private void resetHealth() { if (_fallingObjects.Count > 30) { return; } CCSprite health = (CCSprite)_healthPool[_healthPoolIndex]; _healthPoolIndex++; if (_healthPoolIndex == _healthPool.Count) { _healthPoolIndex = 0; } int health_x = CCRandom.GetRandomInt(0, 1000) % (int)(_screenSize.Width * 0.8f + _screenSize.Width * 0.1f); int health_target_x = CCRandom.GetRandomInt(0, 1000) % (int)(_screenSize.Width * 0.8f + _screenSize.Width * 0.1f); health.StopAllActions(); health.Position = new CCPoint(health_x, _screenSize.Height + health.BoundingBox.Size.Height * 0.5f); //create action (swing, move to target, and call function when done) CCFiniteTimeAction sequence = new CCSequence( new CCMoveTo(_healthSpeed, new CCPoint(health_target_x, _screenSize.Height * 0.15f)), new CCCallFuncN(fallingObjectDone)); health.Visible = true; health.RunAction(_swingHealth); health.RunAction(sequence); _fallingObjects.Add(health); }
/// <summary> /// Иговой цикл на экране с меню - падающие крисстальчики на фоне /// </summary> private void UpdateGems() { if (CCRandom.NextDouble() < 0.02) { var type = CCRandom.GetRandomInt(0, 4); var sprite = new CCSprite("crystalscrystals/" + type + ".png"); var x = CCRandom.NextDouble() * CCDirector.SharedDirector.WinSize.Width + Constants.KGemSize / 2; var y = CCDirector.SharedDirector.WinSize.Height + Constants.KGemSize / 2; var scale = 0.2 + 0.8 * CCRandom.NextDouble(); var speed = 2 * scale * Constants.KGemSize / 40; sprite.Position = new CCPoint((float)x, (float)y); sprite.Scale = (float)scale; _fallingGems.Add(sprite, (float)speed); _background.AddChild(sprite); } var gems = _fallingGems.Keys.ToArray(); foreach (var gem in gems) { var speed = _fallingGems[gem]; var pos = gem.Position; gem.Position = pos - new CCPoint(0, speed); if (pos.Y < -Constants.KGemSize / 2) { _background.RemoveChild(gem, true); _fallingGems.Remove(gem); } } }
void PositionMonkey() { // We start our rotation with an offset of 230,0 from the origin 0 degrees // and randomly position the monkey var startingAngle = CCRandom.GetRandomInt(-360, 360); monkey.Position = CCPoint.RotateByAngle(origin + new CCPoint(230, 0), origin, CCMathHelper.ToRadians(startingAngle)); positioned = true; }
// Our main game logic (float is so we can schedule it, if we set it in the function it avoids recreating the function) void PickRandomMole(float time = 0f) { // Make sure we're in game if (currentState == GameState.Game) { // Activate a random mole moles[CCRandom.GetRandomInt(0, moles.Count)].ActivateMole(moleVisibleFor); // Recursion. // I don't use Schedule because the time keeps changing ScheduleOnce(PickRandomMole, timeBetweenMoles); } }
void StripedBackground() { if (backGround != null) { backGround.RemoveFromParent(); } // Use the bounds to layout the positioning of our drawable assets CCRect bounds = VisibleBoundsWorldspace; var backGroundColor = RandomBrightColor(); var stripeColor = RandomBrightColor(); int minStripes = 4; int maxStripes = 10; // generate an even number of stripes or we will see offset patterns when using // linear wrap and scrolling. int numberOfStripes = 2 * CCRandom.GetRandomInt(minStripes / 2, maxStripes / 2); CCLog.Log("number of stripes " + numberOfStripes); backGround = new StripeWithColor(backGroundColor, stripeColor, 512, 512, numberOfStripes); backGround.AnchorPoint = CCPoint.AnchorLowerLeft; // MUST be power of 2 in order to create a continue effect. // eg: 32x64, 512x128, 256x1024, 64x64, etc.. var textureWidth = bounds.Size.Width.NextPOT(); var textureHeight = bounds.Size.Height.NextPOT(); backGround.Texture.SamplerState = Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.SamplerState.LinearWrap; // To get the linear wrap to work correctly we have to set the TextureRectInPixels as well as ContentSize backGround.TextureRectInPixels = new CCRect(0, 0, textureWidth, textureHeight); backGround.ContentSize = backGround.TextureRectInPixels.Size; AddChild(backGround, -1); }
private void resetMeteor() { //if too many objects on screen, return if (_fallingObjects.Count > 30) { return; } CCSprite meteor = _meteorPool[_meteorPoolIndex]; _meteorPoolIndex++; if (_meteorPoolIndex == _meteorPool.Count) { _meteorPoolIndex = 0; } //pick start and target positions for new meteor int meteor_x = CCRandom.GetRandomInt(1, 1000) % (int)((_screenSize.Width * 0.8f) + _screenSize.Width * 0.1f); int meteor_target_x = CCRandom.GetRandomInt(1, 1000) % (int)((_screenSize.Width * 0.8f) + _screenSize.Width * 0.1f); meteor.StopAllActions(); meteor.Position = new CCPoint(meteor_x, _screenSize.Height + meteor.BoundingBox.Size.Height * 0.5f); //create action for meteor (rotate forever, move to target, and call function) CCRotateBy rotate = new CCRotateBy(0.5f, -90); CCAction repeatRotate = new CCRepeatForever(rotate); CCFiniteTimeAction sequence = new CCSequence( new CCMoveTo(_meteorSpeed, new CCPoint(meteor_target_x, _screenSize.Height * 0.15f)), new CCCallFuncN(fallingObjectDone)); meteor.Visible = true; meteor.RunAction(repeatRotate); meteor.RunAction(sequence); _fallingObjects.Add(meteor); }
byte RandomColorValue() { var random = CCRandom.GetRandomInt(0, 255); return((byte)random); }
public void Connect(Action callbackMethod) { Task connectionTask; deviceName = (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(deviceName) ? "iOS_" + CCRandom.GetRandomInt(0, 100) : deviceName); isCompleted = false; isConnected = false; connectionTask = new Task(async() => { int locatorTimeout = bridgeLocatorTimeout; Exception currentException = new Exception(); IBridgeLocator bridgeLocator = new HttpBridgeLocator(); IEnumerable <LocatedBridge> locatedBridges = new List <LocatedBridge>(); try { locatedBridges = await bridgeLocator.LocateBridgesAsync(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(locatorTimeout)); if (((List <LocatedBridge>)locatedBridges).Count > 0) { while (((currentException.Source == null) || (currentException.Message == "Link button not pressed")) && (locatorTimeout >= 0)) { try { hueClient = new LocalHueClient(((List <LocatedBridge>)locatedBridges)[0].IpAddress); if (hueClient != null) { if (await hueClient.CheckConnection() == false) { if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(hueAppKey) == true) { hueAppKey = await hueClient.RegisterAsync(appName, deviceName); } if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(hueAppKey) == false) { hueClient.Initialize(hueAppKey); colorBulbs = ((List <Light>) await hueClient.GetLightsAsync()); for (int i = 0; i < colorBulbs.Count; i++) { if (colorBulbs[i].Type != "Extended color light") { colorBulbs.RemoveAt(i); i--; } } isConnected = true; break; } } else { break; } } } catch (Exception connectionException) { currentException = connectionException; } await Task.Delay(1000); locatorTimeout--; } } } catch (Exception bridgeLocatorException) { currentException = bridgeLocatorException; } isCompleted = true; callbackMethod(); }); connectionTask.Start(); }
