyField = item.FindControl("CommunicationLogIdField") as CaisisHidden; ProjectCommunicationLog biz = new ProjectCommunicationLog(); // update if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(priKeyField.Value)) { int priKey = int.Parse(priKeyField.Value); biz.Get(priKey); } // fill Biz with field values CICHelper.SetBOValues(item.Controls, biz, projectId); // update/insert biz.Save(); } dirtyRows.Clear(); SetEditState(rebindToEdit); // rebind to reflect changes BindCommunicationLog(); }
/// <summary> /// Binds Questions belonging to selected Meta Survey /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> protected void BindQuestionsGrid(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(SurveyList.Value)) { SaveBtn.Visible = true; PreviewBtn.Visible = true; int metaSurveyId = int.Parse(SurveyList.Value); string metaSurveyName = SurveyList.SelectedItem.Text; // Set Preview URL string previewURL = "~/Plugins/SurveyPlugin/SurveyWizardPage.aspx?surveyType=" + metaSurveyName + "&preview=true"; PreviewBtn.NavigateUrl = previewURL; // set survey fields, title version etc... MetadataSurvey biz = new MetadataSurvey(); biz.Get(metaSurveyId); CICHelper.SetFieldValues(SurveyFields.Controls, biz); SurveyFields.Visible = true; PreviewBtn.Visible = true; DeleteBtn.Visible = true; } else { SurveyFields.Visible = false; SaveBtn.Visible = false; PreviewBtn.Visible = false; DeleteBtn.Visible = false; } }
private void SetFormState(bool isFormEnabled) { bool _isFormEnabled = isFormEnabled; CICHelper.EnableFields(this.Form.Controls, _isFormEnabled); if (_selectedJournal == "" || _selectedJournal.Equals(_dropDownNewValue)) { // New SetButtonVisibility(true, true, true, true, false, true, true); SetButtonStates(false, false, true, true, false, true, false); } else { if (_isFormEnabled) { // Populated Enabled Unlocked Form SetButtonVisibility(true, true, true, true, false, true, true); SetButtonStates(false, false, true, true, false, true, true); } else { // Populated Disabled Unlocked Form SetButtonVisibility(true, true, true, true, false, true, true); SetButtonStates(true, true, true, false, false, true, false); } } }
protected void Save(int letterOfIntentId, string strDiseaseState) { ProjectLetterOfIntent biz = new ProjectLetterOfIntent(); biz.Get(letterOfIntentId); // Only want to save fields that are visible, as non visible fields don't retain their original set values List <ICaisisInputControl> cicList = CICHelper.GetCaisisInputControls(this.FindControl("MainTable")); foreach (ICaisisInputControl cic in cicList) { if (cic.Visible) { if (cic is CaisisCheckBox) { if ((cic as CaisisCheckBox).Checked) { biz[cic.Field] = "1"; } else { biz[cic.Field] = "0"; } } else { biz[cic.Field] = cic.Value; } } } biz[ProjectLetterOfIntent.PopulationDiseaseState] = strDiseaseState; biz.Save(); }
/// <summary> /// Builds the data entry interface based on table /// </summary> protected void BuildUnplannedEvent() { // Build UI: build column layout based on default metadata var inputs = CICHelper.GetCaisisInputControlsByTableName(QueryTableName, null); int colCount = new Caisis.Controller.PatientDataEntryController(null).GetNumDisplayColumns(QueryTableName); DataEntryLayout.BuildLayout(inputs, colCount, new string[] { }); // Populate: populate exising record if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(PriKeyField.Value)) { int priKey = int.Parse(PriKeyField.Value); // load record and populate form var biz = BusinessObjectFactory.BuildBusinessObject(QueryTableName); biz.Get(priKey); // populate section with biz base.PopulateForm(DataEntryLayout, biz); // set related record if exists if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(PatientItemId.Value)) { int patientItemId = int.Parse(base.DecrypyValue(PatientItemId.Value)); RelatedRecord relatedRecord = Caisis.Controller.RelatedRecordController.GetRelatedRecords("ProtocolMgr_PatientItems", patientItemId, QueryTableName, priKey).FirstOrDefault(); if (relatedRecord != null) { RelatedRecordId.Value = relatedRecord[RelatedRecord.RelatedRecordId].ToString(); } } } }
