private void Btn_print_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if ((Txt_party.Text != "") && (Txt_party.Text != null)) { FReportPreview frpt = new FReportPreview(); LocalReport localReport = frpt.reportViewer1.LocalReport; string voucher_type = string.Empty; voucher_type = Core.Invoice; var Statement = CReportQuotationStatement.Statement(Txt_party.Text, txt_from_date.Text, txt_to_date.Text, voucher_type); var v_company = CCompany_exten.PKId(Current.Company_id); localReport.ReportPath = Application.StartupPath + @"\Reports\QuotationStatement.rdlc"; //(1)// localReport.DisplayName = "statement"; localReport.DataSources.Add(new ReportDataSource("RQUOTATION_DS", Statement)); //(2)// localReport.DataSources.Add(new ReportDataSource("COMPANY_DS", new List <Company> { v_company })); //(2)// frpt.reportViewer1.ShowPrintButton = true; frpt.reportViewer1.RefreshReport(); frpt.Show(); } }
public void RunReportTest() { Current.Company_id = "1"; Current.Acy_id = "4"; Current.Comp_code = CCompany_exten.GetCode_id(Current.Company_id); new SetCustomised(); Customised.TaxType = Core.SGST; List <PrintCopies> printdata = new List <PrintCopies>(); PrintCopies _printdata = new PrintCopies(); printdata.Add(_printdata); printdata[0].Copies = _printdata.FirstCopy; D_Creditnote.Build(); D_CreditnoteItem.Build(); FReportPreview frpt = new FReportPreview(); frpt.reportViewer1.ShowPrintButton = true; P_Creditnote.Print(frpt.reportViewer1, ("7"), printdata); //P_CreditnoteItem.Print(frpt.reportViewer1, ("6")); frpt.Show(); frpt.BringToFront(); }
void GetVersionInfo() { ////string InstalledVersion = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString(); ////string remoteversion = "";// RemoteVersion.Check(); ////if (remoteversion == null) ////{ //// return; ////} ////if (remoteversion == InstalledVersion) ////{ //lbl_version.Text = InstalledVersion; Current.Comp_code = CCompany_exten.GetCode_id(Current.Company_id); lbl_version.Text = Current.Acy_Name + "" + Current.Comp_code; ////} ////else ////{ //// lbl_version.Text = " New Version " + remoteversion + " is found please update..."; //// spinner.Enabled = true; //// spinner.Interval = 500; //// spinner.Tick += new EventHandler(Timer_warning_Tick); ////} }
private static Print_List GetData(string p_id) { Outward outward = COutward_exten.PKId(p_id); Print_List list = new Print_List(); Print_QuotationRow row = new Print_QuotationRow(); Company obj = CCompany_exten.PKId(Current.Company_id); row.COMPANY_NAME = obj.Display_name.ToUpper(); row.ADDRESS1 = obj.Street1 + " , " + obj.Street2; row.ADDRESS2 = obj.City_id + " - " + obj.Pincode_id + " , " + obj.State_id + ". Code -33, Email : " + obj.Email; row.COMPANY_GSTIN = " GSTIN : " + obj.Gstin + "";// , Cell : " + obj.Cell1 + " "; row.OUTWARD_ID = p_id; row.OUTWARD_NO = "NO : " + outward.Outward_no.ToString(); row.OUTWARD_DATE = "DATE : " + ConvertTO.Date2S(outward.Outward_date); Party _party_list = CParty_exten.PKId(outward.Party_id, new DAL()); row.PARTY_NAME = _party_list.Party_name; if (_party_list.Party_name != null) { row.STREET1 = _party_list.Street_1 + ", " + _party_list.Street_2; row.STREET2 = ""; row.CITY = _party_list.City_id + " - " + _party_list.Pincode_id + " ,"; //row.STATE = _party_list.State_id + " - " + CState_exten.GetStateCode(_party_list.State_id); row.COUNTRY = _party_list.Country_id; row.PINCODE = ""; if (_party_list.Gstin.Trim().Length != 0) { row.GSTIN += "GSTIN No : " + _party_list.Gstin; } } row.TOTAL_QTY = ConvertTO.DecimalToS(outward.Total_qty.ToString()); row.TOTAL_BUNDLE = outward.Total_bundel; row.DELIVREDTHROUGH = outward.Delivredthrough; list.Add(row); return(list); }
