Example #1
        private void draw_ConsSpot(Graphics myGraphics, CHotSpot hspot, float winHeight, float winWidth, Matrix pm, float scaleX, float unitM = 1000)
            PointF[] sd = { new PointF(0, 100) }; // 窗口
            sd[0].X = (float)hspot.GlobalMileage;
            //sd[1].X = (float)ex;
            if (sd[0].X <0 || sd[0].X> winWidth)   // 如果道路不在绘制区域,返回

            float unitPixelLength = unitM * scaleX;
            float PixelX          = sd[0].X;

            RectangleF areaf;

            areaf = new RectangleF(PixelX - 12, 155, 24, 24);
                Image workingIcon = Image.FromFile(CGisDataSettings.gDataPath + @"Common\地标图片\work.gif");
                myGraphics.DrawImage(workingIcon, areaf);
            catch (Exception fe)
Example #2
    void Initialize(CHotSpot oHotSpot)
        _oHotSpot = oHotSpot;

        gameObject.name = "iGUICode_RootPanel_" + _oHotSpot.gameObject.name;
        transform.position = (4*_oHotSpot.transform.position + Camera.main.transform.position)/5;					// Adopt the position of our hotspot (rotation stays pinned to camera)
        transform.parent = Camera.main.transform;
        transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 180f, 0);				//###WEAK: Panel needs 180 degree rotation to show its right face toward the camera.  Is it right or do we change it?  (being attached to camera and all...)

        _oNodePanel = transform.FindChild("Panel");
        _oTextMesh  = transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent<TextMesh>();
        _oTextMesh.text = _oHotSpot.gameObject.name;			//###*NOW:
        _oNodePanel.gameObject.layer = CCursor.C_Layer_HotSpot;	//###CHECK

        Type oType = _oHotSpot.GetType();
        foreach (FieldInfo oFieldInfo in oType.GetFields()) {			//###IMPROVE: Enforce definition of 'super public' by placing test in CUtility?
            if (oFieldInfo.Attributes == FieldAttributes.Public && oFieldInfo.FieldType == typeof(float) && oFieldInfo.Name[0] >= 'A' && oFieldInfo.Name[0] <= 'Z') {		// Only create sliders for public floats starting with a capital letter -> our definition of 'super public'
                _aSliders.Add(iGUICode_RootSliderOBS.Create_GuiSlider(this, _aSliders.Count, oFieldInfo));

        float nHeightContent = 0.04f + _aSliders.Count * iGUICode_RootSliderOBS.C_SliderHeight;
        _oNodePanel.localScale = new Vector3(1, nHeightContent / C_PanelDefaultHeight, 1);
        _oTextMesh.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, -iGUICode_RootSliderOBS.C_SliderHeight/2, 0);

        BoxCollider oColBox = (BoxCollider)_oNodePanel.GetComponent<Collider>();
        oColBox.center  = new Vector3(0, -C_PanelDefaultHeight/2, 0);
        oColBox.size	= new Vector3(C_PanelDefaultWidth, C_PanelDefaultHeight, 0);		// We create the panel collider with no depth and control colliders with depth so they can 'poke through' and get their mouse events
Example #3
        public CTEObject showTEObject(CHotSpot hs1, CHotSpot hs2, bool isStopping = false)
            CTEObject obj = null;

            switch (hs1.ObjectType)
            case "Project":
                CRailwayProject rp = (CRailwayProject)(hs1.ObjectRef);

                //string s = "当前位置: " + rp.ToString() + "\t\t";

                //labelRoll2.Text = s;

                obj = showTEProject(rp, isStopping);


            case "Firm":
                CRailwayFirm rf = (CRailwayFirm)(hs1.ObjectRef);
                obj = showTEFirms(rf, isStopping);

            case "Cons":
                ConsLocation cl = (ConsLocation)(hs1.ObjectRef);
                obj = showTECons(cl, isStopping);
Example #4
 public static iGUICode_RootPanelOBS Create_GuiPanel(CHotSpot oHotSpot)
     GameObject oPanelResGO	= Resources.Load("GUI-Panel/iGUICode_RootPanel") as GameObject;
     GameObject oNodePanelGO = GameObject.Instantiate(oPanelResGO) as GameObject;
     iGUICode_RootPanelOBS oGuiPanel = oNodePanelGO.GetComponent<iGUICode_RootPanelOBS>();
     return oGuiPanel;
Example #5
    public void OnStart()
        _oHotSpot = CHotSpot.CreateHotspot(this, transform, "Pose Root", true, Vector3.zero, 2.0f);

        _oObj = new CObject(this, 0, typeof(EPoseRoot), "Pose Root");
        _oObj.PropGroupBegin("", "", true);
        //###BROKEN: Need to flip load order, not 180!!  _oObj.PropAdd(EPoseRoot.Flipped,	"Flip Pose",		0,	"", CProp.Local | CProp.AsCheckbox);	//###IMPROVE: Add a separation member with key hook.  A height too??
Example #6
    public static CGizmo CreateGizmo(CHotSpot oHotSpot, bool bMiddleClickOp)
        Transform oGizmoTran = null;

        switch (CGame.INSTANCE._oCursor._EditMode) {
            case EEditMode.Select:	return null;			// We don't display a gizmo in select mode...
            case EEditMode.Move:	oGizmoTran = (Transform)GameObject.Instantiate(CGame.INSTANCE._oCursor._Prefab_GizmoMove); 		break;
            case EEditMode.Rotate:	oGizmoTran = (Transform)GameObject.Instantiate(CGame.INSTANCE._oCursor._Prefab_GizmoRotate);	break;
            case EEditMode.Scale:	oGizmoTran = (Transform)GameObject.Instantiate(CGame.INSTANCE._oCursor._Prefab_GizmoScale); 	break;

