Example #1
        public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task <bool> Init(Graphics.CGfxMaterialInstance material, float halfWidth = 0.1F)
            var rc = CEngine.Instance.RenderContext;

            Material = material;
            GeomMesh = new Graphics.Mesh.CGfxMeshPrimitives();
            GeomMesh.Init(rc, null, 1);
            CDrawPrimitiveDesc dpDesc = new CDrawPrimitiveDesc();

            dpDesc.StartIndex = 0xFFFFFFFF;
            GeomMesh.PushAtomLOD(0, ref dpDesc);

            var Mesh = new Graphics.Mesh.CGfxMesh();

            Mesh.Init(rc, null, GeomMesh);
            var img = new Graphics.Mesh.CGfxImage2D();

            Mesh.Tag = img;

            UpdateGeomMesh(rc, halfWidth);

            GraphActor = GamePlay.Actor.GActor.NewMeshActorDirect(Mesh);
            var meshComp = GraphActor.GetComponent <GamePlay.Component.GMeshComponent>();
            await meshComp.SetMaterialInstanceAsync(rc, 0, material, null);

            //await meshComp.SetMaterial(rc, 0, material, CEngine.Instance.PrebuildPassData.Image2DShadingEnvs, false, true);
Example #2
        public void BuildFinalFaces2(List <List <int> > finalLods)
            int curStart = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < finalLods.Count; i++)
                var both = new List <int>();
                for (int j = curStart; j < FinalFaces.Count; j++)
                    var at = finalLods[i].IndexOf(FinalFaces[j]);
                    if (at >= 0)

                var desc = new CDrawPrimitiveDesc();
                desc.StartIndex    = (UInt32)FinalFaces.Count * 3;
                desc.NumPrimitives = (UInt32)(finalLods[i].Count + both.Count);
                curStart = FinalFaces.Count;
Example #3
        public void BuildIndexBuffer(EditableMesh mesh)
            var curFaces = new List <int>();

            for (var i = 0; i < Faces.Count; i++)
                var f = mesh.GetFace(Faces[i]);
                if (f.Deleted)

            Faces = curFaces;


            var desc = new CDrawPrimitiveDesc();

            desc.StartIndex    = 0;
            desc.NumPrimitives = (UInt32)Faces.Count;


            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Face({Mtl}) = {desc.NumPrimitives}");
 public CDrawPrimitiveDesc this[UInt32 idx]
         CDrawPrimitiveDesc desc = new CDrawPrimitiveDesc();
         GetAtom(idx, 0, ref desc);
Example #5
        public static void MakeCapsule(CRenderContext rc, CGfxMeshPrimitives result, float radius, float halfHeight,
                                       EBoxFace faceFlags = EBoxFace.All)
            var dpDesc = new CDrawPrimitiveDesc();

            dpDesc.NumPrimitives = 0;

            //result.AABB = new BoundingBox(x, y, z, x + xSize, y + ySize, z + zSize);
 public bool SetAtom(UInt32 index, UInt32 lod, ref CDrawPrimitiveDesc desc)
         fixed(CDrawPrimitiveDesc *p = &desc)
             return((bool)SDK_GfxMeshPrimitives_SetAtom(CoreObject, index, lod, p));
Example #7
 public void PushAtomLOD(UInt32 index, ref CDrawPrimitiveDesc desc)
         fixed(CDrawPrimitiveDesc *p = &desc)
             SDK_GfxMeshDataProvider_PushAtomLOD(CoreObject, index, p);
Example #8
        async System.Threading.Tasks.Task InitUIDrawer()
            var rc   = EngineNS.CEngine.Instance.RenderContext;
            var font = CEngine.Instance.FontManager.GetFont(EngineNS.CEngine.Instance.Desc.DefaultFont, 24, 1024, 128);
            var mtl  = await CEngine.Instance.MaterialInstanceManager.GetMaterialInstanceAsync(rc, RName.GetRName("Material/font.instmtl"));

            var textMeshInfo = new EngineNS.Bricks.FreeTypeFont.CFontMesh();
            await textMeshInfo.SetMaterial(rc, mtl, "txDiffuse");

            textMeshInfo.DrawText(rc, font, "模型", true);

            textMeshInfo.RenderMatrix = EngineNS.Matrix.Translate(20, 0, 0);
            //textMeshInfo.Offset = new Vector2(20, 0);
            //textMeshInfo.Scale = new Vector2(1, 1);

            var rp = mPreviewSceneControl.ViewPort.RPolicy as EngineNS.Graphics.RenderPolicy.CGfxRP_EditorMobile;

            rp.OnDrawUI += (cmd, view) =>
                var    mesh    = mPreviewActor.GetComponentMesh(null);
                string outInfo = $"材质数:{mesh.MeshPrimitives.AtomNumber}:";
                for (int i = 0; i < mesh.MeshPrimitives.AtomNumber; i++)
                    CDrawPrimitiveDesc desc = new CDrawPrimitiveDesc();
                    mesh.MeshPrimitives.GetAtom((UInt32)i, 0, ref desc);

                    var lodLvl = mesh.MeshPrimitives.GetLodLevel((UInt32)i, CurLod);

                    CDrawPrimitiveDesc desc1 = new CDrawPrimitiveDesc();
                    mesh.MeshPrimitives.GetAtom((UInt32)i, lodLvl, ref desc1);

                    outInfo += $"({desc1.NumPrimitives}/{desc.NumPrimitives}) ";

                textMeshInfo.DrawText(rc, font, outInfo, true);
                for (int i = 0; i < textMeshInfo.PassNum; i++)
                    var pass = textMeshInfo.GetPass(i);
                    if (pass == null)

                    pass.ViewPort = view.Viewport;
                    pass.BindCBuffer(pass.Effect.ShaderProgram, pass.Effect.CacheData.CBID_View, view.ScreenViewCB);
                    pass.ShadingEnv.BindResources(textMeshInfo.Mesh, pass);

Example #9
 public CDrawPrimitiveDesc this[UInt32 index, UInt32 lod]
         CDrawPrimitiveDesc desc = new CDrawPrimitiveDesc();
             SDK_GfxMeshDataProvider_GetAtom(CoreObject, index, lod, &desc);
             SDK_GfxMeshDataProvider_SetAtom(CoreObject, index, lod, &value);
Example #10
        public void BuildFinalFaces(List <List <int> > finalLods)
            int curStartFace = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < finalLods.Count; i++)

                var desc = new CDrawPrimitiveDesc();
                desc.StartIndex    = (UInt32)curStartFace * 3;
                desc.NumPrimitives = (UInt32)finalLods[i].Count;

                curStartFace += finalLods[i].Count;
Example #11
        public void BindBuffs(CRenderContext rc, CGfxMeshPrimitives result)
            if (Positions.Count < 4)

            CCommandList cmd = rc.ImmCommandList;

            var dpDesc = new CDrawPrimitiveDesc();

            dpDesc.NumPrimitives = (uint)Positions.Count - (ComposeCount * 2);
            result.SetAtom(0, 0, ref dpDesc);

            bool needcreate = Positions.Count > PrePositionCount || VertexIndexes.Count > PreIndexesCount;

            if (needcreate)
                PrePositionCount = Positions.Count;

            UInt32 resourceSize = 0;

            if (needcreate == false)
                var    mesh      = result.GeometryMesh;
                UInt32 ByteWidth = 0;
                    var vb = mesh.GetVertexBuffer(EVertexSteamType.VST_Position);

                        ByteWidth = (UInt32)(sizeof(Vector3) * Positions.Count);
                        vb.UpdateBuffData(cmd, Positions.UnsafeAddressAt(0), ByteWidth);
                        resourceSize += ByteWidth;

                    var vb = mesh.GetVertexBuffer(EVertexSteamType.VST_Tangent);

                        ByteWidth = (UInt32)(sizeof(Vector4) * Tangents.Count);
                        vb.UpdateBuffData(cmd, Tangents.UnsafeAddressAt(0), ByteWidth);
                        resourceSize += ByteWidth;

                    var vb = mesh.GetVertexBuffer(EVertexSteamType.VST_Normal);

                        ByteWidth = (UInt32)(sizeof(Vector3) * Normals.Count);
                        vb.UpdateBuffData(cmd, Normals.UnsafeAddressAt(0), ByteWidth);
                        resourceSize += ByteWidth;

                    var vb = mesh.GetVertexBuffer(EVertexSteamType.VST_UV);

                        ByteWidth = (UInt32)(sizeof(Vector2) * UVs.Count);
                        vb.UpdateBuffData(cmd, UVs.UnsafeAddressAt(0), ByteWidth);
                        resourceSize += ByteWidth;

                    var vb = mesh.GetVertexBuffer(EVertexSteamType.VST_Color);

                        ByteWidth = (UInt32)(sizeof(Byte4) * Colors.Count);
                        vb.UpdateBuffData(cmd, Colors.UnsafeAddressAt(0), ByteWidth);
                        resourceSize += ByteWidth;

                    //if (VertexIndexes.Count == PreIndexesCount)
                    var ib = mesh.GetIndexBuffer();

