public BluetoothConnectionHandler(CBCentralManager centralManager)
     _connectedPeripheralTaskSource = new TaskCompletionSource<CBPeripheral>();
     _centralManager = centralManager;
     _centralManager.ConnectedPeripheral += OnConnectedPeripheral;
     _centralManager.FailedToConnectPeripheral += OnFailedToConnectPeripheral;
        public override void UpdatedState(CBCentralManager mgr)
            Console.WriteLine ("UpdatedState()");
            string message = null;

            switch (mgr.State) {
            case CBCentralManagerState.PoweredOn:
                message = "Bluetooth PoweredOn.";
            case CBCentralManagerState.Unsupported:
                message = "The platform or hardware does not support Bluetooth Low Energy.";
            case CBCentralManagerState.Unauthorized:
                message = "The application is not authorized to use Bluetooth Low Energy.";
            case CBCentralManagerState.PoweredOff:
                message = "Bluetooth is currently powered off.";

            if (message != null) {
 public PeripheralConnectionManager(CBCentralManager manager)
     _manager = manager;
     _peripheralHandlerList = new List<PeripheralHandler>();
     manager.ConnectedPeripheral += (sender, args) => OnConnectionUpdated(args.Peripheral);
     manager.DisconnectedPeripheral += (sender, args) => OnConnectionUpdated(args.Peripheral);
Example #4
        public void Initialize(Action onStateUpdated)
            CentralManager = new CBCentralManager();
            ConnectionManager = new PeripheralConnectionManager(CentralManager);

            _onStateUpdated = onStateUpdated;
            CentralManager.UpdatedState += OnUpdatedState;
Example #5
		public static void ScanForHeartRateMonitors (CBCentralManager manager)
			if (manager == null) {
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("manager");

			manager.ScanForPeripherals (PeripheralUUID);			
Example #6
 public ViewController(IntPtr handle)
     : base(handle)
     del = new ChoirCBCentralManagerDelegate();
     manager = new CBCentralManager (del, DispatchQueue.CurrentQueue);
     peripheralManagerDelegate = new ChoirCBPeripheralManagerDelegate ();
     peripheral = new CBPeripheralManager (peripheralManagerDelegate, DispatchQueue.CurrentQueue);
Example #7
 static DeviceInformation()
     stateHandle = new System.Threading.EventWaitHandle(false, System.Threading.EventResetMode.ManualReset);
     _manager = new CBCentralManager();
     //_manager.RetrievedConnectedPeripherals += _manager_RetrievedConnectedPeripherals;
     //_manager.RetrievedPeripherals += _manager_RetrievedPeripherals;
     _manager.UpdatedState += _manager_UpdatedState;
     _manager.DiscoveredPeripheral += _manager_DiscoveredPeripheral;
Example #8
		protected Adapter ()
			this._central = new CBCentralManager (DispatchQueue.CurrentQueue);

			_central.DiscoveredPeripheral += (object sender, CBDiscoveredPeripheralEventArgs e) => {
				Console.WriteLine ("DiscoveredPeripheral: " + e.Peripheral.Name);
				Device d = new Device(e.Peripheral);
				if(!ContainsDevice(this._discoveredDevices, e.Peripheral ) ){
					this._discoveredDevices.Add (d);
					this.DeviceDiscovered(this, new DeviceDiscoveredEventArgs() { Device = d });

			_central.UpdatedState += (object sender, EventArgs e) => {
				Console.WriteLine ("UpdatedState: " + _central.State);
				stateChanged.Set ();

			_central.ConnectedPeripheral += (object sender, CBPeripheralEventArgs e) => {
				Console.WriteLine ("ConnectedPeripheral: " + e.Peripheral.Name);

				// when a peripheral gets connected, add that peripheral to our running list of connected peripherals
				if(!ContainsDevice(this._connectedDevices, e.Peripheral ) ){
					Device d = new Device(e.Peripheral);
					this._connectedDevices.Add (new Device(e.Peripheral));
					// raise our connected event
					this.DeviceConnected ( sender, new DeviceConnectionEventArgs () { Device = d } );

			_central.DisconnectedPeripheral += (object sender, CBPeripheralErrorEventArgs e) => {
				Console.WriteLine ("DisconnectedPeripheral: " + e.Peripheral.Name);

				// when a peripheral disconnects, remove it from our running list.
				IDevice foundDevice = null;
				foreach (var d in this._connectedDevices) {
					if (d.ID == Guid.ParseExact(e.Peripheral.Identifier.AsString(), "d"))
						foundDevice = d;
				if (foundDevice != null)

				// raise our disconnected event
				this.DeviceDisconnected (sender, new DeviceConnectionEventArgs() { Device = new Device(e.Peripheral) });

			_central.FailedToConnectPeripheral += (object sender, CBPeripheralErrorEventArgs e) => {
				// raise the failed to connect event
				this.DeviceFailedToConnect(this, new DeviceConnectionEventArgs() { 
					Device = new Device (e.Peripheral),
					ErrorMessage = e.Error.Description

Example #9
		/// <summary>
		/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="BluetoothLE.iOS.Adapter"/> class.
		/// </summary>
		public Adapter()
			_central = new CBCentralManager();

			_central.DiscoveredPeripheral += DiscoveredPeripheral;
			_central.UpdatedState += UpdatedState;
			_central.ConnectedPeripheral += ConnectedPeripheral;
			_central.DisconnectedPeripheral += DisconnectedPeripheral;
			_central.FailedToConnectPeripheral += FailedToConnectPeripheral;

			ConnectedDevices = new List<IDevice>();
			_stateChanged = new AutoResetEvent(false);

			_current = this;
Example #10
		public HeartRateMonitor (CBCentralManager manager, CBPeripheral peripheral)
			if (manager == null) {
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("manager");
			} else if (peripheral == null) {
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("peripheral");
			Location = HeartRateMonitorLocation.Unknown;
			Manager = manager;

