/// <summary>
        /// Returns the boolean result (e.g. union) of 2 shapes. Boolean Operation defined by 
        /// the inside / outside flags.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Other">Other polygon.</param> 
        /// <param name="HoledPolys">Set of polygons to recieve the result.</param> 
        /// <param name="bThisInside">Does the operation require elements of this INSIDE the other.</param> 
        /// <param name="bOtherInside">Does the operation require elements of the other INSIDE this.</param> 
        /// <param name="grid">The grid with the degenerate settings.</param> 
        public void GetBoolean(C2DHoledPolyBase Other, List<C2DHoledPolyBase> HoledPolys,
                            bool bThisInside, bool bOtherInside,
                            CGrid grid)
            if (_Rim.Lines.Count == 0 || Other.Rim.Lines.Count == 0)

            if (_Rim.BoundingRect.Overlaps(Other.Rim.BoundingRect))
		        switch (grid.DegenerateHandling)
		        case CGrid.eDegenerateHandling.None:
				        List<C2DPolyBase> CompleteHoles1 = new List<C2DPolyBase>();
				        List<C2DPolyBase> CompleteHoles2 = new List<C2DPolyBase>();
				        C2DLineBaseSetSet Routes1 = new C2DLineBaseSetSet(); 
				        C2DLineBaseSetSet Routes2 = new C2DLineBaseSetSet(); 
				        GetRoutes( this, bThisInside, Other, bOtherInside, Routes1, Routes2,
								        CompleteHoles1, CompleteHoles2, grid);


				        if (Routes1.Count > 0)

					        List<C2DPolyBase> Polygons = new List<C2DPolyBase>();

					        for (int i = Routes1.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
						        C2DLineBaseSet pRoute = Routes1[i];
						        if (pRoute.IsClosed(true) )
							        Polygons.Add(new C2DPolyBase());
							        Polygons[Polygons.Count - 1].CreateDirect(pRoute);
							     //   Debug.Assert(false);

                            C2DHoledPolyBaseSet NewComPolys = new C2DHoledPolyBaseSet();
					        PolygonsToHoledPolygons(NewComPolys, Polygons);

					        NewComPolys.AddKnownHoles( CompleteHoles1 );

					        NewComPolys.AddKnownHoles( CompleteHoles2 );

					        if ( !bThisInside && !bOtherInside && NewComPolys.Count != 1)
							  //  Debug.Assert(false);


		        case CGrid.eDegenerateHandling.RandomPerturbation:
				        C2DHoledPolyBase OtherCopy = new C2DHoledPolyBase(Other);
                        grid.DegenerateHandling = CGrid.eDegenerateHandling.None;
				        GetBoolean( OtherCopy, HoledPolys, bThisInside, bOtherInside , grid );
                        grid.DegenerateHandling = CGrid.eDegenerateHandling.RandomPerturbation;
		        case CGrid.eDegenerateHandling.DynamicGrid:
				        C2DRect Rect = new C2DRect();
                        if (_Rim.BoundingRect.Overlaps(Other.Rim.BoundingRect, Rect))
					        //double dOldGrid = CGrid::GetGridSize();
					        grid.SetToMinGridSize(Rect, false);
                            grid.DegenerateHandling = CGrid.eDegenerateHandling.PreDefinedGrid;
					        GetBoolean( Other, HoledPolys, bThisInside, bOtherInside , grid );
                            grid.DegenerateHandling = CGrid.eDegenerateHandling.DynamicGrid;
		        case CGrid.eDegenerateHandling.PreDefinedGrid:
				        C2DHoledPolyBase P1 = new C2DHoledPolyBase(this);
                        C2DHoledPolyBase P2 = new C2DHoledPolyBase(Other);
				        C2DVector V1 = new C2DVector( P1.Rim.BoundingRect.TopLeft,  P2.Rim.BoundingRect.TopLeft);
				        double dPerturbation = grid.GridSize; // ensure it snaps back to original grid positions.
				        if (V1.i > 0)
                            V1.i = dPerturbation;
                            V1.i = -dPerturbation;	// move away slightly if possible
				        if (V1.j > 0)
                            V1.j = dPerturbation;
                            V1.j = -dPerturbation; // move away slightly if possible
				        V1.i *= 0.411923;// ensure it snaps back to original grid positions.
				        V1.j *= 0.313131;// ensure it snaps back to original grid positions.
				        P2.Move( V1 );
                        grid.DegenerateHandling = CGrid.eDegenerateHandling.None;
				        P1.GetBoolean( P2, HoledPolys, bThisInside, bOtherInside , grid );