                        ByteWidth = (UInt32)(sizeof(UInt32) * VertexIndexes.Count);
                        ib.UpdateBuffData(cmd, VertexIndexes.UnsafeAddressAt(0), ByteWidth);
                        resourceSize += ByteWidth;
                    //    var ibDesc = new CIndexBufferDesc();
                    //    ibDesc.CPUAccess = (UInt32)ECpuAccess.CAS_WRITE;
                    //    ibDesc.InitData = VertexIndexes.UnsafeAddressAt(0);
                    //    ibDesc.Type = EIndexBufferType.IBT_Int32;
                    //    ibDesc.ByteWidth = (UInt32)(sizeof(UInt32) * VertexIndexes.Count);
                    //    var ib = rc.CreateIndexBuffer(ibDesc);
                    //    mesh.BindIndexBuffer(ib);
                    //    resourceSize += ibDesc.ByteWidth;

                    //    PreIndexesCount = VertexIndexes.Count;

                result.ResourceState.ResourceSize = (UInt32)(resourceSize);
                result.ResourceState.StreamState  = EStreamingState.SS_Valid;
                result.ResourceState.KeepValid    = true;
                result.GeometryMesh.Dirty         = true;

                var vbDesc = new CVertexBufferDesc();
                vbDesc.CPUAccess = (UInt32)ECpuAccess.CAS_WRITE;
                var mesh = result.GeometryMesh;
                    vbDesc.InitData  = Positions.UnsafeAddressAt(0);
                    vbDesc.Stride    = (UInt32)sizeof(Vector3);
                    vbDesc.ByteWidth = (UInt32)(sizeof(Vector3) * Positions.Count);
                    var vb = rc.CreateVertexBuffer(vbDesc);
                    mesh.BindVertexBuffer(EVertexSteamType.VST_Position, vb);
                    resourceSize += vbDesc.ByteWidth;

                    vbDesc.InitData  = Tangents.UnsafeAddressAt(0);
                    vbDesc.Stride    = (UInt32)sizeof(Vector4);
                    vbDesc.ByteWidth = (UInt32)(sizeof(Vector4) * Tangents.Count);
                    var vb = rc.CreateVertexBuffer(vbDesc);
                    mesh.BindVertexBuffer(EVertexSteamType.VST_Tangent, vb);
                    resourceSize += vbDesc.ByteWidth;

                    vbDesc.InitData  = Normals.UnsafeAddressAt(0);
                    vbDesc.Stride    = (UInt32)sizeof(Vector3);
                    vbDesc.ByteWidth = (UInt32)(sizeof(Vector3) * Normals.Count);
                    var vb = rc.CreateVertexBuffer(vbDesc);
                    mesh.BindVertexBuffer(EVertexSteamType.VST_Normal, vb);
                    resourceSize += vbDesc.ByteWidth;

                    vbDesc.InitData  = UVs.UnsafeAddressAt(0);
                    vbDesc.Stride    = (UInt32)sizeof(Vector2);
                    vbDesc.ByteWidth = (UInt32)(sizeof(Vector2) * UVs.Count);
                    var vb = rc.CreateVertexBuffer(vbDesc);
                    mesh.BindVertexBuffer(EVertexSteamType.VST_UV, vb);
                    resourceSize += vbDesc.ByteWidth;

                    vbDesc.InitData  = Colors.UnsafeAddressAt(0);
                    vbDesc.Stride    = (UInt32)sizeof(Byte4);
                    vbDesc.ByteWidth = (UInt32)(sizeof(Byte4) * Colors.Count);
                    var vb = rc.CreateVertexBuffer(vbDesc);
                    mesh.BindVertexBuffer(EVertexSteamType.VST_Color, vb);
                    resourceSize += vbDesc.ByteWidth;

                    var ibDesc = new CIndexBufferDesc();
                    ibDesc.CPUAccess = (UInt32)ECpuAccess.CAS_WRITE;
                    ibDesc.InitData  = VertexIndexes.UnsafeAddressAt(0);
                    ibDesc.Type      = EIndexBufferType.IBT_Int32;
                    ibDesc.ByteWidth = (UInt32)(sizeof(UInt32) * VertexIndexes.Count);
                    var ib = rc.CreateIndexBuffer(ibDesc);
                    resourceSize   += ibDesc.ByteWidth;
                    PreIndexesCount = VertexIndexes.Count;
                result.ResourceState.ResourceSize = (UInt32)(resourceSize);
                mesh.Dirty = true;
            result.ResourceState.StreamState = EStreamingState.SS_Valid;
            result.ResourceState.KeepValid   = true;
Example #12
        public static void MakeBox(CRenderContext rc, CGfxMeshDataProvider result, float x, float y, float z, float xSize, float ySize, float zSize,
                                   EBoxFace faceFlags = EBoxFace.All)
            var dpDesc = new CDrawPrimitiveDesc();

            dpDesc.NumPrimitives = 0;

                UInt32 streams = (1 << (int)EVertexSteamType.VST_Position) |
                                 (1 << (int)EVertexSteamType.VST_Normal) |
                                 (1 << (int)EVertexSteamType.VST_UV);
                result.Init(streams, EIndexBufferType.IBT_Int16, 1);

                // 顶点
                //var vbDesc = new CVertexBufferDesc();
                var vbPos = new Vector3[8];
                vbPos[0].SetValue(x, y, z);
                vbPos[1].SetValue(x, y + ySize, z);
                vbPos[2].SetValue(x + xSize, y + ySize, z);
                vbPos[3].SetValue(x + xSize, y, z);
                vbPos[4].SetValue(x, y, z + zSize);
                vbPos[5].SetValue(x, y + ySize, z + zSize);
                vbPos[6].SetValue(x + xSize, y + ySize, z + zSize);
                vbPos[7].SetValue(x + xSize, y, z + zSize);
                var pPos = new Vector3[24];
                // front side
                pPos[0] = vbPos[0]; pPos[1] = vbPos[1]; pPos[2] = vbPos[2]; pPos[3] = vbPos[3];
                // back side
                pPos[4] = vbPos[4]; pPos[5] = vbPos[5]; pPos[6] = vbPos[6]; pPos[7] = vbPos[7];
                // left side
                pPos[8] = vbPos[4]; pPos[9] = vbPos[5]; pPos[10] = vbPos[1]; pPos[11] = vbPos[0];
                // right side
                pPos[12] = vbPos[3]; pPos[13] = vbPos[2]; pPos[14] = vbPos[6]; pPos[15] = vbPos[7];
                // top side
                pPos[16] = vbPos[1]; pPos[17] = vbPos[5]; pPos[18] = vbPos[6]; pPos[19] = vbPos[2];
                // bottom side
                pPos[20] = vbPos[4]; pPos[21] = vbPos[0]; pPos[22] = vbPos[3]; pPos[23] = vbPos[7];

                UInt32 curIndex = 0;
                // 索引
                UInt16[] pIndex = new UInt16[36];
                if ((faceFlags & EBoxFace.Front) != 0)
                {// front side
                    pIndex[curIndex++]    = 0; pIndex[curIndex++] = 1; pIndex[curIndex++] = 2;
                    pIndex[curIndex++]    = 0; pIndex[curIndex++] = 2; pIndex[curIndex++] = 3;
                    dpDesc.NumPrimitives += 2;
                if ((faceFlags & EBoxFace.Back) != 0)
                    // back side
                    pIndex[curIndex++]    = 4; pIndex[curIndex++] = 6; pIndex[curIndex++] = 5;
                    pIndex[curIndex++]    = 4; pIndex[curIndex++] = 7; pIndex[curIndex++] = 6;
                    dpDesc.NumPrimitives += 2;
                if ((faceFlags & EBoxFace.Left) != 0)
                    // left side
                    pIndex[curIndex++]    = 8; pIndex[curIndex++] = 9; pIndex[curIndex++] = 10;
                    pIndex[curIndex++]    = 8; pIndex[curIndex++] = 10; pIndex[curIndex++] = 11;
                    dpDesc.NumPrimitives += 2;
                if ((faceFlags & EBoxFace.Right) != 0)
                    // right side
                    pIndex[curIndex++]    = 12; pIndex[curIndex++] = 13; pIndex[curIndex++] = 14;
                    pIndex[curIndex++]    = 12; pIndex[curIndex++] = 14; pIndex[curIndex++] = 15;
                    dpDesc.NumPrimitives += 2;
                if ((faceFlags & EBoxFace.Top) != 0)
                    // top side
                    pIndex[curIndex++]    = 16; pIndex[curIndex++] = 17; pIndex[curIndex++] = 18;
                    pIndex[curIndex++]    = 16; pIndex[curIndex++] = 18; pIndex[curIndex++] = 19;
                    dpDesc.NumPrimitives += 2;
                if ((faceFlags & EBoxFace.Bottom) != 0)
                    // bottom side
                    pIndex[curIndex++]    = 20; pIndex[curIndex++] = 21; pIndex[curIndex++] = 22;
                    pIndex[curIndex++]    = 20; pIndex[curIndex++] = 22; pIndex[curIndex++] = 23;
                    dpDesc.NumPrimitives += 2;