protected void PopulateLargeFields() { ProjectLetterOfIntent biz = new ProjectLetterOfIntent(); biz.Get(Int32.Parse(LetterOfIntentId)); CICHelper.SetFieldValues(this.Controls, biz); List <ICaisisInputControl> cicList = PageUtil.GetCaisisInputControlsInContainer(this); foreach (ICaisisInputControl cic in cicList) { if (cic is CaisisTextArea) { string jsDesc = "showFieldDescription(this,'" + cic.Field + "');"; CaisisTextArea cicTA = cic as CaisisTextArea; cicTA.Attributes.Add("onfocus", jsDesc); // Locate helper HTML node used for displaying HTML content contained // in TextArea node string helperHTMLDivId = cicTA.ID + "HTML"; HtmlGenericControl helperDIV = this.FindControl(helperHTMLDivId) as HtmlGenericControl; if (helperDIV != null) { helperDIV.InnerHtml = cic.Value; } } } }
/// <summary> /// Adds a new instance of controlBase (a CaisisInputControl) to the row's cell /// </summary> /// <param name="cell"></param> /// <param name="rowState"></param> protected override void InitializeDataCell(DataControlFieldCell cell, DataControlRowState rowState) { ICaisisInputControl iCIC = new CaisisTextBox(); if (BaseCaisisInputControl == null) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(CaisisControlTypeName)) { //// Create Control, set Field, then set MetaData values //iCIC = CICHelper.InvokeInputControl(CaisisControlTypeName); //iCIC.Field = cicFieldName; //CICHelper.SetCICAttributes(iCIC, CaisisControlMetaTable); } } else { iCIC = CICHelper.CloneCIC(controlBase); } // Supress FieldLabel iCIC.ShowLabel = false; // handle binding BindControl(this, new CaisisControlEventArgs(iCIC)); // Add control to cell cell.Controls.Add(iCIC as Control); }
protected string RecordDetails(string tableName, string primaryKey) { string recordDetails = ""; if (BOL.BusinessObjectFactory.CanBuildBusinessObject(tableName)) { IBusinessObject biz = BusinessObjectFactory.BuildBusinessObject(tableName); biz.Get(int.Parse(primaryKey)); string tableDisplayName = (biz.TableLabel.Length > 0) ? biz.TableLabel : tableName; Dictionary <string, string> HPIRecordDataEntryFields = new Dictionary <string, string>(); HPIRecordDataEntryFields = CICHelper.GetCaisisInputControlsByTableName(tableName).ToDictionary(i => i.Field, i => pdec.GetFieldLabel(i.Table, i.Field)); if (HPIRecordDataEntryFields.Keys.Count > 0) { recordDetails = "<span id=\"HPIRecordDetailsBubbleContent_" + tableName + "_" + primaryKey + "\" class=\"HPIRecordDetailsBubbleContent\"><table><tr><td colspan=\"2\" class=\"HPIRecordDetailsBubbleTitle\" >" + tableDisplayName + "</td>"; foreach (string fieldName in HPIRecordDataEntryFields.Keys) { string fieldLabel = HPIRecordDataEntryFields[fieldName]; string fieldValue = biz[fieldName].ToString(); if (fieldValue.Length > 0) { recordDetails += "<tr><td>" + fieldLabel + "</td><td>" + fieldValue + "</td></tr>"; } } recordDetails += "</table></span>"; } } return(recordDetails); }
/// <summary> /// Add event handlers to ICaisisInputControls to mark relevant forms as dirty /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void InitalizeEvents(object sender, EventArgs e) { // set require fields if (!Page.IsPostBack) { int?toxicityId = null; int?patientItemId = null; // get keys if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(QueryPatientItemId)) { string dpid = base.DecrypyValue(QueryPatientItemId); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dpid)) { patientItemId = int.Parse(dpid); } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(QueryToxicityId)) { toxicityId = int.Parse(QueryToxicityId); } // set hidden fields: important, use raw QS for pass through PatientItemId.Value = QueryPatientItemId; ToxicityIdField.Value = QueryToxicityId; // check if SAE if (toxicityId.HasValue) { CheckSAEDetails(toxicityId.Value); } } // add "dirty" tracking for forms foreach (ICaisisInputControl iCIC in CICHelper.GetCaisisInputControls(this)) { if (iCIC.Table == "Toxicities") { iCIC.ValueChanged += new CaisisEventHandler(MarkToxicityDirty); } else if (iCIC.Table == "SeriousAdverseEvents") { iCIC.ValueChanged += new CaisisEventHandler(MarkSAEDirty); } iCIC.ValueChanged += MarkTableFieldsDirty; } // query default list of patient MedTxAgents if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(BaseSchemaId)) { int protocolSchemaId = int.Parse(BaseSchemaId); int patientSchemaId = int.Parse(PatientSchemaId); MedicalTherapyDa