        CGizmo oGizmoInPrefab = oGizmoTran.GetComponent<CGizmo>();
        if (oGizmoInPrefab == null)
            CUtility.ThrowException("ERROR: CGizmo could not find CGizmo component in Gizmo prefab!");

        oGizmoInPrefab.Initialize(oHotSpot, bMiddleClickOp);

        return oGizmoInPrefab;
Example #7
    public override void OnDeserializeFromBlender()

        _sBlenderInstancePath_CCloth = CBCloth.s_sNameClothSrc_HACK;

        //=== Create the skinned-portion of the cloth.  It will be responsible for driving Flex particles that heavily influence their corresponding particles in fully-simulated cloth mesh ===
        _oBSkinBaked_SkinnedPortion = (CBSkinBaked)CBSkinBaked.Create(null, _oBodyBase, "." + _sBlenderInstancePath_CCloth + ".oMeshClothSkinned", typeof(CBSkinBaked));    //###WEAK#13!!! F*****g dot!!
        _oBSkinBaked_SkinnedPortion._oSkinMeshRendNow.enabled = false;          // Skinned portion invisible to the user.  Only used to guide simulated portion

        //=== Receive the aMapPinnedParticles array Blender created to map the skinned verts to their pertinent simulated ones ===
        List<ushort> aMapPinnedParticles = CByteArray.GetArray_USHORT("'CBody'", _oBodyBase._sBlenderInstancePath_CBodyBase + "." + _sBlenderInstancePath_CCloth + ".aMapPinnedParticles.Unity_GetBytes()");

        //=== Create the simulated part of the cloth ===
        MeshFilter oMeshFilter = GetComponent<MeshFilter>();
        MeshRenderer oMeshRend = GetComponent<MeshRenderer>();
        //oMeshRend.sharedMaterial = Resources.Load("Materials/BasicColors/TransWhite25") as Material;        //####SOON? Get mats!  ###F
        oMeshRend.sharedMaterial = Resources.Load("Materials/Test-2Sided") as Material;        //####SOON? Get mats!  ###F
        _oBSkinBaked_SkinnedPortion._oSkinMeshRendNow.sharedMaterial = oMeshRend.sharedMaterial;        // Skinned part has same material
        _oMeshNow = oMeshFilter.sharedMesh;
        _oMeshNow.MarkDynamic();                // Docs say "Call this before assigning vertices to get better performance when continually updating mesh"

        //=== Create the 'cloth at startup' mesh.  It won't get simulated and is used to reset simulated cloth to its startup position ===
        _oBMeshClothAtStartup = CBMesh.Create(null, _oBodyBase, "." + _sBlenderInstancePath_CCloth + ".oMeshClothSimulated", typeof(CBMesh));
        _oBMeshClothAtStartup.transform.SetParent(_oBodyBase.FindBone("chestUpper"));      // Reparent this 'backup' mesh to the chest bone so it rotates and moves with the body
        _oBMeshClothAtStartup.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>().enabled = false;
        //_oBMeshClothAtStartup.gameObject.SetActive(false);      // De activate it so it takes no cycle.  It merely exists for backup purposes

        //=== Create the Flex object for our simulated part ===
        CFlex.CreateFlexObject(gameObject, _oMeshNow, _oMeshNow, uFlex.FlexBodyType.Cloth, uFlex.FlexInteractionType.None, CGame.INSTANCE.nMassCloth, Color.yellow);
        uFlex.FlexProcessor oFlexProc = CUtility.FindOrCreateComponent(gameObject, typeof(uFlex.FlexProcessor)) as uFlex.FlexProcessor;
        oFlexProc._oFlexProcessor = this;
        _oFlexParticles = GetComponent<uFlex.FlexParticles>();
        _oFlexSprings   = GetComponent<uFlex.FlexSprings>();

        //=== Create the managing object and related hotspot ===
        _oObj = new CObject(this, 0, typeof(EFlexCloth), "Cloth " + gameObject.name);        //###IMPROVE: Name of soft body to GUI
        _oObj.PropGroupBegin("", "", true);
        _oObj.PropAdd(EFlexCloth.Tightness,     "Tightness",    1.0f, 0.01f, 2.5f, "");
        _oObj.PropAdd(EFlexCloth.Length,        "Length",       1.0f, 0.50f, 1.10f, "");
        _oObj.PropAdd(EFlexCloth.ClothMass,     "Mass",         1.0f, 0.0001f, 1000.0f, "");
        _oWatchBone = _oBodyBase.FindBone("chestUpper");            //####HACK ####DESIGN: Assumes this cloth is a top!
        _oHotSpot = CHotSpot.CreateHotspot(this, _oWatchBone, "Clothing", false, new Vector3(0, 0.22f, 0.04f));     //###IMPROVE!!! Position offset that makes sense for that piece of clothing (from center of its verts?)