			Peripheral = peripheral;
			Peripheral.Delegate = this;
			Peripheral.DiscoverServices ();
        public void ScanForBroadcasters(CBCentralManager mgr, UIButton Scanner)
            //Passing in null scans for all peripherals. Peripherals can be targeted by using CBUIIDs
            mgr.ScanForPeripherals (cbuuids); //Initiates async calls of DiscoveredPeripheral

            Scanner.SetTitle("Started scan Scan", UIControlState.Normal);
            //Timeout after 30 seconds
            var timer = new Timer (30 * 1000);

            //mgr.StopScan ();

            timer.Elapsed += (sender, e) => {
                Console.WriteLine("Stopping scan");
                mgr.StopScan ();
                Console.WriteLine("Scan stopped");
                Scanner.SetTitle("Stopped Scan", UIControlState.Normal);
        protected BluetoothLeManager()
            CentralBleManager = new CBCentralManager(DispatchQueue.CurrentQueue);
            DiscoveredDevices = new List<CBPeripheral>();
            CentralBleManager.DiscoveredPeripheral += (sender, e) =>
                Mvx.Trace("DiscoveredPeripheral: {0}", e.Peripheral.Name);
                DeviceDiscovered(this, e);

            CentralBleManager.UpdatedState +=
                (sender, e) => { Mvx.Trace("UpdatedState: {0}", CentralBleManager.State); };

            CentralBleManager.ConnectedPeripheral += (sender, e) =>
                Mvx.Trace("ConnectedPeripheral: " + e.Peripheral.Name);

                // when a peripheral gets connected, add that peripheral to our running list of connected peripherals
                if (!ConnectedDevices.Contains(e.Peripheral))

                // raise our connected event
                DeviceConnected(sender, e);

            CentralBleManager.DisconnectedPeripheral += (sender, e) =>
                Mvx.Trace("DisconnectedPeripheral: " + e.Peripheral.Name);

                // when a peripheral disconnects, remove it from our running list.
                if (ConnectedDevices.Contains(e.Peripheral))

                // raise our disconnected event
                DeviceDisconnected(sender, e);
		protected BluetoothLEManager ()
			_central = new CBCentralManager (DispatchQueue.CurrentQueue);
			_central.DiscoveredPeripheral += (object sender, CBDiscoveredPeripheralEventArgs e) => {
				Console.WriteLine ("DiscoveredPeripheral: " + e.Peripheral.Name);
				Console.WriteLine ("RSSI: " + e.Peripheral.RSSI);
				this._discoveredDevices.Add (e.Peripheral);
				this.DeviceDiscovered(this, e);

			_central.UpdatedState += (object sender, EventArgs e) => {
				Console.WriteLine ("UpdatedState: " + _central.State);

			_central.ConnectedPeripheral += (object sender, CBPeripheralEventArgs e) => {
				Console.WriteLine ("ConnectedPeripheral: " + e.Peripheral.Name);

				// when a peripheral gets connected, add that peripheral to our running list of connected peripherals
				if(!this._connectedDevices.Contains(e.Peripheral) ) {
					this._connectedDevices.Add (e.Peripheral );

				// raise our connected event
				this.DeviceConnected ( sender, e);

			_central.DisconnectedPeripheral += (object sender, CBPeripheralErrorEventArgs e) => {
				Console.WriteLine ("DisconnectedPeripheral: " + e.Peripheral.Name);

				// when a peripheral disconnects, remove it from our running list.
				if ( this._connectedDevices.Contains (e.Peripheral) ) {
					this._connectedDevices.Remove ( e.Peripheral);

				// raise our disconnected event
				this.DeviceDisconnected (sender, e);

Example #14
        private volatile bool _isScanning; //ToDo maybe lock

        public Adapter()
            ScanTimeout              = 10000;
            DeviceOperationRegistry  = new Dictionary <string, IDevice>();
            DeviceConnectionRegistry = new Dictionary <string, IDevice>();

            _central = new CBCentralManager(DispatchQueue.CurrentQueue);

            _central.DiscoveredPeripheral += (sender, e) =>
                Mvx.Trace("DiscoveredPeripheral: {0}, ID: {1}", e.Peripheral.Name, e.Peripheral.Identifier);
                var name = e.Peripheral.Name;
                if (e.AdvertisementData.ContainsKey(CBAdvertisement.DataLocalNameKey))
                    // iOS caches the peripheral name, so it can become stale (if changing)
                    // keep track of the local name key manually
                    name = ((NSString)e.AdvertisementData.ValueForKey(CBAdvertisement.DataLocalNameKey)).ToString();

                var d = new Device(e.Peripheral, name, e.RSSI.Int32Value, ParseAdvertismentData(e.AdvertisementData));

                DeviceAdvertised(this, new DeviceDiscoveredEventArgs {
                    Device = d
                if (ContainsDevice(_discoveredDevices, e.Peripheral))
                DeviceDiscovered(this, new DeviceDiscoveredEventArgs {
                    Device = d

            _central.UpdatedState += (sender, e) =>
                Mvx.Trace("UpdatedState: {0}", _central.State);

            _central.ConnectedPeripheral += (sender, e) =>
                Mvx.Trace("ConnectedPeripherial: {0}", e.Peripheral.Name);

                // when a peripheral gets connected, add that peripheral to our running list of connected peripherals
                var guid = ParseDeviceGuid(e.Peripheral).ToString();

                IDevice device = null;
                if (DeviceOperationRegistry.TryGetValue(guid, out device))

                //ToDo use the same instance of the device just update
                var d = new Device(e.Peripheral, e.Peripheral.Name, e.Peripheral.RSSI != null ? e.Peripheral.RSSI.Int32Value : 0, device != null ? device.AdvertisementRecords.ToList() : new List <AdvertisementRecord>());

