Example #1
        public async Task SubmitUnitsToGroup(string playerGameToJson)
            CCGame playerGame = new CCGame(0, null, null, null, "");

            playerGame = JsonConvert.DeserializeAnonymousType(playerGameToJson, playerGame);

            CCPlayer RequestingPlayer = playerGame.Room.Players.First(x => x.ConnectionId == Context.ConnectionId);
            Army     RequestingArmy   = playerGame.Armies.First(x => x.PlayerName == RequestingPlayer.PlayerName);

            foreach (CCPlayer player in playerGame.Room.Players)
                if (player.PlayerName == RequestingPlayer.PlayerName)
                    player.AvailableInf   -= RequestingArmy.Infantry;
                    player.AvailableTanks -= RequestingArmy.Tanks;

            foreach (CCPlayer player in playerGame.Room.Players)
                Console.WriteLine("Submitted units " + player.PlayerName + " : " + player.Ready.ToString());
            if (playerGame.Room.Players.All(x => x.Ready == true))
                playerGame.Phase = "Card Selection";
                foreach (CCPlayer player in playerGame.Room.Players)
                    player.Ready = false;

            await Clients.Group(playerGame.Room.RoomName).SendAsync("Units Submitted To Group", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(playerGame));
Example #2
        public CCGame InitializeGame(Rooms playerRoom, CCPlayer RequestingPlayer)
            // Get info for the other player
            CCPlayer player2 = playerRoom.Players.First(x => x.PlayerName != RequestingPlayer.PlayerName);

            //Intialize the armies
            List <Army> playerArmies = new List <Army>();
            Army        army1        = new Army(RequestingPlayer.PlayerName, 0, 0, null);
            Army        army2        = new Army(player2.PlayerName, 0, 0, null);


            // Create the game
            CCGame playerGame = new CCGame(1, "Unit Selection", playerArmies, playerRoom, "");

            //playerGame.Room.Players.Where(x => x.PlayerName == RequestingPlayer.PlayerName).Select(x => { x.Ready = false; return x; });
            //playerGame.Room.Players.Where(x => x.PlayerName == player2.PlayerName).Select(x => { x.Ready = false; return x; });

            foreach (CCPlayer player in playerGame.Room.Players)
                player.Ready = false;
Example #3
 public CCGame MakeUnavailableAvailable(CCGame playerGame)
     foreach (CCPlayer player in playerGame.Room.Players)
         player.AvailableInf    += player.UnavailableInf;
         player.AvailableTanks  += player.UnavailableTanks;
         player.UnavailableInf   = 0;
         player.UnavailableTanks = 0;
         // Increase player's win total, if they won
Example #4
        public CCGame WinnerOfBattle(CCGame playerGame)
            Console.WriteLine("Chosing a winning player");
            CCPlayer RequestingPlayer = playerGame.Room.Players.First(x => x.ConnectionId == Context.ConnectionId);

            Army RequestingPlayerArmy = playerGame.Armies.First(x => x.PlayerName == RequestingPlayer.PlayerName);
            Army OtherPlayerArmy      = playerGame.Armies.First(x => x.PlayerName != RequestingPlayer.PlayerName);

            int RequestingPlayerTotalPower = (RequestingPlayerArmy.Tanks * 2) + RequestingPlayerArmy.Infantry + RequestingPlayerArmy.PlayerCard.Power;
            int OtherPlayerTotalPower      = (OtherPlayerArmy.Tanks * 2) + OtherPlayerArmy.Infantry + OtherPlayerArmy.PlayerCard.Power;

            if (RequestingPlayerTotalPower > OtherPlayerTotalPower)
                playerGame.WinningPlayer = RequestingPlayerArmy.PlayerName;
            else if (RequestingPlayerTotalPower == OtherPlayerTotalPower)
                if (RequestingPlayerArmy.PlayerCard.Power > OtherPlayerArmy.PlayerCard.Power)
                    playerGame.WinningPlayer = RequestingPlayerArmy.PlayerName;
                else if (RequestingPlayerArmy.PlayerCard.Power < OtherPlayerArmy.PlayerCard.Power)
                    playerGame.WinningPlayer = OtherPlayerArmy.PlayerName;
                else if (RequestingPlayerArmy.PlayerCard.Power == OtherPlayerArmy.PlayerCard.Power)
                    if (RequestingPlayerArmy.Infantry > OtherPlayerArmy.Infantry)
                        playerGame.WinningPlayer = RequestingPlayerArmy.PlayerName;
                    else if (RequestingPlayerArmy.Infantry < OtherPlayerArmy.Infantry)
                        playerGame.WinningPlayer = OtherPlayerArmy.PlayerName;
                    else if (RequestingPlayerArmy.Infantry == OtherPlayerArmy.Infantry)
                        playerGame.WinningPlayer = "tie";
            else if (RequestingPlayerTotalPower < OtherPlayerTotalPower)
                playerGame.WinningPlayer = OtherPlayerArmy.PlayerName;
Example #5
        public CCGame ResolveAttackDefense(CCGame playerGame)
            Console.WriteLine("resolving attack / defense");
            if (playerGame.WinningPlayer != "tie")
                CCPlayer WinningPlayer = playerGame.Room.Players.First(x => x.PlayerName == playerGame.WinningPlayer);
                CCPlayer LosingPlayer  = playerGame.Room.Players.First(x => x.PlayerName != playerGame.WinningPlayer);

