Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds the achievement to the table.
        /// </summary>
        private void createRow(Achievement achievement, bool achieved, bool requested, int index)
            // Create a cell and row
            TableCell cell = new TableCell();
            TableRow  row  = new TableRow();

            row.Height = 100;

            // Create an achievement element from the achievement
            CAT_2015.Pages.User.Controls.AchievementElement achievementElement =

            // Add the achievement element to the cell, the cell to the row and the row to the table
            tableAchievements.Rows.AddAt(index, row);
            // Display the achievement on the achievement element.
            achievementElement.SetAchievement(achievement, achieved, requested, currentUser);
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Get the current session's user and set currentUser to it
            currentUser = AppCode.Database.GetLoggedInUser(Session.SessionID);
            if (currentUser != null) // If a user was found...
                // Get the achievements that need to be awarded
                achievementsToBeAwarded = AppCode.Database.GetUserAchievements(currentUser, false, false);

                if (achievementsToBeAwarded.Count > 0)                 // If any were found...
                    foreach (Achievement a in achievementsToBeAwarded) // Award them
                        // TODO: Show message boxes for the achievements
                        // TODO: Include awards
                        // TODO: Add the achievements here to user achievements
                    // Otherwise, print to the console that no achievements
                    // were found for this user to be awarded
                    Console.WriteLine("No achievements to be awarded for user " + currentUser.ID);

                // Now get the achievements that the user has already had awarded.
                userAchievements = AppCode.Database.GetUserAchievements(currentUser, false, true);
                if (userAchievements.Count > 0)                 // If there are any...
                    foreach (Achievement a in userAchievements) // Take each one and...
                        TableRow row = new TableRow();          // Create a row
                        row.Height = 100;

                        TableCell cell = new TableCell(); // Create a cell

                        // Create an achievement element
                        CAT_2015.Pages.User.Controls.AchievementElement achievementElement =

                        // Put the achievement element in the cell, the cell in the
                        // row and the row in the achievement table

                        // Then set the achievement element to display the current achievement
                        achievementElement.SetAchievement(a, true, false, currentUser);

                    // Finally, get the most recent achievements' IDs
                    List <int> recentAchievements = AppCode.Database.GetRecentAchievementIDsForUser(currentUser);
                    if (recentAchievements.Count > 0) // If any are found...
                        // Match them up to the achievements in userAchievements
                        foreach (Achievement a in userAchievements)
                            foreach (int id in recentAchievements)
                                if (a.ID == id)
                                    // And create a row, cell and achievement element as before
                                    TableRow row = new TableRow();
                                    row.Height = 100;

                                    TableCell cell = new TableCell();

                                    CAT_2015.Pages.User.Controls.AchievementElement achievementElement =

                                    // Put them in eachother as before, and set the achievement
                                    achievementElement.SetAchievement(a, true, false, currentUser);
                // If no user is found, redirect the client to the default home address as defined
                // by the app settings.