        //=== Backup the startup cloth arrays so we can adjust in a non-destructive way ===
        _aSpringRestLengthsBAK = new float[_oFlexSprings.m_springsCount];
        System.Array.Copy(_oFlexSprings.m_springRestLengths, _aSpringRestLengthsBAK, _oFlexSprings.m_springsCount);

        //=== Create the Flex-to-skinned-mesh component responsible to guide selected Flex particles to skinned-mesh positions ===
        _oPinnedParticles = CUtility.FindOrCreateComponent(gameObject, typeof(CPinnedParticles)) as CPinnedParticles;
        _oPinnedParticles.Initialize(ref aMapPinnedParticles, _oBSkinBaked_SkinnedPortion);
Example #8
    //---------------------------------------------------------------------------	UPDATE
    public void OnUpdate_Cursor()
        // Called in CGame.update() to update our cursor
        //=== Switch edit mode if the corresponding key was pressed ===
        //###DESIGN!!!!! How / when to map these important keys???			###TODO!!!!  Only change mode when in pose edit mode, enforce 'play mode' to always move!

        if (CGame.INSTANCE._bGameModeBasicInteractions == false) {
            if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.T)) {					// Toggle between move and rotate mode when not in basic game interaction mode
                if (_EditMode == EEditMode.Move)

        //=== Determine which layer we search for hotspot on ===
        int nLayerTarget = C_Layer_HotSpot;					//###BUG??? Send this layer mask to derived classes???
        //if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Space))					//###CHECK: Proper?  Hunt for hotspots on hand layer if proper key pressed
        //	nLayerTarget = C_Layer_HotSpotHands;
        uint nLayerTargetMask = (uint)1 << nLayerTarget;

        //###WEAK?  The changes above to cursor mode operation are specific to the game and take away some of the generic behavior that may be useful for other purposes
             if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.W))	SetEditMode(EEditMode.Move);		// W = Move
        else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.T))	SetEditMode(EEditMode.Rotate);      // T = roTate               //###WEAK: Conflicts with reset!  Which to keep??
                                                                                    //else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.E)) 	SetEditMode(EEditMode.Scale);		// E = Expand = Scale		//###DESIGN: Any value in scale / select for game??
                                                                                    //else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Q))	SetEditMode(EEditMode.Select);		// Q = Select

        //=== Test what collider is under the mouse cursor.  This is used to process the various stages of mouse interactivity as well as to adjust the '3D depth' of the cursor ===
        CGame.SetGuiMessage(EGameGuiMsg.CursorStat1, "Cursor Mode: " + _eModeCursor.ToString());
        _oRayHit_LayerHotSpot = GetHitOnLayerAtMousePos(0xFFFFFFFF);
        if (_oRayHit_LayerHotSpot.collider != null)
            CGame.SetGuiMessage(EGameGuiMsg.CursorStat2, "Cursor Collider: " + _oRayHit_LayerHotSpot.transform.name);
            CGame.SetGuiMessage(EGameGuiMsg.CursorStat2, "Cursor Collider: None");
        _oRayHit_LayerHotSpot = GetHitOnLayerAtMousePos(nLayerTargetMask);
        if (_oRayHit_LayerHotSpot.collider != null)
            _nDepth = _oRayHit_LayerHotSpot.distance * _DefaultCursorDepthOnHotspots;         // We adjust the '3D depth' of mouse cursor only when a collider is found.  ###IMPROVE: Implement slerp to gracefully change depth?

          //      GameObject oSelectedUI = EventSystem.current.currentSelectedGameObject;     // EventSystem.current.IsPointerOverGameObject()) {        // If cursor is over Unity UI widget set cursor directly there and don't process further cursor functionality
          //      if (oSelectedUI != null) {
        //    CGame.SetGuiMessage(EGameGuiMsg.CursorStat3, "Cursor GUI: " + oSelectedUI.name);
          //          //transform.position = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(;
          //          //PointerEventData eventDataCurrentPosition = new PointerEventData(EventSystem.current);
          //          //eventDataCurrentPosition.position = screenPosition;
          //          //GraphicRaycaster uiRaycaster = canvas.gameObject.GetComponent<GraphicRaycaster>();
          //          //List<RaycastResult> results = new List<RaycastResult>();
          //          //uiRaycaster.Raycast(eventDataCurrentPosition, results);
          //          //return results.Count > 0;
          //          _nDepth = Vector3.Distance(oSelectedUI.transform.position, Camera.main.transform.position);
        //} else {
          //          CGame.SetGuiMessage(EGameGuiMsg.CursorStat3, "(Cursor: No GUI control)");
          //      }

        if (_oCurrentGuiObject_HACK != null)        //###CHECK: Proper transforms for VR??  For SpaceNavigator??
            _nDepth = Vector3.Distance(_oCurrentGuiObject_HACK.position, Camera.main.transform.position);     //###DESIGN: Override hotspot depth above??   ###IDEA: Have cursor a child of panel when it is hovering on top??