                DeviceConnectionRegistry[guid] = d;

                // raise our connected event
                DeviceConnected(sender, new DeviceConnectionEventArgs {
                    Device = d

            _central.DisconnectedPeripheral += (sender, e) =>
                if (e.Error != null)
                    Mvx.Trace(MvxTraceLevel.Error, "Disconnect error {0} {1} {2}", e.Error.Code, e.Error.Description, e.Error.Domain);

                // when a peripheral disconnects, remove it from our running list.
                var     id       = ParseDeviceGuid(e.Peripheral);
                var     stringId = id.ToString();
                IDevice foundDevice;

                // normal disconnect (requested by user)
                var isNormalDisconnect = DeviceOperationRegistry.TryGetValue(stringId, out foundDevice);
                if (isNormalDisconnect)

                // remove from connected devices
                if (DeviceConnectionRegistry.TryGetValue(stringId, out foundDevice))

                if (isNormalDisconnect)
                    Mvx.Trace("DisconnectedPeripheral by user: {0}", e.Peripheral.Name);
                    DeviceDisconnected(sender, new DeviceConnectionEventArgs {
                        Device = foundDevice
                    Mvx.Trace("DisconnectedPeripheral by lost signal: {0}", e.Peripheral.Name);
                                         new DeviceConnectionEventArgs {
                        Device = foundDevice ?? new Device(e.Peripheral)

            _central.FailedToConnectPeripheral += (sender, e) =>
                Mvx.Trace(MvxTraceLevel.Warning, "Failed to connect peripheral {0}: {1}", e.Peripheral.Identifier,
                // raise the failed to connect event
                DeviceConnectionError(this, new DeviceConnectionEventArgs
                    Device       = new Device(e.Peripheral),
                    ErrorMessage = e.Error.Description
Example #15
 public BluetoothLEService()
     _centralManager = new CBCentralManager(this, DispatchQueue.CurrentQueue);
Example #16
        public override void ConnectedPeripheral(CBCentralManager central, CBPeripheral peripheral)
            var device = _peripheralMap[peripheral];

Example #17
 public override void WillRestoreState(CBCentralManager central, NSDictionary dict)
     base.WillRestoreState(central, dict);
Example #18
		protected Adapter ()
			this._central = new CBCentralManager (DispatchQueue.CurrentQueue);

			_central.DiscoveredPeripheral += (object sender, CBDiscoveredPeripheralEventArgs e) => {
				Console.WriteLine ("DiscoveredPeripheral Name: " + e.Peripheral.Name);
				Console.WriteLine("DiscoveredPeripheral RSSI: " + e.RSSI);
				Device d = new Device(e.Peripheral);

				if(!ContainsDevice(this._discoveredDevices, e.Peripheral ) ){
					this._discoveredDevices.Add (d);

					this.DeviceDiscovered(this, new DeviceDiscoveredEventArgs() { Device = d , RSSI = e.RSSI.Int32Value });

			_central.UpdatedState += (object sender, EventArgs e) => {
				Console.WriteLine ("UpdatedState: " + _central.State);
				stateChanged.Set ();
				BluetoothLEStates LEState = BluetoothLEStates.Unknown;
				switch (_central.State) 
					case CBCentralManagerState.PoweredOn:
						LEState = BluetoothLEStates.PoweredOn;
					case CBCentralManagerState.PoweredOff:
						LEState = BluetoothLEStates.PoweredOff;
					case CBCentralManagerState.Resetting:
						LEState = BluetoothLEStates.Resetting;
					case CBCentralManagerState.Unauthorized:
						LEState = BluetoothLEStates.Unauthorized;
					case CBCentralManagerState.Unknown:
						LEState = BluetoothLEStates.Unknown;
					case CBCentralManagerState.Unsupported:
						LEState = BluetoothLEStates.Unsupported;
						LEState = BluetoothLEStates.Unsupported;
				this.BluetoothStateUpdated(this, new BluetoothStateEventArgs() {BTState = LEState});

			_central.ConnectedPeripheral += (object sender, CBPeripheralEventArgs e) => {
				Console.WriteLine ("ConnectedPeripheral: " + e.Peripheral.Name);
				this.peripheral = e.Peripheral;
				// when a peripheral gets connected, add that peripheral to our running list of connected peripherals
				if(!ContainsDevice(this._connectedDevices,this.peripheral ) ){
					Device d = new Device(e.Peripheral);
					this._connectedDevices.Add (new Device(this.peripheral));
					// raise our connected event
					this.DeviceConnected ( sender, new DeviceConnectionEventArgs () { Device = d } );

			_central.DisconnectedPeripheral += (object sender, CBPeripheralErrorEventArgs e) => {
				Console.WriteLine ("DisconnectedPeripheral: " + e.Peripheral.Name);

				// when a peripheral disconnects, remove it from our running list.
				IDevice foundDevice = null;
				foreach (var d in this._connectedDevices) {
					if (d.ID == Guid.ParseExact(e.Peripheral.Identifier.AsString(), "d"))
						foundDevice = d;
				if (foundDevice != null)

				// raise our disconnected event
				this.DeviceDisconnected (sender, new DeviceConnectionEventArgs() { Device = new Device(e.Peripheral) });

			_central.FailedToConnectPeripheral += (object sender, CBPeripheralErrorEventArgs e) => {
				// raise the failed to connect event
				Console.WriteLine ("Failed to connect to Peripheral: " + e.Peripheral.Name);
				this.DeviceFailedToConnect(this, new DeviceConnectionEventArgs() { 
					Device = new Device (e.Peripheral),
					ErrorMessage = e.Error.Description