                // UV
                var vLB = new Vector2(0, 1);
                var vLT = new Vector2(0, 0);
                var vRT = new Vector2(1, 0);
                var vRB = new Vector2(1, 1);
                var vUV = new Vector2[24];
                vUV[0]  = vLB; vUV[1] = vLT; vUV[2] = vRT; vUV[3] = vRB;
                vUV[4]  = vRB; vUV[5] = vRT; vUV[6] = vLT; vUV[7] = vLB;
                vUV[8]  = vLB; vUV[9] = vLT; vUV[10] = vRT; vUV[11] = vRB;
                vUV[12] = vLB; vUV[13] = vLT; vUV[14] = vRT; vUV[15] = vRB;
                vUV[16] = vLB; vUV[17] = vLT; vUV[18] = vRT; vUV[19] = vRB;
                vUV[20] = vLB; vUV[21] = vLT; vUV[22] = vRT; vUV[23] = vRB;

                // 法线
                var vFront  = new Vector3(0, 0, -1);
                var vBack   = new Vector3(0, 0, 1);
                var vLeft   = new Vector3(-1, 0, 0);
                var vRight  = new Vector3(1, 0, 0);
                var vTop    = new Vector3(0, 1, 0);
                var vBottom = new Vector3(0, -1, 0);
                var vNor    = new Vector3[24];
                vNor[0]  = vFront; vNor[1] = vFront; vNor[2] = vFront; vNor[3] = vFront;
                vNor[4]  = vBack; vNor[5] = vBack; vNor[6] = vBack; vNor[7] = vBack;
                vNor[8]  = vLeft; vNor[9] = vLeft; vNor[10] = vLeft; vNor[11] = vLeft;
                vNor[12] = vRight; vNor[13] = vRight; vNor[14] = vRight; vNor[15] = vRight;
                vNor[16] = vTop; vNor[17] = vTop; vNor[18] = vTop; vNor[19] = vTop;
                vNor[20] = vBottom; vNor[21] = vBottom; vNor[22] = vBottom; vNor[23] = vBottom;

                for (int i = 0; i < 24; i++)
                    //result.AddVertex(ref pPos[i], ref vNor[i], ref vUV[i], 0);
                for (int i = 0; i < dpDesc.NumPrimitives * 2; i++)
                    //result.AddTriangle(pIndex[i * 3 + 0], pIndex[i * 3 + 1], pIndex[i * 3 + 2]);

            result.PushAtomLOD(0, ref dpDesc);
Example #13
        public static void MakePlane10x10(CRenderContext rc, CGfxMeshPrimitives result, Vector2 uvMin, Vector2 uvMax, bool lh = true, bool flipUVWhenGL = false)
            UInt32 tileCount = 10;
            var    dpDesc    = new CDrawPrimitiveDesc();

            dpDesc.NumPrimitives = tileCount * tileCount * 2;
            result.PushAtomLOD(0, ref dpDesc);

            using (var posArray = Support.NativeListProxy <Vector3> .CreateNativeList())
                using (var normalArray = Support.NativeListProxy <Vector3> .CreateNativeList())
                    using (var tangentArray = Support.NativeListProxy <Vector4> .CreateNativeList())
                        using (var uvArray = Support.NativeListProxy <Vector2> .CreateNativeList())
                            using (var indexArray = Support.NativeListProxy <UInt32> .CreateNativeList())
                                // -> tileCount * tileCount * 2 triangles
                                float Step = 2.0f / tileCount;
                                for (Int32 y = 0; y < tileCount; ++y)
                                    // implemented this way to avoid cracks, could be optimized
                                    float z0 = y * Step - 1.0f;
                                    float z1 = (y + 1) * Step - 1.0f;

                                    float V0 = Lerp(uvMin.Y, uvMax.Y, z0 * 0.5f + 0.5f);
                                    float V1 = Lerp(uvMin.Y, uvMax.Y, z1 * 0.5f + 0.5f);

                                    for (Int32 x = 0; x < tileCount; ++x)
                                        // implemented this way to avoid cracks, could be optimized
                                        float x0 = x * Step - 1.0f;
                                        float x1 = (x + 1) * Step - 1.0f;

                                        float U0 = Lerp(uvMin.X, uvMax.X, x0 * 0.5f + 0.5f);
                                        float U1 = Lerp(uvMin.X, uvMax.X, x1 * 0.5f + 0.5f);

                                        // Calculate verts for a face pointing down Z
                                        posArray.Add(new Vector3(x0, 0, z0));
                                        posArray.Add(new Vector3(x0, 0, z1));
                                        posArray.Add(new Vector3(x1, 0, z1));
                                        posArray.Add(new Vector3(x1, 0, z0));
                                        normalArray.Add(new Vector3(0, 1, 0));
                                        normalArray.Add(new Vector3(0, 1, 0));
                                        normalArray.Add(new Vector3(0, 1, 0));
                                        normalArray.Add(new Vector3(0, 1, 0));
                                        tangentArray.Add(new Vector4(1, 0, 0, 1));
                                        tangentArray.Add(new Vector4(1, 0, 0, 1));
                                        tangentArray.Add(new Vector4(1, 0, 0, 1));
                                        tangentArray.Add(new Vector4(1, 0, 0, 1));
                                        uvArray.Add(new Vector2(U0, V0));
                                        uvArray.Add(new Vector2(U0, V1));
                                        uvArray.Add(new Vector2(U1, V1));
                                        uvArray.Add(new Vector2(U1, V0));
                                        UInt32 Index = (UInt32)((x + y * tileCount) * 4);
                                        indexArray.Add(Index + 0);
                                        indexArray.Add(Index + 1);
                                        indexArray.Add(Index + 2);
                                        indexArray.Add(Index + 0);
                                        indexArray.Add(Index + 2);
                                        indexArray.Add(Index + 3);

                                    UInt32 resourceSize = 0;
                                    var    vbDesc       = new CVertexBufferDesc();
                                    var    mesh         = result.GeometryMesh;
                                        var pV3 = posArray.UnsafeGetElementAddress(0);
                                        vbDesc.InitData  = (IntPtr)pV3;
                                        vbDesc.Stride    = (UInt32)sizeof(Vector3);
                                        vbDesc.ByteWidth = (UInt32)(sizeof(Vector3) * posArray.Count);
                                        var vb = rc.CreateVertexBuffer(vbDesc);
                                        mesh.BindVertexBuffer(EVertexSteamType.VST_Position, vb);
                                        resourceSize += vbDesc.ByteWidth;

                                        var pV3 = normalArray.UnsafeGetElementAddress(0);
                                        vbDesc.InitData  = (IntPtr)pV3;
                                        vbDesc.Stride    = (UInt32)sizeof(Vector3);
                                        vbDesc.ByteWidth = (UInt32)(sizeof(Vector3) * normalArray.Count);
                                        var vb = rc.CreateVertexBuffer(vbDesc);
                                        mesh.BindVertexBuffer(EVertexSteamType.VST_Normal, vb);
                                        resourceSize += vbDesc.ByteWidth;

                                        var pV3 = tangentArray.UnsafeGetElementAddress(0);
                                        vbDesc.InitData  = (IntPtr)pV3;
                                        vbDesc.Stride    = (UInt32)sizeof(Vector4);
                                        vbDesc.ByteWidth = (UInt32)(sizeof(Vector4) * tangentArray.Count);
                                        var vb = rc.CreateVertexBuffer(vbDesc);
                                        mesh.BindVertexBuffer(EVertexSteamType.VST_Tangent, vb);
                                        resourceSize += vbDesc.ByteWidth;

                                        var pV = uvArray.UnsafeGetElementAddress(0);
                                        vbDesc.InitData  = (IntPtr)pV;
                                        vbDesc.Stride    = (UInt32)sizeof(Vector2);
                                        vbDesc.ByteWidth = (UInt32)(sizeof(Vector2) * uvArray.Count);
                                        var vb = rc.CreateVertexBuffer(vbDesc);
                                        mesh.BindVertexBuffer(EVertexSteamType.VST_UV, vb);
                                        resourceSize += vbDesc.ByteWidth;

                                        var pV     = indexArray.UnsafeGetElementAddress(0);
                                        var ibDesc = new CIndexBufferDesc();
                                        ibDesc.InitData  = (IntPtr)pV;
                                        ibDesc.Type      = EIndexBufferType.IBT_Int32;
                                        ibDesc.ByteWidth = (UInt32)(sizeof(UInt32) * indexArray.Count);
                                        var ib = rc.CreateIndexBuffer(ibDesc);
                                        resourceSize += ibDesc.ByteWidth;
                                    result.ResourceState.ResourceSize = (UInt32)(resourceSize);
                                    mesh.Dirty = true;

            result.ResourceState.StreamState = EStreamingState.SS_Valid;
            result.ResourceState.KeepValid   = true;
Example #14
        public unsafe bool BuildClusterFromMeshSource(CRenderContext rc, RName meshSourceName)
            Graphics.Mesh.CGfxMeshDataProvider meshSource = new Graphics.Mesh.CGfxMeshDataProvider();
            var meshPrimitive = CEngine.Instance.MeshPrimitivesManager.GetMeshPrimitives(rc, meshSourceName, true);

            meshSource.InitFromMesh(rc, meshPrimitive);

            uint a, b, c;

            a = 0;
            b = 0;
            c = 0;
            List <Cluster> clusterArray = new List <Cluster>();
            int            vertNum      = meshSource.VertexNumber;

