Example #1
        public static CH_closedScope DummyScope()
            CH_closedScope sc = new CH_closedScope();

            sc = sc.
                 decl("VDummyType", TestcasesLHSsingletonTypedCH).
                 decl("Vint", DummyIntHeaderSing);
Example #2
    public static Column Eval_incomplete_tolerant(string strExpr, GrammarEntry GE, TranslateLHS trans_LHS, MemMapper MM, out CH_closedScope scope_out)
        var compilat = TranslateEntry.TranslateFully_incomplete_tolerant(strExpr, GE, trans_LHS);

        scope_out = compilat.deltaScope.close();

        #if todo_fixme             // external refs in the scopes still need implementation ( done . todo plug this shit in )
        foreach (var sc_ref in compilat.ownDecls)
            scope_out = (ClosedScope)scope_out.decl(sc_ref);
        compilat.run(MM);  // atm the MM keeps references on tmp columns around forever - some pruning mechanism is needed
        VBoxTU last_VBT = compilat.VBoxTrs.Last();
Example #3
        public static void Test1()
            //LexxAndRun( ".*foo -> x <- y  -> z " );
            Console.WriteLine(LexxAndParse(".*foo", MG.MemA));
            Console.WriteLine(LexxAndParse(".*foo -> x ", MG.MemAVT));
            Console.WriteLine(LexxAndParse(".*foo -> x ", MGRX.MemAVT_RX));
            Console.WriteLine(LexxAndParse("..str", MGRX.MemAVT_RX));
            Console.WriteLine(LexxAndParse("..str -> foo", MGRX.MemAVT_RX));

            Console.WriteLine(LexxAndParse("..str -> foo", TestMG1.TestStartRX));
            Console.WriteLine("----------- whoooo ------- ");

            Console.WriteLine(LexxAndParse("  <- $XX ", MG.SingleAssign));
            Console.WriteLine(LexxAndParse("  <- $XX -> a -> b ", MG.AssignVT));

            Console.WriteLine(LexxAndParse(" .*foo -> decl1 <- $ARG -> decl2 ", TestMG1.TestStart));

            // -----------------------------------------------------------------

            var MM            = new MemMapper();
            var dollar_arg_CH = new TypedSingleCH <int>();

            // Method I: hack column entries into MM directly
            ColumnSingle <int> dollar_arg_Column = (ColumnSingle <int>)dollar_arg_CH.SpawnColumn();       // todo: maybe provide SpawnColumnT that "kinda-overloads" on the return type

            MM.D[dollar_arg_CH] = dollar_arg_Column;

            dollar_arg_Column.AddVal(3, null);
            dollar_arg_Column.AddVal(4, null);

            // Method II: abuse MemMapper for column creation
            ColumnSingle <TestcasesLHSType> LHS_column;

            LHS_column = MM.get(DummyInstances.TestcasesLHSsingletonTypedCH);                             // TypedSingle<DummyType>

            LHS_column.AddVal(new TestcasesLHSType(), null);
            LHS_column.AddVal(new TestcasesLHSType(), null);
            LHS_column.AddVal(new TestcasesLHSType(), null);

            CH_closedScope scope = new CH_closedScope();

            scope = scope.decl("ARG", dollar_arg_CH);

            CH_closedScope out_scope;

            var TR_LHS = new TranslateLHS {
                preCH_LHS = new adapter_preCH(DummyInstances.TestcasesLHSsingletonTypedCH),
                scope     = scope

            Console.WriteLine("in -> " + LHS_column);
            Column res = Evaluate.Eval_incomplete_tolerant(" ..intMem1 -> decl1 <- $ARG -> decl2 ", DummyInstances.GE_TestStart, TR_LHS, MM, out out_scope);

            foreach (var s in ColumnChainPrttS(
                         CH => MM.D[CH]