                        for (int i = 0 ; i < HoledPolys.Count ; i++)

                        grid.DegenerateHandling = CGrid.eDegenerateHandling.PreDefinedGrid;

		        case CGrid.eDegenerateHandling.PreDefinedGridPreSnapped:
				        C2DHoledPolyBase P2 = new C2DHoledPolyBase(Other);
                        C2DVector V1 = new C2DVector(_Rim.BoundingRect.TopLeft, P2.Rim.BoundingRect.TopLeft);
				        double dPerturbation = grid.GridSize;
				        if (V1.i > 0) 
                            V1.i = dPerturbation; 
                            V1.i = -dPerturbation; // move away slightly if possible
				        if (V1.j > 0) 
                            V1.j = dPerturbation;
                            V1.j = -dPerturbation; // move away slightly if possible
				        V1.i *= 0.411923; // ensure it snaps back to original grid positions.
				        V1.j *= 0.313131;// ensure it snaps back to original grid positions.
				        P2.Move( V1 );

                        grid.DegenerateHandling = CGrid.eDegenerateHandling.None;
                        GetBoolean(P2, HoledPolys, bThisInside, bOtherInside, grid);

                        for (int i = 0; i < HoledPolys.Count; i++)

                        grid.DegenerateHandling = CGrid.eDegenerateHandling.PreDefinedGridPreSnapped;
		        }// switch
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the routes (multiple lines or part polygons) either inside or
        /// outside the polygons provided. These are based on the intersections
        /// of the 2 polygons e.g. the routes / part polygons of one inside or
        /// outside the other.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Poly1">The first polygon.</param> 
        /// <param name="bP1RoutesInside">True if routes inside the second polygon are 
        /// required for the first polygon.</param> 
        /// <param name="Poly2">The second polygon.</param> 
        /// <param name="bP2RoutesInside">True if routes inside the first polygon are 
        /// required for the second polygon.</param> 
        /// <param name="Routes1">Output. Set of lines for the first polygon.</param> 
        /// <param name="Routes2">Output. Set of lines for the second polygon.</param> 
        /// <param name="CompleteHoles1">Output. Complete holes for the first polygon.</param> 
        /// <param name="CompleteHoles2">Output. Complete holes for the second polygon.</param> 
        /// <param name="grid">Contains the degenerate handling settings.</param> 
        public static void GetRoutes(C2DHoledPolyBase Poly1, bool bP1RoutesInside, 
				    C2DHoledPolyBase Poly2, bool bP2RoutesInside, 
				    C2DLineBaseSetSet Routes1, C2DLineBaseSetSet Routes2, 
				    List<C2DPolyBase> CompleteHoles1, List<C2DPolyBase> CompleteHoles2,
                    CGrid grid)

		    if (Poly1.Rim.Lines.Count == 0 || Poly2.Rim.Lines.Count == 0)
			    Debug.Assert(false, "Polygon with no lines" );

		    C2DPointSet IntPointsTemp = new C2DPointSet();
            C2DPointSet IntPointsRim1 = new C2DPointSet();
            C2DPointSet IntPointsRim2 = new C2DPointSet();
		    List<int>	IndexesRim1 = new List<int>();
            List<int>	IndexesRim2 = new List<int>();

            List<C2DPointSet> IntPoints1AllHoles = new List<C2DPointSet>();
            List<C2DPointSet> IntPoints2AllHoles = new List<C2DPointSet>();
            List<List<int>> Indexes1AllHoles = new List<List<int>>();
            List<List<int>> Indexes2AllHoles = new List<List<int>>();
		//    std::vector<C2DPointSet* > IntPoints1AllHoles, IntPoints2AllHoles;
		 //   std::vector<CIndexSet*> Indexes1AllHoles, Indexes2AllHoles;

		    int usP1Holes = Poly1.HoleCount;
		    int usP2Holes = Poly2.HoleCount;