        Vector3 vecMouse2D = new Vector3(Input.mousePosition.x, Input.mousePosition.y, _nDepth);		//###OPT: Cache localPosition??
        Vector3 vecMouse3D = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(vecMouse2D);
        transform.position = vecMouse3D;

        if (_oCurrentGuiObject_HACK != null)
            return;			//####SOON ####PROBLEM: Detecting what widget for width (solution offered in post)

        bool bClickLeftDown		= Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0);
        bool bClickRightDown	= Input.GetMouseButtonDown(1);
        bool bClickMiddleDown	= Input.GetMouseButtonDown(2);
        bool bClickDown = bClickLeftDown || bClickRightDown || bClickMiddleDown;

        //=== Process the finite state machine that systematically walks through each step of hotspot search, hovering, activation with bridge to hotspot's OnUpdate_HotSpot() for further 'OnUpdate()' processing ===
        switch (_eModeCursor) {
            case EModeCursor.S1_SearchingForHotspot:					// Default/startup mode: We don't have an interactive selected and are looking for one through 'mouse hover'
                if (_oRayHit_LayerHotSpot.collider != null) {
                    _oHotSpotCurrent = _oRayHit_LayerHotSpot.collider.GetComponent<CHotSpot>();
                    if (_oHotSpotCurrent) {
                        _eModeCursor = EModeCursor.S2_HoveringOverHotspot;
                } else {
                    //if (iGUICode_Root.INSTANCE._oPaneContextMenu != null) {								// We kill panel when we're not hovering over any Gui collider and panel exists. (makes it have a very short lifespan exactly like a 'tooltip')
                    //	iGUICode_Root.INSTANCE._oPaneContextMenu.removeAll();
                    //	iGUICode_Root.INSTANCE._oPaneContextMenu.setEnabled(false);			//###IMPROVE!!! Implement 'tooltip-like' functionality for popup menu?
                    //	iGUICode_Root.INSTANCE._oPaneContextMenu = null;

            case EModeCursor.S2_HoveringOverHotspot:							// The user is now hovering over a valid Hotspot, but has not yet selected it with left mouse button.  (3D cursor displays name of Hotspot for visual feedback)
                if (bClickDown) {
                    if (CGame.INSTANCE._bGameModeBasicInteractions == false || bClickRightDown) {	// If we're in full edit mode we wait for up-click, activate and display full gizmo.
                        _eModeCursor = EModeCursor.S3_WaitingForMouseUp;
                    } else {													// If we're in reduced edit mode, we fast-track to immediate movement along Y,Z axis without showing gizmo
                        _oHotSpotCurrent.OnActivate(bClickLeftDown, bClickRightDown, bClickMiddleDown);
                        _eModeCursor = EModeCursor.S4_ActivatedHotspot;
                    _nTimeAtMouseButtonDown = Time.time;			// Remember the start time of mouse button down to prevent acting on very long mouse clicks
                    _vecPosAtMouseButtonDown = Input.mousePosition;	// Remember mouse position so we can cancel if too far on mouse up
                } else {			// No click on hovering hotspot, check to see if we're still on a hotspot and cancel if not.
                    CHotSpot oHotSpot = _oRayHit_LayerHotSpot.collider ? _oRayHit_LayerHotSpot.collider.GetComponent<CHotSpot>() : null;
                    if (oHotSpot != _oHotSpotCurrent) {
                        _oHotSpotCurrent = null;
                        _eModeCursor = EModeCursor.S1_SearchingForHotspot;

            case EModeCursor.S3_WaitingForMouseUp:							// The user has down-clicked a hotspot.  We await up-click to see if same hotspot is still under the mouse before activating the hotspot
                bool bClickLeftUp		= Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0);
                bool bClickRightUp		= Input.GetMouseButtonUp(1);
                bool bClickMiddleUp		= Input.GetMouseButtonUp(2);
                if (bClickLeftUp|| bClickRightUp) {
                    if (_nTimeAtMouseButtonDown + C_TimeMaxForMouseClick >= Time.time && (Input.mousePosition - _vecPosAtMouseButtonDown).magnitude < 10) {
                        CHotSpot oHotSpot = _oRayHit_LayerHotSpot.collider ? _oRayHit_LayerHotSpot.collider.GetComponent<CHotSpot>() : null;
                        if (oHotSpot == _oHotSpotCurrent) {			// User has released mouse button on the same hotspot as mouse down.  Activate the hotspot
                            _oHotSpotCurrent.OnActivate(bClickLeftUp, bClickRightUp, bClickMiddleUp);
                            _eModeCursor = EModeCursor.S4_ActivatedHotspot;
                        } else {											// User has released button on nothing or on another hotspot.  Return to start state
                            _oHotSpotCurrent = null;
                            _eModeCursor = EModeCursor.S1_SearchingForHotspot;
                    } else {		// User took too long, just ignore both mouse down & mouse up and return to search state
                        _eModeCursor = EModeCursor.S1_SearchingForHotspot;

            case EModeCursor.S4_ActivatedHotspot:							// The user is now hovering over a valid Hotspot, but has not yet selected it with left mouse button.  (3D cursor displays name of Hotspot for visual feedback)
                if (bClickDown) {
                    RaycastHit oRayHit_LayerHotSpotAndGizmo = GetHitOnLayerAtMousePos(nLayerTargetMask | CCursor.C_LayerMask_Gizmo);	// Test to see if user clicked on nothing in gizmo or hotspot layers (in 'void')