            Vector3 *pPos    = (Vector3 *)meshSource.GetVertexPtr(EVertexSteamType.VST_Position, 0).ToPointer();
            Vector3 *pNor    = (Vector3 *)meshSource.GetVertexPtr(EVertexSteamType.VST_Normal, 0).ToPointer();
            Vector4 *pTan    = (Vector4 *)meshSource.GetVertexPtr(EVertexSteamType.VST_Tangent, 0).ToPointer();
            Vector2 *pDiffUV = (Vector2 *)meshSource.GetVertexPtr(EVertexSteamType.VST_UV, 0).ToPointer();

            GpuSceneVertex vert = new GpuSceneVertex();

            for (int i = 0; i < vertNum; i++)
                if (pPos != null)
                    vert.Position = pPos[i];
                if (pNor != null)
                    vert.Normal = pNor[i];
                if (pTan != null)
                    vert.Tangent = pTan[i];
                if (pDiffUV != null)
                    vert.DiffuseU = pDiffUV[i].X;
                    vert.DiffuseV = pDiffUV[i].Y;


            for (int i = 0; i < meshSource.TriangleNumber; i++)
                meshSource.GetTriangle(i, ref a, ref b, ref c);

            Cluster  curCluster = null;
            Vector3 *pPosPtr    = (Vector3 *)meshSource.GetVertexPtr(EVertexSteamType.VST_Position, 0).ToPointer();

            for (uint i = 0; i < meshSource.AtomNumber; i++)
                CDrawPrimitiveDesc desc = meshSource[i, 0];

                if (desc.PrimitiveType != EPrimitiveType.EPT_TriangleList)

                uint startFace = desc.StartIndex / 3;

                for (uint j = 0; j < desc.NumPrimitives; j++)
                    if (curCluster == null || curCluster.Data.FaceCount >= 64)
                        curCluster = new Cluster();
                        curCluster.Data.InstanceId     = i;
                        curCluster.Data.StartFaceIndex = startFace;
                        curCluster.Data.FaceCount      = 0;


            for (int i = 0; i < clusterArray.Count; i++)
                clusterArray[i].Proccess(pPosPtr, IndexBuffer);

Example #15
        public static void MakeRect3D(CRenderContext rc, CGfxMeshPrimitives result)
            var dpDesc = new CDrawPrimitiveDesc();

            dpDesc.NumPrimitives = 2;
            result.PushAtomLOD(0, ref dpDesc);

            List <Vector3> posArray     = new List <Vector3>();
            List <Vector3> normalArray  = new List <Vector3>();
            List <Vector4> tangentArray = new List <Vector4>();
            List <Vector2> uvArray      = new List <Vector2>();
            List <UInt32>  indexArray   = new List <UInt32>();

            List <Byte4> Colors = new List <Byte4>();
            Byte4        color  = new Byte4();

            color.X = 255;
            color.Y = 255;
            color.Z = 255;
            color.W = 255;

            // -> tileCount * tileCount * 2 triangles
            float x0 = -0.5f;
            float x1 = 0.5f;
            float y0 = -0.5f;
            float y1 = 0.5f;

            float V0 = 0.0f;
            float V1 = 1.0f;
            float U0 = 0.0f;
            float U1 = 1.0f;

            posArray.Add(new Vector3(x0, y0, 0));
            posArray.Add(new Vector3(x1, y0, 0));
            posArray.Add(new Vector3(x1, y1, 0));
            posArray.Add(new Vector3(x0, y1, 0));
            normalArray.Add(new Vector3(0, 0, 1));
            normalArray.Add(new Vector3(0, 0, 1));
            normalArray.Add(new Vector3(0, 0, 1));
            normalArray.Add(new Vector3(0, 0, 1));

            uvArray.Add(new Vector2(U1, V1));
            uvArray.Add(new Vector2(U0, V1));
            uvArray.Add(new Vector2(U0, V0));
            uvArray.Add(new Vector2(U1, V0));

            var targent = CalculationTargent(posArray[0], posArray[3], posArray[1], normalArray[0], uvArray[0], uvArray[3], uvArray[1]);

            tangentArray.Add(new Vector4(targent.X, targent.Y, targent.Z, 0));

            targent = CalculationTargent(posArray[1], posArray[0], posArray[2], normalArray[1], uvArray[1], uvArray[0], uvArray[2]);
            tangentArray.Add(new Vector4(targent.X, targent.Y, targent.Z, 0));

            targent = CalculationTargent(posArray[2], posArray[1], posArray[3], normalArray[2], uvArray[2], uvArray[1], uvArray[3]);
            tangentArray.Add(new Vector4(targent.X, targent.Y, targent.Z, 0));

            targent = CalculationTargent(posArray[3], posArray[0], posArray[2], normalArray[3], uvArray[3], uvArray[0], uvArray[2]);
            tangentArray.Add(new Vector4(targent.X, targent.Y, targent.Z, 0));


                UInt32 resourceSize = 0;
                var    vbDesc       = new CVertexBufferDesc();
                var    mesh         = result.GeometryMesh;
                fixed(Vector3 *pV3 = &posArray.ToArray()[0])
                    vbDesc.InitData  = (IntPtr)pV3;
                    vbDesc.Stride    = (UInt32)sizeof(Vector3);
                    vbDesc.ByteWidth = (UInt32)(sizeof(Vector3) * posArray.Count);
                    var vb = rc.CreateVertexBuffer(vbDesc);

                    mesh.BindVertexBuffer(EVertexSteamType.VST_Position, vb);
                    resourceSize += vbDesc.ByteWidth;

                fixed(Byte4 *pc = &Colors.ToArray()[0])
                    vbDesc.InitData  = (IntPtr)pc;
                    vbDesc.Stride    = (UInt32)sizeof(Byte4);
                    vbDesc.ByteWidth = (UInt32)(sizeof(Byte4) * Colors.Count);
                    var vb = rc.CreateVertexBuffer(vbDesc);

                    mesh.BindVertexBuffer(EVertexSteamType.VST_Color, vb);
                    resourceSize += vbDesc.ByteWidth;

                fixed(Vector3 *pV3 = &normalArray.ToArray()[0])
                    vbDesc.InitData  = (IntPtr)pV3;
                    vbDesc.Stride    = (UInt32)sizeof(Vector3);
                    vbDesc.ByteWidth = (UInt32)(sizeof(Vector3) * normalArray.Count);
                    var vb = rc.CreateVertexBuffer(vbDesc);

                    mesh.BindVertexBuffer(EVertexSteamType.VST_Normal, vb);
                    resourceSize += vbDesc.ByteWidth;

                fixed(Vector4 *pV4 = &tangentArray.ToArray()[0])
                    vbDesc.InitData  = (IntPtr)pV4;
                    vbDesc.Stride    = (UInt32)sizeof(Vector4);
                    vbDesc.ByteWidth = (UInt32)(sizeof(Vector4) * tangentArray.Count);
                    var vb = rc.CreateVertexBuffer(vbDesc);

                    mesh.BindVertexBuffer(EVertexSteamType.VST_Tangent, vb);
                    resourceSize += vbDesc.ByteWidth;

                fixed(Vector2 *pV = &uvArray.ToArray()[0])
                    vbDesc.InitData  = (IntPtr)pV;
                    vbDesc.Stride    = (UInt32)sizeof(Vector2);
                    vbDesc.ByteWidth = (UInt32)(sizeof(Vector2) * uvArray.Count);
                    var vb = rc.CreateVertexBuffer(vbDesc);

                    mesh.BindVertexBuffer(EVertexSteamType.VST_UV, vb);
                    resourceSize += vbDesc.ByteWidth;

                fixed(UInt32 *pV = &indexArray.ToArray()[0])
                    var ibDesc = new CIndexBufferDesc();

                    ibDesc.InitData  = (IntPtr)pV;
                    ibDesc.Type      = EIndexBufferType.IBT_Int32;
                    ibDesc.ByteWidth = (UInt32)(sizeof(UInt32) * indexArray.Count);
                    var ib = rc.CreateIndexBuffer(ibDesc);

                    resourceSize += ibDesc.ByteWidth;

                result.ResourceState.ResourceSize = (UInt32)(resourceSize);
                mesh.Dirty = true;
            result.ResourceState.StreamState = EStreamingState.SS_Valid;
            result.ResourceState.KeepValid   = true;
Example #16
        public void SetPassData(CRenderContext rc, CGfxMesh mesh, UInt32 index, CGfxSceneView vp, CPass pass)
            if (pass.RenderPipeline == null)
                var rplDesc = new CRenderPipelineDesc();
                pass.RenderPipeline = rc.CreateRenderPipeline(rplDesc);
            pass.RenderPipeline.ShaderProgram     = mEffect.ShaderProgram;
            pass.RenderPipeline.RasterizerState   = mMaterial.RasterizerState;
            pass.RenderPipeline.DepthStencilState = mMaterial.DepthStencilState;
            pass.RenderPipeline.BlendState        = mMaterial.BlendState;

            pass.GeometryMesh = mesh.MeshPrimitives.GeometryMesh;

            pass.BindCBuffer(mEffect.ShaderProgram, mEffect.PerInstanceId, CBuffer);
            pass.BindCBuffer(mEffect.ShaderProgram, mEffect.PerFrameId, CEngine.Instance.PerFrameCBuffer);

            if (vp != null)
                pass.ViewPort = vp.Viewport;

            var textures = new CShaderResources();