Example #19
 public override void UpdatedState(CBCentralManager central)
     if(central.State == CBCentralManagerState.PoweredOn)
 public override void DiscoveredPeripheral(CBCentralManager central, CBPeripheral peripheral, NSDictionary advertisementData, NSNumber RSSI)
     Console.WriteLine ("Discovered {0}, data {1}, RSSI {2}", peripheral.Name, advertisementData, RSSI);
Example #21
 public override void FailedToConnectPeripheral(CBCentralManager central, CBPeripheral peripheral, NSError error)
Example #22
 public override void DisconnectedPeripheral(CBCentralManager central, CBPeripheral peripheral, NSError error)
Example #23
 public override void RetrievedPeripherals(CBCentralManager central, CBPeripheral[] peripherals)
Example #24
 public override void ConnectedPeripheral(CBCentralManager central, CBPeripheral peripheral)
Example #25
 public void StartScanning()
     central = new CBCentralManager();
     central.UpdatedState += UpdatedState;
		public void RequestBluetoothAccess ()
			if (cbManager == null)
				cbManager = new CBCentralManager ();

			if (cbManager.State == CBCentralManagerState.PoweredOn)
				cbManager.ScanForPeripherals (new CBUUID [0]);
			else {
				UIAlertView alert = new UIAlertView ("Error", "Bluetooth must be enabled",
				                                     null, "Okay", null);
				alert.Show ();
		public void CheckBluetoothAccess ()
			if (cbManager == null)
				cbManager = new CBCentralManager ();

			CBCentralManagerState state = cbManager.State;
			switch (state) {
			case CBCentralManagerState.Unknown:
				ShowAlert (DataClass.Bluetooth, "unknown");
			case CBCentralManagerState.Unauthorized:
				ShowAlert (DataClass.Bluetooth, "denied");
				ShowAlert (DataClass.Bluetooth, "granted");
Example #28
        private volatile bool _isScanning; //ToDo maybe lock

        public Adapter()
            ScanTimeout = 10000;
            DeviceOperationRegistry = new Dictionary<string, IDevice>();
            DeviceConnectionRegistry = new Dictionary<string, IDevice>();

            _central = new CBCentralManager(DispatchQueue.CurrentQueue);

            _central.DiscoveredPeripheral += (sender, e) =>
                Mvx.Trace("DiscoveredPeripheral: {0}, ID: {1}", e.Peripheral.Name, e.Peripheral.Identifier);
                var name = e.Peripheral.Name;
                if (e.AdvertisementData.ContainsKey(CBAdvertisement.DataLocalNameKey))
                    // iOS caches the peripheral name, so it can become stale (if changing)
                    // keep track of the local name key manually
                    name = ((NSString)e.AdvertisementData.ValueForKey(CBAdvertisement.DataLocalNameKey)).ToString();

                var d = new Device(e.Peripheral, name, e.RSSI.Int32Value, ParseAdvertismentData(e.AdvertisementData));

                DeviceAdvertised(this, new DeviceDiscoveredEventArgs { Device = d });
                if (ContainsDevice(_discoveredDevices, e.Peripheral))
                DeviceDiscovered(this, new DeviceDiscoveredEventArgs { Device = d });

            _central.UpdatedState += (sender, e) =>
                Mvx.Trace("UpdatedState: {0}", _central.State);

            _central.ConnectedPeripheral += (sender, e) =>
                Mvx.Trace("ConnectedPeripherial: {0}", e.Peripheral.Name);

                // when a peripheral gets connected, add that peripheral to our running list of connected peripherals
                var guid = ParseDeviceGuid(e.Peripheral).ToString();

                IDevice device = null;
                if (DeviceOperationRegistry.TryGetValue(guid, out device))

                //ToDo use the same instance of the device just update 
                var d = new Device(e.Peripheral, e.Peripheral.Name, e.Peripheral.RSSI != null ? e.Peripheral.RSSI.Int32Value : 0, device != null ? device.AdvertisementRecords.ToList() : new List<AdvertisementRecord>());

                DeviceConnectionRegistry[guid] = d;

                // raise our connected event
                DeviceConnected(sender, new DeviceConnectionEventArgs { Device = d });

            _central.DisconnectedPeripheral += (sender, e) =>
                if (e.Error != null)
                    Mvx.Trace(MvxTraceLevel.Error, "Disconnect error {0} {1} {2}", e.Error.Code, e.Error.Description, e.Error.Domain);

                // when a peripheral disconnects, remove it from our running list.
                var id = ParseDeviceGuid(e.Peripheral);
                var stringId = id.ToString();
                IDevice foundDevice;

                // normal disconnect (requested by user)
                var isNormalDisconnect = DeviceOperationRegistry.TryGetValue(stringId, out foundDevice);
                if (isNormalDisconnect)

                // remove from connected devices
                if (DeviceConnectionRegistry.TryGetValue(stringId, out foundDevice))

                if (isNormalDisconnect)
                    Mvx.Trace("DisconnectedPeripheral by user: {0}", e.Peripheral.Name);
                    DeviceDisconnected(sender, new DeviceConnectionEventArgs { Device = foundDevice });
                    Mvx.Trace("DisconnectedPeripheral by lost signal: {0}", e.Peripheral.Name);
                        new DeviceConnectionEventArgs { Device = foundDevice ?? new Device(e.Peripheral) });