                    if (oRayHit_LayerHotSpotAndGizmo.collider == null) {			// If user didn't click on anything we cancel hotspot activation and return to start state.
                        _oHotSpotCurrent = null;
                        _eModeCursor = EModeCursor.S1_SearchingForHotspot;
                    //} else {												// We hit a valid hotspot or gizmo collider...	//###BROKEN! Was creating multiple gizmos!
                    //	CHotSpot oHotSpot = _oRayHit_LayerHotSpot.collider ? _oRayHit_LayerHotSpot.collider.GetComponent<CHotSpot>() : null;
                    //	if (oHotSpot != null) {
                    //		if (oHotSpot == _oHotSpotCurrent) {				// If user clicked same hotspot simply route the 'activate' call to it so it can display menu or start editing
                    //			_oHotSpotCurrent.OnActivate(bClickLeftDown, bClickRightDown);	//###IMPROVE: Test and add quick activation??
                    //		//} else {										// If user clicked another hotspot we deactivate the old one and activate the new
                    //		//	_oHotSpotCurrent.OnDeactivate();
                    //		//	_oHotSpotCurrent.OnHoverEnd();
                    //		//	_oHotSpotCurrent = oHotSpot;
                    //		//	_oHotSpotCurrent.OnHoverBegin();
                    //		//	_oHotSpotCurrent.OnActivate(bClickLeftDown, bClickRightDown);		//###CHECK!
                    //		}
                    //	}													// In this if clause is also the possibility of a left/right click on a gizmo collider.  This is handled below by hotspot
                if (_oHotSpotCurrent != null) {				// Only the active hotspot gets the chance to trap events (typically to reroute to the gizmo it manages) ===
                    //=== Handle special case if we're not showing helper object and the left or middle mouse button is not pressed -> destroy everything and returning to start state to complete the highly transient operation
                    if (CGame.INSTANCE._bGameModeBasicInteractions && Input.GetMouseButton(0) == false && Input.GetMouseButton(2) == false) {
                        _oHotSpotCurrent = null;
                        _eModeCursor = EModeCursor.S1_SearchingForHotspot;
Example #9
 public void CancelEditing()
     // Cancels editing by deactivating hots pot which will destroy gizmo if it exists.
     if (_oHotSpotCurrent) {
     _oHotSpotCurrent = null;
     _eModeCursor = EModeCursor.S1_SearchingForHotspot;
Example #10
    //---------------------------------------------------------------------------	INIT
    public override void OnDeserializeFromBlender()
        transform.SetParent(_oBodyBase._oBody._oBodySkinnedMeshGO_HACK.transform);			// Parent to our body's main skinned mesh	###WEAK#14: Crappy circumvent way of obtaining node we need early in init!

        _sNameSoftBody = GetType().Name.Substring(1);                            // Obtain the name of our detached body part ('Breasts', 'Penis', 'V****a') from a substring of our class name.  Must match Blender!!  ###WEAK?
        _sBlenderInstancePath_CSoftBody = ".oBody.aSoftBodies['" + _sNameSoftBody + "']";                          // Simplify access to Blender CSoftBody instance
        _sBlenderInstancePath_CSoftBody_FullyQualfied = _oBodyBase._sBlenderInstancePath_CBodyBase + _sBlenderInstancePath_CSoftBody; // Simplify access to fully-qualified Blender CSoftBody instance (from CBody instance)
        _oBoneAnchor = _oBodyBase._oBody._oBodyBase.FindBone(_sNameBoneAnchor_HACK);

        //=== Set bounds to infinite so our dynamically-created mesh never has to recalculate bounds ===
        _oMeshNow.bounds = CGame._oBoundsInfinite;          //####IMPROVE: This can hurt performance ####OPT!!
        _oMeshNow.MarkDynamic();        // Docs say "Call this before assigning vertices to get better performance when continually updating mesh"

        //=== Create the managing object and related hotspot ===
        _oObj = new CObject(this, 0, typeof(EFlexSoftBody), "SoftBody " + gameObject.name);        //###IMPROVE: Name of soft body to GUI
        _oObj.PropGroupBegin("", "", true);
        _oObj.PropAdd(EFlexSoftBody.Volume,         "Volume",       1.0f, 0.6f, 1.6f, "");
        _oObj.PropAdd(EFlexSoftBody.Stiffness,      "Stiffness",    1.0f, 0.001f, 1.0f, "");       //###IMPROVE: Log scale!
        _oObj.PropAdd(EFlexSoftBody.SoftBodyMass,   "Mass",         1.0f, 0.0001f, 1000.0f, "");
        if (GetType() != typeof(CBreastR))          //###HACK!: Right breast doesn't get hotspot (left breast gets it and manually broadcasts to right one)
            _oHotSpot = CHotSpot.CreateHotspot(this, _oBoneAnchor, "SoftBody", false, new Vector3(0, 0.10f, 0.08f));     //###IMPROVE!!! Position offset that makes sense for that piece of clothing (from center of its verts?)
Example #11
    public void Start()
        //    StartCoroutine(Coroutine_StartGame());			// Handled by a coroutine so that our 'OnGui' can run to update the 'Please wait' dialog
        //public IEnumerator Coroutine_StartGame() {		//####OBS: IEnumerator?? //###NOTE: Game is started by iGUICode_Root once it has completely initialized (so as to present the 'Please Wait...' dialog