                Material.BindTextures(textures, mEffect.ShaderProgram);
                foreach (var i in Textures)
                    textures.PSBindTexture(i.Key, i.Value);
                mesh.ShadingEnv.BindResources(mesh, CBuffer, textures, mEffect.ShaderProgram);
            pass.ShaderResources = textures;

            CShaderSamplers samplers = new CShaderSamplers();

                CSamplerStateDesc sampDesc = new CSamplerStateDesc();
                sampDesc.Filter = ESamplerFilter.SPF_MIN_MAG_MIP_POINT;
                CSamplerState samp = CEngine.Instance.SamplerStateManager.GetSamplerState(rc, sampDesc);
                for (UInt32 i = 0; i < mEffect.ShaderProgram.SamplerNumber; i++)
                    CSamplerBindInfo info = new CSamplerBindInfo();
                    mEffect.ShaderProgram.GetSamplerBindInfo(i, ref info);
                    samplers.PSBindSampler(info.PSBindPoint, samp);
            pass.ShaderSamplers = samplers;

            foreach (var i in mesh.MdfQueue.Modifiers)

            CDrawPrimitiveDesc dpDesc = new CDrawPrimitiveDesc();

            mesh.MeshPrimitives.GetAtom(index, 0, ref dpDesc);
            pass.BindDrawPrimitive(ref dpDesc);
Example #17
        public static void MakeBox(CRenderContext rc, CGfxMeshPrimitives result, float x, float y, float z, float xSize, float ySize, float zSize,
                                   EBoxFace faceFlags = EBoxFace.All)
            var dpDesc = new CDrawPrimitiveDesc();

            dpDesc.NumPrimitives = 0;

            result.AABB = new BoundingBox(x, y, z, x + xSize, y + ySize, z + zSize);

                UInt32 resourceSize = 0;
                var    mesh         = result.GeometryMesh;
                // 顶点
                var vbDesc = new CVertexBufferDesc();
                var vbPos  = new Vector3[8];
                vbPos[0].SetValue(x, y, z);
                vbPos[1].SetValue(x, y + ySize, z);
                vbPos[2].SetValue(x + xSize, y + ySize, z);
                vbPos[3].SetValue(x + xSize, y, z);
                vbPos[4].SetValue(x, y, z + zSize);
                vbPos[5].SetValue(x, y + ySize, z + zSize);
                vbPos[6].SetValue(x + xSize, y + ySize, z + zSize);
                vbPos[7].SetValue(x + xSize, y, z + zSize);
                var pPos = new Vector3[24];
                // front side
                pPos[0] = vbPos[0]; pPos[1] = vbPos[1]; pPos[2] = vbPos[2]; pPos[3] = vbPos[3];
                // back side
                pPos[4] = vbPos[4]; pPos[5] = vbPos[5]; pPos[6] = vbPos[6]; pPos[7] = vbPos[7];
                // left side
                pPos[8] = vbPos[4]; pPos[9] = vbPos[5]; pPos[10] = vbPos[1]; pPos[11] = vbPos[0];
                // right side
                pPos[12] = vbPos[3]; pPos[13] = vbPos[2]; pPos[14] = vbPos[6]; pPos[15] = vbPos[7];
                // top side
                pPos[16] = vbPos[1]; pPos[17] = vbPos[5]; pPos[18] = vbPos[6]; pPos[19] = vbPos[2];
                // bottom side
                pPos[20] = vbPos[4]; pPos[21] = vbPos[0]; pPos[22] = vbPos[3]; pPos[23] = vbPos[7];

                fixed(Vector3 *pv3 = &pPos[0])
                    vbDesc.InitData  = (IntPtr)pv3;
                    vbDesc.Stride    = (UInt32)sizeof(Vector3);
                    vbDesc.ByteWidth = (UInt32)sizeof(Vector3) * 24;
                    resourceSize    += vbDesc.ByteWidth;
                    var vb = rc.CreateVertexBuffer(vbDesc);

                    mesh.BindVertexBuffer(EVertexSteamType.VST_Position, vb);

                UInt32 curIndex = 0;
                // 索引
                UInt16[] pIndex = new UInt16[36];
                if ((faceFlags & EBoxFace.Front) != 0)
                {// front side
                    pIndex[curIndex++]    = 0; pIndex[curIndex++] = 1; pIndex[curIndex++] = 2;
                    pIndex[curIndex++]    = 0; pIndex[curIndex++] = 2; pIndex[curIndex++] = 3;
                    dpDesc.NumPrimitives += 2;
                if ((faceFlags & EBoxFace.Back) != 0)
                    // back side
                    pIndex[curIndex++]    = 4; pIndex[curIndex++] = 6; pIndex[curIndex++] = 5;
                    pIndex[curIndex++]    = 4; pIndex[curIndex++] = 7; pIndex[curIndex++] = 6;
                    dpDesc.NumPrimitives += 2;
                if ((faceFlags & EBoxFace.Left) != 0)
                    // left side
                    pIndex[curIndex++]    = 8; pIndex[curIndex++] = 9; pIndex[curIndex++] = 10;
                    pIndex[curIndex++]    = 8; pIndex[curIndex++] = 10; pIndex[curIndex++] = 11;
                    dpDesc.NumPrimitives += 2;
                if ((faceFlags & EBoxFace.Right) != 0)
                    // right side
                    pIndex[curIndex++]    = 12; pIndex[curIndex++] = 13; pIndex[curIndex++] = 14;
                    pIndex[curIndex++]    = 12; pIndex[curIndex++] = 14; pIndex[curIndex++] = 15;
                    dpDesc.NumPrimitives += 2;
                if ((faceFlags & EBoxFace.Top) != 0)
                    // top side
                    pIndex[curIndex++]    = 16; pIndex[curIndex++] = 17; pIndex[curIndex++] = 18;
                    pIndex[curIndex++]    = 16; pIndex[curIndex++] = 18; pIndex[curIndex++] = 19;
                    dpDesc.NumPrimitives += 2;
                if ((faceFlags & EBoxFace.Bottom) != 0)
                    // bottom side
                    pIndex[curIndex++]    = 20; pIndex[curIndex++] = 21; pIndex[curIndex++] = 22;
                    pIndex[curIndex++]    = 20; pIndex[curIndex++] = 22; pIndex[curIndex++] = 23;
                    dpDesc.NumPrimitives += 2;

                fixed(UInt16 *pV = &pIndex[0])
                    var ibDesc = new CIndexBufferDesc();

                    ibDesc.InitData  = (IntPtr)pV;
                    ibDesc.ByteWidth = (UInt32)sizeof(UInt16) * curIndex;
                    resourceSize    += ibDesc.ByteWidth;
                    var ib = rc.CreateIndexBuffer(ibDesc);


                // UV
                var vLB = new Vector2(0, 1);
                var vLT = new Vector2(0, 0);
                var vRT = new Vector2(1, 0);
                var vRB = new Vector2(1, 1);
                var vUV = new Vector2[24];
                vUV[0]  = vLB; vUV[1] = vLT; vUV[2] = vRT; vUV[3] = vRB;
                vUV[4]  = vRB; vUV[5] = vRT; vUV[6] = vLT; vUV[7] = vLB;
                vUV[8]  = vLB; vUV[9] = vLT; vUV[10] = vRT; vUV[11] = vRB;
                vUV[12] = vLB; vUV[13] = vLT; vUV[14] = vRT; vUV[15] = vRB;
                vUV[16] = vLB; vUV[17] = vLT; vUV[18] = vRT; vUV[19] = vRB;
                vUV[20] = vLB; vUV[21] = vLT; vUV[22] = vRT; vUV[23] = vRB;
                fixed(Vector2 *pUV = &vUV[0])
                    vbDesc.InitData  = (IntPtr)pUV;
                    vbDesc.Stride    = (UInt32)sizeof(Vector2);
                    vbDesc.ByteWidth = (UInt32)sizeof(Vector2) * 24;
                    resourceSize    += vbDesc.ByteWidth;
                    var vb = rc.CreateVertexBuffer(vbDesc);

                    mesh.BindVertexBuffer(EVertexSteamType.VST_UV, vb);