		    // *** Rim Rim Intersections
		    Poly1.Rim.Lines.GetIntersections(  Poly2.Rim.Lines,
			    IntPointsTemp, IndexesRim1, IndexesRim2, 
			    Poly1.Rim.BoundingRect, Poly2.Rim.BoundingRect );

		    IntPointsRim1.AddCopy( IntPointsTemp );

		    // *** Rim Hole Intersections
		    for ( int i = 0 ; i < usP2Holes; i++)
			    Debug.Assert(IntPointsTemp.Count == 0);

			    IntPoints2AllHoles.Add(new C2DPointSet());
			    Indexes2AllHoles.Add( new List<int>() );

			    if (Poly1.Rim.BoundingRect.Overlaps( Poly2.GetHole(i).BoundingRect ))
				    Poly1.Rim.Lines.GetIntersections(  Poly2.GetHole(i).Lines,
						    IntPointsTemp, IndexesRim1, Indexes2AllHoles[i],
						    Poly1.Rim.BoundingRect, Poly2.GetHole(i).BoundingRect);
				    IntPointsRim1.AddCopy( IntPointsTemp);
		    // *** Rim Hole Intersections
		    for ( int j = 0 ; j < usP1Holes; j++)
			    Debug.Assert(IntPointsTemp.Count == 0);

			    IntPoints1AllHoles.Add( new C2DPointSet());
			    Indexes1AllHoles.Add( new List<int>());

                if (Poly2.Rim.BoundingRect.Overlaps(Poly1.GetHole(j).BoundingRect))
				    Poly2.Rim.Lines.GetIntersections(  Poly1.GetHole(j).Lines,
						    IntPointsTemp, IndexesRim2, Indexes1AllHoles[j],
                            Poly2.Rim.BoundingRect, Poly1.GetHole(j).BoundingRect);
				    IntPointsRim2.AddCopy( IntPointsTemp);


		    // *** Quick Escape
		    bool bRim1StartInPoly2 = Poly2.Contains( Poly1.Rim.Lines[0].GetPointFrom() );
		    bool bRim2StartInPoly1 = Poly1.Contains( Poly2.Rim.Lines[0].GetPointFrom() );

		    if (IntPointsRim1.Count != 0 || IntPointsRim2.Count != 0 ||
					    bRim1StartInPoly2 || bRim2StartInPoly1			)	
			    // pos no interaction
			    // *** Rim Routes
			    Poly1.Rim.GetRoutes( IntPointsRim1, IndexesRim1, Routes1, 
										    bRim1StartInPoly2, bP1RoutesInside);
			    Poly2.Rim.GetRoutes( IntPointsRim2, IndexesRim2, Routes2,
										    bRim2StartInPoly1, bP2RoutesInside);

			    if( IntPointsRim1.Count % 2 != 0)	// Must be even
				  //  Debug.Assert(false);

			    if( IntPointsRim2.Count % 2 != 0)	// Must be even
				 //   Debug.Assert(false);

			    // *** Hole Hole Intersections
			    for (int h = 0 ; h < usP1Holes; h++)
				    for ( int k = 0 ; k < usP2Holes; k++)
					    Debug.Assert(IntPointsTemp.Count == 0);	
					    C2DPolyBase pHole1 = Poly1.GetHole(h);
                        C2DPolyBase pHole2 = Poly2.GetHole(k);

					    if ( pHole1.BoundingRect.Overlaps( pHole2.BoundingRect) )
						    pHole1.Lines.GetIntersections( pHole2.Lines, 
							    IntPointsTemp, Indexes1AllHoles[h], Indexes2AllHoles[k],
							    pHole1.BoundingRect, pHole2.BoundingRect);

						    IntPoints1AllHoles[h].AddCopy( IntPointsTemp);

			    // *** Hole Routes
			    for (int a = 0 ; a < usP1Holes; a++)
				    C2DPolyBase pHole = Poly1.GetHole(a);
				    if ( IntPoints1AllHoles[a].Count % 2 != 0)	// Must be even
				       //   Debug.Assert(false);

				    if (pHole.Lines.Count != 0)
					    bool bHole1StartInside = Poly2.Contains( pHole.Lines[0].GetPointFrom() );
					    if ( IntPoints1AllHoles[a].Count == 0)
						    if ( bHole1StartInside == bP1RoutesInside)
							    CompleteHoles1.Add( new C2DPolyBase(pHole) );
						    pHole.GetRoutes( IntPoints1AllHoles[a], Indexes1AllHoles[a], Routes1, 
										    bHole1StartInside, bP1RoutesInside);
			    // *** Hole Routes	
			    for (int b = 0 ; b < usP2Holes; b++)
				    C2DPolyBase pHole = Poly2.GetHole(b);