        Debug.Log("=== CGame.StartGame() ===");
        INSTANCE = this;
        _nTimeAtStart = Time.time;

        //GameObject oGO_HACK = new GameObject("oGO_HACK", typeof(CSoftBody));     //###NOW###
        ////GameObject oGO_HACK = new GameObject("oGO_HACK", typeof(CSoftBodyBase));     //###NOW###
        ////GameObject oGO_HACK = new GameObject("oGO_HACK", typeof(CB));     //###NOW###
        ////GameObject oGO_HACK = new GameObject("oGO_HACK", typeof(CFuckOff));
        ////GameObject oGO_HACK = new GameObject("oGO_HACK", typeof(CJointDriver));

        _oFlexSolver = FindObjectOfType<uFlex.FlexSolver>();        //###F
        GameObject oSceneGO = GameObject.Find("SCENE/SceneColliders");
        //if (oSceneGO != null)
        //    s_aColliders_Scene = oSceneGO.GetComponentsInChildren<CCollider_OBS>();

        _bRunningInEditor = true;       //###HACK ####REVA Application.isEditor
        _DemoVersion = (_bRunningInEditor == false);		//###CHECK? If dev has Unity code they are non-demo

        _oCursor = CCursor.Cursor_Create();             //###DESIGN!!!!!: REVISIT!	###CLEANUP!!!!!
        Cursor.visible = Application.isEditor;      // _bRunningInEditor;

        //=== Set rapid-access members to text widgets so we can rapidly update them ===
        _oTextUL = GameObject.Find("/UI/CanvasScreen/UL/Text-UL").GetComponent<Text>();
        _oTextUC = GameObject.Find("/UI/CanvasScreen/UC/Text-UC").GetComponent<Text>();
        _oTextUR = GameObject.Find("/UI/CanvasScreen/UR/Text-UR").GetComponent<Text>();

        //=== Create user-adjustable top-level game options ===
        _oObj = new CObject(this, 0, typeof(EGamePlay), "Erotic9");		//###TEMP!!! Main game name in this low-importance GUI???
        _oObj.PropGroupBegin("", "", true);		//###CLEANUP
        //_oObj.PropAdd(EGamePlay.Pleasure,			"Pleasure",		30,		-100,	100,	"Amount of pleasure experienced by game characters.  Influences 'Arousal' (NOTE: Temporary game mechanism)");	//###BUG with first setting
        //_oObj.PropAdd(EGamePlay.Arousal,			"Arousal",		0,		0,		100,	"Current state of arousal from game characters.  Currently influence penis size.  (NOTE: Temporary game mechanism)");
        //_oObj.PropAdd(EGamePlay.PoseRootPos,		"Pose Root Position",typeof(EPoseRootPos), 0,	"Base location of pose root.  (e.g. on bed, by bedside, etc)");
        //_oObj.PropAdd(EGamePlay.PenisSize,			"Penis Size",	0,		0,		100,	"", CProp.ReadOnly | CProp.Hide);
        //_oObj.PropAdd(EGamePlay.PenisErectionMax,	"Erection",		0,		0,		100,	"", CProp.ReadOnly | CProp.Hide);
        //_oObj.PropAdd(EGamePlay.FluidConfig,		"Fluid Configuration", 0, "Display the properties of the Erotic9 fluid simulator.  (Advanced)", CProp.AsButton);
        _oHotSpot = CHotSpot.CreateHotspot(this, transform, "Game Options", false, new Vector3(0, 0.0f, 0.0f), 1.0f);

        //if (_GameModeAtStartup == EGameModes.None) {
        //    yield break;

        float nDelayForGuiCatchup = _bRunningInEditor ? 0.2f : 0.01f;		//###HACK? ###TUNE: Adjustable delay to give iGUI time to update 'Game is Loading' message, with some extra time inserted to make Unity editor appear more responsive during game awake time
        ///yield return new WaitForSeconds(nDelayForGuiCatchup);

        //=== Send async call to authentication so it is ready by the time game has initialized ===
        //		WWW oWWW = null;
        //		if (Application.genuine) {		//###CHECK: Has any value against piracy???
        //			if (Application.internetReachability != NetworkReachability.NotReachable) {		//###CHECK!!!
        //				//####BROKEN?! Why store it if we don't use it? string sMachineID = PlayerPrefs.GetString(G.C_PlayerPref_MachineID);
        //				string sMachineID = CGame.GetMachineID();		//###CHECK Can cause problems if switching adaptors frequently?
        //				oWWW = new WWW("http://www.erotic9.net/cgi-bin/CheckUser.py?Action=Authenticate&MachineID=" + sMachineID);
        //			} else {
        //				Debug.LogError("Warning: Could not authenticate because of Internet unreacheability.");
        //			}
        //		} else {
        //			Debug.LogError("Warning: Could not authenticate because of executable image corruption.");
        //		}

