public void SimplePayResp() { string returnUrl = site_root + "/Home/OAuth"; NameValueCollection parameters = new NameValueCollection(Request.QueryString); string old_hash = parameters["path_digest"]; string new_hash = CCPHelper.code_to_hash(CCPHelper.SimplePayResp_code); string path_digest = "CaaS[[" + new_hash + "(" + old_hash + ")]]"; parameters["path_digest"] = path_digest; parameters.Remove("signature"); //Note that localhost:8243 and AmazonSimplePayReturn.aspx are hardcoded right now, idealy we want them to be dynamically inserted Response.StatusCode = 302; Response.Status = "302 Moved Temporarily"; Response.RedirectLocation = returnUrl + "?" + ToQueryString(parameters); _sig = CryptoHelper.HashAndSignBytes(Response.RedirectLocation); Response.RedirectLocation += "&signature=" + _sig; Response.End(); }
public void SimplePayReq(int amount, string flip) { var bets = betDb.Bets; foreach (var b in bets) { betDb.Bets.Remove(b); } betDb.SaveChanges(); Bet bet = new Bet(); bet.guess = flip; bet.amount = amount; betDb.Bets.Add(bet); betDb.SaveChanges(); string codeHash = CCPHelper.code_to_hash(CCPHelper.SimplePayReq_code); //1. redirect to simplepay RemotePost post = new RemotePost(); post.FormName = "SimplePay"; post.Url = ""; post.Method = "POST"; post.Add("immediateReturn", "1"); post.Add("signatureVersion", "2"); post.Add("signatureMethod", "HmacSHA256"); post.Add("accessKey", "AKIAJB4XJRGX6XRRVIDA"); post.Add("amount", String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "USD {0:0.00}", amount)); post.Add("description", flip); post.Add("amazonPaymentsAccountId", "IGFCUTPWGXVM311K1E6QTXIQ1RPEIUG5PTIMUZ"); post.Add("returnUrl", site_root + "/Home/SimplePayResp?path_digest=GamblingSite[[" + codeHash + "()]]"); post.Add("processImmediate", "1"); post.Add("referenceId", Convert.ToString(bet.ID)); //the entire msg is signed using the pre-decided simplepay secret key post.Add("signature", AmazonHelper.SignParameters(post.Params, "WfZ3JnrY8mpJ8DZ7VlL07+RYtWznX3PWHNV8Zj5M", //simplePay secret key post.Method, "", "/pba/paypipeline")); post.Post(); }
public ActionResult Index(string result, string id, string path_digest, string signature) { //this if statement will trigger on the last step of the protocol if (result == "head" || result == "tail") { //first, verify that signature is correct //create signature NameValueCollection redirQueryParams = new NameValueCollection(); redirQueryParams["id"] = id; redirQueryParams["result"] = result; redirQueryParams["path_digest"] = path_digest; string return_uri = site_root + "/Home/Index?" + ToQueryString(redirQueryParams); if (!CryptoHelper.VerifySignedHash(return_uri, signature)) { ViewBag.error = "Error: Signature wrong!"; } else { ViewBag.error = ""; } string new_hash = CCPHelper.code_to_hash(CCPHelper.GamblingSite_code); string new_path_digest = "GamblingSite[[" + new_hash + "(" + path_digest + ")]]"; CCPHelper.generate_cs_file_from_symval(new_path_digest); if (!CCPHelper.checkLogicProperty()) { ViewBag.error = "Error: Boogie Verification failed"; } else { int i = Convert.ToInt32(id); Bet bet = betDb.Bets.Where(b => b.ID == i).FirstOrDefault(); ViewBag.result = result; = bet.amount; ViewBag.guess = bet.guess; } } return(View()); }
public string VerifyToken() { NameValueCollection parameters = new NameValueCollection(Request.QueryString); string strToken = parameters["token"]; var token = tokenDb.Tokens .Where(t => t.OAuthToken == strToken) .FirstOrDefault(); if (token != null && token.EffectiveResult == "untossed") { token.EffectiveResult = parameters["result"]; tokenDb.SaveChanges(); string old_hash = parameters["path_digest"]; string new_hash = CCPHelper.code_to_hash(CCPHelper.VerifyToken_code); string path_digest = "OAuth[" + new_hash + "((" + old_hash + "))]"; string result = token.EffectiveResult + "#" + path_digest; return(result); } return(""); }
