Example #1
        internal override void UpdateCamera()
            // additionally color the background and the planes according to the position of the center of the camera relative to the zones
            CCPoint camMid     = CameraPosition + (CCPoint)CameraSize / 2;
            float   radius     = camMid.Length;
            var     bgColor    = RadiusToColor(radius, groundNotAir: true);
            var     planeColor = RadiusToColor(radius, groundNotAir: false);

            // draw the bg lines
            const float bgsize      = 600000f;
            const int   lineCount   = 200;
            var         bgLineColor = CCColor4B.Lerp(planeColor, CCColor4B.Black, 0.75f);

            for (int i = -lineCount; i < lineCount; i++)
                DrawNode.DrawLine(new CCPoint(i * bgsize / lineCount, -bgsize), new CCPoint(i * bgsize / lineCount, bgsize), 20f, bgLineColor);
                DrawNode.DrawLine(new CCPoint(-bgsize, i * bgsize / lineCount), new CCPoint(bgsize, i * bgsize / lineCount), 20f, bgLineColor);
            // draw the bg color
            DrawNodeBG.DrawRect(new CCRect(-999999999f, -999999999f, 999999999f * 2, 999999999f * 2), bgColor);
            // now the planes
            // only color the enemies
            foreach (var aircraft in ActiveAircrafts)
Example #2
        internal static CCColor4B RadiusToColor(float radius, bool groundNotAir)
            int zone = RadiusToZoneNum(radius);
            // calculate the relative difference of the radius to the radius marking the center of the zone (in percent)
            float       prevEndRad = zone != 0 ? ZoneEndRadii[zone - 1] : 0;
            float       zoneSize   = zone != ZoneEndRadii.Length ? ZoneEndRadii[zone] - prevEndRad : 18000f;
            float       relDiff    = (radius - prevEndRad) / zoneSize - 0.5f;
            const float lerpStart  = 0.3f;

            if (relDiff < -lerpStart && zone != 0)
                return(CCColor4B.Lerp(groundNotAir ? ZoneColorsGround[zone] : ZoneColorsAir[zone],
                                      groundNotAir ? ZoneColorsGround[zone - 1] : ZoneColorsAir[zone - 1],
                                      (-relDiff - lerpStart) / (0.5f - lerpStart) / 2));
            else if (relDiff > lerpStart && zone != ZoneEndRadii.Length)
                return(CCColor4B.Lerp(groundNotAir ? ZoneColorsGround[zone] : ZoneColorsAir[zone],
                                      groundNotAir ? ZoneColorsGround[zone + 1] : ZoneColorsAir[zone + 1],
                                      (relDiff - lerpStart) / (0.5f - lerpStart) / 2));
                return(groundNotAir ? ZoneColorsGround[zone] : ZoneColorsAir[zone]);
Example #3
        public CCColor4B GetOuterHexagonColor(ResourceType resourceType)
            var color          = resourceType.GetColor(this);
            var blendColor     = HexagonBlendColor;
            var blendIntensity = OuterHexagonBlendIntensity;
            var result         = CCColor4B.Lerp(color, blendColor, blendIntensity);

        /// <summary>
        /// Damage clouds have a different color behaviour (fire for example)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="scale"></param>
        /// <param name="color"></param>
        public override void ScaleAndColor(out float scale, out CCColor4B color)
            base.ScaleAndColor(out scale, out color);
            color = CLOUD_COLOR;
            // if you have a special FireColor (anything but gray) factor it in
            float lifePercentage = LifeTime / TotalLifeTime;

            if (!FireColor.Equals(CLOUD_COLOR))
                float factor = (float)Math.Cos(Math.PI / 2 * lifePercentage);
                color = CCColor4B.Lerp(CLOUD_COLOR, FireColor, factor);
Example #5
        internal void SetWreckPercentile(Aircraft aircraft, float percent)
            if (aircraft == null || (aircraft.Layer != this && aircraft.Layer != GUILayer))
            wreckPercentile[aircraft] = percent;
            // update colors
            CCColor4B darkColor  = new CCColor4B(50, 50, 50);
            CCColor3B color      = new CCColor3B(CCColor4B.Lerp(darkColor, CCColor4B.White, percent));
            CCColor3B labelColor = new CCColor3B(CCColor4B.Lerp(darkColor, CCColor4B.White, percent + (1 - percent) * 0.40f));