                // 法线
                var vFront  = new Vector3(0, 0, -1);
                var vBack   = new Vector3(0, 0, 1);
                var vLeft   = new Vector3(-1, 0, 0);
                var vRight  = new Vector3(1, 0, 0);
                var vTop    = new Vector3(0, 1, 0);
                var vBottom = new Vector3(0, -1, 0);
                var vNor    = new Vector3[24];
                vNor[0]  = vFront; vNor[1] = vFront; vNor[2] = vFront; vNor[3] = vFront;
                vNor[4]  = vBack; vNor[5] = vBack; vNor[6] = vBack; vNor[7] = vBack;
                vNor[8]  = vLeft; vNor[9] = vLeft; vNor[10] = vLeft; vNor[11] = vLeft;
                vNor[12] = vRight; vNor[13] = vRight; vNor[14] = vRight; vNor[15] = vRight;
                vNor[16] = vTop; vNor[17] = vTop; vNor[18] = vTop; vNor[19] = vTop;
                vNor[20] = vBottom; vNor[21] = vBottom; vNor[22] = vBottom; vNor[23] = vBottom;
                fixed(Vector3 *pNor = &vNor[0])
                    vbDesc.InitData  = (IntPtr)pNor;
                    vbDesc.Stride    = (UInt32)sizeof(Vector3);
                    vbDesc.ByteWidth = (UInt32)sizeof(Vector3) * 24;
                    resourceSize    += vbDesc.ByteWidth;
                    var vb = rc.CreateVertexBuffer(vbDesc);

                    mesh.BindVertexBuffer(EVertexSteamType.VST_Normal, vb);

                mesh.Dirty = true;
                result.ResourceState.ResourceSize = resourceSize;

            result.PushAtomLOD(0, ref dpDesc);
            result.ResourceState.StreamState = EStreamingState.SS_Valid;
            result.ResourceState.KeepValid   = true;
Example #18
        public static void MakeRect2D(CRenderContext rc, CGfxMeshPrimitives result, float x, float y, float w, float h, float z, bool lh = true, bool flipUVWhenGL = false, ECpuAccess cpuAccess = (ECpuAccess)0)
            CDrawPrimitiveDesc dpDesc = new CDrawPrimitiveDesc();

            dpDesc.NumPrimitives = 2;
            result.PushAtomLOD(0, ref dpDesc);
                UInt16[] ibData = new UInt16[6];
                ibData[0] = 0;
                ibData[1] = 1;
                ibData[2] = 2;
                ibData[3] = 0;
                ibData[4] = 2;
                ibData[5] = 3;
                if (lh == false)
                    ibData[1] = 2;
                    ibData[2] = 1;
                    ibData[4] = 3;
                    ibData[5] = 2;

                var mesh   = result.GeometryMesh;
                var vbDesc = new CVertexBufferDesc();

                Vector3[] vbPos = new Vector3[4];
                vbPos[0].SetValue(x, y, z);
                vbPos[1].SetValue(x + w, y, z);
                vbPos[2].SetValue(x + w, y + h, z);
                vbPos[3].SetValue(x, y + h, z);
                fixed(Vector3 *pV3 = &vbPos[0])
                    vbDesc.InitData  = (IntPtr)pV3;
                    vbDesc.Stride    = (UInt32)sizeof(Vector3);
                    vbDesc.ByteWidth = (UInt32)sizeof(Vector3) * 4;
                    vbDesc.CPUAccess = (uint)cpuAccess;
                    var vb = rc.CreateVertexBuffer(vbDesc);

                    mesh.BindVertexBuffer(EVertexSteamType.VST_Position, vb);

                Vector2[] vbUV = new Vector2[4];
                vbUV[0].SetValue(0, 0);
                vbUV[1].SetValue(1, 0);
                vbUV[2].SetValue(1, 1);
                vbUV[3].SetValue(0, 1);
                if (lh == false && CEngine.Instance.Desc.RHIType == ERHIType.RHT_D3D11)
                    vbUV[0].Y = 1 - vbUV[0].Y;
                    vbUV[1].Y = 1 - vbUV[1].Y;
                    vbUV[2].Y = 1 - vbUV[2].Y;
                    vbUV[3].Y = 1 - vbUV[3].Y;
                else if (flipUVWhenGL && CEngine.Instance.Desc.RHIType == ERHIType.RHT_OGL)
                    vbUV[0].Y = 1 - vbUV[0].Y;
                    vbUV[1].Y = 1 - vbUV[1].Y;
                    vbUV[2].Y = 1 - vbUV[2].Y;
                    vbUV[3].Y = 1 - vbUV[3].Y;

                fixed(Vector2 *pV2 = &vbUV[0])
                    vbDesc.InitData  = (IntPtr)pV2;
                    vbDesc.Stride    = (UInt32)sizeof(Vector2);
                    vbDesc.ByteWidth = (UInt32)sizeof(Vector2) * 4;
                    vbDesc.CPUAccess = (uint)cpuAccess;
                    var vb = rc.CreateVertexBuffer(vbDesc);

                    mesh.BindVertexBuffer(EVertexSteamType.VST_UV, vb);

                fixed(UInt16 *pV = &ibData[0])
                    var ibDesc = new CIndexBufferDesc();

                    ibDesc.InitData  = (IntPtr)pV;
                    ibDesc.ByteWidth = (UInt32)sizeof(UInt16) * 6;
                    var ib = rc.CreateIndexBuffer(ibDesc);


                result.ResourceState.ResourceSize = 20 * 4;
                mesh.Dirty = true;
            result.ResourceState.StreamState = EStreamingState.SS_Valid;
            result.ResourceState.KeepValid   = true;
Example #19
        public void DrawScene(CRenderContext rc, CCommandList cmd, Graphics.CGfxCamera Camera, Graphics.View.CGfxSceneView view)
            if (EnableDraw == false)
            if (mNeedUpdateGpuBuffer)
                mNeedUpdateGpuBuffer = false;
                UpdateGpuBuffer(rc, cmd, Camera);

            var program = mPass.Effect.ShaderProgram;

            if (UseComputeShader == false)
                UpdateIndexBufferCPU(cmd, Camera);
                ComputeDispatch(rc, cmd, Camera);

            if (UseVTF)
                CTextureBindInfo tbInfo = new CTextureBindInfo();
                if (program.FindTextureBindInfo(null, "gVertexTexture", ref tbInfo))
                    mPass.ShaderResources.VSBindTexture(tbInfo.VSBindPoint, mVertexTextureView);
                if (program.FindTextureBindInfo(null, "gInstanceDataTexture", ref tbInfo))
                    mPass.ShaderResources.VSBindTexture(tbInfo.VSBindPoint, mInstanceDataTextureView);
                var spInfo = new CSamplerBindInfo();
                if (program.FindSamplerBindInfo(null, "Samp_gVertexTexture", ref spInfo))
                    mPass.ShaderSamplerBinder.VSBindSampler(spInfo.VSBindPoint, mSamplerState);
                if (program.FindSamplerBindInfo(null, "Samp_gInstanceDataTexture", ref spInfo))
                    mPass.ShaderSamplerBinder.VSBindSampler(spInfo.VSBindPoint, mSamplerState);
                //CTextureBindInfo tbInfo = new CTextureBindInfo();
                //if(program.FindTextureBindInfo(null, "AllVertexArray", ref tbInfo))
                //    mPass.ShaderResources.VSBindTexture(tbInfo.VSBindPoint, mAllVertexSRV);
                //if (program.FindTextureBindInfo(null, "MeshInstanceArray", ref tbInfo))
                //    mPass.ShaderResources.VSBindTexture(tbInfo.VSBindPoint, mMeshInstanceSRV);
                mPass.ShaderResources.VSBindTexture(14, mAllVertexSRV);
                mPass.ShaderResources.VSBindTexture(13, mMeshInstanceSRV);

            CConstantBufferDesc cbInfo = new CConstantBufferDesc();

            if (mCBMeshBatch != null && program.GetCBufferDesc(program.FindCBuffer("cbMeshBatch"), ref cbInfo))
                mPass.BindCBufferVS(cbInfo.VSBindPoint, mCBMeshBatch);
            mPass.ViewPort = Camera.SceneView.Viewport;

            mPass.BindCBuffer(mPass.Effect.ShaderProgram, mPass.Effect.CacheData.CBID_Camera, Camera.CBuffer);
            if (view != null)
                mPass.BindCBuffer(mPass.Effect.ShaderProgram, mPass.Effect.CacheData.CBID_View, view.SceneViewCB);

            //mPass.ViewPort = view.Viewport;

            if (UseComputeShader == false)
                mPass.AttachIndexBuffer = mCpuDrawIndexBuffer;

                var dpDesc = new CDrawPrimitiveDesc();
                dpDesc.NumPrimitives = mDrawArgs.IndexCountPerInstance / 3;
                mPass.GeometryMesh.SetAtom(0, 0, ref dpDesc);
                mPass.AttachIndexBuffer = mDrawIndexBuffer;
                mPass.SetIndirectDraw(bufferIndirectDrawArgs, 0);