            _central.FailedToConnectPeripheral += (sender, e) =>
                Mvx.Trace(MvxTraceLevel.Warning, "Failed to connect peripheral {0}: {1}", e.Peripheral.Identifier,
                // raise the failed to connect event
                DeviceConnectionError(this, new DeviceConnectionEventArgs
                    Device = new Device(e.Peripheral),
                    ErrorMessage = e.Error.Description
 public void ConnectPeripheral(CBCentralManager manager, CBPeripheral peripheral)
 public override void UpdatedState(CBCentralManager central)
     // see,_protocols,_and_events
     // NOTE: Don't call the base implementation on a Model class
     //            throw new NotImplementedException ();
Example #31
 public override void DisconnectedPeripheral(CBCentralManager central, CBPeripheral peripheral, NSError error)
     System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Disconnected {peripheral.Identifier} {error}");
     Bluetooth.DisconnectedPeripheral?.Invoke(central, new CBPeripheralErrorEventArgs(peripheral, error));
Example #32
 public override void RetrievedConnectedPeripherals(CBCentralManager central, CBPeripheral[] peripherals)
     base.RetrievedConnectedPeripherals(central, peripherals);
Example #33
        public Adapter(CBCentralManager centralManager)
            _centralManager = centralManager;
            _centralManager.DiscoveredPeripheral += (sender, e) =>
                Trace.Message("DiscoveredPeripheral: {0}, Id: {1}", e.Peripheral.Name, e.Peripheral.Identifier);
                var name = e.Peripheral.Name;
                if (e.AdvertisementData.ContainsKey(CBAdvertisement.DataLocalNameKey))
                    // iOS caches the peripheral name, so it can become stale (if changing)
                    // keep track of the local name key manually
                    name = ((NSString)e.AdvertisementData.ValueForKey(CBAdvertisement.DataLocalNameKey)).ToString();

                var device = new Device(this, e.Peripheral, name, e.RSSI.Int32Value,

            _centralManager.UpdatedState += (sender, e) =>
                Trace.Message("UpdatedState: {0}", _centralManager.State);

            _centralManager.ConnectedPeripheral += (sender, e) =>
                Trace.Message("ConnectedPeripherial: {0}", e.Peripheral.Name);

                // when a peripheral gets connected, add that peripheral to our running list of connected peripherals
                var guid = ParseDeviceGuid(e.Peripheral).ToString();

                IDevice device;
                if (_deviceOperationRegistry.TryGetValue(guid, out device))
                    Trace.Message("Device not found in operation registry. Creating a new one.");
                    device = new Device(this, e.Peripheral);

                _deviceConnectionRegistry[guid] = device;

            _centralManager.DisconnectedPeripheral += (sender, e) =>
                if (e.Error != null)
                    Trace.Message("Disconnect error {0} {1} {2}", e.Error.Code, e.Error.Description, e.Error.Domain);

                // when a peripheral disconnects, remove it from our running list.
                var id = ParseDeviceGuid(e.Peripheral);
                var stringId = id.ToString();
                IDevice foundDevice;

                // normal disconnect (requested by user)
                var isNormalDisconnect = _deviceOperationRegistry.TryGetValue(stringId, out foundDevice);
                if (isNormalDisconnect)

                // remove from connected devices
                if (_deviceConnectionRegistry.TryGetValue(stringId, out foundDevice))

                foundDevice = foundDevice ?? new Device(this, e.Peripheral);

                //make sure all cached services are cleared

                HandleDisconnectedDevice(isNormalDisconnect, foundDevice);

            _centralManager.FailedToConnectPeripheral +=
                (sender, e) =>
                    var id = ParseDeviceGuid(e.Peripheral);
                    var stringId = id.ToString();
                    IDevice foundDevice;

                    // remove instance from registry
                    if (_deviceOperationRegistry.TryGetValue(stringId, out foundDevice))

                    foundDevice = foundDevice ?? new Device(this, e.Peripheral);

                    HandleConnectionFail(foundDevice, e.Error.Description);
Example #34
 public override void RetrievedConnectedPeripherals(CBCentralManager central, CBPeripheral[] peripherals)
     base.RetrievedConnectedPeripherals(central, peripherals);
            /// Core Bluetooth CBCentralManager callback when we discover a beacon. We're not super
            /// interested in any error situations at this point in time.
            public override void DiscoveredPeripheral(CBCentralManager central, CBPeripheral peripheral, NSDictionary advertisementData, NSNumber RSSI)
                var serviceData = advertisementData[CBAdvertisement.DataServiceDataKey] as NSDictionary;

                if (serviceData != null)
                    var eft = Eddystone.FrameTypeForFrame(serviceData);

                    // If it's a telemetry frame, stash it away and we'll send it along with the next regular
                    // frame we see. Otherwise, process the UID frame.
                    if (eft == BeaconInfo.EddystoneFrameType.TelemetryFrameType)
                        var data = Eddystone.TelemetryDataForFrame(advertisementData);
                        if (deviceIDCache.ContainsKey(peripheral.Identifier))
                            deviceIDCache[peripheral.Identifier] = data;
                            deviceIDCache.Add(peripheral.Identifier, data);
                    else if (eft == BeaconInfo.EddystoneFrameType.UIDFrameType ||
                             eft == BeaconInfo.EddystoneFrameType.EIDFrameType)
                        if (!deviceIDCache.ContainsKey(peripheral.Identifier))
                            Debug.WriteLine($"deviceIDCache does not contain key: {peripheral.Identifier}.");

                        var telemetry   = deviceIDCache[peripheral.Identifier];
                        var serviceUUID = CBUUID.FromString("FEAA");
                        var _RSSI       = RSSI.Int32Value;

                        var beaconServiceData = serviceData[serviceUUID] as NSData;
                        if (beaconServiceData != null)
                            var beaconInfo = (eft == BeaconInfo.EddystoneFrameType.UIDFrameType) ?
                                             Eddystone.BeaconInfoForUIDFrameData(beaconServiceData, telemetry, _RSSI) :
                                             Eddystone.BeaconInfoForEIDFrameData(beaconServiceData, telemetry, _RSSI);
                            if (beaconInfo != null)
                                // NOTE: At this point you can choose whether to keep or get rid of the telemetry
                                //       data. You can either opt to include it with every single beacon sighting
                                //       for this beacon, or delete it until we get a new / "fresh" TLM frame.
                                //       We'll treat it as "report it only when you see it", so we'll delete it
                                //       each time.