da = new MedicalTherapyDa(); DataTable trialMedTx = da.GetProtocolSchemaTherapies(protocolSchemaId); // combine data var trialAgents = trialMedTx.AsEnumerable().Select(m => m[MedicalTherapy.MedTxAgent].ToString()).Distinct().ToArray(); IEnumerable <MedicalTherapy> patientTherapies = BOL.ProtocolMgmt.GetRecordsByPatientSchema <MedicalTherapy>(patientSchemaId); protocolMedTxAgents = from agent in trialAgents join tx in patientTherapies on agent equals tx[MedicalTherapy.MedTxAgent].ToString() into g let tx = g.FirstOrDefault() let txAdmin = tx == null ? new MedTxAdministration[0] : BOL.BusinessObject.GetByParent <MedTxAdministration>((int)tx[MedTxAdministration.MedicalTherapyId]) select agent; } }
/// <summary> /// Updates/inserts group /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private int?Save() { Group group = new Group(); // load existing, otherwise new group if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(QueryGroupId)) { group.Get(int.Parse(QueryGroupId)); } int roleId = int.Parse(GroupRole.Value); CICHelper.SetBOValues(GroupFields.Controls, group, roleId); // update group access code var selectedTabs = GetRptrSelectedValues(TabsRptr); string accessCode = string.Join(",", selectedTabs.ToArray()); group[Group.GroupAccessCode] = accessCode; // update Group group.Save(); int groupId = (int)group[Group.GroupId]; // update group datasets SaveGroupDatasets(groupId); // uddate group users SaveGroupUsers(groupId); // return updated/inserted group return(groupId); }
protected void UpdateButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // // Save the Funding Info fields // ProjectFundingSource biz = new ProjectFundingSource(); if (fundingId != -1) { biz.Get(fundingId); } if (projectId != -1) { CICHelper.SetBOValues(EditFundingPanel.Controls, biz, projectId); } else { CICHelper.SetBOValues(EditFundingPanel.Controls, biz, 0); } biz.Save(); if (biz["FundingSourceId"].ToString() != "") { fundingId = Int32.Parse(biz["FundingSourceId"].ToString()); } ProjectInvoiceGridView.Save(fundingId); GoToMainList(); }
private void PopulateProtocolInfo() { Protocol biz = new Protocol(); if (numProtocolId != -1) { biz.Get(numProtocolId); CICHelper.SetFieldValues(EditView.Controls, biz); } // set delete button if (IsEditMode && numProtocolId != -1) { bool hasVersions = BOL.BusinessObject.Count <ProtocolVersion>(new Dictionary <string, object> { { PatientProtocol.ProtocolId, numProtocolId } }) > 0; bool hasPatients = BOL.BusinessObject.Count <PatientProtocol>(new Dictionary <string, object> { { PatientProtocol.ProtocolId, numProtocolId } }) > 0; // validate no schemas or patients on protocol if (!hasVersions && !hasPatients) { DeleteButton.Visible = true; } } }
private void LoadCollection() { SpecimenCollection collection = new SpecimenCollection(); collection.Get(colId); CICHelper.SetFieldValues(Page.Controls, collection); this.CollectionName.Text = collection[SpecimenCollection.CollectionName].ToString(); this.CollectionAssignDate.Text = collection[SpecimenCollection.CollectionAssignDate].ToString(); this.CollectionAssignDate.Text = GetValidDisplayDate(this.CollectionAssignDate.Text); this.CollectionType.Text = collection[SpecimenCollection.CollectionType].ToString(); this.CollectionStatus.Text = collection[SpecimenCollection.CollectionStatus].ToString(); this.CollectionProjectCode.Text = collection[SpecimenCollection.CollectionProjectCode].ToString(); this.CollectionAssignNotes.Text = collection[SpecimenCollection.CollectionAssignNotes].ToString(); this.pageTitle.Text = collection[SpecimenCollection.CollectionName].ToString(); SecurityController sc = new SecurityController(); string user = sc.GetUserName(); this.printedBy.Text = user; this.printedDate.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString(); BindSpecimensGrid(); }
protected void SaveButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Protocol biz = new Protocol(); // load exisiting if updating if (!IsNew) { biz.Get(numProtocolId); } CICHelper.SetBOValues(EditView.Controls, biz, 0); // insert/update biz.Save(); int updatedProtocolId = (int)biz[Protocol.ProtocolId]; // on new records do full outer reload if (IsNew) { DeepRefresh(updatedProtocolId); } else { RefreshMainScreen(); } }