private void GameLoop() { if (!_isGameOver) { RemoveMarkedGems(); int x; FallingGem gem; // Add falling gems for (x = 0; x < Constants.KBoardWidth; x++) { if (_numGemsInColumn[x] + _fallingGems[x].Count < Constants.KBoardHeight && _timeSinceAddInColumn[x] >= Constants.KTimeBetweenGemAdds) { // A gem should be added to this column! var gemType = CCRandom.GetRandomInt(0, 4); var gemSprite = new CCSprite("crystalscrystals/" + gemType + ".png"); gemSprite.Position = new CCPoint(_fieldPositionZero.X + x * Constants.KGemSize, _fieldPositionZero.Y + Constants.KBoardHeight * Constants.KGemSize); gemSprite.AnchorPoint = CCPoint.Zero; gem = new FallingGem() { gemType = gemType, sprite = gemSprite, yPos = Constants.KBoardHeight, ySpeed = 0 }; _fallingGems[x].Add(gem); _gameBoardLayer.AddChild(gemSprite); _timeSinceAddInColumn[x] = 0; } _timeSinceAddInColumn[x]++; } #region Move falling gems var gemLanded = false; for (x = 0; x < Constants.KBoardWidth; x++) { var column = _fallingGems[x]; var numFallingGems = _fallingGems[x].Count; for (var i = numFallingGems - 1; i >= 0; i--) { gem = column[i]; gem.ySpeed += 0.06f; gem.ySpeed *= 0.99f; gem.yPos -= gem.ySpeed; if (gem.yPos <= _numGemsInColumn[x]) { // The gem hit the ground or a fixed gem if (!gemLanded) { CCSimpleAudioEngine.SharedEngine.PlayEffect("Sounds/tap-" + CCRandom.Next(0, 4) + ".wav"); gemLanded = true; } column.RemoveAt(i); // Insert into board var y = _numGemsInColumn[x]; if (_board[x + y * Constants.KBoardWidth] != -1) { Debug.WriteLine("Warning! Overwriting board idx: " + x + y * Constants.KBoardWidth + " type: " + _board[x + y * Constants.KBoardWidth]); } _board[x + y * Constants.KBoardWidth] = gem.gemType; _boardSprites[x + y * Constants.KBoardWidth] = gem.sprite; // Update fixed position gem.sprite.Position = new CCPoint(_fieldPositionZero.X + x * Constants.KGemSize, _fieldPositionZero.Y + y * Constants.KGemSize); _numGemsInColumn[x]++; _boardChangedSinceEvaluation = true; } else { // Update the falling gems position gem.sprite.Position = new CCPoint(_fieldPositionZero.X + x * Constants.KGemSize, _fieldPositionZero.Y + gem.yPos * Constants.KGemSize); } } } #endregion // Check if there are possible moves and no gems falling var isFallingGems = false; for (x = 0; x < Constants.KBoardWidth; x++) { if (_numGemsInColumn[x] != Constants.KBoardHeight) { isFallingGems = true; break; } } if (!isFallingGems) { var possibleMove = FindMove(); if (possibleMove == -1) { // Create a possible move CreateRandomMove(); } } // Update timer var currentTime = DateTime.Now; var elapsedTime = (currentTime - _startTime).TotalMilliseconds / Constants.KTotalGameTime; var timeLeft = (1 - elapsedTime) * 100; if (timeLeft < 0) { timeLeft = 0; } if (timeLeft > 99.9) { timeLeft = 99.9; } _timer.Percentage = (float)timeLeft; // Update consecutive moves / powerplay if ((currentTime - _lastMoveTime).TotalMilliseconds > Constants.KMaxTimeBetweenConsecutiveMoves) { _numConsecutiveGems = 0; } UpdatePowerPlay(); // Update sparkles UpdateSparkles(); // Check if timer sound should be played if (timeLeft < 6.6 && !