				    if ( IntPoints2AllHoles[b].Count % 2 != 0)	// Must be even
				      //    Debug.Assert(false);

				    if (pHole.Lines.Count != 0)
					    bool bHole2StartInside = Poly1.Contains( pHole.Lines[0].GetPointFrom() );
					    if ( IntPoints2AllHoles[b].Count == 0)
						    if ( bHole2StartInside == bP2RoutesInside)
							    CompleteHoles2.Add( new C2DPolyBase( pHole) );
						    pHole.GetRoutes( IntPoints2AllHoles[b], Indexes2AllHoles[b], Routes2, 
											    bHole2StartInside, bP2RoutesInside);

            //for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < IntPoints1AllHoles.size(); i++)
            //    delete IntPoints1AllHoles[i];
            //for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < IntPoints2AllHoles.size(); i++)
            //    delete IntPoints2AllHoles[i];
            //for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < Indexes1AllHoles.size(); i++)
            //    delete Indexes1AllHoles[i];
            //for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < Indexes2AllHoles.size(); i++)
            //    delete Indexes2AllHoles[i];

Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the boolean operation with the other. e.g. union / intersection.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Other">The other polygon.</param>
        /// <param name="HoledPolys">The set to recieve the result.</param>
        /// <param name="bThisInside">The flag to indicate routes inside.</param>
        /// <param name="bOtherInside">The flag to indicate routes inside for the other.</param>
        /// <param name="grid">The degenerate settings.</param>
        public void GetBoolean(C2DPolyBase Other, List<C2DHoledPolyBase> HoledPolys,
                            bool bThisInside, bool bOtherInside,
                            CGrid grid)
	        if (BoundingRect.Overlaps(Other.BoundingRect ))
		        switch (grid.DegenerateHandling)
		        case CGrid.eDegenerateHandling.None:
				        C2DLineBaseSetSet Routes1 = new C2DLineBaseSetSet();
                        C2DLineBaseSetSet Routes2 = new C2DLineBaseSetSet();
				        C2DPolyBase.GetRoutes( this, bThisInside, Other, bOtherInside, Routes1, Routes2);

				        if (Routes1.Count > 0)
					        // Add all the joining routes together to form closed routes
					        // Set up some temporary polygons.
					        List<C2DPolyBase> Polygons = new List<C2DPolyBase>();
					        // Turn the routes into polygons.
					        for (int i = Routes1.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)

						        if (Routes1[i].IsClosed(true) && Routes1[i].Count > 2)
							        Polygons.Add(new C2DPolyBase());
							        Polygons[Polygons.Count - 1].CreateDirect( Routes1[i]);
							     //   Debug.Assert(false);

					        // Set up some temporary holed polygons
					        C2DHoledPolyBaseSet NewComPolys = new C2DHoledPolyBaseSet();
					        // Turn the set of polygons into holed polygons. Not needed for intersection.
					        if (!(bThisInside && bOtherInside))
						        C2DHoledPolyBase.PolygonsToHoledPolygons(NewComPolys, Polygons);
						        if (NewComPolys.Count != 1)
							     //   Debug.Assert(false);
                                for (int i = 0; i < Polygons.Count; i++)
						            HoledPolys.Add(new C2DHoledPolyBase(Polygons[i]));