                                if (seenEddystoneCache.ContainsKey(beaconInfo.BeaconId.ToString()))
                                    var value = seenEddystoneCache[beaconInfo.BeaconId.ToString()]?["onLostTimer"];
                                    if (value != null)
                                        var timer = (DispatchTimer)value;

                                    this.beaconScanner.ScannerDelegate?.DidUpdateBeacon(beaconScanner, beaconInfo);
                                    // We've never seen this beacon before
                                    this.beaconScanner.ScannerDelegate?.DidFindBeacon(beaconScanner, beaconInfo);

                                    var onLostTimer = DispatchTimer.ScheduledDispatchTimer(this.onLostTimout,
                                                                                           (DispatchTimer obj) =>
                                        var cacheKey = beaconInfo.BeaconId.ToString();
                                        if (seenEddystoneCache.ContainsKey(cacheKey))
                                            var beaconCache    = seenEddystoneCache[cacheKey];
                                            var lostBeaconInfo = beaconCache["beaconInfo"] as BeaconInfo;
                                            if (beaconCache != null && lostBeaconInfo != null)
                                                this.beaconScanner.ScannerDelegate?.DidLoseBeacon(beaconScanner, beaconInfo);
                                    var newMap = new Dictionary <string, object>()
                                        { "beaconInfo", beaconInfo },
                                        { "onLostTimer", onLostTimer }
                                    if (seenEddystoneCache.ContainsKey(beaconInfo.BeaconId.ToString()))
                                        seenEddystoneCache[beaconInfo.BeaconId.ToString()] = newMap;
                                        seenEddystoneCache.Add(beaconInfo.BeaconId.ToString(), newMap);
                    else if (eft == BeaconInfo.EddystoneFrameType.URLFrameType)
                        var serviceUUID       = CBUUID.FromString("FEAA");
                        var _RSSI             = RSSI.Int32Value;
                        var beaconServiceData = serviceData[serviceUUID] as NSData;
                        if (beaconServiceData != null)
                            var url = Eddystone.ParseURLFromFrame(beaconServiceData);
                            if (url != null)
                                this.beaconScanner.ScannerDelegate?.DidObserveURLBeacon(beaconScanner, url, _RSSI);
                    Debug.WriteLine("Unable to find service data; can't process Eddystone");
Example #36
 public override void ConnectedPeripheral(CBCentralManager central, CBPeripheral peripheral)
     System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Connected {peripheral.Identifier}");
     Bluetooth.ConnectedPeripheral?.Invoke(central, peripheral);
Example #37
 public BluetoothCommunication()
     CentralBTManager = new CBCentralManager();
Example #38
 public BluetoothScanner(CBCentralManager manager)
     _manager = manager;
     _manager.DiscoveredPeripheral += OnDiscoveredPeripheral;
 public override void DiscoveredPeripheral(CBCentralManager central, CBPeripheral peripheral, NSDictionary advertisementData, NSNumber RSSI)
     Console.WriteLine("Discovered {0}, data {1}, RSSI {2}", peripheral.Name, advertisementData, RSSI);
Example #40
 public override void UpdatedState(CBCentralManager central)
Example #41
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="BluetoothHub"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 public BluetoothHub()
     this.manager = new CBCentralManager(this, DispatchQueue.MainQueue);
Example #42
        public override void DisconnectedPeripheral(CBCentralManager central, CBPeripheral peripheral, NSError error)
            var device = _peripheralMap[peripheral];

 public override void UpdatedState(CBCentralManager central)
     // see,_protocols,_and_events
     // NOTE: Don't call the base implementation on a Model class
     //            throw new NotImplementedException ();
Example #44
 public BluetoothService()
     _bluetoothManager = new CoreBluetooth.CBCentralManager();
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="BluetoothHub"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 public BluetoothHub()
     this.manager = new CBCentralManager(this, DispatchQueue.MainQueue);
Example #46
        public Adapter(CBCentralManager centralManager)
            _centralManager = centralManager;
            _centralManager.DiscoveredPeripheral += (sender, e) =>
                Trace.Message("DiscoveredPeripheral: {0}, Id: {1}", e.Peripheral.Name, e.Peripheral.Identifier);
                var name = e.Peripheral.Name;
                if (e.AdvertisementData.ContainsKey(CBAdvertisement.DataLocalNameKey))
                    // iOS caches the peripheral name, so it can become stale (if changing)
                    // keep track of the local name key manually
                    name = ((NSString)e.AdvertisementData.ValueForKey(CBAdvertisement.DataLocalNameKey)).ToString();

                var device = new Device(this, e.Peripheral, name, e.RSSI.Int32Value,

            _centralManager.UpdatedState += (sender, e) =>
                Trace.Message("UpdatedState: {0}", _centralManager.State);

            _centralManager.ConnectedPeripheral += (sender, e) =>
                Trace.Message("ConnectedPeripherial: {0}", e.Peripheral.Name);

                // when a peripheral gets connected, add that peripheral to our running list of connected peripherals
                var guid = ParseDeviceGuid(e.Peripheral).ToString();

                IDevice device;
                if (_deviceOperationRegistry.TryGetValue(guid, out device))
                    Trace.Message("Device not found in operation registry. Creating a new one.");
                    device = new Device(this, e.Peripheral);

                _deviceConnectionRegistry[guid] = device;

            _centralManager.DisconnectedPeripheral += (sender, e) =>
                if (e.Error != null)
                    Trace.Message("Disconnect error {0} {1} {2}", e.Error.Code, e.Error.Description, e.Error.Domain);

                // when a peripheral disconnects, remove it from our running list.
                var     id       = ParseDeviceGuid(e.Peripheral);
                var     stringId = id.ToString();
                IDevice foundDevice;

                // normal disconnect (requested by user)
                var isNormalDisconnect = _deviceOperationRegistry.TryGetValue(stringId, out foundDevice);
                if (isNormalDisconnect)

                // remove from connected devices
                if (_deviceConnectionRegistry.TryGetValue(stringId, out foundDevice))

                foundDevice = foundDevice ?? new Device(this, e.Peripheral);