            // update the label
            foreach (var child in aircraft.Parent.Children)
                if (child is CCLabel label)
                    label.Text  = (percent * 100).ToString("n2") + "%";
                    label.Color = labelColor;
Example #6
 internal static CCColor3B PlaneToDeathColor(CCColor4B planeColor)
     return(new CCColor3B(CCColor4B.Lerp(planeColor, CCColor4B.Black, 0.5f)));
        internal void UpdateDrawNode(bool useMultiplGoal = false)
            if (MyDrawNode == null)
            if (LootboxCount != 0)
                // visualize lootbar-progress
                const float GROWTH_FACTOR = 1.3f;
                const float BORDER_WIDTH  = 4f;
                CCColor4B   white         = new CCColor4B(1f, 1f, 1f, DrawNodeAlpha);
                CCColor4B   bright        = new CCColor4B(1f, 1f, 1f, DrawNodeAlpha);
                CCRect      progressRect  = new CCRect(-(ContentSize.Width * GROWTH_FACTOR) / 2, -(ContentSize.Height * GROWTH_FACTOR) / 2, ContentSize.Width * GROWTH_FACTOR, ContentSize.Height * GROWTH_FACTOR);
                // draw the progress bar
                var progressPoly = new List <CCPoint> {
                    CCPoint.Zero, new CCPoint(0, (ContentSize.Height * GROWTH_FACTOR) / 2)
                if (LootboxProgress >= 0.125f)
                    progressPoly.Add(new CCPoint(LootboxProgress / 0.125f * progressRect.MaxX, progressRect.MaxY));
                    goto done;
                if (LootboxProgress >= 0.375f)
                    progressPoly.Add(new CCPoint(progressRect.MaxX, progressRect.MinY));
                    progressPoly.Add(new CCPoint(progressRect.MaxX, progressRect.MaxY - progressRect.Size.Height * ((LootboxProgress - 0.125f) * 4)));
                    goto done;
                if (LootboxProgress >= 0.625f)
                    progressPoly.Add(new CCPoint(progressRect.MinX, progressRect.MinY));
                    progressPoly.Add(new CCPoint(progressRect.MaxX - progressRect.Size.Width * ((LootboxProgress - 0.375f) * 4), progressRect.MinY));
                    goto done;
                if (LootboxProgress >= 0.875f)
                    progressPoly.Add(new CCPoint(progressRect.MinX, progressRect.MaxY));
                    progressPoly.Add(new CCPoint(progressRect.MinX, progressRect.MinY + progressRect.Size.Height * ((LootboxProgress - 0.625f) * 4)));
                    goto done;
                if (LootboxProgress > 0.875f)
                    progressPoly.Add(new CCPoint(progressRect.MinX + progressRect.Size.Width * (LootboxProgress - 0.875f) * 2, progressRect.MaxY));
                var progressPolyPoints = progressPoly.ToArray();
                MyDrawNode.DrawPolygon(progressPolyPoints, progressPolyPoints.Length, bright, 0f, CCColor4B.Transparent);
                // draw the progress bar border
                MyDrawNode.DrawRect(progressRect, CCColor4B.Transparent, BORDER_WIDTH, white);

            // additionally color the button depending on the multiplier progress
            int   multiplier = 1;
            float progress   = 0;

            if (useMultiplGoal)
                multiplier = (int)CurrentMathChallengeNode.MultiplGoal;
                progress   = CurrentMathChallengeNode.MathChallenge.MultiplProgress;
                multiplier = CurrentMathChallengeNode.Multiplier;
                progress   = CurrentMathChallengeNode.MultiplProgressVisible;
            var lastColor     = MathChallengeNode.MultiplierBarColor(multiplier - 1);
            var nextColor     = MathChallengeNode.MultiplierBarColor(multiplier);
            var currentColor  = multiplier <= 5 ? CCColor4B.Lerp(lastColor, nextColor, progress) : lastColor;
            var darkenedColor = CCColor4B.Lerp(currentColor, CCColor4B.Black, 0.25f);

            darkenedColor.A = (byte)(DrawNodeAlpha * byte.MaxValue);
            MyDrawNode.DrawRect(new CCRect(-(ContentSize.Width) / 2, -(ContentSize.Height) / 2, ContentSize.Width, ContentSize.Height), darkenedColor);