void Scompany_menu_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { List <Company> cmp = CCompany_exten.Active(); if (cmp.Count != 0) { Defaultcompany defaultcompany = CDefaultcompany_exten.PKId("1", new DAL()); if ((defaultcompany.Company_id == null) || (defaultcompany.Company_id == "NO")) { if (scompany == null) { scompany = new SCompany(); } //scompany. RaiseEvent_NeedToRefresh += SCompany_Refresh; Controls.Add(scompany); scompany.Show(); scompany.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; scompany.BringToFront(); } else { Current.Company_id = defaultcompany.Company_id; Current.Company_Name = CCompany_exten.GetName_Id(Current.Company_id); Current.Comp_code = CCompany_exten.GetCode_id(Current.Company_id); Current.Acy_id = defaultcompany.Acy_id; Current.Acy_Name = CAcy_exten.GetName_Id(defaultcompany.Acy_id); Current.Acy_From = CAcy_exten.AcyFrom_Id(defaultcompany.Acy_id); Current.Acy_To = CAcy_exten.AcyTo_Id(defaultcompany.Acy_id); SCompany_Refresh(null, null); } } }
public RunReportTest() { Current.Comp_code = CCompany_exten.GetCode_id(Current.Company_id); new SetCustomised(); Customised.TaxType = "Test invoice"; List <PrintCopies> printdata = new List <PrintCopies>(); PrintCopies _printdata = new PrintCopies(); printdata.Add(_printdata); printdata[0].Copies = _printdata.FirstCopy; D_Invoice.Build(); D_InvoiceItem.Build(); FReportPreview frpt = new FReportPreview(); frpt.reportViewer1.ShowPrintButton = true; P_Invoice.Print(frpt.reportViewer1, ("6"), printdata); //P_InvoiceItem.Print(frpt.reportViewer1, ("6")); frpt.Show(); }
private static Print_PurchaseList GetData(string p_id, List <PrintCopies> printcopies) { Garment_purchase invoice = CPurchase_exten.PKId(p_id, new DAL()); Print_PurchaseList list = new Print_PurchaseList(); for (int i = 0; i < printcopies.Count; i++) { Print_PurchaseRow row = new Print_PurchaseRow(); row.COPIES = printcopies[i].Copies; row.SALESTYPE = invoice.Salestype_id; Company obj = CCompany_exten.PKId(Current.Company_id, new DAL()); row.COMPANY_NAME = obj.Display_name.ToUpper(); row.ADDRESS1 = obj.Street1 + " , " + obj.Street2; row.ADDRESS2 = obj.City_id + " - " + obj.Pincode_id + " , " + obj.State_id + ". Code -33, Email : " + obj.Email; row.COMPANY_TIN = " GSTIN : " + obj.Gst + "";// , Cell : " + obj.Cell1 + " "; row.PURCHASE_ID = p_id; row.PURCHASE_NO = invoice.Garment_purchase_no; row.PURCHASE_DATE = ConvertTO.Date2S(invoice.Garment_purchase_date); row.PARTY_NAME = invoice.Party_id; Party _party_list = CParty_exten.SearchName(invoice.Party_id, new DAL()); if (_party_list.Party_name != null) { row.STREET1 = _party_list.Street1 + ", " + _party_list.Street2; row.STREET2 = ""; row.CITY = _party_list.City_id + " - " + _party_list.Pincode_id + " , " + _party_list.State_id; row.STATE = ""; row.COUNTRY = _party_list.Country_id; row.PINCODE = ""; if (_party_list.Tin.Trim().Length != 0) { row.GSTIN = "TIN No : " + _party_list.Tin; } if (_party_list.Gst.Trim().Length != 0) { row.GSTIN += "GSTIN No : " + _party_list.Gst; } } row.TOTAL_QTY = ConvertTO.DecimalToS(invoice.Total_qty.ToString()); row.TAXABLE_VALUE = ConvertTO.Decimal2d(invoice.Total_taxable_amount.ToString()); List <Purchaseitems> klist = CPurchaseitems_exten.FKId(p_id, new DAL()); if (klist.Count != 0) { row.LBL_CGST = " Add CGST tax @ " + ConvertTO.DecimalToS(klist[0].Cgst_percent.ToString()) + " %"; row.LBL_SGST = " Add SGST tax @ " + ConvertTO.DecimalToS(klist[0].Sgst_percent.ToString()) + " %"; } else { row.LBL_CGST = " Add CGST tax "; row.LBL_SGST = " Add SGST tax "; } row.TOTAL_CGST = ConvertTO.Decimal2d(invoice.Total_cgst.ToString()); row.TOTAL_SGST = ConvertTO.Decimal2d(invoice.Total_sgst.ToString()); row.TOTAL_IGST = ConvertTO.Decimal2d(invoice.Total_igst.ToString()); row.TOTAL_SUB = (Global.ToDecimal(row.TAXABLE_VALUE) + Global.ToDecimal(row.TOTAL_CGST) + Global.ToDecimal(row.TOTAL_SGST) + Global.ToDecimal(row.TOTAL_IGST) + Global.ToDecimal(row.TOTAL_CESS)).ToString(); if (invoice.Ledger_id != null) { if (invoice.Ledger_id.Trim() != "") { row.LEDGER = " " + CLedger_exten.GetName_Id(invoice.Ledger_id); row.ADDITIONAL = invoice.Additional.ToString(); } else { row.LEDGER = ""; row.ADDITIONAL = ""; } } row.ROUNDS = invoice.Rounds.ToString(); row.GSTTOTAL = invoice.Gsttotal.ToString(); row.GRANDTOTAL = invoice.Grandtotal.ToString(); if (invoice.Notes != null) { if (invoice.Notes.Trim().Length != 0) { row.NOTES = "Notes : " + invoice.Notes; } } row.AMOUNT_IN_WORDS = "Rupees : " + Global.AmountInWords(Convert.ToDecimal(invoice.Grandtotal)); row.ENTRY_BY = invoice.User_id; list.Add(row); } return(list); }
private static Print_CreditnoteList ReturnCreditnote(string Id, List <PrintCopies> printcopies) { Creditnote invoice = CCreditnote_exten.PKId(Id); List <Creditnoteitems> invoiceitems = CCreditnoteitems_exten.FKId(Id); Company company = CCompany_exten.PKId(Current.Company_id); Party party = CParty_exten.SearchName(invoice.Party_id, new DAL()); Company_bank cmpbank = CCompany_bank_exten.PKId("1"); Print_CreditnoteList list = new Print_CreditnoteList(); for (int i = 0; i < printcopies.Count; i++) { Print_Creditnote row = new Print_Creditnote(); row.COPY_NAME = printcopies[i].Copies; row.SALES_TYPE = invoice.Salestype_id; row.TAX_TYPE = invoice.Taxtype_id; row.COMPANY_NAME = company.Display_name; row.COMPANY_ADDRESS_1 = company.Street1 + ", " + company.Street2; row.COMPANY_ADDRESS_2 = company.City_id + "- " + company.Pincode_id + ", " + company.State_id + " - (" + Ccoreplus.GetStateCode(company.State_id) + ") . Email :- " + company.Email; row.COMPANY_PHONE = company.Phone; row.COMPANY_CELL1 = company.Cell1; row.COMPANY_CELL2 = company.Cell2; row.COMPANY_EMAIL = company.Email; row.COMPANY_WEBSITE = company.Website; if (company.Gstin.Trim().Length != 0) { row.COMPANY_GSTIN = "GSTIN : " + company.Gstin; if (company.Cell1.Trim().Length != 0) { row.COMPANY_GSTIN = "GSTIN : " + company.Gstin + " , Mobile : " + company.Cell1; if (company.Cell2.Trim().Length != 0) { row.COMPANY_GSTIN = "GSTIN : " + company.Gstin + " , Mobile : " + company.Cell1 + ", " + company.Cell2; } } } else { row.COMPANY_GSTIN = ""; } row.CREDITNOTE_ID = invoice.Creditnote_id; row.CREDITNOTE_NO = ":. " + invoice.Creditnote_no; row.CREDITNOTE_DATE = ": " + ConvertTO.Date2S(invoice.Creditnote_date); row.PARTY_NAME = party.Party_name; row.PARTY_STREET_1 = party.Street_1 + ","; if (party.Street_2.Trim().Length != 0) { row.PARTY_STREET_2 = party.Street_2 + ","; } if (party.Pincode_id.Trim().Length == 6) { row.PARTY_CITY = party.City_id + " - :" + party.Pincode_id + ","; } else { row.PARTY_CITY = party.City_id + ","; } row.PARTY_STATE = party.State_id + " - (" + Ccoreplus.GetStateCode(party.State_id) + ")."; row.PARTY_STATE_CODE = ""; row.PARTY_COUNTRY = party.Country_id; row.PARTY_PINCODE = party.Pincode_id; if (party.Gstin.Trim().Length != 0) { row.PARTY_GSTIN = "GSTIN :" + party.Gstin; } row.TOTAL_QTY = invoice.Total_qty.ToString(); row.TAXABLE_VALUE = invoice.Total_taxable_amount.ToString(); if (Customised.TaxType == Core.SGST) { row.CGST_PERCENT = " Add CGST " + (invoiceitems[0].Cgst_percent.ToString()) + " %"; row.SGST_PERCENT = " Add SGST " + (invoiceitems[0].Sgst_percent.ToString()) + " %"; row.TOTAL_CGST = invoice.Total_cgst.ToString(); row.TOTAL_SGST = invoice.Total_sgst.ToString(); } else if (Customised.TaxType == Core.IGST) { row.CGST_PERCENT = ""; row.SGST_PERCENT = " Add IGST " + (invoiceitems[0].Igst_percent.ToString()) + " %"; row.TOTAL_CGST = ""; row.TOTAL_SGST = invoice.Total_igst.ToString(); } row.TOTAL_SUB = invoice.Grandtotal.ToString(); row.LEDGER = CLedger_exten.GetName_Id(invoice.Ledger_id); if (invoice.Additional != 0) { row.ADDITIONAL = invoice.Additional.ToString(); } else { row.ADDITIONAL = ""; } row.ROUNDS = invoice.Rounds.ToString(); row.GSTTOTAL = invoice.Gsttotal.ToString(); row.GRANDTOTAL = invoice.Grandtotal.ToString(); row.AMOUNT_IN_WORDS = "Rupees : " + Global.AmountInWords(invoice.Grandtotal); row.NOTES = invoice.Notes; row.ENTRY_BY = invoice.User_id; row.FORSIGN = company.Display_name; if (Customised.InvoiceWithBankDetails) { row.ACCOUNT_NO = "A/C NO : " + cmpbank.Account_number; row.IFSC_CODE = "IFSC CODE : " + cmpbank.Ifsc_code; row.BANK_NAME = "BANK NAME : " + cmpbank.Company_bank_name; row.BRANCH = "BRANCH : " + cmpbank.Branch_name; } else { row.ACCOUNT_NO = ""; row.IFSC_CODE = ""; row.BANK_NAME = ""; row.BRANCH = ""; } row.TERMS_1 = Message.TERMS_1; row.TERMS_2 = Message.TERMS_2; row.TERMS_3 = Message.TERMS_3; row.TERMS_4 = Customised.Terms_4; list.Add(row); } return(list); }
private void Print_copies() { /// List <PrintCopies> printdata = new List <PrintCopies>(); /// if (check_original.Checked) { PrintCopies _printdata = new PrintCopies(); printdata.Add(_printdata); printdata[0].Copies = _printdata.FirstCopy; } /// if ((check_duplicate.Checked) && (check_original.Checked)) { PrintCopies _printdata = new PrintCopies(); printdata.Add(_printdata); printdata[1].Copies = _printdata.SecondCopy; } else if ((check_duplicate.Checked) && (!check_original.Checked)) { PrintCopies _printdata = new PrintCopies(); printdata.Add(_printdata); printdata[0].Copies = _printdata.SecondCopy; } /// if ((check_triplicate.Checked) && (check_duplicate.Checked) && (check_original.Checked)) { PrintCopies _printdata = new PrintCopies(); printdata.Add(_printdata); printdata[2].Copies = _printdata.ThirdCopy; } else if ((check_triplicate.Checked) && (!check_duplicate.Checked) && (check_original.Checked)) { PrintCopies _printdata = new PrintCopies(); printdata.Add(_printdata); printdata[1].Copies = _printdata.ThirdCopy; } else if ((check_triplicate.Checked) && (!check_duplicate.Checked) && (!check_original.Checked)) { PrintCopies _printdata = new