					        // Now add them all to the provided set.
                            for (int i = 0 ; i < NewComPolys.Count; i++)
		        case CGrid.eDegenerateHandling.RandomPerturbation:
				        C2DPolyBase OtherCopy = new C2DPolyBase(Other);
                        grid.DegenerateHandling = CGrid.eDegenerateHandling.None;
				        GetBoolean( OtherCopy, HoledPolys, bThisInside, bOtherInside, grid);
                        grid.DegenerateHandling = CGrid.eDegenerateHandling.RandomPerturbation;
		        case CGrid.eDegenerateHandling.DynamicGrid:
				        C2DRect Rect = new C2DRect(); 
				        if (this.BoundingRect.Overlaps(Other.BoundingRect, Rect))
					        double dOldGrid = grid.GridSize;
					        grid.SetToMinGridSize(Rect, false);
                            grid.DegenerateHandling = CGrid.eDegenerateHandling.PreDefinedGrid;
					        GetBoolean( Other, HoledPolys, bThisInside, bOtherInside, grid);
                            grid.DegenerateHandling = CGrid.eDegenerateHandling.DynamicGrid;
		        case CGrid.eDegenerateHandling.PreDefinedGrid:
				        C2DPolyBase P1 = new C2DPolyBase(this);
                        C2DPolyBase P2 = new C2DPolyBase(Other);
				        C2DVector V1 = new C2DVector( P1.BoundingRect.TopLeft,  P2.BoundingRect.TopLeft);
				        double dPerturbation = grid.GridSize; // ensure it snaps back to original grid positions.
				        if(V1.i > 0) 
                            V1.i = dPerturbation;
                           V1.i = -dPerturbation;	// move away slightly if possible
				        if(V1.j > 0) 
                            V1.j = dPerturbation;
                            V1.j = -dPerturbation; // move away slightly if possible
				        V1.i *= 0.411923;// ensure it snaps back to original grid positions.
				        V1.j *= 0.313131;// ensure it snaps back to original grid positions.

				        P2.Move( V1 );
                        grid.DegenerateHandling = CGrid.eDegenerateHandling.None;
				        P1.GetBoolean( P2, HoledPolys, bThisInside, bOtherInside, grid);

                        for (int i = 0; i < HoledPolys.Count; i++)

	                    grid.DegenerateHandling = CGrid.eDegenerateHandling.PreDefinedGrid;
		        case CGrid.eDegenerateHandling.PreDefinedGridPreSnapped:
				        C2DPolyBase P2 = new C2DPolyBase(Other);
				        C2DVector V1 = new C2DVector( this.BoundingRect.TopLeft,  P2.BoundingRect.TopLeft);
				        double dPerturbation = grid.GridSize; // ensure it snaps back to original grid positions.
				        if (V1.i > 0)
                            V1.i = dPerturbation;
                            V1.i = -dPerturbation; // move away slightly if possible
				        if (V1.j > 0)
                            V1.j = dPerturbation;
                            V1.j = -dPerturbation; // move away slightly if possible
				        V1.i *= 0.411923;// ensure it snaps back to original grid positions.
				        V1.j *= 0.313131;// ensure it snaps back to original grid positions.

				        P2.Move( V1 );
                        grid.DegenerateHandling = CGrid.eDegenerateHandling.None;
				        GetBoolean( P2, HoledPolys, bThisInside, bOtherInside, grid);

                        for (int i = 0; i < HoledPolys.Count; i++)
                        grid.DegenerateHandling = CGrid.eDegenerateHandling.PreDefinedGridPreSnapped;
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the routes (multiple lines or part polygons) either inside or
        /// outside the polygons provided. These are based on the intersections
        /// of the 2 polygons e.g. the routes / part polygons of one inside or
        /// outside the other.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Poly1">The first polygon.</param> 
        /// <param name="bP1RoutesInside">True if routes inside the second polygon are 
        /// required for the first polygon.</param> 
        /// <param name="Poly2">The second polygon.</param> 
        /// <param name="bP2RoutesInside">True if routes inside the first polygon are 
        /// required for the second polygon.</param> 
        /// <param name="Routes1">Output. Set of lines for the first polygon.</param> 
        /// <param name="Routes2">Output. Set of lines for the second polygon.</param> 
	    public static void GetRoutes(C2DPolyBase Poly1, bool bP1RoutesInside, 
				    C2DPolyBase Poly2, bool bP2RoutesInside, 
				    C2DLineBaseSetSet Routes1, C2DLineBaseSetSet Routes2)
            // Set up a collection of intersected points, and corresponding indexes.
            C2DPointSet IntPoints = new C2DPointSet();
            List<int> Indexes1 = new List<int>();
            List<int> Indexes2 = new List<int>();
            // Use the line collections in each shape to find the intersections between them.
            Poly1.Lines.GetIntersections(Poly2.Lines, IntPoints,
                                                Indexes1, Indexes2,
                                        Poly1.BoundingRect, Poly2.BoundingRect);
            // Make a copy of the point set because this will be sorted by line index in the 
            // Get routes function later. We need an unsorted set for each polygon.
            C2DPointSet IntPointsCopy = new C2DPointSet();

            // Find out whether the first poly starts inside the second.
            bool bP1StartInside = Poly2.Contains(Poly1.Lines[0].GetPointFrom());
            // Find out if poly 2 starts inside poly 1.
            bool bP2StartInside = Poly1.Contains(Poly2.Lines[0].GetPointFrom());

            if (IntPoints.Count == 0 && !bP1StartInside && !bP2StartInside)
                return;	// No interaction between the 2.