        //=== Try to load our dll to extract helpful error message if it fails, then release it ===
        //Debug.Log("INIT: Attempting to load ErosEngine.dll");         //###BROKEN!  WTF No longer works loading 64 bit dll??
        //int hLoadLibResult = LoadLibraryEx("ErosEngine.dll", 0, 2);
        //if (hLoadLibResult > 32)
        //	FreeLibrary(hLoadLibResult);			// Free our dll so Unity can load it its way.  Based on code sample at http://support.microsoft.com/kb/142814
        //	CUtility.ThrowException("ERROR: Failure to load ErosEngine.dll.  Error code = " + hLoadLibResult);		// App unusable.  Study return code to find out what is wrong.
        //Debug.Log("INIT: Succeeded in loading ErosEngine.dll");

        //####OBS? GameObject oGuiGO = GameObject.Find("iGUI");			//###TODO!!! Update game load status... ###IMPROVE: Async load so OnGUI gets called???  (Big hassle for that!)
        Debug.Log("0. Game Awake"); ///yield return new WaitForSeconds(nDelayForGuiCatchup);
        int n123 = ErosEngine.Utility_Test_Return123_HACK();			// Dummy call just to see if DLL will load with Unity
        if (n123 != 123)
            CUtility.ThrowException("ERROR: Failure to get 123 from ErosEngine.dll call to Utility_Test_Return123_HACK.");
        Debug.Log("INIT: Succeeded in loading ErosEngine.dll");

        //=== Initialize our gBlender direct-memory buffers ===
        Debug.Log("1. Shared Memory Creation.");  //###???  new WaitForSeconds(nDelayForGuiCatchup);
        if (ErosEngine.gBL_Init(CGame.GetFolderPathRuntime()) == false)
            CUtility.ThrowException("ERROR: Could not start gBlender library!  Game unusable.");

        //=== Spawn Blender process ===
        Debug.Log("2. Background Server Start.");  //###???  new WaitForSeconds(nDelayForGuiCatchup);	//###CHECK: Cannot wait long!!
        _hWnd_Unity = (IntPtr)GetActiveWindow();			// Just before we start Blender obtain the HWND of our Unity editor / player window.  We will need this to re-activate our window.  (Starting blender causes it to activate and would require user to alt-tab back to game!!)
        _oProcessBlender = CGame.LaunchProcessBlender("Erotic9.blend");
        if (_oProcessBlender == null)
            CUtility.ThrowException("ERROR: Could not start Blender!  Game unusable.");
        //_nWnd_Blender_HACK = (IntPtr)GetActiveWindow();

        //=== Start Blender (and our gBlender scripts).  Game cannot run without them ===
        Debug.Log("3. Client / Server Handshake.");  //###???  new WaitForSeconds(nDelayForGuiCatchup);
        if (ErosEngine.gBL_HandshakeBlender() == false)
            CUtility.ThrowException("ERROR: Could not handshake with Blender!  Game unusable.");

        SetForegroundWindow(_hWnd_Unity);           // Set our editor / player back into focus (away from just-spawned Blender)

        //=== Set Blender global variables ===
        CGame.gBL_SendCmd("G", "CGlobals.SetFlexParticleSpacing(" + CGame.INSTANCE.particleSpacing.ToString() + ")");         //###TODO: Add others?

        //=== Start PhysX ===
          //      Debug.Log("4. PhysX3 Init.");  //###???  new WaitForSeconds(nDelayForGuiCatchup);
        //ErosEngine.PhysX3_Create();						// *Must* occur before any call to physics library...  So make sure this object is listed with high priority in Unity's "Script Execution Order"

        //Debug.Log("5. PhysX2 Init.");  //###???  new WaitForSeconds(nDelayForGuiCatchup);
        //ErosEngine.PhysX2_Create();						//###IMPROVE!!! Return argument ###NOTROBUST

        //Debug.Log("6. OpenCL Init.");  //###???  new WaitForSeconds(nDelayForGuiCatchup);
        //		if (System.Environment.CommandLine.Contains("-DisableOpenCL") == false)	//###TODO More / better command line processing?		//###SOON ####BROKEN!!!!! OpenCL breaks cloth GPU!
        //			ErosEngine.MCube_Init();		//###IMPROVE: Log message to user!

        SetForegroundWindow(_hWnd_Unity);			//###WEAK: Can get rid of??

        //=== Start misc stuff ===
        Debug.Log("7. CGame globals.");  //###???  new WaitForSeconds(nDelayForGuiCatchup);
        _oSceneMeshesGO = GameObject.Find("SceneMeshes");			// Remember our scene game object so we can hide/show

        _aGuiMessages = new string[(int)EGameGuiMsg.COUNT];
        _ShowFPS = _ShowSysInfo = _bRunningInEditor;

        //###IMPROVE: Disabled until we need to save CPU cycles...  Create upon user demand to record script!
        //_oScriptRecordUserActions = new CScriptRecord(GetPathScript("RecordedScript"), "Automatically-generated Erotic9 Scene Interation Script");

        _oPoseRoot = GameObject.Find("CPoseRoot").GetComponent<CPoseRoot>();

        //_oFluid = gameObject.AddComponent<CFluid>();

        Application.targetFrameRate = _TargetFrameRate;			//###BUG!!! Why no effect????
        _DefaultJointSpringOld = _DefaultJointSpring;		//###OBS
        _DefaultJointDampingOld = _DefaultJointDamping;

        _oCamTarget = GameObject.Find("CCamTarget").GetComponent<CCamTarget>();		//###WEAK!!!