Example #20
        public static void MakeUIScale9(CRenderContext rc, CGfxMeshPrimitives result, float x, float y, float w, float h, float z, bool lh = true, bool flipUVWhenGL = false)
            var dpDesc = new CDrawPrimitiveDesc();

            dpDesc.NumPrimitives = 18;
            result.PushAtomLOD(0, ref dpDesc);
                var ibData = new UInt16[54];
                ibData[0]  = 0;
                ibData[1]  = 1;
                ibData[2]  = 2;
                ibData[3]  = 0;
                ibData[4]  = 2;
                ibData[5]  = 3;
                ibData[6]  = 4;
                ibData[7]  = 5;
                ibData[8]  = 6;
                ibData[9]  = 4;
                ibData[10] = 6;
                ibData[11] = 7;
                ibData[12] = 8;
                ibData[13] = 9;
                ibData[14] = 10;
                ibData[15] = 8;
                ibData[16] = 10;
                ibData[17] = 11;
                ibData[18] = 12;
                ibData[19] = 13;
                ibData[20] = 14;
                ibData[21] = 12;
                ibData[22] = 14;
                ibData[23] = 15;
                ibData[24] = 16;
                ibData[25] = 17;
                ibData[26] = 18;
                ibData[27] = 16;
                ibData[28] = 18;
                ibData[29] = 19;
                ibData[30] = 20;
                ibData[31] = 21;
                ibData[32] = 22;
                ibData[33] = 20;
                ibData[34] = 22;
                ibData[35] = 23;
                ibData[36] = 24;
                ibData[37] = 25;
                ibData[38] = 26;
                ibData[39] = 24;
                ibData[40] = 26;
                ibData[41] = 27;
                ibData[42] = 28;
                ibData[43] = 29;
                ibData[44] = 30;
                ibData[45] = 28;
                ibData[46] = 30;
                ibData[47] = 31;
                ibData[48] = 32;
                ibData[49] = 33;
                ibData[50] = 34;
                ibData[51] = 32;
                ibData[52] = 34;
                ibData[53] = 35;
                if (lh == false)
                    ibData[1]  = 2;
                    ibData[2]  = 1;
                    ibData[4]  = 3;
                    ibData[5]  = 2;
                    ibData[7]  = 6;
                    ibData[8]  = 5;
                    ibData[10] = 7;
                    ibData[11] = 6;
                    ibData[13] = 10;
                    ibData[14] = 9;
                    ibData[16] = 11;
                    ibData[17] = 10;
                    ibData[19] = 14;
                    ibData[20] = 13;
                    ibData[22] = 15;
                    ibData[23] = 14;
                    ibData[25] = 18;
                    ibData[26] = 17;
                    ibData[28] = 19;
                    ibData[29] = 18;
                    ibData[31] = 22;
                    ibData[32] = 21;
                    ibData[34] = 23;
                    ibData[35] = 22;
                    ibData[37] = 26;
                    ibData[38] = 25;
                    ibData[40] = 27;
                    ibData[41] = 26;
                    ibData[43] = 30;
                    ibData[44] = 29;
                    ibData[46] = 31;
                    ibData[47] = 30;
                    ibData[49] = 34;
                    ibData[50] = 33;
                    ibData[52] = 35;
                    ibData[53] = 34;

                var mesh   = result.GeometryMesh;
                var vbDesc = new CVertexBufferDesc();

                var vbTempPos = new Vector3[16];
                var deltaW    = w / 3;
                var deltaH    = h / 3;
                for (int yV = 0; yV < 4; yV++)
                    for (int xV = 0; xV < 4; xV++)
                        vbTempPos[yV * 4 + xV].SetValue(x + deltaW * xV, y + deltaH * yV, z);
                var vbPos = new Vector3[36];
                vbPos[0]  = vbTempPos[0];
                vbPos[1]  = vbTempPos[1];
                vbPos[2]  = vbTempPos[5];
                vbPos[3]  = vbTempPos[4];
                vbPos[4]  = vbTempPos[1];
                vbPos[5]  = vbTempPos[2];
                vbPos[6]  = vbTempPos[6];
                vbPos[7]  = vbTempPos[5];
                vbPos[8]  = vbTempPos[2];
                vbPos[9]  = vbTempPos[3];
                vbPos[10] = vbTempPos[7];
                vbPos[11] = vbTempPos[6];
                vbPos[12] = vbTempPos[4];
                vbPos[13] = vbTempPos[5];
                vbPos[14] = vbTempPos[9];
                vbPos[15] = vbTempPos[8];
                vbPos[16] = vbTempPos[5];
                vbPos[17] = vbTempPos[6];
                vbPos[18] = vbTempPos[10];
                vbPos[19] = vbTempPos[9];
                vbPos[20] = vbTempPos[6];
                vbPos[21] = vbTempPos[7];
                vbPos[22] = vbTempPos[11];
                vbPos[23] = vbTempPos[10];
                vbPos[24] = vbTempPos[8];
                vbPos[25] = vbTempPos[9];
                vbPos[26] = vbTempPos[13];
                vbPos[27] = vbTempPos[12];
                vbPos[28] = vbTempPos[9];
                vbPos[29] = vbTempPos[10];
                vbPos[30] = vbTempPos[14];
                vbPos[31] = vbTempPos[13];
                vbPos[32] = vbTempPos[10];
                vbPos[33] = vbTempPos[11];
                vbPos[34] = vbTempPos[15];
                vbPos[35] = vbTempPos[14];
                fixed(Vector3 *pV3 = &vbPos[0])
                    vbDesc.InitData  = (IntPtr)pV3;
                    vbDesc.Stride    = (UInt32)sizeof(Vector3);
                    vbDesc.ByteWidth = (UInt32)sizeof(Vector3) * 36;
                    vbDesc.CPUAccess = (UInt32)ECpuAccess.CAS_WRITE;
                    var vb = rc.CreateVertexBuffer(vbDesc);

                    mesh.BindVertexBuffer(EVertexSteamType.VST_Position, vb);

                var vbTempUV = new Vector2[16];
                var deltaU   = 1.0f / 3;
                var deltaV   = 1.0f / 3;
                for (int yV = 0; yV < 4; yV++)
                    for (int xV = 0; xV < 4; xV++)
                        if (lh == false && CEngine.Instance.Desc.RHIType == ERHIType.RHT_D3D11)
                            vbTempUV[yV * 4 + xV].SetValue(deltaU * xV, 1 - deltaV * yV);
                        else if (flipUVWhenGL && CEngine.Instance.Desc.RHIType == ERHIType.RHT_OGL)
                            vbTempUV[yV * 4 + xV].SetValue(deltaU * xV, 1 - deltaV * yV);
                            vbTempUV[yV * 4 + xV].SetValue(deltaU * xV, deltaV * yV);
                var vbUV = new Vector2[36];
                vbUV[0]  = vbTempUV[0];
                vbUV[1]  = vbTempUV[1];
                vbUV[2]  = vbTempUV[5];
                vbUV[3]  = vbTempUV[4];
                vbUV[4]  = vbTempUV[1];
                vbUV[5]  = vbTempUV[2];
                vbUV[6]  = vbTempUV[6];
                vbUV[7]  = vbTempUV[5];
                vbUV[8]  = vbTempUV[2];
                vbUV[9]  = vbTempUV[3];
                vbUV[10] = vbTempUV[7];
                vbUV[11] = vbTempUV[6];
                vbUV[12] = vbTempUV[4];
                vbUV[13] = vbTempUV[5];
                vbUV[14] = vbTempUV[9];
                vbUV[15] = vbTempUV[8];
                vbUV[16] = vbTempUV[5];
                vbUV[17] = vbTempUV[6];
                vbUV[18] = vbTempUV[10];
                vbUV[19] = vbTempUV[9];
                vbUV[20] = vbTempUV[6];
                vbUV[21] = vbTempUV[7];
                vbUV[22] = vbTempUV[11];
                vbUV[23] = vbTempUV[10];
                vbUV[24] = vbTempUV[8];
                vbUV[25] = vbTempUV[9];
                vbUV[26] = vbTempUV[13];
                vbUV[27] = vbTempUV[12];
                vbUV[28] = vbTempUV[9];
                vbUV[29] = vbTempUV[10];
                vbUV[30] = vbTempUV[14];
                vbUV[31] = vbTempUV[13];
                vbUV[32] = vbTempUV[10];
                vbUV[33] = vbTempUV[11];
                vbUV[34] = vbTempUV[15];
                vbUV[35] = vbTempUV[14];
                fixed(Vector2 *pV2 = &vbUV[0])
                    vbDesc.InitData  = (IntPtr)pV2;
                    vbDesc.Stride    = (UInt32)sizeof(Vector2);
                    vbDesc.ByteWidth = (UInt32)sizeof(Vector2) * 36;
                    vbDesc.CPUAccess = (UInt32)ECpuAccess.CAS_WRITE;
                    var vb = rc.CreateVertexBuffer(vbDesc);

                    mesh.BindVertexBuffer(EVertexSteamType.VST_UV, vb);

                fixed(UInt16 *pV = &ibData[0])
                    var ibDesc = new CIndexBufferDesc();

                    ibDesc.InitData  = (IntPtr)pV;
                    ibDesc.ByteWidth = (UInt32)sizeof(UInt16) * 54;
                    var ib = rc.CreateIndexBuffer(ibDesc);


                result.ResourceState.ResourceSize = 20 * 16;
                mesh.Dirty = true;
            result.ResourceState.StreamState = EStreamingState.SS_Valid;
            result.ResourceState.KeepValid   = true;
Example #21
        public void UpdateGeomMesh(CRenderContext rc, float halfWidth = 0.1F)
            if (GeomMesh == null)