                Army WinningArmy = playerGame.Armies.First(x => x.PlayerName == playerGame.WinningPlayer);
                Army LosingArmy  = playerGame.Armies.First(x => x.PlayerName != playerGame.WinningPlayer);

                if (WinningArmy.PlayerCard.AttackValue > 0)
                    int TotalDamage = WinningArmy.PlayerCard.AttackValue - LosingArmy.PlayerCard.DefenseValue;
                    if (TotalDamage > 0)
                        //remove tanks first
                        LosingArmy.Tanks -= TotalDamage;
                        if (LosingArmy.Tanks < 0)
                            TotalDamage      = Math.Abs(LosingArmy.Tanks);
                            LosingArmy.Tanks = 0;
                            TotalDamage = 0;
                        LosingArmy.Infantry -= TotalDamage;
                        if (LosingArmy.Infantry < 0)
                            LosingArmy.Infantry = 0;

                        foreach (Army army in playerGame.Armies)
                            if (army.PlayerName == LosingPlayer.PlayerName)
                                army.Tanks    = LosingArmy.Tanks;
                                army.Infantry = LosingArmy.Infantry;
Example #6
        public async Task ReadyUp()
            CCPlayer RequestingPlayer = playerList.First(x => x.ConnectionId == Context.ConnectionId);
            Rooms    playerRoom       = roomList.First(x => x.RoomName == RequestingPlayer.RoomName);

            RequestingPlayer.Ready = true;
            playerRoom.Players.Where(x => x.PlayerName == RequestingPlayer.PlayerName).Select(x => { x.Ready = true; return(x); });
            bool   arePlayersReady = CheckIfPlayersReady();
            CCGame playerGame      = new CCGame(1, "", null, null, "");

            // setup the game if players are all ready
            if (arePlayersReady)
                playerGame = InitializeGame(playerRoom, RequestingPlayer);

            await Clients.Group(RequestingPlayer.RoomName).SendAsync("User Readied", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(playerList), arePlayersReady, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(playerRoom.Players), JsonConvert.SerializeObject(playerGame));
Example #7
        public async Task SubmitCardToGroup(string playerGameToJson)
            CCGame playerGame = new CCGame(0, null, null, null, "");

            playerGame = JsonConvert.DeserializeAnonymousType(playerGameToJson, playerGame);
            foreach (CCPlayer player in playerGame.Room.Players)
                Console.WriteLine("Submitted card " + player.PlayerName + " : " + player.Ready.ToString());
            if (playerGame.Room.Players.All(x => x.Ready == true))
                playerGame       = WinnerOfBattle(playerGame);
                playerGame.Phase = "Battle Resolution";
                foreach (CCPlayer player in playerGame.Room.Players)
                    player.Ready = false;
            await Clients.Group(playerGame.Room.RoomName).SendAsync("Card Submitted To Group", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(playerGame));
Example #8
        protected CCGame MiniGame(CCGame game, List <int> goodStrategies, int player)
            int    i, j;
            CCGame g = new CCGame();


            if (player == 0)
                for (i = 0; i < goodStrategies.Count; i++)
                for (j = 0; j < game.Y.Count; j++)
            if (player == 1)
                for (i = 0; i < game.X.Count; i++)
                for (j = 0; j < goodStrategies.Count; j++)

            for (i = 0; i < g.X.Count; i++)
                for (j = 0; j < g.Y.Count; j++)
                    g.U1[g.X[i].Name][g.Y[j].Name] = game.U1[g.X[i].Name][g.Y[j].Name];
                    g.U2[g.Y[j].Name][g.X[i].Name] = game.U2[g.Y[j].Name][g.X[i].Name];

Example #9
        public override object Execute()
            CCGame current;
            NDi    NDi    = new NDi();
            int    finish = 0;
            int    player = 1;

            current = new CCGame();

            while (finish < 3)

                List <int>[] r = NDi.Execute() as List <int>[];

                if (((player == 0) && (r[player].Count < current.X.Count)) ||
                    ((player == 1) && (r[player].Count < current.Y.Count)))
                    current = MiniGame(current, r[player], player);
                    finish  = 0;

                player = 1 - player;

            List <Point> XNT = new List <Point>();

            foreach (Strategy x in current.X)
                foreach (Strategy y in current.Y)
                    XNT.Add(new Point(_game.X.IndexOf(x.Name), _game.Y.IndexOf(y.Name)));