            // Get the routes of poly 1 inside / outside the other, passing the unsorted
            // intersection points and polygon1 intersection indexes.
            Poly1.GetRoutes(IntPoints, Indexes1, Routes1, bP1StartInside, bP1RoutesInside);
            // Do the same for poly 2 but pass it the unsorted copy of the intersection points
            // So that they correspond to the indexes.
            Poly2.GetRoutes(IntPointsCopy, Indexes2, Routes2, bP2StartInside, bP2RoutesInside);
Example #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the routes (collection of lines and sublines) either inside or outside another
        /// Given the intersection points.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="IntPts">The intersection points of this with the other polygon.</param>
        /// <param name="IntIndexes">The corresponding line indexes.</param>
        /// <param name="Routes">Output. The routes to get the result.</param>
        /// <param name="bStartInside">True if this polygon starts inside the other.</param>
        /// <param name="bRoutesInside">True if we require routes of this polygon inside the other.</param>    
        public void GetRoutes(C2DPointSet IntPts, List<int> IntIndexes,
            C2DLineBaseSetSet Routes, bool bStartInside, bool bRoutesInside)
	        // Make sure the intersection indexes and points are the same size.
	        if (IntIndexes.Count != IntPts.Count )
	        // Set up a new collection of routes.
	        C2DLineBaseSetSet NewRoutes = new C2DLineBaseSetSet();
	        // If the polygon has no points then return.
	        if ( _Lines.Count < 1) 
	        // Sort the intersections by index so we can go through them in order.
            IntPts.SortByIndex( IntIndexes );   
            // Set the inside / outside flag to the same as the start inside / outside flag.
	        bool bInside = bStartInside;
	        // If we are inside and want route inside or outside and want routes outside then add a new route.
	        if (bInside == bRoutesInside)
		        NewRoutes.Add(new C2DLineBaseSet());

	        // The current index of the intersects.
	        int usCurrentIntIndex = 0;

	        // cycle through the lines on the polygon.
	        for (int i = 0 ; i < Lines.Count ; i++)
		        // Set up a list of intersection points on this line only.
		        C2DPointSet IntsOnLine = new C2DPointSet();
		        // Cycle through all intersections on this line (leaving the usCurrentIntIndex at the next intersected line).
		        while ( usCurrentIntIndex < IntIndexes.Count && IntIndexes[usCurrentIntIndex] == i)
			        // Add a copy of the points on this line that are intersections
			        IntsOnLine.AddCopy( IntPts[ usCurrentIntIndex ] );

		        // If the line in question intersects the other poly then we have left / entered.
		        if ( IntsOnLine.Count > 0 )
			        C2DLineBaseSet SubLines = new C2DLineBaseSet();
			        Lines[i].GetSubLines( IntsOnLine, SubLines );

			        while (SubLines.Count > 1)
				        if (bInside == bRoutesInside)
					        // We have 1. Left and want route in. OR 2. Entered and want routes out.
					        NewRoutes[NewRoutes.Count - 1].Add( SubLines.ExtractAt(0) );
					        bInside = true ^ bRoutesInside;
					        NewRoutes.Add(new C2DLineBaseSet());
					        bInside = false ^ bRoutesInside;
			        if (bInside == bRoutesInside)
				        NewRoutes[NewRoutes.Count - 1].Add( SubLines.ExtractAt(SubLines.Count - 1 ) );
				        SubLines.RemoveAt(SubLines.Count - 1);
		        // Otherwise, if we are e.g. inside and want routes in the keep adding the end poitn of the line.
		        else if (bInside == bRoutesInside)
			        NewRoutes[NewRoutes.Count - 1].AddCopy(  Lines[i] );

	        // Put all the new routes into the provided collection.