PrintCopies(); printdata.Add(_printdata); printdata[0].Copies = _printdata.ThirdCopy; } else if ((check_triplicate.Checked) && (check_duplicate.Checked) && (!check_original.Checked)) { PrintCopies _printdata = new PrintCopies(); printdata.Add(_printdata); printdata[1].Copies = _printdata.ThirdCopy; } Current.Comp_code = CCompany_exten.GetCode_id(Current.Company_id); new SetCustomised(); Customised.TaxType = txt_taxtype_id.Text; D_Creditnote.Build(); D_CreditnoteItem.Build(); FReportPreview frpt = new FReportPreview(); frpt.reportViewer1.ShowPrintButton = true; P_Creditnote.Print(frpt.reportViewer1, (vId), printdata); //P_CreditnoteItem.Print(frpt.reportViewer1, (vId)); frpt.Show(); print_panel.Hide(); this.Hide(); }
private static Print_QuotationList GetData(string p_id, List <PrintCopies> printcopies) { Upvc_Quotation quote_obj = CUpvc_Quotation_exten.PKId(p_id, new DAL()); Print_QuotationList list = new Print_QuotationList(); for (int i = 0; i < printcopies.Count; i++) { Print_QuotationRow row = new Print_QuotationRow(); row.COPIES = printcopies[i].Copies; row.QUOTATION_ID = p_id; //Company obj = Company.SetCompany(Current.Company_id); Company obj = CCompany_exten.PKId(Current.Company_id); row.COMPANY_NAME = obj.Display_name.ToUpper(); row.ADDRESS1 = obj.Street1 + ", " + obj.Street2 + ", " + obj.City_id + " - " + obj.Pincode_id + " , " + obj.State_id + ". State code - 33"; row.ADDRESS2 = "Email : " + obj.Email + " "; row.COMPANY_GST = "GSTIN : " + obj.Gstin; row.SALES_TYPE = "Create Quotation : " + quote_obj.Salestype_id; row.QUOTATION_NO = "Serial no.of Quotation : " + quote_obj.Quotation_no + " / " + CAcy_exten.GetName_Id(quote_obj.Acy_id); row.QUOTATION_DATE = "Invoice Date : " + ConvertTO.Date2S(quote_obj.Quotation_date); row.TRANSPORT = "Mode of Transport : " + quote_obj.Transport_id; row.VEHICLE_NO = ""; row.PLACE = "Place of Supply : " + Ccoreplus.GetCity_id(quote_obj.Delivered_id); row.PARTY_NAME = quote_obj.Party_id; Party party_obj = CParty_exten.SearchName(quote_obj.Party_id, new DAL()); if (party_obj.Party_name != null) { row.STREET1 = party_obj.Street_1 + ", " + party_obj.Street_2; row.STREET2 = ""; row.CITY = party_obj.City_id + " - " + party_obj.Pincode_id + " , " + party_obj.State_id + ", State Code -" + Ccoreplus.GetStateCode(party_obj.State_id); row.STATE = ""; row.COUNTRY = party_obj.Country_id; row.PINCODE = ""; if (party_obj.Gstin.Trim().Length != 0) { row.GSTIN = "TIN No : " + party_obj.Gstin; } if (party_obj.Gstin.Trim().Length != 0) { row.GSTIN += ", GSTIN No : " + party_obj.Gstin; } } row.SHIPPING_NAME = CParty_exten.GetName_Id(quote_obj.Delivered_id); Party shipping_obj = CParty_exten.PKId(quote_obj.Delivered_id, new DAL()); if (shipping_obj.Party_name != null) { row.SHIPPING_STREET1 = shipping_obj.Street_1 + ", " + shipping_obj.Street_2; row.SHIPPING_STREET2 = ""; row.SHIPPING_CITY = shipping_obj.City_id + " - " + shipping_obj.Pincode_id + " , " + shipping_obj.State_id + ", State Code -" + Ccoreplus.GetStateCode(shipping_obj.State_id); row.SHIPPING_STATE = ""; row.SHIPPING_COUNTRY = shipping_obj.Country_id; row.SHIPPING_PINCODE = ""; if (shipping_obj.Gstin.Trim().Length != 0) { row.SHIPPING_GSTIN += ", GSTIN No : " + shipping_obj.Gstin; } } row.TOTAL_QTY = ConvertTO.DecimalToS(quote_obj.Total_qty + ""); row.TOTAL_AREASQ = ConvertTO.DecimalToS(quote_obj.Total_areasq + ""); row.TAXABLE_VALUE = ConvertTO.Decimal2d(quote_obj.Total_taxable_amount + ""); List <Upvc_Quotationitems> klist = CUpvc_Quotationitems_exten.FKId(p_id, new DAL()); row.LBL_SGST = " Add SGST tax @ " + ConvertTO.DecimalToS(klist[0].Sgst_percent.ToString()) + " %"; row.TOTAL_SGST = ConvertTO.Decimal2d(quote_obj.Total_sgst + ""); row.LBL_CGST = " Add CGST tax @ " + ConvertTO.DecimalToS(klist[0].Cgst_percent.ToString()) + " %"; row.TOTAL_CGST = ConvertTO.Decimal2d(quote_obj.Total_cgst + ""); row.TOTAL_SUB = (ConvertTO.Decimal(row.TAXABLE_VALUE) + ConvertTO.Decimal(row.TOTAL_CGST) + ConvertTO.Decimal(row.TOTAL_SGST)).ToString(); if (quote_obj.Ledger_id != null) { if (quote_obj.Ledger_id.Trim() != "") { row.LEDGER = " " + quote_obj.Ledger_id; row.ADDITIONAL = quote_obj.Additional + ""; } else { row.LEDGER = ""; row.ADDITIONAL = ""; } } row.ROUNDS = quote_obj.Rounds + ""; row.GSTTOTAL = quote_obj.Gsttotal + ""; row.GRANDTOTAL = quote_obj.Grandtotal + ""; if (quote_obj.Notes != null) { if (quote_obj.Notes.Trim().Length != 0) { row.NOTES = "Notes : " + quote_obj.Notes; } } row.AMOUNT_IN_WORDS = "Rupees : " + Global.AmountInWords(Convert.ToDecimal(quote_obj.Grandtotal)); row.ENTRY_BY = quote_obj.User_id; list.Add(row); } return(list); }
private static Print_QuotationList GetData(string p_id) { Quotation quotation = CQuotation_exten.PKId(p_id, new DAL()); Print_QuotationList list = new Print_QuotationList(); Print_QuotationRow row = new Print_QuotationRow(); Company obj = CCompany_exten.PKId(Current.Company_id); row.COMPANY_NAME = obj.Display_name.ToUpper(); row.ADDRESS1 = obj.Street1 + " , " + obj.Street2; row.ADDRESS2 = obj.City_id + " - " + obj.Pincode_id + " , " + obj.State_id + ". Code -33, Email : " + obj.Email; row.COMPANY_TIN = " GSTIN : " + obj.Gstin + "";// , Cell : " + obj.Cell1 + " "; row.QUOTATION_ID = p_id; row.QUOTATION_NO = "NO : " + quotation.Quotation_no.ToString(); row.QUOTATION_DATE = "DATE : " + ConvertTO.Date2S(quotation.Quotation_date); row.PARTY_NAME = quotation.Party_id; Party _party_list = CParty_exten.SearchName(quotation.Party_id, new DAL()); if (_party_list.Party_name != null) { row.STREET1 = _party_list.Street_1 + ", " + _party_list.Street_2; row.STREET2 = ""; row.CITY = _party_list.City_id + " - " + _party_list.Pincode_id + " ,"; //row.STATE = _party_list.State_id + " - " + CState_exten.GetStateCode(_party_list.State_id); row.COUNTRY = _party_list.Country_id; row.PINCODE = ""; if (_party_list.Gstin.Trim().Length != 0) { row.GSTIN += "GSTIN No : " + _party_list.Gstin; } } row.TOTAL_QTY = ConvertTO.DecimalToS(quotation.Total_qty.ToString()); row.TAXABLE_VALUE = ConvertTO.Decimal2d(quotation.Total_taxable_amount.ToString()); List <Quotationitems> klist = CQuotationitems_exten.FKId(p_id, new DAL()); row.TOTAL_SUB = (Global.ToDecimal(row.TAXABLE_VALUE).ToString()); if (quotation.Ledger_id != null) { if (quotation.Ledger_id.Trim() != "") { row.LEDGER = "Add TAX Invoice " + quotation.Ledger_id; } else { row.LEDGER = ""; } } row.ADDITIONAL = quotation.Additional.ToString(); row.OUTSTANDING = "Total Outstanding Amount : " + CQuotation_exten.GetBalance(CParty_exten.GetId_Name(quotation.Party_id)); row.GRANDTOTAL = quotation.Grandtotal.ToString(); row.AMOUNT_IN_WORDS = "Rupees : " + Global.AmountInWords(Convert.ToDecimal(quotation.Grandtotal)); list.Add(row); return(list); }