_endTimerStarted) { CCSimpleAudioEngine.SharedEngine.PlayEffect("Sounds/timer.wav"); _endTimerStarted = true; } // Check for game over if (timeLeft < 0.000001f) { CreateGameOver(); RunOutroAnimations(); _isGameOver = true; CCSimpleAudioEngine.SharedEngine.PlayEffect("Sounds/endgame.wav"); MainSceneLayer.LastScore = _score; } else if ((currentTime - _lastMoveTime).TotalMilliseconds > Constants.KDelayBeforeHint && !_isDisplayingHint) { DisplayHint(); } } else { UpdateGameOver(); } }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // GetRandomBubbleColor //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Gets a random bubble sprite color static string GetRandomBubbleColor() { var randomColorSprite = (BubbleColors)CCRandom.GetRandomInt((int), (int)BubbleColors.yellow); return("bubble-std-" + randomColorSprite + ".png"); }
private void InitGraphic() { _graphic = new CCSprite(String.Format("/Assets/Content/Images/Periphery/cloud{0}.png", CCRandom.GetRandomInt(1, 2))); _graphic.IsAntialiased = false; _graphic.Opacity = 128; _graphic.Position = new CCPoint(_graphic.ContentSize.Width * 0.5f, _graphic.ContentSize.Height / 2); _graphic.AnchorPoint = new CCPoint(0.0f, 0.0f); AddChild(_graphic); }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // GetRandomBonusType //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Randomly chooses a bonus bubble type //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // TODO: Bonus bubbles that are the same as consumables need to be more rare so the player is encouraged to // buy them with their coins. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public Bonuses GetRandomBonusType() { Bonuses bonusType = Bonuses.unused; int random; int upperRandomRange = 0; if (currentLevel.BonusAddition) { upperRandomRange += BWEIGHT_ADDITION; bWeightTotalAddition = upperRandomRange; } if (currentLevel.BonusBonusMF) { upperRandomRange += BWEIGHT_BONUS_MF; bWeightTotalBonusMF = upperRandomRange; } if (currentLevel.BonusCheckpoint) { upperRandomRange += BWEIGHT_CHECKPOINT; bWeightTotalCheckpoint = upperRandomRange; } if (currentLevel.BonusDoubleScore) { upperRandomRange += BWEIGHT_DOUBLE_SCORE; bWeightTotalDoubleScore = upperRandomRange; } if (currentLevel.BonusMystery) { upperRandomRange += BWEIGHT_MYSTERY; bWeightTotalMystery = upperRandomRange; } if (currentLevel.BonusNegPoints) { upperRandomRange += BWEIGHT_NEG_POINTS; bWeightTotalNegPoints = upperRandomRange; } if (currentLevel.BonusNegTime) { upperRandomRange += BWEIGHT_NEG_TIME; bWeightTotalNegTime = upperRandomRange; } if (currentLevel.BonusNextInSeq) { upperRandomRange += BWEIGHT_NEXT_IN_SEQ; bWeightTotalNextInSeq = upperRandomRange; } if (currentLevel.BonusNextMF) { upperRandomRange += BWEIGHT_NEXT_MF; bWeightTotalNextMF = upperRandomRange; } if (currentLevel.BonusPosPoints) { upperRandomRange += BWEIGHT_POS_POINTS; bWeightTotalPosPoints = upperRandomRange; } if (currentLevel.BonusPosTime) { upperRandomRange += BWEIGHT_POS_TIME; bWeightTotalPosTime = upperRandomRange; } if (currentLevel.BonusSubtraction) { upperRandomRange += BWEIGHT_SUBTRACTION; bWeightTotalSubtraction = upperRandomRange; } if (currentLevel.BonusTapStrength) { upperRandomRange += BWEIGHT_TAP_STR; bWeightTotalTapStrength = upperRandomRange; } if (currentLevel.BonusTripleScore) { upperRandomRange += BWEIGHT_TRIPLE_SCORE; bWeightTotalTripleScore = upperRandomRange; } if (currentLevel.BonusLuckyPointChance) { upperRandomRange += BWEIGHT_LUCKY_POINT_CHANCE; bWeightTotalLuckyPointChance = upperRandomRange; } if (currentLevel.BonusLuckyPointAmount) { upperRandomRange += BWEIGHT_LUCKY_POINT_AMOUNT; bWeightTotalLuckyPointAmount = upperRandomRange; } random = CCRandom.GetRandomInt(1, upperRandomRange); // we make the lower end of the range a 1 because any unused weights will be 0 if (random <= bWeightTotalAddition) { bonusType = Bonuses.addition; } else if (random <= bWeightTotalBonusMF) { bonusType = Bonuses.bonus_mf; } else if (random <= bWeightTotalCheckpoint) { bonusType = Bonuses.checkpoint; } else if (random <= bWeightTotalDoubleScore) { bonusType = Bonuses.double_score; } else if (random <= bWeightTotalMystery) { bonusType = Bonuses.mystery; } else if (random <= bWeightTotalNegPoints) { bonusType = Bonuses.neg_points; } else if (random <= bWeightTotalNegTime) { bonusType = Bonuses.neg_time; } else if (random <= bWeightTotalNextInSeq) { bonusType = Bonuses.next_in_seq; } else if (random <= bWeightTotalNextMF) { bonusType = Bonuses.next_mf; } else if (random <= bWeightTotalPosPoints) { bonusType = Bonuses.pos_points; } else if (random <= bWeightTotalPosTime) { bonusType = Bonuses.pos_time; } else if (random <= bWeightTotalSubtraction) { bonusType = Bonuses.subtraction; } else if (random <= bWeightTotalTapStrength) { bonusType = Bonuses.tap_str; } else if (random <= bWeightTotalTripleScore) { bonusType = Bonuses.triple_score; } else if (random <= bWeightTotalLuckyPointChance) { bonusType = Bonuses.lucky_point_chance; } else if (random <= bWeightTotalLuckyPointAmount) { bonusType = Bonuses.lucky_point_amount; } //TODO: need to add assignment for Big Pos TIME and POINTS return(bonusType); }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // GetRandomTapsToPop //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Determines taps to pop based on bonus type and difficulty level //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public int GetRandomTapsToPop(Bonuses bonusType) { int tapsNeeded = MIN_EASY_TAPS; switch (bonusType) { case Bonuses.pos_time: { tapsNeeded = MIN_EASY_TAPS; break; } case Bonuses.double_score: { tapsNeeded = MIN_EASY_TAPS; break; } case Bonuses.pos_points: { tapsNeeded = MIN_EASY_TAPS; break; } case Bonuses.addition: { tapsNeeded = MIN_EASY_TAPS; break; } case Bonuses.subtraction: { tapsNeeded = MIN_EASY_TAPS; break; } case Bonuses.checkpoint: { tapsNeeded = MIN_EASY_TAPS; break; } case Bonuses.triple_score: { tapsNeeded = MIN_EASY_TAPS; break; } case Bonuses.next_in_seq: { tapsNeeded = MIN_EASY_TAPS; break; } case Bonuses.next_mf: { tapsNeeded = MIN_EASY_TAPS; break; } case Bonuses.bonus_mf: { tapsNeeded = MIN_EASY_TAPS; break; } case Bonuses.tap_str: { tapsNeeded = MIN_EASY_TAPS; break; } case Bonuses.neg_time: { tapsNeeded = 1; break; } case Bonuses.neg_points: { tapsNeeded = 1; break; } case Bonuses.mystery: { tapsNeeded = CCRandom.GetRandomInt(MIN_HARD_TAPS, MAX_HARD_TAPS); break; } case Bonuses.lucky_point_chance: { tapsNeeded = 1; break; } case Bonuses.lucky_point_amount: { tapsNeeded = 1; break; } } return(tapsNeeded); }