public ActionResult CoinTosser(string token, string price, string id) { var client = new WebClient(); //get info from nopcommerce submission form string dummyResult = "head"; //first, check if signature is valid NameValueCollection parameters = new NameValueCollection(Request.QueryString); ASCIIEncoding ByteConverter = new ASCIIEncoding(); string sig = parameters["signature"]; parameters.Remove("signature"); string returnURL = Request.Url.Scheme + "://" + Request.Url.Host + ":" + Request.Url.Port + "/Home/CoinTosser?" + ToQueryString(parameters); if (!CryptoHelper.VerifySignedHash(returnURL, sig)) { ViewBag.error = " Error: Signature verification failed!"; } else { ViewBag.error = ""; } //first, calculate pathdigest NameValueCollection redirParams = new NameValueCollection(); string old_hash = parameters["path_digest"]; string new_hash = CCPHelper.code_to_hash(CCPHelper.VerifyTokenReq_code); string path_digest = "CoinTosser[" + new_hash + "((" + old_hash + "))]"; redirParams["path_digest"] = path_digest; redirParams["token"] = token; redirParams["result"] = dummyResult; /* * site_root +"/Home/VerifyToken?token=" +token + "&result=" + result */ string redirectUri = Request.Url.Scheme + "://" + Request.Url.Host + ":" + Request.Url.Port + "/Home/VerifyToken?" + ToQueryString(redirParams); string OAuthResponse = FetchVerifyTokenResult(redirectUri); string[] split = OAuthResponse.Split('#'); string effectiveResult = split[0]; old_hash = split[1]; if (effectiveResult == dummyResult) { new_hash = CCPHelper.code_to_hash(CCPHelper.GamblingReq_code); path_digest = "CoinTosser[" + new_hash + "((" + old_hash + "))]"; //create signature NameValueCollection redirQueryParams = new NameValueCollection(); redirQueryParams["id"] = id; redirQueryParams["result"] = effectiveResult; redirQueryParams["path_digest"] = path_digest; string return_uri = site_root + "/Home/Index?" + ToQueryString(redirQueryParams); string signature = CryptoHelper.HashAndSignBytes(return_uri); ViewBag.result = effectiveResult; //make a remote post back to gaming site RemotePost post = new RemotePost(); post.FormName = "Cointoss"; post.Url = site_root + "/Home/Index"; post.Method = "POST"; post.Add("result", effectiveResult); post.Add("id", id); post.Add("path_digest", path_digest); post.Add("signature", signature); post.Post(); } return(View()); }
public ActionResult OAuth() { //first, reset the DB var tokens = tokenDb.Tokens; foreach (var token in tokens) { tokenDb.Tokens.Remove(token); } NameValueCollection parameters = new NameValueCollection(Request.QueryString); //first, check if signature is valid ASCIIEncoding ByteConverter = new ASCIIEncoding(); string sig = parameters["signature"]; parameters.Remove("signature"); string returnURL = Request.Url.Scheme + "://" + Request.Url.Host + ":" + Request.Url.Port + "/Home/OAuth?" + ToQueryString(parameters); if (!CryptoHelper.VerifySignedHash(returnURL, sig)) { ViewBag.error = "Error! signature doesn't match"; return(View()); } else { ViewBag.error = ""; } if (parameters["status"] == "PS" && parameters["recipientEmail"] == recipient_email) { //payment is successful, we can issue OAuth token Token token = new Token(); token.OAuthToken = "TestOAuthToken"; token.EffectiveResult = "untossed"; token.Cost = parameters["transactionAmount"]; token.BetID = parameters["referenceId"]; //pass info to front end NameValueCollection redirParams = new NameValueCollection(); //first, calculate pathdigest string old_hash = parameters["path_digest"]; string new_hash = CCPHelper.code_to_hash(CCPHelper.OAuth_code); string path_digest = "OAuth[[" + new_hash + "(" + old_hash + ")]]"; redirParams["path_digest"] = path_digest; //assemble HTTP params redirParams["token"] = token.OAuthToken; redirParams["price"] = token.Cost; redirParams["id"] = token.BetID; //'/Home/CoinTosser?token='+'@ViewBag.token'+'&price='+'@ViewBag.price' + '&id=' + '@ViewBag.betID' string redirectUri = Request.Url.Scheme + "://" + Request.Url.Host + ":" + Request.Url.Port + "/Home/CoinTosser?" + ToQueryString(redirParams); redirectUri += "&signature=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(CryptoHelper.HashAndSignBytes(redirectUri)); ViewBag.redirUri = redirectUri; tokenDb.Tokens.Add(token); tokenDb.SaveChanges(); } return(View()); }