                //make sure all cached services are cleared

                HandleDisconnectedDevice(isNormalDisconnect, foundDevice);

            _centralManager.FailedToConnectPeripheral +=
                (sender, e) =>
                var     id       = ParseDeviceGuid(e.Peripheral);
                var     stringId = id.ToString();
                IDevice foundDevice;

                // remove instance from registry
                if (_deviceOperationRegistry.TryGetValue(stringId, out foundDevice))

                foundDevice = foundDevice ?? new Device(this, e.Peripheral);

                HandleConnectionFail(foundDevice, e.Error.Description);
 public BluetoothTableViewSource(RequestDeviceOptions options)
     _delegate = new BluetoothDelegate(this);
     _manager  = new CBCentralManager(_delegate, DispatchQueue.MainQueue);
     _options  = options;
        internal Adapter(CBCentralManager centralManager, IBleCentralManagerDelegate bleCentralManagerDelegate)
            _centralManager            = centralManager;
            _bleCentralManagerDelegate = bleCentralManagerDelegate;

            _bleCentralManagerDelegate.DiscoveredPeripheral += (sender, e) =>
                Trace.Message("DiscoveredPeripheral: {0}, Id: {1}", e.Peripheral.Name, e.Peripheral.Identifier);
                var name = e.Peripheral.Name;
                if (e.AdvertisementData.ContainsKey(CBAdvertisement.DataLocalNameKey))
                    // iOS caches the peripheral name, so it can become stale (if changing)
                    // keep track of the local name key manually
                    name = ((NSString)e.AdvertisementData.ValueForKey(CBAdvertisement.DataLocalNameKey)).ToString();

                var device = new Device(this, e.Peripheral, _bleCentralManagerDelegate, name, e.RSSI.Int32Value,

            _bleCentralManagerDelegate.UpdatedState += (sender, e) =>
                Trace.Message("UpdatedState: {0}", _centralManager.State);

                //handle PoweredOff state
                //notify subscribers about disconnection
                if (_centralManager.State == CBCentralManagerState.PoweredOff)
                    foreach (var device in ConnectedDeviceRegistry.Values.ToList())
                        HandleDisconnectedDevice(false, device);


            _bleCentralManagerDelegate.ConnectedPeripheral += (sender, e) =>
                Trace.Message("ConnectedPeripherial: {0}", e.Peripheral.Name);

                // when a peripheral gets connected, add that peripheral to our running list of connected peripherals
                var guid = ParseDeviceGuid(e.Peripheral).ToString();

                Device device;
                if (_deviceOperationRegistry.TryGetValue(guid, out device))
                    Trace.Message("Device not found in operation registry. Creating a new one.");
                    device = new Device(this, e.Peripheral, _bleCentralManagerDelegate);

                ConnectedDeviceRegistry[guid] = device;

            _bleCentralManagerDelegate.DisconnectedPeripheral += (sender, e) =>
                if (e.Error != null)
                    Trace.Message("Disconnect error {0} {1} {2}", e.Error.Code, e.Error.Description, e.Error.Domain);

                // when a peripheral disconnects, remove it from our running list.
                var id       = ParseDeviceGuid(e.Peripheral);
                var stringId = id.ToString();

                // normal disconnect (requested by user)
                var isNormalDisconnect = _deviceOperationRegistry.TryGetValue(stringId, out var foundDevice);
                if (isNormalDisconnect)

                // check if it is a peripheral disconnection, which would be treated as normal
                if (e.Error != null && e.Error.Code == 7 && e.Error.Domain == "CBErrorDomain")
                    isNormalDisconnect = true;

                // remove from connected devices
                if (!ConnectedDeviceRegistry.TryRemove(stringId, out foundDevice))
                    Trace.Message($"Device with id '{stringId}' was not found in the connected device registry. Nothing to remove.");

                foundDevice = foundDevice ?? new Device(this, e.Peripheral, _bleCentralManagerDelegate);

                //make sure all cached services are cleared this will also clear characteristics and descriptors implicitly

                HandleDisconnectedDevice(isNormalDisconnect, foundDevice);

            _bleCentralManagerDelegate.FailedToConnectPeripheral +=
                (sender, e) =>
                var id       = ParseDeviceGuid(e.Peripheral);
                var stringId = id.ToString();

                // remove instance from registry
                if (_deviceOperationRegistry.TryGetValue(stringId, out var foundDevice))

                foundDevice = foundDevice ?? new Device(this, e.Peripheral, _bleCentralManagerDelegate);

                HandleConnectionFail(foundDevice, e.Error.Description);
Example #49
 public void Request()
     var manager = new CBCentralManager();
        public BluetoothHub()
            this.manager = new CBCentralManager(this, DispatchQueue.MainQueue);

            this.OpenSettings = new Command(o => { }, o => false);
Example #51
		public Adapter ()
			this._central = new CBCentralManager (DispatchQueue.CurrentQueue);

			_central.DiscoveredPeripheral += (object sender, CBDiscoveredPeripheralEventArgs e) => {
				Console.WriteLine ("DiscoveredPeripheral: " + e.Peripheral.Name);

				NSString localName = null;

				try {
					localName = e.AdvertisementData[CBAdvertisement.DataLocalNameKey] as NSString;
				} catch {
					localName = new NSString(e.Peripheral.Name);

				Device d = new Device(e.Peripheral, localName);

				if(!ContainsDevice(this._discoveredDevices, e.Peripheral ) ){

					byte[] scanRecord = null;

					try {

						Console.WriteLine ("ScanRecords: " + e.AdvertisementData.ToString());

						NSError error = null;

						var soft = Clean(e.AdvertisementData);

						Console.WriteLine ("ScanRecords cleaned: " + soft.ToString());

						var binFormatter = new BinaryFormatter();
						var mStream = new MemoryStream();
						binFormatter.Serialize(mStream, soft);