Example #10
 public override void Init(CCGame game)
     this._game = game;
Example #11
        public async Task BattleCleanUpToGroup(string playerGameToJson)
            Console.WriteLine("called BattleCleanUpToGroup");
            //Game battleResults = new Game(0, null, null, null, "");
            CCGame playerGame = new CCGame(0, null, null, null, "");

            playerGame = JsonConvert.DeserializeAnonymousType(playerGameToJson, playerGame);
            Console.WriteLine("CChecking if all players are ready");
            bool   isGameOver   = false;
            bool   isLastRound  = false;
            string noUnitsError = null;

            foreach (CCPlayer player in playerGame.Room.Players)
                Console.WriteLine(player.PlayerName + " : " + player.Ready.ToString());
            if (playerGame.Room.Players.All(x => x.Ready == true))
                Console.WriteLine("initiating battle cleanup");
                //Move disabled units into available units
                Console.WriteLine("moving disabled units to available");
                playerGame = MakeUnavailableAvailable(playerGame);

                /*foreach (Player player in playerGame.Room.Players)
                 * {
                 *  player.AvailableInf += player.UnavailableInf;
                 *  player.AvailableTanks += player.UnavailableTanks;
                 *  player.UnavailableInf = 0;
                 *  player.UnavailableTanks = 0;
                 *  // Increase player's win total, if they won
                 *  if (player.PlayerName == playerGame.WinningPlayer)
                 *  {
                 *      player.TotalWins++;
                 *  }
                 * }*/
                // Resolve the Attack / Defense effects of the cards
                playerGame = ResolveAttackDefense(playerGame);
                // Move remaining armies into the players "unavailable" units and discard cards
                Console.WriteLine("moving army into disabled units");
                foreach (CCPlayer player in playerGame.Room.Players)
                    foreach (Army army in playerGame.Armies)
                        if (army.PlayerName == player.PlayerName)
                            player.UnavailableInf   += army.Infantry;
                            player.UnavailableTanks += army.Tanks;
                            army.Infantry            = 0;
                            army.Tanks = 0;
                            Console.WriteLine("Discarding played card");
                            player.Hand.RemoveAll(x => x.CardName == army.PlayerCard.CardName);
                            army.PlayerCard = null;
                            if (player.Hand.Count == 0)
                                Console.WriteLine("Hand depleted. Resetting the player's hand");
                                foreach (Card card in player.DiscardPile)
                // Increase winning player's win total
                foreach (CCPlayer player in playerGame.Room.Players)
                    if (player.PlayerName == playerGame.WinningPlayer)
                // check if any players have no units available
                if (playerGame.Room.Players.Any(x => x.AvailableInf == 0 && x.AvailableTanks == 0))
                    // check if both players have no available units
                    if (playerGame.Room.Players.All(x => x.AvailableInf == 0 && x.AvailableTanks == 0))
                        noUnitsError = "Both players had no available units. Round " + playerGame.RoundNumber.ToString() + " was forfeited by both and skipped";
                    else if (playerGame.Room.Players.Any(x => x.AvailableInf == 0 && x.AvailableTanks == 0 && x.UnavailableInf == 0 && x.UnavailableTanks == 0))
                        // Check if both players are completely out of units. I don't think this is possible?
                        if (playerGame.Room.Players.All(x => x.AvailableInf == 0 && x.AvailableTanks == 0 && x.UnavailableInf == 0 && x.UnavailableTanks == 0))
                            noUnitsError           = "Mutually assured destruction. All units in the game are destroyed. Game over.";
                            playerGame.RoundNumber = 10;
                            string playerWithNoAvilalbeUnits = playerGame.Room.Players.First(x => x.AvailableInf == 0 && x.AvailableTanks == 0 && x.UnavailableInf == 0 && x.UnavailableTanks == 0).PlayerName;
                            noUnitsError = playerWithNoAvilalbeUnits + " has lost all units. They foreit all remaining rounds.";
                            int currentRoundNumber = playerGame.RoundNumber;
                            for (int i = currentRoundNumber; i < 10; i++)
                                foreach (CCPlayer player in playerGame.Room.Players)
                                    if (player.PlayerName != playerWithNoAvilalbeUnits)
                        string playerWithNoAvilalbeUnits = playerGame.Room.Players.First(x => x.AvailableInf == 0 && x.AvailableTanks == 0).PlayerName;
                        noUnitsError = playerWithNoAvilalbeUnits + " had no units. They forfeited round " + playerGame.RoundNumber.ToString();
                        foreach (CCPlayer player in playerGame.Room.Players)
                            if (player.PlayerName != playerWithNoAvilalbeUnits)

                    playerGame = MakeUnavailableAvailable(playerGame);
                // Reset the winning player
                playerGame.WinningPlayer = null;
                // Increase the round number

                if (playerGame.RoundNumber >= 10)
                    isGameOver  = true;
                    isLastRound = false;
                else if (playerGame.RoundNumber == 9)
                    isLastRound = true;
                // Increase the round number
                // reset the phase to Unit Selection
                playerGame.Phase = "Unit Selection";
                // reset player status
                foreach (CCPlayer player in playerGame.Room.Players)
                    player.Ready = false;
            Console.WriteLine("returning player game from battle cleanup");
            await Clients.Group(playerGame.Room.RoomName).SendAsync("Battle Completed", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(playerGame), isGameOver, isLastRound, noUnitsError);