private void SetFormFieldData(int tempOrgId) { ProjectOrganization org = new ProjectOrganization(); org.Get(tempOrgId); CICHelper.SetFieldValues(Form.Controls, org); // Set Color if needed string orgColor = org[ProjectOrganization.ColorCode].ToString(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(orgColor)) { ColorCodeBox.Style[HtmlTextWriterStyle.BackgroundColor] = orgColor; } // Set fields in Main table // Labels are assigned IDs based on field names in ProjectOrganization table OrganizationFullName.Text = org[ProjectOrganization.Name].ToString(); foreach (string field in org.FieldNames) { Label fieldValue = DetailsViewLayer.FindControl(field) as Label; if (fieldValue != null) { fieldValue.Text = org[field].ToString(); } } }
protected void SaveClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Save Diagnostic Record Diagnostic biz = new Diagnostic(); // load existing record if (!IsNew) { biz.Get(DiagnosticId); } // important, get current uptake value before setting biz fields string currentDBDxResult = biz[Diagnostic.DxResult].ToString(); // set biz fields from control fields CICHelper.SetBOValues(this.Controls, biz, (int.Parse(BaseDecryptedPatientId))); // handle tracer uptake, use existing db value andget computed value //biz[Diagnostic.DxResult] = GetTracerUptake(currentDBDxResult); // finally save diagnostic and child findings biz.Save(); int diagnosticId = (int)biz[Diagnostic.DiagnosticId]; // Save DxImageFindings DxGrid1.Save(diagnosticId); DxGrid2.Save(diagnosticId); // Re-populate form with new request ReloadPage(diagnosticId.ToString()); }
public virtual void Save(int toxicityId) { foreach (GridViewRow row in ToxAttributionGrid.Rows) { var inputs = CICHelper.GetCaisisInputControls(row); ToxAttribution biz = new ToxAttribution(); bool notEmpty = CICHelper.InputControlsHaveValue(inputs); if (notEmpty) { string priKey = ToxAttributionGrid.DataKeys[row.RowIndex][BOL.ToxAttribution.ToxAttributionId] + ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(priKey)) { biz.Get(int.Parse(priKey)); } else { biz[ToxAttribution.ToxicityId] = toxicityId; } foreach (var input in inputs) { string fieldName = input.Field; string formValue = input.Value;// Request.Form[(input as Control).UniqueID]; biz[fieldName] = formValue; } biz.Save(); } } }
protected void SaveBtn_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e) { if (accessionId != 0) { //updating existing accession record SpecimenAccession accession = new SpecimenAccession(); accession.Get(accessionId); CICHelper.SetBOValues(inputControlsRow.Controls, accession, patientId); accession.Save(); specimensGrid.Save(accessionId); LoadAccesssionInfo(accessionId); BindSpecimensGrid(accessionId); Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(typeof(Page), "refreshParent", "refreshParent('" + EncryptPatientId(patientId.ToString()) + "','" + accessionId + "');", true); } else { //saving new accession SpecimenAccession newaccession = new SpecimenAccession(); CICHelper.SetBOValues(inputControlsRow.Controls, newaccession, patientId); newaccession[SpecimenAccession.PatientId] = patientId; newaccession.Save(); newAccessionId = int.Parse(newaccession[SpecimenAccession.SpecimenAccessionId].ToString()); specimensGrid.Save(newAccessionId); LoadAccesssionInfo(newAccessionId); BindSpecimensGrid(newAccessionId); Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(typeof(Page), "refreshParent", "refreshParent('" + EncryptPatientId(patientId.ToString()) + "','" + newAccessionId + "');", true); } }
private void PopulateManuscriptInfo() { BOL.ProjectManuscript biz = new BOL.ProjectManuscript(); biz.Get(manuscriptId); CICHelper.SetFieldValues(PanelManuscriptInfo.Controls, biz); }