        Debug.Log("8. Body Assembly.");  //###???  new WaitForSeconds(nDelayForGuiCatchup);		//###WEAK!!!

        //_oFluid.OnStart();								//###CHECK: Keep interleave


        //=== Find the static scene colliders in 'SceneColliders' node and initialize them ===
        //Debug.Log("CGame.StartGame() Registering Static Colliders: " + s_aColliders_Scene.Length);
          //  if (s_aColliders_Scene != null)
            //foreach (CCollider_OBS oColStatic in s_aColliders_Scene)		// Colliders that are marked as static registered themselves to us in their Awake() so we can start and destroy them
               // oColStatic.OnStart();


        _GameIsRunning = true;
        enabled = true;
        Debug.Log("+++ GameIsRunning ++");

        Debug.Log("7. Scene settling time.");  //###???  new WaitForSeconds(2.0f);		//###DESIGN??  ###TUNE??

        //=== Check result of user authentication ===
        if (oWWW != null) {
            yield return oWWW;
            string sResultAuth = oWWW.text;
            _DemoVersion = sResultAuth.Contains("Result=OK") == false;		//###IMPROVE: Create parse routine and return server errors
            Debug.Log("Auth Results = " + sResultAuth);
            if (_DemoVersion == false)
                Debug.Log("Starting game in non-demo mode.");
        //_DemoVersion = false;
        //if (_DemoVersion)
        //	Debug.Log("Starting game in demo mode.");		//###TODO: Temp caption!

        ///		if (_bRunningInEditor == false)
        ///			CUtility.WndPopup_Create(EWndPopupType.LearnToPlay, null, "Online Help", 50, 50);	// Show the help dialog at start... ###BUG: Does not change the combo box at top!

        SetForegroundWindow(_hWnd_Unity);           //###WEAK: Can get rid of??

        //if (CGame.INSTANCE._GameMode == EGameModes.None)        //####TEMP
        //    return;

        //=== Create the body publicly-editable body definitions that can construct and reconstruct CBody instances ===
        //CGame.INSTANCE._nNumPenisInScene_BROKEN = 0;

        //###NOTE: For simplification in pose files we always have two bodies in the scene with man/shemale being body 0 and woman body 1
        //      //CreateBody(1);
        _aBodyBases[0] = new CBodyBase(0, EBodySex.Woman);
        //###BROKEN _aBodyBases[0].SelectBody();


        ///SetPenisInVagina(false);		// We initialize the penis in v****a state to false so v****a track colliders don't kick in at scene init

        if (CGame.INSTANCE._GameMode == EGameModes.Play)
            ScenePose_Load("Standing", false);          // Load the default scene pose

        //###TODO ##NOW: Init GUI first!!
        //iGUISmartPrefab_WndPopup.WndPopup_Create(new CObject[] { oObj }, "Game Play", 0, 0);		//###TEMP

        //Time.timeScale = 0.05f;		//###REVA ###TEMP   Gives more time for cloth to settle... but fix it some other way (with far stronger params??)

        ChangeGameMode(_GameModeAtStartup);             // Set the initial game mode as statically requested

        Debug.LogFormat("Time at startup end: {0}", Time.time - _nTimeAtStart);
        //ScenePose_Load("Standing", false);          // Load the default scene pose
Example #12
    void Initialize(CHotSpot oHotSpot, bool bMiddleClickOp)
        _oHotSpot = oHotSpot;
        _bMiddleClickOp = bMiddleClickOp;
        _eEditMode = CGame.INSTANCE._oCursor._EditMode;		// Our gizmo mode is the mode of the cursor edit mode at startup.
        gameObject.name = "Gizmo-" + _eEditMode.ToString();

        //=== Set the initializing gizmo the position and rotation of the hotspot.  We have to move/rotate both at every frame ===
        transform.parent = null;								// Note that we are NOT a child of our owning hotspot...
        transform.position = _oHotSpot.transform.position;
        if (_eEditMode != EEditMode.Move)				// Only start at the object's current location if we're rotate or scale.  we always move with axis-aliged gizmo
            transform.rotation = _oHotSpot.transform.rotation;
        transform.localScale = new Vector3(CCursor.C_GizmoScale, CCursor.C_GizmoScale, CCursor.C_GizmoScale);		// Gizmo is always drawn at the default scale regardless of hotspot scaling.
        if (_eEditMode == EEditMode.Rotate)				// Magnify the rotation cursor a given ratio as it frequently needs a bigger size for easy user manipulation
            transform.localScale *= CCursor.C_GizmoScale_RotationMultiplier;

        //=== Handling of special 'hidden helper object' mode = Hide gizmo and immediately begin move opeation along y,z axis ===
        if (CGame.INSTANCE._bGameModeBasicInteractions) {
            Renderer[] aRend = transform.GetComponentsInChildren<Renderer>();	//###IMPROVE? Instead of hiding all gizmo elements, would it be too tough to just not instantiate its prefab??
            foreach (Renderer oRend in aRend)
                oRend.enabled = false;
            _eModeGizmo = EModeGizmo.S2_UserDraggingGizmoPart;		// Direct fast-track to immediately drag gizmo...
            GizmoTransform_Begin(true);								// ... by forcing a move operation on YZ plane
        } else {
            _eModeGizmo = EModeGizmo.S1_WaitingLeftClickGizmoPart;