            CDrawPrimitiveDesc dpDesc = new CDrawPrimitiveDesc();


            if (UseGeometry)
                LinesGen.BuildGraph(mTempPosition, mTempUV, halfWidth);

                for (int i = 0; i < mTempPosition.Count; i++)
                        LinePosition tempNorm = new LinePosition();
                        var          ptr      = (LinePosition *)mTempPosition.UnsafeAddressAt(i).ToPointer();
                        ptr->CalcNormals(ref tempNorm);

                dpDesc.StartIndex = 0xFFFFFFFF;
                if (halfWidth == 0)
                    dpDesc.PrimitiveType = EPrimitiveType.EPT_LineList;
                    dpDesc.NumPrimitives = (UInt32)(mTempPosition.Count * 3 * 3);
                    dpDesc.NumPrimitives = (UInt32)(mTempPosition.Count * 3 * 2);
                GeomMesh.SetAtom(0, 0, ref dpDesc);

                    GeomMesh.SetGeomtryMeshStream(rc, EVertexSteamType.VST_Position, mTempPosition.GetBufferPtr(),
                                                  (UInt32)(sizeof(LinePosition) * mTempPosition.Count), (UInt32)sizeof(Vector3), 0);
                    GeomMesh.SetGeomtryMeshStream(rc, EVertexSteamType.VST_Normal, mTempNormal.GetBufferPtr(),
                                                  (UInt32)(sizeof(LinePosition) * mTempNormal.Count), (UInt32)sizeof(Vector3), 0);
                    GeomMesh.SetGeomtryMeshStream(rc, EVertexSteamType.VST_UV, mTempUV.GetBufferPtr(),
                                                  (UInt32)(sizeof(LineUV) * mTempUV.Count), (UInt32)sizeof(Vector2), 0);
                LinesGen.BuildGraph(mTempPosition, mTempUV, halfWidth);

                for (int i = 0; i < mTempPosition.Count; i++)
                        LinePosition tempNorm = new LinePosition();
                        var          ptr      = (LinePosition *)mTempPosition.UnsafeAddressAt(i).ToPointer();
                        ptr->CalcNormals(ref tempNorm);

                dpDesc.StartIndex = 0xFFFFFFFF;
                if (halfWidth == 0)
                    dpDesc.PrimitiveType = EPrimitiveType.EPT_LineList;
                    dpDesc.NumPrimitives = (UInt32)(mTempPosition.Count * 3);
                    dpDesc.NumPrimitives = (UInt32)(mTempPosition.Count * 2);
                GeomMesh.SetAtom(0, 0, ref dpDesc);

                    GeomMesh.SetGeomtryMeshStream(rc, EVertexSteamType.VST_Position, mTempPosition.GetBufferPtr(),
                                                  (UInt32)(sizeof(LinePosition) * mTempPosition.Count), (UInt32)sizeof(Vector3), 0);
                    GeomMesh.SetGeomtryMeshStream(rc, EVertexSteamType.VST_Normal, mTempNormal.GetBufferPtr(),
                                                  (UInt32)(sizeof(LinePosition) * mTempNormal.Count), (UInt32)sizeof(Vector3), 0);
                    GeomMesh.SetGeomtryMeshStream(rc, EVertexSteamType.VST_UV, mTempUV.GetBufferPtr(),
                                                  (UInt32)(sizeof(LineUV) * mTempUV.Count), (UInt32)sizeof(Vector2), 0);

            GeomMesh.AABB = LinesGen.AABB;
            GeomMesh.GeometryMesh.Dirty = true;
Example #22
        public void AddDefaultColorBuff(CRenderContext rc, CGfxMeshPrimitives result)
            if (result == null)

            var mesh = result.GeometryMesh;

            if (mesh == null)

            CVertexBuffer colorbuff = mesh.GetVertexBuffer(EVertexSteamType.VST_Color);

            if (colorbuff != null)

            CVertexBuffer posbuff = mesh.GetVertexBuffer(EVertexSteamType.VST_Position);

            if (posbuff == null)

            var blob = new Support.CBlobObject();

            posbuff.GetBufferData(rc, blob);
            int vertNum = 0;

                vertNum = (int)blob.Size / sizeof(Vector3);

            if (vertNum == 0)

            Support.NativeList <Byte4> Colors = new Support.NativeList <Byte4>();
            var color = new Byte4();

            color.X = 255;
            color.Y = 255;
            color.Z = 255;
            color.W = 255;
            for (int i = 0; i < vertNum; i++)

            var dpDesc = new CDrawPrimitiveDesc();

            dpDesc.NumPrimitives = (UInt32)vertNum;
            result.SetAtom(0, 0, ref dpDesc);

            UInt32 resourceSize = 0;

                var vbDesc = new CVertexBufferDesc();
                vbDesc.CPUAccess = (UInt32)ECpuAccess.CAS_WRITE;

                    vbDesc.InitData  = Colors.UnsafeAddressAt(0);
                    vbDesc.Stride    = (UInt32)sizeof(Byte4);
                    vbDesc.ByteWidth = (UInt32)(sizeof(Byte4) * Colors.Count);
                    var vb = rc.CreateVertexBuffer(vbDesc);
                    mesh.BindVertexBuffer(EVertexSteamType.VST_Color, vb);
                    resourceSize += vbDesc.ByteWidth;

                result.ResourceState.ResourceSize = (UInt32)(resourceSize);
                mesh.Dirty = true;
            result.ResourceState.StreamState = EStreamingState.SS_Valid;
            result.ResourceState.KeepValid   = true;
Example #23
        public static void MakeScreenAlignedTriangle(CRenderContext RHICtx, CGfxMeshPrimitives PrimMesh)
            CDrawPrimitiveDesc dpDesc = new CDrawPrimitiveDesc();

            dpDesc.NumPrimitives = 1;
            PrimMesh.PushAtomLOD(0, ref dpDesc);
                var GeomData = PrimMesh.GeometryMesh;
                var vbDesc   = new CVertexBufferDesc();

                Vector3[] VtxPosBuffer = new Vector3[3];
                VtxPosBuffer[0].SetValue(-1.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f);
                VtxPosBuffer[1].SetValue(-1.0f, 3.0f, 0.0f);
                VtxPosBuffer[2].SetValue(3.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f);

                fixed(Vector3 *refVtxPosBuffer = &VtxPosBuffer[0])
                    vbDesc.InitData  = (IntPtr)refVtxPosBuffer;
                    vbDesc.Stride    = (UInt32)sizeof(Vector3);
                    vbDesc.ByteWidth = (UInt32)sizeof(Vector3) * 3;
                    var vb = RHICtx.CreateVertexBuffer(vbDesc);

                    GeomData.BindVertexBuffer(EVertexSteamType.VST_Position, vb);

                Vector2[] UVBuffer = new Vector2[3];
                UVBuffer[0].SetValue(0.0f, 1.0f);
                UVBuffer[1].SetValue(0.0f, -1.0f);
                UVBuffer[2].SetValue(2.0f, 1.0f);

                if (CEngine.Instance.Desc.RHIType == ERHIType.RHT_OGL)
                    UVBuffer[0].Y = 1.0f - UVBuffer[0].Y;
                    UVBuffer[1].Y = 1.0f - UVBuffer[1].Y;
                    UVBuffer[2].Y = 1.0f - UVBuffer[2].Y;

                fixed(Vector2 *refUVBuffer = &UVBuffer[0])
                    vbDesc.InitData  = (IntPtr)refUVBuffer;
                    vbDesc.Stride    = (UInt32)sizeof(Vector2);
                    vbDesc.ByteWidth = (UInt32)sizeof(Vector2) * 3;
                    var vb = RHICtx.CreateVertexBuffer(vbDesc);

                    GeomData.BindVertexBuffer(EVertexSteamType.VST_UV, vb);

                UInt16[] IdxBuffer = new UInt16[3];
                IdxBuffer[0] = 0;
                IdxBuffer[1] = 1;
                IdxBuffer[2] = 2;

                fixed(UInt16 *refIdxBuffer = &IdxBuffer[0])
                    var ibDesc = new CIndexBufferDesc();

                    ibDesc.InitData  = (IntPtr)refIdxBuffer;
                    ibDesc.ByteWidth = (UInt32)sizeof(UInt16) * 3;
                    var ib = RHICtx.CreateIndexBuffer(ibDesc);


                PrimMesh.ResourceState.ResourceSize = 66;
                GeomData.Dirty = true;
            PrimMesh.ResourceState.StreamState = EStreamingState.SS_Valid;
            PrimMesh.ResourceState.KeepValid   = true;