/// <summary> /// Add a new Lesion (DxImageFindings) record /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> protected void AddLesionClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Get field values for add adding new lesion Control petFields = NewDxImageFindingPanel.FindControl("DX_PET_Fields"); Control ctMRIFields = NewDxImageFindingPanel.FindControl("DX_CTMRI_Fields"); Control shareFields = NewDxImageFindingPanel.FindControl("DX_SHARED_Fields"); Control mainFields = ImageType == "PET" ? petFields : ctMRIFields; ICaisisInputControl diagnosticField = FindInputControl(mainFields, ImageFinding.DiagnosticId); string diagnosticId = diagnosticField.Value; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(diagnosticId)) { int diagId = int.Parse(diagnosticId); ImageFinding newFinding = new ImageFinding(); newFinding[ImageFinding.DiagnosticId] = diagId; CICHelper.SetBOValues(mainFields.Controls, newFinding, diagId); // special fields string imgFindTarget = FindInputControl(mainFields, ImageFinding.ImgFindTarget).Value; int imgFindGroupNum = GetNextGroupNum(); newFinding[ImageFinding.ImgFindGroupNum] = imgFindGroupNum; newFinding[ImageFinding.ImgFindTarget] = imgFindTarget; newFinding.Save(); } // Save Matrix MainSaveBtnClick(sender, e); }
private void PopulatePatient(int patientId) { Patient patient = new Patient(); patient.Get(patientId); CICHelper.SetFieldValues(this.Controls, patient); }
/// <summary> /// Validate ICaisisInputControl/BusinessObject Fields /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private bool ValidateRequiredFields() { bool valid = true; foreach (ICaisisInputControl cic in CICHelper.GetCaisisInputControls(this)) { if (cic.Required && cic.Value.Trim() == "") { UserMessage.Text = "Fields named in red are required."; UserMessage.CssClass = "requiredField"; valid = false; break; } } //foreach (Control con in Form.Controls) //{ // if (con is ICaisisInputControl) // { // ICaisisInputControl cic = (ICaisisInputControl)con; // if (cic.Required && cic.Value.Trim() == "") // { // UserMessage.Text = "<span class=requiredField>Fields named in red are required.</span>"; // valid = false; // } // } //} return(valid); }
protected void SetFieldValues(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e) { if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow) { // set button states string priKey = DataBinder.Eval(e.Row.DataItem, MedicalTherapy.MedicalTherapyId) + ""; bool isLocked = (DataBinder.Eval(e.Row.DataItem, BusinessObject.LockedBy) + "") != ""; var exists = priKey != ""; Control lockImg = e.Row.FindControl("LockImage"); Control clearImg = e.Row.FindControl("ClearImage"); lockImg.Visible = isLocked; clearImg.Visible = !exists; // lock inputs if (isLocked) { var inputs = CICHelper.GetCaisisInputControls(e.Row); inputs.ForEach(i => i.Enabled = false); } // special case: set TxType ICaisisInputControl txTypeInput = e.Row.FindControl("MedTxType") as ICaisisInputControl; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(priKey)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(TxType)) { txTypeInput.Value = TxType; } } else { txTypeInput.Value = DataBinder.Eval(e.Row.DataItem, MedicalTherapy.MedTxType).ToString(); } } }
private void PopulateFundingInfo() { ProjectFundingSource biz = new ProjectFundingSource(); biz.Get(fundingId); CICHelper.SetFieldValues(EditFundingPanel.Controls, biz); }
protected void BindContactPanel(int contactId) { Contact biz = new Contact(); biz.Get(contactId); // populate fields CICHelper.SetFieldValues(EditPanel.Controls, biz); ContactTitle.Text = biz[Contact.FirstName].ToString() + " " + biz[Contact.LastName].ToString(); foreach (string colName in biz.FieldNames) { Label field = DisplayContactPanel.FindControl(colName) as Label; if (field != null) { field.Text = biz[colName].ToString(); } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Department.Text)) { Department.Text = "Department of " + Department.Text; } // set edit btn ShowEditBtn.OnClientClick = "return editContact('" + contactId + "');"; }
private void Save() { int?questionId = null; int surveyId = int.Parse(MetaSurveyId); // save question MetadataSurveyQuestion question = new MetadataSurveyQuestion(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(QuestionId.Value)) { questionId = int.Parse(QuestionId.Value); question.Get(questionId.Value); } else { question[MetadataSurveyQuestion.MetadataSurveyId] = surveyId; } CICHelper.SetBOValues(this.Controls, question, surveyId); question.Save(); questionId = (int)question[MetadataSurveyQuestion.MetadataSurveyQuestionId]; // save responses SurveyQuestionResponsesGrid.Save(questionId.Value); // rebuild form PopulateForm(questionId); ReloadMainPage(surveyId.ToString()); }