bool isknowntype(String uri) { String[] ignored_exts = { ".css", ".js", ".html", ".htm", ".png", ".bmp", ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".gif" }; String strExt = CFilePath.getExtension(uri).ToLower(); return(find_in_string_array(strExt, ignored_exts)); }
String getIndex(String path) { String[] index_files = { "index_erb.rb", "index.html", "index.htm", "index.php", "index.cgi" }; if (CFilePath.getExtension(path).Length == 0) { return(CFilePath.join(path, index_files[0])); } String strFileName = CFilePath.getBaseName(path); return(find_in_string_array(strFileName, index_files) ? path : ""); }
IDictionary processIndex(CRoute route, String method, String uri, Dictionary <String, String> headers, String query, String body) { Object rhoResp = new Dictionary <String, String>(); String fullPath = uri.StartsWith(m_root) ? uri : CFilePath.join(m_root, uri); String strIndexFile = getIndex(fullPath); if (!CRhoFile.isResourceFileExist(strIndexFile)) { String error = "<html><font size=\"+4\"><h2>404 Not Found.</h2> The file " + uri + " was not found.</font></html>"; String strFilePath = CFilePath.join(m_root, "rhodes_error") + ".gen.html"; CRhoFile.recursiveCreateDir(strFilePath); CRhoFile.writeStringToFile(strFilePath, error); ((IDictionary)rhoResp)[RESPONSE_BODY_FILEPATH] = strFilePath; ((IDictionary)rhoResp)[RESPONSE_STATUS] = "404"; ((IDictionary)rhoResp)[RESPONSE_STATUS_MESSAGE] = "Not Found"; return((IDictionary)rhoResp); } if (CFilePath.getExtension(fullPath).Length > 0) { ((IDictionary)rhoResp)[RESPONSE_BODY_FILEPATH] = strIndexFile; ((IDictionary)rhoResp)[RESPONSE_STATUS] = "200"; ((IDictionary)rhoResp)[RESPONSE_STATUS_MESSAGE] = "Ok"; return((IDictionary)rhoResp); } Object rhoReq = create_request_hash(route, method, uri, query, headers, body); rhoResp = RhoRuby.callServeIndex(strIndexFile, rhoReq); String strRedirectUrl = getRedirectUrl(rhoResp); if (strRedirectUrl.Length > 0) { ((IDictionary)rhoResp)[RESPONSE_BODY_FILEPATH] = strRedirectUrl; return((IDictionary)rhoResp); } strIndexFile += ".gen.html"; CRhoFile.recursiveCreateDir(strIndexFile); CRhoFile.writeDataToFile(strIndexFile, getResponseBody(rhoResp)); if (method == "GET") { RHODESAPP().keepLastVisitedUrl(uri); } ((IDictionary)rhoResp)[RESPONSE_BODY_FILEPATH] = strIndexFile; return((IDictionary)rhoResp); }
String processIndex(CRoute route, String method, String uri, String query, String body) { String fullPath = uri.StartsWith(m_root) ? uri : CFilePath.join(m_root, uri); String strIndexFile = getIndex(fullPath); if (!CRhoFile.isResourceFileExist(strIndexFile)) { String error = "<html><font size=\"+4\"><h2>404 Not Found.</h2> The file " + uri + " was not found.</font></html>"; String strFilePath = CFilePath.join(m_root, "rhodes_error") + ".gen.html"; CRhoFile.recursiveCreateDir(strFilePath); CRhoFile.writeStringToFile(strFilePath, error); return(strFilePath); } if (CFilePath.getExtension(fullPath).Length > 0) { return(strIndexFile); } Object rhoReq = create_request_hash(route, method, uri, query, null, body); Object rhoResp = RhoRuby.callServeIndex(strIndexFile, rhoReq); String strRedirectUrl = getRedirectUrl(rhoResp); if (strRedirectUrl.Length > 0) { return(strRedirectUrl); } strIndexFile += ".gen.html"; CRhoFile.recursiveCreateDir(strIndexFile); CRhoFile.writeDataToFile(strIndexFile, getResponseBody(rhoResp)); if (method == "GET") { RHODESAPP().keepLastVisitedUrl(uri); } return(strIndexFile); }
public CResponse decide(String method, String uri, String query, String body) { if (uri.EndsWith(".gen.html") || (isknowntype(uri) && uri.StartsWith(m_root))) { return(new CResponse(false)); } if (process_registered(uri)) { return(new CResponse(false)); } CRoute route = new CRoute(); if (dispatch(uri, route)) { Object rhoReq = create_request_hash(route, method, uri, query, null, body); Object rhoResp = RhoRuby.callServe(rhoReq); String strRedirectUrl = getRedirectUrl(rhoResp); if (strRedirectUrl.Length > 0) { return(new CResponse(strRedirectUrl)); } String strFilePath = RHODESAPP().canonicalizeRhoPath(uri) + ".gen.html"; if ( > 0) { strFilePath = CFilePath.join(m_root, route.application + "/" + route.model + "/" + route.action) + ".gen.html"; } CRhoFile.recursiveCreateDir(strFilePath); CRhoFile.writeDataToFile(strFilePath, getResponseBody(rhoResp)); if (method == "GET") { RHODESAPP().keepLastVisitedUrl(uri); } return(new CResponse(strFilePath)); } String fullPath = uri.StartsWith(m_root) ? uri : CFilePath.join(m_root, uri); String strIndexFile = getIndex(fullPath); if (strIndexFile.Length > 0) { if (!CRhoFile.isResourceFileExist(strIndexFile)) { String error = "<html><font size=\"+4\"><h2>404 Not Found.</h2> The file " + uri + " was not found.</font></html>"; String strFilePath = CFilePath.join(m_root, "rhodes_error") + ".gen.html"; CRhoFile.recursiveCreateDir(strFilePath); CRhoFile.writeStringToFile(strFilePath, error); return(new CResponse(strFilePath)); } if (CFilePath.getExtension(fullPath).Length > 0) { return(new CResponse(strIndexFile)); } Object rhoReq = create_request_hash(route, method, uri, query, null, body); Object rhoResp = RhoRuby.callServeIndex(strIndexFile, rhoReq); String strRedirectUrl = getRedirectUrl(rhoResp); if (strRedirectUrl.Length > 0) { return(new CResponse(strRedirectUrl)); } strIndexFile += ".gen.html"; CRhoFile.recursiveCreateDir(strIndexFile); CRhoFile.writeDataToFile(strIndexFile, getResponseBody(rhoResp)); if (method == "GET") { RHODESAPP().keepLastVisitedUrl(uri); } return(new CResponse(strIndexFile)); } return(new CResponse(false)); }