						//This gives you the byte array.

						scanRecord = mStream.ToArray();
					} catch (Exception exception)
						Console.WriteLine ("ScanRecords to byte[] failed");
					finally {
						this._discoveredDevices.Add (d);
						this.DeviceDiscovered(this, new DeviceDiscoveredEventArgs() { Device = d, RSSI = (int)e.RSSI, ScanRecords = scanRecord });


			_central.UpdatedState += (object sender, EventArgs e) => {
				Console.WriteLine ("UpdatedState: " + _central.State);
				stateChanged.Set ();

			_central.ConnectedPeripheral += (object sender, CBPeripheralEventArgs e) => {
				Console.WriteLine ("ConnectedPeripheral: " + e.Peripheral.Name);

				// when a peripheral gets connected, add that peripheral to our running list of connected peripherals
				if(!ContainsDevice(this._connectedDevices, e.Peripheral ) ){
					Device d = new Device(e.Peripheral);
					this._connectedDevices.Add (new Device(e.Peripheral));
					// raise our connected event
					this.DeviceConnected ( sender, new DeviceConnectionEventArgs () { Device = d } );

			_central.DisconnectedPeripheral += (object sender, CBPeripheralErrorEventArgs e) => {
				Console.WriteLine ("DisconnectedPeripheral: " + e.Peripheral.Name);

				// when a peripheral disconnects, remove it from our running list.
				IDevice foundDevice = null;
				foreach (var d in this._connectedDevices) {
					if (d.ID == Guid.ParseExact(e.Peripheral.Identifier.AsString(), "d"))
						foundDevice = d;
				if (foundDevice != null)

				// raise our disconnected event
				this.DeviceDisconnected (sender, new DeviceConnectionEventArgs() { Device = new Device(e.Peripheral) });

			_central.FailedToConnectPeripheral += (object sender, CBPeripheralErrorEventArgs e) => {
				// raise the failed to connect event
				this.DeviceFailedToConnect(this, new DeviceConnectionEventArgs() { 
					Device = new Device (e.Peripheral),
					ErrorMessage = e.Error.Description

        public BluetoothHub()
            this.manager = new CBCentralManager(this, DispatchQueue.MainQueue);

            this.OpenSettings = new Command(o => { }, o => false);
Example #53
    //private Timer scanningTimer

    override Init()
        centralManager = CBCentralManager(delegate: self, queue: nil)
Example #54
 public void StartLeClient()
     CustomCBCentralManagerDelegate cbCentralManagerDelegate = new CustomCBCentralManagerDelegate();
     var myManager = new CBCentralManager(cbCentralManagerDelegate, DispatchQueue.CurrentQueue);
Example #55
 public override void FailedToConnectPeripheral(CBCentralManager central, CBPeripheral peripheral, NSError error)
     System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Failed to connect {peripheral.Identifier} {error.Code}");
     Bluetooth.FailedToConnectPeripheral?.Invoke(central, peripheral);
Example #56
 public override void DiscoveredPeripheral(CBCentralManager central, CBPeripheral peripheral, NSDictionary advertisementData, NSNumber RSSI)
     base.DiscoveredPeripheral(central, peripheral, advertisementData, RSSI);
Example #57
 public override void DiscoveredPeripheral(CBCentralManager central, CBPeripheral peripheral, NSDictionary advertisementData, NSNumber RSSI)
     OnDiscoveredPeripheral(central, peripheral, advertisementData, RSSI);
Example #58
        protected Adapter()
            this._central = new CBCentralManager(MonoTouch.CoreFoundation.DispatchQueue.CurrentQueue);

            _central.DiscoveredPeripheral += (object sender, CBDiscoveredPeripheralEventArgs e) => {
                Console.WriteLine("DiscoveredPeripheral: " + e.Peripheral.Name);
                Device d = new Device(e.Peripheral);
                if (!ContainsDevice(this._discoveredDevices, e.Peripheral))
                    this.DeviceDiscovered(this, new DeviceDiscoveredEventArgs()
                        Device = d

            _central.UpdatedState += (object sender, EventArgs e) => {
                Console.WriteLine("UpdatedState: " + _central.State);

            _central.ConnectedPeripheral += (object sender, CBPeripheralEventArgs e) => {
                Console.WriteLine("ConnectedPeripheral: " + e.Peripheral.Name);

                // when a peripheral gets connected, add that peripheral to our running list of connected peripherals
                if (!ContainsDevice(this._connectedDevices, e.Peripheral))
                    Device d = new Device(e.Peripheral);
                    this._connectedDevices.Add(new Device(e.Peripheral));
                    // raise our connected event
                    this.DeviceConnected(sender, new DeviceConnectionEventArgs()
                        Device = d

            _central.DisconnectedPeripheral += (object sender, CBPeripheralErrorEventArgs e) => {
                Console.WriteLine("DisconnectedPeripheral: " + e.Peripheral.Name);

                // when a peripheral disconnects, remove it from our running list.
                IDevice foundDevice = null;
                foreach (var d in this._connectedDevices)
                    if (d.ID == Guid.ParseExact(e.Peripheral.Identifier.AsString(), "d"))
                        foundDevice = d;
                if (foundDevice != null)

                // raise our disconnected event
                this.DeviceDisconnected(sender, new DeviceConnectionEventArgs()
                    Device = new Device(e.Peripheral)

            _central.FailedToConnectPeripheral += (object sender, CBPeripheralErrorEventArgs e) => {
                // raise the failed to connect event
                this.DeviceFailedToConnect(this, new DeviceConnectionEventArgs()
                    Device       = new Device(e.Peripheral),
                    ErrorMessage = e.Error.Description
 protected override void InitializeNative()
     _centralManager = new CBCentralManager(DispatchQueue.CurrentQueue);
     _centralManager.UpdatedState += (s, e) => State = GetState();